RES 1096o9(pRESOLUTIONNO./ A RESOLUTION adopting salary ranges for employees of the City of Camas,and providing for said salary ranges to be effective January 1,2007. WHEREAS,Section 2.64.020 of the Camas Municipal Code requires the Council to adopt a resolution establishing a pay schedule with salary ranges for officers and employees of the City ,and WHEREAS,the City has negotiated labor contracts with AFSCME,CPEA,Library, Police,and Fire employees,and WHEREAS,the City also desires to provide for salary ranges for Non-Represented and Seasonal employees, NOW,THEREFORE,THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: I The schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "A",and by this reference incorporated herein,is hereby adopted as salary ranges for employees and officers of the City of Camas. II This resolution shall be effective retroactively as of January 1,2007. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL and APPROVED BY THE MAYOR thi January,2007. SIGNED : Mayor ATTEST:AA 5Clerk/J APPROVED Wn form: A2 ity Attorney City of Camas Salaries Effective 1/1/2007 Steps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Position Accounting Manager Administrative Assistant Assistant Library Director Battalion Chief Building Official City Administrator Community Development Director Engineering Manager Finance Director Fire Chief Fluman Resources Manager Library Director Manager of Information Systems Operations Supervisor -W/S Operations Supervisor -Street Operations Supervisor -Wastewater Parks and Recreation Manager Police Captain Police Chief Public Works Director Public Works Operations Manager Secretary to the Administrator 4876 5022 5173 3750 4874 6699 5672 8626 6522 6522 6555 7905 5824 6174 5490 5328 5488 5653 5822 3535 3641 3862 3979 4098 4220 4594 6238 4731 5020 5171 5326 7452 6198 5486 6465 5506 8375 6332 6332 6364 7629 6940 7191 7724 6385 9710 5346 60175814 8886 6719 6719 6753 8189 5999 6360 5656 8131 9152 9427 6148 6921 7128 7342 U 6148 6921 7128 7162 8793 7342Q61806954 8485 6182 7377cCD73619114</) CD 5490 5656 6366 6557 6950a58195995 5330 5146 5146 6550 6747CDa:5175 5824 5624 5624 5488 5999 6182ic49965301546157925966O49965301546157925966 4876 5022 5173 4894 6577 5328 5653 5822 4612 4752 6385 7534 7282 6332 3535 5041 5191 5348 5508 6199 6773 7993 7726 6719 3750 6977 8234 7958 7186 7402 7315 7761 8479 8733 8443707175018198 6148 6522 6921 7128 7342 3432 3641 39783862 4098 Accountant Administrative Support Spec.I Administrative Support Spec.II Assistant Planner Building Inspector I Building Inspector II Code Compliance Specialist Community Services Officer Court Security Officer Deputy Treasurer Engineer I Engineer II Engineer III Engineering Technician Financial Assistant I Financial Assistant II Information Systems Technician Offender Crew Leader Parking Enforcement Officer Permit Clerk Permit Technician Planner I Planner II Planner III Plans Examiner Public Works Project Manager Recreation Coordinator Social Services Specialist Sr.Administrative Support Asst. Sr.Building Inspector Sr.Engineering Technician Sr.Permit Technician Sr.Planner Sr.Plans Examiner 33-39 13-19 18-24 24-30 27-33 30-36 24-30 21-27 25-31 27-33 30-36 33-39 36-42 28-34 20-26 23-29 27-33 21-27 16-22 24-30 22-28 30-36 33-39 34-40 30-36 39-45 25-31 30-36 24-30 33-39 30-36 25-31 35-41 33-39 4477 4611 4750 2630 3048 3640 3978 4893 2709 3140 5038 5189 5346 29602478255327892873 2873 2960 3234 3331 3431 3431 3534 3749 3863 4220 3978 4097 3749 3863 4097 4346 4477 4893 4097 4097 4220 4346 4477 4611 4750 3431 3534 3640 3749 3863 3534 3978 4220 3978 3140 3234 3331 3431 3640 3749 3534 3749 4097 4477 4893 3863 3048 3640 3863 4220 3749 3978 4346 4750 5189 4097 3863 4097 4477 4893 4097 4220 4346 4750 4477 4611 4893 4611 5038 5506 4346 5189 5346 5038 5346 5671 5842 3978 4220 4477 4611 3140 3234 3331 3431 3534 3640 3331 3431 3534 3978 3640 4097 3749 3863 3978 4477 3749 3234 4097 <3749 3140 3863 4220 4346LUQ.3234 3331 3431 3534 3640O2709278928732960 3749 3534 3048 3140 3431 3534 3640 3863 3978 3234 3331 3431 3640 3749 3863 4097 4477 4220 4346 4750 4477 4893 5038 4477 4611 4750 4893 5346461151895038 518946114750 4220 4893 5346 5506 4097 4346 4611 4750 4893 6383 4220 4893 4097 5346 5506 5671 5842 6017 3978 6197 3534 3640 4220 3749 4346 3640 4750 4346 3749 5038 4750 3863 4097 475040974477 3749 4893 4477 4611 3431 3534 3863 3978 4477 4611 5038 5189 5346 4097 4220 3640 4893 4611 4750 4893 42203534 4750 4477 3863 3978 5346 5038 4097 5189 4893 5506 5671 4611 5189 5346 EXHIBIT aLOFPAGE City of Camas Salaries Effective 1/1/2007 Steps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Position Chief Grounds Worker Chief Mechanic Chief Sanitation Worker Facililties Operations Specialist Grounds Worker I Grounds Worker II Lead Maintenance Worker Lead Utility Maintenance Worker Mechanic Maintenance Worker I Maintenance Worker II Sanitation Worker Senior Grounds Worker Senior Maintenance Worker Senior Utility Maintenance Worker Sewer Maintenance Worker 33-39 34-40 31-37 31-37 23-29 26-32 32-38 32-38 31-37 23-29 26-32 26-32 29-35 29-35 29-35 31-37 23-29 26-32 32-38 31-37 4474 4608 4608 4746 4889 4474 4474 3532 3858 4608 4608 4474 3532 3858 4889 5035 4608 4608 3638 3974 4746 4746 4608 3638 3974 3974 4343 4343 4343 4608 3638 3974 4746 4608 5035 5186 5342 4746 5186 5342 5503 4217 4217 4343 4343 4746 4746 4889 4889 5035 5035 3329 3429 3746 3858 3974 3638 3746 42174095 4889 4889 4746 3746 4095 4095 4474 4474 4474 4746 3746 4095 4889 4746 4343 4343 4343 4217 4474 4474 4343 51865035 5035 4889 3858 4217 4217 4608 4608 4608 4889 3858 4217 5035 4889 5186 LLI 5035S332934293974 4343 4343 4746 4746 4746 5035 3974 4343 5186 5035 OCO 3638 3746LL<3638 38583746 3974 4095 4217 4217 4217 4474 3532 3858 4608 4474 3974 3974 4217 4095 4095 4343 Utility Maintenance Worker I Utility Maintenance Worker II Water Supply Operator WW Treatment Plant Operator 3329 3429 3638 4343 3746 4474 43434217 Deputy Fire Marshall EMS Captain Fire Captain Fire Captain/Paramedic Fire Engineer/IV Technician Fire Engineer/Paramedic Firefighter Firefighter/Paramedic 36-41 39-44 36-41 39-44 5424 5622 5825 6407 5825 6407 5032 5548 4792 5283 6035 6638 6035 6638 5213 5747 4965 5474 6253 6878 6253 6878 6480 5967 6185 7128 5424 5622 6480 a>5967 6185 7128 48574686 5402 5598LL 5166 61715355 4625 5100 5955 30-35 33-38 4463 5144 5331 4920 5672 5878 Administrative Support Asst. Library Assistant Library Associate Library Page Sr.Library Associate Youth Services Librarian 18-24 15-21 24-30 3221286229493037 2779 3625 2008 3847 3127 2862 3734 2067 3962 4204 3318 3418 2620 2699 2949 3037 3127 3418 3521 3962 40813847ca1893o4-7 1949o26-32 28-34 3625 3734 4081 4204 4459 4330 45933847396240814330 Police Sergeant Police Officer 36-42 31-37 5201 4397 5356 4529 5517 5682 5853 6028 6209QQ.4665 4805 4949 5098 5250 Seasonal Engineering Tech Asst.Pool Supervisor Lifeguard Lead Lifeguard Water Safety Instructor Lead Water Safety Instructor Pool/Activity Aide Pool Cashier Seasonal Maintenance Worker Summer Reading Aide Recreation Leader Recreation Aide 21 17.59 11.637-8 11.97 10.02 10.96 10.64 11.29 1-2 9.75 10.64 10.33 10.96 4-5ajc3-4o5-6(/) CQ 7.93a>CO 3-4 10.33 10.02 10.64 10.32 10.02 11.63 10.02 1-3 10.63 1-2 9.75 6-12 11.29 11.97 10.33 12.33 10.64 12.70 10.96 13.08 11.29 13.47 11.639.751-7 AEXHIBIT2L-0F -LPAGE