ORD 22-007ORDINANCE NO. 22-007 AN ORDINANCE adopting modifications to Title 17 and Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code as part of the annual code amendment process. WHEREAS, the City has conducted its annual review of Camas Municipal Code Title 17 governing land division and development, and Title 18 governing zoning, and has recommended modifications to clarify existing regulations, to correct grammatical errors, and to make other revisions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 19, 2022, to consider the proposed revisions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission favorably recommended to forward the amendments to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council at the meeting of April 4, 2022, remanded back to the Planning Commission for further consideration on the proposed amendments to CMC Section 18.03.030 and 18.07.040; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission favorably recommended certain amendments to CMC Sections 18.03.030 and 18.07.040; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on May 2, 2022, to consider the proposed revisions; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS: Section I Title 17 and Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code are amended as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section II This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5) days from and after its publication according to law. PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this I (,}h day of May, 2022. SIGNED:d~ Mayor SIGNED:~ Clerk \ APPROVED as to form: City Attorney Exhibit A CMC 17.09.030.B.5-Preliminary short plat approval. f. Location of existing and proposed sidewalks, street lighting, and street trees, q. Show location and height of proposed retaining walls. Provide cross sections for retaining walls over 4-feet in height. CMC 17.11.030.B.6 -Preliminary subdivision plat approval. e. Location of existing and proposed sidewalks, street lighting and street trees, p. Show location and height of proposed retaining walls. Provide cross sections for retaining walls over 4-feet in height. CMC 17.19.030.D.5. -Tract, block and lot standards. d. d. To protect the character of the immediate neighborhood, the city may impose special conditions, where feasible, including access configuration and separation, pedestrian connectivity, setbacks, fencing and landscaping; CMC 17.19.040.B.10.b. -Infrastructure standards. I. Block lengths shall not exceed the maximum access spacing standards for the roadway class per the city's design standards manual. If block lengths greater than 600-feet are approved pursuant to CMC 17.19.040.B.1 O.b.iii., a midway pedestrian connection shall be provided. 11. Cul-de-sacs and permanent dead-end streets over three hundred feet in length may be denied unless topographic or other physical constraints prohibit achieving this standard. 'Nhen cul de sacs or dead end streets are permitted, a direct pedestrian or bicycle connection shall be provided to the nearest available street or pedestrian 01iented use. ni. When cul-de-sacs or dead-end streets are permitted that are over 300 feet, a direct pedestrian and bicycle connection shall be provided to the nearest available street or pedestrian oriented use. Pedestrian connections need to meet Design Standards Manual for ADA accessibility in accordance with PROW AG and ADAAG. 1v. The city engineer may recommend approval of a deviation to the design standards of this section based on findings that the deviation is the minimum necessary to address the constraint and the application of the standard if impracticable due to topography, environmental sensitive lands, or existing adjacent development patterns. CMC 17.19.040.C.2. -Infrastructure standards. b. Duplex, tri-plex, and townhome units may have up to t\vo sev,rer services at the discretion of the engineering and public '.vorks departments. shall each have a dedicated sewer lateral, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director or designee. CMC 18.03.030 -Definitions for land uses "Nursing, rest or convalescent home" means an establishment which provides full-time care for three or more chronically ill or infirm persons. Such care shall not include surgical, drug or alcohol treatment services, or obstetrical or acute illness services. See residential treatment facility (RTF) definition for drug and alcohol treatment services. "Residential treatment facility (RTF)" means a facility meeting applicable state and federal standards that provides support services including, but not limited to, counseling, rehabilitation and medical supervision for the need of drug or alcohol treatment. An RTF may function as a residence, day- treatment facility, or a combination thereof. An RTF may be staffed by resident or nonresident staff and may include more than eight unrelated individuals. An RTF shall not be located within 1,000 feet of public and private schools, public parks, public libraries, other RTFs, or similar uses. "Sober Living Homes" means a home-like environment that promotes healthy recovery from a substance use disorder and supports persons recovering from a substance use disorder through the use of peer recovery support. Sober living homes are limited to no more than eight unrelated individuals. "Transitional housing" means a project that provides housing and supportive services to homeless persons or families for up to two years and that has as its purpose facilitating the movement of homeless persons and families into independent living. CMC 18.07 .030 -Table 1-Commercial and industrial land uses. Zoning Districts NC DC cc RC MX BP LI/BP LI HI Group Home c p p x p x x x x Adult Family Home c p p x p x x x x Single Family Dwelling x x x x p x x x x Sober Living Homes £ p_ p_ x p_ x x x x Permanent Supportive Housing c p x;plO x;p10 p x x x x Hotel/motel x c c p ·P p x p x Transitional Housing £ p_ £ p_ p_ p_ x p_ x Nursing, rest, convalescent, c p p p p x x x x retirement home Residential Treatment Facili!Y 12 £ p_ p_ p_ p_ x x x x Footnote 12: A Residential Treatment Facility shall not be located within 1,000 feet ofpublic and private schools, public parks, public libraries, other RTFs or similar uses. CMC 18.07.040 Table 2-Residential and multifamily land uses. Zoning Districts R MF Adult family home, residential care facility, supported living anangement, or p p housing for the disabled Group Home p p Zoning Districts R MF Adult family home, residential care facility, supported living arrangement, or p p housing for the disabled Single Family Dwelling p p Sober Living Homes £ £ Permanent Supportive Housing c;p 2 p Transitional Housing £ £ Nursing, rest, convalescent, retirement home c p Residential Treatment Facili.ty 5 x ~ Footnote 5: A Residential Treatment Facility shall not be located within 1,000 feet of public and private schools, public parks, public libraries, other RTFs, or similar uses. CMC 18.43.070 -Expiration and renewal. A conditional use permit shall automatically eJcpire one year after the date it was granted, unless a building permit conforming to the plans for which the CUP v;as granted is obtained v;ithin that period of time . A CUP shall automatically expire unless substantial constmction of the proposed development is completed within t\vo years from the date the CUP is granted. The hearing examiner may authorize longer periods for a CUP, if appropriate for the project. The hearing examiner may grant a single renewal of the CUP, if the party seeking the renewal can demonstrate e:Ktraordinary circumstances or conditions not known or foreseeable at the time the original application for a CUP was granted, vlhich would warrant such a renewal of a CUP. Expiration, renewals or extensions of any conditional use permit shall be governed by the terms ofCMC 18.55.260 CMC 18.55.110 -Application-Required information. H . Signage for Type III applications and short subdivisions: Prior to an application being deemed complete and Type III applications are scheduled for public hearing, the applicant shall post one four-foot by eight-foot sign per road frontage , unless a different size (not to be less than 6 square feet) is approved by the Director. The sign shall be attached to the ground with a minimum of two four-inch by four-inch posts or better. The development sign shall remain posted and in reasonable condition until a final decision of the city is issued, and then shall be removed by the applicant within fourteen days of the notice of decision by the city. The sign shall be clearly visible from adjoining rights-of-way and generally include the following: 1. Description of proposal, 2. Types of permit applications on file and being considered by the City of Camas , 3. Site plan, 4. Name and phone number of applicant, and City of Camas contact for additional information, 5. If a Type III application, then a statement that a public hearing is required and scheduled. Adequate space shall be provided for the date and location of the hearing to be added upon scheduling by the city. CMC 18.55.355 -Code conflicts. 1) Code Interpretation: A. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter to provide a process for interpreting and applying the provisions of Title 16, 1 7 and 18. B. Responsibility. It shall be the responsibility of the Director to review and resolve any questions regarding the proper interpretation or application of the provisions of Title 16, 1 7 and 18 pursuant to the procedures set forth in this chapter. The Director's decision shall be in keeping with the spirit and intent of this title and of the comprehensive plan. The director's decision shall be in writing and kept on permanent file. 2) Procedure: A. Application. Any person v1ith authorization of the property ovmer may request in v;riting the director's interpretation of a code provision of Title 16 , 17 or 18 ·.vhen it peitains to a specific property by means of a Type II Type I application pursuant to Section 18.55.030. An application may be submitted in writing for a Director 's interpretation of a code provision of Title 16, 17 or 18 when it pertains to a specific property by means of a Type II application pursuant to Section 18.55.030. The Director may independently initiate an interpretation of any conflicting or unclear provisions of this Title. B. Multiple Applications. If an application for an interpretation is associated with any pending land use application( s) subject to Title 16, 1 7, or 18, then the application for the interpretation may be submitted by any person whose property, residence or business is or will likely be impacted by a project and shall be combined with the associated application(s) and is subject to the highest level of procedure that applies to any of the applications; provided that a code interpretation under this subsection that is requested by a person other than the project applicant or property owner shall not be considered unless it is requested within 60-days after an application has been detennined to be complete or p1ior to the conclusion of the public comment period, if any, whichever is later. and shall may be combined v,zith the associated application(s) and is subject to the highest level of procedure that applies to any of the applications, Section 18.55.030. C. Codification. To ensure that the director's interpretations are applied consistently over time, the director shall on an annual basis initiate a Type IV text amendment to this code for the purpose of codifying interpretations pursuant to Chapter 18.55. The codified interpretations shall be located in Chapter 18.55.355-Code Conflicts, or in the chapter of the code governing the subject matter of the interpretation, whichever may be more appropriate . D. Appeals. Any official interpretation of the provisions of Title 16 , 17, and 18 may be appealed by any aggrieved party, pursuant to the appeal procedures set forth in Chapter 18.55.