ORD 2390 ORDINANCE NO , 2390 AN ORDINANCE adopting the budget for the City of Camas , Washington , for the fiscal year ending December 31 , 2005 WHEREAS , the Mayor of the City of Camas , Washington completed and placed on file with the City Clerk a proposed budget and estimate of the amount of the monies required to meet the public expenses , bond retirement and interest, reserve funds and expenses of government of said City for the fiscal year ending December 31 , 2005 , and a notice was published that the Council of said City would meet on the 6th day of December, 2004 at the hour of 5 : 00 p .m . and the 13th day of December, 2004 at the hour of 7 : 00 p . m. , at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said City for the purpose of making and adopting a budget for said fiscal year and giving taxpayers within the limits of said City an opportunity to be heard upon said budget; and WHEREAS , the said City Council did meet at said times and place and did then consider the matter of said proposed budget; and WHEREAS , the said proposed budget does not exceed the lawful limit of taxation allowed by law to be levied on the property within the City of Camas for the purposes set forth in said budget, and the estimated expenditures set forth in said budget being all necessary to carry on the government of said City for said year and being sufficient to meet the various needs of said City during said period . NOW, THEREFORE , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I The required appropriation and expenditures for the various funds and departments in the General Fund and needs for the operation of government of the City of Camas, for the fiscal year ending December 31 , 2005 , as set forth in said budget and which is hereby adopted, are fixed in the following amounts , to wit, FUND DEPARTMENT AMOUNT General Legislative $ 102 , 050 Judicial 177 , 000 Executive 197 , 544 Financial & Record Services 533 , 045 Legal 787600 Personnel 132 , 587 Central Services 1357426 Other General Government Services 1517220 Law Enforcement 2 ,875 , 516 Fire Control 2 ,3742423 Detention and/ or Correction 3877450 Protective Inspections 4757147 Emergency Services 12 , 528 Information Systems 275 ,700 Engineering 1 ,0597018 Animal Control 76 , 000 Information and Outreach 197200 Planning and Community Development 353 , 207 Community Education and Seniors 162575 Downtown Visioning Coalition 59 , 196 Library 9657460 Parks and Recreation 1 , 187 ,798 Interfund Transfer to Street Dept, 1 .209 , 565 Total General Fund 12 ,8541255 hilt • � � � �' r . . �y:. � City of Camas , Washington � 7 7 'BUDGET ` . �. � .w.ra an • u.da • ru: For the year beginning January 1 , 2005 yam . al. TABLE OF CONTENTS Unlimited Tax General Obli gation Bonds 49 Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds 150 Firemen ' s Pension 53 Police r Organization Chart 54 Law Enforcement 55 Detention and Correction 60 Animal Control 61 Fire Organization Chart 62 Fire Control 63 Emergency Services 67 g Y Emergency Rescue 68 Library Organization Chart 72 Library 73 Library Construction 77 4r Public Works Organization Chart 78 ineerin 79 Eng g Planning and Community Development 81 Protective Inspection 83 Central Services 86 City Street $ 7 St " 91 SE 1 Street/ Lake Road Construction Storm Water Drainage Utility 92 g Y City Sanitary 93 ' F Water Sewer 97 Water Sewer Capital Reserve 102 * Equipment Rental 103 Ar Et W ' fl k W 1 o 4` 4 2005 BMessage from Mayor Paul Dennis . to Council and Citizens The 2005 budget for the City of Camas maintains a stable level of service to the citizens of the g , community and provides for important investments in the community ' s future . The proposed budget ., meets several , goals . Those goals include : { 1 ) Provide a stable level of service and programs . 2 Utilize existing revenue streams to fund city services and programs , save the storm drainage utility 3 Preserve a substantial level of general fund reserves , consistent with adopted + financial policies . a 4) Invest in , City' s future , consistent with adopted plans . . In the ro osed budget , a very cautious approach to funding ongoing expenses is taken * once again . p p g � . �' pp Staffing levels are flat and vacancies are continually reviewed for long-term need . The general fund and related street fund are most affected by the austerity. A modestly fiunded street overlay program reappears in the 2005 bud et after suspending the program for the last three years . The storm drainage g program and unlit , mandated by the Federal and state regulations , is a new initiative for 2005 that will p �` Y . assist our community in meeting tightening storm water regulations The budget is constructed in a context . Cities across the nation are challenged to meet needs and g { balance budgets . The National League of Cities (NLC) released a telling report on October 27 , 2004 . . g : A , news release summarized the report as follows "fin the latest NLC survey o�f' citynance directors more than three infive said their cities were less able to meet their fiscal obligations, regardless oy f population size, region or taxing authority. '' Cities in our state re ort similar challenges . The Association of . Washington Cities conducted a survey p ofrma Y ors, city administrators and finance directors of AWC ' s member cities . The findings of this wereYresented b AWC Executive Director Stan Finkelstein in regional meetings this fall . A key p � findin was that tax - llm.ltin initiatives have impacted service delivery. They survey showed what cities g have done . The most common response to initiative impacts since 1999 reported by cities were : 'Used reserves 54 % �%V y� Increased user fees 46 % Reduced staff training 45 Increased taxes 43 % Eliminated staff positions 39 % v. The ATC re ort summarized it a11LL in these Tords " City officials have made tough choices to sustain p services p dim ortant to the citizenry. " k The baseline for the 2005 budget builds off of established council policies , such as the city ' s recently adopted financial policies . The proposed 2005 budget sustains the current general fund staffing p _ p t. 1 . 1 fi attern with additional staff only ` roposed within the self sustaining utility ids such as a 0 . 25 new . ; p , p position supported b the storm drainage utility and a 0 . 75 station worker funded by the sanitation p , pp Y g utility . According to latest estimates from our finance director, the city should enter 2005 with approximately $ 3 . 0 + or - million in general fund reserves . This level of reserves exceeds the ; goals in the adopted g . financialolicies and allows for a more comfortable "wait and see " 2005 budget . The proposed p budget foresees a general funds ending increase which is lower than the historic track . Before . , g g p r adjustment for non4ecurrin grant events , the increase is $ 119 , 115 or about 1 . 6 % . After adjustment J g for the grant events , the increase , including the restored $ 100 , 000 overlay program is approximately $ 550 , 000 or 4 . 4 % . Most of the elements of the Capital Facilities Plan ( CFP ) are in the budget . The significant restoration of 2005 is the street pavement overlay program . Overall , the proposed budget takes a very cautious approach to funding current operations . This budget package has been constructed to meet1he voter approved property tax levy cap of p g Referendum 47 and Initiative 747 This index , in accordance with Referendum 47, limits property tax increases for cities over ten thousand in population to the implicit price deflator (IPD ) ; the IPD refers to the United States Department of Commerce , Bureau of Economic Analysis ' estimate of the average rice increases related to personal consumption expenditures . The IPD index number to be used for p : the 2005 property tax levy is 1 % . This p budget relies upon tax contributions from new growth in the form of non-recurring � planning/development fees , building fees and property taxes derived from investments (new . construction) made in 2004 . Another strong construction year is foreseen . Overtime31 V " as the City a roaches "build out" , or as economic and interest rate condifions change , non-recurring pp lain ' develo merit and building fee revenues may flatten or decline . p % p We currentlyestimate that $ 444 , 765 in general fund reserves will be used to balance the 2005 general fund . The reserve funds will allow the city to reinstitute a modest street overlay program , after three years of deferral The city ' s Finance Director is projecting the general fund to end 2004 with $ 3 . 1 million of reserves or $ 400 , 000+ greater than 2003 . 4 New annual revenues in the range of $ 400 , 000 are needed for long-term structural balance of the g . general and street fund . Given the city ' s tax structure , new revenues will have to result from a combination of new mayor industrial/business investments and oIncreased sales tax activity . Where are some encouraging in indicators of economic and tax base growth . Alternatively, further spending g g reductions could close the structural gap . In the short-term , to sustain this range of structural difference the city will have to continue to employ remarkable restraint on spending in the form. of � . ty , modest inflation and labor settlements , * maintain static staffing levels , and institution of minor new initiatives with a net offset to the general fund . These are important elements requiring a delicate balance that may rove difficult to sustain . It appears that with a modest commitment of general fund y p 4 k „ reserves , that 2005 can be a "wait and see year" . The cit has been resented with several private investment opportunities . However, many of these y p p 0 o t es have not been realized due primarily to the lack of " speculative " commercial/industrial pp Sp " ace on our west side . One example is Kokusai . Kokusai wanted to site in Camas , but had an x tN t: ag�e sive movin schedule . We had coritted to fast timelines as well as offering some incentives . g However, it was physically impossible for a` building to be constructed ; iii a reasonable time ; so they . � P Y Y p g chose to locate at Columbia Tech Center (Vancouver) , even though we were able to show Camas was morerice competitive . With Council ' s recent approval of Ambience . ( at Camas Meadows) , our . P P community will be better positioned to secure future economic opportunities . The capital investments of the 2005 budget are derived from the updated Capital Facilities Plan ( CFP ) . Many capital items Identified in the CFP are included in the budget . Compared with the scale of a Y P St . initiated 1n 2004 , next year will be less ambitious . The Lake Road/ SE 1 Street project capital projects is well underway. The 2004 Public WorksTrust. Fund street reconstruction project is complete . Utility P . roJ' ects construction of wlickitat Park, and the street overlay program are budgeted and noteworthy. . Generally, items dependent on :grant funding , for which the grants , are not yet assured are excluded from the budget . The potential Leadbetter Road construction project 1s a prime 'example , for which but not et secured . As ant or other outside funding becomes secured, state grant funds are soughty gr' g and/ or necessary agreements with co - operating agencies are prepared , project budget appropriations will come forward . Refer to the following section for highlights of the capital program. . CAPITAL INVESTMENT In 2004 several ma ' or investments were made . The SR 5 00 and Everett Street proj ect was completed ' . t nd In October , with the znstallatlon of a traffic signal . The 192 Street Pros ect added a standard, urban on our west side • it should b e full connected to the interchange with SR 14 by mid- ' arterial street � Y � 2005 . It is expected - that three ` owerline transmission towers will be removed as an important visual element of this project . As noted, the Lake Road/ SE 1 St Street project 1s well into construction and should be Y com Tete b mi & 2005 as well : None of these projects will require "rebudgeting" . P AP t t n i P%` k y9 . t t Y' -i4 4 w t The following chart depicts historic levels of capital investment. Capital Improvements 1998 - 2005 Actual and Budgeted 25 , 000 , 000 $ 20 , 81 1 , 731 20 , 000 , 000 $ 16 , 9929315 ' Q 15 , 000 , 000 $ 10 , 013 , 821 $ 9 , 94012 63 $ 9 , 843 , 419 .$ 8 , 326 , 749 10 , 000 , 000 0 $ 70328 , 552 $ 6 , 215 , 090 L f • 5 , 000 , 000 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Budgeted Budgeted - r Over $ 8 . 3 million in capital investments are reflected in the 2005 budget . L This represents a strong and important level of capital investment in community infrastructure . Construction of these future facilities will be quite visible . Some of the highlights of the 2005 - year include the following : Water System Improvements : Improvements in the Water System continue again next year . • Construction of an 18 " waterline crossing of the Washougal River , estimated at approximately $ 1 . 0 million • Funds for well field expansion/ acquisition are also in the budget . • Work on needed waterline replacement is also financed . Street Projects : • Design work on the Leadbetter Road connection is slated for next year . This project ' s application for State TIB grant funding is pending at this writing . • The return of a street overlay project is noted . • CDBG applications for street , sidewalk , and accessibility improvements are also pending . IV 4 h i w Emergency Medical Services : The Administrative Cost charge by the City to the EMS fund is deferred . This charge accounts for the _ rr1 wide ,variety of on- going administrative services provided to the EMS function . Examples of the , services 'include : accounting , auditing, legal , personnel and labor relations . In 2004 , the charge Wass calculated at $ 96 , 000 . The computation of 2005 administrative cost is $ 98 , 000 , which is deferred (not waived 'To ensure repayment of all deferrals , " first calls ( or positions) " are. placed on capital assets , in case the fund has to be liquidated . Parks : They ear 2005 should,be a big year for parks . Funded from non- general fund sources , a series of park and o enspace improvements as well as ,purchases are included in the 2005 budget . The Tlickitat Park is expected to be developed and built . The plan for the park benefited from an extensive public process . Another contribution to the regional partnership for rdeveloping the Captain William Clark p . ark is budgeted . Park and openspace acquisitions are budgeted , consistent with the Parks plan and p # , ill have 'site by site City Council review and authorization . CFP . All ac usitions w Other Highlights : Another busy Year is in store for Planning` , Engineering , Building and Operations . Since the completion pn of the comprehensive plan update in early 2004 , many development proposals have been _ reviewed and processed. More are "in the process " . The intensity of these activities will predictably move from the planning/ engineering arenas on to the building department . Then, as the new developments are occupied the financial impacts will more fully move to the operating departments . p p . In the case of new residential prof ects ; new residents will use a range of public services such as police , library, p arks , fire/emergency medical, water/ sewer, and streetsweeping . The incrementaOf l` diminishing service levels are already underway. Examples include deferral of parks maintenance , deferral/reduced street overlay, suspension of Neighborhood Traffic Management ' Program, reduced financial allocation to downtown revitalization efforts , and declines in the number of . city ci . staff per 1 , 000 residents ( eg . , 1 . 43 police officers per 1 , 000 residents in 2005 compared to the city' s target of 1 . 8 ) . t * OVERVIEW OF THE PROPOSED % 2005 GENERAL FUND BUDGET Recommended appropriation for the general fund 020050 s approximately $ 12 . 8 million . Thin represents a $ 199 , 115 increase from the 2004 amended general fund budget or an increase of 1 . 55 percent . } , t General Fund w t tit . . r t _ REAS.E P OPCS. D , , t , a . . c : ..r.. .. . _. „ . . .. ,. .. .. . . ., -:: __ .... .. ,. . .. . a �,.,, . , .. . ... .... yS _..x,,. ,. , . ,. .. .., , .. . ..... . .. . . .. .. r s. }... rot .C . ,,. . . . "u . .. . _ „a . . r . , ... , . . , .,. t+ < '..0 a ,.,, .. ,. : . r ,.. ..... . . ,:; . , . s, : . _. n : ., . . ..: •,..,, 5. . . , , ,,. - s,s. < r . ... t . s ,, Is Op` erating Programs $ 1254691790 $ 12 , 704 ; 655 $ 23405 Capital $ 182 ,250 $ 146 , 500 ( $ 35017 Total $ 1256525040 $ 1298511155 $ 1995115 v r rt f OVERVIEW OF THE 2005 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR ALL FUNDS The ro osed 2005 bud et for all funds is $ 36 . 9 million, $ 11 . 7 million lower than budgeted for 2004 . p p g The " all funds " appropriations ro riations are reflective of capital prof ect appropriations , including water/ sewer capital projects . CITY WORK FORCE : Thi -three percent ( 33 %) of the 2005 bud et is allocated topersonnel salaries and benefits . Cit�r�y p g employment in 2004 was 156 . 5 full-time equivalents , and is estimated at, 158 . 9 in 2005 ; none of the added FTE positions will impact the general fund . This is a remarkable staffing element in a proposed . . - community with a rapidly growing population . Approximately $ 63 , 265 is allocated for uniform and clothingallowances . The budget , as prepared, reflects the known costs of personnel under existing g collective bargaining agreements : The city and all its collective bargaining units have settled contracts m for 2005 . This lends a high level of predictability to salary costs , for the budget year . There will be a series of labor talks in the latter part of 2005 . SUPPLIES , SERVICES AND CHARGES : Seventeen percent 17 of the 2005 budget is related to supplies , services , and charges . Detailed4 ,p ( . ) g . information on the categories listed below can be found in the body of the budget document . Professional Services $1 , 352, 980 Intergovernmental Services $ 985, 898 * Public Utilities $1 , 324, 250 * * 5upp lies (includeschemicals) $109097, 985 Vehicle Maintenance/Fuel 132, 850 Repairs and Maintenance 836, 635 In su ran ce $ 432, 540 Small Tools $ 208, 830 * - Includes j ail , corrections , and court expenses. ' Includes solid waste tipping fees . DEBT OBLIGATIONS : Eight and onetenth percent ( 8 . 1 ) of the budget goes toward debt repayment . General obligation debt includingthe recent librarybond totals $ 1 , 536 , 554 annually. Including the new wastewater treatment plant debt service annual payments for water and sewer debt is over $ 1 , 487 , 561 . � p �m UNCERTAINTIES 1ties includin Camas face the cumulative impacts of the various initiatives of recent years . The C g p vigor and duration of the apparent local economic upturn is uncertain . The likelihood of major new industrial and commercial investments is a matter for hopeful conj acture . n apparent structural imbalance in the eneral fund in the annual range of $ 400 , 000 or about three percent, calls for g g resolution . Higher than expected reserves allow the City to view 2005 as a "wait and see year" . To provide stable public service levels., the City will need to stringently restrain spending, avoid new p initiatives and abide austerity. Vi S i S SUM MARY : ; . ltyThe proposed budget provides important public services in Camas . The water/ sewer/solid waste utii functions are in good condition . To meet regulatory requirements , a storm. water utility is imp lemented . The EMS function needs a clear path forward . The general fund balances with a this will be a "bridge year as well as a "wait and see year drawdown of reserves . Perhaps Additional local investment and economic vigor will help the City, it ' s businesses , it ' s people and it ' s munici al .bud et . With the comprehensive plan update , a friendly environment , good infrastructure p g ands public services , the City of Comas is ready for renewed economic vitality. q Y a Sincerely, tP: , t Paul Dennis Mayor 1 f d t° s 9 , i 1 �e A . . . , t t Vil li t 1 M. i i } I ; City of Camas , Wabam& hnington Calendar for the 2005 Budget Y Date Steps in Budget Procedure d % July 26 2004 Finance Director Ostrib `utes instructions and forms to departments for 2005 budget preparation . September 3 , 2004 Departments file 2 copies of their budget , one each with City Administrator and Finance Director . Sept . 7 - Sept . 13 , 2004 Finance . Di rector reviews budget submissions , consolidates estimates , projects revenues and compiles first draft of preliminary budget . r Sept . 7 - Sept . 1772004 City Administrator and Finance Director conduct departmental hearings to determine budget to be presented to the Mayor and t City Council . Oct . 4 , 2004 Proposed preliminary budget distributed to Mayor and City Council . ' Oct . 4 Oct . 25 , 2004 Mayor and City Administrator prepare budget message . Finance Director compiles the budget document . Nov . 1 , 2004 Proposed budget document submitted to a City Council for additional study . Oct . 26 and Nov . 2 , 2004 Publish notice of tax levy hearing and statement of availability of preliminary budget by Nov . 19 , 2004 . Nov . 8 ,+ 2004 Council holds public hearing and passes ordinance fixing 2005 tax levy . Finance Director notifies Clark County Assessor and dr County Commissioners of tax levy . Nov . 15 , 2004 Council holds workshop to review and fi discuss proposed 2005 budget . Proposed , budget is available to the public . Nov . 23 and Nov . 30 , 2004 Publish notice of budget hearing . Dec . 6 , 2004 Council holds budget hearing ; can be continued to subsequent council meetings December, 2004 Council passes Year 2005 budget and budget ordinance published . t 4 r CITY OF CAMAS Board of Adjustment Council Mayor - - - - - - - - - - � city Library Planning Administrator Park Board F Commission Board Public Downtown Parks and Library Works Finance Vision Fire Police Recreation Coalition Circulation Engineering Finance and Suppression Records Recreation Desk Accounting Research - Planning Information Prevention Investigation Facility Technology Rentals Cataloging Streets City Clerk and Ambulance and Patrol Swimming Public Records Emergency Aid Pool Water- Sewer Accounts Inspections Traffic General Receivable Parks Sanitation Purchasing and Crime Accounts Payable Prevention Equipment Treasury Rental and Debt Building Licensing Permitting =Stormwater Payroll Risk Management 2 CITY OF CAMAS , WASHINGTON Employees ( Full Time Equivalents ) Nine Years 1997 - 2005 DEPARTMENT 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Executive 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 Finance 8 . 00 8 . 66 9 . 00 7 . 50 7 . 50 7 . 50 7 . 00 7 . 00 7 . 25 Personnel 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 . 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 Law Enforcement 21 . 00 23 . 50 26 . 50 26 . 50 27 . 50 27 . 50 27 . 48 27 . 48 27 . 48 Fire Control 14 . 61 15 . 50 19 . 00 19 . 00 21 . 33 23 . 40 23 . 40 23 . 40 22 . 90 Detention & Correction - - - 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 50 1 . 48 1 . 48 1 . 48 Protective Inspections 5 . 00 5 . 00 5 . 00 5 . 00 5 . 50 5 . 25 5 . 00 5 . 00 5 . 50 Information Systems - - - 1 . 50 1 . 50 2000 2050 2050 2050 Engineering 10 . 50 11 . 00 11 . 25 13 . 25 13 . 50 14 . 50 13 . 00 13 . 00 12 . 50 Central Services - - - - 0 . 25 0 . 25 0 . 13 0 . 25 0 . 25 Planning 3 . 00 3 . 50 3 . 50 3 . 50 4 . 00 4 . 00 4 . 00 3 . 50 3 . 50 Parks 1 6 . 00 7 . 80 7 . 80 8 . 30 10 . 00 9 . 70 9 . 50 9 . 50 9 . 97 Downtown Vision Coalition - - - - - 0 . 55 0 . 30 0 . 30 0 . 20 Library 9 . 00 9 . 30 9 . 30 9 . 30 10 . 85 12 . 35 12 . 55 12 . 55 12 . 63 Total General Fund 79 . 61 < 86 . 76 93 . 85 97 . 35 105 . 43 111 . 00 108 . 83 108 . 45 108 . 64 Street 7 . 00 9 . 00 8 . 50 9 . 50 9 . 00 10 . 00 8 . 63 8 . 17 7 . 55 Emergency Rescue 12 . 39 13 . 00 15 . 00 15 . 00 15 . 00 15 . 10 15 . 10 15 . 10 15 . 10 Fisher Basin Storm Water - - 0 . 25 0 . 25 0 . 25 0 . 25 1 . 00 1 . 00 - Sanitary 3 . 00 3 . 00 3 . 00 3 . 00 3 . 25 3 . 25 3 . 25 3 . 25 3 . 75 Water- Sewer 12 . 00 12 . 50 13 . 00 14 . 50 16 . 00 16 . 00 16 . 00 16 . 00 17 . 08 Storm Drainage Utility - - - - - - - - 2033 Equipment Rental 3 . 00 3 . 50 4 . 00 4 . 00 4 . 00 4 . 25 4 . 50 4 . 50 4 . 42 TOTALS 117 . 00 127 . 76 137 . 60 143 . 60 152 . 93 159 . 85 157 . 31 156 . 47 158 . 88 POPULATION 99627 109300 10 , 870 12 , 534 12 , 970 135540 14 , 200 15 , 360 16 , 100 Estd . POPULATION GROWTH FROM FTE PER THOUSAND POPULATION 1997 THROUGH 2005 13 . 00 18 , 000 16 , 000 12 . 50 Z 14 , 00000 O 12 . 00 ~ 12 , 000 CD J0 11 . 50 10 , 000 ■ D CL 8 , 000 � 11 . 00 O LL a 63000 10 . 50 4 , 000 10 . 00 2 , 000 0 9 . 50 r a) a) a) o 0 0 0 0 U rn rn rn o 0 0 0 o N a) a) a) o 0 0 Co o W rn rn a) o 0 0 0 o W r r r N N N N N LO r r r N N N C4 N O G 4P CDN YEARS YEARS N r r- 3 . r City of Camas , Washington 2005 Budget Summary Revenues Classified by Source 2003 2004 2005 Adopted Amended Proposed Budget Budget Budget Taxes $ 11 , 570 , 584 $ 11 , 976 , 007 $ 12 , 157 , 033 Licenses and Permits 6181400 5177558 5277715 Intergovernmental Revenues 1 , 9277240 91703 , 400 13634 , 038 Charges for Services 8 , 6361571 911917610 101700 ; 415 Fines and Forfeits 222 , 591 2117050 2387568 Miscellaneous Revenues 116337916 116031922 173421446 Other Income 170001000 976 , 000 110491153 Other Non Revenues - - - Other Financing Sources 1011001342 91117 , 850 79076 , 061 Budgeted Fund Balance 3 , 694 , 345 533611077 212091847 Total Revenues $ 39 , 403 , 989 $ 487658 , 474 $ 3619351276 Expenditures % Expenses by Function 2003 2004 2005 Adopted Amended Proposed Budget Budget Budget General Government Services $ 11667 , 570 $ 11679 , 005 $ 11763 , 912 Security of Persons and Property 71433 , 854 715991321 77191625 Physical Environment F 575551717 610361156 67752 , 995 Transportation 1 , 8441697 211101530 2 , 1751823 Economic Environment 5167497 593 , 611 4073503 Mental and Physical Health - 23800 31000 Culture and Recreation 1 , 925 , 464 1 , 9821410 210631333 Debt Service r, 219671571 21883 , 060 3 , 0467275 Capitalized Expenses 51720 , 514 67300 , 525 619167749 Road and Street Construction 610511760 141511 , 206 11410 , 000 Other Financing Uses 517203345 4 , 9591850 41676 , 061 Total Expenditures / Expenses $ 397403 , 989 $ 48 , 658 , 474 $ 3619353276 $ 1410001000 $ 1210001000 2005 Expenses by Function $ 1010001000 $ 810001000 $ 610001 000 $ 410001000 $ 210001000 - F7 $ 0 NWO `���Q ��, ���G a� °� °ate C G cb r6 cp 5 4 City of Camas , Washington 2005 Annual Budget Combined Summary of Revenues , Appropriations , and Other Financing Sources and Uses By Fund SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Debt Local General City SE 1st/ Emergency Service Improvement Fund Streets Lake Road Rescue Funds Fund Appropriated Fund Balance $ 444 , 765 $ 150 , 000 30 , 000 REVENUES : 310 Taxes 91524 , 308 - - 550 , 000 17082 , 725 320 Licenses & Permits 527 , 715 - - - 330 intgovt . Revenues 447 , 718 783 , 099 - 3787221 - 340 Chgs , for Services 1 , 535 , 198 - - 649 , 090 - 350 Fines & Forfeits 238 , 568 - - - 360 Misc . Revenues 102 , 883 - 250 - - Total Est . Revenues 12 , 376 , 390 783 , 099 - 11577 , 561 11082 , 725 - 370 Other Income 380 Other Non= Revenues 390 Other Est . Fin . Sou`rce w Bond Proceeds Loan Proceeds Sale of Capital Assets Transfers ' In 30 , 000 119330023 60 , 000 - 453 , 829 - Total Est . Resources $ 12 , 851 , 155 $ 218661122 $ 60 , 000 $ 1 , 5779561 $ 1 , 536 , 554 $ 30 , 000 APPROPRIATIONS : 510 General Govt . Services 1 , 763 , 912 - - 520 Sec . of Person & Prop 691116 , 064 - - 195779561 - - 530 Physical Environ . 19139 , 278 - - - 540 Transportation 11487 , 122 - - - - 550 Economic Environ : 407 , 503 - - - 560 Mental & Phy . Health 3 , 000 - 570 Culture & Recreation 29063 , 333 - - - 590 - 598 Other Type Exp . 591 Debt Service - - - - 11536 , 554 - 594 Capitalized Exp . 1469500 - - - 595 Road & Street Const . - 11350 , 000 60 , 000 - - - Total Appropriations 11 , 6397590 21837 , 122 . 60 , 000 11577 , 561 11536 , 554 - Est . Other Financing Uses : Transfers Out 11211 , 565 299000 - - 301000 Total Estimated Uses $ 12 , 8517155 $ 298669122 $ 60 , 000 $ 19577 , 561 $ 19536 , 554 $ 30 , 000 r mr t 5 fl le 41 Combined Summary of Revenues , Appropriations and Other Financing Sources and Uses By Fund CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS ' PROPRIETARY FUNDS Firemen 's r Total (VI I III%% Growth Library Klickitat Park Storm Drainage City Water = Equipment Pension All Mgmt . Construction Construction Utility Sanitary . Sewer Rental Fund Funds $ . 478 , 196 $ - $ - $ 4987508 $ 47 , 483 $ 5507126 $ 107769 $ - $ 212097847 40 11000 , 000 - - - - - 12 , 157 , 033 527 , 715 25 , 000 - - - - 11634 , 038 970 , 000 - 369 , 183 1 , 5777579 59599 , 365 - - 1007009415 .� _ _ - 2389568 142 , 000 - 81600 15 , 474 1469807 900 , 432 267000 11342 , 446 IV I 21137 , 000 - 377 , 783 11593 , 053 5 , 7469172 9001432 26 , 000 261600 , 215 1969853 8521300 Ail19049 , 153 IM t 900 , 000 - 12500 , 000 21400 , 000 868 , 749 - 11080 , 460 250 , 000 - 416767061 77 $ 395157196 $ $ 8.68 , 749 $ 19073 , 144 $ 11640 , 536 $ 9 , 7291058 $ 111617201 $ 26 , 00 { $ 136 , 935 , 276 4 1 ;7639912 _ - 26 , 000 79719 , 625 _ - 341 , 144 114157536 398579037 - - 697527995 688 , 701 29175 , 823 407 , 503 _ 31000 VV21063 , 333 220160 - - 114879561 - - 370469275 1 , 412 , 000 - 868 , 749 707 , 000 - 3 , 31 0 , 000 472 , 500 69916 , 749 1 , 410 , 000 11434 , 160 - 868 , 749 1 ;048 , 144 11415 , 536 80654 , 598 111617201 269000 32 , 259 , 215 21081 , 036 - 257000 225 , 000 110749460 - - 41676 , 061 3 , 515J96 868 749 $ 19073 , 144 $ 1 , 6409536 $ 97729 , 058 $ 19161 , 201 $ ` 26 , 000 $ 36 , 9357276 1 .. 6 Ivl t of Estimated Ap ronations By Fund Summaryp p nd A ro nations for 2004 and 2005 Actual for 2003 a pp p Actual Actual Estimated Expenditures Appropriations Required 2003 2004 2005 GENERAL FUND $ 117802 , 210 $ 12 , 652 , 040 $ 12 , 851 1155 SPECIAL REVENUES : City Street 21404 , 813 41582 , 782 278661122 SE 1 st Street/ Lake Road - 11 , 400 , 000 609000 Emergency Rescue 12662 , 227 11812 , 662 19577 , 561 9 Y Fisher Basin Storm Water 65 , 939 132 , 523 - TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 4 , 132 , 979 17 , 927 , 967 47503 , 683 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS : Local Improvement Guaranty 59 , 757 - - Unlimited Tax G . O . Bond Redemption 7847085 7867275 7827375 Limited Tax G . O . Bond Redemption 646 , 788 625 , 165 754 , 179 Local Improvement Debt Service - 30 , 000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 11490 , 630 1 , 411 , 440 . 175667554 f CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS . Growth Management Capital Project 114067196 31325 , 782 31515 , 196 Library Construction Fund 210819148 Klickitat Park Construction 500 , 000 868 , 749 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 39487 , 344 378259782 413837945 ENTERPRISE FUNDS : Storm Y Drainage Utilit - - 1 , 0730144 , City Sanitary' 11586 , 198 11252 , 806 17640 , 536 Water- Sewer 81376 , 500 99079 , 710 89654 , 598 ' Water- Sewer Capital Reserve 176647011 17337 , 000 170747460 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 11 , 626 , 709 11 , 6699516 127442 , 738 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS : Equipment Rental 1 , 140 , 011 11155 , 729 1 , 161 , 201 FIDUCIARY FUNDS Firemen ' s Pension 13 , 973 16 , 000 26 , 000 TOTAL $ 331693 , 856 $ 48 , 658 , 474 $ 3699357276 f rp 7 2005 Schedule of Transfers Out/ Transfers in TRANSFERS FROM TRANSFERS TO AMOUNT PURPOSE FOR TRANSFER General Fund Street Fund $ 1 , 209 , 565 Street operations and construction General Fund Water/ Sewer 2 , 000 Plotter Street Fund Water/ Sewer 47000 Plotter Street Fund Equipment Rental 251000 Epoke Sanding Unit Local Improvement District General Fund 301000 General Fund operations Growth Management Fund Street Fund 6987458 Transportation Impact Fees for NW 38th Ave , 192nd Avenue , Leadbetter Growth .Management Fund SE 1st/ Lake Road 607 , 000 Nw Lake Rd / Sierra Intersection Growth Management Fund LTGO Bond Redemption 453 , 829 SE 1st Street Road Improvements , Fire Pumper Truck debt payments , and ,Parker Street Improvements Growth Management Fund Klickitat Park Construction 18681749 Park design and construction Storm ,. Water Drainage Utility Street Fund 257000 Repayment for Utility study Sanitation Fund Equipment Rental 2257000 Sanitation Truck Water/ Sewer Capital Reserve Water/ Sewer 110741460 Water/ Sewer construction projects Total Transfers . $ 476767061 Appropriated General Fund Balance AP $ 1 ) 4007000 ` -- $ 1 , 200 , 000 - - - - - h $ 1 , 000 ; 000 $ 800 ) 000 $ 6001000 $ 400 ) 000 - $ 200 , 000 $ - �� ��o 8 GENERAL FUND ft THREE YEAR PROJECTIONS Projected Projected Projected Revenue Revenue Revenue 2005 2006 w2007 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ 444 , 765 $ 890 , 337 $ 9407020 g g . Revenues Taxes . Real & Personal Property 716259000 7 , 8001000 87000 , 000 Private Harvest Tax 100 100 100 Local Retail Sales & Use Taxes 11420 , 000 114501000k 11500 , 000 Local Criminal Justice 1507708 151 , 000 152 , 000 Gas ' 120 , 000 125 , 000 135 , 000 Franchise - Sanitary 61500 61700 71000 Television Cable 1187000 122 , 000 128 , 000 Gambling - Punch / Pull Tabs 80 , 000 80 , 000 80 , 000 Penits & Int . Oth . Taxes 41000 41000 42000 Total Taxes 995247308 917382800 1070067100 Licenses and Permits : Police & Protective 275 275 275 Other Business Licenses 200 200 200 Franchise Fees - Telecommunic . 11000 19000 19000 Buildings , Structures , Equip . 5007000 500 , 000 500 , 000 Building & Structures Fire 13 , 600 13 , 600 13 , 600 Animal Licenses 41850 41850 41850 Street & Curb Permits 61640 61640 . 61640 Other Nonbusiness Lica$ & Permits 17150 -' 11150 11150 Total Licenses and Permits ' 527 , 715 527 , 715 527 , 715 Intergovernmental Revenue : Secure of Schools Grant 50 , 000 - - Pud Privilege Tax 135 , 000 * 150 , 000 170 , 000 Crim . Just . - Population 31379 31489 31599 Crim Justice - Special Programs 119213 11 , 736 12 , 270 DUI - Cities 21444 21450 21450 Fire Ins . , Premium Tax . 23 , 580 24 , 000 247000 Liq Excise Tax 599904 627000 65 , 000 _ Liq Board Profits 112 , 128 120 , 000 125 , 000 Y Pa ments In Lieu Of Taxes 21426 21426 21426 Shared Costs Court 18 , 644 18 , 000 18 , 000 Interg ov . - Law Protection 25 , 000 25 , 000 25 , 000 Drug Enforcement 31500 3 , 500 31500 Shared Costs = Community Event 5004 500 500 Total Interg ovenmental Revenue 4479718 423 , 101 451 , 745 Charges for Goods and Services : Clerks Record Services 1150 150 150 Court Fees 21240 21250 29250 Sales Of Maps & ' Publications 422 425 425 Sales Of Maps/ Pubs Non -Taxable 28 30 30 Duplicating Of Public Records 2 , 646 21650 21650 P , g 9 r a It tx GENERAL FUND it THREE YEAR. PROJECTIONS Projected Projected Projected Revenue Revenue Revenue 2005 2006 2007 CopiesJaxable 31980 3 , 980 31980 Sales Of � Merchand se a 25 25 25 Sales - Merch . ( Nontaxable ) 150 150 150 Law Enforcement Services 27250 2 , 000 21000 Law Enforcement - SRO ` 39 , 317 40 , 496 41 , 711 Protective Inspection Fees 29203 , 000 37000 , Construction Inspection Fees 100 , 000 50 , 000 35 , 000 Emergency Service Fees 71000 71000 7 , 000 Zoning & Subdivision Fees 100 , 000 45 , 000 35 , 000 Plan Checking Fees 212 , 886 212 , 900 2127900 Plan Check Fees - Fire 11 , 500 11 , 500 11 , 500 Plan Review/ Eng . & Planning 501000 10 , 000 10 , 000 Site Plan Review Fees 10 , 000 10 , 000 ` 107000 Other Planning Fees 71200 71200 71200 Swimming Pool Admissions 25 , 600 25 , 600 259600 Swim . Lessons 28 , 7500 28 , 500 289500 Recreation Camps 12 , 293 127300 12 , 300 Recreation Youth Sports 25 , 092 25 , 100 25 , 100 Recreation Adult Sports 62 , 478 62 , 480 621480 tr Recreation - Senior Citizens 300 300 300 Recreation Youth Programs- 79000 71000 71000 Adult Programs 200 20'0 200 , Recreation Miscellaneous 1 , 600 17600 11500 Budget Acctng Auditing Services 190 , 229 1937927 196 , 655 Legal Services 1f 1 , 200 12 , 000 12 , 500 Personnel 211146 21 , 7801 221433 Central Services - Bldg Rental 53 , 656 56 ,068 57 , 750 Emergency Rescue - - 101000 Engineering Services 543 , 190 559 ,486 576 , 271 Y Total Charge for Goods and 'Services 115379203 11417 , 103 115181567 Fines and . Forfeits : Mandatory Insur , Costs 11370 A 17370 11370 Traffic Infract . - Nonparking � 759000 757000 751000 Parking Violation 23 , 392 23 , 400 23 , 400 Driving While Intox . 20 , 080 201100 20 , 100 ' Other Criminal Traffic 227064 229100 22 , 100 . Other Nontraffic Misdemeanors 21 , 910 21 , 900 21, 900 Criminal Costs 50 , 00 52 , 000 54 , 000 f Domestic violence Assessment fee 41000 51000 51000 Public Defense Costs Recovery 6 , 000 71000 81000 Library. Fines 147 .752 10 , 000 81000 Total Fines and Forfeits 238 , 568 2371870 238 , 870 Miscellaneous Revenues : . Investment Interest' 31 , 400 50 , 000 50 , 000 Int On Contracts , Notes , Receivable 10 , 400 8000 81000 Space & Fac Rents Short-term 1 , 210 11200 17200 10 F GENERAL FUND THREE YEAR PROJECTIONS Projected Projected Projected Revenue Revenue Revenue 2005 2006 2007 SP ace\ Fac Rents - Com Ctr Sht/tm 59500 5 , 500 57500 Space & Facilities Leases L/T 217269 21 , 269 21 , 269 Comm . Ctr- Fac . & Space Rnt L/T 896 900 900 Housing Rentals & Leases 28 , 408 29 , 000 30 , 000 Contrib From Private Sources 300 300 300 Sale Of Junk Or Salvage 11500 11500 1 500 . Other Misc . Revenue 12 , 000 27500 � 2 , 500 Total Miscellaneous Revenues : 104 , 888 122 , 175 123 , 176 Other Financing Sources : Proceeds From Sales Of Fixed Assets - 10 , 000 10 , 000 Transfers In 30 , 000 81000 Total Other Financing Sources 30 , 000 10 , 000 187000 Total Estimated Resources $ 127410 , 400 $ 12 , 476 , 764 $ 127884 , 273 Expenditures Transfer Out to Street Fuad $ 1 , 209 , 565 $ 1 , 312 , 656 $ 1 , 348 , 630 Legislative 102 , 050 105 , 622 109 , 319 Judicial 177 , 000 183 , 195 1897607 Executive 1970544 2047458 211 , 614 Finance Department 533 , 045 5517702 571 , 011 Legal Services 78 , 600 81 , 351 84 , 198 Personnel 132 , 587 1379228 142 , 031 Other General Governmental Services 151 , 220 156 , 513 161 , 991 Law Enforcement 2 , 8751516 29976 , 159 31080 , 325 Fire 21374 , 423 21457 , 528 21543 , 541 Detention and /or Correction 387 , 450 4019011 415 , 046 Emergency Services 12 , 528 12 , 966 13 , 420 Information Systems 275 , 700 2857350 2957337 Engineering 1 , 059 , 018 11096 , 084 11134 , 447 g g Planning 350 , 107 362 , 361 375 , 043 Other Physical Environment 76 , 000 78 , 660 81 , 413 Parks & Recreation 1 , 187 , 798 1 , 229 , 371 11272 , 399 Protective Inspection 4752147 491 ;777 508 , 989 Central Services 135 , 426 1409166 145 , 072 y Information and Outreach 19 , 200 19 , 872 200568 Community Ed . & Senior, Programs 16 , 575 17 , 155 17 , 756 Downtown Visioning 597196 61 , 268 637412 g Coaliton Library 858 , 960 889 , 024 920 , 139 Library Books and Other Materials 106 , 500 110 , 228 114 , 085 Total Expenditures $ 12 , 851 , 155 $ 13 , 361 , 701 $ 13 , 8197393 11 .VF P } #k STREET FUND 4 is THREE YEAR PROJECTIONS Projected Projected Projected Revenue Revenue Revenue 1 2005 2006 2007 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 1507000 $ - $ Revenues . - - Fed . Indir . Grant- Stp 197 , 500 - - ,: State Grant Dept Of Transp - TIB 231 , 542 - - Mot Veh Fuel Tax- pity Streets 220 , 109 230 , 000 240 , 000 Mo Veh Fuel Tax- Street Improvements 102 , 912 106 , 500 110 , 000 Shared Costs - Road 31 , 036 NOW - Transfers InFrom TIF ' s, 723 , 458 113029950 11342 , 039 General Fund Transfer Int 11209 , 565 17312 , 656 17348 , 631 Total Revenues $ 218661122 $ 2v952 , 106 $ 310407670 x Expenditures Roadway preservation $ 296 , 477 $ 305 , 371 $ 314 , 532 Roadway maintenance 857107 87 , 660 90 , 290 Structures Maintenance 21484 21559 21635 Sidewalk Maintenance 31 , 141 327075 33 , 037 Special Purpose Paths Maintenance 901 928 956 Street Lighting Maintenance 2157331 221 ;791 228 , 445 Traffic Control Device Maint . 1317147 135 , 081 139 , 134 Parking Facilities Maintenance 11469 1 , 513 17558 Snow/ Ice Control Maintenance 35 , 031 36 , 082 37 , 154 Street Cleaning ' Maintenance 327550 33 , 527 34 , 532 Roadside Maintenance 629438 641311 66 , 240 Downtown Mall ' Maintenance 48 , 981 50 , 450 51 , 964 Ancillary Operations Maint . 19 , 609 207197 ' 20 , 803 Maintenance Administration 1147016 117 , 436 120 , 960 Mgmt - Road /Str Gen Admin 21000 21060 21122 Gen Services - 'Road Gen Admin 342 , 662 3527942 363 , 530 Facilities ins Road Gen Admin 51012 57162 5 , 317 Training aws Road Gen Admin 11 , 266 119504 11 , 952 Maintenance of Stations & BIdgs 49 , 500 50 , 985 52 , 515 Transfers Out 297000 299870 30 , 766 Total operations and maintenance 11516 , 122 175610606 17608 , 455 Construction projects 1 , 350 , 000 1 , 390 , 500 11432 , 215 Total Expenditures $ 218669122 $ 219527106 $ 39040 , 670 t 9n sC• # W r 6 "` v A d 1 . 2 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY FUNCTION The General Fund accounts for all revenues and expenditures of the City of a general nature that are not required to be reported in a special type of fund . It receives a much greater variety of revenues and is utilized for a greater variety of expenditures than other funds . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Expenditures for legislative , judicial , executive , financial , administrative , legal , personnel , planning , general governmental services , information systems , engineering , parks and recreation , pollution control , neighborhoods , animal control , health , community education and library are included in the General Fund . Police and fire services are also included in this fund . The General Fund is reimbursed for applicable engineering , accounting , legal services and some administration it provides for the water- sewer , sanitary , emergency rescue and equipment rental functions . 2005 Estimated General Fund Revenues $ 102 , 883 ❑ Taxes $ 238 , 568 © Licenses and Permits $ 9 ) 5241308 ❑ Intergovernmental Revenue $ 115351198 ■ Charges for Goods and Services ❑ Fines and Forfeits $ 447 , 718 ■ Miscellaneous Revenues $ 527 , 715 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated FUND NUMBER Revenue Estimated Revenue 001 2003 2004 2005 291 740 00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance 3831406 $ 4447765 Taxes . 311 100 00 Real and Personal Property 7 , 2481030 77051275 716257000 312 100 00 Private Harvest Tax 153 - 100 313 100 00 Local Retail Sales and Use Taxes 1 , 3691309 171757000 114201000 313 710 00 Local Criminal Justice 1437269 140 , 068 1501708 316 430 00 Natural Gas 87 , 508 1201000 1201000 13 f ` GENERAL . FUND t REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON : '' Actual ...: Jus ed Estimate FUND NUMBER Revenue Estimated Revenue 001 2003 2004 2005 316 450 00 Sanitary Franchise 79493 69000 67500 316 460. 00 Television Cable 110 , 505 101 , 194 118 , 000 317 510 00 Gambling Taxes 162 , 496 70 , 106 � 80 , 000 3. 18 900 00 Other Taxes 319 800 00 Penalties and Interest - Gambling Taxes 41757 500 41000 Tota I Taxes 91033 , 520 9 , 318 , 1 43 91524 , 308 Licenses and Permits . 321 300 00 Police and Protective 270 300 275 3214 900 00 Other Business Licenses 549 250 200 321 910 00 Telecommunication Franchise 11000 19000 322 100 00 Buildings , Structures and Equipment 546 , 621 500 , 000 500 , 000 ` 322 110 00 Buildings , Structures and Equip Fire 91728 81092 13 , 600 322 300 00 Animal Licenses ` 49635 49670 41850 322 400 00 Stre% et and Curb Permits 3 , 361 3 , 194 6 , 640 ° 322 900 00 Other Non - Bus Licenses and Permits 11062 1 , 052 11150 Total Licenses and Permits 5679226 517 , 558 527715 Intergovernmental Revenue . 331 083 54 Direct . Federal Grants - FEMA - 114 , 336 331 16000 Direct Federal Grants - COPS 27174 331 16500 Direct Federal Grants - Secure Our Schools - - 509000 333 140 00 Indirect Federal Grant - CDBG Downtown Rental 175 , 000 334 030 10 State Grant - DOE Litter Pick Up . 31194 11500 33403011 State Grant DOE Waste Locker - - 334 030 42 State Grant Dept of Trade/Economic Developmf - 10 , 000 334 040 20 State Grant Growth Management ' 12 , 542 335 000 91 P . U . D . Privilege Tax 11057604 100 , 000 135 , 000 335 020 32 DNR Land Use/ Non -timber ( 293 ) 336 060 21 Criminal Justice - Population 21333 21982 31379 336 060 22 Criminal Justice - DCD# 1 21662 336 060 23 Criminal Justice DCD#2 3 , 917. - 336 060 24 Criminal Justice - DCD#3 31934 - 336 060 26 Criminal Justice - Special Programs - 91439 111213 336 060 51 DUI - Cities 29293 21272 2 , 444 336 060 91 Fire Insurance Premium Tax 20 , 428 22 , 000 23 , 580 336 060 94 Liquor Excise Tax 48 , 477 49 , 842 59 , 904 336 060 95 Liquor Board Profits 857180 71 , 426 112 , 128 337 000 00 Payments in Lieu of Taxes 21426 21426 2 , 426 338 120 00 Shared Costs - Court 18 , 844 10 , 769 18 , 644 338 210 00 County Law Protection 51 , 4401 50 , 000 25 , 000 33821100 Drug Enforcement 61740 51300 31500 338 730 00 Shared Costs - Community Event 21033 - 500 338 790 00 Recreation Facilities 57000 - Total Intergovernmental Revenue 379 , 928 ° 627 , 392 4477718 Charges for Goods and Services . 341 320 00 Clerks Record Services 188 340 150 341 . 330 00 Court Fees 21375 30316 21240 341 50000 Sale of Maps and Publications 542 330 450 341 60000 Printing and Duplicating Services 4v794 41020 69626 341 70000 Sales of Merchandise 664 200 175 341 99000 Other General Government 200 342 100 00 Law Enforcement Services 36 , 635 39 , 086 41 , 567 14 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON , Actual Adjusted Estimated FUND NUMBER Revenue Estimated Revenue 001 2003 2004 2005 342 0400 00 Protective Inspection Fees 51039 30484 2 , 920 342 400 20 Inspection Fees Construction 219253 129172 100 , 000 342 500 00 Emergency Services Fees 67623 6 , 446 71000 342 900 .00 Other Security of Persons and Property 1 , 500 - - 343 950 00 Abatement - Hazards Removal 4 212 - - 345 810 00 Zoning and Subdivision Fees 89 , 985 25 , 000 1007000 , 345 830 00 Plan Check Fees 265 , 889 228 , 000 ` 212 , 886 345 830 10 Plan Check Fees - Fire 10 , 614 9 , 524 11 , 500 11 345 830 20 Plan Review- Engineering & Planning 79937 27400 50 , 000 345 830 30 Site Plan Review Fees - - 10 , 000 345 890 00 Other Planning Fees 61025 4 , 440 7 , 200 347 310 00 Swimming Pool Admissions 22 , 278 257000 1 25 , 600 347 325 00 P . E . School District 564 - 347 610 00 Swim Lessons 23 , 575 23 , 200 28 , 500 347 620 00 Recreation Programs 979180 109 , 486 108 , 963 349 140 00 Budgeting , Acctng & Audit Services 183 , 000 169 , 727 190 , 229 349 150 00 Legal Services 197500 111190 11 , 200 349 160 00 Personnel k I a 1 - 20 , 964 217146 ilding Rental 16 , 500 75 , 789 53 , 656 349 180 00 Central Services- Bu 349 190 00 Emergency . Services 80 , 000 96 , 000 - 349 320 00 Engineering Services 40895. 00 537 , 468 5437190 Total Charges for Goods and Services 19311 , 572 11407 , 582 11535 , 198 Fines and Forfeits : 352 30 & 00 Mandatory Insurance Costs 19150 1 , 514 17370 353 100 0or Traffic Infraction Penalties 607193 62 , 738 75 , 000 353 100 30 JI . S . - Trauma Care 91378 1 .07- 376 ' - 353 700 00 Non -Traffic Infraction Penalties 345 546 - 354 000 00 Parking Violations 239385 25 , 760 23 , 392 355 200 00 Driving Under the Influence Fines 207159 19 , 178 20 , 080 355 800 00 Other Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor 21 , 636 259646 227064 356 900 00 Other Non -Traffic Misdemeanors 1 17 , 666 169902 21 , 910 357 200 00 Domestic Violence Assessment Fee - - 41000 357 300 00 Other. Criminal Costs 459540 46 , 890 50 , 000 357 330 00 Public Defense Costs - - 61000 359 700 00 Library Fines 107654 11500 149752 Total Fines and Forfeits 2101106 211 , 050 2387568 S Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 11000 Investment Interest 82 , 892 90 , 000 31 , 400 361 400 00 Interest on Sales Tax , Court Fees 81098 8 ,000 10 , 400 362 401 00 Space/ Facilities Rentals - Community ` 41495 t 1 51300 61710 362 500 00 Space and Facilities Leases 22 , 774 21 ,264 21 , 269' 362 501 00 Community Center Space Rentals 773 1 , 087 . 896 362 600 00 Housing Rentals and Leases 23 , 366 22 , 322 28 , 408' 362 900 00 Other -Rents and Use Charges 17121 100 - 363 000 00 Ins . Premiums and Recovery 61041 - 367 000 00 Contrib and ' Donations Pvt Sources 129565 17900 300 369 100 00 Obsolete Equipment 21188 19500 11500 369 900 00 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 69670 51436 21000 . 389 000 00 Other Non Revenues - Total Miscellaneous Revenues 1709983 156 , 909 1 102 , 883 Total Estimated ' Revenues 1196737335 129622 , 040 127821 , 155 15 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated FUND NUMBER Revenue Estimated Revenue 001 2003 2004 2005 Other Financing Sources : 395 100 00 Proceeds from Sales of Fixed Assets 537152 - - 397 000 00 Transfers - In 4791606 30 , 000 301000 Total Other Financing Sources 532 , 758 30 , 000 30 , 000 Total Estimated Resources $ 1272061093 $ 121652 , 040 $ 1218517155 GENERAL FUND SALES AND PROPERTY TAX REVENUE p p Zgp pp app p0 1070001000 _ _ go 0J g , 97000 , 000 . ® Sales Tax ❑ Property Tax 8 , 000 , 000 7 , 000 , 000 6 , 000 , 000 5 , 000 , 000 3 robs 4 , 000 , 000 3 , 000 , 000 210007000 1 , 000 , 000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Est Est Est Est 2004 2005 2006 2007 The above chart represents an eleven year history and current projections of the two primary tax revenues for the city . General Fund - Fund Balance with Expenditures and Revenue Comparisons 14 , 000 , 000 13 , 000 , 000 12 , 000 , 000 1170007000 Fund Balance 1010007000 0 Expenditures 9 , 000 , 000 -� Revenues 810003000 7 , 000 , 000 61000 , 000 ` 510007000 470003000 ; 3 , 000 , 000 27000 , 000 i 1 000 000 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 est . est . est . est . 16 e. _ ADMINISTRATION JibQ City Administrator Police Finance Department Department Library Public Works Department Fire Parks and Department Recreation Manager of Human Downtown Vision Resource Services Coalition 17 F„ ?r LEGISLATIVE F MISSION STATEMENT The council is the elected legislative governing body of the City , of Camas .' FD GOALS FOR 2005 1 . Provide policy direction for the city . 2 . Continue long - range planning on needed infrastructure . . 3 . Foster teamwork between elected and appointed leadership and staff. . 4 . Continue citizen outreach and participation . 5 . Explore and develop options around community . joint cooperatives . 6 . Keep informed of activity in regional ; state ; . and national legislative % processes . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES { The council determines policy as it relates to all city functions and activities , enacts ordinances , a and resolutions , and reviews certain appointments of theWayor . The council meets at two regular meetings per . month , two workshops per month and also attends numerous city- related committee and other governmental board meetings . Publication costs of city ordinances are included in this section of the budget . ,Y I( r# ADMINISTRATION mp 3 5$e s s r r 18 LEGISLATIVE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001 . 0 1 . 511 Actual Actual Estimated Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 300 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SERVICES Other Services and ( Newsletter )Char es $ 7 , 182 $ 8 , 000 $ 8 , 000 g . _ 400 TRAINING Supplies 508 1 , 400 1 , 200 . Other Services and Charges 47203 91000 97000 (Travel and registration , includes Planning Conference ) 600 LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Salaries and Wa `g es 38 , 875 42 , 000 42 , 000 Personnel Benefits 3 , 256 3 , 600 37600 Supp` lies 62 900 500 Other Services and Charges 19236 41000 49000 700 ELECTION COSTS Intergovernmental Professional Services 317807 167800 339750 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE $ 87 , 129 $ 857700 $ 102 , 050 g Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 4. 64 % 19 . 08 % Actual Estimated LEGISLATIVE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Counc01 Members ( 7 ) $ 42 , 000 $ 42 , 000 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 0 . 00 % { ADMINISTRATION 1 19 JUDICIAL FUNCTION The Police Judge is the chief judicial officer of the city . The city contracts with Clark County for this service and one of the elected District Court Judges of Clark County , ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Police Judge hears all cases and has exclusive jurisdiction over offenses defined by ordinances of the city . He has full power and authority to determine all cases , civil or criminal , arising under such ordinances and may pronounce judgment on these cases . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The city ' s contractual costs of court services have stabilized after several years of increases . ' JUDICIAL EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 02 . 512 Expended Approp Required 2003t 2004 2005 500 MUNICIPAL COURT Other Services and Charges ( Indigent defense ) $ 30 , 000 $ 33 , 000 $ 331000 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 1457302 150 , 000 144 , 000 Total Municipal Court 1757302 1837000 177 , 000 TOTAL JUDICIAL $ 1751302 $ 183 , 000 $ 1771000 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 4 . 39 % - 3 . 28 % Municipal Court Costs 1751302 173 , 000 1773000 r 200 , 000 150 , 000 100 , 000 50 , 000 0 F 2003 2004 est . 2005 est . Z ADMINISTRATION 20 3 1 i EXECUTIVE r MISSION STATEMENT the chief elected official of the Cit The Mayor is Y of Camas . The Mayor appoints the City Administrator and ' all other department heads under the mayor- council form of government . To ether , their role is to car gry out the established policies of the city . GOALS FOR 2005 x 1 ... Building an effective management team . 20 Administer the daily operations effectively . a. Pursue favored external funding for city projects and investments . to work to diversify and strengthen the local economy , tax base , andv 4 . . . .. . Continue.. . y . g revenue stream . 5 . Re present the city in contacts with otherorganizations . f ACTIVITIES AND S RVI G ES for directing and coo the activities of the city departments through The Mayor is responsibleg g City Administrator , such - as carrying out the policies of the , council and directing the day4o - day the c y rY g activities of the operating departments of the city . The Mayor submits the proposed budget to the _ p g ' with recommendations for the ensuing year . Duties of the Mayor also consist of the city council g community leadership of the city , The Mayor , is responsible for the appointment and political and y p removal of most nonelective city officials subject to iprbvisions of local and state codes . The Mayor 0 .shall.: preside over Y ver all meetings of the cit council , when .... present , butshall have a vote only in :thee.. case of a tie in the votes of the council members , with respect to matters other than the passage of any ordinance , grant , or revocation of franchise ' or license , or any resolution for the payment of money . k ADMINISTRATION t 21 x np Y EXECUTIVE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON u Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 03 . 513 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 P 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages - $ 143 , 304 $ 145 , 568 $ 149 , 552 Personnel Benefits 271779 34 , 859 357392 J Supplies ies 684 3150Q 31000 pp ; Other Services and Charges 41948 8 , 000 79200 ; Total Administration 176 , 715 1927027 195 , 144 400 TRAINING Su pplies 154 500 400 w Other Services and Charges 31350 21000 21000 Interfund Payments for Services 72 Total Training 39575 21500 21400 TOTAL EXECUTIVE Y $ 180 , 291 $ 194 , 527 $ 1971544 " % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 7090 % 1 . 55 % t. Actual Estimated PI EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Ma nor $ '16 , 200 $ 1 , 6 , 200 y City Administrator 1067908 110 , 115 Secretary to the City Administrator ( 5 FTE ) 227560 237237 Total Executive $ 145, 668 $ 1497552 % Increase ( Decrease ) . Prior Year 2 . 57 °l0 OTHER SERVICES AND .CHARCTS DETAIL : Professional Service $ y 200 Communication ( cell phones , internet , telephone ) 3 , 000 Travel , registration , memberships , monthly mileage 41000 Total $ 71200 1 11 ADMUNISTRATION R, J t y a . t 22 6' f 1 LEGAL SERVICES FUNCTION The City Attorney ' s office provides legal advice and services to -the City of Camas officials . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The City Attorney drafts and / or approves all proposed ordinances and contracts of the city . The City Attorney ' s office prosecutes all offenders of city ordinances and certain state statutes falling within the jurisdiction of the police court . The City Attorney provides legal advise to the city council , Mayor and other members of the city staff and represents the city in some litigation . Land acquisitions , zoning regulations , utility rate changes , budget appropriations and salary changes , are just a few topics which require legal representation and often result in new or revised ordinances or resolutions . The following graph charts the volume of ordinances and resolutions adopted over a five year period . Ordinances and Resolutions Adopted ❑ Ordinances Five Year Comparison ■ Resolutions 40 - 20 - 0 0200 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 est LEGAL SERVICES EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 05 . 515 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 LEGAL SERVICES Supplies $ - $ 500 $ 500 Other Services and Charges 73 , 806 751400 77 , 300 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges 466 1 , 000 800 TUTAL LEGAL $ 747272 $ 761900 $ 781600 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 3 . 54 % 2021 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services ( City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney ) $ 757900 Communication ( one telephone line ) 600 Registrations , dues , publications 800 $ 777300 ADMINISTRATION 23 a q I f t PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT t FUNCTION The personnel function rov ' des for the cost of personnel and related services for the city including the p p classification of positions , recruiting and placement, and job specifications . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Expenses for personnel recruitments , labor relations consultants and other expenses that cannot be p . . assigned to a specific department are included in this budget section . The city' s wellness program is also included . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Labor relations costs associated with negotiation of labor agreements are included in this budget . All city labor contracts are expected to open in the Fall of 2005 . The wellness program continues and many employees continue to participate . xa PERSONNEL EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 06 . 516 Expended Approp Required r 2003 2004 2005 200 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries and Wages $ 61 , 346 $ 60 , 976 $ 62 , 805 g . Personnel Benefits 137355 147024 18 , 842 Su lies ' 17049 37000 21500 pp Other Services and Charges 41555 137100 38 , 500 Intergovernmental Service 00 100 Irnterfund Payment for Services - 300 - 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges 137 19000 17000 900 WELLNESS PROGRAM Supplies 11367 5 , 100 51290 Other Services % and Charges . 459 21950 3 , 550 Interfund Payment for Services h240 g \ TOTAL PERSONNEL $ 82 , 518 $ 1007550 $ 132 , 587 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 21 . 85 % 31 . 86 % ADMINISTRATION 24 w Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Manager of Human Resources Services $ 60 , 976 $ 62 , 805 , % ' Increase (Decrease ) Prior Year 3800 %0 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Personnel : If Professional Services Labor negotiator , unemployment contractor ) $ 35 , 000 . ( Communication , travel , repairs and maintenance 17000 Registrations , ' membership dues , publications 21500 g �� Total other services and charges - personnel $ 38 , 500 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAILt Wellness : Professional Services ( speakers , hearing and cholesterol +screening ) $ 21150 Repairs and Maintenance ( exercise equipment ) 600 Subscriptions 50 Registration and travel for Wellness conferences 750 g . Total Other services and charges - wellness 31550 p Pl ADMINISTRATION 9 w 25 PARKS AND RECREATION VL City Administrator Parks and Recreation Board - - - - Parks and Recreation Manager ( 1 ) Recreation Recreation Admin . Support Recreation Recreation Coordinator Coordinator Assistant II Coordinator Coordinator ( . 3 FTE ) ( . 8 FTE ) ( 1 ) ( . 2 FTE ) ( . 8 FTE ) Program Program Volunteers Pool Program Aids Aids Staff Aids 26 ti ION PATS : .:AND. TTTEAT MISSION STATEMENT Through provision of recreation and parks services , it enhances the quality of life and natures the,, health and well - being . . of people , community , environment and economy . The department is Community driven . Together , and often in partnership with related fields and organizations , it : p .. 1 hel ps individuals reach their potential - ensuring healthy , active and balanced lifestyles , a fit foundation for productive lives - stimulating holistic growth and development . 2 strengthens the social foundations of our society building strong relationships - collaborating t g _ . nurturing leadership and developing self- reliant communities - creating to support families of all kinds , understandin and g harmony through shared leisure lifestyles . 3 ' serves as " stewards of the environment "` - creating environmental awareness and encouraging ecosystem; stern approaches to planning - protecting , preserving and restoring significant natural areas and _ corridors . 4 builds and renews local economies - reducing dependencies on health and social services through building a fit and productive work force ; stimulating ' the leisure indust res and attracting economic ity known for a high quality of life . , development to the commun ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Park and Recreation function provides for the operation of general" recreation facilities for the residents of the cit and surrounding area . The city maintains and operate playgrounds and parks , swimming and wading pools , a Y g community. centerg , a lighted baseball park , a little league park , trails , picnic grounds , tennis courts , and a boat dock . IV l Jae VI IV eel TN ADMINISTRATION lk 1 s i t t i 27 r ,x PARKS AND RECREATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 18 . Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 574 200 PARTICIPANT ' RECREATION Salaries and Wages $ =104 , 390 $ 105 , 359 $ 1149140 Personnel Benefits 239393 30 , 338 26 , 696 Supplies 18 , 449 19 , 075 23 , 575 Other Services and Charges 49 , 128 51 , 110 537300 Prof . Services ( $42 , 700 for instructors , concerts , referees/ umpires ) Rentals ( $ 6 , 100 ) , Misc . ( $41500 ) Interfund Payments for Services 830 12000 - 575 400 TRAINING _ Other Services and Charges 940 21000 19000 575 500 COMMUNITY CENTERS Salaries and Wages 32 , 468 387381 407296 Personnel Benefits 149271 14 , 599 14 , 104 Supplies 47167 16 , 000 13 , 500 Other Services and Charges 40 , 906 40 , 500 457800 Prof . Services ( $ 7 , 500 for janitorial ) F Phones , utilities ( $ 17 , 000 ) Insurance ( $4 , 000 ) Repairs and Maint . ( $ 5 , 000 ) m Newsletter ( $ 12 , 300 ) Intergovernmental Services - Interfund Payments for Services 27269 3 , 600 31600 576 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages 58 , 596 60 , 360 629472 Personnel Benefits 1 .6 , 079 17 , 000 18 , 741 576 200 SWIMMING POOLS Salaries and Wages 69 , 317 76 , 120 75 , 684 Personnel Benefits 13 , 521 12 , 394 97122 Supplies 81418 10 , 500 14 , 900 Other Services and Charges 17 , 110 181830 38 , 630 Professional Services ( $ 500 ) , Insurance ( $ 3 , 000 ) , Utilities ( $ 15 , 000 ) , Repairs and Maint . ( $ 18 , 500 ) , Misc . ( $ 1 , 500 ) , Phones ( $ 30 ) , Rentals ( $ 100 ) Intergovernmental Services - - 500 Interfund Payments for Services 508 1 , 500 500 576 800 GENERAL PARKS Salaries and Wages 228 , 947 243 , 895 259 , 429 Personnel Benefits 64 , 690 73 , 079 77 , 709 Supplies g 73 , 076 72 , 800 729000 Other Services and Charges 847905 95 , 800 979100 Communication ( $ 800 ) , Insurance ( $ 5 , 100 ) Miscellaneous ( $ 6 , 000 ) Rentals ( $ 7 , 400 ) , Utilities ( $45 , 000 ) Repairs & M'aint . ( $32 , 800 ) Interfund Payments for Services 115 , 744 140 , 000 125 , 000 All ADMINISTRATION 28 PARKS AND RECREATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 18 . Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 594 CAPITAL OUTLAY 730 Community Center 97279 - - 760 General Parks 1 169 , 270 291000 - TOTAL PARKS AN . D RECREATION $ 1 , 2201671 $ 1 , 1731240 $ 171871798 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 3 . 89 % 1 . 24 % r Recreation Program Participant Hours L tj 100 , 000 907000 807000 70 , 000 601000 , w _ - 507000 40 , 000 Fw- 30 , 000 207000 1 - 0 ,000 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 3 ADMINISTRATION r r • X16, 29 ' r AW PARKS AND RECREATION Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Recreation Coordinator 2 FTE ) 0047 1 . 9 FTE - 2005 } $ 74 , 457 $ 832820 Pro ' ram Aides 30 , 478 297820 g 5, Recreation Overtime 424 500 Admin . Support Assistant 1 ( 1 FTE ) 29 , 112 - ,. Admin . Support Assistant 11 ( 1 FTE ) - 337330 Facilities Maintenance 92004 61816 Overtime 265 150 Parks and Recreation Manager 60 , 360 62 , 472 Swimming Pool Employees Salaries and Wages 609209 67 , 168 Recreation Coordrinator ( . 2 ATE ) 15 , 115 87016 Swimmin ` Pool Overtime 796 ry 500 g r Public Works Operation Manager ( 11 ETE -2004 , . 2 FTE 2005 ) 81892 132620 p 9 y Lead Maintenance Worker 577350 59 , 064 Senior Maintenance Worker 522481 54 , 052 Maintenance Worker li 2 FTE ' 96 , 055 99 , 426 Seasonal Maintenance Worker ( 3 at 6 mths maximum ) 285817 329967 Parks Maintenance Overtime 300 300 Total Parks and Recreation $ 5247115 $ 552 , 021 %o Increase Decrease Prior Year 5 . 32 % 1 4 { ADMINISTRATION 30 r INFORMATION AND OUTREACH MISSION STATEMENT * To provide information and outreach to foster and su port the UCAN Neighborhood p p Grants neighborhood associations and their vital work . * To provide financial assistance to a local social service agency $ 4 , 000 for their support of low income citizens . $ 2 , 000 ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES $ 9 , 000 is budgeted for the East County Family Service Center . $ 3 , 000 $ 0 is budgeted to cover the estimated costs of a community clean - up o 0 0 0 co co effort sponsored by UCAN . The UCAN neighborhood ' s mini - grant N N 0 0 program is funded at the $ 3 , 000 level for 2005 . N N INFORMATION AND OUTREACH EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 24 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 557 200 COMMUNITY INFORMATION SERVICES Community Information Services $ 9 , 000 $ 97000 $ 91000 557 210 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Supplies 39 37000 2 , 500 Other Services and Charges 2 , 105 87700 71700 TOTAL INFORMATION AND OUTREACH $ 111144 $ 201700 $ 197200 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 85 . 75 % - 7 . 25 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Communication $ 200 Public utility ( Spring Clean - up ) 3 , 000 UCAN neighborhood grants 37000 Registrations for conferences , copier maintenance 1 , 500 Total other services and charges $ 7 , 700 ADMINISTRATION f 31 . COMMUNITY EDUCATION and EN1OR PROGRAMS MISSION STATEMENT The Camas Community Education , Program is dedicated to offering reasonably priced , high quality , life- long learning and recreational opportunities for residents of all ages residing in the Camas School District . . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Camas Community Education Program offers quarterly youth activities including sports camps , enrichment classes , youth basketball , field trips , summer park programs and Friday youth nights . Community Education offers quarterly adult classes ranging from basketball and volleyball to massage themPy , drawing and finance classes . The Camas Community Education Program also coordinates the rentals of all Camas School District buildings . a Senior activities are included here separately from the Community Education Program . COMMUNITY EDUCATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR DETAIL Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 25 . 571 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 200 Community Education Intergovernmental Services $ 112000 $ 11 , 000 $ 11 , 000 290 Senior Programs Supplies r454 900 900 pP Y; Other Services and Charges 21961 41675 41675 TOTAL COMMUNITY EDUCATION ' $ 149415 $ 16 , 575 $ 16 , 575 ' % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year f 14 . 98 % 0 . 00 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Communication $ 500 Travel 41000 Miscellanous 175 - Total , $ 47675 . ADMINISTRATION 32 W P Y ' N VISION COALITION DOWNTOVV : k Y r 4 Qm MISSION STATEMENT K The revitalization of the downtown is a multi - ears effort to improve the , core business district of the the program strives to promote and ' enhance economic vitality , residency City . within this area , , cultural opportunrities , = recreational activities and beautification . Public and private partnerships , , couples with a strong business retention and recruitment program will optimize the ability to attract and keep a number of key anchor tenants . By encouraging a carefully crafted mix of small town charm and broad array of shopping , opportunities , the goal is to make the downtown a "first choice " destination for business owners and patrons alike . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2005 1 . Add more attractive elements to the streetscape of downtown . 2 . Promote the downtown business area as a destination . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES i The DVC is established as a nine member non - profit organization representing the interests of the Implementation partners , downtown stakeholders , and the broader community . The City will provide p p funding and staff in support of this - coalition and their program activities. The Downtown Camas Vision represents a holistic approach toand Implementation Plan, adopted b the Cit in August 2001 downtown revitalization and is the basis for the DVC work plan . The plan identifies five focus areas : 1 creating a health business environment , 2 ) facilitating parking and access , 3 ) maintaining design } g Y desi g g n inte rit y and local infrastructure , 4 ) strengthening social and historical foundations , and 5 } enhancingmarketing , and publicity . A number of tasks have been accomplished since 2001 , An � p y f p example is the4 downtown laza on 4th between Birch and Cedar. A series of strategies set forth p s ecific methods for bringing about the desired outcomes in each focus area . These are supported p g g b y= actions that establish the steps necessary to implement the strategies and thus fulfill the vision . City support for the effort is again reflected in the budget . a ADMINISTRATI 33 r k` DOWNTOWN VISION COALITION DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 00126 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 * 2005 558 900 PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Salaries and WagesW n. $ 127936 $ 149663 $ ` 10 , 074 Personnel Benefits 2 , 695 37673 27872 Supplies 1 , 871 31100 61000 Other Services and Charges 26 , 227E 26 , 250 77950 Communications 29297 41000 11800 Advertising - 13 , 600 0 Repairs and maintenance 113 39130 21000 Miscellaneous ( printing and event sponsorships ) 41440 67920 71500 594 950 CAPITAL OUTLAY Other Infrastructure 697411 21 , 000 TOTAL DOWNTOWN VISION COALITION $ 1197990 $ 757336 $ 59 , 196 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year -21 : 42 % DOWNTOWN VISION COALITION Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Recreation Coordinator ( . 3 FT & 20041 . 2 FTE 2005 ) $ 13 , 602 $ 91574 Overtime 11061 500 i; $ 14 , 663 _ $ 10 , 074 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 31 . 30 % ff OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL Website maintenance $ 19000 Business recruiter 57000 Consultant services 11950 Total $ 71950 CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL Micro - mall $ 15 , 000 Intersection bulb - outs 61000 Total $ 217000 ADMINISTRATION r 34 a GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACS' CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND It to a � r m MISSION STATEMENT This fund accounts for expenditures that will be funded from proceeds of the local ' real estate excise tax collected by the county from sales of real estate within the city . The proceeds of the parks and open space impact fees are also deposited in this fund to be expended for purposes for which the tax was 3 collected . School impact fees ` are collected° by the city and immediately remitted to the county for p . . credit to the school district , Transportation impact fees and fire facility impact fees are also accounted for within this fund . other funds for open space or related projects received from for other governmental agencies will be deposited and accounted for in the fund . s COALS FOR 2005 It 1 . Park and open space acquisitions consistent with the park , open space comprehensive plan . 2 . Professional update of the . comprehensive park , recreation. , and open space plan . 3 . Streetp roJ g• ects including the completion of the SE 1st Street/ Lake Road project and design of Leadbetter Street . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS A Transportation Impact Fees (TIF ) are transferred to the City Street Fund to support , TIF eligible projects : p p $ 200 , 000 for NW 38th , $ 330 , 000 for 192nd Avenue , $ 60 , 000 for Lake Road /Sierra ,, and $168 , 458 for Leadbetter . ' TIT ' s will also be transferred to the debt service fund for debt service payments : $ 210 , 564 to repay a portion of the loans for Parker Street andA $ 70 , 287 to repay a portion of the public works trust fund loans for SE 1st Street and Lake Road . Fire impact fees will be used to repay a portion of the State of Washington loan for the fire pumper truck , Real estate excise tax revenues will be used to . repay a portion of the interfund loan to construct the Fire Station 42 facilit Y , Fallen Leaf Park improvements ( along. with a $ 25 , 000 state grant , and to repay , a portion of the public works trust fund loan for the 200 .4 street reconstruction program . Real, estate` p excise tax revenues will be transferred to the Klickitat Park Construction Fund for the construction of a neighborhood park . ADMINISTRATION f, 35 i r= GROWTH MACE ..CAPITAL PROJECTS F y . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 300 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2003 2004 2005 291 740 Be g g pp p innin A ro riated Fund Balance $ - $ 114609782 $ 4789196 317 ' Taxes . Local Real Estate Excise Tax 1 , 004 , 779 800 , 000 17000 , 000 a Total Taxes E 11004 , 779 800 , 000 17000 , 000 Intergovernmental Revenue : 334 027 State Grant - IAC - - 250000 337 010 Conservation Futures - County - - 82 , 000 f Total Intergovernmental Revenue - t- 107 , 000 . 345 Charges for Goods and Services : 85010 Impact Fees -Transportation 439 , 093 400 , 000 450 , 000 P . 85000 Impact Fees - Parks & Open Space " 458 , 891 470 , 000 4207000 85020 ' Impact Fees- Fire 143 , 708 120 , 000 100 , 000 Total Charges for Goods and Services 11041 , 692 990 , 000 970 , 000 14 h Miscellaneous Revenue : 361 110 Investment . Interest 1227396 75 , 000 60 , 000 367 110 Donations 109999 - - Total Miscellaneous Revenue 133 , 395 75 , 000 60 , 000 Other Financing Sources 391 100 Long -term Debt Proceeds - - 900 , 000 391 800 Intergovernmental Loan Proceeds 325 , 000. - Total Other Financing Sources 325 , 000 - 900 , 000 Total Estimated Revenues 275047866 313259782 31515 , 196 Total Estimated Resources $ 21504 , 866 $ 31325 , 782 $ 375157196 ADMINISTRATION Pell 36 ' { GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND EXPENDITURE DETAIL. THREE YEAR COMPARISON Jir Actual Actual Estimated 300 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 Debt Service 592 100 interest on Interfund Loan $ 387160 $ . - $ 22 , 160 Total `Debt Service 38 , 160 ,. - 227150 Other Services and Charges 594 XXX Professional 'Services 28 , 162 10 , 000 509000 Miscellaneous . ( Rebate ) 36 , 089 , - Total Capital Outlay 647251 10 , 000 507000 CaP ital Outlay : 594 140 Miscellaneous General Government 41800 220y Security of Persons and Property 356 , 751 - - 750 Park Facilities 88 , 859 580 , 000 962900,0 790 p Other Open Space 41007. 2001000 3007000 950 Pedestrian Paths/Trails 4 , 520 100 ;000 100 , 000 595 300 Roadway _ h t Total Capital Outlay 458 , 937 8807000 113627000 Other Financing Uses . 597 000 Transfers Out 844 , 848 21435 , 782 208 '1 , 036 Total Growth Management Capital Project Fundf $ 114061 , 196 $ 313257782 $ 375157196 CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : Capt. William Clark APark Improvements $ 50 , 000 Benton Park Improvements 30 , 000 Openspace Acquisition 300 , 000 Neighborhood Park Sites 6009000 Fallen Leaf Ballpark Improvements 100 , 000 Ash Creek Neighborhood Park Design 100 , 000 Heritage Park ,. 82 , 000 Trail /path Acquistion and Development 1007000 a Total Capital $ 113622000 r ADMINISTRATION t 37 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Transfers Out Detail Transportation Impact Fees . NW 38th Avenue Extension $ 2001000 192nd Avenue 3301000 Lake Road / Sierra 60 , 000 Leadbetter 168 , 458 Debt payments - Parker Street 210 , 564 Debt payments - Lake Road 70 , 287 Fire Impact Fees : Debt payments - Fire pumper truck 697603 Real Estate Excise Tax II Klickitat Park 868 , 749 Debt payments - Street Reconstruction 1031375 Total Transfers Out $ 21081 , 036 Park and Open Space Acreage 800 669 . 8 626 . 4 600 522 . 8 LMQ OL 400 327 . 4 299 E Z 200 147 a 0 il I I I I , A 7 1 Pre - 1990 Acquired 1990 - 2004 Acquired Totals ❑ Parks ® Open Space ADMINISTRATION 38 d t KLICKITAT PARK , CU NSTRUCTION PROJECT STATEMENT E This fund will account for the construction of the Klickitat Park , a new neighborhood park located at Klickitat and McIntosh . The park design benefited from collaboration of a diverse advisory committee . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS r Funding for this project will corse from real estate excise tax revenues . . 5 k REVENUE D ETA1 L TWO YEAR COMPARIS1nN ` Adjusted Estimated 32100 Estimated Revenue 3 2004 2005 397 000 Other Financing Sources .' e a Transfers in � $ 5007000 $ 8687749 Total Other Financing Sources 5007000 8689749 Total Estimated Resources $ 500 , 000 $ 868 , 749 EXPENDITURE D ETAI L TWO YEAR COMPARISON Actual Estimated v 322 . 00 - Approp Required °A 2004 2005 594 760 Park Facilities $ 5001000 $ 868 , 749 r { Total $ 500 , 000 $ 868 , 749 IV ATI {: 39 1 _i 1P ` , 2' _ r• �r 1 - , rr � .. r � . . _ � _ 11 .��� � .J .-Y' rl: -. . . . - . . r . .r 7, 4-1 /Gc ..y _•-•. :moi- . y . '. - . _ `3-'te a . - " �'�a.��c � ..J ', '. r . - .-4'-"D •� r�5 ..L fJi j!L �F _ o- r .- a T ' r. r . i r�.lAl FNAINCE DEPARTMENT Finance Director ( 1 ) MONTE CITY CLERK/ RECORDS ACCOUNTING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS RISK MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL SERVICES SERVICES Accountant ( 1 ) Manager of Information Systems Services ( 1 ) Deputy Treasurer ( 1 ) Information Systems Technician ( 1 . 5 ) Financial Assistant II ( 4 ) Financial Assistant 1 ( . 25 ) 0 .... . t - ' . •. . r 40 FINANCIAL AND RECORDS SERVICES DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The Finance Department' s mission is to ensure the City' s financial stability , maximize the use of� its financial resources , and provide superior financial , accounting , treasury. and budgeting information and services , while maintaining the highest level of public trust . The in Department strives to provide progressive, automated , quality services to the citizens , City Council and Mayor , and the many City departments it serves using the most advanced technology available and affordable . r, t DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 2005 1 . Implement accounting and setup billing . database and utility rates for new Storm Water utility . 2 . Research and implement a � process to accept web- based utility payments , if the costs are not prohibitive. 3 . Upgrade financial ' accounting software to ` newer version ands train all users of the newfeatures . 4 . Enhance cross training employees to provide continuation of service during employee absences . 5 . Complete emergency planning for the Finance and IT Departments specific operations . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Finance ' Department consists primarily of the following service areas : s Accounting / Financial Services Records/ Risk Management Budgeting and Accounting City Clerk duties Financial Reporting Information archival Utility Billing and Receipting Records Searches Payroll and Benefits Insurance Management .� LID Billing and Receipting Municipal Code , Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable gn,% 1 %1%1Cash and Investment Mgmt . Equipment Rental COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The Finance Departrpent continues to enhance efficiency and streamline its process ' using technology . The ultimate goal is to provide better services to our citizens and employees in other departments in the city . The department is requesting a part time employee . , in 2005 to assist in establishing a billing system for the proposed new utility . F" vi FINANCE 41 ' STATISTICAL INFORMATION The Finance Department is the core of many central services for the City . Superior customer service and improved processes are annual goals . The following charts reflect gth tds that inflhgi rowrenuence canes n processes and procedures to meet internal performance measures with limited staff . Accounts Receivable Invoices Mailed Accounts Payable Invoices Processed 11000 10 , 000 800 8 , 000 600 6 , 000 400 4 , 000 f 200 2 , 000 0 0 2002 2003 2004 est . 2002 2003 2004 est . • The following charts reflect growth in utility customers and bills over nine years and a snapshot of what the volumes were in 1990 . In this time frame , utility bills to customers have almost tripled , yet only one Financial Assistant has been added over the years . Service levels remain about the same due to continual process improvements , automation , and software enhancements . Total Utility Bills Sent Number of Receipts Issued 431844 452000 - 00 403000 - / 19 , 500 35 ) 000 - / 303000 19 , 000 N `I 7 . 69 25 , 000 CO 203000 182500 153000 - / i 1 18 , 000 103000 - 1 5 , 000 ' 171500 0 CD M CO C" o 0 0 0 a) 17 , 000 N N N N � 2002 2003 2004 est . 0 N t r 42 a. s r; . FINANCIAL AND RECORDS SERVICES EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON r Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 04 . 514 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 787744 $ 81 ; 106 $ 83 , 676 PersonnelBenefits 14 , 379 169000 18 , 500 Supplies 200 Other 'Services and Charges 598 21400 27100 230 FINANCIAL SERVICES e Salaries and Wages 271 , 325 281 , 139 300 , 132 Personnel Benefits xA 80 , 442 91 , 454 911637 Supplies1 , 863 6 , 000 61000 f a Other Services and Charges 15 , 745 20 , 400 28 , 400 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges 377 17600 11600 Interfund Payments for Services 621 600 17000 t } TOTAL FINANCIAL AND RECORDS SERVICES $ 464 , 094 $ 5007899 $ 533 , 045 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 7 . 93 % 6642 % Actual Estimated FINANCE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Finance Director $ 81 , 106 $ 83 , 676 Deputy Treasurer 497306 50 , 784 p Y Accountant 56 , 605 60 , 048 Finan cial Assistant 1 (2005 . 25 FTE ) - 81772 Financial Assistant Il (4 ) 1751228 , 180 , 528 Total Salaries $ 362 , 245 3837808 % Increase, (Decrease ) Prior Year 5 . 95 % It 1 MI OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL . Professional Services ( Bank fees , software licensing , software upgrade $2 , 800) $ 16 , 000 Communication. (telephone charges ) 41500 Travel 400 0 Insurance ( liability) 31000 Repairs and Maintenance of small office equipment 11000 Registrations for classes , subscriptions , membership dues 31500 Total other services and charges $ 28 ,400 FINANCE 43 1NTORMATLON SYSTEMS MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Information Systems division is to provide technical support and ' network services and resources which ignificantly enhance the service level provided to the network users and citizens requesting information . The Information Systems division provides a central technology service of integrating common data and voiceP rocesses , to provide information to the citizens 4n the most efficient , useful format possible. The division also has the responsibility of maintaining , protecting and securing the City' s ' vital data assets and network resources to ensure data and information integrity . DEPARTMENTAL PROJECTS AND COALS FOR 2005 1 . ` Network securities . Review and testing of network hardware , securities check on routers ' and firewall and overall system .; 2 . Desktop securities . Upgrades to desktops , Office upgrades , client testing and reviews , security enhancements and software testing . 3 . Wireless technologies . Expand library wireless K-20 system to allow for externel connections . Replace City' s main firewall and research other wireless technologies for City use . 4 . Inventory Control . Inventory checks on hardware and software . 5 . Permit Pack . Work with programmer to complete on - site permit inspection process , mobile technologies , and integration to the City' s Permit software . 6 . Operations CenterMater Sewer. Analyze reporting requirements and current processes ' to p aid in transitions to new technologies for water reporting and monitoring . Connect the Sewer Treatment Plant to the City' s network and add network accounts . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Information Systems division provides many system services and administration including : 1 . Project management . Providing project management for all networking projects ( voice and data ) . 2 . Desktop and user support . Providing technical support to users and maintenance on the city' s inventory of desktop computers . Maintain an inventory of hardware and software licensing requirements . This includes remote units and user support. 3 . Networking Administration and System Support . Maintaining the city' s servers and net- working hardware . Providing network administration and system engineering . 4 : Telecommunications . Providing system and database administration and user support for the city' s PBX system , voicemail and internet services . 5 . Data Security . Providing daily backup , recovery and virus protection across the network . 6 . Information Processing . Providing a central reference for the planning and development of cit Ydatabases and information processing . Integrating the city' s data with external , agencies . 7 . Web Development and Programming . Web site development , maintenance and programming . FINANCE 44 z F COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The division continues to focus on network and desktop securities as a priority for 2005 . With the continual rise in SPAM , virus attacks , spyware . and other software issues , supporting and securing over 175 computers , notebooks and other devices is vital to securing the city ' s data and networking resources . Computer replacements are budgeted in Small Tools line item . Each computer has the yearly licensing fees for networking , mail and filtering , virus protection , and desktop office applications - - these fees are budgeted in Professional Services . Departments also have unique application and database maintenance and licensing fees as well . The computers remain on a replacement cycle of between 3 . 5 and 4 years with some of the newer facilities coming up for replacement cycles that will cause expenses to fluctuate . The industry projects that the demand for PC replacements - to drop again in 2006 , which could help keep the costs down when the replacement cycle for the library facility PC ' s occurs . The library will be set up to offer remote portals for patrons in 2005 . This technology will allow patrons to bring their own devices such as a laptop to the library and gain access to the Internet . STATISTICAL INFORMATION Desktop Computers and Notebooks Per Department/ Division 60 55 cn 50 L C. 40 E o 30 ca 30 0 2 L 0 18 F - 20 E 14 z 8 10 4 6 4 6 4 i 0 ® N 0 C 0) 0) O •"' C �+ cn C 0) N O C C U O to CO C U (� SEEMENEW_ O a) 00000000 N (a O (a O Mao ZZM ...., to (� C O (n C LLOMMENEW ,i � O VaNNEEP CU C a) O U C C 0 � O Q (� am O . � C O u) � W Q LL LMM FORMA The Information Systems division supports users across all services and departments . Together with desktop support , the division maintains the city ' s network infrastructure , and administers the phone system , e - mail , voicemail system and internet services for all departments . . p 45 INFORMATION SYSTEMS EXPENDITURE DETAIL Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 12 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 518 900 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Salaries and Wages $ 1293947 $ 1357067 $ 1417308 Personnel Benefits 337947 301347 42 , 392 Supplies and Small Tools ( computer replacements ) 36 , 998 581600 481500 Other Services and Charges ( licensing ) 44 , 051 447250 35 , 500 Intergovernmental Services 684 11000 11000 594 180 CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital Outlay ( Firewall replacement ) - 7 , 000 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS $ 245 , 627 $ 269 , 264 $ 275700 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 9 . 62 % 2 . 39 % Actual Estimated INFORMATION SYSTEMS PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Manager of Information Systems $ 67 , 931 $ 707080 Information Systems Technician ( 1 . 5 FTE ) 67 , 136 717228 Total Personnel $ 135 , 067 $ 141 , 308 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 4 . 62 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services ( Network , email , anti -virus , desktop licensing , system support ) $ 28 , 500 Communication ( telephone charges , internet access ) 11000 Travel 11000 Insurance ( liability ) 17000 Repairs and Maintenance of small office equipment 11500 Registrations for classes , subscriptions 27500 Total other services and charges $ 351500 Allocation of Services ❑ Tech nology/ Information Systems Management and Planning ❑ Web Development/ Programming Services ❑ Server/ Network Administration and Engineering ❑ User and Desktop Support and Maintenance ❑ TelecommunicationsNoicemail / Internet Administration ❑ Hardware Acquisition and Technology Research ■ Training Although no formal policy sets requirements on allocation of services , the services usually weigh more heavily in ongoing support of users and desktops , network administration and maintenance , and technology management and planning . The above chart is a general breakdown of services provided . FMA L01 46 OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES FUNCTION The other general governmental services section of the budget provides for all expenses of general operations of the city not provided under a specific fund and department . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Other general government includes miscellaneous government expenses such as duplication , printing , postage , general liability insurance , dues to the Association of Washington Cities and State Auditor' s Office annual audit fees . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS A significant onion of the general liability insurance General Liability Insurance Premiums g p g y premium to Washington Cities Insurance Authority is $ 300 , 000 included in the budget of this department with a city - $ 250 , 000 wide premium in 2003 of $ 218 , 542 , 2004 of $ 217 , 669 $ 200 , 000 1 and anticipated premium in 2005 of $ 260 , 336 . X1507000 $ 100 , 000 $ 50 , 000 $ 0 2003 2004 2005 est . OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 07 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 519 900 MISCELLANEOUS Supplies $ 161659 $ 257500 $ 221500 Other Services and Charges 591158 731500 941460 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 247113 27 , 000 277000 531 700 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL Intergovernmental Services and Taxes ( $ . 30 per capita ) 3 , 891 47062 47260 567 000 MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 27607 21800 31000 TOTAL OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES $ 1061428 $ 1327862 $ 1517220 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 24 . 84 % 13 . 82 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services ( AWC membership , code book updates , Code On - line ) $ 141000 Communication ( postage , telephone charges ) 171000 Operating rentals and leases ( postage meter , post office box ) 11460 Insurance ( General Fund ' s portion of liability , property , and fidelity ) 50 , 000 Repairs and Maintenance ( Two copy machines , mail machine ) 67000 Annual fee with WA General Admin . , city pins , business cards 6 , 000 Total other services and charges $ 947460 47 ai LID Fund FUNCTION a To collect local improvement district revenue and to pay debt on LID construction projects . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Since the City no longer has any LID debt , receipts collected in this fund have no obligation ; therefore , it is permissible to transfer cash to the General Fund to help finance general obligations of the City . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 250 . 00 " Revenue Estimated Revenue 2003 2004 2005 291 740 Be ginning innin Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ - $ 30 , 000 Miscellaneous Revenue : 361 500 Interest on Assessment Receivables 39702 . - - 368 000 Principle of Special assessment receivables 187045 - - Total Miscellaneous Revenue 21 , 747 - - Total Estimated Revenues $ 219747 $ - $ 30 , 000 m EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 250 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 Other Financing Sources : 597. Operating 000 O eratin ` Transfers Out $ - $ - $ 30 , 000 Total LID Guaranty Fund $ $ 30 , 000 t FINANCE p 48 t . UNLIMITED TGENERAL , OBLIGATIONT BOND REDEMPTION , 4 MISSION STATEMENT This fund accounts ` for the payment of principal and interest on the 1996 unlimited general obligation refunding r bonds , often referenced as the " parks bonds " , and the $ 7 , 960 , 000 bonds to expand and remodel the city library . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 239 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue % 2003 . 2004 2005 Taxes : , 361 111 Real and Personal Property $ 782 , 975 $ 786 ; � 275 $ 7827375 Total Taxes $ 782 , 975 $ 7807275 $ 782 ; 375 EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual (Estimated 239 . 00 Expended Approp Required w 2003 2004 2005 Redemption of General Long + Term Debt 591 7204 Principal on Library Bonds $ 265 , 000 $ 280 , 000 $ 290 , 000 591 760 Principal on Park Bonds 957000 100 , 000 105 , 000 kL Total Redemption of General Long Term Debt £ k 3609000 380 , 000 395 , 000 Interest and Other Debt Service 592 720 . Interest on Library Bonds 3889540 375 , 290 361 , 290 592 760 Interest on Park Bonds 35 , 545 307985 26 , 085 Total Interest and Other Debt Service 424 , 085 4064275 3871375 Total Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund $ 784 , 085 $ 7867275 $ 782 , 375 1996 Refunding � Bonds Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment % 2005 $ 105 , 000 $ 260085 131 , 085 2006 , 1101000 20 , 835 130 , 835 a 2007 , 1207000 15 , 280 1359280 $ 335 , 000 $ 627200 . 397 , 200 2009 2000 Library Bonds Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2005 $ 290 , 000 $ 361 , 290 $ 65:1 , 290 2006 305 , 000 3469790 651 , 790 2007 320 , 000 331 , 540 6517540 f . 915 , 000 $ 190397620 $ 1 , 954 , 620 2020 FINANCE 49 F LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON - Actual Actual Estimated 240 . 00 Expended Approp Required s 2003 2004 2005 591 210 Police Facility/Principal $ 1609000 $ 1707000 $ 1709000 210 Pacific Rim Blvd / Principal 35 , 000 357000 40 , 000 595 SE 1st Street Road Improvements/ Principal 24 , 226 312026 33 , 252 595 Parker Street 1996/Principal 96 , 429 962429 96 , 429 595 Parker Street 1997/Principal - 57 , 875 575857 220 Fire Pumper Truck Principal 32 , 789 61 , 789 63 , 545 595 SE 1 st Street Construction / Principal - 319579 595 Street Reconstruction / Principal - 995679 592 210 Police Facility/ Interest 912883 83 , 254 76 , 118 210 Pacific Rim Blvd / Interest 177872 177141 14 , 232 595 SE 1st Street Road Improvements/ Interest 27301 29931 2 , 456 595 Parker Street 1996 / Interest 40 , 500 379607 33 , 714 595 Parker Street 1997/ Interest 143 , 775 242300 22 , 564 220 Fire Pumper Truck Interest 21013 71813 69058 595 SE 1 st Street Construction / Principal - - 37000 595 Street Reconstruction / Principal - - 31696 Total Limited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund $ 646 , 788 $ 625 , 165 $ 7547179 A 1996 Limited Tax Bonds ( Police Facility) Last Year Principal Interest Total of Pa ment 2005 $ 2109000 $ * 90 , 350 $ 300 , 350 2006 225 , 000 797850 304 , 850 2007 235 , 000 689488 3031488 2011 Parker Street - 1996 PWTF Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total of Pa merit 2005 $ 969429 $ 33 , 714 $ 1309143 . 2006 96 , 429 31 , 821 128 , 250 - 2007 967429 289929 125 , 358 2016 FINANCE so y t r . a ' Y Parker Street - 1997 PWTF Loan Last Year ,j Principal Interest Total of Pa ment 2005. $ 57 , 857 $ 22 , 564 $ 80 , 421 2006 579857 20 , 829 78 , 686 . 2007 57 , 857 197093 75 , 950 2017 SE 1 st Road Improvements 2001 PWTF Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2005 $ 33 , 252 $ 21456 $ 35 , 08 2006 33 , 252 2 , 660. 35 , 912 2007 33 , 252 21493 35 ; 745 2021 Y $ Fire Pumper Truck - 2003 Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total . of Payment 20051 $ 639545 $ 67058 $ 69 , 603 2006 1651351 41252 69 , 603 2007 67 , 205 2 , 394 697, 599 2008 SF 1 st Construction - 20Q3 ' PWTF Loan Last Year 14 Principal Interest Total of Payment q 2005 $ 31579 $ 31000 $ 34 , 579 2006 317579 21842 34 , 421 2007 31 , 579 21684 34 , 263 2023 lk. Street Reconstruction - 2002 PWTF Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2005 $ 997679 $ 3 , 696 $ 103 , 375 2006 997679 3 , 489 4103 , 168 2007 991,679 29990N 102 , 669 2012 Y FINANCE ry a l9 51 1 LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION _ BOND REDEMP TION n MISSION STATEMENT This fund accounts for the principal and interest on bonds issued in 1996 to construct a police facility and refund a CERB loan . This fund also accounts for the principal and interest for Public Works Trust Fund loans for Parker Street . 1 st Street road improvements, and the 2004 street reconstruction project . The loan for the fire pumper truck purchased in 2003 is accounted for here also . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 240 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2003 2004 2005 t MEMO wwwwwoo— Taxes : 311 100 Real and Personal Property $ 5847984 $ 5219588 $ 300 , 350 Total Taxes 584 , 984 521 , 588 300 , 350 NONE Other Financing Sources : 397 000 Operating Transfers In : 269528 103 , 577 453 , 829 Total Other Financing Sources 267528 103 , 577 453 , 829 Total Estimated Resources $ 611 , 512 $ 625 , 165 $ 754 , 179 USE SME ir 52 9 t } FIREMEN ' S PENSION r FUNCTION a The Firemen 's Pension budget provides for medical care and pension payments for the city's regular paid firefighters who were employed prior to January 1 , 1971 . Firefighters retired subsequent to that date will be paid from the Law Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement System administered by the State of Washington , Medical expenses for firefighters employed subsequent. to January 1 , 1971 , must be paid by the city General Fund directly , COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS M t i Retired firefighter pensions are increased by an amount equal to the change in th & Seattle consumer price index , 41 January to January each year. There is currently one surviving spouse receiving retirement benefits under this system and two firefighters receiving subsidy ' payments to their state pension . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 611000 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2003 2004 2005 Intergovernmental Revenue 336 ' ' 060 Fire Insurance Premium Tax $ - $ 16 , 000 $ 26 ; 000 Total Intergovernmental Revenue - 16 , 000 26 , 000 - Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Investment Interest # , 63 , 278 369 000 Employer Contribution 209428 - - Total Miscellaneous Revenues 83 , 706 Total Estimated Revenues $ 8*37706 : $ 16 , 000 $ 26 , 000 y EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 611 . 00 . 522 Expended Approp � J Required 2003 2004 2005 t Disability and Retirement : 200 Pension and Disability, $ 13 , 973 $ 16 , 000 $ 26 , 000 Total Firemen ' s Pension $ 139973 $ 169000 $ 26 , 000 FINANCE r rn S3 1 5 '. M Ati! L _ lJ4 re4 r k we POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE CHIEF ( 1 ) Police Chaplain POLICE CAPTAIN ( 1 ) CRIME PREVENTION ( 1 ) PATROL INVESTIGATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION DIVISION SUPPORT DIVISION e Patrol Sergeant Patrol Sergeant Detective Administrative Senior Squad A 2 Squad B 2 Sergeant ( 1 ) Sergeant ( 1 ) Admin . q O q O Support Assistant ( 1 ) Detective ( 1 ) School Resource Patrol Officers Patrol Officers Officer ( 1 ) Squad A ( 6 ) Squad B ( 6 ) Social Services Parking Admin . Enforcement Specialist ( 1 ) Support ( . 475 FTE ) Assistant II ( 2 ) Court Security Officer ( . 475 FTE ) Offender Work Crew Leader ( 1 FTE ) Animal Control (Washougal Contract) r - 54 a S .y f : LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT a4 MISSION STATEMENT ` The mission for eve member of the Camas Police Department to consistently seek and find every . ways to affirmatively promote , preserve and deliver a feeling of security , safety and quality of services to members of o.ur community . DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 2005 41 The Camas Police Department is committed to maintaining the high level of service the citizens of Camas tare accustomed to . Specific goals include : } 1 . Sustain the Camas community' s confidence in their police department by providing 14 n caring , competent , efficient , timely services 2 . Maintaining the professional training of staff 3 . Assuring the department policies . are contemporary and compliant with appropriate regulations 4 . Maintain the Washington State Law Enforcement Accreditation Z . Strive to sustain or improve budgetary efficiencies without negatively impacting proficiencies . f 5 . Adapt to increasing demands for service and maintain appropriate levels of safety for both staff and the community . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Theactivitiesof the Police Department include enforcing criminal violations , investigating . a n variety of non -criminal complaints and educating citizens on a multitude of crime prevention and security issues . Other activities include parking enforcement and coordination of neighborhood and community programs . In 2005 the Police Department will continue to manage corrections activities through Municipal Court to reduce overall jail and correction costs . Our staff will contnuetto -seek ways t6 improve efficiencies while minimizing expenses . .; COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS ` In 2005 we will ' face new challenges as the city continues to grow . In the late 1990 ' s the %Camas City council adopted a service level of 1 . 8 officer per thousand population . I 'n 2000 we dipped below 1 . 8 officer per thousand to °1 . 755 . We last added an officer in 2001 , but due to growth the ratio held at 1 . 777 . With continuing growth our staffing levels have shown a steady decline . Now , in 2004 we are at 1 . 497 officers per thousand . The department is finding difficulty maintaining safe and appropriate daily staffing levels . Compounding growth issues , we anticipate losing two or three officers to retirement and resignation over the next 18 months . Ittakes at least 1 year to ready new officer to work independently. Some additional overtime is reflected in this budget , anticipating staffing shortages . The time has come to face adding "additional staff or reduce levels of service to the x community . , W s As in past years , we , encourage staff to contain operation costs . We strive to ,grow in - our professionalism and in turn work to gain the respect and confidence of our community . Since 1999 we adopted the motto " No Call Too Small " Our community has become accustomed to this level POLICE 55I It A of service . We credit the Camas City Council for it ' s support thus allowing us to sustain this level of service and philosophy . Eachyear we have to acknowledge the increasing costs for support services which are outside our direct influence . Some of those services are CRESA dispatch and emergency services , Clark County Probation services and Clark County Jail services , and District/ Municipal Court services . . We are constantly looking for ways or opportunities to reduce these necessary and important casts of _ necessary services . We are , committed to representing the citizens of Camas in the highest standards of police professionalism . Community safety and a strong police presence are high priorities for the Police Department . } Performa=nce Obiectives for 2005 Maintain Minimum Response Times As the City grows , we face challenges in providing rapid response due to increasing calls ', road mileage and increasing traffic congestion . * We will strive to maintain response times to ' Priority 1 2 , and 3 ' ( more critical ) calls to under six minutes and ' Priority 3 and 5 ` ( less critical ) calls under ten minutes . Continue Conscious Management of City Resources t _ As the community' s volume of demand for services increases , we are finding it difficult to maintain the levels � of services both in quality and substance . The challenge increases when we attempt to sustain service levels and not increase staff resources . * With sensitivity to overtime usage , purchasing practices , staff deployments and other expenditures , we will work to prioritize and maintain a high quality service level . Higher priority will given to the community' s more critical public safety issues . Improve Communications with Public We believe it is important to communicate with our customers , the public . We intend to emphasize - more frequent and improved communications with Camas citizens on law enforcement issues . Renew State Accreditation It will be three years since we received our initial accreditation certificate from Washington 'Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Association . Re- certification is scheduled for 2005 . k * We plan to submit and achieve re - accredition in 2005 . Ae POLICE 56 µ T. it E i w LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON t A Actual Actual ` Estimated 001 Mr i Expended Approp Required 2003 12004 2005 ti 521 100 ADMINISTRATION { Salaries and Wages $ ; 279 , 886 $ 291 , 901 $ 301 , 532 Personnel Benefits 68 , 993 76 , 610 79 , 320 Su ` lies ry1 , 171 31000 21500 Supplies Other Services and Charges ProfessionalServices 269 . 31000 21000 Communications ($ 100) , Travel ($ 1 , 000) 21805 69100 51600 Repairs/Maint . `($2 , 500) ; Registrations ($ 2 , 000) Interfund Payments for Services 31755 31708 41800 521 POLICE OPERATIONS 220 PATROL AND INVESTIGATIONS r7%%% Salaries .and Wages 4 11184 , 066 19283 , 627 19361 , 845 Personnel Benefits 309 , 683 329 , 500 383 , 61 T Supplies 22 , 630 129500 71500 let Other Services and Charges 37 , 046 45 , 021 37 , 320 Professional Services ($ 2 , 000) Uniform cleaning ($ 9 , 000) Insurance ($22 , 670 liability) Repairs and Maint. ($ 1 , 500 ) , Travel k$ 1 , 500) Intergovernmental Services 31306 6 , 000 91000 Interfund Payments for Services 100 , 394 103 , 435 101 , 200 300 CRIME PREVENTION Salaries andpVllages 59 , 183 609543 62 , 359 Personnel Benefits 17 , 990 20 , 000 21 , 202 Supplies 111 ,67 21000 21000 Other Services and Charges 711 12 , 100 2 , 100 Communication ($ 300) , Travel ($ 000 ) , Repairs ($ 500 ) , Registrations ($700) 400 TRAINING Supplies 1 , 4 53 29200 41600 Other Services and Charges 611`17 14 , 000 14 , 000 ri Professional Services ($2 , 500 , trainers and simulation trailer) Admin- Mgmt Training ($2 , 000) Travel ($2 , 500) , Mileage ($ 2 , 000 ) Registrations , publications ($7 , 000 ) Intergovernmental Services ' - 300 300 a k Y ' w 57 s LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON ( Continued ) Actual Actual Estimated 001808 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 500 FACILITIES Salaries and Wages 91085 51000 71500 Personnel Services 2 , 405 11500 21250 Supplies 4 , 385 7 , 000 61000 Other Services and Charges 68 , 301 57 , 280 690844 Insurance ($ 6 , 844 property insurance ) ` Public Utilities ($ 28 , 900 ) Repairs and Maintenance ($ 23 , 410) Janitorial ($ 8 ; 590 ) Intergovernmental Services - 200 200 InterFund Payments for Services 922 11358 19200 710 TRAFFIC POLICING = PARKING ENFORCEMENT Salaries and Wages 16 , 196 18151 Gk 18 , 425 Personnel Benefits 2 , 372 3 , 196 29695 Supplies 54 300 600 Other Services and Charges s 161 550 550 w InterFund Payments for Services 21349 21633 11800 910 OTHER MUNICIPAL SERVICES - COMMUNITY SERVICES Salaries and Wages 52 , 685 54 , 407 56 , 000 Personnel Benefits 10 , 504 12 , 831 111650 Supplies 1 200 200 Other Services and Charges 563 31600 11600 Travel ($800 ) , Misc . ($ 800 ) 930 FINGERPRINTING/OTHER AGENCY Intgo,v Professional Services 432 11000 11000 950 DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT LEOFF - 1 Personnel Benefits 43897 44 , 298 51 , 707 528 . 600 COMMUNICATION , OPERATIONS , CONTRACTED SERVICES Intergovernmental Services 148 , 555 171 , 000 167 , 000 528 800 COMMUNICATIONS , GENERAL Supplies 11202 1 , 500 1 , 500 Other Services and Charges 20 , 221 17, 500 21 , 000 Communication ($ 19 , 500 cell phones , pagers , telephone ) Repairs and Maintenance ($1 , 500 repair phones and radios ) If TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS $ 21484 , 954 $ 21669 , 408 $ 21825 , 516 % increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 7': 42 % 5 . 85 % s POLICE 58 Actual Estimated LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Police Chief $ 931466 $ 961270 Police Captain 807464 82 , 886 Senior Admin Support Assistant 45 , 118 461476 Admin Support Assistant II ( 2 FTE ) 721535 751600 Administrative Overtime 318 300 Police Sergeant ( 6 FTE ) 4027814 4201545 Police Officers ( 14 FTE ) 8011812 8397611 Police Operations Overtime 20 , 000 407000 Holiday Pay 597001 61 , 689 Parking Enforcement ( . 475 FTE ) 163919 177425 Parking Enforcement Overtime 1 , 591 11000 Crime Prevention Police Officer 57 , 660 591390 Holiday Pay 27883 2 , 969 Social Services Specialist 531877 551500 Social Services Specialist Overtime 530 500 TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT $ 117087988 $ 178001161 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 5 . 33 % Police Enforcement Per 1000 Capita 2 . 50 2 . 02 cn 1 . 82 11 . 84 1 . 77 LM 2 . 00 . 77 1 . 76 1 . 70 1 . 62 0 1 . 50 1 . 43 v IAJMM O 1 . 50 a� 1 . 00 ' 0 a 0 . 50 0 . 00 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 est . 59 DETENTION AND CORRECTION FUNCTION The detention and correction budget provides for cost of care of prisoners and parole services . . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Prisoners are detained in the city jail temporarily . All other prisoners are held in the county jail . The city reimburses the county for board of prisoners and probation services : ' COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS As of January , 1997 the City must . reimburse Clark County for its share of jail and probation costs . All expenses of the work crew program are how accountedkfor in this department . In previous years some of these costs were in the Street Fund . Noteworthy is $ 300 , 000 paid to Clark County for jail and probation services . Camas has very little control of these costs . They represent services that would be far more costly to provide locally . We will continue to use local resources and , seek ways to mitigate these costs wherever possible . DETENTION AND CORRECTION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 A M23 Expended Approp Required . 2003 2004 2005 300 PROBATION AND PAROLE SERVICES Salaries and Wages $ 33 , 816 $ 38 , 040 $ 42 , 163 Personnel Services 37082 71510 61403 ' Supplies 9 , 183 f 10 , 000 91000 Other Services and Charges 21860 2 , 700 21700 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 125 , 248 1209000 877000 Interfund Payments 21300 41450 51400 600 CARE AND CUSTODY OF PRISONERS Salaries and Wages 20 , 055 21 , 698 237076 Personnel Services 29257 41498 21808 Supplies 514 11000 700 Other Services and Charges 281 300 200' Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 189 , 322 180 , 000 2089000 Interfund Payments 920 - - TOTAL DETENTION AND CORRECTION $ 389 , 838 $ 390 , 196 $ 387 , 450 % Increase ( Decrease ) ' Prior Year X0 . 09 % - 0070 %0 Actual Estimated DETENTION AND CORRECTION ,PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Offender Crew Leader (one at . 475 FTE , one at . 525 FTE ) $ 34 , 857 $ 407163 Overtime 39183 27000 Court Security Officer ( . 475F TE ) 20 , 107 221076 A Overtime 1 , 591 11000 Total Personnel $ 597738 $ 65 , 239 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 9621 60 r . 4 ANIMALCONTROL MISSION STATEMENT r ' The Animal Control Department ' provides for animal control expenses . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The City of Camas and the City of Washougal operate the Animal Control services under an interlocal agreement with the City of Washougal administering the program . The City of Washougal also operates an animal control facility . Costs budgeted here are the, City of Camas ' anticipated share' of its costs . y 5 Or .. .. I OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 00 '1 . 16 Expended Approp Required a 2003 200,4 2005 539 300 ANIMAL CONTROL Supplies $ - $ 500 $ 500 Intergovernmental Services 641966 70 , 563 75 , 500 594 390 Capital Outlay - Tota Other Physical Environment $ 649966 $ 71 , 063 $ 767000 ,i % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 9 . 38 % 6 . 95 % POLICE i 1 61 FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief ( 1 ) Deputy / Operations Chief ( 1 ) Fire Marshal ( 1 ) Senior Administrative Support Assistant ( 1 ) Deputy Financial Assistant II ( 1 ) Fire Marshal ( 2 ) " A" Captain ( 2 ) " B " Captain ( 2 ) " C " Captain ( 2 ) Paramedic Captain ( 1 ) Firefighter ( 2 ) Firefighter ( 3 ) Firefighter ( 3 ) Firefighter/ Firefighter/ Firefighter/ Paramedic ( 6 ) Paramedic ( 5 ) Paramedic ( 5 ) Volunteer FFs Volunteer FFs Volunteer FFs 62 'r _ EIRE CONTROL _ DEPARTMENT ._ . . MISSION STATEMENT To rovide the hi hest ualit ' service to our community through the protection and preservation " p g _ q y of life and property . ,w DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 2005 % �1 . Manage fire' and life safety aspects .of all new commercial construction occurring in 2005 . 2 . Arrive on emergency scenes within seven minutes of dispatch 90 % of the time . 3 . Transition volunteers to fire intern program 4 : Complete a comprehensive business plan . keel ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Fire Department provides plan review of new commercial construction, fire safety inspection of commercial and public occupancies , public safety education , fires suppression and emergency medical ' services . Trained personnel provide both fire suppression and ambulance transport services , with theambulance services funded through the Emergency Rescue Fund . COMMENTS ' ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The 2005 budget is status quo , with no new personnel or services . The organization chart reflects the , loss of , a . . 5 FTE Administrative Support Specialist 1 . The proposed 2005 budget reflects wages resulting from oa three percent contract settlement in 2004 . s A x 's aY 1 R H k Vic ;" Ak «x 3' r M 4 63 FIRE CONTROL EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON .Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 09 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 522 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 144 , 170 $ 154 , 308 $ 142 , 969 Personnel Benefits 25 , 659 31 , 536 29 , 995 Supplies 41425 51500 5 , 500 . Other Services and Charges 61675 41200 41200 Interfund Payments for Services 91550 99700 9 , 600 522 FIRE SUPPRESSION 210 REGULAR FORCE Salaries and Wages 192307001 111877318 1 , 2477795 Personnel Benefits 252 , 015 280 , 990 292 , 593 Supplies 337433 1537540 24 , 700 Other Services and Charges 51 , 060 65 , 200 657750 Professional Services ( $7 , 340 for respiratory compliance , carpet cleaning ) Insurance ( $ 13 , 710 liability insurance ) Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 36 , 000 on equipment and vehicles ) Cell phone , registration , publications , advertising ( $ 8 , 600 ) Intergovernmental Services - 200 200 Interfund Payments for ' Services 51243 59100 51100 220 VOLUNTEER FORCE Salaries and Wages 8 , 379 81000 81000 Personnel Benefits 21523 7 , 300 8 , 800 f Aw Su Pplies 7 500 500 Other Services and Charges 399 400 500 Interfund Payments for Services 216 100 - 230 WATER SERVICE Other Services and Charges 109800 119000 11 , 000 ( public `utility- hydrant rental ) 300 FIRE PREVENTION AND INVESTIGATION Salaries and Wages - 210 , 176 216 , 686 2237072 Personnel Benefits 35 , 493 44 , 140 45 , 414 Supplies ` 91390 91350 71750 - Other Services and Charges 97040 11 , 700 10 , 950 Professional Services ( $ 5 , 000 for technical consulting ) Cell phone , registration , publications ( $ 5 , 100 ) Interfund Payments for Services 14 , 000 12 , 900 129900 400 TRAINING Supplies 81582 51100 51100 - Other Services and Charges 27 , 414 26 , 000 21 , 000 Professional Services ( $ 6 , 000 ) Travel ( $ 5 , 000 ) Registration , publications ( $ 10 , 000 ) - FIRE 64 4 ! A0 FIRE CONTROL EXP NDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON ( Continued ) Actual Actual Estimated 001009 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 t4500 FACILITIES Salaries and Wages 6 , 511 77800 77800 Personnel Benefits 17829 21200 21200 Supplies 11750 21750 22700 Other %;Services and Charges 131 , 169 357000 39 , 816 Professional Services ( $ 9 , 500 janitorial , floormats ) Insurance ($4 , 316 property insurance ) Public Utility ( $20 , 000 ) r Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 6 , 000 on bldg . , HVAC ) Interfund Payments for Services 732 100 300 950 DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT- LEOFF 1 ' Is 411%778 42 000 49 , 980 Personnel Benefits 528 COMMUNICATIONS 1 Is 600 OPERATIONS , CONTRACTED SERVICES Intergovernmental Services j 48 , 873 57 , 700 611739 800 COMMUNICATIONS , GENERAL Supplies 13 , 297 51800 61800 Other Services and Charges 22 , 268 191, 700 197700 Communication ( $ 16 , 000 for cell phones , pagers , phones ) Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 3 , 000 for radio repairs ) 594 220 CAPITAL OUTLAY Administration 99854 - - Fire Suppression - (2004 New Fire Facility Study) 91 , 228 30 , O0a Prevention - Communications , General - - f TOTAL FIRE CONTROL ANDCOMMUNICATIONS $ 2 , 3681139 $ 214153 , 818 $ 273747423 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 3 . 62 % - 3 . 24 % 1 Y 1 1 A<i k 1 tPl I 1 5 , Ir - +Rn i. r ' 65 y Y4 t Actual Estimated FIRE CONTROL PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Fire Chief ( 1 /2 ) $ 45 , 809 $ 42 , 552 Deputy Fire Chief ( . 9 FTE ) 68 , 800 75 , 179 _ P Y Sr . Admin Support Assistant 4 ( . 5 FTE ) 22 , 559 23 , 238 Overtime 2 ; 000 21000 Admin . Support Assistant 1 ,r ( . 5 FTE - 2004 , 0 FTE - 2005 ) 15 , 140 - Fire CaP twin ( 6) 403 , 450 4203146 Firefighter ( 6 FTE -2004 , 8 FTE - 2005 ) 3357036 465 , 720 Firefighter/ Paramedic (6 FTE - 2003 , 4 FTE 2003 ) 3349208 235 , 289 Holiday Y Pa 44 , 624 46 , 640 , Volunteer Force 87000 8 , 000 Fire Suppression Overtime 709000 80 ; 000 Fire Marshal 77 , 638 797968 Deputy Fire Marshal (2 ) 1357048 139 , 104 P Y Fire Prevention Overtime 47*000 41000 Total Fire Control $ 19566 , 312 $ 17621 , 836 %o Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 3 . 54 % f 66 x t Y 4r:, EMERGENCY SERVICES FUNCTION Emergency management provides for safety , food , aid and housing to citizens during time of disaster . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The emergency management budget provides for an , intergovernmental payment to the county emergency services operation . The cost is based on per- capita . EMERGENCY SERVICES EXPENDITURE , DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 5 00 '1 . 11 . 525 Actual Actual Estimated Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 100 ADMINISTRATION Inter overnmental - Services $ 10 , 127 $ 117600 $ 12 , 528 TOTAL EMERGENCY SERVICCO 10 71127 $ 11 , 600 $ 129528 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 14055 % 8 . 00 % j M f F G 1 67 t fKp EMERGENCY RESCUE MISSION STATEMENT Y To provide the highest quality service to our community through the protection and preservation of life and property . GOALS FOR 2005 1 . Meet ambulance response time standards established by Clark County Ordinance . 2 . Provide all Basic Life Support pre - hospital care providers in the East Clark County area with essential training in treatment of trauma , pediatrics and mass casualty . 3 . Provide internal Advanced Life Support personnel with essential ; training in the areas of advanced cardiac , trauma and pediatric care . 4 . Increase public awareness of the services provided by this function . 5 . Showsins in recover of financial health by the end of 2005 . VP 9 recovery ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Fire Department provides emergency medical care and ambulance' transport to east Clark County . Efforts are being made to improve public relations and expand educational resources for both care roviders and the public at large . Every effort is made to provide the best possible service with the p resources available . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 8 The 20` g q 05 bud ` et is a status uo budget aimed at controlling costs to aid in regaining financial health . Actual 2005 . wa es based on an arbitrated settlement are reflected ; in the budget and account for a si nificant i g ncrease . Purchase of a new ambulance to replace the oldest and most unreliable vehicle , has been deferred forYet a second year as reduced revenue flows continue to be problematic . Filling of the vacant, firefighter/ paramedic position will be delayed until March 1 , 2005 . 68 - 7 { EMERGENCY RESCUE REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON x Actual Adjusted Estimated 115 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 20034 2004 2005 311 100 Taxes . Real and Personal Property $ 5447100 $ 5509000 $ 5500000 Total Taxes 544 , 100 550 , 000 5502000 . Intergovernmental Revenue : 334 040 State Grants 21400 27500 338 260 Shared ' Costs -Ambulance , Rescue , Emergency Aid 347 , 044 380 , 000 3787221 e Total 'Intergovernmental Revenue 3497444 382 , 500 378 , 221 Charges for Goods and Services 341 % 600 Printing and Duplicating 115 ` 100 100 342 600 Ambulance and Emergency Aid Fees 836 , 940 736 , 662 645 , 490 342 900 Other Security of Persons and Property 450 347 4 900 Culture andl Recreation 4 , 577 32,000 37500 n Total Charges for Goods " and Services 8427082 7399762 549 , 090 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 investment Interest 20 - 367 000 Contributions and Donations - Private Sources 240 400 250 t 369 900 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 451 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 41 14 1 1 711 400 % 1. 250 ry Other Financing Sources 391 800 Intergovernmental Loan Proceeds 140 , 000 Total Other Financing Sources - 140 , 000 - Total Estimated Revenues 1 , 7369337 198127662 175777561 Total Estimated Resources $ 197367337 $ 118129662 $ 115777561 A Sa N 1 69 «lj r EMERGENCY RESCUE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON r Actual Actual Estimated 115 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 F _ 526 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 1169331 $ 120 , 819 $ 1999136 Personnel Benefits 19 , 591 23 , 549 41 , 994 Supplies 37282 31100 39100 Other Services and Charges 41833 1 , 300 21400 Interest 875 2 500 21500 Interfund Payments 801000 96 , 000 - X00 AMBULANCE SERVICES Salaries and Wages 9237781 890 , 804 836 , 146 Personnel Benefits 164 , 933 206 , 120 1747844 Supplies 137 , 646 103 , 000 105 , 950 Other Services and Charges - 54 , 152 567200 60 , 700 Professional Services ( $ 5 , 000 for medical advice ) Operating rentals ( $ 5 , 300 for oxygen cylinders ) Insurance ( $ 16 , 500 liability and property insurance } Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 23 , 000 for equipment and ambulances ) Medical waste disposal , laundry, ( $ 101000 ) Intergovernmental Services and Taxes ' - 400 400 Interfund Payments for Services - 200 200 400 TRAINING Supplies 149042 13 , 000 11 , 500 Other Services and Charges 99749 217600 19 ; 100 Professional Services ( classes $ 12 , 000 ) Travel ( $ 2 , 000 ) , Registrations ( $ 5 , 000 ) Interfund Payments for Services 470 200 200 528 600 COMMUNICATIONS , ALARMS AND DISPATCH } OPERATIONS , CONTRACTED SERVICES Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 105 , 515 121 , 370 104 , 891 800 COMMUNICATIONS , GENERAL Supplies 91123 2 , 500 21500 Other Services and Charges 12 , 788 10 , 000 12 , 000 Communication ( $ 9 , 000 for cell phones , pegers , telephones ) Repairs ' and Maintenance ' ( $ 3 , 000 for radio repair) 594 260 CAPITAL OUTLAY Ambu / Rescue/ Einer Aid - 140 , 000 - Communications `, General 51116 - - TOTAL EMERGENCY RESCUE FUND $ 116629227 $ 11812 , 662 $ 4 17577 , 561 r r 70 p Actual Estimated EMERGENCY RESCUE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE d I Approp Required 2004 2005 AMBULANCE , RESCUE AND EMERGENCY AID ADMINISTRATION Fire Chief ( 1 / 2 ) $ 457809 $ 421552 Deputy Chief ( . 1 FTE ) q 711644 811353 Paramedic Captain 737620 75 , 828 Sr . Admin . Support Specialist ( . 5 FTE ) 221559 23 , 238 Financial Assistant 11 4311807 457132 Holiday Compensation 27945 37033 Overtime 17000 111000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 1971384 1997136 AMBULANCE Firefighter/ Paramedic ( 12 ) 6967384 7121300 Holiday Compensation 2711855 287846 Overtime 90 , 000 95 , 000 TOTAL AMBULANCE 8141239 8367146 ,L TOTAL AMBULANCE , RESCUE AND EMERGENCY AID $ 1 , 011 , 623 $ 170351282 % Increase ( Decrease ) over prior year 2 . 34 % Emergency Rescue responds to a number of calls each year as reflected in the graph below : Ambulance Responses Four Year Comparison 2 , 500 21481 23374 2 , 350 27350 29257 PIN 2 , 200 rI M t } 11 . 1'• ? ' 4 r , .._ . � . ' ).i - .ti 2 , 050 2001 2002 2003 2004 est . No 71 The following charts compare ambulance response times to standards . Ambulance Responses 02002 Actual Comparison to Standards IE2003 Actual ( thru Sept . 30 ) El 2004 Year to Date - 110 . 0 % - 100 . 0 _ 4 90 . 0 % 80 . 0 % I F MCI % 60 . 0 % 50 . 0 % 40 . 0 % 30 . 0 % 20 . 0 % 10 . 0 % 0 . 0 % Urban Suburban Rural Wilderness Response Time Standards ( per Clark County Ordinance ) Density of Time Population Category Standard per Sq . Mile Urban 8 : 59 > 21000 Suburban 12 : 59 1 , 000 - 21000 Rural 19 : 59 < 11000 Wilderness 1 : 00 . 59 1 or less A 1 L �r " �, -.. a .:� T I ' nL LIBRARY .r . Library Board of Trustees Library Director ( 1 ) Administrative Support Assistant II ( . 8 FTE ) Assistant Library Director ( 1 ) Youth Services Senior Associate Library Associate Assistant Librarian ( . 675 ( . 8 FTE ) ( 4 FTE ) ( 1 . 975 FTE ) FTE ) Page ( 2 . 375 FTE ) 72 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 4 MISSION STATEMENT The Camas Public Library exists to enrich the lives , encourage the self- education and promote the enlightened citizenship by providing free access to diverse and expansive collections . DEPARTMENT GOALS FORM 2005 i 1 . Seek ways to maintain quality service levels and building operation and maintenance with static or reduced funding . If 2 . With help from affiliate organizations , the library will maintain a level , of new materials acquisitions to ensure continued vitality of library collections . 4 3 . Complete a new three-year strategic plan . i F fi„ f _.,4 ACTIVITIES .ANDSERVICES In 2005 , the Camas Public Library' s materials circulation will exceed one - quarter million books , audio-tapes CD ' s , DVDs , and videos to residents 'of the greater Camas area . The percentage of registered Camas residents and the number ofeo le entering the library have reached all time highs . The library answers p p g about 15 , 000 telephone and in - person information and research questions annually . Through undertakings G < < ,.. , fl such as ' a summer reading program , weekly story times * and regular adult programs , the Library provides other informational , education , recreational , and cultural activities to 8 , 000 participants . The library' s free public meeting spaces will accommodate 300 + events . � t On„ . t 011 , LIBRARY k a 73 STATISTICAL INFORMATION Program Attendance and Kids Registered for Summer Reading 2000 - 2004 8 000 71500 67000 4 , 000 e 2 , 484 2 , 000 1 , 214 0 698 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 est . Program Attendees Children Registered For Summer Reading Program Items Circulated 2000 - 2004 300 , 000 250 , 000 2001000 150 , . 000 100 , 000 50 , 000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 est . LIBRARY 74 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 : 30p hded A ro Re aired Ex a pp p 2003 % 2004 2005 f I In 572 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 749220 $ 761447 $ 79 , 140 Personnel Benefits 179502 18 , 350 18 , 995 Other Services and Charges (travel ) 16 990 100 200 LIBRARY SERVICES Salaries and Wages 4445 , 442 4599693 479 , 155 Personnel Benefits 939256 1079180 115 , 490 Supplies A 23 , 097 171650 14 , 760 Other Services and Charges 27 , 700 28 , 110 277855 Professional Services ( $ 500 ) Communication ( $ 12 , 760 for postage , phone ) Insurance ( $ 5 , 000 ) Repairs ( $2 , 650 for maintenance contracts ) Misc . ( $4 , 935 for printing , registrations , memberships , interlibrary loans catalog databases ) Intergovermental Services and Taxes 18 ; 328 207500 19 , 330 of 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges (travel costs ) 226 2 , 775 500 500 FACILITIES Salaries and Wages 1 77082 59000 59000 { r Personnel Benefits 11941 17500 17500 Supplies 2 , 709 51250 47800 Other Services and Charges 53 , 010 76 , 650 92 , 085 Professional Services ( $ 13 , 600 for janitoral , window cleaning , lighting maintenance , fire extinguisher testing , carpet/ upholstery cleaning ) Communication ( $2 , 860 for telephone , postage ) Insurance ( $ 10 , 500 property) Public Utility ( $45 , 000 ) Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 3 , 975 ) If Interfund Payments for Services 3095 19500 250 594 720 CAPITAL OUTLAY ,3 .r Library Services - - Books 100 , 735 1187250 1067500i# t TOTAL LIBRARIES $ 868 , 359 $ 9399845 $ 965 ,460 M ° o Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 8 . 23 % 2073 % r LIBRARY 75 Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required ar 2004 2005 Library Director 1$ 76 , 447 $ 79 , 140 , Assistant Library Director 54 , 420 54 , 147 . Senior Library Associate ( . 8 FTE ) 38 , 296 39 , 446 , Library Associate ' [4 FTE] 180 , 504 185 , 896 Admin . Support Assistant II ( . 8 FTE ) 30 , 228 30 , 240 Library Assistant 69 , 824 66 , 828 ( 3 part-time 2 . 075 FTE - 2004 - 3 part-time = 1 . 975 FTE 2005 ) Youth - Services Librarian ( . 5 FTE - 20041 . 675 FTE - 2005 ) 229233 347119 t Overtime 420 435 Other Salaries and Wages ( pages and substitutes ) 637768 68 , 044 Total Libraries $ 536 , 140 $ 5587295 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 4 : 13 % t 404 r rs v, LIBRARY 76 LIBRARY C PROJECT STATEMENT 1 This fund will account for the construction of the expansion and remodel of the Library building , t; and $ 800 , 000 will be used to expand , parking . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS ry was star Design ted in 2000 . The library moved to it' s temporary location in the Fall Xof 2001 . g r Construction of both the remodel and expansion began December 2001 . The grand opening was May 2003 . Budget authority remaining as of December 31 , % 2004 , will be carried over to year 2005 and entered into the ledgers by journal entry . Total construction costs are $ 8 , 479 , 505 . Retainage to the general contractor has not been paid . REVENUE DETAILA THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 320 , 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue .t 2003 2004 2005 '44 291 740 Beginning Appropriate Fund Balance $ - $ - $ Miscellaneous. Revenues : 361 110 Investment Interest 18 , 358 - - , 309 900 Other Miscellaneous 0 - Total Miscellaneous Revenues , 18 , 358 - Total Estimated Resources $ 18 , 358 $ - $ EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON F Actual Actual Estimated 320 . 00 . 594E20 Expended Apprrap Required . 2003 2004 2005 Salaries and Wages $ 21209 Personnel Services 651 Supplies 15 , 490 - Other Services and Charges 133 , 470 - - Land - Capital Outlay 4 117929 , 328 Total $ 21081 , 148 $ $ - LIBRARY h 77 i y � ._ mss ' f '- .. ; . .: t. 3' ,c" M • - _ _ - r„ - _ - y�C _LIM.. I , - � y c ! `ri-r•,,T,. ;r' - - �: •'' '• LIF MV ILL i . Ld MI MM, f : . - - _ - 7 • z . . � - - �J�l . - � . ' .. . IT .L. - - I 'Yti• !� V1�1� :. v . . .. �. . _ _ . . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Director ( 1 ) r - - ADMINISTRATION Administrative Assistant ( 1 ) PLANNING DEPT . Secretary to the Planning Manager ( 1 ) City Administrator . 5 FTE Planner II 1 I i BUILDING DEPT . Code Compliance Building Official ( 1 ) Specialist ( 1 ) I Senior Building inspector 1 Assistant Planner . 5 FTE I I Building Inspector II 1 Plans Examiner 1 ENGINEERING DEPT . Engineering Manager ( 1 ) Permit Clerk 1 PW Project Manager 1 FaIII,, Support Assistant II 5 FTE En ineer III 1 . 5 FTE I En ineer II 2 I Engineering Tech 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Administrative Support . Assistant II 1 . 5 FTE OPERATIONS Public Works Operations Manager ( 1 ) Administrative Water/Sewer Street Parks Support Assistant II ( 1 ) Op . Supervisor-W/ S ( 1 ) Op . Supervisor = Street ( . 8 FTE ) L Op . Supervisor - Parks ( . 2 FTE ) MINIM I E Water Supply Lead Maintenance Worker 1 Lead Maintenance Wkr . 1 Operator 1 Sr . Maintenance Worker ( 2 ) Sr . Maintenance Wkr. ( 1 ) Storm Drainage Utility Senior Utility Engineer III ( . 5 FTE Maintenance Worker ( 3 ) Maintenance Worker II ( 2 ) Maintenance Worker II ( 2 ) Maintenance Wrk . II . 75 FTE Utility Maintenance Seasonal Maintenance Seasonal Maintenance Worker II 2 Workers 1 . 75 FTE Workers 1 . 667 FTE Maintenance Wrk . 1 ( . 25 FTE Utility Maintenance Seasonal Maintenance Worker 12 Central Services Workers ( . 8334 FTE ) Maintenance Wrk . II ( . 25 FTE ) Seasonal Maintenance Workers 11 . 667 FTE Equipment Rental Chief Mechanic ( 1 ) Sewer Treatment Plant Mechanic ( 2 ) Chief Waste Water Sanitary Collection Treatment Plant Operator ( 1 ) Chief Sanitation Seasonal Maintenance Worker ( 1 ) Worker ( . 4167 FTE ) Waster Water Treatment Plant O 4 Sanitation Worker II 2 Seasonal Maintenance Sanitation Worker I . 75 FTE Worker . 4167 FTE ' VIwj, M- qP fi !" ., : -L:T . 'h'1 ' . � � " . ' :r 11 r !" Rr "i6pp+f ' , Y " " �` - .�.� try 41: YI. e � � t=� - A r'•i ., � _� a - _ - - - - No - rn- � ' .4 . .r ,w . y".� y - - r - r 78 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The Administration Department provides administrative , research; secretarial and clerical support for the Engineering , Protective Inspections , and Operations Departments . The Engineering Department provides general administration and supervision including planning , and developing of capital improvement programs of city public works operations , and provides for long range utility and transportation planning . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2005 Administration : 1 . Support the revitalization and development of the various business districts of the community . 2 . Guide and strengthen an effective � team . 3 . Continiue in the development and implementation of information systems and electronic record management . r Engineering : 1 . Complete the construction of SE 1 st Street/ Lake Road street improvement project . 2 .* Continue to improve citizen involvement in long -term planning and neighborhood projects . 3 . Continue the conversion of as- built drawings to digital format . Distribute to desk top for staff. Start process to make drawings available to subscribers over the web . 4 . Maintain the GIS mapping system . 5 . Inspect and monitor numerous residential and commercial developments . 6 . Provide ., engineering and administrative services for the 38th Avenue extension . 7 . Provide engineering and administrative% services for the Leadbetter extension . 8 . Provide engineering and administrative services for the installation of a new traffic signal t system for NE 3rd and Lechner . 9 . Continue with the development of new water sources . 10 . Provide engineering and administrative services for the Washougal River waterline crossing and the lower Prune Hill , pumping station upgrades . 11 . Provide engineering and . administrative services for sewer ' line replacements on NW McIntosh , NE 2nd , NW 2nd , and NW 6th .Aven.ues . ACTIVITIES ANDSERVICES The Engineering Department designs and supervises capital improvement programs for the city . It is responsible for engineering , inspection and supervision of the Streets , Water-Sewer , Parks maintenance , Equipment Rental and Sanitary Departments . Engineering programs . include design , plans and specifications for all construction projects in the City not contracted with consulting . engineering firms . Supervision of sanitary collection activities , also , falls within the jurisdiction of this department . PUBLIC WORKS f r r 79 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 13 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 531 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 189 , 529 $ 2210175 $ 158 , 817 Personnel Benefits 48 , 120 52 , 418 479327 Supplies 3 , 633 4 , 000 310Q0 Other Services and Charges ( cell phones , travel , etc , ) 61902 10 , 550 6 , 950 Interfund Payments for Services 11004 11000 11500 200 ENGINEERING PLANS AND SERVICES Salaries and Wages 495 , 326 498 , 900 573 , 166 Personnel Benefits 1441642 159 , 894. 171 , 858 Supplies 91279 109000 117500 Other Services and Charges Professional Services 12 , 555 25 , 000 27 , 700 Traffic Counts 99510 - Cell phones , equip . maint . , registrations , insurance 13 , 267 14 , 675 17 , 100 Intergovernmental Services 13 5 , 500 61600 Interfund Payments for Services 25 , 897 27 , 000 27 , 000 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges (travel , registrations ) 31741 99000 69500 TOTAL ENGINEERING $ 963 , 418 $ 1 , 0399112 $ 190597018 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 7 . 86 % 1 . 92 % Actual Estimated ENGINEERING PERSONNEL SCHEDULE AppropRequired 2004 2005 Public Works Director $ 86 , 141 $ # 88 , 728 Administrative Assistant 439165 459791 Secretary to the City Administrator ( . 5 FTE ) 22 , 560 239238 Admin . Support Assistant 11 (2 ) 68 , 249 559953 y Administrative ' Overtime 11060 11060 Engineering Manager 70 , 299 75 , 084 Project Manager 62 , 460 72 , 410r Engineer III ( 2 FTE - 2004 , 1 . 5 FTE - 2005 ) 123 , 673 98 , 364 Engineer II ( 1 05 FTE 2004 , 2 FTE - 2005 ) 849665 117 , 378 Senior Engineering Technician ( 1 FTE - 2004 , 0 FTE - 2005 ) 539877 - Engineering Technician ( 2 FTE - 2004 , 3 FTE 2005 ) 98 , 621 1489672 Overtime 51305 51305 Total Engineering I $ 720 , 075 $ 731 , 983 ` % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 1 . 65 % PUBLIC WORKS 80 u i PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MISSION STATEMENT r r Planning and community , development implements the laws of the state and city regarding the use of real property and participates in the development of such laws and associated policies . It provides for the orderly management and accommodation of growth in a manner that maintains and enhances the quality of life for the City . Planning assists our citizens and leaders in establishing and maintaining a shared vision for the entire community . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2005 f e L' The following are the major goals for year 2005 : . I Complete the Wetlands and Fish and Wildlife , Habitat Regulations to the Critical Areas 44 Ordinance consistent with state requirements . 2 . Develop strategies and plans to implement annexation of properties with the 2004 adopted urban growth area . 3 . Assist Parks and Recreation in updating the comprehensive park and , open space plan . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Planning and community development provides staff support to the City Council and Planning Commission if for allland use matters . The division performs duties for both current and - long - range planning . Current (short range ) planning fulfills the city' s regulatory role underfederal , state , � and local land use laws and ` policies , and takes an active role in developing and . updating of said laws . Most notable among these laws p n and policies are the Zoning Code , Subdivisionz Code , Shoreline Master Program and implementing ordinances , State Environmental Policy Act ( SEPA ) , and Regulatory Reform . Development proposals are reviewed and gland use approvals granted through these systems . Coordinating development review with other divisions and departments and other agencies with jurisdictional is a major planning division responsibility . Long -range planning focuses on development and implementation of long - range goals and policies guiding future community development . These include growth management strategies , shoreline management policies , Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code } development , annexations , and code development and participation in regional and statewide issues . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS .. This budget reflects completing a critical areas ordinance per new state law requirements . Staff will also be fully implementing the 2004 Comp Plan . At the direction of City Council , staff will turn its attention to implementing strategies and plans within the adopted Urban Growth Area .; On a personnel note , this budget reflects a shift off workload from the extensive and time -consuming Comp Plan update to more development t review and implementation . As noted last year, the new staffing level will maintain current level of service , reflective of the 2005 tasks . ADMINISTRATION 81 r PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 15 Expended Appro'p Required 2003 2004 2005 558 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges $ 740 $ 3 , 000 $ 37000 600 PLANNING Salaries and Wages 176 , 090 186 , 004 2019432 Personnel . Benefits 45 , 170 499578 58 , 175 Supplies 1 , 257 2 , 500 1 , 500 Other Services and Charges ( phones , travel , registrations ) 109568 7 , 000 51000 Comp . Plan Update 439356 10 , 000 - Wetlands 59000. Geotech - 31000 - Critical Areas Ordinance Update 6 , 197 Development Review Services - - 23 , 500 Peer/ Environmental Review - - 39500 Insurance 229809 22 , 493 20 , 000 Intergovernmental Services 0 6 , 500 61500 rw � r Interfund Payments for Services 59609 41000 41000 910 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT t Other Services and Charges 21500 2 , 500 21500 Columbia River Economic Development Council 219000 21 , 000 21 , 000 559 300 Housing and Community Development Downtown Rental Housing Rehabilitation Project ( CDBG ) - 175 , 000 - TOTAL PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 335 , 296 $ 497 , 575 $ 350 , 107 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 48 . 40 % 729 . 64 % Actual Estimated PLANNING PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Planning Manager $ 741290 $ '' 76 , 397 Planner 1 50 , 292 4 589304 Assistant Planner ( . 5 FTE ) 18 , 894 19 , 608 Code Compliance Specialist 42 , 528 45 , 123 Total Planning $ 1869004 $ 199 , 432 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 7 . 22 % ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DETAIL : Professional Services includes : Columbia River Economic Development Council $ 21 , 000 Sister City Program 2 , 500 23 , 500 ADMINISTRATION 82 i d . PROTECTIVES INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT fi MISSION STATEMENT Protective inspections provide for inspections and enforcement of regulations relevant to the issuance of building permits and other permits not assigned to a specific department . . GOALS FOR 2005 The . residential construction activity for 2005 is expected to' be higher because of the surge in the number of developed lots in 2.004-2005 . With the development of areas of mixed use , the level of commercial construction is expected to increase . Cour specific goals are . t The Building department will . 1 Continue to respond to plan reviews at a four-week turnaround time . 2 . Respond to all inspection requests received prior to 5 : 00 AM each workday . 3 . Work with contractors , citizens and permit holders to maintain clean , safe, and sanitary work sites . Help mitigate soil erosion problems in cooperation with the Engineering Department. 4: Work with industry , commercial community and public agency permit applicants to promote an efficient and predictable permit issuance 5 . Meet with applicants for pre design and pre- application to facilitate the permit process . fi . Respond to any "fast track" construction projects at a high priority . 7 . Work with the fire department to coordinate residential fire sprinkler requirements and make information available to the permit applicants . 8 . Continue the cooperation with other jurisdictions in Southwest Washington to promote code enforcement uniformity . The work to develop regional graphical code and construction details will continue as well as development of uniform residential and commercial plan review checklists . 9 . Work cooperatively with code enforcement on the abatement of dangerous buildings . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The building department enforces' the International Building Code , Mechanical Code , Plumbing Code , the State of Washington Energy Code , Indoor Air Quality Code and Accessibility Codes as amended by the State of Washington . The department also enforces certain elements of the zoning ordinance pertaining to new construction and also change in use , of existing buildings The building department , at time of issuance of building permits , collects water and sewer development charges and all impact fees . iIComputatlons of fire impact fees are made . The fire department is notified at permit issuance of buildings required to have fire sprinkler systems installed . The building department cooperates with other jurisdictions in Southwest Washington and Clark County Home Builders to promote uniformity and training in code enforcement . We have a fast track permit system in cooperation with Northwest Natural for furnace replacements and alterations . v COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1 The building department is budgeting outside inspection services to help with {the anticipated inspection activity . This is to conform to the guidelines required to maintain our Insurance Service Organization {lS0 } class "2 " rating . l4 PUBLIC 83 Construction Value Six Year Comparison 75 , 000 , 000 10 Industrial / Commercial / Public 6030007000 ® Residential LM 45 , 000 , 000 0 30 , 000 , 000 151 000 , 000 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 est . CONSTRUCTION VALUE PERMITS ISSUED YEARS Industrial / Industrial / Commercial / Commercial / Public Residential Public Residential 1999 $ 31358 , 904 $ 34 , 712 , 597 30 218 2000 13 , 790 , 706 287 586 , 363 26 207 2001 12 , 823 , 473 37 , 043 , 928 29 241 2002 633 , 230 64 , 069 , 152 31 398 2003 1 , 399 , 167 49 , 430 , 376 34 272 2004 est . 16 , 000 , 000 497 600 , 000 20 275 Industrial Residential 40 „ — — __ __ _ - 500 35 cn 400 30 ti LM 25 a 300 . _ - A ddddddddd " I . - 0 20 0 15 200 Z 10 Z 100 5 - 0 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 est . 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 est . YEARS YEARS PUBLIC WORKS 84 PROTECTIVE INSPECTION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 22 . 524 Expended Approp = Required 2003 2004 2005 200 INSPECTIONS , PERMITS a Salaries and 'Wages $ 273, 895 $ 286 , 823 $ 313 , 201 Personnel Benefits 721248 75 , 120 861876 Supplies 4 , 142 4 , 715 51540 Other Services and Charges ( Professional Services ) 17095 41800 31500 Outsource plan reviews , and inspection services 414 , 290 157000 44 26 , 600 Phones , pegers , radio ( $ 3 , 900 ) , Equip . Maint . ( $ 950 ) 31599 41750 418`50 Software , publications , travel , miscellaneous ( $ 1 , 350 ) 709 11365 1 , 350 Interfund Payments for Services 14 , 400 , 11 ,064 14 , 400 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges (travel , registrations ) 41586 t 1 , 000 71330 500 FACILITIES Supplies 656 - A Other Services and Charges ( insurance ) 31202 - 37000 594 , 240 CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery and Equi=pment ( Copy machine) - 77000 597 000 TRANSFERS * Transfers AOut - - 27000 11 1 IN TOTAL PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS � $ 392 , 822 $ 415 , 637 $ 4757147 t � % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year . 5 . 81 % 14 . 32 % r Actual Estimated PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 f � . t. Building'ildin Official $ 70 , 297 $ 727405 Senior Building Inspector 58 , 880 61 , 703 Building Inspector II 53. 7877 55 , 496 Plans Examiner 53 , 877 55 , 496 Permit Clerk , 45 , 118 462477 Administrative Support Assistant 11 ( . 5 FTE ) 17 , 124 Overtime 417 .74 41500 Total Administration $ 2869823 $ 3137201 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year, 9 . 20 % PUBLIC W04RKS i , r 85 CENTRAL SERVICES FUNCTIONy,, The central services function is a classification for general building services as prescribed in the state* auditor' s Budgetina Accountin_g and Reporting System ( BARS ) . This ` budget includes the costs of providing housing facilities facilities for general government , public safety , public " works , engineering , and administration . r ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Expenses under this budget include the maintenance and operation of the municipal building . THREE YEAR . COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 23 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 r 518 200 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Salaries and Wages $ 6 , 9122 $ 10 , 558 $ 129566 Personnel Benefits 31809 31107 51710 Supplies 11 , 177 16 , 500 16 , 500 Other Services and Charges 85. , 570 111 , 200 957650 InterFund Payment for Services 20 500 - 594 180 CAPITAL OUTLAY Other Improvements - 51000 51000 TOTAL CENTRAL SERVICES $ 107 , 488 $ 1469865 $ 135 , 426 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 36863 % - 7 . 79 % Actual Estimated CENTRAL SERVICES PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 Maintenance Worker ( 25 FTE ) $ 10 , 358 $ 12 , 366 Overtime 200 1200 Total Central Services $ 10 , 558 $ 12 , 566 Increase (Decrease ) Prior Year 19 . 02 % CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAILS : Heat pump replacement $ 57000 ML Total $ 51000 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services (janitorial for City Hall , fire extinguisher/alarm maint . ) $ 14 , 400 Communication (telephone , Portland line ) 61000 Operating Rentals 500 Insurance ( property insurance for City Hall ) 61700 Public Utility (.electric , gas , water , sewer , garbage ) 36 , 150 Repairs and Maintenance ( HVAC , generator , painting , garage doors ) 31 , 900 Total other services and charges $ 959650 PUBLIC WORKS 86 Ra ! Y CITY STREET , DEIPARTIVI ENT MISSION STATEMENT A The street bud et provides for maintenance and minor construction of all city streets within �, g the city limits . C DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2005 1 Provide for the safe movement of drivers , cyclists ' and pedestrians ' within our community . 20 Maintain the roadways , b %kepaths and sidewalks in a manner, which preserves the City' s long term` investment , provides the optimum mobility , and optimum safety . ! 30 Promote water quality , minimize runoff % of pollutants into fish, bearing waterways , sweep , all streets once per month { downtown mall once per . week ) , and clean out all catch p . basins a minimum of once per year . 4 . Maintain street surfaces by performing preventative maintenance including crack sealing , chip sealing , slurry sealing , and hot mix asphalt . ' 50 Purchase % one additional sanding unit : . x ACTIVITIES A14D SERVICES Maintaining g, seal coating , patching and grading of streets , providing lighting of roads and _ intersections , providin snow and ice control , sweeping of streets and maintaining or it I I +; r operate traffic signals are activities and services provided from the street t budget activity . t PUBLIC WORKS 0 ..< ; �n A 87 u CITY STREET FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 112 . 00 Revenue I Estimated ` Revenue 2003 2004 ` 2005 291 740 Be g i„ nnin_ g' Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 50 , 000 $ 150 , 000 _ Intergovernmental Revenue : 333 140 Community Dev . Block Grant 61 7699 - 333 200 Federal Indirect Grants - STP 37065 2167000 197 , 500 334 036 State Grants 77084 - 231 , 542 336 000 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax- City Street 1927681 200 , 646 2201109 336 000 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Street Imp . 90 , 091 93 , 862 102 , 912 338 950 Shared Costs - Road Improvements 500 , 000 15 , 000 31 , 036 Total Intergovernmental Revenue 8547620 525 , 508 783 , 099 Miscellaneous Revenues . 361 110 Interest 31190 - - 363 000 Other Miscellaneous 41612 - - 367 110 Contributions 76 , 572 - Total Charges for Goods and Service 842374 - - Total Estimated Revenues 938 , 994 575 , 508 933 , 099 Other Financing Sources : 391 800 Intergovernmental Loan Proceeds (PWTF ) 11018 , 000 - 397 000 Operating Transfers lry 114339391 22989 , 274 17933 , 023 Total Other Financing Sources 1 , 433 , 391 4 , 0077274 11933 , 023 Total Estimated Resources $ 2 , 372 , 385 $ 41582 , 782 $ 27865 , 122 PUBLIC WORKS 88 CITY STREET DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL. THREEYEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 112 . 00 Expended Approp, Required 203 2004 2005 Roadway ' Preservation 541 300 Roadway $ $ $ 2967477 Road and Street Maintenance 542 300 Roadway 247 , 734 304 , 888 85 , 107 400 Storm Drainage 547985w 619635 ° 500 Structures 247 21512 21484 610 Sidewalks 36 , 738 212269 31 , 141 620 Special Purpose Paths 1 , 786 17130 901 630 Street Lighting 197 , 707 178 , 187 L 2151331 XT640 Traffic Control Devices 937131 1337269 1311147 650 Parking Facilities 27028 11523 11469 660 Snow and Ice Control 59708 25 , 652 357031 670 Street Cleaning 53 , 727 97 , 617 327550 700 Roadside82 , 977 71 , 353 62 , 438 710 Downtown Mall Maintenance 471152 53 , 269 481981 800 Ancillary Operations 127428 16 , 334 191609 810 Work Crew 6022.5 4 - . 900 Mainterriance Administration 91 , 376 69 , 979 1147016 Road and Street General Administration 543 , 100 Management 317095 407358 21000 200 Undistributed Engineering 817398 316 , 762 300 General Services 119850 91000 342 , 662 500 Facilities j4 81079 51057 51012 600 � Training . 11 , 121 12 , 152 11 , 266 700 Undistributed Indirect Labor Costs - 130 - Road and Street Facilities 544 200 Maintenance of Stations grid Bldgs 60 , 204 499500 49 , 500 Capital Equipment outlay 594 430 General Services - - Road . and Street Construction t 595 300 Roadway _ 11128 , 669 275787000 930 , 000 400 Storm Drainage - 30 , 000 - 500 Structures 89280 - 610 Sidewalks , 39 , 202 - 85 , 000 620 Special , Purpose Paths - - - 630 Street Lighting 2 , 791 - 640' Traffic Control Devices 782175 5037206 335 , 000 700 Roadside % Development - - Transfers 597 000 4 ' Transfer - 29 ; 000 eratin p g Total City Street F�u� n d $ 2 , 404 , 813 $ 4 582 , 782 $ 21866 , 122 . % Increase ( Decrease ) offer prior year 90 . 57 % - 37 . 46 % PUBLIC WORKS 89 Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 �. Transportation / Road & Street Construction Public Works Operations Manager ( . 33 FTE ) ` $ 299160 $ 272478 , Operations Supervisor - Streets ( 1 FTE - 20041 . 8 FTE 2005 ) 63 , 962 54 , 480 Lead Maintenance Worker 57 , 348 599065 Senior Maintenance Worker 2 1041449 107 , 579 Maintenance Worker II ( 2 . 5 FTE - 2004 , 2 FTE - 2005 ) 116 , 467 92 , 775 Maintenance Worker ( . 167 FTE ) 69704 M1 SeasonalNaintenance Workers 28 , 818 34 , 616 ( 3 at . 5 FTE - 2004 , 1 at . 5 FTE and 3 at . 4167 FTE - 2005 ) , Overtime 99500 91500 Total Transportation / Road and Street Const . $ 416 , 408 $ 3857493 % Increase ( Decrease ) over prior year - 7 . 42 % CAPITAL * OUTLAYv DETAIL : Roadway Construction Projects 112 -62 -595 =30049 192nd Avenue $ 330 , 000 0 112 = 64 -595 -300 , 65 NW 38th Ave Extension 200 , 000 112 -70 -595 =300 =65 Leadbetter design 4009000 Sidewalk Construction Projects E 112 -00 -595 -610 -65 Pedestrian safety improvements 85 , 000 Traffic Control Devices 112 - 67 =595 - 640 -65 3rd and Lechner . 3359000 Total City Street Projects and Equipment 44 $ 11350 , 000 3�t F a 'mow 2J. 3v PUBLIC WORKS 1 t 90 � r . ST I st Street/ Take Road Construction FUNCTION This fund was established to account for the construction of the SE 1 st Street/Lake Road construction project . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS . Thin project is ' funded by a variety of sources which include federal and state grants , cost sharing with Clark County , the City of Vancouver, private industry , * and Public Works Trust Fund loans . The budget remaining as of December 31 , 2004 , will be carried - over to year 2005 and entered into the ledgers by journal entry . . REVENUE DETAIL TWO YEAR COMPARISON Adjusted Estimated 113 . 00 Estimated Revenue 2004 2005 , 3 Intergovernmental Revenue : 331 100 Federal Appropriations $ 119031500 $ - 333 202 % Federal Interstate Discretionary Maintenance 2 , 4009000 j 334 036 State , .Grarrt - Department of Transportation 3754 , 500 338 950 Shared Costs 50 , 000 Total Intergovernmental Revenue 8 , 108 , 000 - Miscellaneous Revenue : 361 110 Investment Interest 11000 367 110 Contributions 2317000 - Total Miscellaneous Revenue 232 , 000 - Other Financtng Sources : 391 800 Intergovernmental Loan Proceeds 3 , 000000 397 000 Transfers 00 , 000 Total Other Financing Sources 31000 , 000 00 , 000 Total Estimated Revenues $ 11 , 4007000 $ 60 , 000 EXPENDITURE DETAIL: TWO YEAR COMPARISON j Actual Estimated 113 . 05 Approp Required 2004 2005 Road and Street Construction 595 300 . Road Construction $ 11 , 400 , 000 $ 50 , 000 Y4 Total SE 1st Street/ Lake Read Construction $ 11 , 400 , 000 $ 60, 000 PUBLIC 91 k I STORM ' WATER DRAINAGE U MISSION STATEMENT The storm water drainage function provides for planning and construction of storm sewer capital facilities in the Fisher Basin drainage area in west Camas . And withz the expansion of this utilit)4 maintenance , operations and construction for storm water city-wide . GOALS FOR 2005 1 . Implementation of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES Phase ' 2 ) . 2 . Continue to monitor and evaluate stream flows in the Fisher Basin in accordance with ESA and NPDES Phase 2 requirements . 3 . Inspect , report , and follow- up on existing storm detention facilities . 4 . Clean the � 'debris from the Parker Estates stormwater detention facility . 5 . Update the Fisher Basin stormwater plan. 6 . Construct decant facility -- joint project with City of Washougal . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS X9 Comparison figures are from the former Fisher Basin Fund ( Fund 119 ) . Account numbers * have been changed . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 419 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2003 2004 2005 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fuad Balance $ - $ 857023 $ 498 , 508 Charges for Goods and Services : 343 830 Storm Drainage Revenues - O & M - - 369 , 183 343 831 Storm Drainage Revenues - Capital - 96 , 853 Total Charges for Goods and Services . - - 466 , 036 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Investment Interest 567487 457000 81600 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 56 , 487 45 , 000 87600 Other Income 379 000 Fisher Basin Capital Contributions 17 , 276 27500 100 , 000 Total Other Income 17 , 276 21500 100 , 000 Total Estimated Revenues 73 , 763 1329523 11073 , 144 A Total Estimated Resources $ 73 , 763 $ 132 , 523 $ 17073 , 144 PUBLIC 92 ti lu STORM WATER DRAINAGE UTILITY EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Ac Actual Actual Estimated 419 . 00 . 538 Expended AppropRequired 2003 12004t 2005 300 Operations and Maintenance Salaries and Wages $ 261618 $ 39 , 046 $ 807127 Personnel Benefits 77207 81477 { 2 &1692 Supplies - 57000 Cather Services and Charges - 85 , 000 1071200 ` Intergovernmental Services and Taxes - - 71097 Interfund Payments for Services - 49 , 114 a Total Operations and Maintenance 33 , 825 132 , 523 277 , 230 315 Street Cleaning Salaries and Wages 16 , 011 Personnel Benefits - - 47803 Supplies - - 100 Other Services and Charges ( catch basin cleaning ) - - 51000 Interfund Payments for Services - 307000 Total Street Cleaning - - 637914 Capital 594 380 Capital Outlays - Non - Fisher Basin - - 71 , 853 594 381 Capital Outlays - Fisher Basin 32 , 114 - 635 , 147 Total Capital 327114 * 707 , 000 Estimated Other Financing Uses : 597 000 Transfers Out - - 25 , 000 Total Estimated Other Financing Uses - 251000 ; Total Storm Water Drainage Utility Fund . $ t 65 , 939 $ 1321523 $ 11073 , 144 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 709 . 78 % PUBLIC WORKS 93 r 4 1 Actual Actual Estimated 419 . 00 . 538 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services Basin Portion of NPDES Phase 2 Compliance $ 257000 $ Wetlands - ESA Assessment & Coordination 10 ; 000 10 , 000 Fisher Basin Storm Water Study 50 , 000 - Parker Street Monitoring and Planting - 31 , 000 Operating Rentals - 17000 Repairs and Maintenance t Storm Repairs - 5 , 000 Pond � Cleaning 507000 y1V Ditch Cleaning 10 , 000 Miscellaneous - 200 Total Other Services and Charges : $ 859000 $ 107 , 200 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY CAPITAL DETAIL : Non - Fisher Basin City-wide Storm Water Plan /Study $ 507000 Decant Facility 21 , 853 Fisher Basin Wetland Banking` 3007000 , Fisher Basin Storm Water Study 1507000 Decant Facility 87147 Lake Road Storm Drainage 1777000 Total Storm Drainage Utility Capital $ 7077000 Actual Estimated STORM WATER DRAINAGE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE App rop w Required 2004 2005 Engineer II ( * 5 FTE ) $ 26 , 74.4 $ 31 , 933 Maintenance Worker II ( . 75 FTE ) - 37 , 099 Maintenance Worker 1 ( : 25 FTE ) - 91620 Overtime - 500 Seasonal Maint . Wkr . ( . '5 FTE 2004 , 2 at . 4167 FTE - 2005 ) % 053 16 , 986 Total Storm Water Drainage. $ 35 , 797 ' $ 96 , 138 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 168 . 56 % 'PUBLIC 94 i 1 r CITY SANITARY STATEMENT MISSION The solid waste management function provides for the collection and disposal of refuse from businesses and residences within the City of Camas . This function also includes the revenues and expenses of the city recycling program . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2005 1 . Continue to convert existing commercial customers to the automated collection systems . 2 . Continue to improve the efficiency and productivity of the automated collection , system . l 3 : Absorb. new customers into existing routes without addii .ng employees . 4 . Encourage and promote the construction + of the " East„ County Transfer Station ' . 5 . Purchase and place into service a new refuse collection truck . ACTIVITIES AND ' SERVICES Daily and /or weekly general refuse collection and disposal activities are provided for in this budget . The city will a continue to serve residential and commercial customers and provide drop box service up to two yards . Large drop box and yard debris services are contracted out with the contractor handling all billing and service requests . The city will continue to bill for recycling services and pay a private contractor for this service . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 4 Actual Adjusted Estimated 422 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2003 2004 2005 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ $ - $ 47 , 483 343 Charges for Goods and Services : Garbage/Solid Waste Fees 11437 , 383 19243 , 805 11577 , 579 Total Charges for Goods and Services 114379383 19243 ; 806 11577 , 579 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Interest Earnings 4 , 205 4 , 000 69690 362 900 Other Rents & Use Charges 89020 1 51000 8 , 784 363 000 Other Non Revenues 70 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 139195 97000 157474 Total Estimated Revenues 19450 ; 578 17252 , 80 1 , 593 , 053 Total Estimated Resources $ 11450 , 578 $ 11252 , 806 $ 11640 , 536 PUBLIC WORKS a i i ' y i . 95 S CITY SANITARY EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 422 . 00 . 537 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 800 & 900 GARBAGE AND SOLID WASTE UTILITY . Salaries and Wages $ 192 , 417 $ 199 , 978 , $ 206 , 973 Personnel Benefits 59 , 554 52 , 494 66 , 331 Supplies 62 , 528 61 , 600 94 , 500 Other Services and Charges Insurance , repairs , communication , bill processing ) 31 , 894 169800 25 , 800 Recycling Contractor 171 , 633 176 , 000 1969000 Disposal Fees 452 , 434 4339000 5049000 Intergovern =mental Services and Taxes 65 , 693 60 , 000 72 , 000 Capital Outlays 2067330 - - Interfund Payments for Services 3061176 252 , 934 2499932 TOTAL GARBAGE AND SOLID WASTE UTILITY 1 , 548 ,659 19252 , 806 11415 , 536 597 000 ESTIMATED OTHER FINANCING USES : Transfers Out - - 225 , 000 TOTAL ESTIMATED OTHER FINANCING USES : - - 225 , 000 M TOTAL GARBAGE AND SOLID WASTE UTILITY $ 11548 , 659 $ 19252 , 806 $ 11640 ; 536 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 19 . 10 % 30 . 95 % Actual Estimated CITY SANITARY PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 REFUSE COLLECTION Public Works Operations Manager ( . 11 FTE ) $ 81892 $ 91161 Chief Sanitation Worker 55 , 680 579344 Sanitation Worker 11 ( 2 ) 100 , 050 987932 Sanitation Worker 1 ( . 25 FTE - 2004 ; . 75 FTE - 2005 ) 10 , 356 317536 Overtime 25 , 000 107000 Total Garbage and Solid Waste Utility $ 199 , 978 $ 2069973 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 3 . 50 % r PUBLIC WORKS 96 r s fi• ' 44 4 WATERmSEWER REVENUE 4 MISSION STATEMENT The water- sewer operation of the city provides forfurnishing domestic water and sanitary sewage disposal services to industrial , commercial and residential areas within the city and some surrounding areas . DEPARTMENT COALS FOR 2005 1 . Provide safe and reliable water service to our customers for domestic , commercial , industrial , ana fire protection uses . 4 2 . Reduce - infiltration and inflow of ground and surface water into the sewer system' through the systematic reconstruction and maintenance of aged and leaking pipes . w 3 . Improve the water system by replacing mainlines on NE lone , NW . 38th , NW ' 8th and NT 14th and Fran kiin . 4 . Construct the Washougal River pipeline crossing . 5 . Secure a site for the future West Prune Hill Reservoir . Al 5 . Improve the sewer collection system by replacing mainlines on Astor/ McIntosh , NE 2nd and on NW 6th Avenue . 7 . Enhance water conservation with the installation of a weather station / irrigation system controller interface . 8 . Continue wife the quest fortfuture water sources and water rights . ility. of the Prune Hill water service area , with the upgrade of 9 . Improve the delivery capacity and reliab lower Prune Hill .pump station . 10 . Complete the update the sewer facility plan . 7 ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The water budget provides for the source of supply operation and maintenance , pumping expenses , water treatment expenses , transmission and distribution , and accounting and administrative expenses of the , water operation . This budget also accounts for the collection and treatment of c sanitary sewage . t. j Y 1 e V V71%V..ii,: PUBLIC 97 14 a WATER -SEINER REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 424 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2003 2004 2005 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 21575 , 800 $ 350 , 126 343 Charges for Goods and Services : Water- Sewer 4 , 932 , 406 40756 , 960 51563 , 765 343 900 Other Physical Environment 4 ; 099 - - 346 500 Inspection Fees - Step System 11 , 000 15 , 000 81700 Total Charges for Goods and Services 49947 , 505 41771 , 960 51572 , 465 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Investment Interest 124 , 785 175 , 000 75 , 090 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 62 , 606 44 , 950 49 , 557 Total Miscellaneous .Revenues 187 , 391 2199950 124 , 647 Total Estimated Revenues 51134 , 896 4 , 991 , 910 51697 , 112 Non Revenues : 343 140 Federal Grant 57 , 797 - - 343 450 Water ' Hook- up Fees 3375704PIP 35 , 000 26 , 400 343 550 Sewer Hook- up Fees 11000 500 374 000 Capital Contribution - Federal /State/Local - 139; 000p 379 000 Contributed Capital 11278 , 297 - - 397 000 Operating Transfers In 17664 , 011 11337 , 000 11080 , 460 398 900 Long -term Debt Proceeds - 11500 , 000 Total Estimated Non - Revenues 3; 033 , 675 11512 , 000 21607 , 360 Total Estimated Resources $ 89168 , 571 $ 91079 , 710 $ 8 , 654 ,598 ` f Fk l PUBLIC WORKS p&k i 98 r' + WATER-SEWER EXPENSE DETAIL THREE • YEAR COMPARISON `Actual Actual Estimated r: k 424 .00 Expended . Approly Required 2003 2004 2005 w 5349 535 ; WATER -SEWER and 538 Salaries and Wages $ 764 , 765 $ X40 , 118 $ 857 , 103 Personnel. ' Benefits 192 , 754 238:, 834 249 , 613 Supplies 422 , 885 ` 468 , 000 536 , 000 ' Other Services and Charges 1 ; 1401876 11211 , 950 11462 , 850 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 195 , 490 166 , 000 182 , 000 585 and 592 Debt Service 11466 , 517 11471 , 620 11487 , 561 594340/350 Capital Outlays ' 212V21393 41071 , 500 31310 , 000 534/535/538 Interfund Payments for Services 570 , 867 611 , 688 Y 559 , 471 Total Water-Sewer Fund 61986 , 547 9 , 079 , 710 8 , 654 , 598 AEstimated Other Financing Uses : 597 000 Operating Transfers Out: - ,, ,. IV IV Total Estimated Other Financing Uses . 1 - - 4 TOTAL WATER -SEWER FUND $ 6 , 986 , 547 $ 91079 , 710 $ 81654 , 598 % Increase ( Decrease) Prior Year 29 . 96 % 4,, 68 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services $ 411 , 500 $ 513 , 800 . . (Watershed mgmt , water quality testing , answering service , water right applications and exploration , landscaping , alarm monitoring , janitoralservice , water leak survey/water audit , g mapping , alarm monitoring , STSG pump station analysis , lab analysis , biosolids land application program , industrial pretreatment monitoring/testing/analysis , electrical panel w analysis , heat sensor report, commercial /industrial / residential water audit programs , Spring`brook upgrade Communication (telephone , pagers , 'cell phones ) 180250 19 , 750 Travel 1 , 000 1 , 000 Advertising 500 500 Operating rentals and leases (well site , equipment) 12 , 000 12 , 000 Insurance ( property and liability) 230 , 000 221 , 000 1 IV Public Utility (electric , gas ) % 289 , 500 3849500 Repairs and maintenance ( pumps , reservoirs , equipment) 184 , 000 # 240 , 600 Registrations for classes , water/sewer permits 65 , 200 69 , 700 , x Total other services and charges $ 17211 , 950 $ 11462 , 850 x PUBLIC WORKS 7 99 w Actual Estimated WATER -SEWER PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required V2004 2005 Public Works Operations Manager ( . 34 FTE - 20047 . 45 FTE - 2005 ) $ 29 , 161 $ 37 , 471 Operations Supervisor - Water/Sewer 669264 62 , 947 r Water Supply Operator 577344 . 581635 Senior Utility Maintenance Worker ( 3 ) 154 , 422 160 , 344 Chief Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator 627662 64 , 541 Waste Water Treatment Operator (4 ) 215 , 033 2207776 Utility Maintenance Worker II ( 3 FTE - 20047 2 FTE - 2005 ) 1407737 96 , 721 Utility Maintenance Worker 1 ( 1 FTE - 2004 , 2 FTE - 2005 ) 38 , 480 80 , 459 Seasonal Maint . Worker (4 at . 5 FTE - 2004 , 5 at . 4167 FTE 2005 ) 327015 41 , 209 Overtime 44 , 000 447000 Total Water- Sewer Utility $ 840 , 118 $ 8677103 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 3021 % r 9 ' WATER -SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : a Land : * West Prune Hill reservoir site $ 100 , 000 * Water rights property acquisition 300 , 000 Other Improvements . * Landscaping 10 , 000 * Screen chamber fabric replacement ( ESA) 10 , 0`00 Machinery and Equipment : * Hydrant storz adapters 51000 * Shoring equipment 51000 * Plotter/scanner 23 , 000 Construction Projects : * Irrigation weather station design 210 , 000 * Washougal MRiver Crossing Wellfield Transmission 11200 , 000 * Large meter replacements 10 , 000 * Filter plant and chlor plant telemetry upgrades 507000 * Upper Prune Hill water delivery improvements 225 , 000 * Water main replacement . NE lane lone Loop and 19th Ave 42 , 000 * Water main replacement : SE 20th Ave . , SE 261st to SR- 500y 40 , 000 * Water main replacement . Elm Way 30 , 000 * Water main replacement : NE 14th and Franklin 907000 * Water main replacement : NW 8th Ave . , D4 , CFP , ` Elm to Fargo L 65 , 000 * Water model update/calibration system flow calculation . 25 , 000 t * Well #4 options study 20 , 000 * Sewer line replacement : Astor/ McIntosh 110 , 000 * Sewer main line , Joy St . to Main pump station design 80 , 000 * Replace manhole - NE 2nd and Joy 71500 , * Pump station landscape improvements 77500 * Sewer line replacement : NW 2nd Avenue 130 , 000 * Sewer main line , NW 6th , Logan to Drake 350 , 000 * One Stop Pump Station electrical panel roof 15 , 000 * Sewer Facility Plan Update 150 , 000 Total $ 313107000 4 PUBLIC WORKS 100 WATER-SEWER REVENUE BOND It REDEMPTION DETAIL A Ad iA It At tl 1996 Refunding Revenue Bonds Last Year Principal interest Total { of Payment 2005 $ 55 , 000 $ A 97818 . $ 64 , 818 2006 55 , 000 A 71246 A A 62 , 246 . 2007 60 , 000 41470 647470 2008 f S 1998 Revenue and Refunding Bonds Last Year Principal Interest Total of Patent A All 2005 $ 255 , 000 $ 169 , 553 $ 4247553 2006 265 , 000 159 , 205 4; 4 ,205 2007 280 , 0001 148 , 359 AA , 4287359 2016 G Community Economic Revitalization Board Loan Last Year. Principalinterest Total of Payment 2005 $ 29 , 703 $ 29 , 058 % $ 589761 2006 31 , 441 277320 58 , 761 2007 332280 25 , 481 58 , 761 2016 Department of Ecology Loan Last Year Principal Interest BM Total of Payment _ r A It 2005 $ 52 , 684 $ 36 , 030 $ 88 , 714 2006 54 , 973 337741 887714 It 2007 57 , 363 31 , 351 88, 714 2018 0�IA' Department of Ecology Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2005 $ 346 , 328 _ $ A 309 , 930 $ 656 , 258 2006 1 3600673 2957585 656 , 258 2007 3757612 1 280 , 646 656 , 258 2021 t It Public Works Trust Fund Loan Last Year Principal i Interest Total of Payment 2005 $ 169 , 092 $ 25 , 364 $ 194 , 456 2006 ` 1 169 , 092 23 , 673 192765 2007 169 , 092 21 , 982 191 , 074 2020 I PUBLIC k Ail k i k 101 it WATERmSEWER CAPITAL RESE RIVE COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS ,. $ 1 , 074 , 460 will be transferred to the Water- Sewer Fund to finance a number of capital projects . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adlusted Estimated 432 00Revenue Estimated Revenue t gr 2003 2004 2005 291 740 Beginning Appropriated' Fund Balance 500 , 000 $ 2007000 g . g . Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 400 Interest Earning on Interfund Loan Receivable - 227160 Total Miscellaneous Revenues - 22 , 160 Other Increases in Fund Equity : I t Fees 368 , 047 331 , 000 380 , 600 379 110 Water De eloprne 379 120 Sewer Development Fees 537 , 388 506 , 000 4719700 397 000 Operating Transfers In 38 , 952 - Total Increases in Fund Equity 944 , 387 837 , 000 8527300 Total Estimated Resources $ 944 , 387 $ 11337 , 000 $ 11074 , 460 EXPENSE D ETAI L THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Approp Required 432 . 00 . 597 2003 2004 2005 100 Other Financing Uses : Operating Transfers Out $ 1 , 664 , 01 1 $ 19337 , 000 $ 190747460 p 9 _ Total Water-Sewer Capital Reserve $ 1 , 664 , 011 $ 1 , 337 , 000 $ 11074 , 460 PUBLIC 102 Y F:; ' EQUIPMENT RENTAL r 4 i $ f . MISSION STATEMENT The Equipment Rental department furnishes mobile equipment to the city' s other operating departments and maintains equipment not owned by the Equipment Rental department . r DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2005 1 . Manage the City' s fleet in a manner which minimizes rates while preserving the quality of ; the equipment and vehicles . 42 . Maintain proper accounting and usage records of equipment . 3 . Replace one police patrol vehicle , one flat bed equipment trailer , one fleet automobile , one pickup truck , replace mower side arm , * and refurbish sewer/cleaner/vacuum truck . 4 : Improve the' ' shop office area bytAmoving the parts storage area : a P ti ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES } The department maintains and replaces all mobile equipment for the city other than fire apparatus and emergency rescue ambulance equipment . The rental fund owns , operates, 4and maintains city repair and .storage shops , Expenditures of the fund are reimbursed by rentingAhe equipment owned by the g p p r department to the street , water/sewer , parks , sanitary and other departments of the city . The fund also accounts for the operation , maintenance and rental of the pressure sewer cleaner equipment and street sweepers owned jointly by the cities of Camas and Washougal . s f ee� S ti AT e m el rt a 4 PUBLIC ' as 103 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 523 . 00Revenue Estimated Revenue 2003 2004 2005 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 3067066 $ 10 , 769 g . J . Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Investment Interest 61277 61000 41600 362 100 Equipment and Vehicle Rent ( Outside ) 171139 12, 000 18 , 000 363 000 : Insurance Premiums/ Recoveries 273 - 365 100 Interfund Equipment/Vehicle Rentals 674 , 873 670 ; 404 717 , 832 365 400 Interfund Space and Facilities Rentals 161 , 259 161 , 259 160 , 000 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 11025 - Total Miscellaneous Revenues y 860 , 846 849 , 663 900 , 432 124 Total Estimated Revenues 860 , 846 17155 , 729 911 , 201 Other Financing Sources . 379 000 Contributed Capital 264 , 245 - 395 100 Proceeds From Sales of Assets 12 , 316 - - 395 200 Insurance Recoveries 24 , 477 - 395 400 Gain /Loss Sale of Assets ( 31 , 898 ) - - 397 000 Operating Transfers In - - 2507000 _ k Total Other Financing Sources 269 , 140 - 2507000 ' Total Estimated Resources $ 11129 , 986 $ 111559729 $ 111617201 x EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 523 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2003 2004 2005 Equipment Rental 548 Salaries and Wages $ 206 , 765 $ 229 , 197 $ 2297755 548 Personnel Benefits 607064 68 , 004 691131 548 - PP Su lies 238 , 108 200 , 000 221 , 300 548 Other Services and Charges 1597846 130 , 500 156 , 550 594f480 CaP ital Outlays 1839797 516 , 775 4727500 548 Interfund Payments for Services 169899 1017253 117965 Total Equipment Rental $ 865 , 479 $ 111551729 $ 11161 , 201 PUBLIC WORKS s 1 104 3 r ;. " Actual Estimated EQUIPMENT RENTAL PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2004 2005 MUNICIPAL VEHICLE " SERVICES " Public Works Operations Manager ( . 11 FTE ) $ 89892 $ 9 ; 161 xb "« Chief Mechanic 60 , 840 62 , 662 Mechanics (2 ) 1119352 114 , 689 Admin . Support Assistant 11 37 , 789 33 , 744 Overtime 17000 e 1 , 000 Seasonal worker ( 1 for 6 mths - 2004 , 1 for 5 mths 2005 ) 97324 81499 Total Municipal Vehicle Services $ 229 , 197 $ 2291755 t % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior. Year 0024 % CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL b Buildings and " Structures Office improvements $ 307000 ,t * Yard upgrades , fencing , gate , corrections relocation 157000 M * Water quality treatment manhole 167000 Machinery and Equipment : * Replace police vehicle #302 a 28 , 500 * Replace equipment flatbed trailer #43 20 , 000 * Replace car, #239 25 , 000 * Rehab sewer cleaner/vac truck # 146 r 309000 * Replace side mower arm on #207 309000 * J Replace pickup truck #214 28 , 000 M * New sanitation truck 225 , 000 * Epoke sanding unit 25 , 000 T*ptal CapitalW Outlays r $ 472 , 500 OTHER SERVIC .ES' AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services (janitorial , towing vehicles ) $ 87500 Communication (telephone , pagers , cell phone ) 67900 Public Utility 272900 Insurance 14 , 000 " Repair/ Mtc . of vehicles , HVAC , fights , water quality treatment. vault 94 , 000 Registrations for classes , uniform services 57250 Total other services and charges $ 1569550 al I PUBLIC WORKS 105 k q