ORD 22-004ORDINANCE NO. 22-004 AN ORDINANCE amending the City of Camas' 2022 Budget Ordinance No. 21-012 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas approved Ordinance No. 21-012 and readopted a budget for fiscal year 2022; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas desires to effectively utilize and manage the City's financial resources; and, WHEREAS, the City will receive additional revenues that were not anticipated at the time of adopting the budget for 2022; and WHEREAS, funds received in excess of estimated revenues during the current fiscal year when authorized by an ordinance amending the original budget may be included in the expenditure limitation; and WHEREAS, the City desires to undertake activities which were not foreseen at the time of adopting the 2022 budget; and WHEREAS, the financial activities in the following funds could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of adopting the 2022 budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS: Section I Budget Amendment: The City of Camas' 2022 Budget as adopted in Ordinance No. 21-012 is amended as follows: 1. Modify the 2022 Budget for Courthouse Security Upgrades. 2. Modify the 2022 Budget for a Facilities Study. 3. Modify the 2022 Budget for Traffic Signal Controller Upgrade. 4. Modify the 2022 Budget the Pavement Management Program. 5. Modify the 2022 Budget to Brady/Grand Ridge Intersection Improvements. 6. Modify the 2022 Budget for Ostenson Canyon Storm repairs. 7. Modify the 2022 Budget NW 12th Avenue-CDBG Project. 8. Modify the 2022 Budget for Lacamas (3rd Ave) Trailhead Project. 9. Modify the 2022 Budget for East Lake Trail (T-3). ORDINANCE NO. 22-004 10. Modify the 2022 Budget for 38th Avenue Phase 3. 11. Modify the 2022 Budget for Annex Building Remodel. 12. Modify the 2022 Budget for Library Roof/RV AC Repair and Replacement. 13. Modify the 2022 Budget for Legacy Lands building maintenance. 14. Modify the 2022 Budget for Well 6/14 Waterline. 15. Modify the 2022 Budget for 11th to Brady Waterline. 16. Modify the 2022 Budget for Lower Prune Hill Booster Station replacement. 17. Modify the 2022 Budget for the Forest Home Booster Station replacement. 18. Adjust the 2022 Budget for the Equipment Rental Rate Adjustment to correct the ERR Budget. 19. Adjust the 2022 Budget for the 3rd Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit to correct capital project budget. 20. Adjust the 2022 Budget for a Vactor Truck by rolling unspent budget for ongoing project. 21. Adjust the 2022 Budget for Swift Water Rescue Program Creation funded by a private donation. 22. Supplement the 2022 Budget for increase in Downtown Camas Association funding. 23. Supplement the 2022 Budget for department fuel consumption. 24. Supplement the 2022 Budget for fire safety systems repairs and corrections. 25. Supplement the 2022 Budget for additional staffmg. 26. Supplement the 2022 Budget for seasonal staffmg. 27. Supplement the 2022 Budget for Everett Corridor Analysis. 28. Supplement the 2022 Budget for Astor Sidewalk Repairs. 29. Supplement the 2022 Budget for Cemetery Pavement Preservation. 30. Supplement the 2022 Budget for Council Chambers Audio Visual Retrofit. 31. Supplement the 2022 Budget for 15th/Everett Value Replacement. 32. Supplement the 2022 Budget for 6th Avenue Waterline. 33. Supplement the 2022 Budget for Water Meter Replacement Upgrade Project. 34. Supplement the 2022 Budget for Operations Center Analysis Phase 2. ORDINANCE NO. 22-004 Section II Budget Amendment -Effect on Fund Revenues and Expenses: The foregoing increases affect the City funds as shown on Attachment A. Section III Effective Date. This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five days from and after its publication according to law. PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 1 Mayor SIG~fi Clerk ,qvED as to form: ~ City Attorney Attachment A 2022 Budget Amendment -Fund Summary . . . . . General Streets Tree Fund American Rescue Plan Act Camas/Washougal Fire & EMS Cemetery Capital/Enterprise Funds Unlimited GO Oebt Service limited GO Debt Service REET Park Impact Fee Transportation Impact Fee Fire Impact Fee NW 38th Ave Phase 3 Facitilies Capital Fund Legacy Lands Storm Water Solid Waste Water/Sewer W/S Capital Projects North Shore Construction Project Water Capital Projects WS Capital Reserve WS Bond Reserve Reserve Funds Lodging Tax Equipment Rental and Replacement Firemen's Pension Retiree Medical LEOFF 1 Disability Board Budget Beg Fund Balance Revenues (1) $ 7,567,125 $ 29,185,398 $ 2,775,404 $ 3,475,028 $ 15,508 $ 225 $ 3,308,118 $ $ 1,987,140 $ 12,582,632 $ 115,547 $ 256,117 $ 9,226 $ - $ $ 4,198,725 $ 8,309,311 $ 6,078,781 $ 3,643,547 $ 1,311,504 $ 4,371,977 $ 1,526,109 $ 1,070,078 $ 212,905 $ 703,540 $ 513,000 $ 1,467,790 $ 500,000 $ 532,812 $ $ 1,764,037 $ 1,991,992 $ 3,221,202 $ 3,270,202 $ 13,150,439 $ 15,003,586 $ -$ 425,000 $ 754,399 $ $ 4,966,632 $ 50,000 $ 12,406,817 $ 4,748,879 $ 1,218,016 $ $ 38,930 $ 21,040 $ 2,152,562 $ 1,812,960 $ 2,010,562 $ 12,279 $ 53,642 $ 130,315 $ 528,735 $ 166,551 $ 78,143,096 $ 87,473,228 (1) Budg eted revenues and expenses reflect the 2022 Adopted Budget Ord Budget 2021 Budget Spring 2021 Adj Fall 2021 Adj Adjusted 2021 2022 Budget Spring 2022 Adj Adjusted 2022 $ 170,586,145 $ 88,206,097 $ 1,139,500 $ 5,384,365 $ 94,729,962 $ 87,473,228 $ 715,876 $ 88,189,104 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Budget Estimated Budget Amendment Expenses (1) End Fund Balance Revenues Expenses ~ ...... ;~ .· .. ~:·•'• ~~~&~~~;;.~ ~'~~#_.,t¢~~l (31,487,826) $ 5,264,697 (3,376,077) $ 2,874,355 $ 15,733 $ 3,308,118 (13,980,222) $ 589,550 (255,921) $ 115,743 $ 9,226 (4,198,725) $ - (5 ,810,248) $ 8,577,844 (1,831,750) $ 3,123,301 (945,542) $ 4,952,544 {360,000) $ 922,983 (813,000) $ 403,540 (500,000) $ 1,467,790 $ 532,812 (2,564,913) $ 1,191,116 (3,665,912) $ 2,825,492 (17,363,123) $ 10,790,902 (425,000) $ (417,128) $ 337,271 (500,000) $ 4,516,632 . $ 17,155,696 -$ 1,218,016 (10,000) $ 49,970 (2,522,846) $ 1,442,676 (89,889) $ 1,932,952 (138,799) $ 45,158 (217,593) $ 477,693 (91,474,514) $ 74,141,810 Carry Forward 170,689,983 Administrative 89,120,521 Supplemental 4,441,500 4,656,610 98 ,218,631 91,474,514 9,874,343 101,348,857 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (931,477) $ 944,170 $ (2,642,116) $ $ $ $ (125,000) $ 23,200 $ (19,450) $ $ (80,965) $ $ $ $ $ (2,045,037) $ 1,464,037 $ -$ (175,000) $ $ (335 ,000) $ -$ $ 466,000 $ (385,000) $ 125,000 $ (1,239,874) $ $ (500,000) $ 125,000 $ (141,232) $ -$ (61,317) $ $ (614,449) $ 1,055,000 $ (1,055,000) $ $ $ $ (2,440,000) $ $ (477,500) $ -$ $ -$ $ 22,543 $ (115,000) $ . $ -$ $ $ $ -$ 715,876 $ (9,874,343) $ (9 ,158,467) 2,125,170 $ (9,789,747) (1,874,294) $ 1,874,294 465,000 $ (1,958,890) 715,876 $ (9,874,343) $ (9,158,467) Amended Fund Balance Note: Budget Packages ~if.,~-.. ·'-,.~~ ::::':;--.'~, :S.1.•;,:.,.J~~~#tii~ 4,333,220 CF-01 thru CF-04, A-01, S-01 thru S-04 1,176,409 CF-03 thru CF-06, A-01, S-02, S-OS, S-06 15,733 3,183,118 S-08 593,300 A-01, A-04 34,778 A-01, S-02, S-07 9 ,226 7,996,844 CF-06 thru CF-OB, CF-10, A-02 2,948,301 CF -09 4,617,544 CF-10 922,983 484,540 CF-10 352,916 CF-11, CF-12, S-08 32,812 CF-13 1,174,884 A-01, A-03, S-02 2,764,175 A-01, S-02 10,176,453 CF·IS, A-01, S-02, S-09 thru S-11 CF-14, CF-15, S-09 thru S-11 337,271 2,076,632 CF-16, CF-17 16,678,196 CF-14, S-10 1,218,016 49,970 1,350,219 A-01, S-12 1,932,952 45,158 477,693 64,983,343 City of Camas 2022 Spring Omnibus Budget Packages Pkg# Carry Forward List CF-01 CF-02 CF-03 CF-04 CF-OS CF-06 CF-07 CF-08 CF-09 CF-10 CF-11 CF-12 CF-13 CF-14 CF-15 CF-16 CF-17 A-01 A-02 A-03 A-04 S-01 S-02 S-03 S-04 S-05 S-06 S-07 S-08 S-09 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 Department Description Municipal Court Courthouse Security Upgrades Faciliti es Facilities Study Streets Traffic Signal Controller Upgrade Streets Pavement Management Program Streets Brady/Grand Ridge Intersection Improvements Streets Ostenson Canyon Storm Repairs Streets NW 12th Avenue -CDBG Project Parks Lacamas (3rd Ave) Trailhead Parks East Lake Trail (T-3) Streets 38th Avenue Ph3 Capital Facilities Annexation Remodeling Capital Facilities Library Roof/HVAC Repair/Replacement Capital Facilities North Shore Bldg Maintenance Water Well 6/14 Waterline Water 11th to Brady Waterline Sewer Lower Prune Hill Booster Station Replacement Sewer Forest Home Booster Station Replacement Total Administrative List Department Description Multiple Equipment Rental Rate Adjustments Streets 3rd Avenue Bridge Sei smic Retrofit Storm Vactor Truck CWFD Swift Water Rescue Program Creation Total Supplemental List Depa rtment Fuel Consumption Fire Safety Systems Re pairs and Corrections Law Enforcement Additional Staffing Parks Mai ntenance Seasonal Staffing Str eets Everett Corridor Analysis Streets Astor Sidewalk Repairs Cemetery Cem etery Pavement Prese rvation Capital Facilities Council Chambers AudioVisual Retrofit Water 15th/Everett Valve Replacement Water 6th Avenue Waterline Water Water Meter Replacement Upgrade Project R&R Operations Center Analysis Ph2 Total Total Omnibus Budget Packages 4/4/2022 Amount Reason $ 30,000 roll unspent 2019 budget to resume $ 60,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 187,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 647,703 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 60,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 1,200,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 125,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 25,000 rol l unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 175,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 385,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 864,874 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 250,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ S00,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 440,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 275,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 1,860,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 580,000 roll unspent 2021 budget for ongoing $ 7,664,577 Amount Reason $ -correcti on of ERR budget $ -correction of capital project budget $ -roll unspent budget for ongoing project $ -funded by a private donation $ - $ $ reduce volatility in ERR rates $ 40,000 $ 65,000 backfill for body worn cam ad minist ratio~ $ 50,000 $ 250,000 $ 150,000 $ 80,000 $ 125,000 upgra des for remote meetings $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 190,000 add funds to complete in 2022 $ 115,000 $ 1,493,890 $ 9,158,467 2022 Spring Omnibus Budget -Fu nd Balance Impacts W•ter·Sewer Weter Construction W/S Ceplt1I Clener1lFund Street Fund ARPA C/Wflre&EMS Cemetery REfTPtoJects Pnklmpfee Transplmpfu NWJSthAvePhl Feclllt lesfund le11cvlllnds StormW1ter SolldWeite Water/Sewer ~pttalProJects ProjMts Resenrl!! EqulpmentR.ntal Total B11lnnln181l1nt11 s 7,567,125 $ 2,775,404 s 3,308,118 s 1,9s1,140 s us,547 s s,309,311 s 3,643,547 s 4,311,9n s 703,S40 $ 1,467,790 $ 532,812 $ 1,764,037 $ 3,221,202 S 13,150,439 S s 4,966,632 $ 12,406,817 $ 2,152,562 Revrnuu s 29,185,398 s 3 ,475,028 s s 12,582,632 s 256,117 s 6,078,781 s 1,311,504 s 1,526,109 $ 513,000 s 500,000 s s 1,991,992 $ 3,270,202 s 15,003,586 s 425,000 $ 50,000 $ 4,748,879 s 1,812,960 E•oendltures $(31.487,826) $ (3,376,077) s s (13,980,2221 $ (255,921) $ (5,810,248) $ (1831 750) s 1945 S42) $ (813000) $ (SOO 000) $ $ (2,564,913) $ (3,665,912) s 17,363,123) $ 1425,000) $ 500,000 $ s (2,522,846) ,123,301 $ 4,952,544 $ 403,540 $ 1,461,190 $ S32,81 I •1•1 C.rry Forwud P1ck1su CF..Ql Courthouse Security Upgrades s (30,000) CF-02 FacilfllesSllldy s (60,000) --Cf-03 Trame Signal Controller Upgrade $ {307,000) State Grant s 120,000 MovefromGFtoStreets s (187,000) s 187,000 (f.().4 Pavement Management Program $ (647,7031 Tran sferfromGFforPreservtn $ (337,170) s 337,170 CF-OS Brady/GrandR!dgelntersectlon s (60,000) CF-06 Ostenson Canyon Storm Repairs $ (1,200,000) s 300,000 $ 1300,000) CF-07 NW 12th Avenue -COBG Project $ {125,000) CF..Q8 Lacamas(3rdAve)Tra!1head s (25,000) Cf-00 East l;ike Trall(T-3) $ (175,000) CF·lO 381hAvenuePh3 s 1385,000) MoveREET/TIF tofund $ 1131,000) s (335,000) $ 466,000 Cf·ll AnnexRemodel s (864,874) Cf·12 UbrarvAoofRepalrs s (250,000/ CF-13 North Shore Bids Maintenance $ (500,000) CF-14 Well 6/14 WatHl!ne s (440,000) MoveSOCstofund s 440,000 s (440,CXXJ) CF-15 llthtoBradyWaterllne s (275,000) Move rates to fund s (275,000) $ 275,000 CF-16 Lower Prune HIU Booster Station s (1,860,000) CF-1 7 Forest Home Booster SOtlon $ 580 000 Tot;ll Carrv Forward s (614,170) $ fl,270,533) s s s $ (581,000J s {175,000) $ (335,000) s 81,000 s (1,114,874) $ (500,000) $ s s (275,000J $ s 12,440,000J $ (440,0001 $ Subtotel Fund Balance $ 4,650,527 14% $ 1,603,822 $ 3,308,118 $ 5B9,SSO $ 115,743 $ 7,996,844 S 2,948,301 $ 4,617,544 $ 484,540 $ 352 ,916 $ 32,812 $ 1,191,116 $ 2,825,492 $ 10,515,902 S $ 2,076,632 $ 16,715,696 $ 1,442 ,616 Admlnlrtrlllv. P1ebses A·Ol ER&R R111te Adjustments lntreue ratertvenueintoER&R A-02 3rd Ave Bridge Project Correction Grant re ven ue correction A-03 VactorTruck State Grant A-04 SwlftW;iterRescue Prosram Donations Total Administrative (30,717) (3,838} (30,717) 13,838) $ 3,750 $ 810 123,200) 23,200 s 2.045,037 s (2,045,037) 3,750 $ 810 $ 3,443 $ (125,000) 125,000 3,4'13 $ 283 s 3,726 22,543 283 $ 3,726 $ 22,5'13 Subtotal Fund B1l1nce $ 4,619,810 157' $ 1,599,984 $ 3,308,118 S 593,300 $ 116,553 $ 7,996,844 $ 2,948,301 S 4,617,544 $ 484,540 $ 352,916 S 32,lllZ $ 1,194,559 $ 2,825,775 $ 10,S19.62B S $ 2,076,632 $ 16,715,696 $ 1,465,219 Suppl•m•nt•IP1ch1u S-0 1 lncre.se DCA contribution 5-02 Department Fuel Consumption S-03 Flre51fetySVstemsRepalrs S-04 P;iritsMalntenanceSuson<ils 5-05 Addltlona1po!lcertalfln1 S-06 Everett Corridor Analysi s S.-07 AstorSldew1UtRep;iJo S-08 CemetervPavementPreservatlon S-09 councll Chambers AV Move ARPA money to fund S-10 15th/Everett Valve Replacement Move rates to fund S-11 6thAvenueWatertlne MoveRates/SDCstofund 5-12 Water Meter Pro ject 145,000) 186,590) (40,000) 150,000) (65,000} s 123,575) (250,000) $ (lS0,000) s 11,n5J s (80,000) s (125,000) (1 25,000) 125,000 (75,000) $ s (37,500) $ (75,000) 75,000 (75,000) 75,000 (190.0001 Move rates to fund $ 1190,000J S 190,000 (37,500) - s (30,000) s (60,000) s 1307,000) s 120,000 $ s (647,703) s $ (60,000) s !1.200,000) s (125,000J s (25,000) $ (175,000) s (385,000} s s (864,874) s (250,000} $ (500,000) s ('140,000) s s (275,000J s $ (1,860,000) s 580,000 $ {7,664,5nj s (22 ,543) 22,50 2,045,037 (2,045,037) (125,000) 125,000 (23,200) 23,200 (45,000) {233,890) (40,000) (50,000} (65,000) (250,000) (150,000) (80,000) (125,000) ps,0001 (75,000) (190,000) S-13 O er;itlons Center Anal ls Ph2 --.. $ 115 000 $ 115,000 Total Supplemental $ (286,590) $ (423,575) $ (125,000) $ $ {8 1,775) $ $ S S $ S $ {19,6751 S (61,600) $ (343,175) S $ $ (37,500) $ (115,000) $ (1,493,890) Net6udgetAdlustme:nt 931.4nJ $ (1,697,946) s (125,000) 3,750 $ (80,965) $ (581,000) $ (175,000) (335,000) 81,000 1,114,874) $ (500,000 16,232) 61,317) 614,449) 2,440,000)· $ (4n,500J s 92.457: Attachment A .... .. .. • . ., •· ' ' CF-01 Repairs & Maintenance courthouse security !mpv 001 s 4,314 $ 34,314 001-02-512-20D-48 s (30,000) s (30,000) CF-01 Adjust fund balanace 001 s 5,264,697 s 5,234,697 001-00-508-000-00 s 30,000 s 30,000 CF-02 Professional Services Carry forward 2021 budget 001 s 74,945 s 134,945 001-03-513-100-41 s (60,000) s (60,000) CF-02 Adjust fund balance 001 s 5,264,697 s 5,204,697 001-0().508-000-00 s 60,000 $ 60,000 CF-03 Traffic Sig Controller Update Carry forward 2021 budget 112 s s 307,000 112-00-595-300-65 s (307,000) s (307,000) CF-03 State grant 112 s s 120,000 112-00-336-00(}.00 s 120,000 s 120,000 CF-03 Transfer in -Fund 001 Transfer from GenFund 112 s 2,000,000 s 2,187,000 112-00-397-001-01 s 187,000 $ 187,000 CF-03 Transfer out -Fund 112 Transfer to Streets 001 s 2,000,000 s 2,187,000 001-00-597-112-00 s (187,000) s (187,000) CF-03 Adjust fund balance 001 s 5,264,697 s 5,077,697 001-00-508-000-00 s 187,000 $ 187,000 CF-04 Roadway Preservation Carry forward 2021 budget 112 s 920,584 s 1,568,287 112-76-595-300-65 s (647,703) s (647,703) CF-04 Transfer In -Fund 001 Transfer from Gen Fund 112 s 2,000,000 s 2,725,859 112-00-397-001-01 s 337,170 $ 337,170 CF-04 Adjust fund balance 112 s 2,874,355 s 2,563,822 112-00-508-00(}.00 s 310,533 s 310,533 CF-04 Transfer out-Fund 112 Transfer to Streets 001 s 2,000,000 $ 2,725,859 001-00-597-112-00 $ (337,170) s (337,170) CF-04 Adjust fund balance 001 s 5,264,697 s 4,927,527 001-00-508-00(}.00 s 337,170 s 337,170 CF-05 Neighborhood Traffic Prog ca·rry forward 2021 budget 112 s s 60,000 112-77-595-300-65 s (60,000) s (60,000) CF-05 Adjust fund balance 112 s 2,874,355 s 2,814,355 112-0().508-000-00 s 60,000 s 60,000 CF-06 Ostenson Canyon Repairs Carry forward 2021 budget 112 s s 1,200,000 s (1,200,000) S I 1,200,000) CF-06 Adjust fund balance 112 s 2,874,355 s 1,974,355 112-00-508-000-00 s 900,000 s 900,000 CF-06 Transfer in-Fund 300 112 $ 300,000 112-0().397-300-00 s 300,000 s 300,000 CF-06 Transfer out -Fund 112 300 s 300,000 300-00-597-112-00 s (300,000) s (300,000) CF-06 Adjust fund balance 300 s 8,577,844 s 8 277,844 300-00-508-000-00 s 300,000 s 300,000 CF-07 NW 12th Ave Project carry forward 2021 budget 300 s s 125,000 30(}.00-595-340-65 s (125,000) $ (125,000) CF-07 Adjust fund balance 300 s 8,577,844 s 8,452,844 300-00-508-00(}.00 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 CF-08 3rd Ave Trail Design & Permit Carry forward 2021 budget 300 s s 25,000 300-00-594-764-63 s (25,000) s (25,000) CF-08 Adjust fund balance 300 $ 8,577,844 s 8,602,844 300-00-508-000-00 s 25,000 s 25,000 CF-09 East Lake Trail Carry forward 2021 budget 301 s s 175,000 301-0(}.594-763-63 $ (175,000) s (175,000) CF-09 Adjust fund balance 301 s 3,123,301 s 2,948,301 301-00-508-000-00 $ 175,000 s 175,000 CF-10 NW 38th Ave Construction Carry forward 2021 budget 313 s 813,000 s 1,198,000 313-00-595-30(}.65 s (385,000) $ (385,000) CF-10 Adjust fund balance 313 s 403,540 s 484,540 313-00-308-000-00 s (81,000) s (81,000) CF-10 Transfer in -Fund 300 Transfer from REfT 313 s s 131,000 313-00-397-35(}.00 s 131,000 s 131,000 CF-10 Transfer out -Fund 313 Transfer to 38th Ave 300 $ $ 131,000 300-00-597-313-00 $ (131,000) $ (131,000) CF-10 Adjust fund balance 300 s 8,577,844 s 8,446,844 300-00-508-000-00 s 131,000 s 131,000 CF-10 Transfer In -Fund 302 Transfer from TIF 313 $ $ 335,000 313-00-397-302-00 $ 335,000 $ 335,000 CF-10 Transfer out-Fund 313 Transfer to 3Bth Ave 302 $ s 335,000 302-00-597-313-00 s (335,000) s (335,000) CF-10 Adjust fund balance 302 s 4,952,544 $ 4,617,544 302-00-508-000-00 $ 335,000 $ 335,000 CF-11 Buildings & Structures-Annex carry forward 2021 budget 318 s 300,000 s l,164,874 318-00-594-220-62 s (864,874) $ (864,874) CF-11 Adjust fund blance 318 s 1,467,790 $ 602,916 318-00-508-000·00 $ 864,874 $ 864,874 CF-12 HVAC Upgrade -library carry forward 2021 budget 318 318-00-594-721-62 $ (250,000) $ (250,000) CF-12 Adjust fund balance 318 s 1,467,790 $ 1,217,790 318-00-508-000-00 s 250,000 $ 250,000 CF-13 Leadbetter House Carry forward 2021 budget 320 s s 500,000 320-00-594-766-61 s (500,000) s (500,000) CF-13 Adjust fund balance 320 $ 532,812 $ 32,812 320-00-508-000-00 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 CF-14 Well 6/14 Transmission Main carry forward 2021 budget 426 s $ 440,000 426-00-594-340-65 s (440,000) s (440,000) CF-14 Transfer in -Fund 432 Transfer from SDCs 426 s $ 440,000 426-00-397-432-00 s 440,000 s 440,000 CF-14 Transfer out-Fund 426 Transfer to WS cap Proj 432 $ $ 440,000 432-00-597-42&-00 $ (440,000) $ (440,000) CF-14 Adjust fund balance 432 s 17,155,696 s 16,715,696 432-00-508-000-00 $ 440,000 $ 440,000 CF-15 NW 11th Ave to Brady Water Ext Carry forward 2021 budget 426 s $ 275,000 426-00-594-365-65 $ (275,000) s (275,000) CF-15 Tra nsfer in -Fund 424 Transfer rates from WS 426 s 425,000 s 700,000 426-00-397-424-00 s 275,000 s 275,000 CF-15 Transfer out-Fund 426 Transfer to WS Cap Proj 424 s 425,000 $ 700,000 424-00-597-426-00 $ (275,000) s (275,000) CF-15 Adjust fund balance 424 s 10,790,902 s 10,515,902 424-00-508-000-00 s 275,000 s 275,000 CF-16 Lower Prune Hill Booster St Ex Carry forward 2021 budget 428 s s 1,860,000 428-00-594-343-65 s (1,860,000) s (1 ,860,000) CF-16 Adjust fund balance 428 $ 4,516,632 $ 2,656,632 428-00-508-000-00 s 1,860,000 s 1,860,000 CF-17 Forest Home Booster Station carry forward 2021 budget 428 s s 580,000 428-00-594-348·65 $ (580,000) $ (580,000) CF-17 428 s 4,516,632 s 3,936,632 428-00-508-000-00 s 580,000 $ 580,000 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & leases ER&R rate adj to correct 001 s 29,239 $ 24,736 001-07-518-900-45 s 4,503 s 4,503 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & leases ER&R rate adj to correct 001 s 21,296 $ 25,815 001-08-521-100-45 s (4,519) $ (4,519) A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & leases ER&R rate adj to correct 001 s 322,236 s 319,235 001-08-521-22D-45 s 3,001 $ 3,001 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & leases ER&R rate adj to correct 001 s 6,046 $ 5,733 001-08-521-700-45 $ 313 $ 313 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 001 s 6,989 $ 4,992 001-08-521-710-45 s 1,997 s 1,997 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 001 s 71,757 $ 71,231 001-10-523-300·45 s 526 s 526 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 001 $ 22,949 $ 18,408 001-13-518-910-45 $ 4,541 s 4,541 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 001 s 218,914 s 261,990 001-18-576-800-45 $ (43,076) s (43,076) A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R ra te adj to cor rect 001 $ 16,444 $ 14,447 001-22-524-200-45 $ 1,997 $ 1 ,997 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Lea ses ER&R rate adj to correct 112 s 146,897 s 151,182 112-00-542-300-45 s (4,285) s (4,285) A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 112 $ 8,563 $ 8,807 112-00-542-900-45 $ (244) $ (244) A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Lea ses ER&R rate adj to cor rect 112 $ 128,406 $ 127,715 112-00-544-200-45 s 691 $ 691 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 115 s 15,268 s 14,336 115-00-522-720-45 s 932 s 932 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER &R rate adj to correct 115 $ 57,696 $ 55,726 115-09-522-210-45 s 1,970 s 1,970 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 115 $ 11,104 $ 10,256 115-09-522-300-45 $ 848 $ 848 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & leases ER&R rate adj to correct 125 s 25,582 s 24,772 125-00-536-500-45 s 810 s 810 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 419 $ 184,419 $ 180,976 419-00-531-500-45 $ 3,443 s 3,443 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 422 $ 364,392 $ 364,109 422-00-537-900-45 s 283 $ 283 A·Ol lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 424 s 208,972 s 207,690 424-00-534-810-45 s 1,282 s 1,282 A·Ol lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 424 $ 85,718 $ 82,785 424-00-535-850-45 $ 2,933 s 2,933 A-01 lntfund Oper Rentals & Leases ER&R rate adj to correct 424 s 97,369 s 97,858 424-00-538-100-45 s (489) s (489) A-01 lntfund Equlp/Veh Rentals increase R&R revenue 523 s 1,556,687 $ 1,579,230 523-00-348-100-00 $ 22,543 $ 22,543 A-02 NE 3rd Ave Bridge Seismic Retr Budget correction 300 s 2,917,118 s 872,081 300-00-595-300-65 s 2,045,037 s 2,045,037 A-02 State Grant -Bridge Retrofit Reduce expected revenue 300 s 2,817,118 $ 772,081 300-00-334-036-00 s (2,045,037) s (2,045,037) A-03 Construction Projects Carry forward 2021 budget 419 $ $ 125,000 419-00-594-530-65 s (125,000) s (125,000) A-03 State grant 419 s s 125,000 419-00-334-031-00 s 125,000 s 125,000 2022 ER&R Budget Info rmation 2022 Yearly Rates 2022 Original Budget Rates $Change % Change Fund B~ Fund B~ Fund General Fund 633,378.96 562,100.44 71,278.52 13% Street Fund 186,868.37 161,185.83 25,682.54 16% Fire I EMS Fund 82,447.44 70,203.67 1 2,243.77 17% Cemetery Fund 26,936.00 22,072.94 4,863.06 22% Storm Water Fund 160,916.58 159,336.30 1,580.28 1% Sanitary Fund 308,862.89 317,734.34 (8,871.45) -3% Water -Sewer Fund 298,591.19 267,739.51 30,851.68 12% Total 1,698,001.42 1,560,373.02 137,628.41 9% Department ----2022 Yearly Total 2022 Original Budget Total ~ Change %of Change Central Services 27,291.15 23 ,669.39 3,621.76 15% Police 359,602.28 343,074.62 16,527.66 5% Detention & Correction 14,267.43 14,308.20 -40.77 0% Engineering 33,839.31 22,948.78 10,890.53 47% Parks 174,654.00 148,495.58 26,158 .42 18% Building 23,724.79 9 ,603.87 14,120 .92 147% Streets 186,868.37 161,185.83 25,682.54 16% Fire 69,602.09 58,932.31 10,669.78 18% EMS 12,845.35 11,271 .36 1,57 3.99 14% Cemetery 26,936.00 22,072.94 4,863 .06 22% -Storm 160,916.58 159,336.30 1,580.28 1% Sanitation 308,862.89 317,734.34 -8,871.45 -3% W/S 298,591.19 267,739.51 30,851.68 12% Grand Total 1,698,001.42 1,560,373.02 137,628.41 9% 2022 Replacement Rates Equipment Type A B c D E F G H K L M N 0 p Q R s T u v w x y z category Sewer Cleaners Street Sweepers Tractor Backhoe One Ton Dump Trucks Two Ton Dump Trucks Pump Trucks' Refuse Packers Three-Wheel Scooters Refuse Scooters Trucks/Pick-ups 1 ton and 3/4 ton Fire SUV or Pick-ups 1/2 ton Smaller Pickups Vans Police Vehicles • Patrol General Use Autos Large Tractors Small tractors Small trailers Large Trailers Speciality service vehicle Police Vehicles -Non Patrol Large Mowers Small Mowers Forklift 10 yd Hook truck Police SUV 385, 356' 2017 Replacement Purchase Price life 483,827.00 10 246,952.73 92,533.90 20 32,588.67 10 46,770.45 10 0.00 10 296,872.05 30,289.78 10 0.00 10 42,013.37 10 41,297.28 26,956.74 10 41,295.18 10 58,362.00 3 38,147,03 168,135.00 20 31,240.00 10 21,758.92 20 18,342.00 20 89,899.71 15 37,559.96 25,600.19 15,640.06 0.00 15 229,275.00 10 58,989.88 2,174,346.90 Expected Inflation Monthly (Based on Replacement Rate Portland CPI Index 2018 (Average CosVLlfe) 4,031.89 2,939.91 385.56 271.57 389.75 0.00 3,534.19 252.41 0.00 350.ll 573.57 224.64 344.13 1,621.17 397.36 700.56 260.33 90.66 76.43 499.44 447.14 304.76 260.67 0.00 l,910.63 614.48 20,481.38 10 year average) Replacement Cost 2019 Replacement 2020 Replacement 2021 Replacement 1.9% for Budget Purchase Price Purchase Price Purchase Price 76.61 493,019.71 508,303.32 520,502.60 426,805.69 55.86 7.33 5.16 7.41 0.00 67.15 4.80 0.00 6.65 10.90 4.27 6.54 30.80 7.55 13.31 4.95 l.72 1.45 9.49 8.50 5.79 4.95 0.00 36.30 ll.68 389.15 251,644.84 94,292.05 33,207.85 47,659.09 0.00 302,512.62 30,865.28 0.00 42,811.62 42,081.93 27,468.92 42,079.79 59,470.88 38,871.82 171,329.57 31,833.56 22,172.34 18,690.50 91,607.80 38,273.60 26,086.60 15,937.22 0.00 233,631.23 60,110.69 2,215,659.49 259,445.83 97,215.10 34,237.30 49,136.52 200,000.00 311,890.Sl 31,822.10 0.00 44,138.78 43,386.47 28,320.45 43,384.26 61,314.48 40,076.85 176,640.78 32,820.40 22,859.68 19,269.90 94.447.64 39,460.08 26,895.28 16,431.28 33,214.48 240,873.79 61,974 .12 2,517,559.41 265,672.53 99,548.26 35,058.99 50,315.80 204,800.00 319,375.88 32,585.83 0.00 45,198.12 44,427.74 29,000.14 44,425.48 62,786.02 41,038.59 180,880.16 33,608.09 23,408.32 19,732.38 96,714.39 40,407.13 27,540.77 16,825.63 34,011.63 246,654.76 63,461.50 2,577,980.84 242,348.12 127,352.46 67,600.41 45,898.38 200,351.38 326,585.79 30,310.90 0.00 48,668.64 40,527.26 24,356.27 40,525.20 63,818.05 26,420.63 148,668.18 39,672.99 57,672.69 19,867.00 88,223.46 56,823.98 89,239.12 15,348,44 33,214.48 285,631.72 51,441.41 2,597,372.65 •changed description and life of F class since there are no active units in this class. It was Five Yard Dump Trucks with a llfe of 3 yrs. Life 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 10 10 3 8 20 10 20 20 15 15 10 5 Monthly Replacement Rate (Averace Cost/Life) Expected Inflation (Based on WHI Reclon CPI 2.4" 3,556.71 $ 85.36 2,885.10 530.64 563.34 382.49 l,669.59 3,887.93 252.59 405.57 562.88 202.97 337.71 l,772.72 275.21 619.45 330.61 240.30 82.78 490.13 676.48 1,052.37 255.81 184.52 2,380.26 857.36 24,465.52 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 69.24 12.74 13.52 9.18 40.07 93.31 6.06 9.73 13 .51 4.87 8.11 42.55 6.61 14.87 7.93 5.77 l.99 ll.76 15.24 25.50 6.14 4.43 57.13 20.58 587.17 2022 Replacement Cost for Bud1et 437,049.03 248,164.47 130,408.92 69,222.82 46,999.94 205,159.81 334,423.85 31,038.35 0.00 49,836.69 41,499.91 24,940.82 41,497.80 65,349.68 27,054.73 152,236.22 40,625.14 59,056.83 20,343.81 90,340.82 58,187.76 91,380.86 15,716.80 34,011.63 292,486.88 52,576.00 2,659, 709.59 0.00 City of Camas 2022 Spring Omnibus Budget Amendment FTE Employees by Resource Area and Department Cu l ture and Recreation Cemetery Senior Grounds Worker Library Library Director Administrative Support Assistant I Technology and Collections Manager Programming and Outreach Coordinator Circulation Services Specialist Library Aide library Aide Library Aide library Aide library Aide Library Aide Library Aide Library Associate Library Associate Library Associate Library Associate Library Associate Library Associate Library Aide -Substitute Library Aide -Substitute library Aide -Substitute Library Aide -Substitute Library Associate -Substitute Library Associate -Substitute Library Associate -Substitute Library Associate -Substitute Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Director Recreation Facilities Coordinator Recreation Coordinator Recreation Coordinator Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Aide CEM.FTE .01 LIB.FTE.01 LIB.FTE.11 LIB .FTE.02 LIB.FTE.03 LIB.FTE.04 LIB.PTE.17 LIB .PTE.14 LIB .PTE.13 LIB.PTE.18 LIB.PTE.12 LIB.PTE.16 LIB.PTE.15 LIB.FTE.08 LIB .FTE.06 LIB.FTE.12 LIB.FTE.07 LIB.FTE .13 LIB.FTE.14 LIB.TMP.24 LIB.TMP.23 LIB.TMP .25 LIB.TMP.21 LIB.TMP.19 LIB.TMP.27 LIB.TMP.26 LIB.TMP .20 PNR .FTE.01 PNR.FTE.02 PNR.FTE.03 PNR.PTE.04 PNR.TMP.11 PNR.TMP.08 PNR.TMP.12 PNR.TMP.07 PNR.TMP.13 PNR.TMP .10 PNR.TMP .16 PNR .TMP.09 PNR.TMP.14 PNR .TMP.05 PNR .TMP.06 1 General Government Parks Maintenance Lead Grounds Worker Senior Grounds Worker Grounds Worker II Grounds Worker I Grounds Worker I Grounds Wo r ker I Grounds Worker I Grounds Worker I Administrative Services Administrative Services Director City Clerk Records Coordinator Administrative Support Assistant II Equipment Rental Lead Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Custodial Aide Senior Administrative Support Assistant Executive Mayor City Administrator Executive Ass i stant Commun ications Director College Intern -Commun ications College Intern -Communications Finance Finance Director Assistant Finance Di recto r Senior Accountant Accountant Procurement Specialist Financial Analyst Accounting Assistant Accounting Assistant Accounting Assistant Financial Assistant Financial Assistant Financial Assistant Financial Assistant College Intern -Finance PMT .FTE.01 PMT.FTE.02 PMT .FTE .08 PMT.FTE.07 PMT .FTE .04 PMT.FTE .05 PMT.FTE.06 PMT.FTE.03 ADM .FTE.01 ADM.FTE .02 ADM.FTE .03 ADM.FTE.06 ERR.FTE.02 ERR.FTE .03 ERR.FTE.04 ERR.FTE.05 ERR.PTE .06 ERR.FTE.01 EXE .ELC.01 EXE.FTE .02 EXE.FTE.06 EXE .FTE.03 EXE.PTE.05 EXE.PTE.04 FIN .FTE .01 FIN.FTE.13 FIN.FTE.15 FIN.FTE.03 FIN.FTE.16 FIN .FTE.04 FIN .FTE .12 FIN .FTE.14 FIN .FTE.11 FIN .FTE.08 FIN .FTE .09 FIN .FTE .07 FIN .FTE .17 FIN .INT .10 2 Human Resources Human Resources Assistant Human Resources Analyst Information Technology Information Technology Director IT Network Administrator IT Support Specialist IT Systems Analyst/Programmer GIS Coordinator College Intern -IT Legislative -Elected Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Municipal Court Lead Court Clerk Court Clerk Court Clerk Natural and Economic Environment Community Development Community Development Director Administrative Support Assistant II Building Building Division Manager/Building Official Building Inspector I Building Inspector I Plans Examiner Plans Examiner Senior Permit Technician Permit Technician Permit Technician HRS.FTE .01 HRS.FTE.02 TEC.FTE.01 TEC.FTE.02 TEC .FTE .03 TEC.FTE .04 TEC.FTE.06 TEC.INT.05 LEG.ELC.01 LEG.ELC.02 LEG.ELC.03 LEG.ELC.04 LEG.ELC.05 LEG.ELC.06 LEG.ELC.07 MCT.FTE.01 MCT.FTE.02 MCT.PTE.03 CDV.FTE.01 CDV.FTE .02 BLD.FTE.01 BLD.FTE.02 BLD.FTE.03 BLD.FTE.04 BLD.FTE.05 BLD.FTE.06 BLD .FTE.07 BLD.FTE.08 --------------------------------------------- Planning Planning Manager Senior Planner Senior Planner Planner College Intern -Planning PLN.FTE .01 PLN.FTE.02 PLN.FTE.03 PLN.FTE.04 PLN.INT.06 3 Public Safety Detention and Corrections Offender Crew Leader Offender Crew Leader Offender Crew Leader -Substitute Law Enforcement Police Chief Police Captain Pol ice Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Code Enforcement Officer Lead Police Records Clerk Police Records Clerk /Dispatcher II Police Records Clerk/Dispatcher II Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Records Cle r k/Dispatche r I Police Records Clerk/Dispatcher II Park i ng Enforcement Officer Police Records Clerk/Dispatcher I -Substi tute DNC.PTE .01 DNC .PTE .02 DNC.T MP.03 POL.FTE .01 POL.FTE.02 POL.FTE.03 POL.FTE .04 PO L.FTE .05 PO L.FTE .06 PO L.FTE .07 POL.FTE .08 POL.FTE .09 POL.FTE .10 POL.FTE .11 POL.FTE .12 POL.FTE .13 POL.FTE .14 POL.FTE .15 POL.FTE .16 POL.FTE .17 POL.FTE .18 POL.FTE .19 POL.FTE .20 POL.FTE.21 POL.FTE .22 · POL.FTE .23 POL.FTE .24 POL.FTE .25 POL.FTE.26 POL.FTE .27 POL.FTE.28 POL.FTE.29 POL.FTE .30 POL.FTE.31 POL.FTE.32 POL.FTE.33 POL .FTE .34 POL .FTE.37 POL .PTE .35 POL.PTE .36 POL .TMP .34 4 Camas-Washougal Fire Department Fire Chief EMS.FTE.01 Division Chief -Emergency Medical Services EMS.FTE.02 Senior Administrative Support Assistant EMS.FTE .03 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.04 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS .FTE .05 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE .06 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.07 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS .FTE.08 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS .FTE.09 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.10 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.11 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE .12 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE .13 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE .14 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.15 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE .16 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE .17 Firefighter/Paramed i c EMS.FTE.18 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS .FTE .19 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE .20 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.21 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE .22 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.23 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE .24 Battalion Chief-Admin FIR.FTE .02 Battalion Chief FIR.FTE .03 Battalion Chief FIR .FTE.04 Division Chief -Fire Marshal FIR.FTE .05 Deputy Fire Marshal FIR .FTE .06 Deputy Fire Marshal FIR.FTE .07 Administrative Support Assistant II FIR.FTE .08 Fire Captain FIR.FTE.10 Fire Captain -Training FIR.FTE.11 Fire Captain/Paramedic FIR.FTE .13 Fire Captain FIR.FTE.14 Fire Captain FIR.FTE .15 Fire Captain/Paramedic FIR.FTE.16 Fire Captain/Paramedic FIR.FTE.17 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.18 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.19 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR .FTE.20 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.21 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE .22 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.23 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE .24 Firefighter FIR.FTE .26 Firefighter FIR.FTE .28 Firefighter FIR.FTE .29 Firefighter FIR.FTE.30 Firefighter FIR.FTE.31 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.32 Firefighter FIR.FTE.33 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.36 5 Transpo rtation Utilities Firefighter Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Captain Firefighter/Paramedi c Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Captain/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Battalion Chief Central Services Lead Facilities Operations Specialist Facilities Operations Specialist Engineering Engineering Manager Engineering Project Manager Engineeri ng Project Manager Engineer Ill Engineer II Engineer II Engineer II Senior Engineering Technician Engineer ing Technician Senior Administrative Support Assistant Administrative Support Assistant II Engineer I Engineering Technician Asset Management Coordinator Streets Public Works Op e rations Supervisor Lea d Maintena nce Worker Maintenance Worker I Senior Maintenance Wo rker Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Work er 11 Maintenance Wo r k er I Mainten a n ce Worker I Engineering Enginee r II -Stor m En ginee r II -W/S FIR .FTE.37 FIR.FTE.38 FIR .FTE .39 FIR.FTE.40 FIR .FTE.41 FIR.FTE.42 FIR.FTE.43 FIR .FTE.44 FIR.FTE.45 FIR.FTE.46 FIR.FTE.47 FIR .FTE.48 CSV.FTE.01 CSV .FTE.02 ENG .FTE .01 ENG.FTE .02 ENG.FTE .03 ENG .FTE .04 ENG .FTE.07 ENG .FTE.09 ENG .FTE .10 ENG.FTE.11 ENG.FTE .12 ENG.FTE .13 ENG.FTE.14 ENG.FT E.15 ENG.FTE.16 ENG .FTE.17 STR .FTE.01 STR .FTE.02 STR.FTE.03 STR.FTE.04 STR.FTE.05 STR.FT E.06 STR.FT E.07 STR .FTE .08 ENG.FTE .05 ENG.FT E.0 6 6 Solid Waste Lead Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Storm Water Maintenance Worker I Maintenance Worker II Lead Maintenance Worker Senior Maintenance Worker Wastewater Treatment Operations Supervisor -Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Lead Wastewater T reatment Plant Operator Water and Sewer Public Works Director Utilities Manager Operations Supervisor -Water/Sewer Senior Admin i strative Support Assistant Lead Utility Maintenance Worker Water Supply Operator Senior Maintenance Worker Senior Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Wo rker Utility Maintenance Wo rker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintena nce Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Mainte nance Worker Sew er Mainte nance Worker GIS Coordinator SAN.FTE .01 SAN.FTE.02 SAN.FTE.03 SAN.FTE.04 SAN.FTE .05 STM.FTE .02 STM.FTE.03 STM.FTE.04 STM.FTE.05 WWT.FTE.01 WWT.FTE.02 WWT.FTE.03 WWT.FTE.04 WWT.FTE .05 WWT.FTE.06 WWT.FTE.07 WWT.FTE.09 WSW.FTE.01 WSW .FTE.02 WSW.FTE .03 WSW.FTE.04 WSW.FTE.05 WSW.FTE.06 WSW.FTE.07 WSW.FTE.08 WSW .FTE .10 WSW.FTE.11 WSW.FTE.1 2 WSW.FTE.13 WSW.FTE .14 WSW.FTE .15 WSW.FTE.16 WSW.FTE.17 WSW.FTE .18 WSW.FTE.19 WSW .FTE.20 WSW.FTE.21 7