ORD 2435 � ORDINANCE NO . �. , 45 AN ORDINANCE annexing real property to the City of Camas . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS . Section I The Council of the City of Camas finds that the following steps have been taken with respect to annexation of the hereinafter described unincorporated area to the City of Camas : A . On November 1 , 2004 , a Notice of Intention to petition for annexation of the subject real property by the direct petition method provided for in Chapter 3 5A . 14 , Revised Code of Washington , was filed with the City of Camas . B . The City Council of the City of Camas set December 13 , 2004 as the time for a meeting with the annexation proponents to determine whether the City would accept, reject , or geographically modify the proposed annexation , and whether it would require the simultaneous adoption of a proposed zoning regulation , and whether it would require the assumption of existing indebtedness . C . On December 13 , 2004 , the City Council conducted a meeting at which it modified the geographical boundaries of the proposed annexation , required the assumption of all existing indebtedness , and required the adoption of a proposed zoning regulation . D . On February 22 , 2005 , the City received a petition for annexation signed by the owners of not less than sixty percent ( 60 % ) in value , according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property proposed to be annexed . E . On April 11 , 2005 , the City Council conducted a public hearing to consider the annexation proposal and the adoption of a proposed zoning regulation . F . On June 13 , 2005 and June 25 , 2005 , the City Council conducted additional public hearings on the proposed annexation and zoning regulation . G . On September 6 , 2005 , the City Council adopted Resolution No . 1024 setting forth the intent of the City of Camas to annex the subject real property . H . A Notice of Intention was filed with the Clark County Boundary Review Board , and the Board thereafter approved the Annexation as submitted . Section II Pursuant to the direct petition method provided for in Chapter 35A . 14 Revised Code of Washington , the real property described in Exhibit "A " attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein , being a portion of Clark County not heretofore incorporated as a city or town , J. Ordinance No . Page - 2 lying contiguous to the City of Camas , is hereby annexed to the Ci of Camas and made a art thereof. City p Section III All property within the area hereby annexed shall be assessed and taxed topay for the outstanding general obligation indebtedness of the City of Camas existing as of the effective date of said annexation . Section IV The real property hereby annexed to the City of Camas is zoned in single family R 7 . 5 . The City Planning Manager is hereby authorized and directed to alter the district boundary lines of " The Maps ) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Camas , " established pursuant to Chapter 18 . 16 of the Camas Municipal Code to include the property described in Section I hereof with the zoning classification as hereinbefore stated . Section V The City Clerk is hereby directed to file with the Board of Clark CountyCommissioners ssioners of Clark County , Washington, a certified copy of this ordinance . The City Clerk is further directed to file with the Office of Financial Management a certificate as required by RCW 3 5A . 14 . 700 within thirty ( 30 ) days of the effective date of this annexation . The Ci Clerk is further directed . City to take all other steps and to inform all other agencies of said annexation as may be necessary andro er . p p Section VI This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after itsp ublication according to law . The annexation of the aforedescribed real roe shall be effective as of property�y the effective date of this ordinance . [� © D , PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by Y the Mayor this$ da f y o AOL SIGNED , Mayor ATTEST : r tClerk APPR as to forms r Ci A orney 1 1 MINISTER � GLAESER SURVEYING INC . Vancouver Office`Ice -- 2 '700 E ,evergreen Rlvd , YQncou�er, y�wizingion 9,866] (360) 6.4$-3313 Pasco Orke -- 6303 Burden Boulevard Suite B. Pasco, Washington 9130.1 (509) 544 - ?812 _ 1RICI 'VC A .'� f '• ' • �, . 4 M ` February 17 , 2005 --•.: 41032 I.�;= :.�' EXHIBIT A4 . . . . . . , . . - � EXPIRESA JANUARY 23 , 2t , A parcel of land located in the Northeast quarter of Section 8 , ToAkrnship 1 North , Range 3 East , Willamette Meridian . Clark County, Washington , described as follows : Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Joel might Donation Land Claim ', Thence South 00 "22 ' 55 " West, along the West line of said Knight Donation Land ClaM, for a distance of 2150 . 5feet to the North. .line of said Section 8 ; Thence South 04 ° 25 ' 47 " West, the West line of said Knight Donation Land Claim, for a distance of 9 . 64 feet to the Southerly right-of-moray of SE 40fl' Street. and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING .* Thence along said Southerly ri.ght- of way line , along the arc of a 220 . 99 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 84 ° 22 ' 41 " East, for a chord distance of 40 . 90 feet, through a central angle of 10 " 3 7 ' 07" , for an are distance of 40 . 96 feet ; Thence continuing along said Southerly right- of- vay South 89041 1 " East, .for a distance of 553 . 66 feet to the west fine of `Knight Pointe at Prune Hill. " recorded in Book H. of flats at Page 594 . records of Clark County . Washington ; Thence leaving said Southerly right-of- way line South 01 ' 26 ' 14 " West, along said West liner for a distance of 462 . 46 feet? Thence continuing along said Nest line of said "Knight Pointe at Prune Hill " South 02 ' 17 ' 20 " Fest, for a distance of 538 . 47 feet; Thence continum.g along said Nest .line South 01 °49 ' 08 " West_ for a distance of 45 1 . 99 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 22 of said j `Kni ht Pointe at Prune g Hill ", said point also being the most Northerly Northwest corner of Lot 25 , " Grand. Ridge Phase 2 " . recorded in Book 3 10 of Plats at Page 854 , records of Clark County , Washington ; Thence South 01 °49 ' 08 " East, along the west line of said Lot 25 , for a distance of 27 . 00 feet to the Northerly line of said Lot 25 ; Thence North 8716 ' 28 " Vest. along the North line of said "Grand Ridge Phase 2 " and an extension thereof, for a distance of 659 . 49 feet to the West line of the Knight Donation Land Claim line ; Thence North 4 ° 25 ' 47' ' East, along said Knight Donation Land claim Iine , for a distance of 1459 . 09 feet to the Southerly line of said SE 40 'b Street, and the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING ; Containing 21. . 15 acres , more or less . Together with and subject to easements, reservations , covenants and restrictions apparent or of record . Kyle P . Feeder Professional Land Survevor W Minister & Glaeser Surveying, Inc . got go :•i :.` to is :lto :t SHARP ELECTRONICS ago to ::% at 400. 4 * 04 00 go 44 a go ` aas a : r�rr s WINCHESTER HILLS —TT Hinton Annexation = I AV KNIGHT POINTE at $ TATE OF WASHINGTON 41411106,11 46J1111m"m a. ot go ft it O � too , ''1. ;44•!44'% . �•• fit a • `• . GRAND RIDGEso CITY BOUNDARIES :1o;00 : i : 1 : 00649 , 0 City Limits ' �r a all co glog *11414o e Urban Growth Boundarygoo x Hinton Annexation . r • _c _ O N CITY OF CAMAS w E HINTON ANNEXATION inch equals 500 feet S