ORD 2244 ORDINANCE NO .. AN ORDINANCE amending Section III of Ordinance 2206 and Section 10 . 36 . 060 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the City Commute Trip Reduction ( CTR) Plan . WHEREAS , the council previously enacted Ordinance No . 2206 which revised the City Commute Trip Reduction Plan , and WHEREAS , Section III of Ordinance No . 2206 as adopted inadvertently repealed to subsections thereof, NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS : Section I Section III of Ordinance 2206 and Section 10 . 36 . 060 of the Camas Municipal Code are amended to provide as follows : 10 . 36 . 060 - CTR Goals A . Percentage Reductions of SOVs and VMTs . Except as otherwise provided in this chapter , an affected employer shall include in its CTR program measures designed to achieve the following percentage reductions from the base year values for the CTR zone in which the affected employer is located by calculating the VMTs and SOVs of its affected employees : YEAR PERCENTAGE PERCENTAGE REDUCTION REDUCTION OF VMTs OF SOVs 1995 15 % 15 % 1997 20 % 20 % 1999 25 % 25 % 2005 35 % 35 % The base year values for the CTR zones and a map of the CTR zones within the City shall be set forth in the City ' s CTR plan . Be Reduction goals can be based on reductions from the base year values for the CTR zone in which the affected employer is located or from the work site ' s own base year value , as determined through an employee commute survey conducted at the work site . Cr Calculation of VMTs and SOVs . 1 . The CTR plan shall set forth methods for calculating the reduction of VMTs and SOVs of affected employees . Ordinance No . = � -' Page 2 y 2 . The following will be used in measuring VMTs : a . Single - occupant vehicle trips count as one trip ; b . Carpool trips count as the inverse of the number of occupants in the vehicle ; i . Two -person carpool counts as 1/2 trip , ii . Three -person carpool counts as 1 / 3 trip , 111 . Four-person carpool counts as 1 /4 trip , iv . Five -person carpool counts as 115 trip , V . Six-person carpool counts as 1 /6 trip . D . Credit for Programs Implemented Prior to the Base Year (Inherent Credit) . Employers with CTR programs in place at the time of the initial employer survey may receive an inherent credit . " Inherent credit " means that an employer will not be required to reduce their VMT and SOV levels by the entire applicable percentage reduction targets , because they may have already implemented CTR programs prior to the base year of 1992 . Affected employers will be inherently credited for their prior CTR achievements insofar as meeting the required VMT and SOV goals for an applicable target year . Affected employers shall be responsible for submitting adequate documentation to the City which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City the amount of the inherent credit . This inherent credit will be applied to the employer ' s SOV and VMT goals for the target year under consideration . Even in cases where an inherent credit is received for prior TDM efforts , an affected employer shall not be exempt from submitting a CTR program . E . Modification of CTR Goals . 1 . An affected employer may request that the City modify its CTR program goals . Such request shall be filed in writing at least sixty days prior to the date the work site is required to submit its program description and annual report . The goal modification request must clearly explain why the work site is unable to achieve the applicable goal . The work site must also demonstrate that it has implemented all of the elements contained in its approved CTR program . 2 . The City will review and grant or deny requests for goal modifications in accordance with procedures and criteria identified in the CTR task force guidelines . 3 . An employer may not request a modification of the applicable goals until one year after City approval of its initial program description and annual report . ( Ord . 2146 § § 5 , 6 , 1997 ; Ord . 1916 § 65 1993 ) Ordinance No . �? Page 3 Section II This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . PASSED b the Council and APPROVED b the Mayor this U � da of Y Y Y Y November , 1999 . SIGNED : Mayor `p ATTEST : hAA � Clerk APP 4as to form : Ci Attorney