ORD 2169 v 'p ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE revising Section 18 . 24 . 040 of the Camas City Code by restating density , set- back , lot coverage , and building height requirements for property zoned R1 single - family district , amending Section 18 . 32 . 010 by allowing single - family detached dwellings in property zoned MF multi - family district , amending Section 18 . 32 . 040 by restating the density , set- back , building coverage and building height requirements for property zoned MF multi - family , and amending Section 18 . 3 2 . 05 0 by restating the density , set - back , lot coverage , and building height requirements for row houses located on land classified MF multi - family . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section I Section 18 . 24 . 040 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to read as provided in Exhibit " A " attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein . Section II Section 18 . 32 . 010 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows : 18 . 32 . 010 - Principal Uses - Principal uses permitted outright in the MF district are as follows : a) Principal uses permitted outright in an R1 district ; b ) Duplex or two - family dwelling ; c ) multi - family dwelling ; d) Row houses ; e ) single - family detached dwelling . Section III Section 18 . 32 . 040 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to read as provided in Exhibit " B " attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein . Section IV Section 18 . 32 . 050 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as set forth in Exhibit " B " attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein . Section V This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of May , 1998 . SIGNED : Mayor ATTEST . .. Clerk APPROVED as to form : City Attorney s Exhibit A Chapter 18 . 24 RI SINGLE - FAMILY DISTRICT 18 . 24 . 040 Density provisions . A . Land in the R1 district shall be classified as Rl - 6 , R1 - 7 . 5 , R140 R142 , R145 or R1 - 20 . Be The density provisions for land classified as Rl - 6 are as described in Table 1 . C . The density provisions for land classified as R1 - 7 . 5 are as described in Table 1 . D . The density provisions for land classified as R140 are as described in Table 1 . E . The density provisions for land classified as R1 - 12 are as described in Table 1 . F . The density provisions for land classified as R1 - 15 are as described in Table 1 . G . The density provisions for land classified as Rl - 20 are as described in Table 1 TABLE 1 - RI USES 1 Rl -6 R14 . 5 R140 R142 R145 R1 -2 0 A . Minimum lot area 6 , 000 7 , 500 109000 12 , 000 1500 20 , 000 ( sq . ft . ) Be Minimum lot width 60 70 80 90 100 100 ( feet) C . Minimum lot depth 90 90 100 100 125 100 ( feet) D . Minimum front yard. 20 20 20 25 30 30 ( feet) E . Minimum side yard 5 5 10 15 15 side 15 and corner lot rear yard ( feet) 20 rear NOWN F . Minimum side yard, 20 20 20 25 30 30 flanking a street ( feet) G . Minimum rear yard 25 25 25 30 35 50 ( feet) H . Minimum lot frontage 30 30 35 35 40 40 on bulb of cul- de - sac or curve (feet) 2 I . Maximum building 35 35 35 35 35 35 height ( feet) ' J . Maximum building 40 % 40 % 35 % 30 % 30 % 30 % lot coverage l For additional density provisions , see Section 18 . 64 . 030 through 18 . 64 . 130 . 2 Curve radius of one hundred feet or less . 3 Maximum building height . three stories and a basement but not to exceed height listed above CMC -#98 - 01 May 18 , 1998 g : \planning\marty\word\council\cmc9801 r . doc Exhibit B Chapter 18 . 32 MF MULTIFAMILY DISTRICT Sections . 18 . 32 . 010 Principal uses . 18 . 32 . 020 Accessory uses . 18 . 32 . 030 Conditional uses . 18 . 32 . 040 Density provisions . 18 . 32 . 050 Density provisions for rowhouses . 18 . 32 . 010 Principal uses . Principal uses permitted outright in the MF district are as follows : A . Principal use permitted outright in an R1 district ; Be Duplex or two - family dwelling ; Ce Multifamily dwelling , D . Rowhouses ; _ . _ . . . le f nl d°ctaehed dw ell : . . . - Y : . 18 . 32 . 040 Density provisions . A . Land within a MF district shall be classified as MF - 10 , MF - 18 or MF - 24 . Be The density provisions for land classified as MF - 10 are as described in Table 1 . CO The density provisions for land classified as MF . 18 are as described in Table 2 . D . The density provisions for land classified as MF - 24 are as described in Table 3 18 . 32 . 050 Density provisions for rowhouses . A . The density provisions for rowhouses for land classified as MF - 10 are as described in Table 1 . Be The density provisions for rowhouses for land classified as MF - 18 are as described in Table 2 . CO The density provisions for rowhouses for land classified as MF - 24 are as described in Table 3 , CMC498 - 01 May 18 , 1998 g : \planning\marty\word\council\cmc9801 r . doc TABLE I - MF40 USES ' SINGLE -FAMILY ATTACHED/ STANDARD DETACHED A . Minimum lot area 6 , 000 3000 ( sq . ft . ) Be Minimum lot width 60 30 ( feet) C . Minimum lot depth 90 75 ( feet) lessee Do Minimum front yard 15 15 ( feet) E . Minimum side yard, 10 0 or 5 ( side) through lot or rear yar& ( feet) 0 or 10 (rear) F . Minimum side yard, 15 15 flanking a street ( feet) G . Maximum building 35 35 height' ( feet) H . Maximum building lot 45 % 55 % coverage I Minimum lot area per 41356V 31000 dwelling unit ( sq . ft . ) l For additional density provisions , see Section 18 . 64 . 030 through 18 . 64 . 130 . a As part of a Planned Development , 3 For the non- attached side of a dwelling unit, the setback shall be the 5 feet . ' Maximum building height : three stories and a basement but not to exceed height listed above . CMC-#98 - 01 May 18 , 1998 g : \planning\marty\word\council\cmc9 8 01 r . doc TABLE 2 - MF48 USES ' SINGLE -FAMILY ATTACHED/ STANDARD DETACHED A . Minimum lot area 6 , 000 2 , 200 ( sq . ft . ) Be Minimum lot width 60 3 0 ( feet) CO Minimum lot depth 90 70 ( feet) Do Minimum front yard 15 10 ( feet) E . Minimum side yard, 10 0 or 5 ( side) through lot or rear yard' ( feet) 0 or 10 (rear) F . ' Minimum side yard, 15 15 flanking a street ( feet) G . Maximum building 45 35 heighe ( feet) He Maximum building lot 55 % 65 % coverage MINE I . Minimum lot area per 2 , 420 2 , 200 dwelling unit ( sq . ft . ) 1 For additional density provisions , see Section 18 . 64 . 030 through 18 . 64 . 130 . 2 As part of a Planned Development . ' For the non- attached side of a dwelling unit, the setback shall be the 5 feet along the side and 10 feet along the rear . 4m d ' i aximum builght : three stories and a basement but not to exceed height listed above . CMC498 - 01 May 18 , 1998 g : \planning\marty\word\council\cmc9801 r . doc TABLE 3 sonMF- 24 USES 1 SINGLE4AA/HLY ATTACHED/ STANDARD DETACHED A . Minimum lot area 600 1 , 800 ( sq . ft . ) Be Minimum lot width 60 20 ( feet) C . Minimum lot depth 90 65 ( feet) Do Minimum front yard 15 10 ( sq . , ft . ) E . Minimum side yard, 10 0 or 5 ( side) through lot or rear yard' ( feet) 0 or 10 (rear) F . Minimum side yard, 15 15 flanking a street ( feet) G . Maximum building 45 45 height4 ( feet) H . Maximum building lot 65 % 75 % coverage I . Minimum lot area per 1 , 815 11800 dwelling unit ( sq . ft . ) 1 For additional density provisions , see Section 18 . 64 . 030 through 18 . 64 . 130 . 2 As part of a Planned Development . ' For the non- attached side of a dwelling unit, the setback shall be the 5 feet along the side and 10 feet along the rear . 4 Maximum building height : three stories and a basement but not to exceed height listed above . CMC -# 98 - 01 May 18 , 1998 g : \planning\marty\word\council\cmc9 8 01 r . doc