ORD 2096 Adopted Budget • Program of Services For The Year Beginning January 1 , 1997 CITY OF CAMAS Washington City of Camas Property Tax Levy For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1 , 1997 Distribution of Property Tax by Fund and Amount Taxing Assessed District Valuation Mills Amount General Fund 117 . 000 834 , 755 , 889 3 . 15200 2 , 631 , 151 117 . 023 98 , 909 , 126 3 . 59626 355 47 703 117 . 026 113 , 260 , 416 3 . 59626 407, 314 112 . 001 3 , 689 , 879 3 . 59626 13 , 270 3 , 407 , 438 Emergency Rescue Fund 117 . 000 834 , 755 , 889 . 25000 208 , 689 117 . 023 98 , 909 , 126 . 25000 24 , 727 1170026 113 , 260 , 416 . 25000 28 , 315 112 . 001 3 , 689 , 879 . 25000 923 262 , 654 Unlimited Tax General 117 . 000 834 , 755 , 889 . 12509 102 , 637 Obligation Bond 117 . 023 98 , 909 , 126 . 12509 12 , 373 Redemption - Parks 117 . 026 113 , 260 , 416 . 12509 14 , 011 112 . 001 3 , 689 , 879 . 12509 461 129 , 482 Limited Tax General 117 . 000 834 , 755 , 889 . 44426 370 , 848 Obligation Bond Redemption - Storm Sewer/CERB Loan Total City 4 , 170 , 422 Administrative Refund - 117 . 000 834 '17f5 , 889 . 00374 3 , 122 117 . 023 98 , 909 , 126 . 00374 370 117 . 026 113 , 260 , 416 . 00374 423 112 . 001 3 , 689 , 879 , 00374 14 3 , 929 Total Tax Levy $ 4 , 17411351 Total Assessed Valuation 1997 $ 1 , 050 , 615 , 310 CITY OF CAMAS , WASHINGTON TABLE OF CONTENTS In ea Budget et Ca.l.endar � Mission Statement How to Use This Budget 3 Za Letter of Tr smi .nttal 4 Appropriation Ordinance 8 Organizational charts ' City of camas 1 Finance 11 Public Works 1 . Fire & Emergency Rescue 13 Police 14 Librate . 5 „�: I :. Parks Recreation lb Employee Full ��' Time Equivalents 117 Combined Summa.? of Revenues , Appropriations and Other Financing Sources and Lyses by Fund 18 Summary of Estimated Appropriations by Fund. 20 Schedule of Goest^ating Transfers 21 General Fund , umma . of Revenues and Expenditures 22 : .,egisla.tive 2 ` ud ' cia l 30 F, ecutive 01 Financial.l and Records Services 33 1,eeaal 37 Personnel 39 t er General ( overnmen a.l Services Law nforr.~ ement Fire on .L. 1 48 Detenb[ ai t and / or CorrrC.Action ) 4 r Emer .ency Se bice s 56 Engineering 7 } Pollution Control Services 6 Planning and comms_, ni Development # t CITYL OF CAMAS , WASHINGTON ( Continued) TABLE OF CONTENTS Other Physical Environment 64 Metal and Physical Health 65 Parks and Recreation 66 Culture and Recreation 69 Capitalized Expenditures 74 Participant Recreation. 76 Protective Services 78 Central Services 82 Information and. Outreach 84 Library 85 Special Revenue Funds City Street Department 89 Emergency Rescue 94 Fire EquipmentCumulative Reserve 99 Storm Water Drainage 101 Debt Service Funds Unlimited Tax {general Obligations 103 Limited 'rax General obligations 105 Capital Pro, ect Funds Growth. Management Act 107 Police Facility 110 Beton Street Improvements 112 N . W . Elm Street 114 Parker Street 11. Forest Home Neighborhood 118 Enterprise Funds City Sanitary Fund 120 Water - Sewer Revenue Fund 124 Water - Sewer Capital Reserve I. 29 Water- Sever Bond. Redemption 131 D 8anita�ry Sewer ' onstruction ? 83 Farmers Home Ad ini . stratio . Revenue Bond 134 Water Construction Fund. 136 Sewer 'treatment Plant 138 Internal. Service Fund Equj".pment Rental I ind 140 Fiduciary Fund Firemen Pension Fund 143 - . City of Carnas , Wa shin 9ton Budget Calendar for the 1997 Budget 19IDeP's . : . July 3 1996 Finance Dept . Distributes instructions and forms to departments for 1997 budget preparation . August 1 , 1996 Departments file 2 comes of their budget with the City ' Administrator . August Finance Director reviews budget submissions , consoncL tes estimates and develops first draft of preliminary budget . Aug . 20 1996 Finance Director wes first draft of preliminary budget with the Mayor and City Administrator , Aug . 21 - Sept 10 , 1996 City Administrator and Finance Director conduct departmental hearings to nr determine budget that will be presented to the council . Sept . 11 - 1 , 1996 Mayor and City Administrator prepare budget message . Finance Director assembles proposed budget . fact . 7 , 1996 Proposed budget submitted to the council for study , Oct . 29 and Nov . 5 , 1996 Publish notice of budget :hearing mc] uwng summary of budget and statement of availability of preliminary budget on Nov , 13 , 1996 . Nov . 12 , 1996 Council passes ordinance fixing 1997 tC leve . Ordinance published Dec . 3 , 1996 . Nov . 1 , 1996or Nov . 2 , 1996 Council holds budget hearing . fis*` December 1990 Notice of summarypublished wi Noticeth 30 days of adoption and availability t of budget . Tan , 1 1997 1997 budg et recorded in account *ing ledgers . l i 1 City o Camas Mission Statement The City of Camas commits to preserving its heritage, sustaining arufenFiancing a fi '919h quality of lifefor ail its citizens and developing the community to meet the c�iaCCenges of tfiefuture. We take pride in preserving a fieafth�ict environment zvhiCe promoting economic growth. We encourage citizens to participate in government and community, assisting the city in its efforts to provide quality of services consistent with their desires andneecls. a HOW TO USE THIS BUDGET TI'T'LE INFORMATION PROVIDED Letter of Transmittal This letter gives a summary of what is contained in the budget , significant capital prof ects and a list of additional items not budgeted but have been requested . Appropriation Ordinance A copy of the ordinance appropriating funds for operating the City for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1997 . Summary of Estimated This exhibit shows the total amount appropriated for Appropriations by Fund each City Fund . STANDARD' CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNT The City of Camas ' utilizes the Budgeting , Accounting , and Reporting System (BARS ) prescribed by the State Auditor 's Office for all cities and counties in the State of Washington. . The BARS system follows generally accepted accounting methods . Emphasis is placed on programs and services or what the city and county is attempting to accomplish rather than upon subjects or individual aid . The water and sewer utility fellows the " Uniform System services to be pof Accounts for Class A and Mass B Water Utilities" recommended by the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners . " DOUBLE BUDGETING" Governmental accounting and budgeting differs from that practiced by private business in that it utilizes the "fund" system . Each fund of the City Camas is a separate entity in itself. Money is id from one fund to another for services that one fund or department performs appropriated and pa for another department . The Equipment Rental Department appropriates money to purchase equipment , supplies and v , provides for employee salaries for maintaining equipment . The Street , Water- Sever , Sanitary , Pice d of her dapaftx ants appropriate funds to "rent" the equipment from the Equipment Rental Department . Both the Equipment Rental Fund appropriations and other department appropriations are required by haw to be the total budget figure in in budgeting" . The Finance Department appropriates salaries and other supplies for utility billing and accounting . The Water- Suver and Sanitary Funds appropriate money to reimburse the General Fund for services of the Finance Department . s 3 4 Qj W 1 y + s 4 �.*:,• -5 rives .. :i: 4 {:,,t#` y. ° ya .r ' 'f „w„v Ya .r y . a , ,aat'G'4siViY Pity t7ti ;i ; Y tit 'F_ : CAA4A MEMORANDUM e O o�unci Members Ap ' om : Mayor Dean Dorsett DATE ,* October 7 19996 SUB*1JraC' ; Summary /Highlights of 1997 Budget his is to accompany the draft budget which is presented to you today. The proposed 1997 budget makes provisions for major capital investments, a �� level of City services to our growing eo munit �, and a continuing partnership w ith industry . all Ma jor capital proiects include : 1 . Police Facility to be completed 19 7v 2 Parker Street Extenson ' to be constructed the idust area . 3 . Forest Home Neighborhood Project to improve another older neighborhood . 4 A series of street overlays and improvements are budgeted at upwards of $ 3 oo 1A 000, and should result in not ce ble changes in arms ' streets , 5 . The Sewage Treatment Plant will benefit from completion of the Secondary Clarifier Project . In addition to a series of major capital projects, the budget also makes provisions to assure a stable and continued high level, of pubic services for Camas ' rapidly growing population, which is nearing the 10oo mark . In the .most recent year, the City's population creased by 785 person, or fu Il ten percent . To meet the public service needs of our citims the budget support inc���ed stafng police, emer genc�y ick, dire, rare tion, l br .� , finance, and pumic works areas . other su pprtn costs are adjusted in the 1997 budget to accomodate growing demand. . 4 i A third major emphasis is on partnerships with industry , Very large specialised inspections of new industrial construction projects are reflected in the 1997 budget . Where will. be intensive reviews of building plans and inspections of industrial buildings . The budget win reflect the "pass--through" of large industrial pari checking and inspection fees and casts. We want to assure that the reviews are timely and thorough. The Wafertech Project is the largest industrial project . Where are also likely to be several additional industrial construction projects in the Cascade Business Park . ` the themes of the budget are capital projects, continued service levels and partnership with industry, it is also noteworthy that desired general fund reserves are retained . The goal of a 0% General Fund reserve is achieved . The Finance Department estimate is that the City General Fund balance at January 1 , 1997 , will be in the range of , oo, 000 . This fund balance X11 represent approx=ate y 54 percent of the proposed General Fund expenditure authorization . This compares well with standards from other cities,, from Camas ' history, and with prudence . PERCENTAGE OF GENERAL SCE TO GENERAL FUND EXPENDrMRES «, . . „ . . . . yr ; . _ ,: . . k , 11 - c t , ;- VV VIA # . 11 A Y k ` Ibb, s . Y AAV 1 ✓ i i w4. ,.t= . .t ' tf4 1 5 { ( i 40% +F 1t 7 1 i t k rl k : k ' t :Y A r 1 ��I� rA , A 1 .. A4 VW: i . A J iY k /� f AW {r20% e t C., 44 A w '.15% 14 04 WA t t _ + k`, l { 19 92 103 J I *ZTZrNa 1996 1997 YEAM 'he foilo ng are a few of the most noteworthy highlights of the proposed budget : POLICE 'T. ► IONmo The facility on E Third Avenue is appro matey 15 , 000 pare feet in size wit a total east of approximately $2 . 5 nullion dollars . Largely �i�nded in the 1996 supplemental approp nations 31 the project is expected to e completed in 199 'x . It w serve the community s police needs for decades . 5 PARKER STREET PROJECTm -The project is the extension of Parker Street from NW 3 8th Avenue to SE 1 st Avenue . The four- lane street X11 serve the developing industrial area and provide an important transportation link to the City system. The project, including the related water line, is estimated to cost approximately $ 5 million, and is handled in a separate construction project fund . The project is fended from a diverse set of sources . STREET IMPROVEMENTS - - CITYWIDE The budget includes many street improvement projects . Citywide overlays ($ 300 , 000+) , improvements to the NE Lake Road/NE Everett Street intersection, painting of the NE 3rd .Avenue Bridge , and installation of a traffic signal at the corner of NE 3rd Avenue and NE 2nd .Avenue are examples . Sidewalk improvements and parking on E Ione Street are also in the Street package . FOREST HOME NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT- - This is yet another in a series of neighborhood projects . This project includes sidewalk, sewer reconstruction, and flood prevention work . The total project cost is $ 290 , 74&8 of which $ 240 , 748 is funded with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds . SEWER PLANT IMPROVEMENTS -- The Secondary Clarifier Project is expected to be completed at a cost of approximately $ 1 . 3 million. This should allow the plant to consistently operate within all permit requirements and X11 gide the plat added hydraulic capacity . Further plant expansion and mprovement X11 be needed to meet industrial and residential demands . CRASS VALLEY INTERIM FIRE STATIONJhe budget makes provision for improvements to an interim station at a cost o $ 56 , 000 . The interim station is scheduled to be occupied in the fall of 199with the addition of FirefighterlParedic staffing . DETENTION COSTS - -Under the provisions of SB +6 11 , the City 11 ' be required to compensate the County for jail (detention) costs . These are budgeted. at $ 1 'x , 000 . PARKS and OPEN SPACE- Further acquisitions are planned and it is expected that the Doer Creek Park Will be ready for public use by the end of next construction season . STAFFING . _ _ Staff additions areanticipated . They include ; A police officer four paramedic/Firefighters ; a fire inspector, a part FTE Recreation Leader ; additional } Library staff hours ; a finance assistant, and continuation of positions added in 1996 More specifics of departmental budgets are found in the text of the draft budget itself and are not re - iterated here . 6 MAJOR � SS�;�I�IPTI01"�S A few major assumptions are worthy of highlighting ,* -T ie James River Assessed value Appeal is assumed unresolved. leo favorable P outcome is pro me. into the budget. The revenue side of the budget assumes the . � a roughly $200 million appealed value as the Mill ' s tax basis for 1997 . r � --The continuation of announced, planned industrial sit n s is assumed . Simco these have been very large and significant, it is worth noting this important assumption. --N0 Si if ORDINANCE NO .AN ORDINANCE adapting the budget for the City of Camas , Washington , for the fiscal year ending December 31 , 1997 . WHEREAS , ' the Mayor of the City of Camas , Washington completed and placed on file with the City Clerk a proposed budget and estate of the amount of the 40 Comes required to meet the public expenses , bond retirement aninterest , reserve funds and expenses of goverr�naen of said City for the fiscal year ending December 31 , 1997 , and a. notice was published' that the Council of said City would meet on the 25th day of November , 1996 at the hour of 7 .* 00 p . m . , at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said City for the purpose of making and adopting a. budget for said fiscal year and giving taxpayers within the Limits of said City an opportunity to be heard upon said budget , and WHEREAS , the said City Council did meet at said icna e and place and did then consider the matter of said proposed budget ; and id proposed budget does not exceed the lawful WHEREAS ,, the sa ' t of taxation allowed by law to be levied on the property within the City of Camas s for the purposes set forth m said budget , and the es ated expenditures set forth M said budget being all necessary to carry on the government of said City for said year and fficient to meet the various needs of said City ding said. period . bei PAR'1 'MENT AMOUNT FUND I General Community Education and Participant Recreation 21 , 200 Libraries 620 , 568 Cultural & Recreational Facilities 1392172 Parks and Recreation 386 , 747 apit ed Expenditures 56 , 000 Other Financing Uses4nterfund 11084 , 989 Total General Fund 8385 . 078 City Street 1 , 56 1 , 319 Emergency Rescue 11142 , 874 Fire Equipment Cumulative Reserve 438 , 000 Storm Water Drainage 85 , 000 Unlimited Tax General {obligation Bond Redemption 130 , 01. 5 Limited ' Tax General Obligation Bend Redemption 370 , 848 Growth Management Act Capital Project 10, 940 , 000 Parker Street Capital Project 42990 , 000 Forest Home Neighborhood Capital Project 290 , 748 City Sanitary 919 , 404 Water- Sewer 21384 , 529 Water- Sewer Bond Redemption. 373 , 180 Farmer Home Bond Redemption 24 , 025 Water - Sewer Capital Reserve 2 50 , 000 Equipment Rental 510 , 709 Firemen 's Pension. 11500 TOTAL .ALL FUNDS $ 23 . 897 . 329 SECTION II That certain document entitled " Proposed Budget and Program. of Service " for the year beginnmg January 1 1997 , two ( 2 ) copies of which are on file in the 'office of the Clerk , be and the sa . e is hereby adopted as the budget for the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending December 31 , 1997 . SECTION III This ordinance shall be in force and take effect five ( 5 ) days after its publication according to law . PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 25th day of November , 1996 . SIGNED ; .- ......Y ,,., � .. ATTEST . Coe l APPEIS as to form : City ` tor: . ey 9 i CI CSF CAMAS Organization .SNS t L LIBRARY BOARD r . PARK BOARD LIBRARY ITTAdFPAJ YJ UNISTRATOR FINANCE FSE PUBLIC POLICE P AN ORKS RECREATION City Clerk EnginSuppression uppression Recor s Recreation Network Inspections / . Prevention Investigation Facile r Administration Per tits Rentals Accounting "' Streets Ambulance Patrol -- Pool Purchasing Wat - e� er S er Traf fic General Parks Treasury Sanitation Social Services Licen iriz Equipment ---r- .ental Payroll / .�... , Personnel Pla,nnix 10 t i f i t , Ile I Finance Dent ell{ rx h } t z S w 3 b d v i „ fix 4 r w , b • . �. .J s n,. , 4"r,{ .� 5 � w $ w h . a. f 1 , 1 vi � Y 4 2 to w v^" } v y AA + . . : MD eve � , 4 , . i .. Y . 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I .1%1�%"% V' 11 %111111111� 1 "1 11 1 % I I I I " I - I I I I I I I Al Camas Police Devartment CHIEF OF POLICE Police Captain SUPPORT SERVICES PARKING ENFORCEMENT Police Administrative Secretary Perking Enforcement ( 1 /2 ) Clerk Cleric ( 1 /2 ) INVESTIGATIONS & PATROL OPERATIONS SPECIAL SERVICES E: Detective Sergeant Patrol Sergeants (2) Detective Social Service Specialist POLICE OFFICER {9} Police Deserves Crime Prevention Animal Control Police Chaplain 4 CITY OF CAMAS LIBRARY pity �4dm nistra �Qr *IV 1w IV[ ayar 41 BoarI IT d of �' � us� ITT � es Library Direct111 okw I-44 r F s FL L Tio 14 E, LT44% Fit * 114 ibra cleCA rk : IT V ll Tikv rY � sststant 44*�`�a m _ 41 . 4*0 46 TOWW D � rectarIF TIT Ck IT SrTV i Library Li11 % l4 +lFI�*14IVl11 *braryTLV-VV k ; Library Libk*p 44 rary414 It , TechIT *I*vv4 n � c � an F _ clerk T� chnic � an (4*104 ) �� � ; �agIV � � 3 � 15 Or.tyanizational Chart Camas Parks and Recreation �t FPaiks and Recreation _ .. _ City Commission _ _ _ _ _ A strator i ' Farls and Recreation Proposed Recreation Recreation)Pool Leader Leader afi 16 CITY OF CAMAS , MWASHINGTON Employees ( Full Time E�qu valents ) Eight Years 1990 - 1997 DEPARTMENT 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Executive 1 . 00 1 . 00 1050 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 Finance 7 . 50 8 . 00 8 . 00 8 , 00 8 . 00 6 . 50 x * 00 8 . 00 Legal 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 Personnel 0 . 50 0 . 50 1 . 00 Lava =Enforcement 17000 20 . 00 19 . 00 18 . 00 18 . 50 18 . 50 19 . 50 21 . 00 Fire Control 11 . 00 11 . 00 11000 11 . 00 11 . 00 11 . 00 11 . 00 14 . 61 Protective Inspections 2 . 00 l3o00 8 . 00 3 . 00 3 . 50 4000 4 . 00 5 . 00 Engineering 8 . 60 11 . 00 11 . 00 12 . 00 12 . 00 12 . 00 12 . 00 10 . 50 Planning - 3 . 00 Parks 1 . 20 1 . 00 1 . 50 2 . 00 4 , 00 4 . 00 4 . 50 5 . 00 Street 5 . 00 7 . 00 8 . 00 9 . 00 9 . 00 9 . 00 7 . 50 7 . 00 Library 5 . 30 6 . 30 6 . 10 5 . 10 7 . 20 7 . 20 7 . 56 9 . 00 f Emergency Rescue 7 . 00 5 . 00 9 . 00 9 . 50 9 . 50 11 . 00 11 . 00 12 . 39 Sanitary IN 2 . 00 2 . 00 2400 2 . 00 3 . 00 3 . 00 3 . 00 Water- Sewer 9 . 00 9 . 30 10 . 30 11 00 10 . 50 10* 50 11. 050 12 . 00 Equipment Rental 1 . 50 2 . 00 2 . 00 2 . 00 2 . 00 2 . 00 2000 3 . 00 TOTALS 31 . 10 90 . 60 93 . 40 96 . 1 +0 99 . 70 100 . 70 102 . 56 117 . 00 POPULATION 6 , 798 6 , 850 79045 7t220 7 , 430 8 , 0115 8 , 810 91, 600 * Estd . POPULATION GROWTH FROM 1990 FTE PER THOUSAND POPULATION THROUGH 1997 b 10 0 1 . 40% x ., ,. s fi v , 3 Min . .4 < 9000 J 7 v >4 iY M1 . , k� 4 a . .. , , . .i ,., ,..,,.. ,.t . M V M . . i!+ .. ,. 4* :.ti+ ,i Ct«h. .,,.e... . . ..c'.r} .4 . . •, i . . . 8000 . . 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" °� $s, ; i ,: 'k� «, k ,.,'� rt :. t a �. +Y... "'k•. Y w'v .:: ;,'` 7yyv 9 % `' i} , `< a,. ; r�.. �kk4 ,. z r , .«y Wets '. 'i ,.;.• K. .. ws Ri,{tvM, S# t„{i. an « :>, k {A ,"' r3k;#�� X .kYti:z k o gg s� $ h Y , k 3 } 4 t 0 1 . 00 to �} i . i7.. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . , ,. . . . . „ ,., . ., ,x . . h , ..��., .. . , . . � rn rn 0) m ori rn rn o .- CN 0) �t uM co r- m rn m m 0) a> m o> YEARS YEARS 17 CITY OF CAMAS , WASHINGTON 1997 Annual Budget Combined Summary of Revenues , Appropriations and Other Financing Sources and Uses By Fund CAPITAL PROJECT SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Debt FUNDS General City Emergency Fire Equip . Storm Wtr . Service Growth Fund Streets Rescue Reserve Drainage Funds Mgmt . Appropriated Fund Balance $ 17083 , 029 $ - $ 75 , 174 $ 260 , 000 $ - $ - $ 515 , 000 REVENUES : 310 Taxes 4 , 928 , 536 - 275 , 000 - - 500 , 863 200 , 000 320 Licenses & Permits 832 , 100 - - - - - - 330 Intgovt . Revenues 265 , 313 496 , 330 233 , 000 - - - - 340 Chgs . for Services 885 , 300 - 5507200 - 45 , 000 - 1 , 075 , 000 350 Fines & Forfeits 1587900 - - - - - - 360 Misc . Revenues 231 , 400 - 93500 - 40 , 000 - 1507000 Total Est . Revenues 7 , 301 , 549 496 , 330 1 , 067 , 700 - 85 , 000 500 , 863 17425 , 000 380 Non Revenues - ow L - 158 , 000 - - - 390 Other Est . Fin . Source7,-�<jD 500 1 , 064 , 989 - 20 , 000 - - - Total Est . Resources 81385 , 078 1 , 561 , 319 1 , 142 , 874 438 , 000 85 , 000 500 , 863 1 , 940 , 000 APPROPRIATIONS : 501 Classified Proprietary - - - - - - - 510 General Govt . Serv . 1 , 107 ; 632 - - - - - - 520 Sec of Person & Prop 32710 , 948 - 1 , 0457874 - - - - 530 Physical Environ . 711 , 277 - - - - - - 540 Transportation - 697 , 319 - - - - - 550 Economic Environ . 546 , 545 - - - - - - 560 Mental & Phy . Health - - - - - - - 570 Culture & Recreation 1 , 1672687 - - - - - - 590 - 598 Other Type Exp . 591 Debt Service - - - - - 500 , 863 - 594 Capitalized Exp . 56 , 000 - 97 , 000 438 , 000 10 , 000 - 1 , 2751000 595 Road & Street Const . - 8642000 - - - - - Total Appropriations 7 , 300 , 089 12561 , 319 1 , 142 , 874 4387000 10 , 000 500 , 863 1 , 275 , 000 Est . Other Financing Uses : Operating Transfers Out 11084 , 989 - - - 75 , 000 - 665 . 000 Total Estimated Uses $ 8 , 3851078 $ 1 , 561 , 319 $ 1 , 142 , 874 $ 438 , 000 $ 85 , 000 $ 500 , 863 $ 1 , 9402000 Est . Ending Fund Bal . - - - - - - - 18 ( Cont . ) Combined Summary of Revenues , Appropriations and Other Financing Sources and Uses By Fund CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS ( CONT . ) PROPRIETARY FUNDS Equipment Firemen ' s Total Police Parker Forest City Water - Water - Sewer Rental Pension All Facility Street Home Sanitary Sewer Capital Res . Fund Fund Funds $ 1591404 $ 447 , 205 $ - $ 2 , 209 $ - $ 25421021 - - - - - 52904 , 399 - - - - - 832 , 100 11200 , 000 240 , 748 - - - - 1 , 500 2 , 436 , 891 - 7502000 1 , 776 , 424 - 7 , 000 - 51088 , 924 158 , 900 1 , 3001000 - 10 , 000 120 , 000 - 451 , 500 - 2 , 3127400 27500 , 000 240 , 748 760 , 000 11896 , 424 - 4582500 12500 16 , 733 , 614 - � - - - 417000 250 , 000 54 - 4492000 21490 , 000 50 , 000 - 397 , 205 - 50 , 000 - 4 , 1725694 It 419902000 290 , 748 919 , 404 21781 , 834 250 , 000 610 , 709 11500 2378972329 11937 , 424 - - - 11937 , 424 1 , 107 , 632 - - - - - - 17500 41758 , 322 7692404 - - - - 1 , 4807681 6101709 - 12308 , 028 546 , 545 1 , 167 , 687 397 , 205 - - - 8983068 - - 1 , 876 , 000 4 , 990 , 000 290 , 748 - - - - - 67144 , 748 429907000 290 , 748 7692404 2 , 334 , 629 - 610 , 709 1500 2172252135 150 , 000 4471205 250 , 000 - - 276721194 $ - $ 42990 , 000 $ 290 , 748 $ 919 , 404 $ 2 , 781 , 834 $ 250 , 000 $ 610 , 709 $ 1 , 500 $ 23 , 897 , 329 19 Summary of Estimated Appropriations By Fund Actual for 1995 and 1996 and .Appropriations for 1997 Actual Actual , Estimated ' Expenditures Expenditures Required 1995 1996 1997 GENERAL FUND $ 51432 , 656 $ 6 , 6742107 $ 8 , 3852078 SPECIAL REVENUES :! City Street 12045 , 932 1 , 176 , 859 11561 , 319 Emergency Rescue 756 , 776 908 , 000 1 , 142 , 874 Fire Equipment Cumulative Reserve - - 438 , 000 Storm Water Drainage 21 , 786 85 , 000 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 1 , 824 , 494 2 , 084 , 859 3 , 227 , 193 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS . Unlimited Tax G . O . Bond Redemption 126 , 168 128 , 265 130 , 015 Limited Tax G . O . Bond Redemption 125 , 613 122 , 464 370 , 848 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 251 , 781 250 , 729 500 , 863 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS . Growth Management Capital Project 5472900 11694 , 274 1 , 940 , 000 Police Facility Capital Project 912 , 541 - Benton & NW Elm Streets Capital Project 484 , 350 - Parker Street Capital Project - 289 , 216 419907000 Forest Home Neighborhood 290 , 748 LID 218 - Adams St . - 17 , 129 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 5472900 3 , 397 , 510 712202748 ENTERPRISE FUNDS . City Sanitary 736 , 321 832 , 728 919 , 404 Water - Sewer 2 ; 461 ) 015 2 , 147 , 363 2 , 384 , 629 Water- Sewer Capital Reserve 1 , 339 , 541 250 , 000 Water- Sewer Bond Redemption 338 , 933 352 , 823 373 , 180 Farmer Horne Bond Redemption 25 , 025 24 , 525 24 , 025 CDBG Sewer Construction 177 , 521 587 Water Construction Fund 196 , 043 443 , 498 - Sewer Treatment Plant - 1 , 056 , 221 - TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 31934 , 858 6 , 197 , 286 3 , 951 , 238 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS . Equipment Rental 435 , 046 510 , 558 610 , 709 FIDUCIARY FUNDS . Firemen ' s Pension 13 , 197 12111 1 , 500 TOTAL $ 12 , 439 , 932 $ 19 , 116 , 160 $ 23 , 897 , 329 4 1 1 20 1997 Schedule of Operating Transfers Out / Operating Transfers in TRANSFERS FROM TRANSFERS TO AMOUNT PURPOSE FOR TRANSFER General Street - 111064 , 989 Street Operations and Construction General Fire Equipment ' 20 ) 000 Accumulation for Equipment Replacemen Water Sewer Capital Res . Parker Street 250 ) 000 / Parker Street Waterline Growth Management Act Parker Street 665 , 000 J Parker Street Bike Trail Storm. Drainage Parker Street 75 ) 0001/ Parker Street Storm Drainage Sanitary Equipment Rental . 1150 , 000 Equipment Purchase Water / Sewer Forest Home Road 50 , 000 Waterline Water / Sewer Water / Sewer Bond 3732180 1992 Bonds and 1996 Refund Bonds A later / Sewer FHA Bond 24 , 025 1982 and 1984 FMHA Bonds Total Operating Transfers Out / In : $ 2 , 672 , 194 21 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF BUDGET }i4 FUNCTION ACT TIES AND SERVICE The General Fund accounts for all Expenditures for legislative , judicial , execu - revenues and expenditures of the tive , financial and administrative legal , city of a. general nature that are not personnel , planning , general governmental required to be reported in a special services , engineering , parks and recreation , s type of fund . It receives a much pollution control. , nuisance control , animal greater variety of revenues anis control , health , community education and utilitized for a greater variety of ex_ library are included ine General Bund . penditures than other funds . Police and fire services are also included in this fund . The General Fund is reimbursed 1997 Estimated for applicable engineering , accounting , Total Revenues legal services and some administration : . 4 GENERAL it provides for the water - sewer , sanitar , FUND emergency rescue and equipment rent. s IMR7w t yyy functions . 07 REVENUES . ,actual Actual Estimated 001 1995 1996 1997 Revenues . 310 000 Tapes 31927 , 868 4 , 401 , 126 � 4 , 928 , 536 320 000 Licenses and Permits 415 , 1164 393 , 823 83 , 100 330 000 Intergovernmental Revenue 282 , 9 +65 33 , 408 265 , 313 340 000 Charges for Goods and Services 776 , 969 845 , 91 885 , 300 350 000 Fines and Forfeits 15 , 251 175 , 824 1581900 360 000 Miscellaneous Revenues 229 , 084 2392464 231 ) 400 Total Estimated Revenues 51782 , 301 61419 , 336 7 ) 301 , 549 390 000 Other Financing Sources 31280 431 500 Total Estimated Resources 5 , 785 , 581 6 , 4192767 7 , 302 , 049 2 GENERAL PUND S t.T1'kEKARY ( continued ) APPROPRIATIONS : Actual Actual Estimated 001 1995 1996 1997 510 000 General Government Services 873 , 376 984 , 127 11107 , 632 520 000 Security of Persons and Propel 21185 , 871 21627 , 250 3 , 710 , 948 530 000 Physical Environment 653 , 825 732 , 591 711 , 277 ' 550 000 Economic Environment 56 , 028 133 , 653 546 , 545 560 000 Mental and Physical Health 58 , 675 51878 570 000 Culture and Recreation 888 , 965 11218 , 464 1 , 167 , 687 594 000 Capitalized Expenditures 73 , 793 14 , 661 56 , 000 Total Estimated Appropriations' 4 , 790 , 533 5 , 716 , 623 71300 , 089 r Estimated Other Financing Uses . 597 000 Operating Transfers . Fire Cumulative Reserve Fund 20 , 000 20 , 000 City Street Fund 642 , 123 8152985 12064 , 989 Equipment Rental Fund 30 , 000 Benton St . Capital Proj ect 84 , 000 - Elm St . Capital Project 71500 - Total Estimated Other Financing Uses 642 , 123 957 , 485 1 , 084 , 989 Total Estimated Appropriations and Other Financing Uses 5 , 432 , 656 6 , 674 , 108 8 , 385 , 078 Estimated Excess Revenues and Other Financing Sources over Appropriations and Other Financing Uses 352 , 925 ( 254 , 341 ) ( 1 , 083 , 029 ) Beginning Fund Balance 21208 , 917 2 , 561 , 842 2 , 307 , 501 Ending Fund Balance $ 21561 , 842 2 , 3071501 11224 , 472 's i e e e t 23 Appropriations Three Year Comparison 3 , 750 , 000 3 , 500 , 000 3 , 250 , 000 3 , 000 , 000 2 , 7509000 Actual 1995 2 , 5009004 a Actual 1996 292507000 ■ Estimated 1997 2 , 000 , 000 1 , 750 , 000 1 , 500 , 000 1 , 250 , 000 1 , 000 , 000 4W IINN NIr 7507000 III,i INNiIN 1 aµ : _I IN N IN iz ''ilk i f I 5009000IN >: ,r k h I, ? , 3tz IN I I IN 250 040 4J 4J 4J 0 .. : 0 O W om > U H ��+ •t•+ a vo � 4) Cd Cd O O �.' v cd v o V .� 24 GENERAL .SUN. VENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON {; 4 FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated t 001 1995 1996 1997 291 740 00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance � 2 , 2081917 21561 , 842 11083 , 029 Taxes : 811 100 00 Real and Personal Property 21733 , 700 31229 , 207 31610 , 736 812 100 00 Private Harvest Tax 383 313 300 313 100 00 Local Retail Sales and Use Taxes 14, 077 , 614 11068 , 084 L200 , 000 316 430 00 Gas 24 , 897 30 , 110 27 , 000 316 460 00 Television Cable 30 , 045 19 , 873 251, 000 316 470 00 Sanitary Franchise Fee 7 , 286 10 , 938 15 , 000 317 340 00 Local Real Estate Excise Tax 1 , 084 318 500 00 Gambling Faxes 501374 41 , 964 50 , 000 319 800 00 Penalties and Interest Del . Taxes 21485 636 500 Total Taxes 31927 , 868 4 , 4011126 41928 , 536 Licenses and Permits : 321200 00 Health 100 321 300 00 Police and Protective 76 75 100 321600 00 Professional and Occupational 170 - 400 321 700 00 Amusements 31050 21010 22500 321900 00 Other Business Licenses 406 335 300 322 1. 00 00 Buildings , Structures and Equipment 404 , 970 385 , 276 820 , 000 322 300 00 Animal Licenses 31240 21710 31000 322 400 00 Street and Curb Permits 11843 21264 41000 322 900 00 tither Non- Bus Licenses and Permits 12409 1 , 154 11700 er Total Licenses and Permits 415 , 164 393 , 823 832 , 100 Intergovernmental Revenue : 331 160 00 Direct Federal Grants COPS 16 , 005 43 , 647 502000 333 080 00 In- Direct Federal Grants 375 334 040 20 State Grant- Growth Management 21 , 230 6 , 478 334 040 25 State Grants 12405 21754 335 000 81 Mobile Home / Trailer / Camper .Ex Tax 2 , 106 21287 27000 335 000 83 Motor Vehicle ' Excise Tax- Regular 132 , 914 112 , 378 950, 000 335 000 91 P . U . D . Privilege Tax 22 , 455 23 , 542 20 , 000 335 000 92 State Forest Board Land 21411 70 , 521. 410100' 336 060 10 Criminal Justice 336 060 21 Criminal Justice - Property 2 , 1. 62 2 , 965 11500 336 ' 060 22 Cri final Justice � DCD # 1 21299 21854 1. 0 , 547 336 060 23 Criminal Justice � DCD # 2 31423 4 , 036 9 , 008 336 060 24 Criminal Justice . DCD # 3 21603 4 , 658 81258 25 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON ( CONTINUED ) k FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 001 1995 1996 1997 336 000 85 Motor Veh . Excise Tax- Equalization 91540 172466 336 060 94 Liquor Excise Tax 22 , 927 23 , 639 23 , 000 336 060 95 Liquor Board Profits 41 , 050 44 , 758 42 , 000 338 570 00 Other Intergovernmental Revenue - 2 , 025 Total Intergovernmental Revenue 282 , 965 363 , 408 265 , 313 Charges for Goods and Services : x 341 320 00 Clerks Record Services 6 , 168 1 , 398 21000 341 33000 Court Fees 2 ) 537 15 , 223 0 , 000 341 500 00 Sale of Maps and Publications 21479 2 , 106 21500 341 600 00 Printing and Duplicating Services 57715 4 , 950 5 , 000 341 700 00 Sales of Merchandise 612 11190 100 341 990 00 Other General Government - 25 100 342 100 00 Law Enforcement Services 429 1 , 971 400 342 400 00 Protective Inspection Fees 480 60 100 342 900 00 Other Security of Persons - - 343 200 00 Engineering Fees and Charges - 3 , 796 2 , 500 343 900 00 Other Fees f Chgs and Physical Env . 375 11025 11000 343 930 00 Animal Control ` and Shelter Fees 3 , 810 21255 343 99000 Other Physical Environment 334 10 , 595 500 345 800 00 Planning Fees and Charges 3 , 241 1 , 036 4 , 500 345 810 00 Zoning and Subdivision Fees 152695 4 , 595 17 , 000 345 830 00 Plan Checking Fees 222 , 135 244 , 943 250 , 000 345 840 00 Inspection Fees - Construction 42 , 793 45 , 181 60 , 000 347 300 00 Activity Fees 13 , 000 17 , 094 12 , 000 347 310 00 Swimming Pool Admissions 19 , 988 27 , 353 20 , 000 347 320 00 Swimming School Fees 122068 15 , 230 13 , 000 347 325 00 P . E . School District 738 777 100 347 840 00 Misc . Recreation 88 330 500 349 140 00 Budgeting , Acctng & Audit Services 122 , 838 106 , 087 130 , 000 349 150 00 Legal Services 16 , 980 16 , 810 17 , 000 349 180 00 Central Services - Building Rental 15 , 342 15 , 228 14 , 000 349 190 00 Other General Government - 40 , 000 42 , 000 r 349 320 00 Engineering Services 269 , 124 266 , 433 285 , 000 Total Charges for Goods and Services 776 , 969 845 , 691 885 , 300 t .i 4 26 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL TI�REE YEAR COMPARISON (CONTINUED) FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 001 1995 1996 1997 Fines and Forfeits . 352 300 00 Mandatory Insurance Costs 522 11594 300 353 100 00 Traffic Infraction Penalties 36 , 682 47 , 554 45 , 000 353 100 10 Traffic Inf. -J . I . S . - Local 21303 31008 1 500 " 353 700 00 Non- Traffic Infraction Penalties 11461 1 355 500 354 000 00 Par drig Violations 15 , '745 14 , 878 20 , 000 355 200 00 Driving Under the Influence Fines 19 , 680 23 , 474 20 , 000 355 250 00 Emergency Response - DWI +6 , 115 65 780 4 , 000 355 800 00 Other criminal Traffic Misdemeanor 32 , 740 38 , 899 35 , 000 356 900 00 Other Non�Tra.ffic Misdemeanors 27 , 468 31 , 225 25 , 000 357 400 00 Evidence Confiscations 855 500 359 700 00 Library Fines 62680 7 , 057 7 , 000 359 900 00 Misc . Fines and Assessments - 100 Total Fines and Forfeits 150 , 251 175 , 824 158 , 900 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 00 Investment Interest 195 , 285 208 , 600 200 , 000 361 400 00 Interest on Contracts , Notes , 4 , 256 6 , 442 4 , 200 362 400 00 Space and Facilities Rentals 60 4 362 401 00 Space / Facilities Rentals - Community 52707 41930 41500 362 500 00 Space and Facilities Leases 11860 1 260 2 , 000 362 501 00 Community Center Space Rentals 800 55 1 , 000 362 600 00 Housina Rentals and Leases 11 , 040 10 , 795 10 , 000 362 900 00 Other Rents and Use Charges 9 174 100 36 :3 000 00 Ins . Premiums and Recovery 217 87 367 000 00 Contrib and Donations Pvt Sources 11790 22042 1 , 000 369 100 00 Obsolete Equipment 958 11264 500 369 900 00 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 21450 3 , 811 72100 387 000 00 Residual Equity Transfers 32280 389 000 00 Other Non Revenues 1 , 372 L000 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 2291084 239 , 464 231 , 400 Total Estimated Revenues 71991 , 218 8 , 981 , 178 8 , 384 , 578 Other Financing Sources ; 95 100 00 Proceeds from Sales ofFixed Assets 31180 - 500 395 200 00 Comp for Loss of Fixed ' Assets 100 431 Total Other Financing Sources 31250 431 500 Total Estimated Resources 7 , 9941498 8 , 981 , 609 81385 , 0178 4 27 LEGISLATIVE MISSION STATEMENT The council is the elected legislative governing body of the City of Camas . GOALS FOR 1997 In the 1997 Budget Year , the council will focus on the following items * prioritization of goals , * continue teamwork , and provision of policy direction. . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The council determines policy as it relates to all city functions and activities , enacts ordi LEGISLATIVE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR. COMPARISON DEPARTMENT NUMBER Actual. Actual Estimated 001 . 01 . 511 Expended Expended Required 1995 1996 1997 300 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SERVICES 40 Other Services and Charges 57969 71802 71000 Total Official Publication Services 52969 7 , 502 7 , 000 400 TRAINING x 30 Supplies 203 100 254 7 , 500 40 Other Services and Charges 52204 7 , r 90 Interfund Payments for Services - 200 Total Traw.A g52204 7 457 7 ; 800 600 LEGISLATIVE SERVICES 10 Salaries and Wages 152000 16 , 800 16 , 800 20 Personnel Benefits 1 , 606 11730 11800 30 Office and Operating Supplies 212 190 800 40 Other Services and Charges - 21633 11500 i Total Le gislative Services 162818 21 , 353 20 , 900 700 ELECTION COSTS 50 Intergovernmental Professional Serv . 92619 162 $ 00 91000 Total Election Costs 9 , 619 16 , 800 9 , 000 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE � 37 , 610 � 53 , 412 � 44 , 700 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 42001 %o - 16 . 31 % Actual Estimated LEGISLATIVE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 1996 1997 Legislative Services f ' Council Members ( '7 ) 16 , 800 162800 Total ' Legislative Services 16 , 800 $ 16 , 800 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 0 . 00 % r 2 '9 1 { n 4,10DICL4L FUNCT ION The Police Judge is the chief judicial officer of the city . He is also one of the elected District Court Nudges of Clary County . A TMTIES AND SERVICES The Police Judge hears all cases and has exclusive juriscaction over offenses defined by ordinances of the city . He has full power and authority to determine all cases , civil or criminal , arising under such ordinances and may pronounce judgment on these cases . Thi e city provided for a violations bureau 1982 to operate under the supervision of the municipal. court . JUDICIAL EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual. Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 001o02 * 512 1995 1996 1997 500 MUNICIPAL COURT 30 Supplies 668 1119 11200 40 Other Services and Charges 18 , 460 19 , 250 17 , 900 50 Intergovernmental. Services and Taxes 42 , 698 49 , 500 49 , 500 Total Municipal Court 61 , 826 692941 68 , 600 Total Judicial 61 , 826 $ 69 , 941 � 68 , 600 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 13 , 13 % -- l . 9 % 30 "XECVTIVE MISSION STATEMEN 4U i The Mayor is the chief elected official of the City of Camas . The Mayor appoints the Chief Administrative Officer under the mayorcouncil form of government . 'Together , their role i to carry out the established policies of the city as determined by council . GOALS FOR 1997 During 1997 , responsibilities of this department will include : 1 . Leading staff team toward continuing accomplistiment of city goals , and . Implementing city vision and policies . ACTMTIES ANIS SERVICES The Mayor is responsible for directing and coordinating the activities of the city departments through the City Administrator . The Administrator carries out the policies of the council and directs the day to clay ' activities ' of the operating departments of the city . The administrator submits the proposed budget to the city council ,with recommendations for the ensuing year . Duties of the Mayor also consist of the political and community leadership of the city . The Mayor is responsible for the appointment and removal of nonelective ciY ' officials , The Mayor presides at all council meetings but does riot have a. vote except in the case of a tie . t 31 EXECUTIVE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 001 . 03 . 513 1995 1996 1997 100 ADMINISTRATION 10 Salaries and Wages 95 , 851 98 , 564 102 , 235 20 Personnel Benefits 22 , 625 23 , 180 22 , 560 30 Supplies 11688 21486 2 , 000 40 Other Services and Charges 31002 21412 91000 100 Total Administration 123 , 166 1261642 1351795 k 400 TRAINING 30 Supplies 22 507 500 40 Other Services and Charges 81605 7 , 610 11 , O00 90 Interfund Payments for Services 32 1 100 400 Total Training 81659 81118 11 , 600 TOTAL EXECUTIVE 1312825 134 , 760 147 , 395 % Increase ( Decrease) Prior Year 2 . 23 % 9 . 38 % Actual Estimated EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 1996 1997 ADMINISTRATION Mayor 7 , 800 7800 605 City Administrator 75 , 314 78 , 601 103 Administrative Secretary# ( 1 f 2 ) 15 , 036 15 , 834 Total Executive $ 98 , 150 102 , 235 . 1 % Increase (Decrease ) Prior Year 4 . 16 % x 32 t gWF FINANCL4L AND. RECORDS S " VICES DEPARTMEBT MISSION STATEMENT The Finance Department' s mission is to ensure the City ' s financial stability , maximize the use of its financial resources , and provide superior financial , accounting and budgeting .information and services , while mainta nirzg � e highest level of public trust . The Finance Department strives to provide progressive , automated , quality services to the citl ens , City Council and Mayor , and the many Cid departments ' it serves using the most advanced technology availble . DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 1997 The Finance Department has several important goals for 1997 . -wide Internet access for both employees to access 1 . Ply and development of city ' from their desktops , as well as citizens of the community to contact the cid for information . . Research and install voice mail for cid hall employees . . Continue to improve and streamline the budget process for departments , mayor and council members . Also enhance and expand the Proposed Budget document to be more informative and easy to read and use . - . Coordinate , plan and arrange for financing for several significant capital projects . ACTMTIES AND SERVICES Activities of the Finance Department include all of those of the City Clerk' s office such as licensing, voter registration , council and city records . As of 1995 , it has taken on the responsibility of implementing and administering the city-wide network . All treasurer ' s duties including cash management and investing, utility billing , maintaining personnel records , purchasing and general city accounting are done by the department . Operation of centralized city prnting and mailing are other activities of the finance department as well as budget preparation and control , financial reporting and ether related administrative services . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS ill add an additional Finance .Assistant to assist customer The Finance Department w service , maintain financial records , prepare payroll and benefit reporting that has been done by the Personnel Specialist . ise network .n continuing development of shared Due to the expanding use of the cid-w applications , expansion of the city' s financial applications license for numbers of users will need to be purchased . Continual replacement and ' upgrade of computer hardware to keep up with changes and demands of technology is also ; budgeted . 33 THREE YEAR STATISTICAL INFORMATION The Finance Department continues to strive for superior customer service . With rapid growth in the residential , commercial and industrial customer base , the Finance Department has encountered an increased demand for customer services in such areas as new or changed utility services , utility billing, invoicing , purchasing , requests for public information , and other related services . The Department has implemented new policies and procedures , upgraded its system and programs , and budgeted for technologies that enhance services , ith continued growth and facilitate the diverse and ever - growing needs of the expand w community . The following service indicator charts reflect this trend : Invoices Processed water / Sewer ' Utility Customers Three Year Comparison Three Year Comparison r Yr v 61400 � , ry Y � F � fi rr � ' a ✓. , ! k , c k .x f ,-. r # r � >. ,�` � . .,. . a r ,', ,, . r . .x :. •,. , f .>s , < . � i „ , ,. 1 . .. (` .,.. , + . . , , , r �!.ry, t , � „Yt"' .< ' >?, n'Y. Gx . nKr .v'.. yr li ✓l . J . . . . 4 > „ ,v . . . X , � , F + ✓ s ! Y S , vs5, ,. r. . rW+ .:,...,r. f .». « . . . . , ,✓ r1r 9 r x , , . L, d , x v . . J . -: S 'v} .. . r+ Yt `f i KY v:. - ✓, , a r. . ,. 000 20061 K v r ry � s.t•" ,. 1 ftp � . : , . �. , . r. . , . �'. . , . > . .m. r . r. . � .. Kf' . . Y„ x W , ✓ . � r -z,. . ` • , . . :r .K * . . v. FY: . , , , r ,r ,. `w' Y. r .. x r • , v � » t , » a. , 61000 ! .�Y41000 ,{+4rr,,.Y �„. ,�,,,s .r....�,Lr +, , r5,t,., ,�,,:,vw „ r. , ,,g.Y,.....,,x,:�.r t, n dr.rs.:.i,rrr, r,.,,�... . ,,vr,X ,r, ..t,,rJ, r rs,r„�,a.,r.✓�zaf�7 ri , �,„,,�s�„x ' s,i#�,r#nti'v,r f . . „ r r`v Ye. �r 5f e: .,.,.rres:,� +nw,t,: +n r , k3 Y2 �` � tv t , k ,at ,r:,,,, ,'� . a: -, , 4 ' ✓v'r' ,,' ,-.vt, fX'� ,{ . : Y " :�. . Lx rt F.. tf'v r'"tiY�S yX #` ,#` > fir= } _#` , , .. , rrx,rwe' ,' to � r�wt... r�t,rv� �,^.r• � r n .� .r,. � t�r { bra ``'t` �' , . aq ; � ,"z��...+ , �� a. �,mrjY �' �fi - ;r a. " ✓°'� '+,�u� �` r w 4 # 8yu '44< <,� ��' .' x C a .. ' +� , 3 - 5 "'rH'Y�W� r f�. � 5 � � ,=r•rn�. s°"f',c ' ! 800 E , dr , 3 ! 000h,=` 14 01 lif } , er X 5 Qr Xr r,> 5600 ,r 1 ~�'� x ts r�r+,^�°�n{{r„ y'�✓ .f �"�s �r , ,n �'l „�.^� r 7�'x � rrr rot t } u ! 21000 y/�J ! A v{n'i 5 �: S'za' rfA h Ir fri' rk� it 0 0 0 ��� v>x � JC fix' xp':n�r' n ° f�r ✓lgza� s� 5 200 �t 1 000S✓ 1 r , F , r, t � # ,, � , ✓ 'rn � f + , .1994 1995 1996 ,�YY f,. - , ..t� � + ,} •#"__ err �f � � �`<' , c # �,rr#`� x est • r 1994 1995 1996 est . r, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND PAYROLL ACTMTY Total Value of Checks Processed Y rn �h ? e v . „� 14 , 000 , 000 `rY t t . 4 i r > I x ,. . .t cr Y,. . . ,, rF J,tr. . x. ., . < ✓. . !, . . , v r ra a ir , n Y , , ,..x . , t . . _ t . . r ✓ ; r . � . .: . fir r , v. . . . ✓r', . , _ ,. f. . K , . Y P , ., .9 v ..rna ,. .... .. . � .r , . . .,a K= , ✓'� .-. . , , t +. . r at, ,=rx,: fn .. ., tr J � w > , _ {� .* . 3 , . „ art � , r�. ✓, � . x. .. r. fr„ r t � , fr 122000 , 000 w � � , , �, t � g K , r d 7 vHrf Y x , r F , � h � n �` Y v � dant t a � s rr r kry . , � t. �{ u d _ h. . .,, .< t+ . F., _. . � K l,' r r n,. ✓ U R.. '✓ Yx . , ,Gr , : w r aa ,1r, .,, ,.,. s . . .-9{ ✓tr; ,. , .: Y . ..,. � <,.. .,rr' . A , r. , + . ... , r ; , . .,.., vw s l01Oo0100o ,n � � r dr e 8 000 000 Y x ffi .a, rvrr ' a, ✓3''t '%s . r , ,. : , � , .✓ ,,. x ter. e } r � � f x f AR rF'. + >t ,.kt f - . , n <;w„+ .,, xtr .:. ✓ . ,,. , tn. . { . f" Vit;. r r . , . }, y } . rt r , {,nW, r✓"r' -. r . f ,. . 1 « ,> : r . .. . . . .. . tai ,r , ,. ,, , a ,x ar : « -- , ,, ..,. r>t� , S ... # . ✓. +t t„. rr'. , . v r�: l <:a, f a5 rc:v ,r^✓Ja ,� ,3i � � �,�, ,.,,,..:, � t3k .,_.r:.,+?, v, • +a< > ,,e,< a. J 4t Jf f dx t. J .r z W av ,. J . ., , .+ . ✓ v r{ rt. r.. , ,-, w ., .+ „ . -, . : Yv x r X .. .rc' , . ,. ref ? •.e..,r r r 6 , } X 061000700 SIR, Rk r. , xil t� { , ✓r -.,uv3 , � . , :.'. Y � . ” v .n } !u C. . , v, » r n � K{ < a ,.t t t *s , ., ,3t .. ,,, r C r„ ., . t<. -,x -r. �'<•, -,4 .t :':;. .'v,: :N�?; W , . „ Y „<. rf r ft v« t r � r x r tV h , W a J3 4 0 0100 0 � h 0 r t*4vt � r �v ,� v . „ c 3✓ < �Y ., .. + u +M13s' , f Y zks. YW , . ✓` . .. 9 d r . , . ,. �Ow . <a . , ... f. P, . r. (" " ... .. r '+ur , t 5 , ,1 rs r. x ! ks"� ✓ y1 f bP , . kX dr” . ,� a'� ,a r,;r. ev , <;• b A Y ,rf , r ✓ n ,s3 1 If s , . . . . , >. . 0 00 � ✓� 2 00 0 X , ,n, f : . x f k f IIx e' „, 0 1994 1995 1996 Estd YEAR Note : 1996 estimated value of checks does not include Police ' Facility Construction . 34 FINANCIAL AND RECORDS SERVICES EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT FUND Expended Expended Required 001 . 04 . 514 1995 1996 1997 IN III 100 ADMINIS'T`RATION 10 Salaries and Wages 79 , 581 8 '7 , 496 � 105 , 684 20 Personnel Benefits 19 , 091 21 , 864 31 , 687 40 Travel 753 1 , 000 Total Administration " 8 , 672 110 , 113 138 , 371 200 FINANCIAL SERVICES 10 Salaries and Wages 166 , 318 189 , 480 203 , 723 20 Personnel Benefits 49 , 094 53 , 577 61 077 30 Supplies 21269 4 , 435 51000 40 Other Services and Charges 15 , 230 10 , 750 17 , 000 60 Capital Outlays 61191 18 , 000 Total Financial Services 232 , 911 264 , 433 304 , 800 400 TRAINING 40 Other Services and Charges 31113 2 , 555 3 , 700 90 Interfund Payments for Services 107 751 11000 Total Training 30% 220 31306 4 , 700 Total Financial and Records Se ces 334 , 803 37 `x , 852 447 , 871 % Increase ( Decrease) Prior Year 12 . 86 % 18 . 53 % Actual Estimated FINANCE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 1996 1997 ADMINISTRATION 305 Finance Director 60 , 848 62 , 496 310 Finance Network Analyst 41 , 023 43 , 185 Total Administration 101 , 871 105 , 684 FINANCIAL SERVICES 314 Personnel Specialist ( 1 / 2 F'E 'E 1996 ) 20111. 0 315 Deputy 'Treasurer 38 , 100 38 , 952 320 Accountant ( 1 / 2 FTE 1996 , 1 F'E'E 1997) 14 , 000 39 , 922 325 Finance Assistant II (3 _ 1996 , 4 - 1997) 86 , 859 1241849 326 Finance .Assistant I ( 1 / 2 FTE 1996 ) 8 , 152 Other Salaries and. Wanes 12 , 228 Overtime 1 , 000 Total Financial Services 180 , 449 203 , '723 Total Financial and Records Services 2822320 309 , 407 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 9059 % r 35 FINANCIAL AND RECORDS SERVICES DEPARTMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL: Replace three personal computers $ 61000 Upgrade Eden ' s software license to 16 users 21500 Position Control software from Eden ' s 31000 Eden ' s Windows runtime software 11500 Replace high - speed report printer 51000 18 , 000 36 LEGAL SERVICES FUNCTION The City Attorney' s office provides legal advice and services to the City of Camas officials . AC'TMTIM AND SERVICES The City Attorney drafts anal / or approves all proposed ordinances and contracts of the city . He prosecutes all offenders of city ordinances and certain state statutes . falling within the jur sdiction of the police court . He Prov des legal advice to the city council , ' Mayor and other members of the city staff and represents the city in some litigation . k, COMMENTS ON BUDGET PRC.PRIA'TION Since 1995 the City Attorney has been compensated on a contractual basis instead of a salary , therefore only professional service fees are budgeted and not k salaries and personnel benefits . Land acquisitions , zoning regulations , utility rate changes , budget appropriations and salary changes , are just a few topics which require legal representation and often result in new or revised Ordinances or Resolutions . The following graph charts the volume of Ordinances and Resolutions adopted over a three -year period : Ordinances and Resolutions Adopted Three Year comparison. 60 El Ordinances 50 # � N Resolutions s� hx it 2x 40 ap 'It 94 07 a t 20 It YI 1994 1995 1996 esti 37 i LEGAL SERVICES EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated ]DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 001 . 05 . 515 1995 1996 1997 200 LEGAL SERVICES 10 Salaries and Wages - 20 Personnel Benefits - - 30 Supplies 946 280 - 40 Other Services and Charges 66 , 249 65 , 542 78 , 300 Total Legal Services 67 , 195 65 , 822 78 , 300 400 TRAINING 40 Other Services and Charges 279 473 500 Total Training 279 473 500 Total Legal 67 , 474 $ 66 ) 295 $ % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 1 . 75 % 18 . 86 %0 1 i 38 PERSONNEL .DEPARTMENT FIJ'NCePAPILON The personnel function provides for the cast of general supervision of personnel and related semces for the entire city inclu ng the classification of positions , recruitin g , placement , service ratings , attendance , j ob specifications , and offer civil service related activities . A 'TMTIES AND SERVICES Expenses for personnel surveys , pension and social security , labor relations consultants and ether e penses that c nn, ot be assigned to a specific department are included it this budget section . The city' s wellness program for $ 6 , 200 is also included . COMMENTS ON BUDGET PROPRIA'TIONS The 199 ' budget includes the Personnel Specialist budgeted in this fund at ' 100 % . In the past 50 % was budgeted here and 50 % in the Finance Department . } 9 PERSONNEL EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated It DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 001 . 06 . 516 1995 1996 1997 200 PERSONNEL SERVICES 10 Salaries and Wages 19 , 048 $ 20 , 045 � 42 , 346 20 Personnel Benefits 51805 62146 121750 30 Supplies 11280 11368 3 , 300 40 Other Services and Charges 22 , 761 39 , 016 27 , 095 60 Capital Outlays - 31195 - 90 Interfund Payment for Services 194 - 500 400 Trying - 224 12000 Total Personnel $ 49 , 088 69 , 994 86 , 991 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 42 . 59 % 24 . 28 % Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 1996 1997 314 Personnel Specialist ( 1 / 2 1996 , 1 - 1997 ) 19 , 048 422346 Tota Personnel 19 , 048 � 42 , 346 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 12231 % 40 1 ' " V OTHER GENE1ZAL GOVERNMElffAL Sztn ICES FUNCTION The other general governmental services section of the budget provides for all expenses of general operations of the city not provided ' undera specific fund and department . ' ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Other general government includes miscellaneous government expenses such as duplication , p nti;nea , general liability insurance , dues to the Association of Washington Cities and State .Auditor' s Office audit fees . COMMENTS N BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Washington Cities Insurance Authority assessment for the city' s liability insurance is $ 135 , 825 , an increase of $ 6 , 638 from 1996 . $ 39 , 950 for general liability is included here , the remainder is charged to other departments for their pro - rata share of liability . OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended. Required 001 . 07 . 519 1995 1996 1997 900 MISCELLANEOUS 30 Supplies 18 , 472 21 , 661 21 , 000 40 Other Services and Charges 62 , 916 70 , 07 64 , 100 50 Intergovernmental Services and 'Taxes 18 , 436 21 , 266 23 , 000 60 Capital Outlays 2 , 054 21 , 317 20 ) 000 Total Miscellaneous 101 , 878 134 , 316 1281100 Total Other General Government Services $ 101 , 878 $ 134 ,1316 128 , 100 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 31 . 84 % 4 . 63 % CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL. Voice Mail 15 *V000 Internet connection 5 , 000 g 20 , { 00 41 LAW ElYFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The mission for every ' member of the Camas Police Department is to consistently seek and find ways to affirmatively promote , preserve and deliver a feeling of security , safety and quality of services to members of our community . DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 1997 1 . Maintain quality of service to the community . 2 Facilitate construction and occupancy of new police facility . 3 . Refine programs supporting City interaction s ne ghborhood groups . 4 Implement / coordinate conversion to new police radio communications radio communications system . ACT TIES AND SERVICES The activities of the Police Department include enforcing criminal violations , investigating a variety of non - criminal complaints and educating citizens on a multitude of crime prevention and security issues . Other activities include parking enforcement and coordination of neighborhood and community programs . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1 The 1997 Budget includes the addition of one police officer . 2 . SSB 6211 mandates municipal lawn enforcement reimbursement for county prisoner / communication. casts . This new cost significantly impacts the detention budget . 3 . Conversion to an 800 MHz . radio system increases user costs . 4 The cost of bond payments for the new police facility and additional maintenance fees will impact part of the ' 97 budget . 42 THREE YEAR COMPARATIVE STATISTICS Community safety and a strong police presence is a priority for the Police Department . As the community population grows , so do police patrol miles logged , calls requiring response by officers , and enforcement hours . The charts below reflect this population driven trend . Patrol Miles Incident Calls 71000 120 , 000 69900 10 % 000 01800 61700 809000 1V 14 6 � 600 60 , 000 111807 % �Old 61500 IN g� ANK ' ... .. IN 1R%r1'jgqN A� 409000 61400 ell tn"g k Irk . 111111 't IN 61300 1W �Rki` kp%'A�o�t Iva 20 , 000 Wcc 61200 "I AM vvvvvvv I 1%i A 0 61100 1994 1995 1996 1994 1995 1996 est . est . Enforcement Hours 1996 est. 1996 1994 Q 40 CD CD C) C) to 0 to 0 0 W) to M W%k oft W% WIA M N V) me W) W) N N N 43 LAW ENFORCEMENT` PENDIT. U. DETAIL 'T"I3 Z E YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated go , fm DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 001 . 08 . 521 1995 1996 1997 100 ADMINISTRATION 10 Salaries and Wages 178 , 5 '73204 , 088 204 , 673 20 Personnel Benefits 45 , 713 522363 612902 30 Supplies 1 , 046 918 11500 40 Other Services and Charges 51582 51792 10 , 500 60 Capital Outlays 521 90 Ir� terfu.nd Payments for a ices 4 , 3 4 5 , 818 7400 Total Administration 238 , 278 269 , 500 285 , 975 .; . 200 POLICE OPERATIONS 220 PATROL .AND INVESTIGATIONS 10 Salaries and Wages 524 , 253 550 , 050 661 , r 7 20 Personnel Benefits 158 , 900 112 , 573 215 , 012 30 Supplies 4 , 437 412 +69 72000 40 Other Services and Charges 13 , 161 81128 12 , 600 60 Capital Outlays 51532 90 Interfund Payments for Services 30 , 820 591598 71 , 200 Toga Patrol and Investigations 746 , 103 784 , 613 965 , 519 230 SPECIAL UNITS � POLICE RESERVES 10 Salaries and Wages 7 , 496 11 , 302 11 , 500 0 Personnel Benefits 11717 12684 1 , 750 40 Other Services and Charges 84 400 Total Special Units - Police Res . 91213 13 , 070 132650 TOTAL POLICE OPERATIONS 755 , 316 797 , 583 979 , 169 300 CRIME PREVENTION 10 Salaries and Wages 45 , 852 47 , 030 20 Personnel Benefits - 12 , 596 14 , 109 30 Supplies 21541 91058 10 , 000 40 Other Services and Charges 11251 32112 52600 60 Capital Outlays 651 2 , 161 71500 Total Cn e Prevention 41443 72 , 879 82 , 259 4 low • • • I I • J ® I I i • do get • I I • • ♦ I I * ® /, • • • • I • • • + , ® / Ak / file I LAW ENFORCEMENT XP'ENDITUR:E DETAIL . THREE YEAR COMPARISON ( Continued) Actual Actual Estimated DE ENT NUMBER Expended upended Required 00108 . 528 1995 1996 1997 COMMUNICATIONS 600 OPERATIONS , CONTRACTED SERVICES 50 Intergovernmental Services 69 , 625 76 , 073 109 , 000 Total Operations , Cont . Services 69 , 625 76 , 073 109 , 000 000WAN"W" wow 800 COMMUNICA'T'IONS , {SEN RAL 30 Supplies 809 1 , 7 '74 700 40 {ether Services 12 , 564 122677 15 , 000 n 64 Capital outlays 31227 16 , 136 Total Communications , General 16 ) 600 30 , 587 15 , 700 UBwTOTAL COMMUNICATIONS 86 , 225 106 , 660 124 , '700 TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS 11177 , 766 19347 , 762 11611. , 794 % Increase ( Decrease) Prior Year 1443 % 19 . 59 % CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : Multimedia Component System '? , 500 l : 46 Actual Estimated LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 1996 1997 ADMINISTRATION 705 Police Chief $ 62 , 974 $ 67 , 302 710 Police Capta55 , 94 58 , 915 in 105 Public Safety Administrative Secretary 35 , 918 352542 730 Clerk / Dispatcher 29 , 201 29 , 845 740 Parking Enforcement / Clerk ( . 5 FTE ) 12 , 081 12 , 970 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 196 , 128 204 , 674 ' POLICE OPERATIONS 715 Police Sergeant ( 3 ) 143 , 392 148 , 231 g 720 Police Officers ( 10 - 1996 , 11 - 1997 ) 397 , 981 460 , 025 Holiday Pay 27316 27 , 411 Detective Stipend - 21040 Police Reserves 11 500 11 , 500 Overtime 18 , 000 24 , 000 TOTAL POLICE OPERATIONS 598 , 189 673 , 207 TRAFFIC POLICING 735 Parking Enforcement / Clerk ( . 5 FTE ) 12 , 081 12 , 970 r TOTAL TRAFFIC POLICING 12 , 081 12 , 970 CRIME PREVENTION 720 Police Officer 45 , 028 43 , 893 Holiday Pay 0 21137 Overtime 1 , 000 12000 TOTAL CRIME PREVENTION 46 , 028 47 , 030 COMMUNITY' SERVICES 727 Social Services Specialist 41 , 427 42 , 558 Overtime 500 500 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 41 , 927 432058 DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT ( LEOFF 1 Salaries and Wages 100 100 TOTAL DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT 100 100 TOTAL LAV ENFORCEMENT $ 894 , 453 $ 981 , 039 a� % Increase (Decrease ) Prior ' Year 9 . 68 %0 47 FARE C01VTROL DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The faire control function provides fire protection services to persons and property within the city of Camas . DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 1997 1 Manage fire and life safety aspects of the WaferTech development . 2 Bei providi The Fire Department responds to both fire and emergency rescue calls . Over the past three years the department has continued to respond to an increased number ' of incidents due to increased population and transient population as reflected in the graph below : Fire Responses Three Year Comparison r r .,.?,,+ � ,v..„ice; .,a. �„ . . , . ,r�:,Y. . z,+ . . .✓,{..Gt �..- .nY`,�� n. ,,t .t>r r..Y a £+. < J,."a'� : ✓�.v...�..Ft..'r�." ,..�{,£t..+4,�. ',�fi�K�,.x. .. ,1.$.t,..o.tr.�.:.l�..tY.*.FxrE'f��v�r'. , .-�st�.„r� �xt �. , �£.,':.,..,,,.... �.�t��,..n...f:.:,”.„, e+,. ,yy.��,y.,.=ntf,t•.3,... .,r,dr�..J�. e,.nt�n.r..�,...�.Y., ��,...,.v--.-..-�S�.... rt?s��.,-.t. +r. v, e}S�,t.,,,..,.3�..otr:et-rr+.u,+...tr w£`wJ"++�.�{+ rrft t- x�tf ri.,.T.n. .' f4£s�n �'at,tt!'k -_.•...�,Jt2�',.,..tr akkl4t t,, ..,!�.. ,. �n, .�x+e.,,,.Y.rt s,., .�4Y.-,.,-., :,l,.:rA_,-.✓r.Ytzr,'�✓ ..,t.+'."f..T..,..,. ..-.,r.,.;.,. �e+ .”t c ✓,� , . +,r �Yr+ ,x. 1996 est. � � , � u r : X'F'>x s £ +. x9, , ✓ 5.. rpt a rt .. . { .t. . n . . .w . . . x , Fr+' , f , . . A . f 'r .% 'rr 4 t - . S . .+. 2 . t ✓a ,� ,.x - . n , .. . .,x v� £„ . f . ,e ✓.�� > ,. . , . . „ . . *? . .- , r ?xz - .. . � r ,... . ski^ h. �': . +,. � i , �. � ✓ rn= . . . fin . - .v r-'.; - r . .£ r- . } s3 , . . +. . . 2 .. . r m. 'r :z" . ,. . ✓. . j,, � . ', , l -> , . k-. 4 1.t , 7z, > , r" :'. 1406 . , ... , " , a., . , F„. .t. . , . « ...,h . . , . - �... ✓ - v ti 9' .UY'. 5 . . 6 . . . Xie . �`. - a��.. -, 4 v . , , . "rt � . r. . c e . .m. . ,. . 'r.. . 'Et , # . . . . ,. '», ., . .n a.a? - ..n: . . tv. i•Y . ,. :., N; Y Sot ,�,' t t � , �. , t _; , ... , d Y F . ,, J.. �i}+w�. l. . . u� . ���` ++ nb , 8` e . 1k ...e . . ,,. P ✓:.� - . --.f?,.. * , �,r ..k. � .1 , ,. .... .. 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Y � . w 3 J' �� � Y� �. - r. n r 1 n ra -. 0 200 400 600 800 11000 1 , 200 12400 F 49 I Ilk FIRE CONTROL EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 001 . 09 , 522 1995 1996 1997 .,. , 100 ADMINISTRATION 10 Salaries and Wages 50 , 592 54 , 598 52 , 180 20 Personnel Benefits 91799 10 , 279 11 2 800 30 Supplies 780 1 097 11500 40 Other Services and Charges 779 905 21200 60 Capital Outlays 371 90 Interfund Payments for Services 32043 31500 31900 mum Total Administration 65 , 364 70 , 379 71 , 580 200 FIRE SUPRESSION 10 REGULAR FORCE 10 Salaries and Waes 398 , 437 5011028 523 , 038 20 Personnel Benefits 88 , 407 95 , 067 122 , 300 ' 30 Supplies 1 , 558 18057 22 , 250 40 Other Services and Charges 15 , 950 22 , 921 201800 60 Capital Outlays 20 , 278 29979 15 , 450 90 Interfund Payments for Services 3 , 923 4 , 451 42300 NNW Total Regular Force 543 , 553 671 , 513 709 , 1 8 220 VOLUNTEER FORCE 10 Salaries and Wages 12 , 000 11 , 319 15 , 000 20 Personnel Benefits 31962 31646 6 , 250 30 Supplies 11341 805 12000 40 Other Services and Charges 374 164 700 Total Volunteer Force 17 , 677 15 934 22 , 950 250 WATER SERVICE 40 Other Services and Charges '7 , 000 81400 81400 Total Water Service 7 , 000 8 , 400 81400 TOTAL FIRE SUPRESSION 5682230 695 , 847 740 , 488 300 FIRE PREVENTION AND INVESTIGATION 10 Salaries and Wages 52 , 739 52 , 572 102 , 584 20 Personnel Benefits 91691 9 , 456 24 , 000 30 Supplies 1 , 768 2 , 290 40, 000 40 Other Services and Charges 13 , 826 101034 62 , 300 60 Capital Outlays 516 25 , 500 50 • , w a a • • � 1 1 1 • a • • • ® ® ® ® rAll � r • OR o / a Ah AM • ® • • - - 1 Ah / ® • ®. - 40 • ® • a ov all All . • • All1 Ah ® 1 •• • - - • 40 • _ • Ah _ / • • o • • ® • 1 ® ® • • / • t ® r rtwo • s • • • • Actual Estimated I ] CONTROLPERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Rewired 1996 1997 ADMINISTRATION 405 Fire Chief ( 1 / 2 ) 31 , 851 33 , 157 105 Public Safety Administration Secretary ( 1 2 ) 17 , 376 17 , 823 Overtime 11200 11200 Total Administration 501 427 52 , 180 FIRE ' SUPPRESSION z 415 Fire Captean ( 3 ) 135 , 715 148 , 974 425 Firefighter ( 6 ) 248 , 803 265 , 998 435 Firefighter / Paramedic (3 for 5 months) * 48 , 765 Holiday Pay 16 , 000 19 , 300 Volunteer Force 12 , 000 15 , 000 Overtime 35 , 000 40 , 000 Total Fire Supression 447 , 518 538 , 037 FIRE PREVENTION ANIS INVESTIGATION 410 Battalion Chief/ Fire Marshall 52 556 53 , 918 415 Inspector / Deputy Fire Marshall ( 12 months) 45 , 666 Overtime 31000 0 Total Fire Prevention & Investigation 52 , 556 102 , 584 DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT ( LEOFF 1 ) Salaries and wages 100 Total Fire Control $ 550 , 601 692 , 801 % Increase ( Decrease) Prior Year 25983 % * 13 % will be funded by the EMS Fund CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : Hose Tester / Pressure usher ; 11200 Rescue Tool w / Ram 10 , 000 Computers (two ) 41000 Opticom (cine emitter) 2 , 000 Vehicle (new Inspector) 22 , 500 Light Bar (near vehicle) 1 , 000 ICS 'Training Simulator 2500 Mobile Radio (new vehicle) 1 OOO Portable Radios (four , new employees) 4 , 000 52 r FIRE CONTROL DEPARTMENT ' ( Contlnued ) CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : Positive Pressure Ventilation Fan � 11250 VA Radio / Intercom 41000 Pagers (five , volunteer replacement) 21500 55 , 950 } E 4 t t t } a i i i i 53 DETElYTIONAlYDIOR CORRECTION FUNCTION The detention and / or correction budget provides for ' cost of care of prisoners and parole services , A TMTIES AND SERVICES a Prisoners are detained either in th. e ' city jail temporarily or are held in the county jail . The city reimburses the county for board of prisoners . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS As of January , 1997 the City must reimburse Clary County for its proportionate share of jail costs . $ 127 , 000 leas been budgeted for these costs . Wages for the court security officer at the Camas / Washougal Municipal Court will be equally shared with the City of Washougal . 4 54 VIE ♦ a dp♦ ® • ® o ® ► i i 0 m ® o o • i o 0 Ah / ® ® • 0 ® ® ® ® • 0 ® ® ► ► ► ® o dp► DOOR • i ® • ® • i i i 0 Ah do ® Ah • • s dp EMERGENCY SERVICES z ire FUNCTION . rr .ergen.ey management provides for safety , food , aid and housing to citizens during time of disaster . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The emergency management budget provides for an intergovernmental. payment to the co�u� nty emergency services operation and for maintenance of the municipal building emergency generator . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The 1997 budget reflects an increase in the intergovernmental payment to the county emer- gency services operation . The 1 , 000 increase results from a smaller cash carry forward for the agency than. was experienced. in 1996 . EMERGENCY SERVICES XPENDITUR:E DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 01 ....... . :::.. Actual Actual Estimated. DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 001. . 11 . 525 1995 1990 199 ' 100 ADMINISTRATION 50 Intergovernmental Services 32255 4 , 084 5 , 509 500 FACILITIES 30 Supplies - 100 40 Other Services and Charges 50 90 Interfund Payments For Services ' 100 Total Emergency Services � 3 , 255 4 , 084 51750 5 t ENGINEERING DEPARTME1VT MISSION STATEMENT EMENT The Engineering Department furnishes general admi f EERINGr DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL ENGIN THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Esfiirn aced DEPARTMENT NUMBER. Expended Expended Required ' 001 . 13 . 532 1995 1996 1997 100 ADMINISTRATION 10 Salaries and Wages 123 , 514 124 , 978 151 , 384 20 Personnel Benefits 31 , 112 311 557 45 , 115 30 Supplies 11598 2 , 418 1 , 550 40 Other Services and Charges 31991 41316 4 , 700 60 Capital Outlays 243 5 , 485 4 , 200 90 Interfund Payments for Services 39 250 500 Total Administration 160 , 497 169 , 004 207 , 449 200 ENGINEERING PLANS AND SERVICES 10 Salaries and Wages 321 , 287 337 , 347 268 , 984 20 Personnel Benefits 97 , 191 962548 70 , 501 30 Supplies 72064 5 , 868 71500 40 Other Services and Charges 10 , 404 142606 51, 800 50 Intergovernmental Services 11341 - 7 , 000 60 Capital Outlays 61247 27 , 358 22 , 600 90 Interfund Payments for Services 14 , 983 ' 19 , 214 14 , 000 Total Engineering Plans and Services 458 , 517 500 , 941 442 , 385 400 TRAINING 40 Other Services and Charges 4 , 012 21367 81000 . . Total firaining 4 , 012 21367 81000 Total Engineering 6232026 672 , 312 657 , 834 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 7e91 %0 2 . 15 % f i 58 Actual Estim ated E111GINEERIN'G PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 1996 1997 ADMINISTRATION 805 Public Works Director 682575 '70 , 051 515 Administrative Assistant 39 , 107 382750 103 Administrative Secretary ( 1 / 2 ) 15 , 436 15 , 834 115 Clerk Typist 242015 25 , 749 Overtime 526 11000 Total Administration 147 , 659 151 , 384 ENGINEERING PLANS AND SERVICES r , 208 Assistant City Engineer - 582911 206 Assistant City Engineer / Planning Director 57 , 430 205 Public Works Project Manager 52 , 429 210 Senior Engineering 'T'echnician 37 , 415 39 , 532 213 Engineering Technician. (4 ) 129 , 333 1362561 215 Engineering 'Technician - (2 for 5 months ) 14 1 126 289980 220 En 9in. eerin. g Technician / Entry 33 , '734 Overtime 39250 5 , 000 Total Engineering Plans and Services 327 , " 17 268 , 984 Total Engineering � 475 , 376 $ 420 , 368 . t % Increase (Decrease ) Prior ; Year - 11 . 57 ° 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : Replace computers ( 2 ) 4 , 200 Survey crew radios 21000 New computers 2 ) 5200 Software upgrades 102000 , Survey level 31600 Office Furniture 21000 6 , 800 r u, 59 POLLEITION CONTROL SERVICES FUNCTION The pollution control budget provides for the city' s share of the Southwest Air Pollution Control Authority' s activities and other natural resources expenses . ACTIVITIES The pollution control authority sets standards for control of air pollution within the region and enforces these standards . POLLUTION CONTROL EXPENDI"T�C� � DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 1 001 . 1. 4 . 531 1995 1996 1997 700 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL 50 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes $ 1 , 840 $ 1 , 894 $ 2 , 0343 SWISS MONSOON Total Natural Resources 1 840 $ 1 , 894 $ 2 , 043 OWN % Increase ( Decrease) Prior Year 2 , 93 °jo 7 * 87 % NNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIVT MISSION STATEMENT r ides for adoption and recommendation The planning activity provof coordinated plans for the overall comprehensive physical planning and 'development of the city . S . GOALS FOR 1997 80 %� of new land use applicationswill be processed within 120 days as outlined in Regulatory Reform . * Establish a computer tracking system for land use applications . * Update the Shoreline Master Plan by August . * Reduce the number of land use or code enforcement court cases by 50 %0 . A TMTIES AND SERVICE The Planning Commission conducts hearings and makes recommendations as to zoning of property and recommends regulations and restrictions on the location of { building , structures and land for residential , trade , industrial and other purposes . The commission also enters into agreements for plan and zoning assistance from private consultants and other governmental planning organizations . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The Planning and. Community Development budget reflects a clear line of distinction between planning and engineering . New to the overall budget, the Planning and Community Development budget includes salaries and 'benefits for the City Planner and two (2 ) Engineering Technicians , one of whom is a new employee for the cid • This budget reflects ongoing Comprehensive Plan updates and a major revision ' to the city' s Shoreline Master Plan . Funds will be transferred from General Fund to the Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) account in order to reimburse the TIP account for $ 270 900 from an exemption granted to Camas School District' s new S yridge Mid. - level School . a. PLANNINGr AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EXPENI3IT�E DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 001 . 15 . 558 1995 1996 1997 400 TRAINING 40 Other Services and Charges 11192 830 21000 Total Training 11192 830 21000 600 PLANNING ' 10 Salaries and Wages - - 1132727 20 Personnel Benefits 34 , 118 30 Supplies 1 , 826 51256 11500 40 Other Services and Charges 20 , 428 55 , 952 34 , 700 50 Intergovernmental Services 31500 31550 10 , 000 60 Capital Outlay - 21743 2 , 500 p Y w Total Planning 25 , 754 67 , 501 196 , 545 910 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 40 Other Services and Charges 24 , 082 29 , 032 43 , 500 50 Intergovernmental Services 23 , 074 2702900 Total Economic Development 24 , 082 52 , 106 314 , 400 TOTAL PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 51 , 028 120 , 437 5122945 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 136 . 02 % 325 . 90 % ' i t i t A 4 i k 62 Actual EstiMated PLANNING PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 1996 1997 ADMINISTRATION City Planner 48 , 379 Engineering Technician 35 , 643 »h Engineering 'Technician. 29 , 705 Total Planning - 113 , 727 % Increase ( Decrease) Prior Year 100 % ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . r OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL . Community Choices 2010 11000 Sister City Program 21500 Caws Down Tovm 20 , 000 x CREDC 201000 43 , 500 smommomwo w. CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL . Computer 21500 � t h. : 63 OTHER PRYSICAL EIYVIR01VMElVT MISSION STATEMENT The Cather Physical Environment function provides for animal control expenses . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The City of Camas contracts with the Vancouver Humane Society for an animal control facility and pays a prorated snare of the animal control operation to the City of Washougal . OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 001 . 16 . 539 1995 1995 1997 ANIMAL CONTROL 300 10 Salaries and Wages 39 258 300 20 Personnel benefits is 93 300 30 Supplies 297 5o 300 40 tither Services and Charges 866 21146 61100 300 50 Intergovernmental Services 2 'x , '731 55 , 808 45 , 300 300 90 Interfund Payments for Service 11 30 Total tither Physical Environment 28 , 959 � 58 , 385 51. 400 % ' Increase (Decrease) Prier Year 101 * 61 % - 11 96 % 64 P<%% MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH MISSION STATEMENT The health budget provides for the city' s ' payment to the Southwest Washington Health District for services and for payments to the county for alcoholism programs , ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Health Department provides food inspection services to the city , inspection of various unsanitary situations detrimental to the comm , s heap and provides vaccination and certain medical. services to the citizens of the city and the school district . The county alcoholism program provides for alcoholic rehabilitation services to the citizens of the city and county . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The city no longer directly supports financially the Southwest Washington Health District . The District instead receives a portion of motor vehicle excise tax payments directly from the State . MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH EXPENDITURE DITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NT NUMBER Expended Expended Required. 001 . 17 1995 1996 1997 PUBLIC HEAL'T'H 562 000 50 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 57 361 � 4 1526 ALCOHOLISM 567 000 50 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 1 , 314 1 ) 352 Total Mental and Physical Health 58 , 675 53, 878 % Increase ( Decrease) Prior Year - 89 . 98 % - 1 O0 . +OO %o S i 65 . , , . . _ a► ® .► p a e lip w r ♦ • ! a • • ® AIIIIIw ! e• w a a � • m s or ! w r ! o o ! 0 0 • a ! o a • o w ® • !� o o Imp 10 w 40 ♦ w ! w ® o w IIIIIk ® r w a o r a a • w r w ! w Z4 t;lok) cle IV 1 1117 MPV , ho • i i Y ? , i A, # a , It ' w 1 u ry 17 . . , ' kk \ • IV , . f I' 61s IV I IV AqIlkz I IV � 4 ? t 11- k } IV I , PARKS AND RECREATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual ' Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended required 001 . 18 . 576 1995 1996 1997 200 SWIMMING POOLS 10 Salaries and Wages 51 , 111 58 , 209 57 , 500 ! 20 Personnel Benefits 91603 82797 92000 30 Supplies 61319 71945 72500 40 Cather Services and Charges 20 , 320 27 , 218 23 , 800 50 Intergovernmental Services - 100 60 Capital Outlays - 667 6 , 000 90 Interfund Payments for Services 322 683 500 Total Swimming Pools 87 , 6 '75 103 , 519 104 , 400 ' 800 GENERAL PARKS 10 Salaries and Wages 87 , 133 104 , 245 125 , 047 20 Personnel' Benefits 29 , 745 32 , 304 39 , 700 30 Supplies 41399 12 , 016 15 , 200 40 Other Services and Charges 32 , 259 46 , 189 391400 60 Capital Outlays 81528 72527 22 , 000 90 Interfund Payments for Services 36 , 926 44 , 381 41 , 000 4 t Total General Parks 198 , 990 2461662 282 , 347 Total Park Facilities 286 , 665 350 , 181 3862747 % ' Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 22 . 16 % 10 . 44 % } 67 Actual Estimated PARIS AND RECREATION PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Require 1996 1997 SWIMMING POOL Other Salaries and Wages 45 , 000 502400 523 Recreation Leader ( 1 / 3 ) 51600 . . Overtime 11000 11500 Total SVnM1 .ing Pools 46 , 000 87 , 500 GENERAL PARIS 620 Parks and Recreation Supervisor ( 1 / 2 ) 20 , 061 20 , 548 835 Senior Street Maintenance Worker 40 , 422 40 , 276 875 Maintenance Worker ( 1 / 2 ) 15 , 529 15 , 462 875 Maintenance Worker ( 3 mo _ 1996 , 1 FTE - 1997 ) 61681 31 , 802 Seasonal M �tenance Worker ( 2 for 6 mcg . ) 14 , '70 14 , 796 875 Overtime 300 300 Other salaries 4 , 481 L763 Total General Parks 1022270 125 , 047 Total Park Facilities 148 , 270 182 , 54 '7 % Increase ( Decrease) Prior Year 23 . 12 % SWIMMING ]POOL * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL . Profession al Services 12000 Communication 600 Advertising 100 Operating Rentals Leases Soo Insurance 400 Public Utilities 122000 Repairs and Maintenance 8 , 200 1141' " IAM Miscellaneous 11000 $ 28 , 800 68 PARTr S AND RECREATION ( Continued) CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : 'M4 ward Chair 21000 Pool Vacuum 41000 e Croom Park - Mats , swings Bench 12800 Louis Bloch Park Improvements - slide , play structure 8z; clim.bing toy 14 , 200 Forest Home Park Ballfield. Regrade 11500 Unplanned Improvements 31500 p Cushman Scooter - Tires 8 Flat Bed 11000 Total Capital Outlay 28 , 000 ' n . t a 69 CVLTURE ECREAT ON MISSION STATEMENT Through provision of recreation and parrs services , it enhances the quality of life and nurtures the health and weld.- being of pule , community , environment' and economy . The department is community driven . Together , and often in partnership with related fields and organizations , it : * �ndi ideals reachthei help r potential - ensuring healthy , active and balanced lifestyles , a fit foundation for productive lives - stimulating holistic growth and development . { * strengthen the social foundations of our society - building strong relationships - collaborating to support families of all ids , nurturing leadership and developing self reliant communities - creating understanding and harmony through shared leisure lifestyles . * serve as " stewards of the environment " - creating environmental awareness and encouraging ecosystem approaches to planning - protecting , preserving and restoring significant natural areas and corridors . * build and renew local economies - reducing dependencies on health and social ' services through building a fit and productive work force ; stimulating the leisure industries and attracting economic development to the community known for a high duality of life . ACT S AND SERVICES The Culture and Recreation Facilities function provides for the operation and maintenance' of the community center as well as providing for the personal , social , economic , d environmental benefits ' through the provision of recreation and parrs r services . o 1 11 . : , , ., , ., , , . , , . , „� m411 "%V „ .._ . �., ,, . . �. . ,.,., . , .v I ' ll V%-111 . 1. .. .. . . , ., �.. -. . ' . v 11 111w% e .. ,.. ,_ . .,. �.., . , . .. , , , .. , ... . . ,,..,. . ,.. .m, m., :.w . n. ,n., . ,.. ,.. , - . , .. . ,.._.. .. . . r.. ., ,. " .. ,, . ... .. .�. ., .�� � �, , ..w.. w ,..m �... . ,..a.m. , . . .. , ..u .. ,. _r _. , ., e ..._.. . _.. e , . — _ _ .. . , ... .. Community Center Visitors 25tOOO 20 , 000 2 0 > 15 , 000 0 E 109000 The adjoining Z V3 4114 A� Am charts illustrate the increased usage of 59000 the Communiv Center from 1991 through 1995 , and 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 the annual growth of planned events and classes conducted over the last three years . Organized Zvents and Classes These events are held on a free or cost participation T,771 basis . M No Cost Basis 161 OPartliclipation Cost 44'I'll 055,���f� Pill 71 tTLTIT ;E AND RECREATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Require 001 , 19 . 575 1995 1996 1997 400 TRAINING 40 Other Services and Charges 693 46 12000 'Dotal Training 693 46 1 , 000 500 MULTIPURPOSE ANIS COMMUNITY CENTERS 10 Salaries and Wages 44 , 217 49 , 060 57 , 654 20 Personnel Benefits 12 , 672 15 , 786 16 , 518 30 Supplies 5 , 395 61819 10 , 330 40 Other Services and Charges 252795 31 , 800 4 , 970 r} . 60 Capital Outlays 5 , 052 11895 52000 90 Interfund Payments 523 455 700 Total Multipurpose and Community Centers 93 , 54 105 , 885 138 , 172 Total Culture and Recreation Facilities 94 , 347 105 , 931 � 139 , 1 '72 % Increase (Decrease ) over prior year 12 . 28 % 31 . 38 % .Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Require 1996 1997 ry . MULTIPURPOSE AND COMMUNITY CENTER 620 Parks and Recreation Supervisor ( 1 / 2 ) 20 , 061 20 , 648 623 Recreation. Leader 232052 24 , 494 623 Recreation Leader ( 2 / 3 ) 11 , 204 Maintenance Worker 1 , 008 Summer Intern 31600 Overtime 300 300 Total Cultural ,and Recreational Facilities � 479013 57 , 654 % Increase (Decrease) over prior year 22 . 63 %0 CULTURE AND RECREATION ( Continued) OTHER. SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAILS : Professional Services 227490 Communication 32500 Operating Rentals 8v Leases 830 Insurance 150 Public Utilities 77000 Repairs 8. Maintenance 4 , 000 Miscellaneous 91000 46 , 970 r C"ITAIL OUTLAY DETAILS : Computer 21500 Chairs ( 100 ) 3 , 500 Total Capital Outlays 61000 73 CAPITALIZED EXPEADITUR"C3 FUNCTION Capitalized expenditures is a classification under the " BARS " system utilized to sort out and identify major capital expenditures from ordinary operations and m a�.r�.ter� ar� ce of cle� �m encs . minor capital outlay items are included under the department budget . GOALS FOR 199 Complete Phase 2 of preparation for interim. use of the Grass Valley Fire Station . AC''' MTI S AND SERVICES This activity will complete work necessary to provide improved fire protection and ambulance services to the west side of Prune Hill . COMMENTS ON BUDGET "PROPRIATIONS The 5 , 000 budgeted i� Fire Control �u l +d� g c� Structures for 1997 includes purchase and installation of modular staff quarters , furniture , appliances and ether preparation necessary to place the fire station into 24 hour staffed operation. . fl 7 CAPITALIZED Ea.". DITURES DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBED Expended Expended Required 001 . 20 1995 1996 1997 594 180 central Services 62 Buildings Structures 2 , 360 64 Machinery & Equipment 711433 Total Central Services 73 , 793 - - 220 Fire Control 62 Buildings and Structures - 14 , 661 56 , 000 Total Fire Control 14 , 661 56 , 000 Total Capitalized Expenditures $ 732793 $ 56 , 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAILS : Improvements to Fire Station # 42 562000 56 , 000 a 4 ' 1 r A 4 75 V A TION PARTICIPANT RECRAAJ�IVI�LW�W..�& and COMMLWITY r% T% UCATION MISSION STATEMENT The Participant Recreation program provides wholesome recreational activities for pa ticipan + 40 Ls . Community Education 1s used to fund the Camas Senior Citizen Center . Bath programs are operated by Camas Community Education , GOALS FOR 1997 ' To continue the wholesome programs as a service to the community , and as requested by Community Education . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Participant Recreation will conduct ' certain park and recreation activities In the summer at Crown Park At the Senior Citizen Center , 538 N . E . cedar Street , activities include birthday parties , blood pressure checks , pot- lucks and field - bus trip ,Also , t .is provides for part- time ' staff assistance for seasonal recreation programs operated by the City . 76 I NOR ® ® - V • 40 / ® • • • r 1 all logo do r ® ® . • I l J 0 0 w4CTIONS DEPARTMENT PROTECTNE INSrize MISSION STATEMENT Protective inspections provide for inspections and enforcement of regulations relevant to the issuance of building pelts and ether permits not assigned to a specific department . GOALS FOR 1997 The Building Department intends to provide anaverage residential plan review in less than. four weeks ( assumingconstruction activity remiss constant with activities in 1996 ) . Outside consultants and inspection services are included in the amount of $ 345 , 000 for use with larger industrial and commercial pro] ects such as " Wafertech " to meet the needs of " fast track" construction schedule and deadlines . Building code review and adoption will be proposed for 1997 and a building permit fee study is anticipated to be completed . The Building Department will promote uniformity in code enforcement in. SW Washington through participation in professional. organizations . ACT TIES AND SERVICES The activity accounts for payments ' for professional services for inspections and for related facilities . 78 Construction Value Five Year Comparison 'FIF 6010OOtOOO IF 4 ell e' O IF 50t0001000 Z�I Ri !,ie FF! 5ig II lei -'e", % FIF I % loll%� 'lIx le yyy lz nF%I F�,ellw'eweeF al �,4� /, 1" , v-tze�,e�w 5�F FF ee* el %%%- IF �ee llle�Pee I 'Fr&F%ll"I %e I IF S %'IF ell XIM 'I'lc "I'll I I ,gl 40 , 0009000 1 �% � I % e I ell FIll IF Felt glIt, � Nele l, �, el; FBI A F, ' 54 `�IeF e&)e ep VF, IF e Rl� l�ZIF 11l. Ff,� e", i4F1Ft'$!e 'g F le 1 % � 02I, i� kwi&6� �V,�RNIUIK,%� ell I w FFF* I 'Al ( I%%% I'Vle ev� IF IIlFIF "FvF3 le"r 1 30 , 0009000 le I I Fkj i�%ey jw�lFI A, - eele, \& I�,, % l Fle�!F3� I I 'le "ll I �l 11,ellF� Well Fe �Il ee� -IFF-�F, 4 QQ�F <qv e I , e 'e File, FF�l % 1000 F , , % 1 11 1, Il"M ll, 144 Ile Me . I I I I I I FFFXA� 20 , 000 �% ,FFFV4%keeilw, M will d IF %�/x l,� IF, % % Fel elff Ile JI F V�el "f'e�,'V%F� %I eeee IF, I �,! % 1020009000 ee, eFFe F �J� % ee,M, AF FxjI� F� Ig I ek�l l I I el I I � I� I'll I I I IF OR I e le ;%, F 11 1 1 1 Is/ "1>11le '4e % �i7, yIl��F`Fe F,F* /Fev e. IFF W'�; 'I,� ;Fe I I I e I !w1l I I F A"lFl,O"e, Ill I FIX �e�s F OA�ee IF IFI4�e�l I Flle eel: YI, r eeI 0 le /e S �Oe ezFell 1992 1993 1994 1995 1 1 0 1996 0 Industrial/ Commercial est . OResidential % lleg Fe x Fe FIF ��le ell el % I% 19T YEARS r Vol le F, IF % � I % W'Ilgell< FlF �141A�vl.%'Ax F " I'll FlI" F,ll I ell F%%IIF%A � el%%111 � ""l, I e", l%0 I % e eW 6e, I, el� le,, F * IF le %TT I%%, F �I >11 K Ile e?"i , 11 F.ld I I el 1^1 r IF I IF %,Rl 1 . F "I Fee � X- % =g gF FFF4 IF %I l 1992 El I I% FII A Ile I IF �l IF elel , Ix 11Y� F%eF 1��e 1111�,Fe Fe v IP% ell k e, Fe 1993 I'le 1 7 �1%1` 1111 F l e� I F, Fe F;� ; ; I I I' Xle IF , IF % lelle, "I 1994 e l le eee, ,` xv 'Ily"Fe'l;ee I e >>>>>>>> IF 6 `% FlIleel 'Ie ell IF I Feek' ' y' 1 Il4 1 l IF F, A?IP Fee IMF I RIX vie% IFI FeF, ' M W4, I", I CM!111�0 ;�, i I g"ll l 1995 93 5 4 F 1 I> F "I lae, I Ill IFI, elet I III FllIeelIx,'%F A' ' In" v Il,,,,,% IF 'I I % e F, X Fell ' a�,�ef IF e" U I/ v F, I, IF ;F* Fee F �e ye % est * 'IF, I� 1 11 %% 1996 I ' v X�% , v lF, I i Flill I� ll % le , I' ll- % Ile, ell4FI % P�Flle . l , Fve, < IVI'41 " Iel"I'l el,� r/Fe F l, 41e�, � I>, IF F I Ile I> AIII e� It % "C� ell, ' ' I I I I � I % I v l 11 IL " I F , I % I RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL 400 IF %%%% % ca Il", � ; ,! S y 4 1 45 el Ill; I ,%� e. F F , `IIIF' �IF IF el I I Fxv �k . . . f � 11 ll � Fe 1 1, ;r II � q� z %:Vl, FeIe I el I l"I" I 1 11 I I CO nlell % FII e IQ 350 M 1 ' FF 40 % FII / l %%% 300 35 %F1 F,Fll� MM 250 uj 30 CL e gle on �glgg eI&lWe0 4 % % F, e LL 200 iNpl� 25 0 Ipil l " %, 20 150 15 100 10 50 D 5 z 0 --- - -- --- z 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 v est., est. r YEARS YEARS FFe FYE 79 PROTECTIVE INSPECTION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual. Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 001 . 22 . 524 1995 1996 1997 00 INSPECTIONS , PERMITS 10 Salaries and Wages 147 , 468 163 , 775 188794 20 Personnel Benefits 48 , 681 501498 55 , 108 30 Supplies 2 , 793 3 , 6 '74 6 , 000 40 Other Se ices and Charges 28 , 350 118901 566 , 300 60 Capital Outlays 4 , 864 23 , 561 22y2OO 90 Interfund Payments for Services 51116 6 , 6 6 0 8 0001 Total Inspections , Permits 237 , 272 367 069 i 846 , 402 400 TRAINING 40 Other Services and Charges 1 , 108 1 , 117 3 , 000 Total Training 11108 1 , 117 31000 420 INSPECTIONS , PERMITS 40 Other Services and Charges Total Inspections , Permits 500 FACILITIES 40 Other Services and Charges 1 , 00 1 , 433 11800 60 Capital Outlays 118 61921 41950 Total Facilities 1 , 1. 28 8 , 354 6 , 750 wMw TOTAL PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 239 , 508 376 , 540 856 , 152 % Increase ( Decrease) prior Year 57 21 % 127 37 % s Actual Estimated; PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 1996 1997 PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS E 815 Building Official / Civil Engineer 522557 53 , 912 817 Building Inspector ( 2 - 1996 , 3 - 1997 ) 67 , 587 1022055 rmit Clerk 26 , 242 27 , 727 108 Pe Other salaries and wages 2 , 114 - Overtime 42950 51100 Total Administration 153 , 450 188 , 794 ! r %o Increase ( Decrease ) prior Year 23 . 03 % CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : Inspection Vehicle 172500 Computer 2 500 Pest Pack Software 11200 Plan Storage Cabinets 12000 Secure Basement for Plan Storage 47200 Basement Plumbing Alterations 750 Total Capital Outlay 272150 r r E C i r t 81 CENTRAL SERVICES FUNCTION The central services function is a classification for general building services as prescribed in the state auditor ' s Bud eti Account n and Report n S ' stem (BARS ) , This budget +cludes the costs of prov%ding nous g facilities for general government , public safety , pudic works engineering , and administration . ACTMTIES AND SERVICES pl Expenses under thisbudge f include the maintenance d operation of t]h a municipal building . r , 82 a CENTRAL SERVICES EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated r t DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 901 . 23 . 518 1995 1996 1997 200 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES 10 Salaries and `]tl'aes 62075 $ 52437 71875 20 Personnel Benefits 31811 31775 3 , 000 30 Supplies 12 , 811 10 , 472 14 , 200 40 Other Services and Charges 59 , 020 55 , 762 76 , 100 60 Capital Outlays 6 , 740 945 31000 90 Interfund Payment for Services 671 1 , 166 1 , 000 Total' Property Management Services 89 , 128 77 , 557 105 , 175 TOTAL CENTRAL SERVICES 89 , 128 77 , 557 $ 105 , 175 % Increase ( Decrease) Prior Year 12 . 98 % 35 . 61 %° Actual Estimated CENTRAL SERVICES PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 1996 1997 CENTRAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 71875 71875 Overtime 300 300 TOTAL CENTRAL SERVICES 8 , 175 81175 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 0 . 00 % CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAILS : i Unscheduled Improvement Requirements 3 000 Total Capital Outlay Details $ 31000 t 83 PW INFORMATIONAND 0 "A 2 A Cjq� MISSION STATEMENT t To provide information and outreach to foster and support the neighborhood associations and their vital work . To provide fin � cial assistance to a local social service agency for their support of low income citizens . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES 7 ) 000 i budgeted for the East County F ' y Service Center f©rm erly knov� as East County Social Service Center) . $ 5000 is budgeted to cover the estimated costs of a community clew. - up effort sponsored by UCAN . INFORMATION AND OUTREACH EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER E pended. Expended Required 001 . 24 . 557 1995 1996 1997 200 50 Community Information Services 51000 6 , J00 71000 Neighborhood Association 210 30 Supplies -- 1 , 871 51000 10 40 Other Se ices and Charges 5 , 345 21600 Total Information and Outreach 5 , { 00 1 'T 721 33 , 600 % Increase (Decrease ) Prior Year 164 . 32 % 154 . 24 °x'0 OTHER SER'V'ICES AND CHARGES DETAILS : Community Cleanup 5 000 UCAN M000 Newsletter 41000 Professional Services 21600 21 , 600 84 LIBRARY DEPARTMEAT i ' MISSION STATEMENT The Camas Public Library exists to enrich the lives , encourage the self- education and promote the enlightened citizenship of adults , youth and children ' n the greater Camas community . The library is the general public ' s primary source of materials for information , education , recreation and culture , and is a supplemental source of information for business , government and students . These information needs are met by providing free access to both traditional and newly developing resources and technologies . The library' s collection represents a diversity of opinion and viewpoint , and service is provided in an atmosphere of courtesy , professionalism and equality of access for all patrons . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 1997 a The main 1997 goals for the Library Department are . To staff the information / circulation desk with well - trained personnel 56 hours per week and provide top quality public service . To maintain and enhance library collections by acquiring and cataloging 3 500 new titles . *' To continue the contracts for automation services and reciprocal borrowing . * To maintain and improve the physical plant . To begin planning for a remodeled and. enlarged library . To provide better patron access to electronic information and the Internet . To continue to analyze procedures and revise as necessary . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Camas Public Library will circulate about 200 , 000 books , audio tapes and video tapes to residents of the greater Camas area in 1997 . The library m stains a varied collection of about 45 , 000 items . In addition the library answers approximately 15 , 000 telephone and in - person informational and research questions . Through undertakings such as a summer reading program , weedy stogy tomes and regular adult programs , the library provides other informational , educational , recreational and cultural activities . The library offers public meeting spaces and houses the municipal court and the Second Story Art Gallery . 5 . . . . All ® - - ® - - - - . • • ® .. . • • OP . • • W# A 11 kip do lee Oil • • • I Iii .Y 7 e a r u b p = t LIBRARY DEPARTMENT ]ENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON ON Actual Actual Estimated DEPARTMENT NUMBER Expended Expended Required 0014. 30 . 572 1995 1996 1997 100 ADMINISTRATION 10 Salaries and Wages 43235 48 , '708 51 , 453 20 Personnel Benefits 14 , 103 13 , 570 15 , 436 IN 40 Other Services and Charges - OWN Total Administration. 57 , 469 62 , 278 66 889 ONION 200 LIBRARY SRVICE% S 10 Salaries and Wages 1912389 204 , 881 247 , 874 20 Personnel Benefits 48 , 673 502292 61172 30 Supplies 122530 11223 11 , 000 40 Other Services and Charges 182624 21 , 906 24 , 925 50 Intergoverrnental Services and Taxes 26 , 452 26 , 446 27 , 250 60 Capital Outlays 90 , 368 97 , 853 91 , 820 Total Library Services 388 , 035 412 , 514 44 , 94 400 TRAINING 40 Other Services and Charges 31253 3 , 683 4 , ' 00 woomm ONION Total Training ni Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Require 1996 1997 ADMINISTRATION 505 Library Director 48 , 696 51 , 453 LIBRARY SERVICES 5 510 Assistant to Library Director 44 130 46 505 , { . 521 Senior Library Technician (Part time) 26 , 989 272683 520 Library Technician 31 , 802 65 , 077 520 Library Technician ( 2 part time ) 40 , 352 39 , 753 110 Senior Clerk Typist (part Vie ) 122681 13 , 800 22 87time )115 Clerk Typist ( 2 part time ) 816 26 , Overtime 11200 19200 Other Salaries and Wages (page � and substitutes ) ` 23360 26 , 981 Total ' Library Services 2031330 247 , 874 FACILITIES Other Salaries and Wages 41800 41950 Total Libraries 256 , 826 304 , 276 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 18 . 48 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAILS * Professional Services 20 , 000 Communication 300 Insurance 11200 Public Utility 112500 8y Main Repairs 24 , 000 57 , 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAILS : Computers ( 3 ) 71500 CD - ROM Server 31520 Shelving 11500 Air conditioners ( 2 ) 1 , 300 Library Books 78 , 000 Carpet ' 15 , 000 Total Capital Outlays $ 106 , 820 88 CITY STREET DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT s, 'The street budget provides for maintenance and minor construction of all city streets within the cid limits . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 1997 1 . Provide for the safe movement of drivers and pedestrians within our community . . Focus on maintenance of the transportation ' system in a manner which preserves the +City' s long term investment and provides optimum driving conditions for the citizens of Camas . 3 . Improve safety and traffic movement in east Camas . Implement traffic control changes O�� and speed adjustments with minimal disruption to cit�e� s . CTMTI;FS AND SERVICES Mamta. ning , seal coating , patching' and grading of streets , providing lighting of roads and intersections , providing snow and ice control. , sweepin of streets and n� staining or operate traffic signals are activities and services provided from the street budget activity . lee ji. 1 89 w %m0A AY s T'REET` FUND NUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 112 . 00 1995 1996 1997 291 740 00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - - F f 4 Intergovernmental Revenue . 333 083 50 Federal Indirect Grants - FEMA - 41 , 851 - 333 14020 Community Dev . Block ' Grant 58 , 880 85 , 000 333 200 20 Federal Indirect Grants -WDOT 76 , 537 1651357 333 200 21 Federal Indirect Grants - STP - 228 , 160 333 202 05 Grants - Fed Hwy Administration 27 , 194 135 , 840 334 083 50 State Grants - FEMA 91486 336 000 87 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax- City Street 116 , 265 121 , 647 119 , 562 336 000 88 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax- Street Imp . 54 , 353 63 , 700 63 , 608 P Total Intergovernmental Revenue 333 , 229 537 , 881 496 , 330 Charges for Goods and Services . 343 900 00 Other Fees / Charges Physical ' Env 31627 X860 - Total Charges for Goods and Service 3 , 627 860 - f Miscellanous Revenues : 369 900 00 Other Miscellanous Revenue 67 1 , 450 38700000 Residual Equity Transfers 11404 - Total Miscellanous Revenues 1 , 471 1 , 450 Total Estimated Revenues 338 , 327 540 , 191 496 , 330 Other Financing Sources : 395 10000 Sales of General Fixed Assets ' 11034 - G 397 000 00 Operating Transfers In 701 , 623 8152985 1 , 064 , 989 a Total Other Financing Sources 702 , 657 815 , 985 1 , 064 , 989 Total Estimated Resources $ 1 , 040 , 984 1 , 3, 56 , 176 1 , 561 319 t r 90 t, CITY STREET DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 112 . 00 1995 199 +5 1997 542 Read and Street Maintenance 300 00 Roadway $ 119 , 369 $ 303 , 044 $ 147 , 000 400 00 Storm Drainage 106 , 232 104 , 548 39 , 50 { `. 500 00 Structures 21173 2 , 121 7 , 000 610 00 Sidewalks 9 ) 230 22324 9 , 000 a 620 00 Special Purpose Paths 27 31001 630 00 "Street Lighting 92 , 793 88 , 821 88 , 000 640 00 Traffic Control ' Devices 45 , 243 60 , 012 52 , 000 650 00 Parkin; Facilities 55 2 , 500 660 00 Snow and Ice Control 61046 92687 232500 670 00 Street Clearing 592009 89 , 575 1001000 700 00 Roadside 57 , 410 65 , 533 42 , 500 800 00 Ancillary Operations 11 , 591 14 , 650 10 , 000 900 00 M �tenance Adnimistrat on. 522611 72 , 427 56 , 000 Total Road and Street Maintenance 561707 8123, 829 580 , 000 rt 543 Road and Street General Administration 100 00 Management 1 , 275 1 , 200 200 00 Undistributed Engineering 43 , 405 39 , 598 48 , 000 300 00 General. Services 30 ,247 34 , 086 400 00 Planning So 500 00 Facilities 51249 17260 72000 600 00 Training 52506 12226 6 , 000 700 00 Undistributed Indirect Labor Costs 481299 11371 43 , 619 Total Road and Street General Admmistra.tion 132 , 706 78 , 816 106 , 319 544 Road and Street Facilities 100 00 Construction of Facilities 200 00 Maintenance of Stations and Bldgs 24 , 530 21 , 046 11 , 000 P5, 00 Total Road and Street Facilities 24 , 530 21 , 046 11 ; 000 Total. Transportation 718 , 943 912 , 691 S 697 , 319 CITY" STI<E DEPARTMENT EXPEND PENDITU`� I) �AIL THREE YEAR. COMPARISON ( CONTINUED ) Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Require 112 . 00 1995 1996 ' 1997 595 Road and Street Construction. 300 00 Roadway 119 , 174 220 , 246 736 , 000 400 00 Storm Drainage 10 , 000 500 00 Structures 423 26 31000 610 00 Sidewalks 38 , 740 38 , 342 451000 620 00 Special Purpose Paths 1532412 4 , 743 10 , 000 630 00 Street Lighting 81000 640 00 Traffic Control Devices 15 , 239 8 17 , 000 650 00 Parking Facilities - 35 , 000 700 00 Roadside Development - 800 - Total Road and Street Construction 326 , 988 264 , 165 8647000 r Total City Street Fund 1 , 045 931 111762856 $ 1 , 561 , 319 % Increase ' ( Decrease) over prior year 12 . 52 °l0 32 . 67 % . Y Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Require 1996 1997 Transportation / Road Street Construction 830 Street and Park Maintenance Supervisor X48 , 913 X48 , 875 835 Senior Street Maintenance Worker 39 , 244 860 Street Maintenance 'Worker ( 2 ) 70 , 577 71 , 327 E 875 maintenance Worker ( 2 . 5 FTEs) 76 , 250 732473 875 Maintenance Worker ( 3 for 6 months ) 22 , 116 22 , 098 Total Transportation / Road and Street Const . $ 256 , 900 $ 215 , 773 x % Increase ( Decrease ) over prior year - 16 . 01 % F Y X X 92 CITY STREET DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE' DETAIL ( CONTINTTEDI CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : Machinery & Equipment One Ton Flat Bed 'T'ruck � 25 , 000 Snow Plow and Sander4232 13 , 500 Operations Center Office Equipment 21000 Roadway Construction. Pro] ects Oft * upgrade reimbursements 12 , 000 Citywide overlays , 320 , 000 NE Lake lid . ,j Everett St . Intersection 160 , 000 NE 3rd Ave . Bridge Pain in 124 , 000 Traffic Light at NE 3rd / NE 2nd Ave . 120 , 000 Storm Drainage Construction. Pro] ects McIntosh Road storm improvements 5 , 000 ; Inlet wall reconstruction. , 10th 8 Ivy 5 , 000 Structures Construction Pro] ect Miscellaneous retaining ,walls city wide Sidewalk Construction Pro] ect ADA curb ramps city-wide 10 , 000 Sidewalk installation city-wide 351000 Special Purpose Paths t Miscellaneous Bike / Ped paths 10 000 Street Lighting . Miscellaneous lighting k . 81000 r Traffic Control Devices Miscellaneous Guardrail 7 , 000 CTuardrai1 ' NW Lake Rd . , l / 3 of project 101000 Parking Facilities Diagonal Parking on NE Ione 35 , 000 TOTAL CITY STREET PROJECTS 904 , 500 c Zp f EMERGENCY RESCUE MISSION STATEMENT The Ambulance , Rescue and Emergency Aid function provides ambulance , rescue and paramedic service to all persons in the cities of Camas and Washougal and Fire Districts No . 1 and 9 . GOALS FOR 1997 1 . Meet ambulance response time standards established by Clark County . . Answer approximately 2 , 800 requests for ambulance and medical assistance . 3 . Restructure the Paramedic Captain position to increase functionality . 4 . Purchase a new ambulance and increase the fleet from 3 to 4 to meet demand . 5 . Replace & upgrade heart monitor- defibrillation equipment . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES r The Fire Department operates anperforms ambulance , rescue and. emergency aid services to persons both inside and outside the city omits . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The 1997 administrative overhead transfer to General Fund received an inflationary increase in addition to Ill 'Tech pay previously shown on the Personnel Schedule . A significant portion of the budget is capital , including nearly $ 100 , 000 for a new ambulance ' plus additional equip� en.t requested by our Medical Program Director . An additional paramedic is requested to facilitate restructuring of the Paramedic Captain position. and assist with increasing call volume . Dispatchcosts increased substantially ($ 2 '7 , x' 00 ) in the final year of the cost- of- service adjustments for smaller users . The CRCA casts are budgeted at $ 65 , 700 for 1997 . 13 % of new in the Fire Department �rTill be pai personnel d from this budget through a transfer to the General Fund . 94 NUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 115 . 00 1995 1996 1997 291 740 00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance - 1222922 75 , 174 Taxes . 311 10000 Real and Personal Property 198 , 386 233, 285 275 , 000 Total Taxes 198 , 386 2337285 275 , 000 a Intergovermental Revenue . 338 260 00 Shared Casts -Ambulance , Rescue , ` Emergency Aid 164 , 860 198 , 967 233 , 000 Total Intergovermental Revenue 164 , 860 198 , 967 233 , 000 Charges for Goods and Services 34160000 Printing and Duplicating 130 235 200 ` 34170000 Sales of Merchandise - 125 34260000 Ambulance and Emergency Aid Fees 479 , 553 584 , 116 5500, 000 i 342 900 00 Other Security of Persons and Property1 , 168 11429 Total Charges for Goods and Services 480 , 851 585 , 905 550 , 200 ik f Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 11000 Investment Interest 32013 11 , 005 9 , 000 367 000 00 Contributions and Donations - Private Sources 445 375 500 369 900 00 Other Miscellaneous Revenue - 233 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 31458 11 , 613 9 , 500 Total Estimated Revenues 847555 1 , 029 , 770 11067 , 700 Other Financing Sources : ' 395 10000 Proceeds from Sales of Fixed Assets - 11605 - Total Estimated Resources 847 , 555 1 , 1542297 11142 , 874 K k 3 i I { k 95 ® • r r • 0 r r r r r • r ♦ r � w r r .a • ® a Sill • • A�t qv ell S� ppppw� No + i i i w N Lot via ! R M a Y ! a M ♦ r ♦ r • r r r r •� i �/ 1 ! I I I - r r • r r r r ♦ r • I Aloop ♦ ID r r r • • I '� w r r • "' I • • : r r w r r r r ♦ r w EMERGENCY RESCUE ( CONTINUED ) Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER; Expended Expended Required 115 . 00 . 526 1995 1996 1997 400 TRAINING 30 Supplies 98 10 11600 40 Other services and Charges 51996 81037 7 , 100 60 Capital Outlays - 1 , 82 5 90 Interfund Payments for Services - 100 Total Training 6 , 094 81047 10 , 625 Total Ambulance , Rescue and Emergency Aid 728 , 444 8617958 968 , 874 52 $ COMMUNICATIONS , ALARMS AND DISPATCH 600 OPERATIONS , CONTRACTED SERVICES 50 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 21 , 191 39 , 153 6 5 , 700 NOMMENNWANNIVANOM Total Operations , Contracted Services 21 , 191 39 , 153 652700 800 COMMUNICATIONS , GENERAL 30 Supplies 504 374 700 40 Other Services and Charges 3 , 810 41523 51000 60 Capital Outlays 21827 11991 51600 Total Communications , General 7 , 141 61888 11 , 300 Total Communications , Alarms and Dispatch 28 , 332 46 , 041 77 , 000 ' 594 CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 60 Capital Outlays - 97 , 000 Total Capitalized Expenditures - - 97 , 000 Total Emergency Rescue Fund 756 , 776 907 , 999 1142 , 874 97 Ilk Ilk Actual Estimated 11IIE 2 EN Y RESCUE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE prop require 1996 199 '7 Ambulance , Rescue Emergency Aid ADMINISTRATION 405 Fire Chief ( 1 / 2 ) 31 , 851 33 , 157 105 Publicafdtl Administrative Secretary ( 1 / 2 ) 17 , 376 17 , 823 115 Clerk Typist 232664 24 , 996 Overtime 500 750 Total Administration 73 , 391. 76 , 726 AMBULANCE 418 Paramedic Captain 47 , 277 502160 435 Firefighter / Paramedic (8 - 1996 , 9 - 1997 ) 352 , 074 399 , 633 Holiday Compensation 16 , 000 18 , OOO Firefighter I . V . Technician 15 , 380 Overtime 502000 6 5 , 000 Total Ambulance 480 , 731. 5322793 Total Ambulance , Rescue , and Emergency Aid 554212 609 , 519 % Increase ( Decrease) over prior year 10 . 00 % CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAILS . LifePa.c 12 18 , 700 LifePac 500 8 , 250 Ambulance stretchers (2 ) 6 ,200 CSB & BP Doppler (3 ) 21805 Opticom emitter ( 2 ) 4 , 000 Arrythmia generator 880 IV Arm 365 27 " Television 550 VCR 275 Mobile radio 3 ,600 Portable radio 11000 Cellular phone system 1 , 000 Transport ambulance 97 , 000 144 , 625 Y.k. 98 FIRE EQUIPMENT C .RESERVE AISSION S'T'ATEMENT 'he Fire Equipment Cumulative Reserve is a reserve 'fund where funds are accumulated for the purchase and replacement of the city' s fire apparatus and. equipment . 4 0ALS FOR 1997 ., stablish purchasing authority necessary to order an aerial / pumping apparatus consistent with the replacement schedule . `40MMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 'Delivery tune fallowing order is approximately one year . The 1997 budget amount arovides authority to order the scheduled apparatus , but actual expenditure of funds is anticipated on delivery in the 19 '98 budget year . Reserves in this fund ire insufficient to cover the total cost of the apparatus . The actual purchase will * e wire a short term loan from the Firemen ' s Pension. Fund for a portion of the purchase . REVENUE DETAIL ,t THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated r "l, 18 . 00 1995 1996 1997 91 740 00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance 260 , 000 Miscellaneous Revenues : . %36 1 110 00 Investment Interest 10 , 310 13 , 318 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 102310 13 , 318 Total Estimated Revenues 10 , 310 13 , 318 , Other Financing Sources : 381 10000 Interfund Loam 158 , 000 39510000 Proceeds from Sales of Fixed Assets 11670 39700000 Operating Transfers in 0 , 000 202000 Total Other Financing Sources 21 , 670 178 ) 000 Total Estimated Resources 10 , 310 34 , 988 438 , 000 99 FIS EQUIPMENT CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 118 . 00 . 522 1995 1996 1997 200 64 Fire Control - - 488 , 000 Total Fire 'Equipment Cumulative Reserve Fund - - 438 , 000 iX 1 f I t i i Y i { M t 100 STORM WATER D1ZA1NAkTrd WINES NOW MISSION STATEMENT The storm water drainage function provides for planning and construction of storm sewer facilities in the Fisher ' Basin drainage area. in. west Camas , COMMENT ON BUDGET APPR,CJFRIATIClNS $ 75 , 000 000 will be transferred to the Parker Street Capital Pro] ect Fund for storm drainage construction along the extension of Parker Street . 'i►T NRJE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON' FUND DETAIL .Actual Actual Estimated 119 . 00 1995 1996 1997 291. 740 00 Beginning Appropriated Fund. Balance Intergoverm.ental Revenue : 334 030 40 State Grant - Dept . of Ecology 18 , 409 337 420 00 Interlocal - Storm' Drainage 23 , 970 Total Intergovermental Revenue 13 , 409 23 , 970 Chanes for Goods and Services : 343 330 00 Storm. Drainage Fees 116 , 367 29 , 694 45 , 000 Total Charges for Goodsand Services 116137 29 , 694 45 , 000 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 00 Investment Interest 10 , 45 .5 337436 40 , 000 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 10 , 455 33 , 436 40 , 000 Total Estimated Revenues 145 , 231 87 , 100 85 , 000 Total Estimated Resources 145, 231 87, 10`0 85 , 000 101 STORM MATER DRAINAGE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 119 . 00 . 595 1995 1996 1997 Road and Street Construction 400 40 Other Services and Charges 21121 - 102000 400 60 Capital Outlays 192665 597 000 00 Operating Transfer Out 757000 Total Storm. Water Drage Fund 21 , 786 - $ 5 , 000 r k k 102 UNLIMITED TAX GE1YERAL OBLIGATION BO1W REDEMPTION MISSION STATEMENT This fund accounts for the payment of principal and merest on unlimited general obligation bonds issued: in 1939 for theacquisition of open space lard for parks and recreation. . 1989 BONDS - PARK BONDS Princl* pal Interest Total 1997 55 , 000 '75 , 015 � 1301015 1998 60 , 000 71 , 413 13114 . 3 1. 9 '9 -w2OO9 9809000 457 , 222 1 , 43 ' , 222 11095 , 000 41 $ 603 , 650 11098 , 650 E DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated A 239 . 00 1995 1996 1997 Taxes 311 10000 Real and Personal Property 123 , 925 129 , 346 130 , 015 IMMONNNOWS Total Taxes 1. 23 , 925 1292346 130 , 015 Fund Debt Proceeds . 38220000 Revenue Bond Proceeds 4 , 651 Total Debt Proceeds 4155 . Total Estimated Revenues 123 , 925 133 , 997 130 , 015 Total Estimated Resources 123 , 925 138 , 997 1302015 103 UNLIMITED GO BOND REDEMPTION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 239 . 00 1995 1996 1997 i Redemption of General 591 760 70 Long Term Debt - - Debt Service . Principal 45 , 000 50 , 000 55 , 000 Total Redemption of 'General Long Term Debt 452000 50 , 000 55 , 000 Interest and Other Debt Service ' 592 760 83 Interest on Park Bonds 81 , 168 78 , 265 75 , 015 Total Interest and Other Debt Service 81 , 168 782265 759015 Total Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund 126 , 168 128 , 265 130 , 015 r k i k 104 r LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND REDEMPTION MISSION STATEMENT This fund accounts for the principal and interest on bonds issued for storm sewer construction on lit . E . Adams Street and also accounts for the repayment of a loan from the Community Economic Revitalization Board of the State of Washington for construction of Pacific Rim Blvd . The CERB loan will be refunded in 1996 with the issue of General Obligation bonds ' issued in combination with the bonds for the new police facility . EVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER .Actual Actual Estimated 240 . 00 1995 1996 1997 Taxes . 311 100 00 Real and Personal Property 123 , 099 123 , 509 � 370 , 848 Total 'faxes 123 , 099 123 , 509 370 , 848 Fund Debt Proceeds . 382 200 00 Revenue Bond Proceeds 7 , 793 Total Debt Proceeds 7 ) 795 Total Estimated Revenues 123 , 099 1 1 , 302 370 , 848 Total Esti LIMITED TAX, GENERAL OBLIGATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended ' Required 240 . 00 1995 1996 1997 591 210 Police Facility / Principal - $ 1152000 450 Storm Sewers / Principal 502000 502000 55 , 000 595 Pacific Rim. Blvd / Principal 16 , 985 18 , 174 202000 592 210 Police Facility / Interest 137 , 310 450 Storm Sewers / Interest 21 , 960 18 , 810 15 , 610 595 Pacific Rim Blvd / Interest 36 , 668 35 , 480 27 , 928 Total Limited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund 125 , 013 1222464 370 , 848 LIM]TE,D T" GEMRAL OBLIGATION BOND REDEMPTION 1989 BONDS STORM SEAR Principal Interest Total 1997 $ 55 , 000 15 , 610 707610 1998 60 , 000 12 , 090 72 , 090 1999 - 2000 125 , 000 12 , 480 137 , 480 $ 240 , 000 $ 40 , 180! 280 , 180 1996 BONDS - POLICE FACILITY Principal Interest Total 1997 115 , 000 1372310 252 , 310 1998 125 , 000 122 , 378 247 , 378 1999 130 , 000 117 , 190 247 , 190 1996 CERB LOAN Principal Interest Total 1997 20 , 000 27 , 928 47 , 928 1998 30 , 000 252020 55 , 020 1999 30 , 000 23 , 775 53 , 775 106 (" ROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND MISSION STATEMENT This fund accounts for expenditures that will be funded from proceeds of the local real estate excise tax collected by the county from sales of real estate within the city. The proceeds of the parks and open space impact fees are also deposited in this fund to be expended for purposes for which the tax was collected . School impact fees are collected by the city and immediately remitted to the county for creditto the school district . Transportation impact fees and fire facility impact fees are also accounted for within this fund . Other funds for open space or related projects received from other governmental agencies will be deposited and accounted for in the fund . GOALS FOR 1997 * Open space acquisitions are anticipated to continue in the Prune Hill , Grass 'Valley , Forest Home Canyon , ' Brady Road , areas identified in the permanent ' Open Space Network and. Capital Facilities Plans , * Park Improvements are anticipated for the Four Corners Park , the Fallen Leaf Lake Park , and the expanded Dorothy Fox Park . h * Two trail segments on the Washougal River Greenway are included . P ` COMMENTS ON BUDGET PROPRIA'TIONS A transfer to support the Parker Street Extension project is included . Each site specific acquisition or park �provemen.t will have Park Commission and City Council site and / or design. 'review and authorization . x eel F i d t 107 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACfi CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON t FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 300 . 00 1995 1996 1997 291 740 00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 384 , 600 515 , 000 Taxes . 317 340 00 Local Real Estate Excise Tax 211 , 413 233 , 627 200 , 000 Total Taxes 211 , 413 233 , 627 2002000 Intergovernmental Revenue : 334 020 70 State Grant - IAC 46 , 455 28 , 296 - 338 760 00 Intergovernmental Services - Parks 87 , 009 192 , 988 Total ; Intergovernmental Revenue 133 , 464 221 , 284 i 3 Charges for Goods and Services : R 344 850 00 Impact Fees -Transportation 275 , 047 409 , 738 5001000 345 850 00 Impact Fees - Parks 300 , 897 64 '7 , 173 575 , 000 34585010 Impact Fees - Open Space 244 , 712 -34585020 Impact Fees - Fire 100 51250 345 890 00 Open Space Buyout 128 , 598 5 , 264 100000 Imams Total' Charges for Goods and Services 949 , 254 11067 , 425 1 , 075 , 000 Miscellaeous Revenue : 361 11000 Investment Interest 54 , 378 148 , 033 150 , 000 369 900 00 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 948 Total Miscellaneous Revenue 54 , 378 148 , 981 150 , 000 Total Estimated Revenues 1 , 348 , 509 12671 , 317 1 , 425 , 000 ENNOWEt Total Estimated Resources $ 11348 , 509 24, 0552917 11940 , 000 t t t 1 108 t GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND XPENI?I'T�` DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual. Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 300 . 00 1995 1995 1997 594 2 10 Law Enforcement 179 , 278 750 Park. Facilities 130 , 834 330 , 971 4751000 790 Other Open. Space 1281082 482 , 803 8001000 595 300 Roadway 50 , 206 597 000 Operating Transfers Out 5 % 500 880 , 500 665 , 000 Total Growth Management Capital Project Fund 547 , 900 11594 , 274 � 1 , 40 ) 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : Park. Facilities : Dorothy Fox Expansion 250 , 000 Fallen Leaf ' Lake Improvements 5 , 000 Deer Creek Parr Improvements 100 , 000 Washougal River Greenway 'Tri 1001000 Acquisitions in the Opensp ,ace Network 800 , 000 Total Capital Outlay L2751000 t 109 POLICE PACILITY A MISSION STATEMENT To provide funding authonAz ng a full architectual assessment of a. proposed police facility , including cost estimates to construct the building . To construct the facility and ready for occupancy i n the fall of 1997 . COMMEN'T'S ON BUDGET AI"PROPRZ TIONS 4 The budget appropriation for the construction of the facility , furnishings and *.11 likely be adopted in October 11996 , so is not budgeted Here for technology the 1997 budget . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER actual Actual Estimated 31. 3 . 00 1995 1996 1997 , 382 Revenue Bona Proceeds - 21532 , 990 397 Operating Transfers In 525 , 500 Total Other Financing Sources 31055 , 490 'Total Estimated Resources 31058 , 490 t 110 POLICE FACILITY XPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR. COMPARISON t Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 313 . 00 1995 1996 1997 594 210 60 Buildings and Structures 912 , 541 � - 594 300 60 Roadway - - Total Buildings and Structures - 912541 - k 4 lrli • Al BENTON STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT STATEMENT This project wui improve tha road system in the Benton Street neighborhood . In addition , water supply and storm water disposal systems will be improved . specific streets include portions of NW Drake , NW 14th , NW 15th and Benton. . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 7 % of this project is funded by a Community Development Block grant . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBED Actual Actual Estimated 14 . 00 1995 1996 1997 r s 4 Intergovernmental Revenues 333 Community Development Block grant � 250 , 000 Total. Intergovernmental Revenues 250 , 000 Other Financing Sources : 397 Operating Transfers In - 144 , 000 Total Cather Financing Sources 144 , 000 Total Estimated Resources 394 , 000 E i 112 BENTON STREET CAPITAL PROJECT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated M TNI) NUMBER Expended Expended Required 314 . 00 1995 1996 1997 595 300 65 Construction. Projects $ 413 , 486 - Total Benton Street Improvements - 413 , 486 r } i f F 113 , Ao . . X Wo ELM STREET nnOJECO" PUND CAPITAL PROJECT STATEMENT The Ehn Street project is heavily funded by a Community Development Block Granit ( CDBG ) . The project will improve subst andard streets in the neighborhood , and upgrade the water syse:rn . The project winbe completed in the fall of 1990 . COMMENTS CTT BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 44 % of this project is grant funded . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 315 . 00 1995 1996 1997 Intergovernmental Revenues . 333 140 20 Community Development Block Grant � � 31 , 114 � Total Intergovernmental Revenues NEW31 , l 14 MOOSE" MOWN"" Other Financing Sources : 397 000 00 Operating Transfers In NEW 39 , 750 SEE y Total Other ' Financing Sources NOW 39 , 750POSSESSION - Total Estimated Resources 70 , 854 WORSENED SAM - 114 N . W . ELM STREET WMPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 315 . 00 1995 1996 1, 997 Roadway 595 300 65 Construction Projects 70 , 864 Total N . W . Elan Street - 70 , 864 - 115 PARKER STREET IMPROVEMENTS a ;PROJECT STATEMENT i This project includes engin. ee n , roadway construction waterline installation. , purchase of i E 40 acres for wetland mitigation , construction testing and inspection , and extension of Parker Street 1 . 1 miles . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATION Funding for this project includes payment from Wafertech , a state grant from the Transportation Improvement Board , Public Works Trust Fund loan , transportation impact fees and the water- sewer u ' ' ty fund . iREVENUE DETAIL t THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 316 * 00 1995 1996 1997 State Grants . 334 030 80 State Grants - TIB 12200 , 000 Tota]. State Grants 1 , 200 , 000 Total Estimated Revenues - 11200 , 000 Other Financing Sources . 36700000 Contribution from Private Source 3 , 300 , 000 39180000 LTD Intergovernmental Loan Proceeds 225 , 000 1 , 500 , 000 39700000 {operating Transfers i PARKER STREET EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 316 . 000 1995 1996 1997 X f i ,t Roadway 595 300 40 Cather Serv . and Charges - 18 , 521 - 595 300 65 Construction Protects - 270 , 695 429902000 Total Parker Street Imp . 289 , 216 41990 , 000 t 117 FOREST HOME INEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT STATEMENT This project includes drainage / flood prevention , sidewalk and sewer ' reconstruction . The city will contribute professional engineering and project management services , and has already completed the acquisition of storm drainage property . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS DBG will reimburse the city $ 240 , 748 for this project . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Pew FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 317 * 00 1995 1996 1997 Federal Grants - Indirect . 333 14020 Community Development Block Grant � - 240 , 748 Total Federal Grants - Indirect 240 , 748 Total Estimated Revenues 240 , 748 Other Financing Sources : 39700000 Operating Transfers in - 50 , 000 Total Other Financing Sources - - 50 , 000 Total Estimated mated Resources - - 290 , '748 118 FOREST HOME EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 317 . 00 1995 1996 1997 Roadway 595 300 65 Construction Projects - 290 , 748 Total Forest Home Imp . - - 290 , 748 119 CITY SARITARY MISSION STATEMENT The solid waste management function provides for the collection and disposal of refuse from businesses and residences within. the City of Camas . This function also includes the revenues and expenses of the city recycling program . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 1997 In. 1997 , the operation of the Sanitary Utility ill be evaluated to determine the most cost effective and customer oriented service for Camas . Ira. addition to current collection practices , other options to be evaluated will include converting the utility to z a fully automated collection service . Responsibility for some of the daily administration of the collection services will be reassigned to the operations center clerical staff. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES Daily and / or weekly general rubbish collection and disposal activities are prodded for in this budget . Payments to a private contractor for large dump box services are included in the sanitary budget for years through 1992 . Beginning in 1993 the city contracted out large drop box services based on competitive proposals received from private contractors . The contractor sloes all billing and handles all request for large drop box services . The city will continue to serve residential and commercial customers and provide drop box se il ce up to two yards . The city wl continue to bill for recycling services and pay private contractor for this service . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The $ 150 , 000 operating transfer to the Equipment Rental Fund is for equipment replacement . 120 CITY SANITARY PUND NUE DETAIL THREE 'Y'EAR. COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 422 . 00 1995 1996 1997 291 740 00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance - $ 160 , 914 159 , 404 Charges for Goods and Services : 343 700 00 Garbage / Solid Waste Fees 666 , 877 8241912 750 , 000 Total Charges for Goods and Services 666 , 877 824 , 912 750 , 000 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 11000 Interest Earnings 12 , 637 1 , 410 6 , 000 362 900 00 Other Rents & Use Charges 572 4 , 226 4 , 000 369 100 00 Sale Recycling Materials 3 , 722 - Total Miscellaneous Revenues 16 , 931 5 , 636 10 , 000 Total Estimated Revenues 683 , 808 991 , 462 919 , 404 Total Estimated Resources S 683 , 808 991 , 462 $ 919 , 404 121 CITY SANITARY EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER. Actual' Actual Estimated 422 . 00 537 Expended Expended Required 1995 1996 1997 A ANIS SOLID WASTE UTILITY 000 GA 10 Salaries and Wages 107 , 771 1077947 106 , 388 0 Personnel Benefits 35 , 181 35 , 858 31 , 916 30 Supplies 31081 4123 5 , 000 f 40 Other Services and Charges 367 , 005 438 ) 2 26 3902000 50 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 44 , 087 41 , 202 461000 60 Capital Outlays 35 , 724 30 , 342 35 , 000 90 Interfund Payments for Services 140 , 472 1582921 155 , 100 97 Operating transfers 15 , 000 150 , 000 t Total Garbage and Solid ]U'aste Vtilitr 736 , 3 1 8321728 919 , 404 % Increase (Decrease ) Prior Year 13 . 09 % 10 * 1 % Actual. Estimated CITY SANITARY PERSONNEL S HEDU`LE Approp Required 1991 1997 REFUSE COLLECTION 409 Chief Sanitation Worker 39 , 107 40 , 110 407 Sanitation Worker 33 , 734 34 , 604 407 Sanitation ' Worker 29 , 973 31 , 668 Overtime 51000 . , Total Garbage and Solid Waste Utility 1072814 106 , 388 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year - 1 . 32 % t { FSi 'si y r 122 CITY SANITARY FUND ( Continued] OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAILS * Insurance 4 ) 000 Communication 91000 Recycling 95 , 000 Disposal Fees 280 , 000 f Repairs Maintenance 1 , 000 Miscellaneous 1 , 000 390 , 000 R CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAILS : Garbage Containers � 15 , 000 Recycling Bins 10 , 000 Yard Debris Containers 10 , 000 Total Capital Outlay $ 3 5 , 000 d� e f t 4� 1 7 t t t R 4 { 1 f 123 WATERawSEWER R MISSION STATEMENT The grater- serer operation of the city provides for furnishing domestic water and sanitary sewage disposal services to industrial , commercial and residential areas within ' the city and some surrounding areas . DEPARTMENT TMENT GOALS FOR 199 ? 1 . Implement a new corrosion control program in accrodance with State mandates . 2 . Deduce infiltration and inflow to the waastewater disposal system , resulting in increased treatment plant capacity . 3 . Incorporate the new clarifier into the treatment ' process in a manner which optimizes treatment and minimizes impacts to the receiving waters . ACTIVITIES S Nle SERVICES The water budget provides for the source of supply operation and mai WATERAw SEWER FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Est rn.ated f 424 . 00 1995 1996 1997 § e 291 740 00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance - 861 , 686 44 '7 , 205 l i A 'i 1i Intergovernmental Revenue 333 14020 Community Development Block Grant - 81582 - b , f Total Intergovernmental Revenue - 8 , 582 Charges for Goods and Services : 343 810 00 Water- Sewer' 2 , 573 , 705 2 , 4932975 1 , 764 , 424 343 990 00 Other Physical Environment 11216 6 , 737 - 346 500 00 Inspection Fees Step System 11 , 350 11 , 850 12 , 000 S 1 Total Charges for Goods and Services 21586 , 271 21512 , 562 1 , 776 , 424 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 11000 Investment Interest 109 , 674 161 , 297 120 , 000 369 900 00 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 545 11833 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 110 , 219 163 , 130 120 , 000 Total Estimated Revenues 21696 , 490 22684 , 274 1 , 896 , 424 Non Revenues : 38700000 Residual Equity Transfer in - 587 38810000 Contributed Capital - Local Sources 200 38813000 Water Hook-up Fees 352500 41 , 600 36 , 000 388 140 00 Sewer Hook- up Fees 41200 3 , 000 51000 Total Estimated Non - Revenues 397700 45 , 387 41 , 000 Other Financing Sources : 395 100 00 Proceeds from Sales of Fixed Assets - - 4 t Total Other Financing Sources - - Total Estimated Resources 2 , 736 , 190 31591 , 347 2 , 384 , 629 n � k a 125 �WAT`ER' - SERZ 'iTE1�+TJ' ,I� �" 11T " i�; DETAIL 'T`1XI.2 E YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required ' 424 . 00 . 50 . 1995 1996 1997 380 WATER- SEWER 10 Salaries and Wages 390 , 143 429 , 224 47 , 797 0 Personnel Benefits 129 , 712 130 , 524 13 '7 , 002 30 Supplies 115 , 090 120 , 555 115 , 075 40 tither Services and Charges 372 , 485 374 , 902 343 , 100 50 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 113535 109 , 215 112 , 400 50 Capital Outlays 217 , 094 1962458 358 , 050 90 Interfund Payments for Services 380 , 368 3 +69 , 493 394 , 000 Total Water- Sewer Fund 1 , 719 , 428 1 , '730 , 4 '72 11937 , 424 Estimated Other Financing Uses : 587 000 00 Residual Equity Transfer 597 000 00 Operating Transfers Out . 741 , 587 416 , 891 447 , 205 Total Estimated Other Financing Uses 741 , 587 416 , 891 447 , 205 Total Water- Sewer Fund 22461 , 015 2 , 147 , 303 21384 , 629 % Increase (Decrease ) Prior Year - 12 . 74 % 11 . 05 % 126 ® r Ah db r • r r rAN r • r r r RP r OF — • Ab dap • r r r r r • — , ® ® ® ► • r no r r ® , ► r r • r r r r r jiml • r r r r GP ® r r • • r r r ® o ® 1 r r • ® r oft r r • • r r mi WATER- SEWER DEPARTMENT ( Cont * nued) CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL . machin* ery and Equipment . Water Meters 25 , 000 Remote Meter Reading Devices for vaults 1 , 500 Two Control Panels - One Stop Pump Station. 5 , 000 Lab Balance Scale 4 , 000 Matic Mixer - Filter Plant 41000 Streaming Current Meter- Filter Plant 10 , 000 Lab Incubator- STP 41500x ' Construction Prod ects . I I Rehab - SE kith Frn 40 , 000 Laca . as Bstr . Pump Station Aux . Generator 802000 Camas Meadows Well Land Acquisition , drilling and water rigs .ts 10 ) 000 -- NW 0 , 000NW 4th Fargo , replace 6 " steel with DI 71000 NAV Norwood , replace " steel with ISI 18 , 000 Corrosion. Program 70 , 000 Total Capital Outlay 358 , 050 s e 3 128 WATERmSEWERCAPITAL .HESE. VE COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATION' S Monies from this fund were transferred to the Sewer Treatment Plant fund for capital irnprcer� ents in 1996 * $ 250 , 000 will be transferred to the Parker Street Capital Project in 1997 for a waterline along that boulevard . 4t REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 432 . 00 1995 1996 1997 291 740 00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance � 3001000 � Other Increases in Fund. Equity : 388 110 00 Water Development Fees 181 , 1 ' 8 139 , 920 100 , 000 38812000 Sewer Development Fees 1811471 1941141 150 , 000 Total Increases in Fund EquiY 362 , 649 334 , 061 X50 , 000 Total Estimated. Resources 362 , 649 634 , 061 250 , 000 129 WATER= SE CAPITAL RESERVE EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR, COMPARISON , i Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 432 . 00 1995 1996 1997 0 00 Other Non Expenditures 1 339 541 250 589 00 xp � � 000, Total Water - Sewer Capital. Reserve 11339 , 541 2502000 y r 0 5 r � 3 e k t t y t j t { Y a y t 130 WATER - SEWER REVENUE B01W REDEMPTION FUND • Yu TI N This fund accounts for the payment of pcipal and interest o 1992 Water- Sewer Revenue Bonds and the 1996 Water- Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds , F" In addition , pymentsh ateg i 1995 on a CERB loan. were recorded here , but were paid off early in 1996 . x n E DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 434 . 00 1995 1996 1997 Other Financing Sources . 397 000 00 Operating 'Transfers In � 293 , 1 3 , 285 , 116 373 , 180 Total Other Financing Sources 2931133 285 , 116 373 , 180 Total Estimated Resources 293 , 153 285 , 116 373 , 180 h£ 131 WATER- SEAR BOND REDEMPTION EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 434 . 00 1995 1996 1997 591 350 70 Long Term. Debt - Principal 27 , 423 � � ( 5 ) 420 ) 59' 1 380 70 Other Utilities Principal 125 , 000 230 , 000 190 , 000 592 350 80 Long term. Debt - Interest 232940 - 52 , 262 592 380 80 Other Utilities Interest 162 , 570 122 , 823 136 , 338 Total Water - Sewer 338 , 933 352 , 823 373 , 180 WATER- SEWER ,REVENUE BOND REDEMPTION DETAIL 1992 REVENUE BONDS Principal Interest Total 1997 25 , 000 62 , 870 87 , 870 1998 25 , 000 61 , 495 86 , 495 1999 25 , 000 60 , 120 85 , 120 1996 REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS Principal Interest Total 1997 165 , 000 73 , 468 238 , 468 1998 185 , 000 661468 251 , 468 1999 190 , 000 58 , 968 248 , 968 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY LOAN Principal Interest Total 1997 ( 5 ) 420 ) 52 , 262 46 , 842 1998 42 , 194 51 , 490 93 , 684 1999 44 , 028 49 , 656 93 , 684 132 " G SANITARY S ' WER CONSTR Umca`; TION FUNCTION The +TBG Sewer Construction Fund accounts for the installation of a serer system in the NW Mitchell Street neighborhood and for the proceeds of Community Development Block Grant ( CDBG ) funds and city Water- Sewer funds . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS t This project was completed in 1995 . CDBGr SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 439 . 00 1995 1996 1997 501 380 60 Water- Sewer 177 , 521 587 Total CDBG Sanitary Sewer � 177 , 521 � 587 it 13 FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION REVENUE BOND FUND FUNCTION This fund accounts for the payment of principal and interest on the 1982 FHA and 1984 FHA water - sewer bonds . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 437 . 00 1995 1996 1997 fi Other Financing Sources : 397 000 00 Operating Transfers In $ 25 , 025 $ 24 , 525 $ 24 , 025 Total Other Financing Sources 25 , 025 24 , 525 24 , 025 Total Estimated Resources $ 25 , 025 $ 24 , 525 $ 24 , 025 -i 134 FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION ]REVENUE BOND EXPENSE ' DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON .Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 437 * 00 1995 1996 1997 591 380 70 Other Utilities - Princ pa3 10 , 000 102000 � 10 , 000 592 380 80 Other Utilities - Interest 15 , 025 142525 14 , 025 Total Farmers Home Administration Revenue Bond 25 , 025 � 24 , 525 � 24 , 025 rlee 135 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND .. .'UNCTION he Water Construction Fund accounts for the construction project and for the proceeds of a loam from the Community Economic Revitalization Board ( CERB ) for constructing a raterlin i WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 442 . 00 1995 1996 1997 501 380 60 Water - Sewer � 196 , 043 � 443 , 498 Total Water Construction Fund 196 , 043 443 , 498 137 SEWER TREATMENT ,PLAN. �. ' OMME TTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS he Wastewater 'Treatment plant upgrade prof ect provides for the design and construction of a second clarifier unit at the plant . The improvement is necessary to meet increased flaw rtes results from in filtration and in { I 8r. I ) into the system . The city has increased efforts to el minute 18v I , but must address the problem from both a source and treatment , , �nPrspective . r REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Y ' UNO NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated 43 . 00 1995 1996 1997 Fund Debt Proceeds . 91 Boo 00 Other Long Term Debt Proceeds - 67 ` , 064 Total Revenues 67 "7 , 064 - Other Financing Sources . 97 Doo 00 Operating Transfers Ire 1 , 300 , 000 Total Other Financing Sources 11300 , 000 Total Estimated Resources 11977 ) 064 138 SEAR TREATMENT PLANT SENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON t Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended ' Required i { I 443 . 00 1995 1996 1997 t 501 380 60 Water - Sewer - 12056 , 221 Total Sewer Treatment Plant - 1 , 056221 d t t � i I t 1 139 f . EQ UIPMENT RENTAL MISSION STATEMENT The ; :Equipment Rental Department furnishes mobile equipment to the city s other operating departments and maintains equipment not owned by the Equipment Rental' Department . GOALS FOR 1997 t 1 . Manage the City' s fleet in manner whichr�irirn �es rates while preserving the qual '1tY of the equipment . a . Maintn ain proper accounting a d. usage records . Specifically , enhancig the monitoring of equipment which is a j oin.t use with Washougal . ACTMTIES AND SERVICES t . The department maintains and replaces all mobile equipment for the city other than fire apparatus and emergency rescue ambulance equipment . The rental fund owns , operates , and mstains city repair and storage shops . Expenditures of the fund are reimbursed by renting the equipment owned by the department to the street , grater , sanitary and ether departments of the city . The fund also accounts for the operation , maintenance and rental of 7 the pressure sewer cleaner equipment and street sweeper owned jointly by the cities of Camas and Washougal . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS For the first time in 1 "99 '7 , a senior clerk- typist X11 be working in the equipment , Rental Fund . =s, t . 140 EQUIPMENT RENTAL P Ulm REVENUE ' RETAIL THREE YEAR COMCPARISON FUND NUMBERActual Actual Estimated 523 . 00 1995 1996 1997 291 740 00 Be ' nnm* g A Pp ropr ated Fund Balance - 25 , 776 2209, Charges for Goods and Services : 348 300 00 Vehicle / Equipment Repair Charges 61557 10 , 998 7 , 000 Total Charges for Goods and Services 6 , 557 10 , 998 71000 Miscellaneous Revenues ; 361 110 00 Investment Interest 1 , 268 27283 - 362 100 00 Equipment and Vehicle Rent ( Outside ) 8 , 540 12 , 768 71000 365 100 00 Interfund Equipment / Vehicle Rentals 369 , 177 387 , 950 394500 365 400 00 Interfund Space and Facilities Rentals 46 , 200 46 , 200 507000 369 900 00 Other Miscellaneous Revenues - 808 - Total Miscellaneous Revenues 425 , 185 450 , 009 451 , 500 Total Estimated Revenues 431 , 742 461 , 007 458 , 500 Other Financing Sources : 39510000 Proceeds from Sales of Fixed Assets 15 , 000 39700000 Operating Transfers In - 60 , 000 150 , 000 Total Other Financing Sources 15 , 000 60 , 000 1502000 Total Estimated Resources $ 446 , 742 $ 5461783 6102709 k 141 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required , 23 , 00 1995 1996 1997 548 100 t 10 Salaries and Wages 90 , 264 97 , 861 114 , 045 20 Personnel Benefits 30 , 742 29 , 22 335, 914 30 Supplies 105 , 631 147 , 537 121 , 000 ' 40 Other Services and Charges 65 , 515 111 , 916 78 , 800 0 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 1 , 159 11952 22000 60 Capital Outlays 128 , 302 108 , 947 246 , 950 90 Interfund. Payments for Services 13 , 343 12 , 723 14 , 000 Total Equipment Rental 435 , 046 $ 510 , 558 610 , 709 Actual :Estimated. EQUIPMENT RENTAL PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 1996 1997 MUNICIPAL VEHICLE SERVICES : 845 Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic ( 2 ) � 84 , '739 � 87 , 672 110 Senior Clerk / Typist - 25 , 374 Overtime 1 , 000 1 , 000 p; IN Total Municipal Vehicle Services 85 , 739 1142046 All % increase (Decrease ) Prier Year 33 . 02 %o CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL . fr Replace Police Vehicles ( 3 ) 8230950 Replace Cushman Vehicle # 193 1 .7 , 500 Replace Garbage Truck # 145 115 , 000 Tire Balancer 32500 Motor and Winch for Shop Heist 31500 Replace Chipper # 61 24 , 500 Total Capital Outlays 2462950 x t 142 R�10" EMENS . . 1 '. " . 1 FUNCTION The Firemen ' s Pension budget, provides for medical care and pension payments for the city' s regular paid firefighters who were employe prior to January 1 19 '71 . Firefighters retired subsequent to that date will be paid from the Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement System administered by the Mate of Washinaton . Medical expenses for firefighters employed subsequent to January 1 , 1971 must be paid by the city C eneral Fund. directly . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Retired ' firefighter pensions are increased by an amount equal to the change in the Seattle consumer price i rndex January to January each year . The city has only one surviving spouse retired under this system . RE'V'ENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER Actual Actual Estimated. 61 1 . 00 1995 1996 1997 Intergovernmental Revenue 336 050 91 Fire Insurance Premium Tax 13 , 489 17 , 025 1 500 Total Intergovernmental Revenue 132489 17 , 025 1 500 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 ' 11000 Investment Interest 60 , 966 78 583 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 60 , 966 78 , 583 Total Estimated Revenues 74455 95 , 608 12500 143 FIREMEN ' S PENSION EXPENDITURE DETAIL TI YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Expended Required 611 * 00 1995 1996 1997 Disability and Retirement : 522 000 20 Pension and Disability 13 , 197 11111 1 , 500 Total Firemen ' s Pension 13 , 197 12111 1 , 500 }i i I 144