ORD 2074 ORDINANCE NO . ; 4 AN ORDINANCE amending the Comprehensive Plan by adopting provisions relating to the treatment of storm water , and adding a new section to the storm water drainage utility ordinance adopting the Puget Water Quality Authority ' s storm water management standards to insure proper quality and quantity of storm water run off . WHEREAS , RCW 36 . 70A . 070 ( 1 ) provides in part that the land use element of the Comprehensive Plan should contain provisions to protect the quality and quantity of storm water drainage so as to mitigate or cleanse discharges that pollute the waters of the State , and WHEREAS , the Western Washington Growth Management Hearings Board has found that the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Camas fails to adequately address the treatment of storm water as required by the Growth Management Act , and WHEREAS , on February 12 , 1996 , the City Council held a public meeting to discuss proposed amendments to the City Comprehensive Plan addressing storm water discharge , and WHEREAS , notice of said meeting was duly published , and the public was afforded the opportunity to comment on the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan , and WHEREAS , as a result of the comments at the public hearing and the staff recommendation , the Council desires to amend the Comprehensive Plan and to adopt standards for storm water discharge , NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS : Section I The land use element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Camas is hereby amended to contain the provisions set forth in Exhibit " A " attached hereto relating to the protection of the quality and quantity of storm water drainage . Section 2 There is hereby added a new section to Chapter 13 . 88 of the Camas Municipal Code to provide as follows . Ordinance No . _ Page 2 13 . 88 . 035 - Standards for Storm Water Treatment . All new developments shall be required to adopt and implement a plan for the collection , treatment , and discharge of storm water which satisfies the Puget Sound Water Quality Authority ' s storm water management quality and quantity standards . Section 3 This ordinance shall take farce and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . IV PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of June , 1996 , SIGNED : Ma or k ATTEST ,: Clerk IT APPIIOVE o ) f orm : Ci y Attorney The city of Camas is committed to protecting the quality of life as it relates to storm drainage runoff. The need to protect the quality and quantity of storm drainage generated is great, because it directly affects the quality of groundwater, surface water and wildlife habitat . The following programs have been adopted by the city to address this issue : a. Use of the Puget Sound Water Quality Authority ' s stormwater management standards to ensure proper quality and . quantity of run - off to the surface and ground water. This criteria specified in this document have been required by the city since 1991 . b . Use of the City of Camas , Erosion Control Handbook to ensure unrestricted washing of sediment to the stream and water courses of the city , or the the storm drainage system . This document was adopted Ofor use on August 26 , 1991 . c. Completion and establishment of the Fisher Basin Storm Utility District. This district was formed to address the storm drainage generated in the northwest portion of the city. This area encompasses the largest undeveloped or newly developed sections of the city . More importantly, the drainage generated in this area eventually enters Lacamas Lake and subsequently the Washougal River and Columbia River. The fees collected in district are based on intensity of use. Said fees are set aside to complete the prescribed improvements necessary to ensure the quality and quantity of stormwater coming from this area . In addition to the district itself, a second study was performed to investigate the wetlands in this area and how they relate to the drainage patterns . This study was funded by a grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency . . EXHIBIT Affi davit of Publication - - ORDINANCE NO * 2074 AN ORDINANCE amending the Com- prehensive Plan by adopting provisions rem STATE OF WASHINGTON ) lating to the treatment of storm water, and adding a new section to the storm water COUNTY OF CLARK ) drainage utility ordinance adopting the Puget Water Quality Authority ' s storm water management standards to insure proper quality and quantity of storm water Michael 1 Gallagher being first run off' I > WHEREAS, RCW 36. 70A . 070 ( 1 ) pro - duly sworn , depose and say that I am the owner , editor , publisher vides in part that the land use element of the of The Post - Record , a weekly newspaper . That . said newspaper is Comprehensive Plan should contain provi- a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by sions to protect the quality and quantity of order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and storm water drainage so as to mitigate or it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of cleanse discharges that pollute the waters of the publication hereinafter to , published in the English language the State, and WHEREAS , the Western Washington continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas , Clark County , Growth Management Hearings Board has Washington , and it is now and during all of said time was printed found that the Comprehensive Plan of the in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication City of Camas fails to adequately address the treatment of storm water as required by the Growth Management Act, and WHEREAS, on February 12, 1996, the of said er news a that the ORDINANCE NO . 2074 City Council held a public meeting to dis- P P cuss proposed amendments to the City Comprehensive Plan addressing storm water discharge, and WHEREAS, notice of said meeting was duly published, and the public was afforded the opportunity to comment on the pro - posed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan , and a printed copy of which is hereto annexed , was published in the WHEREAS, as a result of the comments entire issue of said newspaper for one at the public hearing and the staff recom- successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues ; mendation , the Council desires to amend the Comprehensive Plan and to adopt stan - Issue date June 18 , 1996 dards for storm water discharge, NOW. THEREFORE , BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS . Issue date Section I The land use element of the Comprehen- sive Plan of the City of Camas is hereby Issue date amended to contain the provisions set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto relating to the protection of the quality and quantity of Issue date f storm water drainage. X ,. Section II - - - e - There is hereby added a new section to ,tee f /� a . . . . . . . bql io 0 iolueiaql Xq ales agl aioj ` Issue date laq pue (alep ales aqi alojaq sSup 11) 9661 WO : ,j XIn1' 3o XeP gl8 aglial3e amp ;due paleu Pimial a Xum ales a ted ale sjsoa pue .� . . . . 1996 q I gs P>aaj s , aalsnAL aql pue pains aie/si HI gdeig Issue date leie j m glio3 las se (s) linelap agi ' (alep ales ) qi alojaq sA(ep Ii) `9661 `i(Inf jo Sup gig The fee charged for the above publication was : ) ql aiojaq io uo moil ,due In 3i pajumn iai PA ) ue panuiluoasip aq Ilim ales aqZ °ales aql $ 81 . 90 o aauenuiluoasip a asnea of 1 (alep ales aql )iojaq sXuP 11 ) 9661 19Inf jo Xup ql8 agl )Cq F, h 'aana aq lsnm III gdeaf elect m of pa i ialaa 's) llnujap aqjL 09661 `i(Inf Io XeP gl6l aql uo aauelggunaua .io ` uoissassod `aiiq Suipieg Pub ' sher w ' pandmi io ssaidxa `9jueiium lnoq;im ►pew aq llim ales aqs, °alnlels Sq papiAoid ,e lsuLa jo paap aql Xq pwnaas uoile2ilgo )ql pue ales Io asuadxa aql gjsges of plos aq Subscribed a sworn to before me this iitA (liadoid Ieai pagii )sap-aAoge aq,L A ®alnlels Xq paplAoad aie da of 19 M pue ` painaas luamnllsui iagio 10 alou aqj y iapun anp aie se saa3 pue sisoa lagio Bans r � .,,. _... _. . pue ` 5661 ` jagma:)a (i 3o Sup is1 aqi moi3 painaas luamnilsui iaglo 10 alou aql m pa 4 splAoid se lswalui giiM iagla!1oi 909 £b91199I otary Public in and for the : si lsn.0 3o paa (l aql Xq State of Washington , painaas uoqu2ilgo aql uo guiA&o urns aq jL Residing at Camas , Washington Al 'LO ° SL9 `I $ Jo umQua -aid a2eiaA0a aaueinsui aaeld paaio,4 (£ S1 ' £j7 £$ jo sa2iega alerl (Z ' CA- Ir -7y 111011 % K 1e 1sa1a' us