ORD 2511 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE annexing real property described in Annexation File No . ANX07 - 05 to the City of Camas pursuant to the direct petition method . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS . Section I The Council of the City of Camas finds that the following steps have been taken with respect to annexation of the hereinafter described unincorporated area to the City of Camas : A . On December 11 , 2007 , a Notice of Intention to petition for annexation of the subject real property by the direct petition method provided for in Chapter 3 5A . 14 , Revised Code of Washington , was filed with the City of Camas . B . The City Council of the City of Camas set January 7 , 2008 as the time for a meeting with the annexation proponents to determine whether the City would accept, reject, or geographically modify the proposed annexation , and whether it would require the simultaneous adoption of a proposed zoning regulation , and whether it would require the assumption of existing indebtedness . C . On January 7 , 2008 , the City Council conducted a meeting at which it modified the geographical boundaries of the proposed annexation , required the assumption of all existing indebtedness , and required the adoption of a proposed zoning regulation . D . On March 18 , 2008 , the City received a petition for annexation signed by the owners of not less than sixty percent ( 60 %) in value , according to the assessed - valuation for general taxation of the property proposed to be annexed . E . On April 21 , 2008 , the City Council conducted a public hearing to consider the annexation proposal and the adoption of a proposed zoning regulation . Section II Pursuant to the direct petition method provided for in Chapter 3 5A . 14 Revised Code of Washington , the real property described in Exhibit "A " , attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein , being a portion of Clark County not heretofore incorporated as a city or town , and further being within the urban growth area for the City of Camas , is hereby annexed to the City of Camas and made a part thereof. Section III All property within the area hereby annexed shall be assessed and taxed to pay for the outstanding general obligation indebtedness of the City of Camas existing as of the effective date of said annexation . Ordinance No . Page - 2 Section IV The City Clerk is hereby directed to file with the Board of Clark County Commissioners of Clark County, Washington , a certified copy of this ordinance . The City Clerk is further directed to file with the Office of Financial Management a certificate as required by RCW 35A . 14 . 700 within thirty ( 30 ) days of the effective date of this annexation . The City Clerk is further directed to take all other steps and to inform all other agencies of said annexation as may be necessary and proper . Section V This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . The annexation of the aforedescribed real property shall be effective as of the effective date of this ordinance . PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this ,<, day of , 2008 . SIGNED . Mayor r. ATTEST . r . Clerk APP VED to orm 21 Ci orney PA Alit iy +r : • � f� Y in DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENT AND GIS Linda Franklin , Assessor If fill wl ` _ = i _ - lFa L 4f v . _ xs . �_ _ �.. �•�_��_• r' Oud QAt , prow" KANHO fu 'tur' e CLARK COUNTY W A S H I N G T O N uilI April lo , 2008 fl OIR ;r: � _ _ 0 1 �lR a ' Mr . Phil Bour uin -z A. Off O Planning Director -� City of Camas M 616 N . E . Fourth Avenue Camas WA 918607 M Dear Mr . Bourquin : 0 SAO rn X You will find enclosed the Certification of Sufficiency of the petition for annexation of land to the city of Camas : Annexation Lacamas Northshore . )Q Cl/ _ 0 M 0 Please contact me should you have any questions regarding this annexation . M M u N Sincerely , 0 0 I Linda Franklin 00 Clark County Assessor as 0 Cleo ge Simpson Clark County Deputy Assessor 0 Lon X Encls . ca 0 O L c L LL C) C> M ry r Certification of Sufficiency Annexation Lacamas Northshore The city of Camas on March 18 , 2008 , submitted for review by Clark County Assessor , a petition to annex to the city , approximately 512 . 82 acres of land known as the Lacamas Northshore Annexation . Subject to the requirements of RCW 35A . 01 . 040 I now certify the following in my capacity as Clark County Assessor : 1 . 4n March 18 , 2008 the city of Camas submitted for certification by the Clark County Assessor a petition to annex to the city twenty four . parcels of land and associated road and public utility rights - of-way , totaling approximately 512 . 82 acres . 2 . The legal description and map of the area proposed for �ninexation as provided by the city of Camas , are attached to this certification . This area is located in unincorporated Clark County and within the urban growth boundary . 3 . The city is completing annexation pursuant to the direct petition method of RCW 3 5A . 14 . 120 through RCW 3 5A . 14 . 150 . annexation, 4 . The Clark County Assessor initiated determination of petition sufficiency on April 9 , 2008 which is the "terminal date " as defined in RCW 35A . 01 . 040 . 5 . The area proposed for annexation has a certified annexation value for general taxation of $ 8 , 966 , 200 . 6 . Petition signatures provided by the city of Camas represent signatures , in compliance with the RCW3 5A . 14 . 120 through 3 5A . 14 . 150 , of a combined total assessed value for general taxation of not less than 60 % of the total assessed value for general taxation of all property in the proposed annexation area . This review did not address the legal sufficiency of any proxy or utility covenant , only the sufficiency of the presence of signatures thereon . Therefore , based on the petition certification request and supporting materials submitted by the city of Camas , I herby declare and certify that the petition represents the affirmative consent of properties totaling more than 60 % of the value according to the assessed valuation for general taxation purposes of the property proposed for annexation . Given under my hand and seal this 10th day of April 2008 . Linda Franklin Clark County Assessor George Simpson Clark County Deputy Assessor "A" Exhibit n7C OiWHId C, ELM 1 AN.r:AATI*O N AREA LEGAL DES CR I MO N 1 j CAMAS, : WASH 1N'GTQN I I . The parpo*se of this .leerr .l descriliflon fs to desctibe •the :a*rea .o:f land -to he -anstie.Xed tp the City Off Cama-7s I Vvas:lal. t� gt � , The tiesctil ecl la :nds lie w1thin a por;tlo'n :of :5ett: lo•n •27 , 5e.t:: ti� n 34 a: m v ectio.t:n Sas, Tt� t� n � hi. p 2 North, Range .3 East, Wlllamet-te Meridian. , Clad( Costnty Washingtoll beIng Mare pa 'rtic�Ulat1y de5crlbad as foll�uvs : ► �] `� :7 i�d 28 Tov�rnshi 2 North Range 3 y Co.tmn enc� n.g at the Sectlan� Cornet~ ca:mjno•n to Sections* 'L 10 � Z , 2 a � r. g East, l�ill.amette oMerldia:n ; thence a .lo: ng the West line of said Section 27 , Sau" OT, 13' 21" West i �. 3 16 . 4 fe.etto the : Non th ' 1/ 16 . 0orner eni the v1l:est lime *of Sectiv:ta .27, thence d:epan' trng said Westltn � o I .2 t�� nnol � a1a'n the North x . 16 .lr.ne• of Section 27.,. . * sutth •88 oQ6 ' 17 " Case 30:. 00 faet. �"� a p �} it� t' 1 � e.�ct�� t � g .g 1 :TFf TRUE . ' t .l NT l BEG ! I ' Nl N ; on' •Che East (Ig�ht-of#zw�.y of NE 23:2 . :Avenue.,. sn:Id pct)It Iso l��:l �� � � o' ti . ' i:ln'e ofectton27' oot:h : %06' . "r Era st18:. 7:5' 'fee :t to' tlae f r:her►.moon:ttnuingoaiasi: said N . r h : / . loin c. i.an *.7: S-outl1: 01 •4 '3' ' a7j' Cent�e-t Ro'rth 1.4 /616 Cor n'e t of Set to n 27 , the rice' a )n ng. th.e. ' Cer vbE r I:tn .e of Set , :W/e�St � 32 .1r05,J meet to the 4C:e� Ite.r Y Ca ner of .Sect:�o.n 27 , the to slang fihe Frit :./ 1 . l �.ne o .f Section � 7, �Soomth. SBO 54! .2'8 '` fast 265•x. :. 2 .61*t to thle' East X `Carver of e tlon 7`;. h :nce fa�ag the East Ilrre' of Ser ia.n 7 , South *01. 1 . 5 :' 44" / st *18 , ..2 et; t` fTen e departfng. !•sa•id. :Ea: t 1 [fie of S'ecti:on 27 North goo oS ' '3. 61' 1l est '4(3 . 0 feet to c' �71otnt t' on th.e !' est rtgh.t-6fuway''of NE 25:2" ' . Aver mo thence' along the. V est l i rig ht�af�- a r f 2,��r AWe f� � � , a u h' a: �" .' " I�t/e :t 77 ', 5 e ; flie nce cl e p i-tti ng s�a f W est ri ii 'C � •of� way of .N E 02 a 2 . Avenue So u th B 5 5 ' 5'�.ju *E st 4a.;t?C f t too tl7 e 5 >rcti m Cob It e•r co rna-n:o n to ��vctn :oris � F 26 , 71 3 atad 3 , `oanrt-rslaip. North ,. Ra .r� ge Cast, W111amett:e Men ii*n ; tl� ence alo.ng t'h.e N.ortil line o � i 1 " � feet o the West G' 'C rner of Section' 3* 59# fihe#t7vet Soutt'h � said Section 3�5 ;. South: 8 5�4 43 Csfi 3. �a . 7 e . t t t W s 1/ 1 f t o1 ° 1114911 West 13 .2117 feet to th.e NoTth�we•sfi I/16 :Cor e•r of � ect 'tnn �5 ; tl� e.ntre Nor•:th 8 � ° �9 ' :40" �1lv'eest 13231,91 feet to the oNott:h 1 /x:'6 Coarner pan 'the �1lest Itne ofiSection 3' 5 , sa 'd .pc�. atalso betr> g the :Northeaost Corner of Governmtnt Lobt 6, Section 34, Tbwashll, 2 Mortlj{ R'atige 3 EaStj Il :l .ja:mette Mere dian thence along the .Nor h Ifrr �e of said Govej& ITmen:t Lot G. Mor 8*8 ° 54a 3,g,� .W , St 013*71..3:8 fetet; I thencee cora'tlnauh-Ig talo ng. the North line •off Government Lot •G ; NoOrth 98 53 4r West 80800 � � feet 'fil� enc.e de:l .t� tirig tl� e Nt;a:t� Ch Line of o et:•,r ment t:a:t o6., SOUth o7 2G �� fast � .!�. . a3. `feetito a p �'rt1�: an tl� e • = '' sadbetter Road Nor-the.rly r'tght �afftway o:f LeadbeLte• r Rr� aOf thernce .al .ong th.e Nortl * erly' # rr � l-rt � nf_� ay of .lc. s ton :t1 .e a rc of a 8 :�. . 5 :fo'o# t' adi .t s ctt:r7ve to tfTe. :l:eft, �thorou h •a 'cenfir l angle of .2�a • 22 ' 54" , the Olon�g coal. , of which bears Nark 41 ° 3::1' 3 " W st, 1 . 3:6' n a:t' c. 'f+eag6th o:i: 1200 , 3�6 fmt to � p.o• r� t of t:c171get7t~y, s C thence continuing a.lo.ng snit✓! Nartl :e.riY i" i & ljtrofotway , Nut[ 420 .39 , �:� " Uves1: 24.9 . 3 f� efi; tlat� noe departing - said N:a 't• therly r� igh:t-� o:f�vay, N :artl7 ° 53 ' 47 '13.. G`g :fieet. do a l� olnt� an the ior't'herl .y Sh.et•elii) e ' I ofLncatnal .L•ake�. thence slung said :Nogart'he:rly S:harel .ine ,. . Nmth* X4•60 x. 40' 00"0 West .3:5• � . . Q3 feet/ tl� ernce ► alotZ:g . ai Nvrthe ��ly S17oreCin Y Nor�t'f� 6� q5 ' 3 " Wt.* t 7.040 5 ree. t; th�:t� t~:e along said Northerly ; nil ol etl hareC �'e, o:twth :p � 2' � ':11n , 40 oce long. sac5hor * pNo* 2 � 9 ' " Vest 6 48 feett " 0 West 5iS.. 106feet ,, th.eenee along: send. Northerly 5. 1io' rethi %. Iwarth 1V26 .23 " 1�1 � st � � . 6Q feetr thence' •along .said Northerly .5hmme-Ali. n'e , •�la.r�th 436 2. 1 ' 27 " West 35 :83 :fee t; tl � erice a. lon.g: sai l or-#t�:erly cN 5hr re'lin'e, korth .5. a 3.� ' � 7` ,,: � e�t �5 � ':52 'fe� fi; thence alc� rtg sa :ld �In• rtherly 5Ahooreline , NG th .41$ a 33 ' 55:r :� • • . . : . J '!tr : x " . • r, -. r' 1 : L 7 . of to . . i •t to • •:ti . 0 0 ' Z . ti ti •"4 " f .� . . t . :77CI • � • s . i 9,755 5 1 �arn � s Road ., �� it � (� OP011 (•and , OR 072.25 T *560 6? G . 0455 f � 03 ;526 . 07 ��Y,rw. v��ht�.acific . �m ' i } u T i [ t � ,w7�♦lwtitft:! w♦1♦. West, 340. feet ; . theme °a .lor� g� said North. r"Ey Sh sr� l `toile', allorth 45b .�°� ' 08" Wes. 2:8 � '„ �4 feet;; ther�� e � • o 'G5 3' $" West 7G.. 7 feet * fhe.rrce . a.lonog said NoT- tharly along said N.orah.e' r fy Shor elin. .t N ►� h f . e � n �� � l .n �` e1111 ' r .rth* 494 40' 4 " ° 13 3:2 ' Most26 .7 . 0 f� ttogsatl Northe:riY 11U� No SE iefiae, . flrtr :2 West 22. 9 .81 ofee•t; thence a- larig said Northerly Shorreliftef Norah 76 P06 ' 3W .W`e.9st 44 .`S7 feet ; thence � d Nor toh6e•riy •a'long said North:e:rly S. hoore.lin.e, :N,omrfh 49#0 2T Ion' *West **K . 40 -f.'eet ; th•e:nce : p long. sa•r'. • f Sly ireaii� e , N. rth - � . ' ' 22" CJest :1. .2 . feet;. thence= along scald N .ortherfy .Slro-r el1n*e ,. North 53 ° 2.2' �. 8 ` t west 2:x. 7 :4 . fee:tr thence South 880 58 ' 3.3" West 3*23 . feetA thence gIoiig said Not• the'rly Shor.eIirlet . , , �. 63 •b 46' 77'1 West North 4:9 32 12 West $ 7 , 08 feet, flai.enze Jong said .N.o>i Cherry Sf3 � t el �r e ,. North . r . Nort � : Range 'Eaa't ,. . oi:c1o , 2 . . • 11ametate10 & 37feetto ap .oR ► t -on the West ll.n. e ofSetn 27 "To n §hp I i S e l0 2 Nosrat�h 041 x. 30' 2.Q`* East feet taba point on , Mei*:ldlan ; �t'hence a- lo:n the lest line :of .$ d t t� 7., = the - .e :� terly r'rgt� thof�wa oft;eavdb.et.te9.r • f�oad., th:er�Ce d p rtirtg otlle Vest Iine of said Section 27 an East 460 . 00' 0feet to aoint ' andb . od , North 8 � A 2 �' �depa oting th:e We:5terly r ' ghtorof� way :of tea •ettar 3� � nc alor sa1d E sten . r i •hit -ofT ra' North• .�iJ ° 331 '� � `' the Eaosteorl�y r rgh•t-.of wic y of t: eadhat ta. r R . tal�ie Y Yt = i West Q . 52 f�' et o a po `rrt`t :of curer. Cur ,; thence •a•long & ;aid Easterly doghtmof? way o4n the moc of :a *05441 :Gl feot -road l:t-rs co Ove to the right tahroug1i a cen`traI sng-le of �:� Or 4 .7 .00 the .fong ' c. orcl of v�hich l�e:ars North 4° 100 47" ��t 101.0.68 feet o 1aiAgth oi= 1p*Q.:1.�8;�. feet to ca polnt on tl e Ent r 1g.htmotoof way bf � o ;� &w) a •r Leadbetter Road.; tfaefnce s:ald: East right� of��vAy North off: ° 13 ' '2 �" East .2 .5 • � 5 feet .to THE TRUE P0.11?►lT � OF REGIN wlNG . , r CONTMNS: 5 .2 ;82 a:cre.s o*r 2.2 ,33 % 302 ;Squaree feet m, arpe •o:r ies5, Th•e B=asis of our`irr. ft�.r this. legaol d�escripotion is the Hone shown as mSbuth !0T' � 3 � .2C� t' Wept 2;�32 �95 feet. � g I [ eturJeen :thy e tion or' ner co.r'nr�no:r to section 21 , .�2, t2�7 acid ..28 , Township 02 Nor`thj Rcinge 3 East ) � s • r Willamette Meridian -. and the rest y4 CCo1♦ n•er `of Seoct�lon 27 , Tol� r�slil � 2 Nortl�r Range 3 :Ea �1 Wllla ��� e.tfie� Meridla .n . 3 F 7 _ • t i t 1 r r • I i 1 i - i t t 1 4 ' x t 'lam ,'1 : . i Z =� = � '.s ; � {� 3ti ' ;` • �' . r ; . { � t'+. . - .i.t . • • : C1: ! } '.` .: :21 � t. . �••r �� ••� � 1 � lK ::l: I , t � /•.."•f i� MOO � :tt• 'i'; � t'� s's 5� ' . i :�.�+. ''tf •4 • '� -i � € _ �'. . �1' i� � �'1 .ti • . . t� t I i d I t l i t 1 H81 i770 E tEF2D CORNt71s FDR RAW OF BEArAo SM7M*W "N � Q ??td, �• Soi73'3o'Y/ ?6JLos ' UN A ttE bC i 4A t zo 1p L1 I y uaAda` p tJ _ t 14 ' I • • w +• � ► X HE ?sPNO AVE C>� �rat44'7 aetlsT I3-W C+1 ' 774dtl� 1074tZ' N• 1 x ..rZ SO ow KI a 416 tt If ri em 66 12I1 pP gB a 6 n .11tL p . �� ! � $ � ' � �.�•a` � gggg I I? no • • n �y•� ICM • _tS b y� L' iL �• � �y ap R t A 1 C J4R i gyrOAF 14 I n a it r 0 v 11,91plot tig gon me Fl rs SRI O � tl ��� �tjgyy( � � aAVa � S ^it F. Olopyea =. .; p � ��yy � � a- � � N i a C `iKms+ ruff III so 1. F, o Norah z tot t *4 E p9 D � uq mg � I I li �, . r � .. fib . • 6 ,�' p . tl �' „ ,�5� .q sE da o rir a • � K N49 as r : p � «' • Kim ID 91 07 Val oil A W. 40* 304 9 1 *" siff :1 ir q 4 t4f 1141 sr 2; ano wify "s !� o• 14 v sq FFii g o swncYto ar. orq{ curmED art 6NU usr mlr. s n ftoraATE: os � r ANNi=XATION AREAWRP If �„� eY �X - . EXHIBIT MAP ic i y AilewonnesPd �iubJ00 �+olesrp �Al t� S, WASHINGTON ""Ion oms • ounce t•H •M rALE: PRO=T *NO* ARAVANC fiLE NAME; wrxwtoxraoor, 1 - 400 03399 �399�--StlR1� EK01 f . Proposed Annexation - Lacarnas Northshore , iy f j ' . 4 . 4 � . CO ���1 • QL175735000 } NeA3ft� 175725000 j f Legend 175724000 i Roads 175747000 . � } Alley 3 W4 Arterial Ne _ �1 �St ._. _ DNR ` is 40t to Land) � DNR [Priaa d 175752000 t' ta � q } � Driveway Interstate � 1757170100 Interstate Ramp tetra °r 3 r � ' / 75772000 175733000 175726000 � t i Araya Ys >41 . € , ` , ri� Primary Arterial ij -sl 4 ,r - , • "1 - ` f' � � r - Private Roads F [ Private Rids wla Name$ 175712000 Public Roads �G ! sixol SR Ramp � ,, } � �<< � ,,► Stats Route 100 �� � _{ Waterbndie rirx t t µ 175727000 4FcW � ,� � City Boundaries - � � O ° , 1 `� ,, ' Urban Growth Boundaries County Boundary 20 0 {r{j fjsN f�4Im Y (tftaaWr Ott s t ° 4 � A177891000 N �� * 78180000 , rX 1778 $5000` _ y,. 1781710 , t �} 41y4 tai 'u� & kat jam' _ tftc * • `"C.K' 1 � '�• { 1s' ��%^>`r`.,� ' g yakL. #� x'��lzx{ � 4 � + Shk,� ` t• 17 { 77904� � � 176175000884000A , y ; g.W' � +ar gF. zcv +i�a,-f w'kir "tr tip a?+ OT f4 ftrk R SYJlr ✓�„��41+^2+' 7!) � Y � y '�' F r . s$ y�i�r Y f1I V- ' � • aij }"�- ,r* ' r.ty�1�n�F' +. ' .'�' �������+�Y'Fr , „��C���%� . � . F . �y ',C,iTt�� Yxtf,ru�7icisZ r, sr4 ` `+ tt� ri h 64. J y Yr 'a r P'4.f b '� tt ik'#���x '� �� �� mac• {7Srr E'�r� � +.t`�urhi �i� F {t i�`+ r �R 4i( 'a1. t'�m cr•'t�,xT4�YYtx�'�C'lj.+,,,�L��'Yt1'MS,Ji ., .,' ' • � , : . �=�F� ��t rig �� Frz= frr�N'��G ft�n�v�{�'t �k< ;�-� ��,fj��= �i"����' tom, "� .,.�j� ty �� ' ••--.. .� �.. _. - . +. . �� ..., t ;nY. } 'e).o"k Sl 2j-(r . i4C�t � .. .rL � i _ ,i�+ . N 4500 ft . .� o ,� Scale : 1 : 15 , 788 0 500 3000 Map center: 45° 37 ' 30 N , 122 25' 30 1N Information shown on this map was coilected from several sources . Neither Clark County, Washington , nor the producer of this document accept responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be present.