ORD 2031 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE appropriating $ 40 , 200 . 00 from the Genera ? Fund to pay for completion of the computer network installation to the police . and public works operation center , for recon - figuration of the entry counter to the Finance Department , for completion of carpeting , to the Community Center , for an office panel and cash register for the library , for expenses related to the periodicals on - line system for the library , consultant ' s fees for the fire facility impact fees , and for a squat bench for the city wellness center , and amending the Budget for the year 1995 to provide for such expenditures . WHEREAS , when the Council adopted the 1995 Budget , it elected to defer appropriation of certain items listed in the proposed Budget , and WHEREAS , the Council has considered more current revenue informa - tion and desires to amend the Budget to appropriate funds for several of the items deferred , and WHEREAS , the Council also desires to appropriate funds to pay consultant ' s fees in connection with a fire faciJ.. ities impact fee study , and WHEREAS , there are sufficient unappropriated funds in the General Fund to pay for such expenditures , now , therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS : Section I The sum of $ 16 , 000 . 00 is hereby appropriated from unappropriated funds in the General Fund to pay for completion of the computer network installation to the police and public works operation center , and allocated as follows . Line Item Account No . Amount Machinery and Equipment 001 20 594 180 64 $ 16 , 000 . 00 Section II The sum of $ 5 , 000 . 00 is hereby appropriated from unappropriated funds in the General Fund to pay for reconfiguration of the entry counter to the Finance Department , and allocated as follows . Line Item Account No . Amount Other Improvements 001 23 518 200 63 $ 5 , 000 . 00 Ordinance No . Page 2 Section III The sum of $ 3 , 700 . 00 is hereby appropriated from unappropriated funds in the General Fund to pay for completion of carpeting at the Community Center , and is allocated as follows : Line Item Account No . Amount Building and Structures 001 19 575 500 62 $ 3 , 700 . 00 Section IV The sum of $ 3 , 500 . 00 is hereby appropriated from unappropriated funds in the General Fund to pay for expenses related to the periodicals on - line system at the library , and is allocated as follows : Line Item Account No . Amount Library Books 001 30 572 200 69 $ 3 , 500 . 00 Section V The sum of $ 12 , 050 . 00 is hereby appropriated from unappropriated funds in the General Fund to pay for an office panel for the 1 ibrary and is allocated as follows : Line Item Account No . Amount Machinery and Equipment 001 30 572 200 64 $ 1. , 250 . 00 Section VI The sum of $ 350 . 00 is hereby appropriated from unappropriated funds in the General Fund to pay for a cashier register for the library , and is allocated as follows . Ls. ne Item Account No . Amount Supplies 001 30 572 200 31 $ 350 . 00 Section VII The sum of $ 400 . 00 is hereby appropriated from unappropriated funds in the General Fund to pay for a squat bench for the city wellness center , and is allocated as follows : Line Item Account No . Amount Supplies 001 06 516 200 31 $ X00 . 00 Section VIII The sum of $ 10 , 000 . 00 is hereby appropriated from unappropriated funds in the General_ Fund to pay for consultant ' s fees in connection with a fire facilities impact study , and is allocated as follows Ordinance No . Page 3 Line Item Account No . Amount Professional Services 001 09 522 500 41 $ 10 , 000 . 00 Section IX Ordinance Z01. 1 and the Budget of the City of Camas for the year 1995 are amended to provide for the aforestated expendl_ tures . Section X This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) its publication according to law . days from and after PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of Juiy ,, 1. 995 . SIGNED * dop yor ATTEST . Clerk APPROVES t form . , li City Attorney Afridavitt of Publication ORDINANCE NO . 2031 AN ORDINANCE appropriating ated from unappropriated funds in the Gen - $40,200 . 00 from the General Fund to pay for eral Fund to pay for reconfiguration of the STATE OF WASHINGTON ) completion of the computer network instal - entry counter to the Finance Department, lation to the police and public works opera - and allocated as follows : COUNTY OF CLARK ) tion center, for reconfiguration of the entry Line Item : Other Improvements counter to the Finance Department, for Account No . : 00123 518 200 63 completion of carpeting the Community Amount .* $5, 000. 00 Center, for an office panel and cash register Section III I , Michael Gallagher for the library , for expenses related to the The sum of $3 , 700. 00 is hereby appropri - , being first periodicals on -line system for the library , ated from unappropriated funds in the Gen - duly sworn , depose and say that I am the owner , editor , publisher consultant ' s fees for the fire facility impact eral Fund to pay for completion of carpeting of The Post - Record , a weekly newspaper . That said newspaper is fees, and for a squat bench for the city wellness at the Community Center, and is allocated as a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by center, and amending the Budget for the follows : year 1995 to provide for such expenditures . e Item ,* Buildin and Structures order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and g it is now and has been for more than six months rior to the date of WHEREAS , when the Council adopted Account No . : 00119 575 500 62 p the 1995 Budget , it elected to defer appro - Amounts. $3 , 700 . 00 the publication hereinafter to , published in the English language priation of certain items listed in the pro - Section IV continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas , Clark County , posed Budget, and The sum of $3 , 500 . 00 is hereby appropri - Washington , and itis now and during all of said time was printed WHEREAS , the Council has considered ated from unappropriated funds in the Gen . in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication more current revenue information and de - eral Fund to pay for expenses related to the sires to amend the Budget to appropriate periodicals on - line system at the library, and funds for several of the items deferred, and is allocated as follows : WHEREAS , the Council also desires to Line Item : Library Books appropriate funds to pny consultant ' s fees in Account No . : 00130 572 200 69 of said newspaper , that the ORDINANCE NO . 2031 connection with a fire facilities impact fee Amount : $3 , 500 . 00 study , and Section V WHEREAS, there are sufficient unap - The sum of $ 1 ,250. 00 is hereby appropri - propriated funds in the General Fund to pay ated from unappropriated funds in the Gen - for such expenditures , now, therefore eral Fund to pay for an office panel for the BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL library , and is allocated as follows : OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS : Line Items Machinery and Equipment Section I Account No . : 00130 572 200 64 a printed copy of which is hereto annexed , was published in the Line : Machinery and Equipment fit ; $ 1 , 250 . 00 entire issue of said newspaper for one Account No . : 00120 594 180 64 Section VI Amountssuccessive and consecutive weeks in the following issues ; $ 16, 000 . 00 The sum of $350 . 00 is hereby appropri - Section IIated from unappropriated funds in the Gen - a The sum of $5 ,000. 00 is hereby appropri - eral Fund to pay for a cashier register for the Issue date AU CJU S t 1 r i 9 � � library , and is allocated as follows : Line e. Supplies Account No . : 00130 572 200 31 Issue date Amount : $350. 00 Section VII The sum of $400 . 00 is hereby appropri- ated from unappropriated funds in the Gen- Issue date eral Fund to pay for a squat bench for the city wellness center, and is allocated as fol - lows : Issue date Line Items. Supplies Account No . : 00106 516 200 31 ou t e. $400 . 00 Section VIII Issue date , The sum of $ 10, 000 . 00 is hereby appro - �,�' priated from unappropriated funds in the General Fund to pay for consultant ' s fees in Issue date connection with a fire facilities impact study, and is allocated as follows : Line Item : Professional Services The fee charged for the above publication was : Account No . : 00109 522 500 41 Amount : $ 10, 000. 00 $ 7 8 • 9 7 �, '" �:s. Section IX dd '`+� Ordinance 2011 and the Budget of the City of Camas for the year are amended to provide for the aforestated expenditures. PublisherSection X This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five (5) days from and after its publica - Vicn � tion according to law . Subscribed and sworn to before me this PASSED by the Council and AP - PROVED by the Mayor this 24th day of 1 July , 1995 day of , 19 /5sClerk n M. Durgin No . 3732—August 1 , 1995 400 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , Residing at Camas , Washington PUBLICATION THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATION : ORDINANCE NO . � 3 a RESOLUTION NO . NOTICE i WAS LC R E � VED BY '� � -� � POST RECORD ON DATE K C J AT FOR PUBL A �z z aN C x -� TIME DATE SIGNITURE OF PERSON RECEIVING PUBLICATION : V)l ,r