ORD 2008 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE revising the boundary lines of the electoral wards of the City of Camas and amending Chapter 1 . 20 of the Camas Municipal Code . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section I Section 1 . 20 . 020 of the Camas City Code is amended to provide as follows : Ward No . l of the City shall have the following boundaries : Beginning at the intersection of NW 6th Ave and NW Norwood St . ; thence east along NW 6th Ave . to NW Logan St . ; thence north on NW Logan St . to NW 7th Ave . ; thence East on NW 7th Ave . to NW Greeley St . ; thence north on NW Greeley to NW 10th Ave . ; thence East on NW 10th Ave . to NW Benton Dr . ; thence north on NW Benton Dr . to NW 12th Ave . ; thence east on NW 12th Ave . to NW Ash St . ; thence South on NW Ash St . to NW 11th Ave . ; thence east on NW lith Ave . to Division St . ; thence South on Division St . to the James River M1 .1. 1C Ditch ; thence east along the James River Mill Ditch to NE Garfield St . ; thence north on NE Garfield St . to NE i4th Ave . ; thence East on NE 14th Ave . to NE Ione St . ; thence North on NE Ione St . to NE 22nd Ave . ; thence east along an extension of NE. 22nd Ave . to an intersection with the north line of the Lacamas Creek Tree Farm ; thence East along the north line of the Lacamas Creek Tree Farm until intersection with the City Limits at Lacamas Creek ; thence south along the City Limits and Lacamas Creek to NE 3rd Ave . ; thence west on NE 3rd Ave . to E . lst Ave . ; thence west on E . lst Ave . to NE Franklin St . ; thence south on NE Franklin St . to an intersection with the Burlington Northern Railroad ; thence west along the Burlington Northern Railroad to an intersection with NE Dallas St . ; thence south on NE Dallas St . to E . lst Ave . ; thence west on E . lst Ave . to NE Adams St . ; thence south on NE Adams St . to SE 2nd Ave . and the easterly boundary of James . River Corporation ; thence south along the easterly boundary of James River Corporation to the center of the Camas Slough ; thence west along the Camas Slough to State Highway 1. 4 ; thence north on State Highway 14 to NW 6th Ave . interchange ; thence east along NW 6th Ave . to NW Norwood St . and point of beginning . Section II Section 1 . 20 . 030 of the Camas City Code is amended to provide as follows Ward No . 2 of the City shall have the following boundaries . Beginning where the James River Mill Ditch intersects Division St . ; thence north on Division St . to NW 21st Ave . ; thence west on NW 21st Ave . and an extension thereof to an extension of NW Drake St . ; thence south to a point due east of the north end of NW Edgehill Dr . ; thence west past the north end of NW Edgehill Dr . to NW Fargo St . ; thence north on NW Fargo St . to NW Kent St . and NW 28th Ave . ; thence west on NW 28th Ave . to an intersection with the west line of Caribou Acres subdivision ; thence north along the west .line of Caribou Acres subdivision and an extension thereof to the southeast Ordinance No . Page 2 corner of Lacamas View subdivision ; thence north along the east line of Lacamas View subdivision and the east line of Lake Heights subdivision to NW Lake Rd . ; thence from NW Lake Rd . along the easterly boundary of Lacamas Shores subdivision to the north City Limits on Lacamas Lake ; thence east along the north City Limits to the Northeast corner of the Lacamas Creek Tree Farm ; thence west along the north line of the Lacamas Creek Tree Farm to an extension of NE 22nd Ave . ; thence west on NE 22nd Ave . and an extension thereof to NE Ione St . ; thence south on NE Ione St . to NE 14th St . , thence west on NE 14th St . to NE Garfield St . ; thence south on NE Garfield St . to the James River Mill Ditch ; thence west along the James River Mill Ditch to the point of beginning . Section III Section 1 . 20 . 040 of the Camas City Code is amended to provide as follows Ward No . 3 of the City shall have the following boundaries Beginning at the intersection of NW Brady Rd . with the west City Limits ; thence north along the City Limits boundary as of, October 11 1994 passing along SE 1st St . and continuing north to the northwest corner of the City Limits on Lacamas Lake ; thence easterly along the north City Limits boundary on Lacamas Lake to the easterly boundary of Lacamas Shores . subdivision ; thence along the easterly boundary of Lacamas Shores to NW Lake Rd . ; thence south along the east boundary of Lake Heights subdivision and the east line of Lacamas View subdivision and an extension thereof to the northwest corner of Caribou Acres subdivision ; thence along west line of Caribou Acres subdivision to NW 28th Ave . ; thence east on NW 28th Ave . to the intersection of NW Kent St . and NW Fargo St . ; thence east on NW . Fargo St . to the west line of Camas Estates subdivision ; thence south along the west line of Camas Estates subdivision . to the northeast corner of Summit Hill Estates subdivision ; thence west along the north line of Summit Hill Estates subdivision and an extension thereof to the west line of the east half of Section , T . IN . , R . 3E . , W . M . ; thence south along west line of the east half of Section 3 and an extension thereof to NW Forest . Home Rd . ; thence westerly on NW Forest Home Rd . to NW Astor St .- ; thence south on NW Astor St . to NW 11th Ave . ; thence west on NW 11th Ave . to NW Elliott St . ; thence south on NW Elliott St . to NW 9th Ave . thence west on NW 9th Ave . to NW Fremont St . ; thence south on NW Fremont St . to NW McIntosh St . ; thence west on NW McIntosh St . to the east line of the Durgan Donation Land Claim ; thence north along said east line to the northeast corner of the Durgan Donation Land Claim ; thence west along the north line of the Durgan Donation Land Claim to the point of beginning . Section IV Section 1 . 20 . 050 of the Camas City Code is amended to provide as follows Ward No . 4 of the City shall have the following boundaries . Beginning at the intersection of E 1st Ave . and Adams St . ; thence northeasterly on E lst Ave . to NE Dallas St . ; thence northwesterly on Dallas St . to the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks ; thence east along the tracks to SE Franklin Ordinance No . Page 3 St . ; thence Northwesterly on SE Franklin St . to E lst Ave . ; thence northeasterly on E lst Ave . to NE 3rd Ave . ; thence east on NE 3rd Ave . to SE Crown Rd . ; thence north on SE Crown Rd . to the north City Limits line ; thence east on the north City Limits line , crossing SE Shepherd Rd . , to an intersection with the Washougal River and NE 3rd Ave . ; thence east on NE 3rd Ave . to NE Weir St . ; thence north on NE Weir St . to NE 4th Ave . ; thence east on NE 4th Ave . to NE Lechner " St . ; thence south on Lechner St . to4the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks ; thence west along the tracks to SE Whitney St . ; thence north on SE Whitney St . to a point where the City Limits line bears west ; thence west along the south City Limits line to a point where said line bears south ; thence south along the City Limits line to the south line of the State of Washington , Clark County , and the City of Camas ; thence west along said south line to from the east s ide of Lady ' s s I s 1 and ; a point that bears south thence northerly along the east side of Lady ' s Island , crossing State Highway 14 , and the Camas Slough , to the southeast corner of the James River Paper Mill ; thence northerly along the easterly line of the Paper Mill to the point of beginning . Section V Section . 1 . 20 . 060 of the Camas City Code is amended to provide as follows . . Ward No . 5 of the City shall have the following boundaries . Beginning at the intersection of NW Brady Rd . with the east City Limits line ; thence north on NW Brady Rdto the north line of the * Durgan Donation Land Claim ; thence east along the north line of the Durgan Donation Land Claim to the northeast corner of said Land Claim ; thence south along the east line of said land claim to NW McIntosh Rd . ; thence east on NW McIntosh Rd . to NW ' Fremont St . ; thence north on NW Fremont St . to NW 9th Ave . ; thence east on NW 9th Ave . to NW . Elliott St . ; thence north on NW Elliott St . to NW llth Ave . ; thence east on NW llth Ave . to NW Astor St . ; thence north on NW Astor St . to . NW Forest Home Rd . ; thence south - easterly on NW Forest Home Rd . to NW 10th Ave . ,othence east on NW 10th Ave . to NW Ivy Dr . , thence northeasterly on NW Ivy Dr . to NW llth Ave . ; thence . south on NW Elm St . to NW 10th Ave . ; thence west on NW 10th Ave . to NW Greeley St . ; thence south on NW Greeley St . to NW 7th Ave . ; thence west on NW 7th Ave . to NW Logan St . ; thence south on NW Logan St . to NW 6th Ave . ; thence west on NW 6th Ave . to State Highway 14 ; thence southeasterly on State Highway 14 to the Camas Slough ; thence east along the Camas Slough to the east side of Lady ' s Island ; thence south along the east side of Lady ' s Island to the south line of the State of Washington , Clark County , and the City Limits ; thence west along said south line to a point where the City Limits bears north ; thence north along the west line of the City Limits to the point of beginning . Section VI Section 1 . 20 . 070 of the Camas City Code is amended to provide as follows . Ward No . 6 of the City shall have the following boundaries . following boundaries: the tracks to S.E. Franklin St.; thence north- N.W. Forest Home Rd. to the west line of the Beginning where the James River Mill westerly on S.E. Franklin St. to E. lst Ave.; east half of Section 10, T.1N., R.3E., W.M.; Ditch intersects Division St; thence north on thence northeasterly on E. Isl Ave. to N.E. thence north along said east line and an Division St. to N.W. 21st Ave.; thence west 3rd Ave.; thence east on N.E. 3rd Ave. to S.E. extension thereof to a point that bears west Affidavit of Publication on ,�N`.W. 21st Ave. and an extension thereof Crown Rd. ; thence north on S.E. Crown Rd. from the north line of Summit Hills Estate to hn extension of N.W. Drake SL; thence to the north City Limits line; thence east an subdivision; thence east alongsaid north line south to a point due east of the north end of the north City Limits Line, crossingS.E. Shep- and an extension thereof to the west line of N.W. Edgebill Dr.; thence westpast thenorm herd Rd., to an intersection with the Wa- Camas Estates subdivision; thence north end of N.W. Edgehill Dr. to N.W. Fargo St. ; shougal River and N.E. 3rd Ave.; thence east alongsaid westlineto N.W. Fargo St; thence STATE OF WASHINGTON ) thence north on N.W. Fargo St. to N.W. Kent on N.E. 3rd Ave. to N.E. Weir St.; thence southeasterly on N.W. Fargo St. to the north Stand N.W. 28th Ave.; thence west on N.W. north on N.E. Weir St. to N.E. 4th Ave.; line of Columbia View Terrace; thence east COUNTY OF CLARK ) 28th Ave. to an intersection with the west line thence east on N.E. 4th Ave. to N.E. Lechner along said north line to the northeast corner of Caribou Acres subdivision; thence north SL; thence south on Lechner St. to the of said subdivision; thence north to a point alongthe west line of CaribouAcressubdivi- BurlingtonNorthern Railroadtracks; thence thatbears east of N.W. 21st Ave.; thenceeast cion and an extension thereof to the south- west along the tracks to S.E. Whitney St.; on N.W. 21st Ave. and an extension thereof fust east corner of Lacamas View subdivision; thence north on S.E. Whitney Sto to a point to Division St.; thence south on Division St. Michael 1 Gallagher being g thence north along the east line of Lacamas where the City Limits linebearswesy thence to the point of beginning, duly swom, depose and say that I am the owner, editor, publisher View subdivision and the east line of Lake west along the south City Limits line to a Section VII of The Post-Record, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is Heightssubdivisionto N.W. LakeRd.; thence point where said line bears south; thence This ordinance shall take force and be in a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by from N.W. Lake Rd. along the easterly south along the City Limits line to the south effect five (5) days from and after its publica. boundary of Lacamas Shores subdivision to line of the State ofWashingion, Clark County tion according to law. order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and the north City Limits on Lackamas Lake; and the City of Camay, thencei'west along PASSED by the Council and AP. it is now andhas beenformore than six months prior to thedate of thence eastalong the north City Limits to the said south line to a point that bears south PROVED by the Mayor this 24th day of the publication hereinafter to, published in the English language Northeasteornerof the Lacamas CreekTree from the east side of Lady's Island; thence October, 1994. continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas, Clark County, Farm; thence west along the north line of the northerly along the east side of Lady's Is- SIGNED: Dean Dossett, Mayor Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed Lacamas Creek Tree Farm to an extension land, crossing State Highway 14 and the ATTEST: /s/Joan M. Smith, Clerk in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication ofN.E. 22nd Ave.; thence west on N.E. 22nd Camas Slough, to the southeast corner of the APPROVED as to form: Ave. and an extension thereof to N.E. Ione James River Paper Mill; thence northerly /s/Roger D. Knapp St.; thence south on N.E. Ione St. to N.E. 14th along the easterly line of the Paper Mill tothe City Attorney Sl.; thence west on N.E. 14th St. to N.E. point of beginning. No. 3555—Nov. 1, 1994 Garfield St.; thence south on N.E. Garfield Section V of said newspaper, that the ORDINANCE NO , 200H St. to the James River MDI Ditch; thence Section 1.20.060 of the Camas City Code west along the James River NEW Ditch to the is amended to provide as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2008 point of beginning. Ward No. 5 of the City shall have the AN ORDINANCE revising the bound. Section III fallowing boundaries: ary lines of the electoral wards of the City of Section 1.20.040 of the Camas City Code Beginning at the intersection of N.W. Camas and amending Chapter 1.20 of the is amended to provide as follows: Brady Rd. with the east City Limits line; Camas Municipal Code. Ward No. 3 of the City shall have the thencenorth on N.W. Brady Rd. to the north THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF following boundaries: line of the Dorgan Donation Land Claim; a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at the intersection of N.W. thence eastalongthenorth line ol'the Dorgan entire issue of said newspaper for one Section I Brady Rd. with the west City Limits; thence Donation Land Claim to the northeast cor- Section 1.20.020 of the Camas City Code north along the City limits boundary as of ner of said Land Claim; thence south along successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues; is amended to provide as follows: Ward No. 1 of the City shall have the October in ing n passing to along S.E. lsl St. the east line of said land claim to N.W. and continuing north to the northwest coy- McIntosh Rd.; thence east on N.W. Mcln- Issue date Nov . 1 , 1994 following boundaries: ner of the City Limits on Lacamas Lake; tosh Rd. to N.W. Fremont St.; thence north Beginning at the intersection of Now. 6th thence easterly along the north City Limits ouN.W.FremontSttoN.W. 9th Ave.; thence tl1 Ave. and N.W. Norwood SL; thence east boundary on Lackamas Lake to the easterly east on N.W. 9th Ave. to N.W. Elliott St.; Issue date `.� along N.W. 6th Ave. to N.W. Logan St.; boundary of Lacamas Shares subdivision; thence north on N.W. Elliott St. to N.W. 11th thence north on N.W. Logan St to N.W.9th thence along the easterly boundary of Laca. Ave.; thence east on N.W. 11th Ave. to N.W. Ave.; thence East on N.W. 7th Ave. to N.W. mas Shores to N.W. Lake Rd.; thence south Astor St. thence north on N.W. Astor St. to Greeley St; thence north on N.W. Greeley to along the east boundary of Lake Heights N.W. Forest Home Rd.; thence southeast. Issue date \.e° N.W. 10th Ave.; thence East on N.W. 10th subdivision and the east line of Lacamas erly on N.W. Forest Home Rd. to N.W. 10th Ave. to N.W. Benton Dr.; thence north on View subdivision and an extension thereof to Ave.; thence east on N.W. 10th Ave. to N.W. s N.W. Benson Rd. to N.W. 12th Ave.; thence the northwest corner of Caribou Acres sub. Ivy Dr.; thence northeasterly on N.W. Ivy Issue date _ east on N.W.on N.W. Ash St. to N.W. 11th 12th Ave. to N.W. Ash St.; division; thence along west line of Caribou Dr. toN.W. 11th Ave.; thence south on N.W. thence South Acres subdivision to N.W. 28th Ave.; thence Elm St. to N.W. 10th Ave.; thence west on Ave.; thence east on N.W. 11th Ave. to Divi- east on N.W. 28th Ave. to the intersection of N.W. 10th Ave. to N.W. Greeley St.; thence �9 ;IQpo St.; thence South on Division St. to the N.W. Kent St. and N.W. Fargo St.; thence south on N.W. Greeley St. to N.W. 7th Ave.; Issue date 'r Q ' (,James River Mill Ditch; thence east along east on N.W. Fargo St. to the west line of thence west on N.W. 7th Ave. to N.W. Logan the James River Mill Ditch to N.E. Garfield Camas Estates subdivision; thence south Sl.; thence south on N.W. Logan St. to N.W. St.; thence north on N.E. Garfield St. to N.E. aloethe west line of Camas Estates subdivi. 6th Ave.; thence west on N.W. 6th Ave. to Issue date 14th Ave.; thence East on N.E. 14th Ave, to sion go the northeast comer of Summit Hill State Highway 14; thence southeasterly on N.E. Ione St.; thence North on N.E. Ione St. Estates subdivision; thence west along the State Highway 14 to the Camas Slough; to N.E. 22nd Ave.; thence east along an north line of Summit Hill Estates subdivi- thence east along the Camas Slough to the The fee charged for the above publica as: extension of N.E. 22nd Ave. to an intersec- sionand an extension [hereof[o the west ine east sideofLady's Island; thence south along \ tion withthenorth line afthe Lacamas Creek of the east half of Section, TAN., R.3E., the cast side of Lady's Islandto the southline 1 7 O . 56 Tree Farm;. thence East along the north line 1,1, M.; thence south along west line of the of the State of Washington, Clark County, of the Lacamas CreekTree Farm until inter- east half ofSection3 and anextensionthereof and the City Limits; thence west along said section with the City Limits at Lacamas to N.W. Forest Home Rd.; thence westerly south line to a point where the City Limits Creek; thence south along the City Limits on Now. Forest Home Rd. to N.W. Astor St.; bears north; thence north along the west ine and Lacamas Creek to N.E. 3rd Ave.; thence thence south on N.W. Astor SL to N.W. 11th of the City Limits to the point of beginning. P listrer west on N.E. 3rd Ave. to E. 1st Ave.; thence Ave,; thence west on N.W. 11th Ave. to N.W. Section VI west on E. 1st Ave. to N.E. Franklin St.; Elliott Sl.; thence south on N.W. Elliott St to Section 1.20.070 of the Camas City Code thence south on N.E. Franklin SL to an inter- N.W. 9th Ave.; thence west on N.W. 9th Ave. is amended to provide as follows: Subscribed and swum to beforeme. section with the Burlington Northern Rail- to N.W. Fremont St.; thence south on N.W. Ward No. 6 of the City shall have the road; thence west along the Burlington Fremont St. to N.W. McIntosh SL; thence following boundaries: Northern Railroad to an intersection with west on N.W. McIntosh St. to the east line of Beginning on the intersection of N.W. N.E. Dallas St.; thence south on N.E. Dallas the Dorgan Donation Land Claim; thence 11th Ave. and Division St.;. thence west on day of , 19 St. to E. 1st Ave.; thence west on E. Ist Ave. north along said east line to the northeast N.W. 11th Ave. to N.W. Ash St.; thence to N.E. Adams St ; thence south on N.E. corner oftbe Dorgan Donation Land Claim; north on N.W. Ash St. to N.W. 12th Ave.; Adams SL to S.E. 2nd Ave. and the easterly thence west along the north of the Dorgan thencewestonN.W. 12thAve.toN.W. Benton boundary of James River Corporation; Donation Land Claim to the point of begin- Dr.; thence southwesterly on N.W. Benton thence south along the easterly boundary of ning. Dr. to N.W. 10th Ave.; thence west on N.W. Notary Public. in and for the James River Corporation to the center of the Section IV 10th Ave. to N.W. Elm St.; thence north on State of Washington, Camas Slough; thence west along the Camas Section 1.20.050 of the Camas City Code N.W. Elm St. to N.W. 11th Aveo; thence west Residingat Camas, Washington v �..w.v t4- aneeRorth,ou . - _ _., , ...... gt umuelsoes y�eP-A2uow a ms - on N.W. 11th Ave. to N.W. Ivy Dr.; thence poop tumt ,no6 -oalas a6iel mo onoigl P��` 'slas woapa% southwesterly on N.W. Ivy Dr. to N.W. 10th o3 Pa,aa�iap opla ,ncA a new of . asmoiq g ui awo0 Id�ay �'i 'aulyoew 6uln Ave.; thence west on N.W. 10th Ave. to N:W. 9uianoys to aouaivanuoa aVt4oi uea am Liou>f ayl rJNI/.1 ��i�tg odoq 'layngl Forest Home Rd.; thence northwesterly on PUBLICATION 1 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATION : ORDINANCE NO . RESOLUTION NO . NOTICE WAS RECEIVED BY THE POST RECORD ONop 0 Q DATE ` r AT r FOR PUBLICATION L T- tME UATE SIGNITURE OF PERSON RECEIVING PUBLICATION , /��,