ORD 1996 - . . . ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE appropriating $ 70 , 000 . 00 from the General Fund and from the Growth Management Act ( GMA ) Capital Project Fund , '3'ransportatiUn Impact Fee (T . I . F . ) Account , to pay for the widening of NW Parker a: Street , and amending the Budget of the City of Camas for the year 1got 994 to provide for such expenditure . Off of .. ' WI-IEREAS , the City has heretofore approved the relimilial plat for Parker 4*0 , P yp k r to Estates , and ` WHEREAS , as a condition of approwil of said preliplat , tlae City ud . . •n � ary lreqire that the East one - half of NW` Parker Street be Improved to a 2 - 1 25 - foot one - Half street go width , and WHEREAS , MacKay and MacDonald will construct aortion of the west st one - go I half. of NW Parker Street for future traffic Impact credits and WIIEIZEAS , the proposed I.,Inear Technol (� ies , Inc , site will be rec t ' . . g l cared to off ; . . improve the West ogle - half of NW Parker Street out throe htheir g frontage at the I to cotnmenceizielit of their Phase 2 , • or within six years froin (late of ownership b . . . p y Linear . Technologies , Inc . , and identified route oil the traffic ' Impact fee WHEREAS , NW Parker Street is an ordinance , and lotWI-IEREAS , the canstructiou of the one - Ralf street im � rovenients for t I r lie proposed Linear rI'eehuolagies , Inc . site will benefit public safetyclue to inn ) roved ' I tt afflc flow , and of WIIEREAS , Linear Technologies , I11C . will be responsible fort ' Ott heir t » Ipact fees due to the account, and WIIEREAS , the additional cost for wideningto It of 01 ' e - half of Now Parker Street frons 10 feet to 25 feet is $ 70 , 000 . 00 , and 4 WIIEREAS , there are sufficient undesignated funds in the General Fund 1 and ' designated "I' . I . F . Account funds in the GMA Capital Pro ' ect Fu I 1 nd to pay for such expenditure , NOW , THEREFORE111- IECOUNCILOF THE CITY OF CAMAS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : go It : Ordinance No . t{ (�� : Page 2 1 1 • . Section I The sum of $ 10 , 500 . 00 is Hereby transferioed i fitnd balance the u1adesmated : . . of the General Hund and $ 59 , 500 , 00 from the designated T. I . F. Account, • g pit of the GMA Capital Project Fund to pay for the one - half street Improvements o . ` o • p f NW Parker Street • . • of and are appropriated as follows : Line Item Account No . • Amount Construction Projects 112 00 595 3U0 6 .5to I $ 70 , 000 . 00 Section I1 Ordinance 1965 and the Budget of the Cit of Camas for the year 19 Y y 94 are amended to provide for the aforestated expenditure . Section III This ordinance shall take force and be III effect five S s ( ) da y frons and afte r i is publication according to law . PASSED by the Council and APPROVED b or this Y the Mayor � day of : : . August , 1994 . SIGNEDmetIf . 1 Joe: layolop If KrIt " EST : , Clerk . . ' .*two I . AP + IZO V E Mill for � Y1: elf meaty Aftorney f Affidavit of Publicationget of the Cit of Camas for the year 1994 to y provide for such expenditure . WHEREAS , the City has heretofore ap - proved the preliminary plat for Parker Es - tates , and STATE OF WASHINGTON ) WHEREAS , as a condition of approval of said preliminary plat , the City required COUNTY OF CLARK ) that the East one - half of NW Parker Street be improved to a 25400t one -half street width, and WHEREAS , NsacKay and MacDonald IM i c ha e 1 Gallagher being first duly will construct a portion of the West one - half sworn , depose and say that I am the owner , editor , publisher of The of NW Parker Street for future traffic im - Post-Record, a weekly newspaper . That said newspaper is a legal pact credits , and newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of WHEREAS , the proposed Linear Tech - the superior court in the county in which it is published and it is now nologies , Inc . site will be required to improve and has been for more than six months priorthe West one - half of NW Parker Street to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to , published in the English throughout their frontage at the commence - ment of their Phase 2 , or within six years language continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas , Clark from date of ownership by Linear Technolo - County , Washington , and it is now and during all of said time was gies , Inc . and printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication WHEREAS , NW Parker Street is an iden- tified route on the traffic impact fee ordi - nance , and of said newspaper ; that the WHEREAS , the construction of the one - half street improvements for the proposed Ordinance > c Linear Technologies , Inc . site will benefit safety due to / improved traffic flow , ,and p a WHEREAS , Linear Technologies,; Inc . will be responsible for their. impact fees due to the account , and WHEREAS , the additional cost for wid - a printed copy of which is hereto annexed , was published in the ening of one - half of NW Parker Street from entire issue of said newspaper for successive and 10 feet to 25 feet is $70 , 000 . 00 and consecutive weeks in the following issues . WHEREAS , there are sufficient undesignated funds in the General Fund and August 30 , 1994 designated T . I . F . Account funds in the GMA Issue date Capital Project Fund to pay for such expen - diture , NOW , THEREFORE , THE COUNCIL Issue date OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DOES OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS . Section I Issue dateThe sum of $ 10 , 500 . 00 is hereby trans - ferred from the undesignated fund balance of the General Fund and $59 , 500 from the designated T . I . F . Account of the GMA Capi - Issue date tal Fund to pay for the one - half street im - provements of NW Parker Street and are appropriated as follows : Issue date Line Item : Construction Projects ; Ac - count No . . 112 00 595 300 65 ; Amount : $ 70 , 000 . 00 Issue date Section II Ordinance 1965 and the Budget of the City of Camas fcr the year 1994 are amended to provide for the aforestated expenditure . The fee charged for the above publication was . Section III This ordinance shall take force and be in 50 . 64 effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publica - $ tion according to law . PASSED by the Council and AP - P PROVED by the Mayor this 22nd day of August , 1994 . NJ qVivilballpar P lisher ORDINANCE NO . 1996 SIGNED : Dean A . Dossett , Mayor AN ORDINANCE appropriating ATTEST : /s/ Dale E . Scarbrough $ 70 , 000 . 00 from the General Fund and from Clerk the Growth Management Act ( GMA) Capi - APPROVED as to form . Subscribed and sworn to before me this tal Project Fund , Transportation Impact Fee / s/ Roger D . Knapp (T . I . F . ) Account , to pay for the widening of City Attorney NW Parker Street , and amending the Bud - No . 3517- August 30 , 1994 day of 19 Notary Public in and for the Sate of Washington , r Residing at Camas , Washington 1044 PP