ORD 2634 ORDINANCE NO . ®2fo AN ORDINANCE adopting the budget for the City of Camas , Washington , for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 2012 WHEREAS , the Mayor of the City of Camas , Washington completed and placed on file with the City Clerk a proposed budget and estimate of the amount of the monies required to meet the public expenses , bond retirement and interest , reserve funds and expenses of government of said City for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 2012 , and a notice was published that the Council of said City would meet on the 5th day of December , 2011 at the hour of 7 : 00 p . m . at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said City for the purpose of making and adopting a budget for said fiscal year and giving taxpayers within the limits of said City an opportunity to be heard upon said budget ; and WHEREAS , the said City Council did meet at said times and place and did then consider the matter of said proposed budget ; and WHEREAS , the said proposed budget does not exceed the lawful limit of taxation allowed by law to be levied on the property within the City of Camas for the purposes set forth in said budget , and the estimated expenditures set forth in said budget being all necessary to carry on the government of said City for said year and being sufficient to meet the various needs of said City during said period . NOW , THEREFORE , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I The required appropriation and expenditures for the various funds and departments in the General Fund and needs for the operation of government of the City of Camas , for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 2012 , as set forth in said budget and which is hereby adopted , are fixed in the following amounts , to wit , FUND DEPARTMENT AMOUNT General Legislative 86 , 100 Judicial 2652000 Executive 226 , 144 Financial 8 Record Services 690 , 138 Legal 103 , 600 Human Resources 166 , 211 Central Services 144 , 576 Other General Government Services 165 , 179 Law Enforcement 421252263 Fire Department 2 , 943 , 086 Detention and / or Correction 492553 Protective Inspections 403 , 377 Emergency Services 17 , 000 Information Systems 471 , 915 Engineering 8v Administration 1 , 308 , 671 Animal Control 942000 Information and Outreach 6 , 400 Planning and Community Development 456 , 289 Senior Programs 3 , 000 Library 122912428 Parks and Recreation 1 , 386 , 855 Interfund Transfer to Street Dept , 1 , 061 , 039 Interfund Transfer to EMS Fund 84 , 939 Interfund Transfer to Cemetery Fund 1139194 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 16 J05 ) 957 FUND AMOUNT City Street Fund 1 , 976 , 739 NW 38th Ave Construction Fund 4 , 400 , 000 Emergency Rescue Fund 228412447 Cemetery Fund 1882344 Hotel - Motel Lodging Tax Fund 52000 Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund 624 , 011 Limited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption 5631520 Growth Management Act Capital Project Fund 1 , 613 , 520 Storm Water Drainage Utility Fund 9852214 City Sanitary Fund 1 , 948 , 910 Water - Sewer Fund 8 , 585 , 886 Waste Water Treatment Plant Construction Fund 0 Water - Sewer Capital Reserve Fund 0 Equipment Rental Fund 1 , 378 , 476 Firemen ' s Pension Fund 25 , 000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 41 , 242 , 024 SECTION II That certain document entitled " Budget 2012 " for the year beginning January 1 , 2012 , two ( 2 ) copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk , and the same is hereby adopted as the budget for the City of Camas for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 2012 . SECTION III The City Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of the budget hereby adopted to the State Auditor ' s Office and to Municipal Research and Services Center . SECTION IV This ordinance shall be in force and take effect five ( 5 ) days after its publication according to law . 00 PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the 140ayor this day of December 2011 . SIGNED : ATTEST . APPROV $D 'Ovs fo � ' City Attorney CITY OF CAMAS , WASHINGTON TABLE OF CONTENTS 2012 Budget Message i Budget Calendar 1 City Organization Chart 2 Employees ( Full Time Equivalents ) 3 2012 Budget Summary 4 Combined Summary of Revenues , Appropriations and Other Financing Sources and Uses by Fund 5 Summary of Estimated Appropriations by Fund 7 Schedule of Operating Transfers / General Fund Fund Balance 8 General Fund Three Year Projections 9 Street Fund Three Year Projections 13 General Fund Summary/ Revenue Detail 14 Sales Tax and Property Tax Revenue/ Fund Balance 17 Administration Organization Chart 18 Legislative 19 Executive 21 Legal 23 Human Resources Organization Chart 24 Human Resources 25 Information Systems 28 Parks and Recreation Organization Chart 31 Parks and Recreation 32 Information and Outreach 36 Senior Programs 37 Growth Management 38 Financial and Records Services Organization Chart 43 Financial and Record Services 44 Other General Governmental Services 47 Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds 48 TABLE OF CONTENTS Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds 50 Firemen ' s Pension 53 Police Organization Chart 54 Judicial 55 Law Enforcement 57 Detention and Correction 63 Animal Control 64 Fire Organization Chart 65 Fire Control 66 Emergency Services 71 Emergency Rescue 72 Department Personnel Schedule 77 2011 and 2012 FTE - 78 Library Organization Chart 79 Library 80 Community Development Organization Chart 84 Administration 85 Engineering 87 Planning 89 Protective Inspections 91 Hotel Motel Lodging Tax 94 Public Works Organization Chart 95 Central Services 96 City Street 97 NW 38th Avenue Construction Fund 101 Cemetery 102 Storm Water Drainage Utility 104 City Sanitary 107 Water Sewer 109 WWTP — PWTF Construction Fund 115 Water- Sewer Capital Reserve 116 Equipment Rental 117 2012 BUDGET MESSAGE From Mayor Scott Higgins To Council and Citizens This presents a fourth consecutive recession budget , as we see local signs of " the turn " . This message is to accompany the full 2012 budget document . The message provides highlights . The 2012 budget for the City of Camas retains adequate service for the citizens of Camas in another year of budget stress and caution . Service levels are stable and City staffing levels will slightly decline . However , citizens will continue to benefit: from a balanced array of municipal services at adequate levels . We see signs of local economic growth ; and continue to invest in the City ' s infrastructure and economic future . At least locally , we are seeing further evidence of economic strengthening , which appears to have begun in some sectors in 2010 . We may see some limited effects of this rebound in the City finances as 2012 proceeds . Since City revenues typically " trail " the economy generally , the budget again cautiously does not yet project major recovery . The actual evidence of strengthening will be more visible when the facts of increased sales , property and development revenues for late ' 11 and early ' 12 are in hand . We will need to observe local conditions carefully , monitor our budgets , actively promote economic growth , competently embrace opportunities and be flexible as we respond in 2012 and beyond . The proposed " fourth recession budget " meets several continuing goals , including . 1 ) Provide an adequate , austere , balanced array of services . 2 ) Use existing revenue streams ; with no new taxes . 3 ) Preserve a base level of General Fund reserves ( about 17 % ) , consistent with adopted financial policies and acceptable to the City Council . 4 ) Invest in the City ' s future , consistent with adopted plans , with especially using grant and other favorable " outside " funding sources . In the proposed budget an austere approach to ongoing expenses is taken . The operating budgets are " flat " . This especially applies to staffing levels . Staffing levels are essentially unchanged . The minor reductions are through attrition , continuing re - organization , and consolidation of duties . In contrast with staffing and operational levels , the City ' s capital investment program continues its robust course . A variety of capital projects are favorably financed , and include completion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II project , construction of the 38th Avenue Extension project , design of a water reservoir , and other street , lighting , water and sewer projects . The major street program the arterial /collector street rehabilitation effort is again funded with Real Estate Excise Tax ( REET ) revenues . The very large state highway SR- 14 Safety project will continue into 2012 , financed with state funds . The budget is constructed within a framework which balances needs with community expectations and revenues . The General Fund depends largely on property tax revenues , which have declined very sharply in the past three years . This was " driven " by virtually unprecedented and serious declines in assessed value (AV' ) . The declines were $ 91t million ( or 2 . 8 % ) for the 2009 year , $ 401 million ( 12 . 7 % ) for 2010 , and $ 193 million ( 7 % ) for 2011 . For 2012 , we see a turn , wherein new construction value of approximately $ 50 million , has almost fully offset a modest decline in the value of all other taxable property in Camas . This 1 vs, ZtT7 r dSZ; .., .�i1,SC"37,v , is positive for many reasons . The new construction , including major additions from businesses , is strong . The AV decline in the existing property has moderated . It is important to note that the annual official assessed value calculation by the Assessor ' s Office is a " snapshot" in time . The AV " snapshot " is as of January 1 of each year . In the fall of 2012 , the tax base AV information for the next budget year of 2013 will become available . Will the evidence and - analysis show that in the winter and spring of 201 0 - 1 1 the local market " turned " and assessed value began to recover ? Future assessed value is conjecture . Two major , positive facts have benefited the proposed 2012 budget . First , the Police Station bonded debt is fully repaid . The building was constructed with itcouncilmanic " bonded debt , of about $ 300 , 000 per year , for a 15 -year period . These funds now are released to support the array of General Fund purposes . Second , the " BEET Flexibility Legislation " ( HB 1953 ) passed in the 2011 Legislative Session and became law . Camas sought this legislative change , acknowledge Representative Rivers for her active support of this change , and the 2012 budget proposes to use $ 250 , 000 in REST ( Real Estate Excise Tax ) funding to support the operation and maintenance of City facilities . The REET transfer helps us maintain our parks , and protect those investments , as the legislation intended . Looking to the future-2012 and beyond there are grounds for both optimism and / or for caution . The local economy gives evidence of economic strengthening . As 2011 closes , one notes that building is diverse in the community . This is across a spectrum of development , including residential , commercial , industrial and public construction . Initial activities of the new Camas -Washougal Economic Development Association bring reports of wide contacts , business recruitment and development , and future possibilities . This three party collaboration between Camas , Washougal and the Port has great potential , and will require sustained partnership for the regional economic benefit . There is also some renewed funding for the Downtown Camas Association ( DCA ) , supporting DCA ' s role in economic vitality and downtown health . In the residential arena , we now expect that upwards of 100 plus permits will be issued in 2012 . This contrasts with 74 and 70 in " low" prior years . The commercial , office , industrial sector has significant 2012 potentials . The Fisher Development five story office building was occupied in the past weeks . Upwards of 350 employees are expected to be accommodated in that first phase building . Two smaller structures are permitted and under construction on the Fisher Campus . More development of this complex may happen in the new year . An office building in the Camas Meadows area is nearing completion , and will house about 20 plus professional accounting personnel . Sharp has been issued permits for improvements at its site ; and Sharp has publically announced the related addition of new employees to its Camas site . Other existing firms appear to be considering investments in Camas , and we are encouraged by this . Public construction in 2012 will include major SR- 14 improvements , construction of the Woodburn Hill Elementary School , and completion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant project . Employment has rebounded at a wide variety of established firms . PeaceHealth will take the initial steps increasing its nearby employment . As Fisher , Logitech and others expand their well paid local workforces , the " ripple effects " of employment on housing activity , values , sales taxes , and other economic impacts are quite likely and very positive . The trend for City sales tax revenues is consistent and upward . It appears that sales tax trends " turned " in the winter/ spring of 2010 , we now have fully 12 consecutive months of sales tax increases ( based on " same month , prior year comparisons ) . All of these are reasons for " guarded local optimism " . 11 Paradoxically , the wider scene is unclear , uncertain and indicates caution . It is remarked that government is a " trailing indicator" of the economy , and there are numerous reminders of this . As an example , the housing shock of sharply falling values began in 2008 , and has " rippled through " to local governments in the form of unprecedented declines in assessed values and related property tax revenues . The Washington State Budget received another negative revenue forecast in September , and a special session is slated for a late November response . Predicting any direct or indirect effects of this on local City budgets is a foolish errand . We do know of several favorable capital project steps taken by state , regional and federal agencies which affect Camas projects . Here are four important illustrations of this phenomenon : - - Camas ' s 38th Street project has been recommended by the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council ( RTC ) for $ 1 , 400 , 000 in Surface Transportation Program ( STP ) grant funding . --The Crown Road Reservoir project has been approved by the Washington State Public Works Board for $ 2 , 040 , 000 in favored loan ( one - half percent interest , 20 -year term ) funding . This project is in a statewide " package " of public works projects to be recommended to the Governor and 2012 Legislature . We anticipate design of the reservoir in 2012 , and construction in 2013 . - -The Sewer Main Replacement project has also been approved by the Public Works Board and recommended to the next legislative session . This project is recommended for $ 3 , 740 , 000 in favored loan ( one - half percent interest , 20 - year term ) funding . This project will need extensive permitting and design work , leading to construction in 2014 . - -The Watershed Line and Filter Plant project was the subject of careful consultant alternatives review , recommendation and Council discussion . Further preliminary planning steps for this are funded in the utility budget proposal , and initiatives to secure a fitting , favorable funding match for this major long -term project have begun . These capital investments and other smaller ones are in the budget , and represent investment in our future . How their " outside funding " prospects will be influenced by events in the region , state , and nation are unpredictable . Our strategic approach is to insure that we have solid , needed , properly planned local projects , a good reputation with the funding sources , and a practice which is nimble , reliable , and competent . Camas looks to the future with vision , and invests capital for the next decades of prosperity . We are a confident organization in a nervous environment . Staffing . Another highlight is the staffing elements of the budget . As noted , staffing is stable . " No layoffs/ no adds " is the shorthand . The staffing pattern is flat - a projected 175 ( FTEs ) . The staffing ratio ( FTEs per thousand inhabitants ) declines under this budget to a bit under nine ( FTEs ) per thousand ( 175 FTEs divided by 19 , 620 official 2011 population ) for all funds . With stable staffing and population growth , the ratio of General Fund ( FTEs ) to population declines to 5 . 9 per thousand ( 2011 ) to about 5 . 7 per thousand . Camas General Fund staffing levels are like the levels of 2003 - 2005 , which were reached in the wake of the last major recession . Meanwhile , the community has grown from about 15 , 000 people to over 19 , 620 in population . Since staff costs are a huge driver of overall costs especially in the General Fund , the " difficult times , difficult budget " restrains staffing . The Budget includes salary and benefit costs for all proposed # employees . The City and three of its contract groups have signed agreements for 2012 . The agreements call for 1 % increases in salaries ; and have included medical insurance premium sharing provisions which increase the employee ' s share of these costs . Contract talks with the Police Association and the IAFF ( Fire / EMS ) groups have begun for the 2012 year and potentially beyond . These talks . . . 111 . have not come to conclusion at this writing . The medical insurance premium increases are continuing , although they have moderated somewhat from the 2011 rates of increase . For the Regence plan , the increase is 11 % , offset partially by a 2 % Wellness Program credit . For the Kaiser plan , the 2012 increase is about 6 . 5 % . Also , Public Employee Retirement Plan employer contributions for PERS employees are scheduled to increase again in 2012 . These increases are legislated , and the increases have been structured into the proposed budget . Overall , personnel costs constitute the bulk of the General Fund ' s costs . Salaries and fringe benefits for the entire General Fund constitute fully 72 % of the expenditures . In the Fire and Police Departments , the trend is especially striking . In the Fire Department , personnel costs are 88 % of the budget . In the Police Department , personnel costs constitute 83 % of the budget . Reserves . Estimating reserves is a complex and uncertain task . Caution guides our foresight . Staff estimates in a broad range or band for the General Fund ( GF ) December 31 , 2011 , ending fund balance . The consensus Administration / Finance estimate is between $ 3 . 3 and $ 3 . 8 million . The financial goals and Council goal of preserving 17 % of GF in reserve are met across this forecasted band . Using the mid - point of the range , and the proposed 2012 General Fund ' s proposed revenues and expenditures , the ending 2012 GF balance would be upwards of $ 3 . 1 million . Despite the vagaries of estimating , the important point is that adequate reserves are set aside and protected in this budget . The Council ' s 17 % goal is " structured into " the budget . The proposed budget estimates that $ 336 , 778 in GF reserves will be programmed to balance the 2012 GF . This is from a conservatively estimated balance of $ 3 . 4 million . The total amount of reserves ( $ 3M + ) is substantial . The fact that the past three years have seen stabilization of the reserve " drawdown " is reassuring . Expenditures and revenues will continue to be closely monitored , with a recommended major spring budget review . Capital . Many scheduled elements of the Capital Facilities Plan ( CFP ) are in the budget . The City is able to continue a Street Rehabilitation project , funded with $ 300 , 000 in REET revenues . Several other capital projects are funded with " outside " grants , and favored loans . The largest of these is the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade , Phase II , which includes an additional clarifier . Here is a list of top capital projects for 2012 , with budgeted amounts for that year : 2012 Top Ten Capital Projects NW 38th Ave Street construction $ 4 , 400 , 000 Joy to wastewater treatment plant bypass design 400 , 000 Roadway Preservation 300 , 000 Reservoir Design — Gregg Zone 300 , 000 Major upgrades to pump stations system wide 250 , 000 Crown Park ADA Sidewalks 160 , 000 Open space acquisition 150 , 000 Goodwin Road trailhead parking 80 , 000 NW 38th Ave waterline extension 80 , 000 Heritage Park conversion 75 , 000 As a budgeting practice , generally items which are dependent of grant funding for which grants are not yet assured are excluded from the budget . As grant or other outside funding is secured and /or necessary agreements with cooperating agencies are prepared , project budget appropriations will come forward for Council action . 1V Capital Invest mauga t 13 3 The follow ' ng chart depicts hlstorlc levels of capital inves " ment . Capital Improvements 2014 - 2012 Actual and Budgeted $14 , 57244118 . 4 , 000 , 000 _ ?` 7000 . 000 i Or V' oO r000 ....._.... _, _� aA74s.95 S 4 t000 , OOO -57 2.1.$4-4-2-2 - - - - $7-j366r>0A/-'- i r y 163 7000 0000qP 2 . 000 , 000 - - -- - - 2004 2005 100 ? 0t�i � LOOS Z00 � 201020 � � ZOO 7 million in capa onvestm � nts are reflected in she 2012 budget . � Pais � fp J represents a strong and impo lanst leve B of capital investment on communityonfrastruclureo ooli �l infrastructure investment has proven a fundamental of a strong local economy and a very livable community , 01ther Highfoghtsm Economic Devellopmenvt Partnership ,, � he � � � budget in the Community Development Department � includes 50 , 000 towards an East County Economic �� evelopmenjt Partnership . This os the second year of funding for this ir� otlatoveo rhe partnerrs include the Pon of camas4lashougaB , and the city of \/\Jashougalo Thos timely cooperatoon to focus and promote Our area ' s economy ' s undenAjay , and has been the subject of updates and reports . he cooperating partners have also budgeted funding toward this e •forat9 on the amounts o $ 100 , 000 for the Port and $ 50 , 000 for Washougal . councll has received periodic quipdates on this prospective economic initiartove , and an onfterlocal agreement between the part �iers has been adopted and implemented. The partnership aims 't0 promote and grow Our feast Clark countY economy , w ' th galas in employmen �� , Investment , 'pax base , and cOr� r� �.� f� it �� votali � �;� o merge � � � � � o � » LP IHr U � ��� Irma T he E NAS budget faces the most difficult and con� ple � set of challenges ° Assessed value declines ire prior years have placed big stresses on this quality senvicen ' s financing . For 2012 , an estimated Q� 150 , 000 on system reserves woll be neededto balances By finance - ' epartrnent estimates , this jill exhaust she systems reserves in 2012 . The proposed budget ' s adminostratove charge for 2012 is $ 133 , 24. Basel on current estornates Of system revenues including assessed value taeXes of the partner jurisdictions and fee revenues a portion o •f the administrative charge is proposed Efor deferralu Such deferrals have been done twice in the past t,jvo decades . The specifics or the deferral include an intentk nd loan , memorialized on a resolution adopated by the city Councolo The estimated lean amount is $ 85 , 000 . As definitive information about property, tax ( AV ) revenues becomes avaolae the loan amount may be adj busted to reflect this ° As 2012 proceeds , the V EMS system will see the further results of the " trial consolidation " initiative implemented in the fall of 2011 . Further efficiencies are expected with the cooperation of the partners and full team . Further options for partnerships are under study as we enter 2012 . After analysis and discussion , more action will be needed . The Camas EMS levy will expire at the end of 2012 , and this will " push " study and action . There is recognition that the system ' s financing needs attention of the partners . Recognizing the impact of sharp assessed value revenue declines , and the value of the EMS system , the City of Washougal took very significant steps . Concurrent with the beginning of the " trial consolidation " , Washougal a ) hired an additional fire department staff member to help with coverage ; b ) supplemented the EMS revenues with a $ 95 , 000 cash payment ; and c ) purchased a new ambulance . These very important actions and the collaboration with the Washougal City leadership in these matters is gratefully acknowledged . The helpful cooperation of the system employees and their union representatives is also appreciated . The focused " problem - solving " work of Chiefs Brachmann , Swinhart and Schumacher contributed to the daunting task of "righting this ship " More work , problem - solving and cooperation ( ie ahead in 2012 , which must be a year of further action . More broadly , the option of " functionally consolidating " fire services for the two communities is under continuing study . The potential options could lead to forming a Regional Fire Authority for Camas and Washougal . This examination of options is being done by a broadly based committee , including the Mayors , Fire Chiefs and two Council members from each City . Their work has been assisted by Mr . Paul Lewis . These discussions and deliberations will continue into 2012 . Further cooperation and partnership between the two Fire Departments could take many forms , building on the current interlocal agreements , mutual aid , and working relationships . Also , an even wider ( potentially county-wide ) fire consolidation series of options has been analyzed . With the study costs borne by others , the Emergency Services Consulting International firm has examined more expansive options . A draft of ESCI ' s study has been released ( early October ) and is being reviewed by the " stakeholders " . Additional reports and " check- ins " with the two City Councils are expected on all these matters in the new year . Formation of a Regional Fire Authority would ultimately be a question for the voters to decide , if the committee finds it a feasible recommended model . The most pressing matter is the review of the EMS system , and the challenge of finding the best , sustainable " path forward " to assure that our citizens have good Emergency Medical Service . Austerity measures . To construct the four " recession budgets " of 200 & 2012 , a long and continuing series of austerity measures , curtailments and cuts were implemented . There has been great reliance on the departments and the department directors in the internal prioritization of expenditures to be included ( and excluded ) from the budgets . There are many , many examples of the reductions and deferrals which were made to construct these budgets . The sharpest reductions were implemented in 2011 , and those have helped to focus our services and expenses and form the base of the proposed 2012 budget . Fortunately , we appear to have reached a steady point . Perhaps we have unknowingly witnessed " the turn " . In the coming months , we may see more clearly what we now only sense . We will remain watchful , nimble , and engaged . A special spring budget session is recommended for an updated review . Vl REVDEV (l rod Ix hmt P r (,t( P �ifco sad 20012 Gle ,aral F � �� � U y � � The recommended appropriation for the General Fund in 2012 is approximately $ 16 . 1 Milliono General FLyn ADOPTE ED PROPOSED INCREASE 2011 2012 ( DECREASE ) Operating Programs $ 157695 , 084 $ 1599855957 � 2005373 Capital 95 ,0 _120 0 , ' 0 25 , 000 Total $ 15279090004 167105 , 957 3155373 n f' � � `;� �9 sin � � rro �, . �� << � � � n o r �� J � 1= rnd!7, Tie proposed 2012 budget for all funds is 41 million ; $ 3 rnil1 on less than budgeted Toy 2011 (� i " all mfunds " app �ro � �riaations are reflectde of capo �tal project appropniritionsincVuding wafter/ sewer capital pro jems ( estimatead at $ 7 million ) as well as the utility , unc dons ( 10en McXuse collection , eater , sewer , etc . ) and the General Fund . Forty two percent ( 42 % ) of the enatire " all funds " 2012 budget is allocated to personnel salaries and benefits City employment in 2011 was 175 ° 42 FTEs , and is estimated at 174 . 84 in 2012 . Thiis a stable staff to senje a growingpopulafttiono The staffing levels benefit from the co - operative agreements for serviceFrith the � H. of Washougale Approximately $ 33 , 330 is allocated for uniform and clothing allowances . The budget , as prepared , reflects the known costs of personnel under existing collective bargaining agreements . Staffing flexibility �mithin related cVassifications , as detailed in prior biud ,y et messages , continuieso Traorfong . U raining is irportanto Limited training , especially relal: ed 0, Keeping required certifications and current professional s , ills and IrnoA,\jledge is included in this budget . The training pro disios� s are not rob �y9 st or substantial , however are included in modest amounts ° irofessional updates increase competency and efficiency , help Dur ability to attract Iarge " outside funding " and bolster liffie professionalism of camas ' teams . Retirer� r s. and XPi scrW� o � nanrrz . our City worU �force is aging ,lith fe ��,r new hires i �r� the past severaV years , and lour turn over rates ( about 4 % per year oder the past decade ) , the average age of the staff is increasing . Although no senior staff has declared retirement plans for 2012 , these possibslt9es exist . This is especially true afor long tes= m staff h0 is fully vested in Washington PuPolic I' etiremes� t pr�ograa�nsa Up to an esti �r� ated 10 % of our WO to may be eligible for retirement or early retirement . In the absence of declared retire -nent plans , budget provisions are made for such retirements , r ,e9ated costs such as sick leave cash outs , and / or related recruitment s o Provision "he rye , ire. gent " cash = Wt " of ' he estimated vacation and partial sicl leave balances for One declared 2012 retirement are prudently carried in the Police budget . The ISR budget includes NO funding for assisted recruitments . Deduced le- eels of other personnel act ' vities ( recraL.ijtments , 'transfers , summer hires , etc . ) are foreseen and budgeted . UUP LDE 598 E RAJ/ C �i=j 1D C H Lu\G E 50 i �gtees� and nine tenths percent ( 16 . 7 % ) of the " all funds " 2012 budget is related to supplies , seNices5 as� d charges . Detailed information on the categories listed beloiv can be V ound in the body of the budget document : Professional services 289, 736 Intergovernmental Service-, s X9117, !D0) O * Public Utilities $ 1 , 505, C> 3 ® Supplies (includes chemicals) $ 15 285, 775 Vehicle Rai, ntenance/PYei $ 376, zr.l 116 Repair o.r.7) �� c9 61 ai. $ 606, 466) Insurance $ 435v 0 0 Small TocC, $ 28�!� 0 0nc odes a' correcLo �is , and couilit expenses . [Inc odes so0I ��a �� s � e LopiC piping Bees . DP- URLC � �NDMID � ane percent ( 0 % ) o � she " a , funds " C� uo9ge 'r does � o �� �� rd deCD) t repayment for the current year . General obOcgaflon debi repayntien I 'Lora s $ 1 , 1i 87 , 531 for 2012 and revec sue o (31 ' gat on debt, for 2012 to 'La s ' 2 , 50! 4111 , 22 70 SL 11 V " ly gimes rerna n d &f ;� Ccu L . �� ETIs � s a fourth " recession budget 990 The s o Camas �� `� �_� udge � os stab e , manred vvfi Ci steady sere ces and oap1taE [Investment. The Fong kp\f neer of 20111 m �n o � �� C� oc� �� so �� C� ' o Eye seen � s Co _ E eooc� omlC ani E� � �� ; e urncc � C oc �� ' o lis � e o �� s ` � L he founda `oons of _` ut lre prosper 'Ity and prese �p is clur ooiFv� �� un' % V ' s � ava,3C � ' ,R t , we have �Onan I advaniageso The commune y C as c� �� o V , Deadersh'p , and vasaon . Ou Cease o �o citizens and bus �� sses cs stiPo �� o Cama e � e � s Vc o ��� n� a y ooCC �� C � oep � o �� e C �� �� � ie �psC� ' C� so �` is have an abQ � o �� confidence [ n our p o le , o �P aEc� es and our �� cpeo S ' ncere0 ii, Scot ' E=Eoggons Mayor V1 City of Camas , Washington Calendar for the 2012 Budget Date Steps in Budget Procedure Finance Director distributes instructions and July 15 , 2011 forms to departments for 2012 budget preparation . Departments file 2 copies of their budget , September 2 , 2011 one to City Administrator and one to Finance Director . Finance Department projects revenues and Sept 7 , 2011 compiles first draft of prelimina budget . City Administrator and Finance Director Sept 7 — Sept 20 , 2011 conduct departmental hearings to determine budget to be presented by the Mayor to the City Council . Proposed preliminary budget distributed to September 26 , 2011 the City Council . Council reviews proposed 2012 budget at October 3 , 2011 workshop . Mayor and City Administrator prepare Sept 26 — Oct 17 , 2011 budget message , Finance Department compiles proposed October 24 , 2011 budget document and distributes to the City Council for their review . Council holds workshop to review and November 7 , 2011 discuss proposed 2012 budget . Proposed budget document is available to the public . Publish notice of tax levy hearing and Nov 8 and Nov 15 , 2011 statement of availability of proposed budget by November 16 , 2011 . Council option of additional workshop review November 21 , 2011 and discuss pro osed 2012 budget , Council holds public hearing and passes November 21 , 2011 ordinance fixing 2012 tax levy . Finance Director notifies Clark County Assessor and County Commissioners of tax levy , November 22 , 2011 Post preliminary budget on website . Nov 22 and Nov 29 , 2011 Publish notice of budget hearing . Council holds budget hearing ; can be December 5 , 2011 continued to subsequent council meetings in December . Council passes 2012 budget and budget December 2011 ordinance is published . 1 IV CITY OF CAMAS Citizens Board of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adjustment Council Mayor Planning City Commission Administrator Park Library , Board Board 9 Community Human Public Parks and Library Development Finance Resources Fire Police Works Recreation N Circulation - Planning Finance and Personnel Suppression Records Central I d d Recreation Desk Accounting Services Services mm Research Engineering City Clerk and Geographic Prevention Investigation Cemetery Facility HE: J i Public Records Info Systems Grounds Rentals Cataloging Building Accounts Information Ambulance and Patrol Streets Swimming Permitting Receivable ESystems Emergency Aid Pool Plan Purchasing and Desktop and User Inspections Traffic Stormwater General Reviews Accounts Payable Support/Training Utility Parks Protective =and easury Network/Project Crime Sanitation �E Inspections Debt Management Prevention Budget Teleco, Internet Code Water- Sewer Voicemail & Email Enforcement liqPayroll Web Development Court Equipment and Maintenance Rental %%' H Risk System, Data & Management A plication Mgmt Cemetery Data Protection Services and Recovery Parking Ticket Research and Collections Development CITY OF CAMAS , WASHINGTON Employees ( Full Time Equivalents ) Nine Years 2004 = 2012 DEPARTMENT 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Executive 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 45 1 . 45 1 . 45 1 . 45 Finance 7 . 00 7 . 25 8200 8 . 00 8 . 00 7 . 88 8 . 00 7 . 75 7 . 75 Personnel 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 10 1 . 15 1 . 15 1 . 15 1 . 15 Law Enforcement 27 . 48 27 . 70 31 . 00 32 . 00 32 . 00 30 . 67 29 . 70 29 . 70 29 . 70 Fire Control 23 . 40 22 . 90 22 . 40 21 . 50 22 . 08 22 . 20 22 . 20 20 . 90 21 . 10 Detention & Correction 1 . 48 1 . 48 1 . 48 1 . 48 1 . 53 1 . 68 1 . 68 1 . 68 1 . 75 Protective Inspections 5 . 00 5 . 50 6 . 50 6 . 00 6 . 00 4 . 00 4 . 00 4 . 10 4 . 10 Information Systems - 2 . 50 2050 2 . 50 3 . 00 3 . 00 3 . 00 4 . 00 4 . 00 3 . 00 Engineering & Administration 13 . 00 13 . 00 14 . 75 15 . 17 14 . 73 13 . 40 12 . 40 12 . 80 12 . 80 Central Services 0 . 25 0 . 25 0 . 25 0 . 25 0 . 25 0 . 25 0 . 25 0 . 25 0 . 25 Planning 3 . 50 3 . 92 4 . 38 4 . 88 4 . 88 4 . 88 4 . 88 3 . 30 3 . 50 Parks 14 . 05 14 . 51 15 . 99 17 . 28 16 . 86 16 . 14 16 . 14 13 . 59 13 . 62 Downtown Vision Coalition 0 . 30 0 . 20 0 . 13 0 . 13 0 . 13 0 . 13 0 . 13 - - Library 12 . 55 12 . 55 14 . 53 16 . 16 15 . 91 15 . 41 15 . 41 15 . 10 14 . 77 Total General Fund 113 . 00 114 . 25 124 . 39 128 . 33 127 . 95 122 . 22 121 . 38 115 . 77 114 . 94 Street 8 . 17 7 . 88 8 . 38 8 . 38 8 . 53 7 . 74 7 . 44 6 . 55 6 . 50 Cemetery 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 1 . 33 1 . 50 1 . 25 1 . 25 1 . 05 1 . 30 Emergency Rescue 15 . 10 15 . 10 15 . 60 17 . 25 17 . 68 23 . 76 23 . 30 20 . 10 19 . 90 Fisher Basin Storm Water 1 . 00 - - - - - - - - Sanitary 3 . 25 3 . 86 4 . 11 4 . 11 4 . 11 4 . 11 4 . 11 4 . 10 4 . 10 Water- Sewer 16 . 00 16 . 53 17 . 34 17 . 84 17 . 84 19 . 00 19 . 00 19 . 25 19 . 50 Storm Drainage Utility - 2 . 33 2 . 20 2 . 70 2080 3 . 05 4 . 35 4 . 50 4 . 50 Equipment Rental 4 . 50 4 . 53 4 . 11 4 . 11 4 . 11 4 . 05 4 . 05 4 . 10 4 . 10 TOTALS 161 . 01 164 . 48 176 . 13 184 . 05 184 . 52 185 . 18 184 . 88 175 . 42 174 . 84 POPULATION 155360 153460 15 , 880 169280 163700 169950 173210 195620 20 , 100 Est . POPULATION GROWTH FROM General Fund FTE per Thousand Population 2004 THROUGH 2012 12 . 00 209000 -� - - - - - - 10 . 50 18 , 000 l 16 , 000 - ' 9 . 00 14 , 000 0o 7 . 50 am =a 123000 - CD 6 . 00 - J am 10 , 000 - W D 83000 FM 4 . 50 - 0 69000 LL a 3 . 00 4 , 000 - 1 . 50 2 , 000 - 0 0 . 00 - Mt L0 o r� o co o) r- .� 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 � T cn o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N TM YEARS YEARS N N 3 City of Camas , Washington 2012 Budget Summary Revenues Classified by Source 2010 2011 2012 Adopted Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Budget Taxes $ 14 , 385 , 636 141025 , 602 $ 14 , 026 , 011 Licenses and Permits 3557400 636 , 530 524 , 800 Intergovernmental Revenues 593937605 415043879 31720 , 150 Charges for Services 145046 , 383 1417287667 1417311437 Fines and Forfeits 2817500 2485700 266 , 800 Miscellaneous Revenues 17617 , 072 17595 , 049 11631 , 650 Other Income 125292 550 , 000 2505000 Other Financing Sources 15 , 4707235 11 , 229 , 514 51022 , 692 Budgeted Fund Balance 316977074 11670 , 264 110382484 Total Revenues $ 55 , 259 , 197 $ 49 , 189 , 205 $ 41 , 212 , 024 Expenditures by Function 2010 2011 2012 Adopted Amended Proposed Budget Budget Budget General Government Services $ 21168 , 870 $ 271687870 $ 23268 , 084 Security of Persons and Property 1018257522 107825 , 522 1078227726 Physical Environment 107016 , 241 10 , 016 , 241 992859477 Transportation 17515 , 476 17515 , 476 2 , 391 , 215 Economic Environment 663 , 160 6635160 467 , 689 Mental and Physical Health 43000 4 , 000 5 , 100 Culture and Recreation 2 , 624 , 907 21624 , 907 21601 , 283 Debt Service 31835 , 284 37835 , 284 3 , 7271758 Capitalized Expenses 18 , 722 , 234 187722 , 234 2 , 360 , 000 Road and Street Construction 159133229 1 , 913 , 229 418607000 Other Financing Uses 27970 , 274 21970 , 274 214221692 Total Expenditures / Expenses $ 55 , 259 , 197 $ 557259 , 197 $ 41 , 212 , 024 $ 283000 , 000 $ 241000 , 000 2012 Proposed Expenditures $ 20 , 0007000 --- -- - - - - -- - - -- - - $ 163 000 , 000 - -- -- $ 12 , 000 , 000 --- - $ 8 , 000 , 000 - - - - -- - $ 43000 , 000 $ 0 05 0� 05 4i 6 �'`�o o��o� ��\to ���o �J\�o •`oma root o�,�� �'}Q o���t �G\�� o , Goe� o� C pro C� Q- 4 City of Carnas , Washington 2012 Annual Budget Combined Summary of Revenues , Appropriations , and Other Financing Sources and Uses by Fund SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Debt General City Emergency Hotel - Motel Service Fund Streets Rescue Lodging Tax Cemetery Funds Appropriated Fund Balance $ 3361778 $ 50 , 000 $ 150 , 000 $ - $ - REVENUES . 310 Taxes 11 , 908 , 000 - 8891000 57000 - 624 , 011 320 Licenses & Permits 5241800 - - - - - 330 Intgovt . Revenues 5771450 560 , 000 762 , 700 - - - 340 Chgs . for Services 21095 , 229 51000 943 , 208 - 49 , 000 - 350 Fines & Forfeits 256 , 800 - 101000 - - - 360 Misc . Revenues 116 , 900 700 11600 - 17150 - Total Est , Revenues 15 , 479 , 179 565 , 700 21606 , 508 51000 507150 6241011 370 Other Income - - - - - - 380 Other Non - Revenues - - - - - - 390 Other Est , Fin . Source 841939 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - Loan Proceeds - - - - - - Sale of Capital Assets - - - - - - Transfers In 290 , 000 11361 , 039 - - 123 , 194 5631520 Total Est . Resources $ 16 , 105 , 957 $ 11976 , 739 $ 218417447 $ 51000 $ 173 , 344 $ 11187 , 531 APPROPRIATIONS : 510 General Govt . Services $ 21243 , 084 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 520 Sec . of Person & Prop 71981 , 279 - 2 , 841 , 447 - - - 530 Physical Environ . 114331350 - - - 163 , 344 - 540 Transportation - 11516 , 739 - - - - 550 Economic Environ . 4621689 - - 51000 - - 560 Mental & Phy . Health 51100 - - - - - 570 Culture & Recreation 21601 , 283 - - - - - 591 Debt Service - - - - 111871531 594 Capitalized Exp . 120 , 000 - - - 10 , 000 - 595 Road & Street Const . - 460 , 000 - - - - Total Appropriations 14 , 846 , 785 11976 , 739 21841 , 447 51000 173 , 344 111877531 Est , Other Financing Uses : Transfers Out 11259 , 172 - - - - - Total Estimated Uses $ 161105 , 957 $ 119767739 $ 21841 , 447 $ 51000 $ 173 , 344 $ 11187 , 531 5 Combined Summary of Revenues , Appropriations , and Other Financing Sources and Uses by Fund CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS PROPRIETARY FUNDS Firemen ' s Total Growth NW 38th Ave Storm Drainage City Water - Equipment Pension All Mgmt . Construction Utility Sanitary Sewer Rental Fund Funds $ 479 , 520 $ - $ 21210 $ - $ 19 , 976 $ - $ 1 , 038 , 484 600 , 000 - - - - - 14 , 026 , 011 - - - - 524 , 800 11800 , 000 20 , 000 - - - - 31720 , 150 5157000 963 , 214 119457400 81214 , 886 500 - 141731 , 437 266 , 800 41000 21000 11300 1217000 113587000 25 , 000 11631 , 650 1 , 119 , 000 11800 , 000 985 , 214 11946 , 700 81335 , 886 11358 , 500 25 , 000 34 , 900 , 848 250 , 000 - - 250 , 000 21600 , 000 21684 , 939 2 , 337 , 753 $ 1 , 598 , 520 $ 41400 , 000 $ 985 , 214 $ 11948 , 910 $ 81585 , 886 $ 11378 , 476 $ 25 , 000 $ 41 , 212 , 024 25 , 000 $ 21268 , 084 10 , 822 , 726 724 , 214 1 , 948 , 910 57015 , 659 - - 91285 , 477 8741476 - 21391 , 215 467 , 689 5 , 100 - - - 21601 , 283 21540 , 227 - - 31727 , 758 435 , 000 261 , 000 - 11030 , 000 5041000 - 21360 , 000 4 , 400 , 000 - - - - - 41860 , 000 435 , 000 41400 , 000 985 , 214 11948 , 910 81585 , 886 113781476 25 , 000 38 , 7897332 11163 , 520 - - - - - 21422 , 692 $ 11598 , 520 $ 4 , 400 , 000 $ 985 , 214 $ 11948 , 910 $ 81585 , 886 $ 17378 , 476 $ 25 , 000 $ 41 , 212 , 024 6 Summary of Estimated Appropriations By Fund Actual for 2010 and Appropriations for 2011 and 2012 Actual Actual Estimated Expenditures Appropriations Required 2010 2011 2012 GENE RAL FUND $ 15 , 542 , 413 $ . 15 , 806 , 713 $ 16 , 105 , 957 SPECIAL REVENUES : City Street 3 , 130 , 024 21926 , 349 179761739 Emergency Rescue 312817111 21895 , 166 278411447 Hotel - Motel Lodging Tax - 51500 51000 Cemetery 1651936 160 , 117 1731344 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 615777071 579871132 419961530 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS : Unlimited Tax G . O . Bond Redemption 6221123 6247069 6241011 Limited Tax G . O . Bond Redemption 8751950 8707213 5631520 Local Improvement Debt Service 41145 - - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 115021218 114947282 111871531 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS : Growth Management Capital Project 272477979 376041680 115981520 NW 38th St . Capital Project - - 474007000 Library Construction Fund 3157374 - - TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 21563 , 353 316041680 519987520 ENTERPRISE FUNDS : Storm Drainage Utility 117051093 112311946 9851214 City Sanitary 117541447 118967735 179481910 Water- Sewer 121469 , 338 816897299 815851886 WWTP - PWTF Construction 714521669 815007000 PWTF - NW 38th Avenue 431577 - - Water- Sewer Capital Reserve 9827869 5527000 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2474071993 2078697980 1175201010 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS . Equipment Rental 11473 , 003 115131048 173781476 FIDUCIARY FUNDS : Firemen ' s Pension 181202 251000 251000 TOTAL $ 52 , 084 , 254 $ 49 , 300 , 835 $ 41 , 212 , 024 7 2012 Schedule of Transfers Out/ Transfers in TRANSFERS FROM TRANSFERS TO AMOUNT PURPOSE FOR TRANSFER General Fund Street Fund $ 11061 , 039 Street operations and construction General Fund Cemetery Fund 113 , 194 Cemetery operations General Fund EMS Fund 841939 EMS operations Growth Management Fund General Fund 40 , 000 Council chambers wireless technology General Fund 250 , 000 Parks O & M Growth Management Fund Street Fund 300 , 000 Roadway Preservation Growth Management Fund Cemetery 107000 Cemetery memorial design Growth Management Fund LTGO Bond Redemption 563 , 520 Debt payments for : SE 1st Street Road Improvements , Fire Engine , Parker Street , and 2002 street reconstruction Total Transfers . $ 234223692 General Fund Fund Balance Actual and Estimated vs . Fund Balance Goal At Year End $ 6 , 000 , 000 $ 5 , 0007000 4 , 801 , 484 4 , 485 , 639 4 , 030 , 330 31 889 , 312 $ 47000 , 000 - - - - - 3 , 465 , 119 3 , 379 , 176 31239 ; 312.2 , 902 , 534 3 , 364 , 291 $ 350007000 - -- - - $ 27000 , 000 - $ 1 , 000 , 000 - - - - $ 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 est . 2012 est . OActual and Estimated Fund Balance Fund Balance Goal ( 17 % ) 8 GENERAL FUND THREE YEAR PROJECTIONS Projected Projected Projected Revenue Revenue Revenue 2012 2013 2014 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ 3361778 $ 567 , 521 $ 4671555 Revenues Taxes . Real & Personal Property 911441000 912251000 913151000 Private Harvest Tax - - - Local Retail Sales & Use Taxes 211001000 271001000 212001000 Local Criminal Justice 1781000 1801000 1801000 Natural Gas Franchise 1907000 1951000 2051000 Franchise - Sanitary 61000 61500 71000 Television Cable 2702000 2851000 300 , 000 Gambling - Punch / Pull Tabs 201000 20 , 000 221000 Pen Its & Int . Oth . Taxes - - - Total Taxes 11 , 908 , 000 12 , 011 , 500 12 , 229 , 000 Licenses and Permits : Police & Protective 800 800 11000 Other Business Licenses 500 500 101000 Franchise Fees - Telecommunic . 11000 11000 11000 Buildings , Structures , Equip , 5001000 500 , 000 5201000 Building & Structures - Fire 101000 101500 111000 Animal Licenses 51000 51200 51400 Street & Curb Permits 51000 5 , 000 51100 Other Nonbusiness Lic . & Permits 21500 21500 21500 Total Licenses and Permits 5241800 5251500 5561000 Intergovernmental Revenue : Federal Indirect Grant - Traffic Safety 11500 17500 11500 Federal Grant - Ballistic Vests/ Homeland Security 311750 - - State Grant - WA Assoc . of Sheriffs/ Police 57000 57000 51000 Pud Privilege Tax 1651000 1737000 180 , 000 Crim . Just . - Population 41900 47500 51000 Crim Justice - Special Programs 167600 15 , 000 16 , 000 DUI - Cities 41000 51000 51500 Fire Ins . Premium Tax 347500 35 , 000 351500 Liq Excise Tax 967300 931000 951000 Liq Board Profits 1217400 1231000 1251000 Shared Costs - Court 357000 401000 45 , 000 l ntergov . - Law Protection 501000 507000 501000 Drug Enforcement 97500 101500 11 , 000 ARRA Fed Indirect Grant - JAG ( Police ) - - - Total I ntergoven mental Revenue 5757450 5551500 5747500 Charges for Goods and Services : Clerks Record Services 250 300 300 Court Fees 51000 57500 61000 Other Statutory Cert Copies 100 100 100 Sales Of Maps & Publications 31000 31200 31400 9 GENERAL. FUND THREE YEAR (PROJECTIONS Projected Projected Projected Revenue Revenue Revenue 2012 2013 2014 Duplicating Of Public Records 21000 21200 21400 Copies -Taxable 51200 51400 51500 Sales Of Merchandise 100 150 200 Other General Governmental 300 300 300 Law Enforcement Services 57250 57500 61000 Law Enforcement - SRO 501000 511500 521000 Monitoring or prisoners 37000 37200 37500 Protective Inspection Fees 51800 61000 67500 Construction Inspection Fees 501000 501000 557000 Emergency Service Fees 131000 151000 161000 Crime Conviction Fee 37800 47000 51000 Zoning & Subdivision Fees 75 , 000 751000 80 , 000 Plan Checking Fees 3251000 3101000 3251000 Plan Check Fees - Fire 71000 81000 91000 Plan Review/ Eng . & Planning 30 , 000 35 , 000 40 , 000 Other Planning Fees 107000 12 , 000 151000 Swimming Pool Admissions 251000 25 , 000 267000 Swim Lessons 431000 45 , 000 471000 Recreation - Camps 36 , 000 37 , 000 407000 Recreation - Youth Sports 301000 30 , 000 327000 Recreation - Adult Sports 30 , 000 307000 32 , 000 Recreation - Youth Programs 67000 71000 87000 Adult Programs 27000 21000 31000 Recreation - Miscellaneous 51000 51250 51500 Administration Services 751839 771000 801000 Budget Acctng Auditing Services 4931272 503 , 000 5137000 Legal Services 121209 131000 15 , 000 Human Resources 55 , 996 561000 581000 Information Technology/ GIS 1211268 1231000 125 , 000 Central Services - Bldg Rental 41 , 533 427000 45 , 000 Engineering Services 526 , 312 5201000 525 , 000 Total Charge for Goods and Services 270971229 21107 , 600 211851700 Fines and Forfeits : Mandatory Insur . Costs 51000 67000 67500 Traffic Infract . - Non parking 110 , 000 1207000 1307000 Failure to register vehicle 51000 57000 61000 Other Nonparking Infraction 700 11000 11200 Parking Violation 18 , 000 191000 221000 Parking Violation Penalities 57000 51000 61000 Driving while I ntox . 121000 14 , 000 161000 Other Criminal Traffic 151000 171000 19 , 000 Other Nontraffic Misdemeanors 187000 203000 22 , 000 Criminal Costs 501000 531000 551000 Public Defense Costs Recovery 127500 141000 16 , 000 10 GENERAL. FUND THREE YEAR PROJECTIONS Projected Projected Projected Revenue Revenue Revenue 2012 2013 2014 Library Fines and Lost Books 57600 61000 61500 Total Fines and Forfeits 256 , 800 2801000 3067200 Miscellaneous Revenues : Investment Interest 81000 87000 121000 Int On Contracts , Notes , Receivable 191500 211000 237000 Space & Fac Rents Short - term 100 200 500 S pace \ Fac Rents - Com Ctr S ht/tm 107000 131000 151000 Space & Facilities Leases L/T 71000 - - Comm . Ctr- Fac . & Space Rnt L/T 500 500 100 Housing Rentals & Leases 151000 10 , 000 121000 Other Rents and Use Charges 187000 201000 221000 Contrib From Private Sources 157000 12 , 000 157000 Private Grants 27500 51000 51000 Sale Of Junk Or Salvage 200 300 300 Unclaimed Money - Police 100 100 100 Forfeited / Confiscated Evidence 11000 21000 37000 Cashier Overage and Shortage - - - Other M isc . Revenue 201000 221000 257000 Total Miscellaneous Revenues : 116 , 900 1141100 1331000 Other Financing Sources : Transfers In 2901000 2007000 2501000 Total Other Financing Sources 2901000 2001000 2507000 Total Estimated Revenues 1517691179 151794 , 200 1612341400 Total Estimated Resources $ 1611057957 $ 1613611721 $ 1677011955 Expenditures Transfer Out to Street Fund $ 110611039 1 , 100 , 000 $ 1 , 135 , 000 Transfer Out to Cemetery Fund 113 , 194 1181000 1201360 Transfer Out to EMS Fund 841939 Legislative 86 , 100 871822 897578 Judicial 2657000 2707300 2751706 Executive 2267144 2301667 2357280 Finance Department 6901138 7031941 7181020 Legal Services 1031600 1057672 1071785 Human Resources 1667211 169 , 535 1727926 Other General Governmental Services 1651179 1681483 1711852 Law Enforcement 471257263 472077768 472911924 Fire 219431086 370011948 31061 , 987 Detention and /or Correction 4921553 5027404 5121452 Emergency Services 171000 171340 17 , 687 Information Systems / GIS 4711915 4811353 4907980 Engineering 113081671 113341844 113611541 Planning 4561289 4651415 4741723 Other Physical Environment 941000 957880 971798 Parks & Recreation 173861855 114141592 114421884 Protective Inspection 4037377 4111445 4191673 11 GENERAL FUND THREE YEAR PROJECTIONS Projected Projected Projected Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 Central Services 1441576 1471468 1501417 Information and Outreach 61400 67528 67659 Senior Programs 31000 31060 31121 Library 172111428 13235 , 657 1 , 260 , 370 Library Books and Other Materials 80 , 000 811600 831232 Total Expenditures $ 16 , 105 , 957 16 , 361 , 721 $ 161 701 , 955 12 r STREET FUND THREE YEAR PROJECTIONS Projected Projected Projected Revenue Revenue Revenue 2012 2013 2014 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 501000 Revenues : Fed . Indirect Grant - CDBG 1601000 - - Fed . Indirect Grant - STP - - Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax 4001000 4251000 4501000 Street vacation fees 51000 51000 51000 Sale of junk or Salvage 500 500 500 Charges for Services 200 200 200 Transfers In From TI F ' s and Reet 3001000 3007000 300 , 000 General Fund Transfer In 1 , 061 , 039 1 , 100 , 000 1 , 135 , 000 Total Revenues $ 17976 , 739 $ 118301700 $ 178901700 Expenditures Roadway preservation $ 571261 $ 581979 $ 601748 Roadway maintenance 2361441 2431534 2501840 Structures Maintenance 107000 101300 101609 Sidewalk Maintenance 221977 231666 247376 Street Lighting Maintenance 2591929 2671727 2751759 Traffic Control Device Maint . 104 , 895 1081042 1111283 Snow/ Ice Control Maintenance 651360 671321 691340 Roadside Maintenance 481207 497653 511143 Downtown Mall Maintenance 311955 327914 331901 Ancillary Operations Maint . 26 , 180 261965 271774 Maintenance Administration 3421613 3521891 3637478 Gen Services - Road Gen Admin 3067921 3161129 3251612 Training - Road Gen Admin 41000 47120 41244 Total operations and maintenance 115161739 175621241 116097108 Construction projects 4601000 2681459 2811592 Total Expenditures $ 119761739 $ 178301700 $ 178901700 13 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY FUNCTION The General Fund accounts for all revenues and expenditures of the City of a general nature that are not required to be reported in a special type of fund . It receives a much greater variety of revenues and is utilized for a greater variety of expenditures than other funds . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Expenditures for legislative , judicial , executive , financial , administrative , legal , human resources , planning , general govern = mental services , information systems , engineering , parks and recreation , pollution control , neighborhoods , animal control , health , community education and library are included in the General Fund . Police and fire services are also included in this fund . The General Fund is reimbursed for applicable engineering , accounting , legal services and some administration it provides to the water- sewer , sanitary , streets , emergency rescue , storm water and equipment rental functions . 2012 Estimated General Fund Revenues $ 2907000 oTaxes $ 116 , 900 0 Licenses and Permits $ 256 , 800 $ 11 , 908 , 000 Intergovernmental Revenue $ 2 , 0951229 OCharges for Goods and Services © Fines and Forfeits OMiscellaneous Revenue $ 577 , 450 ■ Other Financing Sources $ 524 , 800 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated FUND NUMBER Revenue Estimated Revenue 001 2010 2011 2012 291 740 00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 8987083 $ 336 , 778 Taxes : 311 10000 Real and Personal Property 975917031 879007000 9 , 1441000 31310000 Local Retail Sales and Use Taxes 21, 060 , 555 159259000 231003000 313 710 00 Local Criminal Justice 1667265 1655000 1787000 316 430 00 Natural Gas Franchise 1699058 1853000 190 , 000 316 450 00 Sanitary Franchise 55844 57500 63000 316 460 00 Television Cable 244 , 152 2553000 2707000 14 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual i usted Estimated FUND NUMBER Revenue Estimated Revenue 001 2010 2011 2012 317 510 00 Gambling Taxes 211816 201000 202000 Total Taxes 12 , 258 , 720 11 , 455 , 500 11 , 908 , 000 Licenses and Permits : 321 30000 Police and Protective 415 400 800 321 90000 Other Business Licenses 440 500 500 321 91000 Telecommunication Franchise 11000 13000 11000 322 100 00 Buildings , Structures and Equipment 5641537 4501000 5001000 322 110 00 Buildings , Structures and Equip - Fire 131200 91500 101000 322 300 00 Animal Licenses 31675 41300 51000 322 400 00 Street and Curb Permits 31899 47000 57000 322 900 00 Other Non - Bus Licenses and Permits 11417 17600 21500 Total Licenses and Permits 5881584 4717300 5247800 Intergovernmental Revenue . 331 16500 Direct Federal Grants - Secure Our Schools - - - 331 16600 Direct Federal Grant - Ballistic Vest Grant 51338 - 750 331 97000 Direct Federal Grant - Homeland Security - - 101000 332 210 00 Federal Equitable Sharing 71593 333 14000 Indirect Federal Grant - CDBG 50 , 000 -33320600 Indirect Federal Grant - Traffic Safety 498 33320601 Indirect Federal Grant - DUI ( DOTS ) 373 -33320602 Indirect Federal Grant - Traffic Safety 11000 500 11500 333 453 10 Indirect Federal Grant - Library Grant 231613 -333453 11 Indirect Federal Grant LSTA State Library 31251 - - 333 970 00 Indirect Federal Grant - Homeland Security 211000 334 017 00 State Grant - Registered Sex Offenders 91874 41600 51000 334 030 10 State Grant - DOE Litter Pick Up 21051 -33403050 State Grant - Traffic Safety 309 335 000 91 P . U . D . Privilege Tax 1491782 1651000 165 , 000 336 060 21 Criminal Justice - Population 3772 41130 41900 336 060 26 Criminal Justice - Special Programs 141287 131940 16 , 600 336 060 51 DUI - Cities 31142 31300 47000 336 060 91 Fire Insurance Premium Tax 361432 37 , 000 34 , 500 336 060 94 Liquor Excise Tax 831990 85 , 706 98 , 300 336 060 95 Liquor Board Profits 1351585 126 , 321 1211400 338 12000 Shared Costs - Court 5 , 046 59 , 400 351000 338 210 00 County Law Protection 507000 501000 501000 338 211 00 Drug Enforcement 91300 71500 91500 338 260 00 Shared Costs - Fire Services ( ECFR ) 221402 -33921425 Indirect ARRA- CDBG Comm Ctr 521840 339 216 80 ARRA Fed Indirect Grant - JAG - 11500 - Total Intergovernmental Revenue 670 , 475 558 , 897 5771450 Charges for Goods and Services : 341 23000 Civil Probation Filing 108 100 - 341 32000 Clerks Record Services 226 300 250 341 33000 Court Fees 31846 31500 51000 341 35000 Other Statutory Cert Copies 13 100 100 341 50000 Sale of Maps and Publications 21792 31000 31000 341 60000 Printing and Duplicating Services 71435 7 , 000 71300 341 70000 Sales of Merchandise 104 - 100 341 97000 Employee Benefit Program Service ( 19 ) - - 341 99000 Other General Government 200 200 200 342 10000 Law Enforcement Services 551421 557000 551250 342 360 00 Monitoring of Prisoners 31000 342 400 00 Protective Inspection Fees 57478 31000 57800 342 400 20 Inspection Fees - Construction 337182 207000 501000 15 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated FUND NUMBER Revenue Estimated Revenue 001 2010 2011 2012 342 500 00 Emergency Services Fees 11 , 913 131000 13 , 000 342 900 00 Conviction Fees 31659 41000 31800 345 810 00 Zoning and Subdivision Fees 148 , 751 1001000 751000 345 830 00 Plan Check Fees 3071685 2757000 3251000 345 830 10 Plan Check Fees - Fire 10 , 940 81000 71000 345 830 20 Plan Review- Engineering & Planning 171873 20 , 000 301000 345 890 00 Other Planning Fees 161435 20 , 000 101000 347 310 00 Swimming Pool Admissions 241642 15 , 000 25 , 000 347 325 00 P . E . School District - -34739000 Other Activity Fees - -34761000 Swim Lessons 411305 33 , 200 43 , 000 347 620 00 Recreation Programs 987688 121 , 000 109 , 000 349 130 00 Administration Services 347006 741295 75 , 839 349 14000 Budgeting , Acctng & Audit Services 5011492 5181564 4931272 349 15000 Legal Services 14 , 000 11 , 152 121209 349 16000 Human Resources 501628 541408 551996 349 17000 Information Technology/ GIS 1181068 1531727 1211268 349 18000 Central Services - Building Rental 431682 41 , 604 417533 349 19000 Emergency Services - -34932000 Engineering Services 5951488 499 , 733 5241312 Total Charges for Goods and Services 21148 , 040 210541883 270957229 Fines and Forfeits : 352 300 00 Mandatory Insurance Costs 27567 27000 57000 353 10000 Traffic Infraction Nonparking 887989 105 , 000 1157000 353 700 00 Non - Traffic Infraction Penalties 458 500 700 354 000 00 Parking Violations 16 , 336 181000 18 , 000 354 100 00 Parking Violation Penalties 11290 27000 51000 355 200 00 Driving Under the Influence Fines 121730 12 , 000 12 , 000 355 800 00 Other Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor 121601 151000 151000 356 900 00 Other Non - Traffic Misdemeanors 171350 17 , 000 18 , 000 357 300 00 Other Criminal Costs 441178 471000 503000 357 330 00 Public Defense Costs 91811 101000 12 , 500 359 700 00 Library Fines 61360 61200 51600 359 900 00 Miscellaneous Fines 91000 - - Total Fines and Forfeits 2211669 2341700 256 , 800 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 11000 Investment Interest 151753 101000 81000 361 40000 Interest on Sales Tax , Court Fees 161920 171000 19 , 500 362 400 00 Space / Facilities Rents - Short-term 900 11500 100 362 401 00 Space/ Facilities Rentals - Community 111692 12 , 000 10 , 000 362 500 00 Space and Facilities Leases 13 , 156 71100 71000 362 501 00 Community Center Space Rentals 100 - 500 362 600 00 Housing Rentals and Leases 15 , 141 167000 15 , 000 362 900 00 Other Rents and Use Charges 11505 187000 18 , 000 363 000 00 Ins . Premiums and Recovery 127 -36700000 Contrib and Donations Pvt Sources 357231 12 , 500 15 , 000 367 110 00 Private Grants 61700 51000 21500 36910000 Obsolete Equipment 467 200 200 369 200 00 Unclaimed / Proceeds - Sales Unclaimed 234 50 100 369 300 00 Forfeited /Confiscated Evidence 41943 11000 11000 369 810 00 Cashier Over and Short 4 -36990000 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 187638 181000 20 , 000 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 141 , 512 118 , 350 116 , 900 Total Estimated Revenues 1610291000 157911713 15 , 815 , 957 16 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated FUND NUMBER Revenue Estimated Revenue 001 2010 2011 2012 Other Financing Sources : 395 100 00 Proceeds from Sales of Fixed Assets - - - 397 000 00 Transfers - In 121, 916 155000 290 , 000 Total Other Financing Sources 121916 151000 2909000 Total Estimated Resources $ 16 , 041 , 916 $ 151, 8061713 $ 16 , 105 , 957 GE �J '� % � G�� ��� SES \1D PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 13 , 000 , 000 I 121000 , 000 - -- - - - - - 119000 , 000 ® Property Tax 13Sales Tax --- --- — - - — — 10 , 000 , 000 -- -- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - 91000 , 000 --- 87 000 , 000 ---- 71000 , 000 — -- - - - - - 67000 , 000 -- -- - -- - - 51000 , 000 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43000 , 000 3 , 000 , 000 21000 , 000 - 110007000 - - - - - - -- - - 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Est . Est . 2011 2012 The above chart represents an eleven year history and current projections of the two primary tax revenues for the city . General Fund - Fund Balance with Expenditures and Revenues 18 , 000 , 000 15 , 000 , 000 low 12 , 000 , 000 91000 , 000 _ i 6 , 000 , 000 ' I 3 , 000 , 000 i 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 est . este ® Fund Balance O Expenditures mIa Revenues Fund Balance Goal per Financial Policies 17 MEN EMEM ADMINISTRATION City Administrator Police Finance Department Department Library Public Works Department Fere Parks and Department Recreation Human Community Resources Development 18 LEGISLATIVE MISSION STATEMENT The council is the elected legislative governing body of the City of Camas . GOALS FOR 2412 1 . Provide legislative policy direction for the city . 2 . Continue long - range planning on needed infrastructure , community growth and economic development . 3 . Foster teamwork between elected and appointed leadership and staff . 4 . Continue citizen outreach and participation . 5 . Explore and develop options around community joint cooperatives . 6 . Keep informed of activity in regional , state , and national legislative processes . 7 . Continue fiduciary oversight of the City ' s assets and resources and budget . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The council determines policy as it relates to all city functions and activities , enacts ordinances and resolutions , and reviews certain appointments of the Mayor . The council meets at two regular meetings per month , two workshops per month and also attends numerous city- related committee and other governmental board meetings . Publication costs of city ordinances are included in this section of the budget . City share of election costs , determined by the county , are included in this section also . The budgeted amount does not include primary election costs . 19 LEGISLATIVE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Ili liiiiiii will 001 . 01 . 511 Actual Actual Estimated Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 300 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SERVICES Other Services and Charges $ 12 , 951 $ 47200 $ 31500 400 TRAINING Supplies - 400 - Other Services and Charges 27480 31000 31000 (Travel and registration ) 600 LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Salaries and Wages 427000 42 , 000 42 , 000 Personnel Benefits 47336 43800 47000 Supplies 1 , 301 21200 27000 Other Services and Charges 11759 27300 77600 Professional Services ( $ 5 , 000 for video - conferencing ) , Communication ( $ 2 , 500 ) , Miscellaneous ( $ 100 ) 700 ELECTION COSTS Intergovernmental Professional Services 177308 297000 241000 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE $ 821135 $ 87 , 900 $ 867100 Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 7 . 02 % - 2 . 05 % Actual Estimated LEGISLATIVE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Council Members ( 7 ) $ 42 , 000 $ 427000 Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 0 . 00 % 20 EXECUTIVE MISSION STATEMENT The Mayor is the chief elected official of the City of Camas . The Mayor appoints the City Administrator and all other department heads under the mayor- council form of government . Together , their role is to carry out the established policies of the city . COALS FOR 2012 1 . Supporting an effective management team . 2 . Administer the daily operations effectively and efficiently meeting City Council fiscal expectations . 3 . Pursue favored external funding for city projects and investments . 4 . Continue to work to diversify and strengthen the local economy , tax base , and revenue streams . 5 . Represent the City in contacts with other organizations . 6 . Lead efforts to manage quality growth . 7 . Foster and build partnerships with other organizations . 8 . Participate in the partnership task of sustaining quality Emergency Medical Services . 9 . Begin implementation of technology investments . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Mayor is responsible for directing and coordinating the activities of the city departments through the City Administrator , such as carrying out the policies of the council and directing the day4o - day activities of the operating departments of the city . The Mayor submits the proposed budget to the city council with recommendations for the ensuing year . Duties of the Mayor also consist of the political and community leadership of the city . The Mayor is responsible for the appointment and removal of most nonelective city officials subject to lawful provisions of local and state codes . The Mayor shall preside over all meetings of the city council , when present , but shall have a vote only in the case of a tie in the votes of the council members , with respect to matters other than the passage of any ordinance , grant , or revocation of franchise or license , or any resolution for the payment of money . 21 EXECUTIVE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 03 . 513 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 150 , 099 $ 167 , 211 $ 1687923 Personnel Benefits 401517 481119 471121 Supplies 458 800 800 Other Services and Charges 61402 87375 77700 Total Administration 197 , 476 224 , 505 2247544 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges 17774 11000 11600 Total Training 11774 1 , 000 11600 TOTAL EXECUTIVE $ 1991251 $ 225 , 505 $ 2267144 Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 13 . 18 % 0 . 28 % Actual Estimated EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Mayor $ 151600 $ 151600 City Administrator ( . 98 FTE ) 1261460 1271625 Executive Assistant to the City Administrator ( . 45 FTE ) 253151 251698 Total Executive $ 1677211 $ 168 , 923 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 1 . 02 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Communication ( cell phones , internet , telephone ) $ 11500 Insurance 21200 Travel , registration , memberships , monthly mileage 41000 Total $ 71700 22 LEGAL SERVICES FUNCTION The City Attorney' s office provides legal advice and services to the City of Camas officials . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The City Attorney drafts and /or approves all proposed ordinances and contracts of the city . The City Attorney' s office prosecutes all offenders of city ordinances and certain state statutes failing within the jurisdiction of the police court . The City Attorney provides legal advise to the city council , Mayor and other members of the city staff and represents the city in some litigation . Land acquisitions , zoning regulations , utility rate changes , budget appropriations and salary changes , are just a few topics which require legal representation and often result in new or revised ordinances or resolutions . The following graph charts the volume of ordinances and resolutions adopted over a five year period . Ordinances and Resolutions Adopted Five Year Comparison ■ Ordinances O Resolutions 60 � 50 40 30 20 10 U VT1 iv 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 est LEGAL SERVICES EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 05 . 515 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 LEGAL SERVICES Supplies $ - Other Services and Charges 100 , 045 1011600 1021600 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges 748 11000 11000 TOTAL LEGAL $ 1001793 $ 102 , 600 $ 1037600 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 1 . 79 % 0 . 97 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services ( City Attorney , Assistant City Attorney and Prosecutor ) $ 1017000 Communication ( one telephone line ) 400 Registrations , dues , publications 11200 $ 102 , 600 23 101BEEM I Em HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources Director ( 1 ) Information Executive Systems Assistant to the Division City Administrator ( 3 FTE ) ( . 15 FTE ) 24 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW The Human Resources Department provides employment and personnel services to the City ' s managers and employees as well as providing information and assistance to job applicants and other external citizens . The department is responsible for a full range of comprehensive human resources services and programs which enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization and is the primary contact and resource for all staff members and departments with employment related questions and concerns . Among the Department' s responsibilities are classification , recruiting and selection , benefits administration , policies and procedures , workers ' compensation , employee and labor relations and overall compliance with federal , state and local laws and regulations . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Expenses for the City' s Employee Recognition and Wellness Programs are included in this budget section . The City of Camas has received the AWC WellCity Award for 2011 which will decrease the 2012 Regence premiums by a 2 % reduction . This is a direct result of the expenses spent on City wellness activities/ promotions . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Two contracts are open for renegotiation in the fall of 2011 . Negotiations are underway and it is expected that they will continue into 2012 . There may be expenses for professional assistance from outside sources for the continued negotiations . The professional services budget does not provide for outside assistance for recruitments . HUMAN RESOURCES EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 06 . Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 516 200 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries and Wages $ 921373 $ 951456 $ 967431 Personnel Benefits 321320 34 , 992 351130 Supplies 11320 21800 21000 Other Services and Charges 26 , 577 297875 291100 Intergovernmental Services - 100 516 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges 482 - 500 517 900 WELLNESS PROGRAM Supplies 11458 11000 11500 Other Services and Charges 11428 21250 11550 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $ 1551958 $ 1661473 $ 166 , 211 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 6 . 74 % - 0 . 16 % 25 ill Ill illillililli ill 11,11 11111 1 1111 lan Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Human Resources Director $ 871072 $ 871943 Executive Assistant ( . 15 FTE ) 83384 81488 Total personnel $ 951456 $ 961431 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 1600 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Personnel : Professional Services ( labor negotiator , Workers ' compensation claims mgmt . contractor) $ 251000 Communications 11500 Insurance 11600 Registrations , membership dues , publications 17000 Total other services and charges - personnel $ 297100 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Wellness : Repairs and Maintenance ( exercise equipment) $ 800 Registration and travel for Wellness conferences 750 Total other services and charges - Wellness $ 17550 26 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Information Systems Division iE Network System , Data Teleco , Desktop/ User Training , Web and & Application Internet , User Research & Development Project Management , Voicemail Support Development and Management & Development & Email Maintenance Data Protection Information Information Information Systems Manager Systems Systems Manager Manager Information Systems Information Systems Analyst Computer Technician Information Systems Analyst 27 INFORMATION MISSION STATEMENT City organizational and public needs drive technology development and the information Systems Division ( ISD ) priorities . ISD develops the knowledge and resources to help city departments solve their business problems , serve their customers and move the city' s mission and vision forward . DEPARTMENTAL PROJECTS AND GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Citywide : Deployment of new site . Continue research and development of web - based products and enhancements to online services including social media policies and uses , web interactivity , reporting and news updates . Continue planning with departments on GIS technologies integrating with city databases . Review of data records retention requirements and effects on online services . 2 . Library : Desktop Management upgrade or replacement for public environment . 3 . Public Works & Engineering : GIS review 4 . Police : Planning for and implementation of any changes to the Court Building technologies . Continuation of development of Mobile technologies . 5 . Fire : Assist in in planning and migrations with Fire consolidation project with Washougal Fire . 5 . City Council : introduction of recording and online streaming of meetings , technology upgrades to council chambers to improve information to the public . 7 . Document management review . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Information Systems division provides many system services and administration including : 1 . Project management . Providing project management for all networking projects ( voice and data ) . 2 . Desktop and user support . Providing technical support to users and maintenance on the city' s inventory of desktop computers , printers and other hardware devices . Maintain an inventory of hardware and software licensing requirements . This includes remote units and user support . 3 . Networking Administration and System Support . Maintaining the city' s servers and net- working infrastructure . Providing network administration and system engineering . 4 . Telecommunications . Providing system and database administration and user support for the city' s VOIP phone system , voicemail and internet services . 5 . Data Security . Providing daily backup , recovery and virus protection across the network . 6 . Information Processing . Providing a central reference for the planning and development of city databases and information processing . Integrating the city' s data with external agencies . 7 . Web Development and Programming . Web site development , programming and maintenance . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS It is the mission of the division to continue to cautiously pursue technology projects where innovations are expected to improve service delivery or provide new or enhanced public services more efficiently - especially in today' s economy where funding options continue to be very restrictive . Council Chambers Wireless Technology Project A technology budget proposal has been submitted for 2012 to improve the agenda building and minute taking processes , enhance the website accessibility of meeting documentation , move the City towards a paperless agenda packet , and provide the citizens with streaming video of City Council meetings from the City' s website . This project is expected to reduce staff time in preparing documentation for meetings , finalizing minutes , searching for past meeting documentation requested by citizens , while assisting the city to comply with records retention require- ments mandated by the State . 28 The upfront costs for this project include video /audio equipment for the Council Chambers , software for video streaming and agenda/ minute building , wireless hardware devices for council and mayor ( providing compliance with e- mail and voice mail records retention requirements and access to a paperless agenda system ) . The 2011 - 2012 enhancements to the city' s website will provide the public with a more organized format to find or request new information . The new site will also provide new or improved services such as the on - line video presentation of City Council meetings , news feeds , city-wide calendar of events and additional on - line forms , reports and applications . As the City' s population continues to grow, it is ISD ' s mission to continue to develop and present additional on - line services for the citizens . 2011 HIGHLIGHTS Projects in progress or completed in 2011 include . 1 . The development of the City' s new website featuring enhancements to the navigation menu , newsletters and registrations , social media , city-wide calendar , on - line reports and forms , and the review for providing city meetings on - line . 2 . Final work to the City' s VOIP phone , voice mail and call reporting systems . 3 . Internet services review and upgrade . Adding capacity through a new service to meet the growing needs of the departments daily operations via the internet . 4 . Ongoing updates to the various department- specific databases . 5 . Installation of the Police Department' s new electronic fingerprinting device . 6 . Development of specialized Fire reports . 7 . Relocation of Fire Station 192 to the Washougal Fire Station . 8 . Relocated technologies and added network capacity to complete the reorganization and movement of cubicles within Finance , ISD , Public Works and Community Development work areas . 9 . Tested and installed mobile hardware ( wireless GX400 devices ) . 10 . Upgraded Library Workflows . 29 INFORMATION SYSTEMS EXPENDITURE DETAIL. Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 12 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 518 900 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Salaries and Wages $ 2081271 $ 214 , 916 $ 219 , 127 Personnel Benefits 80 , 476 921068 100 , 738 Supplies and Small Tools (computer replacements ) 481723 311900 40 , 100 Other Services and Charges ( licensing ) 24 , 195 34 , 150 461950 532 200 GIS SERVICES Salaries and Wages 731134 73 , 104 - Personnel Benefits 22 , 814 25 , 806 257000 Supplies and Small Tools 291 31000 - Intergovernmental Services - 10 , 000 594 180 CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital Outlay ( machinery & equipment ) 87771 15 , 000 401000 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS $ 466 , 674 $ 4991944 $ 471 , 915 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 7 . 13 % - 5 . 61 % Actual Estimated INFORMATION SYSTEMS PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Manager of Information Systems $ 871072 $ 871944 Information Systems Analyst 671896 70 , 641 Information Systems Technician 59 , 448 607042 GIS Coordinator 73 , 104 - Overtime 500 500 Total Personnel $ 288 , 020 $ 2191127 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 23 . 92 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services ( Network , email , anti- virus , desktop licensing , system develop . ) $ 363900 Communication (telephone charges , internet access ) 31000 Travel 250 Insurance ( liability ) 21800 Repairs and Maintenance of small office equipment 21000 Registrations for classes , subscriptions 21000 Total other services and charges $ 467950 30 0= 11 hill ililliIiIi i:illllll:i MEN= MENEM= PARKS ANDRECREATION EMMEMENUMVISIM 111MMIMM NONE= :. ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. City Administrator Parks and Recreation , Board Parks and Recreation Manager ( 1 ) Admin . Support Recreation Recreation Recreation Assistant II Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator ( 1 ) ( 1 ) ( . 606 FTE ) ( . 8 FTE ) Program Program Pool Program Aides Volunteers Aides Staff Aides ( . 016 FTE ) ( . 742 FTE ) ( 1 . 58 FTE ) ( . 402 FTE ) " Parks maintenance is shown in the Public Works Department 31 PARKS AND RECREATION RECREATION MISSION STATEMENT Through provision of recreation and parks services , it enhances the quality of life and nurtures the health and welk being of people , community , environment and economy . The department is community driven . Together , and often in partnership with related fields and organizations , it : 1 helps individuals reach their potential - ensuring healthy , active and balanced lifestyles , a fit foundation for productive lives - stimulating holistic growth and development . 2 strengthens the social foundations of our society - building strong relationships - collaborating to support families of all kinds , nurturing leadership and developing self- reliant communities - creating understanding and harmony through shared leisure lifestyles . 3 serves as " stewards of the environment " - creating environmental awareness and encouraging ecosystem approaches to planning - protecting , preserving and restoring significant natural areas and corridors . 4 builds and renews local economies - reducing dependencies on health and social services through building a fit and productive work force ; stimulating the leisure industries and attracting economic development to the community known for a high quality of life . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Provide a quality park , recreation , natural open space , and trail system that is efficient to administer and cost effective to maintain . 2 . Encourage and actively pursue cooperation between governmental agencies , nonprofit organizations , and private business in providing park and recreation services . 3 . Provide a diverse range of recreation programs , facilities , and services to serve multiple ages , populations , and interests . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Park and Recreation function provides for the operation of general recreation facilities for the residents of the city and surrounding area . The city maintains and operates playgrounds and parks , swimming and wading pools , a community center , a lighted baseball park , a little league park , trails , picnic grounds , tennis courts , a skateboard park , a boat launch and dock . MAINTENANCE MISSION STATEMENT In response to budget reductions , maintain the parks , trails and open space at the highest level of service possible within budget constraints . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES As part of the impacts of reduced budget authority , parks will be limiting irrigation and fertilization to reduce mowing requirements . 32 PARKS AND RECREATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 1 . Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 574 200 PARTICIPANT RECREATION Salaries and Wages $ 167 , 708 $ 159 , 095 $ 1607376 Personnel Benefits 43 , 582 45 , 679 499937 Supplies 19 , 377 81915 11 , 775 Other Services and Charges 57 , 321 58 , 500 53 , 016 Prof . Services ( $40 , 000 for instructors , concerts , referees/ umpires ) , Rentals ( $ 12 , 616 ) , Misc ( $ 400 ) 575 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges 504 400 400 575 500 COMMUNITY CENTERS Salaries and Wages 44 , 801 40 , 529 42 , 164 Personnel Benefits 14 , 384 14 , 884 15 , 215 Supplies 3 , 282 27700 21550 Other Services and Charges 48 , 987 51 , 300 519900 Prof . Services ( $ 11 , 800 for janitorial ) Phones , utilities ( $ 21 , 000 ) Insurance ( $ 10 , 000 ) , Rentals ( $ 4 , 100 ) Repairs and Maint . ( $ 2 , 500 ) Miscellaneous ( $ 2 , 500 ) lnterfund Payments for Services 21580 11500 21640 576 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages 70 , 960 737140 73 , 871 Personnel Benefits 27 , 420 31 , 390 33 , 570 576 200 SWIMMING POOLS Salaries and Wages 69 , 502 44 , 267 44 , 340 Personnel Benefits 129360 71049 91674 Supplies 107992 97100 61000 Other Services and Charges 557504 273700 26 , 900 Professional Services ( $ 3 , 500 ) , Insurance ( $ 6 , 600 ) , Utilities ( $ 14 , 000 ) , Repairs and Maint . ( $ 800 ) , Miscellaneous ( $ 2 , 000 ) Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 21000 27000 21000 33 PARKS AND RECREATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 18 . Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 576 800 GENERAL PARKS MAINTENANCE Salaries and Wages $ 292 , 645 $ 296 , 789 $ 307 , 003 Personnel Benefits 114 , 811 1141641 134 , 698 Supplies 30 , 248 32 , 200 33 , 000 Other Services and Charges 95 , 563 90 , 600 907200 Communication ( $ 2 , 200 ) , insurance ( $ 16 , 000 ) Professional Services ( $ 2 , 000 ) , Misc . ( $ 3 , 000 ) Rentals ( $ 7 , 500 ) , Utilities ( $ 52 , 000 ) Repairs & Maint . ( $ 7 , 500 ) Interfund Payments for Services 122 , 746 129 , 500 1387450 576 810 TRAIL MAINTENANCE Salaries and Wages 28 , 143 , 30 , 091 30 , 508 Personnel Benefits 10 , 222 12 , 312 14 , 330 Supplies 68 51000 51000 Other Services and Charges - 31000 500 Repairs & Maint . ( $ 500 ) Interfund Payments for Services - - 576 820 OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE Salaries and Wages 287108 307091 307508 Personnel Benefits 10 , 210 12 , 312 147330 Supplies 20 13000 - Other Services and Charges - 15000 29000 Repairs & Maint . ( $ 1 , 000 ) , Prof. Services ( $ 1000 ) Interfund Payments for Services - - - 594 CAPITAL OUTLAY 730 Community Center 109 , 665 - - TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION $ 11493 , 713 $ 11336 , 684 $ 11386 , 855 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 10 . 51 % 3 . 75 % PARKS AND RECREATION Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Parks and Recreation Manager $ 73 , 140 $ 739871 Recreation Coordinator ( 2 . 275 FTE ) 128 , 112 129 , 393 Program Aides 30 , 483 30 , 483 Recreation Overtime 500 500 Admin . Support Assistant Il ( 1 FTE - 20101 . 97 - 2011 ) 40 , 379 42 , 014 Program Aides - - Overtime 150 150 Recreation Coordinator ( . 13 FTE ) 71354 71427 34 PARKS AND RECREATION Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE CONTINUED Approp Required 2011 2012 Swimming Pool Employees $ 365113 $ 361113 Swimming Pool Overtime 800 800 Public Works Director ( 0 FTE 2010 ) . 05 FTE - 2011 ) - 51430 Public Works Operation Supervisor ( . 20 FTE ) 145554 15 , 595 Lead Maintenance Worker 709943 71 , 653 Senior Maintenance Worker ( 1 . 25 FTE ) 785765 79 , 553 Maintenance Worker II ( 2 FTE ) 115 , 344 1167497 Maintenance Worker I ( 1 FTE ) 51 , 612 53 , 291 Seasonal Maintenance Worker ( 2 at 6 mo . & 4 at 3 mo . = 2 FTE - 2010 ) 23 , 753 247000 ( 1 at 6 mo . & 2 at 3 mo . = 1 FTE - 2011 ) Parks Maintenance Overtime 21000 2 , 000 Total Parks and Recreation $ 6747002 $ 688 , 770 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 2 . 19 % Total Swimming Pool Participants 25 , 000 - - - - - - -- 20 , 000 - 15 , 000 - - - 10 , 000 - 5 , 000 1 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007/2008 participant numbers reflect a more accurate system of recording daily usage from swim programs and open swim times . s 200 00o Swim Pool Revenues and Expenditures $ 150 , 000 $ 100 , 000 $ 50 , 000 - - -- - Owl _ A&L AAL so 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Daily Tickets Swim School Total Revenue Total Expenditures a Swim pool revenues include swimming lessons and other classes and activities . In 2009 and 2010 , the pool season was ten weeks long . It was reduced by two weeks in 2011 to eight weeks . 35 INFORMATION AND O MISSION STATEMENT * To provide information and outreach to foster and support the neighborhood associations and their vital work . * To provide financial assistance to a local social service agency for their support of low income citizens . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES $ 4 , 000 is budgeted for the East County Family Service Center operated by the Children ' s Home Society of Washington . $ 2 , 200 is budgeted to cover the estimated costs of a community clean - up effort sponsored by UCAN . INFORMATION AND OUTREACH EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 24 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 557 200 COMMUNITY INFORMATION SERVICES Com m u n ity Information Services $ 6 , 500 $ 4 , 500 $ 41000 557 210 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Supplies - 200 100 Other Services and Charges - 21600 21300 TOTAL INFORMATION AND OUTREACH $ 61500 $ 71300 $ 61400 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 12031 % - 12 . 33 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Communication $ 100 Miscellaneous ( Spring Clean - up ) 21200 Total other services and charges $ 21300 36 SENIOR P ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The activities of the Camas seniors organization are supported again this year . The group offers group lunches and organized activities which provide socialization for seniors . SENIOR PROGRAMS EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR. DETAIL Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 25 . 571 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 290 Senior Programs Supplies $ - $ 300 $ 300 Other Services and Charges 21856 27700 21700 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAMS $ 21856 $ 31000 $ 31000 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 5 . 03 % 0 . 00 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Communication $ 100 Travel 27150 Insurance 350 Miscellaneous 100 Total $ 21700 37 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND MISSION STATEMENT This fund accounts for expenditures that will be funded from proceeds of the local real estate excise tax collected by the county from sales of real estate within the city . The proceeds of the parks and open space impact fees are also deposited in this fund to be expended for purposes for which the tax was collected . School impact fees are collected by the city and remitted to the county for credit to the school district . Transportation impact fees and fire facility impact fees are also accounted for within this fund . Other funds for open space or related projects received from other governmental agencies will be deposited and accounted for in the fund . GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Major park and open space acquisition , consistent with adopted plans and council direction . 2 . Continuing street reconstruction funded with REET proceeds . 3 . Several REET funded capital projects listed below . 4 . Fund some parks operations and maintenance expenses using $ 250 , 000 in REET monies . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Transportation impact fees will also be transferred to the debt service fund for debt service payments to repay a portion of the Public Works Trust Fund ( PWTF ) favored loans for the SE 1st Street and Parker Street projects . Park Impact Fees will be used for a number of parks and openspace projects , including open space acquisitions , Heritage Park improvements , 3rd Ave trailhead parking design , Goodwin Rd trailhead parking improvements , and Fallen Leaf Lake Park access improvements . Real Estate Excise Tax ( REET ) revenues will be used for several eligible projects . The projects include : the annual roadway preservation program , wireless technology upgrades in the council chambers , cemetery memorial design , and debt payments for the PWTF loan for the 2002 street reconstruction project . New for 2012 is transfer of REET to the General Fund to help fund parks operations and maintenance expenses . Additionally , Fire Impact Fees will be used to make the scheduled debt payment for a fire engine . 38 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL PROJECTS F REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 300 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 3397680 $ 4791520 317 Taxes Local Real Estate Excise Tax 7461784 7501000 6001000 Total Taxes 7461784 7507000 6001000 Intergovernmental Revenue : 333 100 Federal Grant Indirect - IAC 31997 495 , 000 - 334 027 State Grant IAC 452705 9701000 - 334 027 State Grant - WWRP 71161 - 337 010 Conservation Futures - County 4301000 - 339 214 ARRA - CDBG 891987 - - Total Intergovernmental Revenue 5531851 118951000 - 345 Charges for Goods and Services : 85000 Impact Fees - Parks & Open Space 3181551 2501000 2001000 85010 Impact Fees -Transportation 5731729 - 3251000 2757000 85020 Impact Fees - Fire 931040 301000 401000 Total Charges for Goods and Services 9851321 605 , 000 5157000 Miscellaneous Revenue : 361 110 Investment Interest 81673 151000 41000 Total Miscellaneous Revenue 81673 157000 41000 Total Estimated Revenues 212941628 316041680 11598 , 520 Total Estimated Resources $ 212947628 $ 3 , 6041680 $ 135987520 39 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 300 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 Other services and Charges 594 XXX Miscellaneous $ 211570 Total Capital Outlay 21 , 570 - - Capital Outlay : 594 760 Park Facilities 1397835 150 , 000 1851000 790 Other Open Space 311343 2 , 150 , 000 1501000 950 Pedestrian Paths/Trails 868 , 253 - 1007000 Total Capital Outlay 110397432 2 , 3001000 4351000 Other Financing Uses : 597 000 Transfers Out 11186 , 977 11304 , 680 111631520 Total Growth Management Capital Project Fund $ 21247 , 979 $ 31604 , 680 $ 11598 , 520 40 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Capital outlay Detail : Third Avenue Trailhead , Design / Permit $ 201000 Goodwin Road Trailhead Parking Addition 801000 Heritage Park Trailer Area Conversion 751000 South Parking Area ( east of Moose Lodge ) Improvements 35 , 000 Fallen Leaf Lake Park Access Improvement 257000 General Park Improvements 501000 Openspace Acquisitions 150 , 000 Total Capital $ 435 , 000 Transfers Out Detail : Fire Impact Fees : Debt payments - 2008 fire engine loan $ 671406 Transportation Impact Fees : Debt payments - Parker Street 1791164 Debt payments - Lake Road 1871541 Real Estate Excise Tax I : Cemetery memorial design 10 , 000 Parks Operations and Maintenance 125 , 000 Wireless Technology upgrades - Council Chambers 40 , 000 Real Estate Excise Tax II : Parks Operations and Maintenance 1251000 Roadway Preservation 3001000 Debt payments - Street Reconstruction 129 , 409 Total Transfers Out $ 111637520 41 Projected G A Activities and Fund Balances Park & Transportation Openspace Impact Fee Impact Fee Fire Impact Fee Reet 1 Reet 2 Totals Anticipated Balance Dec . 31 , 20101 $ 373 , 154 $ 333 , 767 $ 333745 $ - $ 543 , 860 $ 11284, 526 2012 Projections Revenues , 275 , 000 200 , 000 40 , 000 300 , 000 300 , 000 M151000 Investment interest - - 41000 Total Resources $ 648 , 154 $ 533 , 767 $ 73 , 745 $ 300 , 000 $ 843 , 860 $ 21403 , 526 Expenses : Fire New Fire Engine - debt payment $ - $ $ 67 , 406 $ - $ - $ 67 , 406 Transportation 1996 PWTF Loan Payment 110 , 893 - - - - 110 , 893 1997 PWTF Loan Payment 68 , 271 - - - - 68 , 271 2001 PWTF Loan Payment 34 , 914 - - - - 349914 2003 PWTF Loan Payment 152 , 627 - - - - 152 , 627 Parks/Open Space 3rd Ave Trailhead design & permit - 20 , 000 - - - 20 , 000 Goodwin Rd trailhead parking 80 , 000 80 , 000 Open space acquisitions 150 , 000 150 , 000 Heritage Park design & parking improve . 75 , 000 75 , 000 Heritage Park south parking improve . 35 , 000 35 , 000 Fallen Leak Lake Park access improve . 25 , 000 25 , 000 Reet 1 Transfer to General Fund for parks O & M - - - 125 , 000 - 125 , 000 Cemetery memorial design - - 10 , 000 - 10 , 000 Wireless technology upgrades in City Hall - - - 40 , 000 - 40 , 000 Reet 2 - Growth Related Transfer to General Fund for parks O & M - - - 125 , 000 125 , 000 2002 PWTF Loan Payment - Street Reconstructs - - - 129 , 409 129 , 409 Roadway Preservation - - - 300 , 000 300 , 000 General Parks Improvements - - - 50 , 000 50 , 000 Total Expenses 3667705 385 , 000 679406 1750000 6049409 11598 , 520 Anticipated Balance Dec . 31 , 2012 $ 2810449 $ 148 , 767 $ 6, 339 $ 125 , 000 $ 2399451 $ 801 , 006 42 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Finance Director ( 1 ) CITY CLERK/ RECORDS ACCOUNTING , TREASURY RISK MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL SERVICES CEMETERY Accounting Manager ( 1 ) SERVICES Accountant ( vacant ) Accounting Assistant ( 1 ) Financial Assistant ( 4 . 75 ) 43 FINANCIAL AND RECORDS SERVICES DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The Finance Departments mission is to ensure the City' s financial stability , maximize the use of its financial resources , and provide superior financial , accounting , treasury and budgeting information and services , while maintaining the highest level of public trust . The Finance Department strives to provide progressive , automated , quality services to the citizens , City Council and Mayor , and city departments it serves using the most advanced , available and affordable technology . DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Continue verifying and updating the cemetery records database . 2 . Participate on the city team to find long term solutions to improve the financial condition of the General Fund , Cemetery Fund and the EMS Fund . 3 . Analyze collection and accounting of ambulance billings . 4 Prepare Comprehensive Annual Financial Report ( CAFR ) after taking one year off after 23 years of receiving awards in excellence in financial reporting . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Finance Department consists primarily of the following service areas : Accounting / Financial Services Records / Risk Management Budgeting and Accounting City Clerk duties Financial Reporting Information archival Utility Billing and Receipting Records Searches Payroll and Benefits Reporting Insurance Management Ambulance Billing & Receipting Municipal Code Accounts Payable Claims & Risk Management Accounts Receivable Cemetery financial and Cash and Investment Management historical records Equipment Rental Accounting Parking ticket collections COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS This is the second year that the Finance Department has been without a staff person filling the Accountant postion . The duties of the Accountant are being completed by the Accounting Assistant , the Accounting Manager , an outside contractor and the Finance Director limiting other tasks and projects we can complete timely . 44 STATISTICAL INFORMATION The Finance Department is the core of many central services for the City . Superior customer service and improved processes are constant goals . The following charts reflect growth trends that influence change in processes and procedures to offer prompt customer service with limited staff . Many customers pay their utility bills on - line , referred to as web payments ; phone in to use a credit card ; or use the city' s automatic recurring web pay service , reducing the number of daily receipts in the office . The significant increase in the number of credit card transactions between 2009 and 2010 reflects the addition of web payments . With the addition of credit card payments ; however , has come an increase in the fees the city pays for credit card processing . Number of Credit Card Transactions I 121000 — - ---- - 10, 806 10 , 000 81000 9 , 544- - -- _- - 6 , 000 - Credit Card Processing Fees 41000 _ _ 51812 2 , 000 _ 3 , 759 -- ----- - -- - - --- 6 2,244 $ 30 , 000 1 ® -- - --- $ 254F000 - $ 24 , 776 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 $ 20 , 000 est $ 15 , 000 -- - $ 10 , 000 Automated Payments $ 2 , 751 $ 5 , 000 - - -- - - - 6000 $ 0 5000 _ 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 4000 I1 est 3000 2000 0Credit Card 1000 , I OChecking 0 LO I� 00 Ol O c;'"'i O O O O r-1 � O O O O O � N N N N N r-1 O N Total bills have doubled in the past ten years . In 2006 , the number of utility bills sent increased drastically with the implementation of a second set of past due notices mailed to customers . This was implemented in May 2006 and discontinued in August 2008 . The 2008 decline reflects the decision to cease mailing second past due notices . Total Utility Bills Sent 54 , 87 55 , 000 459000 40 , 911 i 35 , 000 � . 25 , 000 w 159000 r 5 , 000 `s N M Iq M to r*� CO CD O O O O O O ® O O O Q N N N N N N N N N 45 FINANCIAL AND RECORDS SERVICES EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 04 . 514 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 1677991 $ 175 , 215 $ 1799317 Personnel Benefits 48 , 249 56 , 837 57 , 117 Other Services and Charges 21408 21600 3 , 300 230 FINANCIAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 333 , 274 299 , 263 307 , 444 Personnel Benefits 117 , 163 103 , 424 107 , 110 Supplies 17044 37000 2 , 750 Other Services and Charges 26 , 432 32 , 800 327100 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges 50 11000 11000 TOTAL FINANCIAL AND RECORDS SERVICES $ 696 , 611 $ 674 , 139 $ 690 , 138 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 3 . 23 % 2 . 37 % Actual Estimated FINANCE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Finance Director $ 103 , 932 $ 1047971 Accounting Manager 71 , 283 745346 Accountant - - Accounting Assistant 57 , 708 587285 Financial Assistant 11 ( 4 . 75 FTE ) 240 , 555 248 , 159 Overtime 11000 15000 Total Salaries $ 474 , 478 $ 486 , 761 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 2 . 59 °i OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Administration : Professional Services $ 500 Communication 700 Travel 300 Subscriptions , membership dues 11800 Total other services and charges $ 31300 Financial Services : Professional Services - ( Bank fees , software licensing ) $ 24 , 000 Communication ( telephone charges ) 3 , 500 Travel - Insurance ( liability ) 21700 Repairs and maintenance of small office equipment 400 Registrations for classes , subscriptions , membership dues 17500 Total other services and charges $ 32 , 100 46 OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES FUNCTION The other general governmental services section of the budget provides for all expenses of general operations of the city not provided under a specific fund and department . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Other general government includes miscellaneous government expenses such as duplication , printing , postage , general liability insurance , dues to the Association of Washington Cities and State Auditor ' s Office annual audit fees . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS General Liability Insurance Assessments A significant portion of the general liability $ 3503000 -I insurance assessment to Washington Cities $ 3003000 - - -- $ 250 , 000 Insurance Authorityis included in the budget g $ 200 , 000 - of this department with a city- wide $ 150 , 000 -I -- assessment in 2012 of $ 248 , 561 . $ 1003000 - - $ 501000 $ 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 07 Expended Aprop Required 2010 2011 2012 519 900 MISCELLANEOUS Supplies $ 11 , 624 $ 79500 $ 61500 Other Services and Charges 105 , 722 106 , 200 105 , 400 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 27 , 703 297100 30 , 500 Interfund Payments for Services 11 , 613 117616 121000 531 700 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL Intergovernmental Services and Taxes ( $ . 33 per capita ) 51511 57594 55679 567 000 MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 41395 37750 59100 TOTAL OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES $ 1667568 $ 1637760 $ 165 , 179 - 1 . 69 % 0 . 87 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL . Professional Services ( AWC membership - $ 10 , 588 , bond fiscal agent , website fee ) $ 22 , 000 Communication ( postage , telephone charges ) 11 , 000 Operating rentals and leases ( postage meter , post office box ) 13700 Insurance ( General Fund ' s portion of liability , property , and fidelity ) 52 , 700 Repairs and Maintenance ( copy machines , phone maint . ) 4 , 000 Code book updates , Chamber of Commerce membership , state purchasing fee 14 , 000 Total other services and charges $ 1053400 47 UNLIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND REDEMPTION MISSION STATEMENT This fund accounts for the payment of principal and interest on the bonds issued in 2000 to expand and remodel the city library and the 2005 refunding bonds which refinanced the last ten years of the original library bond issue at a lower interest rate . The original bond issue of 2000 is paid off, only the refunding bonds remain . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 239 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 Taxes 361 111 Real and Personal Property $ 622 , 123 $ 624 , 069 $ 624 , 011 Total Estimated Resources $ 6229123 $ 624 , 069 $ 624 , 011 EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 239 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 Redemption of General Long Term Debt 591 720 Principal on Library Bonds $ 412 , 000 $ 4347000 $ 4507000 Interest and Other Debt Service 592 720 Interest on Library Bonds 2107123 190 , 069 174 , 011 Total Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund $ 622 , 123 $ 6245069 $ 624 , 011 - 0 . 01 % 48 UNLIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND REDEMPTION SCHEDULES 2005 Refunding Library Bonds Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 450 , 000 $ 174 , 011 $ 624 , 011 2013 4665000 157Y361 6235361 2014 486 , 000 140 , 119 626 , 119 $ 1 ) 4021000 $ 4713491 $ 13873 , 491 2020 Library Bond Tax Rate per $ 1000 of Assessed Value 0 . 4 0 0 0 Lm 0 . 2 CL as V 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 est . 49 LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND REDEMPTION MISSION STATEMENT This fund accounts for the principal and interest on bonds issued in 1996 to construct the police facility and refund a CERB loan . As of 2011 , that bond is paid off. This fund also accounts for the principal and interest for two Public Works Trust Fund loans for Parker Street , SE 1st Street road improvements , the 2002 street reconstruction project and a 2008 loan obtained for a fire engine . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 240 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 Taxes : 311 100 Real and Personal Property $ 3001400 $ 3001533 $ - Total Taxes 3001400 3001533 - Other Financing Sources : 397 000 Operating Transfers In : 575 , 837 569 , 680 563 , 520 Total Other Financing Sources 575 , 837 5691680 5637520 Total Estimated Resources $ 8761237 $ 8707213 $ 5631520 50 LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 240 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 591 210 Police Facility/ Principal $ 220 , 000 $ 285 , 000 $ - 210 Pacific Rim Blvd / Principal 50 , 000 - - 220 Fire Pumper/ Engine Loan / Principal 52 , 593 54 , 723 56 , 940 595 SE 1 st Street Road Improvements / Principal 33 , 252 331252 33 , 252 595 Parker Street 1996 / Principal 961429 961429 96 , 429 595 Parker Street 1997 / Principal 57 , 857 57 , 857 571857 595 SE 1 st Street Construction / Principal 143 , 988 143 , 988 143 , 988 595 Street Reconstruction / Principal 1281765 128 , 765 1281765 592 210 Police Facility/ Interest 27 , 413 15 , 533 - 210 Pacific Rim Blvd / Interest 21700 - - 220 Fire Pumper Truck Interest 141813 127682 101465 595 SE 1 st Street Road Improvements / Interest 11995 11829 11663 595 Parker Street 1996 / Interest 20 , 250 17 , 357 141464 595 Parker Street 1997 / Interest 137886 127150 10 , 414 595 SE 1 st Street Construction / Principal 10 , 079 91359 81639 595 Street Reconstruction / Principal 17931 11288 644 Total Limited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund $ 875 , 950 $ 870 , 212 $ 563 , 520 - 35 . 24 % 51 Parker Street - 1996 PWTF Loan Last Year Funding Principal Interest Total of Payment Source 2012 $ 96 , 429 $ 141464 $ 110 , 893 2013 96 , 429 113571 1087000 2014 96 , 429 81679 105 , 108 2016 TIF Parker Street - 1997 PWTF Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 57 , 857 $ 10 , 414 $ 68 , 271 2013 57 , 857 87679 667536 2014 57 , 857 67943 64 , 800 2017 T I F SE 1st Street Improvements - 2001 PWTF Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 331252 $ 11663 $ 34 , 915 2013 33 , 252 17496 341748 2014 33 , 252 11330 34 , 582 2021 TIF SE 1st St . Construction - 2003 PWTF Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 1437988 $ 81639 $ 1527627 2013 143 , 988 71919 151 , 907 2014 143 , 988 77199 1517187 2023 TIF Street Reconstruction - 2002 PWTF Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 128 , 764 $ 644 $ 129 , 408 2012 REST I ) Fire Engine - 2008 Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 56 , 940 $ 10 , 465 $ 67 , 406 FIF & 2013 59 , 247 81159 67 , 406 REET 1 2014 61 , 647 51759 67 , 406 2016 52 FIREMEN ' S PENSION FUNCTION The Firemen ' s Pension budget provides for medical care and pension payments for the city' s regular paid firefighters who were employed prior to January 1 , 1971 . Firefighters retired subsequent to that date will be paid from the Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement System administered by the State of Washington . Medical expenses for firefighters employed subsequent to January 1 , 1971 , must be paid by the city General Fund directly . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Retired firefighter pensions are increased by an amount equal to the change in the Seattle consumer price index January to January each year . There is currently one retired fire marshal and two firefighters receiving subsidy payments to their state pension . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 611 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Investment Interest $ 20 , 339 $ - $ - 369 000 Employer Contribution 36 , 432 25 , 000 25 , 000 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 56 , 771 . 25 , 000 25 , 000 Total Estimated Revenues $ 561771 $ 25 , 000 $ 25 , 000 EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 611 . 00 . 522 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 Disability and Retirement : 200 Pension and Disability $ 141719 $ 25 , 000 $ 25 , 000 Total Firemen ' s Pension $ 14 , 719 $ 25 , 000 $ 25 , 000 53 POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE CHIEF ( 1 ) POLICE CAPTAIN ( 1 ) PATROL INVESTIGATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE CLERICAL ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION RECORDS SECTION (Washougal Contract) PatrolSergeant Patrol St Detective Administrative Senior Admin . unSquad A (2 ) Squad B (2 )Sergeant Sergeant ( 1 ) Sergeant ( 1 ) SuPPrt Assistant stant � ( 1 ) Patrol Officers Patrol Officers Detective (2 ) School Resource Squad A Squad B Officer ( 1 ) Admin . Support ( 7 FTE) (8 FTE ) Assist . II ( 1 . 7 FTE ) Code Enforcement Officer ( 1 ) Court Security Officer ( . 55 FTE ) Offender Work Crew Leader ( 1 . 2 FTE ) JUDICIAL FUNCTION The Police Judge is the chief judicial officer of the city . The city contracts with Clark County for this service and one of the elected District Court Judges of Clark County . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Police Judge hears all cases and has exclusive jurisdiction over offenses defined by ordinances of the city . He has full power and authority to determine all cases , civil or criminal , arising under such ordinances and may pronounce judgment on these cases . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS In 2011 the City of Camas took over managing certain cost centers of the Camas/Washougal Municipal Court when Clark County found they could no longer afford to support the satellite operation . Although the County had desired to transfer court operations to downtown Vancouver , the two cities took steps to maintain the court function in East County . The partial transition of the court function back to the City has resulted in reduced expenditures , but also resulted in reduced service levels to the community . The Camas/Washougal Municipal Court is currently closed to the public on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays . While the City took over managing the infrastructure expenses for the facility , it kept that part of the contract for all of the Clark County employees , including the judges and clerks . For 2012 , we will examine the advantages and disadvantages of completely ending the contract with District Court and moving to a full service court . 55 JUDICIAL EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 02 . Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 512 500 MUNICIPAL COURT Supplies $ 268 $ 181000 $ 81000 Other Services and Charges - 85 , 000 84 , 500 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 1521700 1221000 1241500 Professional services ( $ 21 , 000 for janitorial , courier services ) Communication ( $ 1 , 500 ) Operating Rents ( $ 28 , 500 ) Insurance ( $ 1 , 000 ) Public Utility ( $ 16 , 000 ) Repairs ( $ 6 , 000 ) Misc . ( $ 10 , 500 ) 512 810 INDIGENT DEFENSE Other Services and Charges 491600 481000 487000 TOTAL JUDICIAL $ 202 , 568 $ 2731000 $ 265 , 000 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 34 . 77 % -2 . 93 % 56 LAW EDEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Camas Police Department is to protect lives and property in our community and to maintain public order . DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 2012 Highest on the priority list of goals for the department in the coming year is to hire and train to our allotted enforcement levels . In mid to late 2011 we lost two police officers - one to retirement and one who left to go to another law enforcement agency . As we enter 2012 , we are also mindful of an announced retirement of our Social Service Specialist . The department plans to budget to fill that position with a fully commissioned police officer . For an agency our size , to hire and train three ( 3 ) new police officers will be a challenge . During 2012 we expect to have challenges surrounding our staff shortage in uniformed patrol . Our goal is to manage this temporary shortage and still maintain appropriate and fiscally responsible controls on the usage of over-time compensation . A secondary goal , but related , will be to adjust for the loss of the Social Service Specialist by ensuring all of the duties performed by that position are covered through a new department alignment that doesn ' t include that civilian position . The department continues to maintain the certification as an accredited law enforcement agency and is focusing on preparing for our re - certification process that is coming up in 2013 . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The activities of the Police Department are varied and encompass a wide degree of services not normally associated with the standard police function . Of course , they include enforcing criminal violations , traffic enforcement , investigating a variety of non - criminal complaints and providing safety for persons and property . We also perform downtown parking enforcement and nuisance abatement through the work of a Code Enforcement Officer . The Camas School District and the City of Camas co -fund one full - time police officer position to provide safety and protection to our schools . The offender work crew program continues to provide services back to the community while reducing costs in prisoner incarceration fees paid to Clark County . We operate a detective unit that is planned to be staffed by three sworn officers this coming year . This unit conducts investigations into serious crime , including person crimes , narcotics and vice crimes . The detective unit will handle investigations of sexual assaults and child abuse . Through a cooperative effort with the City of Washougal , we receive animal control services on a contract basis . The City of Washougal is also a partner in the operation of the local municipal court . Unique to this cooperative approach , both cities share the costs of both of these programs without any charges for administrative overhead . Through this true " actual cost " approach both communities are able to enjoy these services at the lowest possible cost to the taxpayer . 57 COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The 2011 budget was the fourth consecutive year in which the Police Department took steps to reduce expenditures . A planned and authorized hire of a police officer in 2011 was abandoned mid - year in order to reduce the stress on the general fund . Returning those unspent dollars to the general fund has been necessary to help to balance the city ' s overall obligations in other departments and areas . As we enter 2012 , the " officers per thousand " ratio continues a steady downward trend that has been taking place over the last 10 years . We are projected to be at a staff of 1 . 29 police officers for every 1 , 000 residents of the City during this next budget year . This ratio peaked in 1999 , during the Clinton era " COPS " programs , when the community enjoyed a level of 2 . 02 police officers for every 1 , 000 residents . In 2006 , FCS Group , consulting with Paul Lewis , examined the levels the City of Camas had for law enforcement and compared that level to other like cities . At the time , the group average was 1 . 55 police officers per every thousand residents . At the time , the City of Camas had a ratio of 1 . 64 police officers per thousand residents . To return to this same 2006 ratio ( 1 . 64 ) the City would need to authorize a force of 33 sworn officers . While that goal fails to be reasonable in such times , the concept of not allowing the problem to grow more severe merits attention . Our community is growing and for the first time will move past the population mark of twenty thousand residents . With growth comes the inevitable demands for police services . There is no getting around the fact that the equation of increased demands and decreased resources ( fewer police officers ) to meet those demands will result in customer dissatisfaction . While recognizing the City of Camas is struggling with finding ways to fund all municipal services , there is a clear and undeniable trend that we are currently following that will at some point become problematic in the police department . 58 LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 08 . Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 521 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 310 , 368 $ 342 , 272 $ 356 , 307 Personnel Benefits 107 , 054 1377252 1311500 Supplies 5 , 424 41700 41700 Other Services and Charges Professional Services 31323 21000 61000 Communications ( $ 100 ) , Travel ( $ 1 , 500 ) 41871 71400 81400 Repairs/Maint . ( $ 2 , 000 ) , Registrations and laundry ( $ 8 , 500 ) Interfund Payments for Services 15 , 156 26 , 358 26 , 359 521 POLICE OPERATIONS 220 PATROL AND INVESTIGATIONS Salaries and Wages 17747 , 768 11826 , 300 11885 , 699 Overtime 54 , 013 52 , 000 55 , 000 Personnel Benefits 680 , 689 697 , 193 7253900 Supplies 12 , 262 201550 32 , 700 Other Services and Charges 291240 251605 26 , 050 Professional Service ( $ 2 , 500 ) Uniform cleaning ( $ 8 , 500 ) , Communication ( $ 300 ) Insurance ( $ 10 , 750 liability ) , Travel ( $ 1 , 500 ) , Advertising ( $ 500 ) , Repairs and Maint . ( $ 2 , 000 ) Intergovernmental Services 14 , 289 15 , 000 18 , 000 Interfund Payments for Services 184 , 678 1851857 1821070 300 COMMUNITY SERVICES Salaries and Wages 521886 - - Personnel Benefits 251769 Supplies 412 - - Other Services and Charges 491 - - Intergovernmental Services Interfund Payments for Services 31552 - - 400 TRAINING Supplies 81300 91000 91000 Other Services and Charges 11 , 577 141000 14 , 725 Travel ( $ 7 , 000 ) Registrations , publications ( $ 7 , 725 ) Intergovernmental Services - 21000 91000 500 FACILITIES Salaries and Wages 61758 81000 81000 Personnel Services 21365 21700 21700 Supplies 81052 81500 81500 Other Services and Charges 751204 85 , 630 861300 Insurance ( $ 9 , 500 property insurance ) , Public Utilities ( $47 , 000 ) Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 13 , 000 ) Janitorial and mat cleaning services ( $ 16 , 800 ) 59 LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON ( Continued ) Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 08 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 900 CODE ENFORCEMENT Salaries and Wages - 57 , 208 56 , 105 Personnel Benefits 22 29 , 507 30 , 088 Supplies - 900 900 Other Services and Charges 866 11200 11400 Miscellaneous ( $ 900 ) , Travel ( $ 500 ) Interfund Payments for Services 11800 51486 51486 920 OTHER MUNICIPAL SERVICES - SOCIAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 671336 66 , 788 42 , 524 Personnel Benefits 17 , 733 20 , 997 81000 Other Services and Charges 533 550 - 930 FINGERPRINTING /OTHER AGENCY Intergovernmental Professional Services 21387 31000 61500 950 DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT LEOFF - 1 Personnel Benefits 99522 115 , 500 126 , 000 528 600 COMMUNICATION , OPERATIONS , CONTRACTED SERVICES Supplies 658 Intergovernmental Services 214 , 840 2271250 2241500 528 800 COMMUNICATIONS , GENERAL Supplies - 350 350 Other Services and Charges 20 , 633 261500 26 , 500 Communication ( $ 23 , 500 cell phones , pagers , telephone , $ 1 , 500 Smead software contract ) Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 1 , 500 repair phones and radios ) 591 210 CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery and Equipment 10 , 035 - - TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS $ 31800 , 866 $ 41027 , 553 $ 41125 , 263 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 5 . 96 % 2 . 43 % 60 statistics The charts below reflect the calls logged and reports written by the Police department for a seven year time period . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillilliillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillilillillilI Calls Lo ed 16 , 000 13 , 392 12 00010242 ill 588 11 , 402 121434 8 , 000 4 , 000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 est . Reports Written r 65000 51000 4 , 023 3 , 857 �7R 47000 3 E 31369 31637 3 , 000 r t 1 �7 27000 1 000 0 f I ✓/ - -� 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 est . The chart below reflects the traffic enforcement activity for a five year time period . Traffic Enforcement Activity 6 , 000 - OWarnings ® Citations 5 , 000 4 , 000 3 , 000 2 , 000 1 , 000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 est . 61 Actual Estimated LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Police Chief $ 1197950 $ 1247718 Police Captain 97 , 082 100 , 529 Senior Admin Support Assistant 547940 60 , 288 Admin Support Assistant II ( 1 . 7 FTE ) 697850 70 , 322 Administrative Overtime 450 450 Police Sergeant ( 6 FTE ) 5297373 545 , 176 Police Officers ( 17 . 75 FTE - 2010 , 17 FTE - 2011 ) 192217607 1 , 261 , 825 Police Operations Overtime 523000 555000 Holiday Pay 75 , 320 78 , 698 Code Enforcement Officer 57 , 008 557905 Code Enforcement Overtime 200 200 Social Services Specialist 66 , 038 423324 Social Services Specialist Overtime 750 200 TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT $ 233443568 $ 27395 , 635 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 2 . 18 % Police Officers Per 1000 Capita 3 . 00 2 . 50 v 2 . 00 rM 1 . 62 1 . 50 1 . 52 1 . 64 1 . 60 1 . 56 1 . 48 1 . 45 0 1 . 50 - , . _ 1 . 00 , . �- 0 . 50 - . 0 . 00 : 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 est . Population date = April 1 62 DETENTION AND CORRECTION FUNCTION The detention and correction budget provides for cost of care of prisoners and parole services . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Prisoners are detained in the city jail temporarily . All other prisoners are held either in the Clark County Sheriffs Office or Skamania County jail . The city reimburses the county for board of prisoners and probation services . DETENTION AND CORRECTION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 A M23 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 300 PROBATION AND PAROLE SERVICES Salaries and Wages $ 63 , 049 $ 64 , 029 $ 647625 Personnel Services 10 , 598 13 , 090 12 , 500 Supplies 47230 51200 57200 Other Services and Charges 11256 11950 21950 Intergovernmental Services 88 , 614 65 , 000 827471 Interfund Payments 61588 71749 71749 600 CARE AND CUSTODY OF PRISONERS Salaries and Wages 25 , 552 26 , 862 321134 Personnel Services 31596 51159 13 , 974 Supplies 46 200 200 Other Services and Charges 207 - 600 Intergovernmental Services 241 , 506 272 , 618 270 , 150 TOTAL DETENTION AND CORRECTION $ 445 , 242 $ 461 , 857 $ 492 , 553 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 3 . 73 % 6 . 65 % Actual Estimated DETENTION AND CORRECTION PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Offender Crew Leader ( 2 at . 6 FTE ) $ 60 , 329 $ 64 , 625 Offender Crew Extra Hours 31700 - Court Security Officer ( 2010 - . 475 FTE , 2011 - . 55 FTE ) 25 , 782 32 , 134 Court Security Officer Extra Hours 11080 - Total Personnel $ 90 , 891 $ 96 , 759 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 6 . 46 % 63 ANIMAL CONTROL MISSION STATEMENT The Animal Control Department provides for animal control expenses . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The City of Camas and the City of Washougal operate the Animal Control services under an interlocal agreement with the City of Washougal administering the program . The City of Washougal also& operates an animal control facility . Costs budgeted here are the City of Camas ' anticipated share of its costs . OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 16 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 539 300 ANIMAL CONTROL Supplies $ 460 $ - $ 500 Intergovernmental Services 83 , 825 93 , 500 93 , 500 Total Other Physical Environment $ 84 , 285 $ 93 , 500 $ 94 , 000 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 10 . 93 % 0 . 53 % 64 FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief ( 1 ) Senior Administrative Division Chief Support Assistant ( 1 ) of EMS ( 1 ) Training Captain 1 Battalion Chief v, , � � � Battalion Chief Battalion Chief [:feuty Fire A Shift ( 1 ) " B " Shift ( 1 ) " C " Shift ( 1 ) shal 1 Station 41 Station 42 Station 41 Station 42 Station 41 Station 42 Captain 1 Captain 1 Ca tain 1 Captain 1 Captain 1 Ca tain 1 ) Paramedic Station 171 Paramedic Station 171 Paramedic Station 171 Engineer ( 1 ) Firefighter/ Engineer ( 1 ) Firefighter/ Engine r ( 1 ) Firefighter/ Paramedic Paramedic Paramedic Fire 2 Fire 2 Fire 2 Engineer ( 1 ) Engineer ( 1 ) Engineer ( 1 ) Firefighter/ Firefighter/ Firefighter/ 41 iz Paramedic Paramedic Paramedic ( 4 ) (4 ) ( 5 ) Firefighter Firefighter FIRE DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT To provide the highest quality service to our community through the protection and preservation of life and property . DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Continue to develop plans to consolidate resources with Washougal to eliminate duplication of efforts , improve service , and reduce costs . 2 . Improve budget funding where possible and feasible to improve services available to the community . 3 . 4 . Provide proper training programs to keep employees safe from harm and injury . 5 . Continue to aggressively monitor the use of discretionary overtime and other expenditures . 6 . Constantly pursue grant opportunities to lessen the financial impact on the city' s general fund . 7 . Create a fire apparatus replacement plan . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Your fire department has a staff of 41 personnel serving the community from two Camas fire stations and one fire station in Washougal . There are four personnel in the administrative office and the balance of 26 firefighter/ paramedics and 11 firefighter IV Techs strategically located throughout the fire stations . The administrative office includes the Fire Chief and one administrative assistant whose duties are to manage day4o -day emergency and non - emergency operations of the fire department . The Fire Prevention office is staffed by one Deputy Fire Marshal , who is responsible for plan review , fire investigations , permit review , fire and fife safety inspections , fire safety education , code review , school inspections , and the reviewing of new construction plans and follow up on fire prevention complaints . Fire suppression services are provided 24/7 by the 37 firefighters and firefighter/ paramedics located throughout three stations . Your department is a full function department that has the same capabilities as most urban and suburban fire departments . The department responds to over 3 , 500 fire and medical incidents per year . Over 70 % of emergencies are medical in nature . 66 FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 09 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 522 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 827475 $ 851047 $ 801842 Personnel Benefits 217466 241471 421644 Other Services and Charges 21425 31000 31200 Interfund Payments for Services 31228 31300 31300 522 210 FIRE SUPPRESSION Salaries and Wages 116921023 116151089 116251662 Overtime 1211601 1451000 1207000 Personnel Benefits 5221846 5521841 5657129 Supplies 257150 251000 617298 Grant awards ( $ 31 , 197 ) Other Services and Charges 521332 64 , 000 591800 Professional Services ( $ 2 , 800 for equipment testing ) Insurance ( $ 24 , 000 liability insurance ) Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 27 , 000 on equipment and vehicles ) Laundry , turnout cleaning , fire codes ( $ 6 , 000 ) Interfund Payments for Services 107330 101550 101560 230 WATER SERVICE Other Services and Charges 161220 111500 111500 ( public utility- hydrant rental ) 300 FIRE PREVENTION AND INVESTIGATION Salaries and Wages 961083 861425 861426 Overtime 57207 21500 51000 Personnel Benefits 181500 181766 181540 Supplies 11792 2 , 000 31500 Other Services and Charges 11005 11500 21750 Interfund Payments for Services 51808 57925 61585 400 TRAINING Supplies 714 500 500 Other Services and Charges 31094 31500 7 , 000 Professional Services ( $ 1 , 000 ) Travel ( $ 500 ) Registration , publications ( $ 5 , 500 ) 500 FACILITIES Salaries and Wages 71079 77000 51000 Personnel Benefits 21761 37000 21000 Supplies 41321 51250 51250 Other Services and Charges 317560 331500 401000 Professional Services ( $ 2 , 000 pest control , Sonitrol ) Insurance ( $ 12 , 000 property insurance ) Public Utility ( $ 20 , 000 ) Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 6 , 000 on bldg . , HVAC , maintenance of station 42 and drill tower) 67 FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON ( Continued ) Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 09 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 950 DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT - LEOFF 1 Personnel Benefits 471975 451000 537500 Pension & Disability 361432 37 , 000 341500 528 COMMUNICATIONS 600 OPERATIONS , CONTRACTED SERVICES Intergovernmental Services 651996 671000 631000 800 COMMUNICATIONS , GENERAL Supplies 11641 17100 17000 Other Services and Charges 251647 221600 241600 Professional Services ( $ 100 ) Communication ( $ 20 , 000 for phones , internet ) Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 2 , 500 for radio repairs ) TOTAL FIRE CONTROL AND COMMUNICATIONS $ 2 , 9051711 $ 278821364 $ 279431086 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 0 . 80 % 2011 % 68 Actual Estimated FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Fire Chief ( . 5 FTE ) $ 60 , 096 $ 541855 Sr . Admin Support Assistant ( . 5 FTE ) 24 , 951 251987 Division Chief ( 0 FTE - 2011 , . 2 FTE - 2012 ) - 187641 Battalion Chiefs ( 2 . 4 FTE ) 2391271 2391271 Fire Captain ( 8 FTE - 2011 , 7 FTE - 2012 ) 7117492 6197464 Engineers ( 3 ) 2241316 2241316 Firefighter/ Paramedic ( 3 . 5 FTE - 2011 , 4 . 5 FTE - 2012 ) 2641686 3481810 Firefighter ( 2 ) 1427416 1421416 Holiday Pay 331893 33 , 730 Fire Suppression Overtime 1451000 120 , 000 Deputy Fire Marshal ( 1 ) 851440 857440 Fire Prevention Overtime 21500 57000 Total Fire Control $ 119341061 $ 119171930 OYO Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 0 . 83 % 69 Statistics 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ( Est . ) Fire Alarms Residential tructure Fires 25 19 18 22 14 Structure Fires - Other than Residential Structures Other than a Building 5 Cooking Fires Chimney Fires 5 Trash or Rubbish Fires 713 12 9 Passenger Vehicle Fires 6 5 Brush or Grass Fires 8 17 21 16 18 Other 3 9 11 11 Total 73 590 75 87 Rescue ssist EMS Crew 1 8681 9131 7921 9131 9931 Hazardous Condition Flammable Liquid Spill5 4 5 5 Gas Leak Electrical Wiring / Equipment Problem 10 7 11 8 Power Line Down Other 16 16 6 5 Total 5 24 22 Good Intent Dispatched ance e 7 147 231 Wrong Location No Incident Found Smoke - Odor or Smoke - Steam 12 14 15 17 14 Other 7 Total False Alarms False Alarms 8 15 11 10 27 Malicious System Malfunction 52 20 Smoke Detector Malfunction 5 Other 17 25 5 Total 74 67 5 7 Service Calls Public or Invalid Asslst- GeneralService 481 611 491 671711 Severe Weather Severe Weather TOTALS 19270 1 19396 1 1 , 270 1 19363 1 19569 Service Calls 5 % Fire Alarms False Alarms I 5 % 5 % Good Intent 16 % I Hazardous Condition 2 % EMS & Rescue I 670/o Fire Incidents by Type - 2011 est . 70 EMERGENCY SERVICES FUNCTION Emergency management provides for safety , food , aid and housing to citizens during time of disaster . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The emergency management budget provides for an intergovernmental payment to the county emergency services operation . The cost is based on per- capita , but for 2010 the county was awarded a grant to offset some of the costs for this service . EMERGENCY SERVICES EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001 . 11 . 525 Actual Actual Estimated Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 100 ADMINISTRATION Intergovernmental Services $ 13 , 539 $ 17 , 000 $ 177000 TOTAL EMERGENCY SERVICES $ 137539 $ 17 , 000 $ 17 , 000 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 25 . 56 % 0 . 00 % 71 EMERGENCY RESCUE MISSION STATEMENT To provide the highest quality service to our community through the protection and preservation of life and property . SERVICES PROVIDED The Camas Fire Department provides paramedic service and ambulance transports to the communities of Camas , Washougal , and East County Fire and Rescue . This service is provided by Camas paramedic/firefighters , firefighter/ EMTs from Camas , Washougal and East County Fire and Rescue , and the dedicated volunteers of Washougal and East County Fire and Rescue . This service is the result of a thirty year EMS levy that the communities have regularly supported . Camas is the only fire department in Clark County that provides paramedic response and transport services , which provides for faster and better services without interruption treatment . Demand for service continues to increase steadily while the cost of service continues to rise and reimbursements decline . Every effort is being made to maintain or reduce costs . In July of 2011 , the Camas and Washougal Fire Departments entered in to a unique six month trial merger to explore if the partnership could save money for the EMS fund . This partnership has already shown immediate savings , as well as providing for higher staffing levels with paramedics at Washougal station 171 . It is hoped that this combined service will be continued well in to 2012 as a way to continue to provide elevate services in a fiscally responsible manner during difficult economic times . 72 EMERGENCY RESCUE REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 115 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 1421866 $ 1501 . 000 311 100 Taxes : Real and Personal Property 9661195 8921000 8891000 Total Taxes 9661195 8921000 8891000 Intergovernmental Revenue : 334 040 State Grants 21186 - 11700 338 260 Shared Costs -Ambulance , Rescue , 7611000 Emergency Aid 173771261 9661500 - Total Intergovernmental Revenue 113791447 9661500 7621700 Charges for Goods and Services 341 600 Printing and Duplicating 109 - - 342 600 Ambulance and Emergency Aid Fees 8401414 8751000 9401000 347 900 Culture and Recreation ( First- aid / CPR classes ) 31465 31500 31208 Total Charges for Goods and Services 8431988 8781500 9431208 Fines and Penalties 359 900 Late Fees 117215 141000 107000 Total Fines and Penalties 111215 147000 101000 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Investment Interest 17036 11000 100 367 000 Contributions and Donations - Private Sources 274 - 500 369 900 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 21013 300 11000 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 31323 11300 11600 Other Financing Sources : 391 800 Intergovernmental Loan Proceeds - - - 397 000 Operating Transfers In 841939 Total Other Financing Sources - - 84 , 939 Total Estimated Revenues 312041168 217527300 216911447 Total Estimated Resources $ 312047168 $ 2 , 895 , 166 $ 218411447 73 EMERGENCY RESCUE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 115 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 526 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 100 , 083 $ 857047 $ 80 , 842 Overtime 362 - 500 Personnel Benefits 307428 281481 471198 Supplies - 350 350 Other Services and Charges 117 250 Interest 27438 41000 41000 Interfund Payments 1271783 1381153 1367724 200 AMBULANCE SERVICES Salaries and Wages 116921817 115251630 115171394 Overtime 2151520 2001000 173 , 000 Personnel Benefits 5301428 . 5141990 5231299 Supplies 1531578 1517000 128 , 000 Other Services and Charges 80 , 011 81 , 500 737800 Professional services ( $ 7 , 000 for vaccinations , medical advice ) Operating rentals ( $ 5 , 200 for oxygen cylinders , copier lease ) Insurance ( $ 35 , 000 liability and property insurance ) , Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 20 , 000 for equipment and ambulances ) Communication ( $ 100 ) , Medical waste disposal , laundry ( $ 6 , 500 ) Interfund Payments for Services 51162 57265 21640 400 TRAINING Supplies 11923 21000 21000 Other Services and Charges 71421 81500 77500 Professional Services ( instructors $ 4 , 500 ) Travel ( $ 1 , 000 ) , Training , Registrations , Misc . ( $ 2 , 000 ) 528 600 COMMUNICATIONS , ALARMS AND DISPATCH OPERATIONS , CONTRACTED SERVICES Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 1221345 128 , 000 1221000 800 COMMUNICATIONS , GENERAL Supplies 807 31000 21500 Other Services and Charges 171561 197000 191700 Communication ( $ 17 , 200 for phones , internet ) Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 2 , 500 for radio , GPS , VRMS repair) 594 260 CAPITAL OUTLAY Ambulance 1927327 - - TOTAL EMERGENCY RESCUE FUND $ 31281 , 111 $ 218957166 $ 218411447 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 11 . 76 % - 1 . 86 % 74 Actual Estimated EMERGENCY RESCUE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 AMBULANCE , RESCUE AND EMERGENCY AID ADMINISTRATION Fire Chief ( . 5 FTE ) $ 601096 $ 541855 Sr . Admin . Support Specialist ( . 5 FTE ) 247951 259987 Overtime - 500 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 853047 81 , 342 AMBULANCE Division Chief ( . 2 FTE ) - 74 , 563 Battalion Chiefs ( . 60 FTE ) 59 ) 818 597818 Captains ( 2 FTE - 2011 , 0 FTE o 2012 ) 178 , 436 - Engineers ( 3 ) 2457664 245 , 664 Firefighter/ Paramedic ( 13 . 5 FTE E - 2011 , `tl 4 . 5 FTE - 2012 ) 1 , 011 , 410 11107 , 950 Holiday Compensation 303302 29 , 399 Overtime 200 , 000 173 , 000 TOTAL AMBULANCE 12725 , 630 11690 , 394 TOTAL AMBULANCE , RESCUE AND EMERGENCY AID $ 1 , 8101677 $ 11771 , 736 % Increase ( Decrease ) over prior year - 2 . 15 % Emergency Rescue Revenues , Expenditures , Fund Balance and Fund Balance Goals $ 45000 ) 000 $ 3 , 500 , 000 $ 33000 , 000 $ 27500 ) 000 $ 2 , 000 , 000 $ 1 , 500 , 000 $ 1 , 000 , 000 $ 500 , 000 $ 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 est . 2012 est oRevenues oExpenditures - - Fund Balance _ Fund B . Goal Fund balance goal is 12 % of expenses 75 Statistics Through the EMS levy and mutual aid agreements , the Camas Fire Department provides paramedic services to many areas in Eastern Clark County . The information below details the number of calls for service to the different geographic areas . On average , just under sixty percent of calls for service involve a patient transport to a hospital . Camas Washougal ECF & R Vancouver Total Transported 2007 11076 872 486 99 21533 11 , 486 59 % 2008 17177 952 432 132 27693 113533 57 % 2009 13300 879 476 120 27775 11 , 529 55 % 2010 1 , 137 11077 388 170 2 , 772 11697 61 % 2011 Est . 11208 113131 1 437 1178 1 23955 19711 58 % Number of Calls f 29955 3 , 000 2 , 775 Camas 2 , 693 2 , 772 a 2 , 533 : A t 2 , 500 - - - F t I w Washougal r 2 , 000 11500 ECF & R 1 , 000 Vancouver f 500 - - — i Total 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Est . The county' s response system is designed around American Heart Association recommendations for the most critical cardiac arrest patient . That recommendations is that ALS services be at the patient ' s side with 8 minutes of initial arrest . The average response times for Camas Fire Department are well within those guidelines . Average Response Times 5 : 51 5 : 54 5 : 47 5 : 50 6 : 15 M- r 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ( Est . ) L�.._ _ 76 Fire & EMS Department Personnel Schedule Actual Estimated FTE Approp . Required 2011 2012 2011 2012 Fire Staff Fire Chief 0 . 5 0 . 5 $ 601096 541855 Sr . Admin Support Asst , 025 0 . 5 241951 251987 Division Chief - 0 . 2 - 181641 Battalion Chief 2040 2040 2391271 2397271 Fire Captain / Paramedic 4 . 00 3 . 00 3691732 2777704 Fire Captain 4 . 00 4 , 00 3411760 3417760 Fire Engineer 3 . 00 3 . 00 2241316 224 , 316 Firefighter/ Paramedic 3 . 50 4050 264 , 686 3481810 Firefighter 2000 2 . 00 1421416 142 , 416 Holiday Pay 331893 337730 Overtime 1451000 1207000 Deputy Fire Marshal 1 . 00 1 . 00 851440 851440 Overtime 21500 51000 Fire FTE 20 . 90 21 . 10 $ 119341061 $ 119171930 EMS Staff Fire Chief 0 . 5 0 . 5 $ 601096 541855 Sr . Admin Support Asst . 0 . 5 0 . 5 247951 251987 Overtime - 500 Division Chief - 0 . 80 - 741563 Battalion Chief 0 . 60 0 . 60 59 , 817 591818 Captain / Paramedic 2 . 00 - 1781436 - Paramedic Engineer 3 , 00 3 . 00 2451664 2457664 Firefighter/ Paramedic 13 . 50 14050 1 , 011 , 410 111071950 Holiday Pay 301302 291399 Overtime 200 , 000 1801000 EMS FTE 20 . 10 19 . 90 $ 118102676 $ 11778 , 736 Total Fire/ EMS FTE 41 . 00 41 , 00 $ 317441737 $ 316961666 77 FTE Comparison 2011 Fire EMS Total Chief 0 . 5 0 . 5 1 Battalion Chief 2 . 4 0 . 6 3 Deputy Fire Marshal 1 0 1 Captain 8 2 10 Engineer 3 3 6 Firefighter/ Paramedic 3 . 5 13 . 5 17 Firefighter 2 0 2 Sr . Admin . Support Asst . 0 . 5 0 . 5 1 Total 2009 2001 41 . 0 2012 Fire EMS Total Chief 0 . 5 0 . 5 1 Division Chief 0 . 2 0 . 8 1 Battalion Chief 2 . 4 0 . 6 3 Deputy Fire Marshal 1 0 1 Captain 7 0 7 Engineer 3 3 6 Firefighter/ Paramedic 4 . 5 14 . 5 19 Firefighter 2 0 2 Sr . Admin . Support Asst . 0 . 5 0 . 5 1 Total 21 . 1 1909 41 . 0 78 OEM IN joll LIBRARY Library Board of Trustees Library Director ( 1 ) Admin . Support Assistant II ( . 8 FTE ) Assistant Library Director ( 1 ) Youth Services Pages Senior Associate Library Associate Assistant Librarian ( 3 . 5 FTE ) ( . 8 FTE ) ( 3 FTE ) ( 3 FTE ) ( 1 FTE ) Substitutes ( . 29 FTE ) 79 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The Camas Public Library exists to enrich lives , encourage self- education and promote an enlightened citizenry by providing free access to diverse and expansive collections . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Continue to provide a wide array of quality contemporary library services , programs and facilities for customers of all ages . 2 . Exploit use of existing technology to mitigate staff reductions and help achieve goal 1 . 3 . Begin implementation of new strategic plan . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The new strategic plan adopted in 2011 calls for expanding and improving collections , strengthening early childhood offerings , increasing library sponsored events , refining library marketing , and exploring and deploying new systems for service delivery . In 2011 , the Camas Public Library will circulate over 300 , 000 items , including e- books , to borrowers . Sixty percent of residents are active card holders . Over 260 , 000 people will enter the building to utilize services . Through activities such as a summer reading program for all ages , weekly story times , after school programs , and regularly scheduled adult events , the library provides informational , educational , recreational , and cultural activities to well over 1 , 500 participants per month ( 19 , 000 + annually) . The library remains a robust , vibrant city function at the heart of downtown Camas . The staff and trustees , along with the Friends & Foundation , look for ways to economically and efficiently provide a diverse selection of services and activities . This will continue in 2012 . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS This 83 -year-old city department continues to experience growth pangs as it evolves from a small town book lender to a thriving , mid - sized 21st Century library, meeting both the digital and social needs of a changing community . This budget is a bare bones budget that will challenge the staff to meet the service expectations of both established and new library members . The continued low investment in liby quisitions will have an i raracmpact that will be felt for years . 80 STATISTICAL INFORMATION Program Attendance 2010 7 , 286 Ad u l 0 Adults 11 , 732 Children aTeens Children 1 , 736 Teens 20, 754 Total 2010 Camas Library in Numbers Items Loaned 3221454 People Entering Library Building Card Holders 10 , 843 Circulation per Capita 17 350 , 000 a� Items in Collections 99 , 855 Q 300 , 000 - - - - - - o - Magazine Subscriptions 179 � 250 , 000 - 4mb 1 Asa 2 Subscription Databases 42 ® 00 , 000 L Children ' s Programs 426 150 , 000 Teen Programs 59 E 100 , 000 - -- - - - - - Adult Programs 84 Z 50 , 000 - - - Program Attendance 207754 0 Public Computers 26 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Public Computer Logons 33 , 704 Holds Placed 29 , 618 Story Time Attendance 6 , 500 61000 - L 51500 00 5 , 000 U 4 , 500 0 4 000 - . 0 3 , 500 v' 3 , 000 - -. I 2 , 500 _ 2 , 000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 est . 81 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON ME Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 30 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 572 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 89 , 529 $ 90 , 860 $ 93 , 205 Personnel Benefits 309047 323240 36 , 355 Other Services and Charges ( travel ) 235 - - 200 LIBRARY SERVICES Salaries and Wages 663 , 428 638 , 124 633 , 952 Personnel Benefits 218 , 931 231 , 768 249 , 865 Supplies 25 , 813 11 , 300 119400 Other Services and Charges 44 , 109 32 , 350 36 , 375 Professional Services ( $ 4 , 505 ) , Communication ( $ 16 , 050 for postage , phone ) Insurance ( $ 8 , 300 ) , Repairs ( $ 5 , 170 for maintenance contracts ) Misc . ( $ 2 , 350 for printing , registrations , memberships , interlibrary loans , catalog databases ) Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 17996 11500 11500 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges ( travel costs , registration ) 56 - 100 500 FACILITIES Salaries and Wages 51768 61830 61830 Personnel Benefits 21123 21650 21650 Supplies 57135 5 , 425 4 ; 925 Other Services and Charges 131 , 715 120 , 355 134 , 271 Professional Services ( $ 45 , 461 for janitorial , alarm monitoring , landscaping ) Communication ( $ 3 , 150 for telephone , postage ) Insurance ( $ 12 , 600 property) Public Utility ( $ 54 , 825 ) Repairs and Maintenance ( $ 18 , 235 ) 594 720 CAPITAL OUTLAY Land 11826 - - Books 83 , 831 80 , 000 809000 TOTAL LIBRARIES $ 1 , 304 , 542 $ 13253 , 402 $ 11291 , 428 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 3 . 92 % 3 . 03 % 82 Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Library Director $ 92 , 280 $ 93 , 205 Assistant Library Director 72 , 852 73 , 581 Senior Library Associate ( . 8 FTE ) 45 , 994 46 , 454 Library Associate ( 4 FTE - 2011 , 3 FTE 2011 ) 216 , 768 164 , 202 Admin . Support Assistant II ( . 8 FTE ) 36 , 307 36 , 670 Library Assistant ( 3 ) 124 , 596 1257844 Youth Services Librarian 57 , 780 60 , 111 Pages ( 3 . 5 FTE ) 94 , 436 96 , 366 Leave without pay/library closed days ( 20 , 757 ) - Substitutes ( . 19 FTE 2011 ) . 67 FTE 2012 ) 81728 30 , 724 Total Libraries $ 728 , 984 $ 727 , 157 Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year -0 . 25 % 83 WE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT iffil Community Development Director ( 1 ) . 4 Administration , . 5 Planning , . 1 Building ( Protective Inspection ) Executive Assistant to the City BUILDING DEPT , ENGINEERING DEPT . PLANNING DEPT . Administrator ( . 4 FTE ) w Building Official Engineering Planning Manager ADMINISTRATION ( 1 ) Manager ( 1 ) (Vacant ) Plans Examiner PW Project Planner II Administrative ( 1 ) Manager ( 1 ) ( 1 ) Assistant ( 1 Building Engineer III Planner Sr . Administrative Inspector 1 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( . 8 FTE ) Support Assist ( 1 ) Senior Permit Engineer I Permit Administrative Technician ( 1 ) ( 1 Technician ( 1 ) Support Assist II 2 ) Sr . Engineering eA Tech ( 1 ) Engineering Tech 2 ) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Administration MISSION STATEMENT The Community Development Administration Department provides administrative direction , research , secretarial and clerical support for Engineering , Protective Inspections , and Planning Departments , DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Direct and support all divisions of the Community Development Department . 2 . Guide and strengthen a result oriented department through cross training , communication , and development of process improvements . 3 . Manage and maintain department records . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Administration Department includes direction and support staff to the Engineering , Protective Inspections and Planning Departments in support of their program activities and services . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Reorganized in 2011 , the emphasis of administrative staff in 2012 will continue to include cross - training , streamlining of processes and implementation of cost containment strategies while continuing to conduct daily administrative responsibilities . 85 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 13 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 532 100 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 239 , 840 $ 263 , 781 $ 268 , 280 Personnel Benefits 871115 123 , 198 117 , 380 Supplies 11405 21760 11600 Other Services and Charges 5400 ( phones , registrations , subscriptions ) 91848 61000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 338 , 207 $ 3950739 $ 392 , 660 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 17901 % - 0 . 78 % Actual Estimated ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Community Development Director ( . 4 FTE ) $ 43 , 012 $ 43 , 971 Administrative Assistant 56 , 028 56 , 588 Executive Assistant to the City Administrator ( A FTE ) 22 , 357 22 , 635 Senior Admin . Support Assistant 54 , 396 541940 Admin . Support Assistant II ( . 6 FTE - 2009 , 2 - 2010 ) 87 , 888 90 , 046 Overtime 100 100 Total Engineering $ 263 , 781 $ 268 , 280 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 1071 % 86 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering MISSION STATEMENT The Engineering Department provides general administration and supervision including planning and developing of capital improvement programs and projects for city operations , long range utility and transportation planning , and review of private development submittals and construction for compliance with codes , regulations and policies . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Actively pursue funding opportunities related to capital projects consistent with the City of Camas Comprehensive Plan . 2 . Responsibly manage a variety of funded capital projects . 3 . Review plans , inspect , and monitor residential and commercial developments . 4 . Provide engineering and administrative support for Community Development and other City departments as necessary . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Engineering Department implements many capital improvement programs for the City . These services may include project management for streets , water , sewer , parks , equipment , library , fire and police facilities . Engineering functions include infrastructure design , plans and specifications and inspection for all construction projects in the City . Some projects may require contracting with an outside consulting firm with expertise in a particular discipline . The Engineering Department also provides plan review and inspection services on residential , commercial and industrial developments in coordination with the planning and building departments . 87 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 13 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 532 200 ENGINEERING PLANS AND SERVICES Salaries and Wages 466 , 007 5861934 595 , 243 Personnel Benefits 170 , 373 2381419 252 , 090 Supplies 5 , 275 51500 41500 Other Services and Charges Professional Services 11 , 157 18 , 000 18 , 000 Cell phones , travel , registrations , insurance , etc . 281243 25 , 800 21 , 450 Intergovernmental Services 81483 101000 10 , 000 Interfund Payments for Services 171268 151000 121728 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges (travel , registrations ) 772 31500 21000 TOTAL ENGINEERING $ 7071578 $ 9031153 $ 916 , 011 °lo Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 27 . 64 % 1 . 42 % Actual Estimated ENGINEERING PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Engineering Manager $ 941656 $ 981475 Project Manager 84 , 753 85 , 604 Engineer III (2 ) 1551168 156 , 712 Engineer 1 60 , 786 65 , 142 Senior Engineering Technician 64 , 964 651618 Engineering Technician ( 2 ) 1151459 1221492 Senior Admin . Support Assistant 541265 - Admin . Support Assistant 11 ( 1 ) 16 , 436 - Overtime 31000 11200 Total Engineering $ 6491487 $ 5951243 Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 8 . 35 % 88 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning MISSION STATEMENT The Community Development Department includes building ( protective inspections ) , current and long - range planning , environmental and economic development services . The planning department implements the laws of the city and state regarding the use of real property and participates in the development of such laws and associated policies . Planning provides for the orderly management and accommodation of growth in a manner that maintains and enhances the quality of life for the City . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2012 The following are the major goals for year 2012 : 1 . Administer and process land use and development and environmental applications ; 2 . Finalize the City of Camas Shoreline Master Program update . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Current ( short - range ) planning fulfills the City' s regulatory role under federal , state , and local land use laws and policies , and takes an active role in developing and updating of said laws . Most notable among these laws and policies are the Zoning Code , Land Development Code , Shoreline Management Master Program and implementing ordinances , State Environmental Policy Act ( SEPA ) , and Regulatory Reform . Development proposals are reviewed and land use approvals granted through these systems . Coordinating development review with other divisions and departments and other agencies with jurisdiction is a major planning division responsibility . Long - range planning focuses on development and implementation of long - range goals and policies guiding future community development . These include growth management strategies , shoreline management policies , Comprehensive Plan and code development , annexations , and participation in regional and state issues . 2012 BUDGETARY CONSTRAINTS The Planning Department will continue with a reduced workforce ( 1 . 2 FTE ) in 2012 and the Planning Department counter will continue to be closed on Fridays . 89 PLANNING EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001215 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 558 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges $ 496 $ 21950 $ 21400 600 PLANNING Salaries and Wages 3277054 2221334 2301103 Personnel Benefits 1141501 89 , 050 941111 Supplies 256 21500 17900 Other Services and Charges : Communications , travel , repairs , advertising 21316 41075 41075 Hearings Examiner - 87000 31500 Environmental Review Services - 41000 37500 Shoreline Management Plan - 18 , 000 107000 Other Professional Services 101505 650 27000 Dues , fees , registrations , subscriptions 11156 11600 11200 Insurance 61147 51000 71000 910 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Other Services and Charges Downtown Vision Coalition * 261000 - 15 , 000 East County Economic Development - 50 , 000 50 , 000 Sister City Association 2 , 000 21000 27000 RTC 31500 31500 37500 Columbia River Economic Development Council 251150 261000 267000 VHA Impact Fee Credits 79 , 417 - TOTAL PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 598 , 498 $ 439 , 659 $ 456 , 289 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 26 . 54 % 3 . 78 % Actual Estimated PLANNING PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Community Development Director ( . 5 FTE ) $ 531765 $ 541964 Planner 11 68 , 892 711702 Planner 1 ( . 8 FTE ) 50 , 221 521236 Permit Technician 48 , 456 501401 Administration Support Assistant 11 ( moved to Admin . in 2011 ) Overtime 11000 800 Total Planning $ 222 , 334 $ 2301103 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 3 . 49 % 90 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Protective Inspections ( Building ) MISSION STATEMENT Protective inspections provide for plan review and inspections of regulations relevant to the issuance of building permits , grading permits and other permits not assigned to a specific department . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2012 The residential construction activity for 2012 is expected to remain relatively active , above 2008 - 2009 levels but below levels experienced between 2002 and 2007 . The 2012 Protective Inspection budget continues to reflect a reduction of two employees ( over 2008 levels ) consistent with housing and economic trends . The following are major goals for 2012 : 1 . Maintain a plan review timeframe of approximately four weeks ; 2 . Respond to all inspection requests received prior to 6 : 00 AM each workday on the same day ; 3 . Commercial and industrial construction project remain as a high priority . The level of service is anticipated to remain high . With reduced staff , it is anticipated some delays in responding to the public may occur on occasion , resulting from staff illness , vacations and holidays . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The building department enforces the International Building Code , Mechanical Code , Plumbing Code , the State of Washington Energy Code , Indoor Air Quality Code and Accessibility Codes as amended by the State of Washington . The building department collects water and sewer development charges and all impact fees . Computation of fire impact fees is made . 2012 BUDGETARY CONSTRAINTS The Building Department continues operating at staffing levels of the late 1990 ' s and has two unfilled positions . 91 Construction Value Eight Year Comparison $ 70 , 0001000 - $ 60 , 0004, 000 -; -- - - - - - - - $ 50 , 000 , 000 - - - - 1 $ 40 , 000 , 000 - - - i $ 30 , 000 , 000 - - -- - $ 20 , 0001000 - - - - — $ 10 , 000 , 000 r 01 0 - $ - -- —, 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 est . 2012 prof . Residential Industrial / Commercial / Public CONSTRUCTION VALUE PERMITS ISSUED YEZA FS Industrial / Industrial / Commercial / Commercial / Public Residential Public Residential 2005 $ 47171 , 400 $ 619774 , 421 23 303 2006 4195803 399339 , 159 12 160 2007 41475 , 574 377303 , 267 28 138 2008 29 , 3367886 1896787276 13 72 2009 87362 , 670 21 , 8775923 6 75 2010 2974507732 49 , 401 , 030 31 143 2011 est . 2670007000 277000 , 000 30 80 2012 pr0j . 23 , 000 , 000 33 , 0003000 25 100 Industrial / Commercial Residential 35 350 - 30 300 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cn 25 E Lw 25015 - - a 20 a 200 ° 15 � 150 10 -� E E 100 z 5 - - - - - -- - - - - - - Z 50 0 0 -, 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 YEARS est . prof . YEARS est . prof . 92 PROTECTIVE INSPECTION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 22 . 524 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 200 INSPECTIONS , PERMITS Salaries and Wages $ 2221555 $ 2611155 $ 267 , 697 Personnel Benefits 851373 109 , 845 1161420 Supplies 11714 41800 31150 Other Services and Charges ( Professional Services ) - - Outside plans review/examination - 61300 11500 Hearings and Appeals - - Software Support and Maintenance - - Phones , pagers , etc . ( $ 1 , 600 ) , Equip . Maint . ( $ 1 , 050 ) 21649 11810 21650 Codes books , dues ( $ 1 , 560 ) 21117 31300 11560 Interfund Payments for Services 141458 10 , 527 41500 400 TRAINING Other Services and Charges ( travel , registrations ) 583 - 400 500 FACILITIES Other Services and Charges ( insurance ) 61701 67000 51500 TOTAL PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS $ 3367150 $ 4031737 $ 403 , 377 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 20011 % -0 . 09 % Actual Estimated PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Community Development Director ( . 1 FTE ) $ 101753 $ 101994 Building Official 78 , 550 811717 Plans Examiner ( vacant) 551756 581002 Building Inspector 1 571568 59 , 896 Senior Permit Technician 56 , 028 561588 Overtime 21500 500 Total Administration $ 2611155 $ 2671697 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 2051 % 93 HOTEL MOTEL LODGING TAX FUND FUNCTION This fund was established in 2010 to account for the collection and accumulation of hotel motel lodging tax . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The funds will be used to market and support economic development activities within the City of Camas . REVENUE DETAIL TWO YEAR COMPARISON Adjusted Estimated 120 . 00 Estimated Revenue 2011 2012 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ 21000 $ - Intergovernmental Revenue : 331 300 Hotel Motel Tax 31500 51000 Total Estimated Revenues $ 51500 $ 51000 HOTEL MOTEL LODGING TAX EXPENDITURE DETAIL TWO YEAR COMPARISON Actual Estimated 120 . 00 Approp Required 2011 2012 Operations and Maintenance 557 300 Supplies $ - $ - Other Services and Charges 51500 51000 Total Operations and Maintenance 51500 51000 Total Hotel Motel Lodging Tax $ 51500 $ 51000 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 9 . 09 % 94 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Director ( 1 ) ( . 05 Parks , . 10 Street, . 20 Storm Drainage , . 70 Sanitation , . 50 WaterlSewer, . 05 Equipment Rent) Public Works Operations Supervisor ( 1 ) ( . 20 Parks Maintenance, .40 Streets , Water/Sewer Sewer Treatment Plant . 05 Cemetery, . 30 Storm Drainage, . 05 Equip . Rent) Op. Supervisor-W/S 1 ) Operations Supervisor Wastewater ( 1 ) _ Sanitary Collection Equipment Rental Chief Sanitation Chief Mechanic ( 1 ) Worker ( 1 ) Mechanic 2 Sanitation Worker II 3 Street Parks 7771Senior Administrative Support Assistant ( 1 ) CTS Facility Operations Lead Maintenance Wkr, 1 Water Supply Specialist . 75 FTE Operator 1 Waste Water Senior Maintenance Treatment Plant Op . ( 5 ) Lead Maintenance Worker ( 1 . 25 FTE ) Lead Maintenance Worker ( . 7 FTE ) Storm Drainage Utility Worker 1 ) Seasonal Maintenance Maintenance Worker II 2 Worker . 25 FTE Senior Maintenance Lead Maintenance Sewer Maintenance Worker 1 . 8 FTE Maintenance Worker 1 1 Worker . 3 FTE Worker 1 Engineer 1 1 ) Maintenance Worker II ( 1 Seasonal Maintenance LSenior Maintenance Senior Utility Maintenance Workers 1 FTE Worker . 2 FTE Worker 2 Maintenance Worker 11 ) Maintenance Wrk. 11 ( 1 ) Utility Maintenance Seasonal Maintenance Cemetery Worker 11 ( 1 ) Workers (. 75 FTE ) Sr. Maint. Wkr. ( . 75 FTE ) Maintenance Wrk. l ( 1 ) Utility Maintenance Central Services Seasonal Maintenance Seasonal Maintenance Worker 14 Facility Operations Worker . 50 FTE Workers 1 . 5 FTE Specialist ( . 25 FTE ) Seasonal Maintenance Workers . 5 FTE CENTRAL SERVICES FUNCTION The central services function is a classification for general building services as prescribed in the state auditor' s Budgetinq , Accounting and Reporting System ( BARS ) . This budget includes the costs of providing housing facilities facilities for general government , public safety , public works , engineering , and administration . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Expenses under this budget include the maintenance and operation of the municipal building . THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001 . 23 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 518 200 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Salaries and Wages $ 197991 $ 16 , 913 $ 17 , 380 Personnel Benefits 147344 61497 61991 Supplies 77416 14 , 800 14 , 800 Other Services and Charges 111 , 073 103 , 400 1057405 594 180 CAPITAL OUTLAY Other Improvements - - _ TOTAL CENTRAL SERVICES $ 152 , 824 $ 141 , 610 $ 144 , 576 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 7 . 34 % 2 . 09 %0 Actual Estimated CENTRAL SERVICES PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Facility Operations Specialist ( . 25 FTE ) $ 16 , 714 $ 16 , 880 Overtime 200 500 Off Total Central Services $ 167914 $ 17 , 380 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 2076 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services (janitorial for City Hall , fire system monitor , alarm $ 24 , 135 maintenance , mat/linen service ) Communication ( telephone , Portland line ) 11250 Insurance ( property insurance for City Hall ) 91520 Public Utility ( electric , gas , water , sewer , garbage ) 40 , 000 Repairs and Maintenance ( HVAC , generator , garage doors , roof repair , 30 , 500 fire extinguisher maint . , lighting , unscheduled maintenance /repair , heat pump replacement , ceiling tiles and window coverings ) Total other services and charges $ 1057405 96 CITY STREET DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT Provide for the maintenance , safety and mobility of City streets within the existing budget authority . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Provide for the safe movement of drivers , cyclists and pedestrians . 2 . Evaluate each program for cost savings . 3 . Meet statutory requirements . 4 . Maintain levels of service within budget limitations . 5 . Work to reinstitute pavement management system . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The street fund maintains public streets and sidewalks , roadside vegetation , street lighting , traffic control devices , snow and ice removal , and provides support for activities within the rights of way . 97 CITY FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 112 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ - $ 50 , 000 Intergovernmental Revenue : 333 140 Community Dev . Block Grant $ 2137309 $ 298 , 000 $ 160 , 000 333 200 Federal Indirect Grants - STP - 3001000 - 333 200 Federal Indirect Grant - ARRA ( Leadbetter) - - - 334 036 State Grants - Urban Vitality ( PWTF ) - - - 334 039 State Grants - Dept . of Comm . ( PWTF ) 1231046 336 000 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax- City Street 3671133 368 , 982 4001000 338 950 Shared Costs - Road Improvements - - - 339 202 Federal Indirect Grant - ARRA STPUS 5697477 339 281 Federal Indirect Grant - ARRA ( Street Lighting ) 1171500 - Total Intergovernmental Revenue 112721965 110847482 5607000 Charges for Goods and Services : 344 200 Sales of Materials - - 344 900 Street Vacation Fees 81405 - 51000 344 910 Charges for Services 51745 - - Total Charges for Goods and Service 141150 - 57000 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Interest 361 - 200 363 000 Recoveries 71291 - - 369 900 Miscellaneous 475 500 379 101 Contributed Capital - Dwyer Creek Mitigation 77788 - - Total Charges for Goods and Service 151915 - 700 Total Estimated Revenues 11303 , 030 11084 , 482 6151700 Other Financing Sources : 397 000 Operating Transfers In 117631460 11841 , 867 1 , 361 , 039 Total Other Financing Sources 11763 , 460 118411867 113611039 Total Estimated Resources $ 370661489 $ 2 , 926 , 349 $ 11976 , 739 98 CITY STREET DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 112 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 Roadway Preservation 541 300 Roadway $ 72 , 790 $ 59 , 073 $ 57 , 261 Road and Street Maintenance 542 300 Roadway 3051115 237 , 524 236 , 441 500 Structures 507140 - 101000 610 Sidewalks 487205 19 , 740 22 , 977 620 Special Purpose Paths 33 - - 630 Street Lighting 2667377 250 , 221 259 , 929 640 Traffic Control Devices 861090 103555 1041895 660 Snow and Ice Control 447237 591796 65 , 360 670 Street Cleaning 11516 - - 700 Roadside 82 , 793 47 , 842 48 , 207 710 Downtown Mall Maintenance 33 , 160 33 , 173 31 , 955 800 Ancillary Operations 20 , 324 237398 261180 900 Maintenance Administration 1691900 323 , 809 342 , 613 Road and Street General Administration 543 300 General Services 2657196 312 , 718 3067921 600 Training 31712 47000 47000 Road and Street Facilities 544 200 Maintenance of Stations and Bldgs 647179 - - Total Preservation and Maint . 11513 , 767 17474 , 849 17516 , 739 Road and Street Construction 595 300 Roadway 174301243 17000 , 000 3007000 610 Sidewalks 233 , 604 334 , 000 1607000 620 Special Purpose Paths 71475 - - 630 Street Lighting 776 117 , 500 - 660 Snow/ Ice Control - - - Total Construction / Equipment 17672 , 098 1 , 451 , 500 460 , 000 Transfers 597 000 Operating Transfer Out - - - Total City Street Fund $ 311857865 $ 279267349 $ 179767739 % Increase ( Decrease ) over prior year - 8 . 15 % - 32 . 45 % 99 Actual Estimated PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Transportation / Road & Street Construction Public Works Director ( . 15 - 20101 . 10 FTE - 2011 ) $ 167130 $ 10 , 969 Public Works Operations Supervisor ( . 40 FTE ) 297108 317190 Facility Operations Specialist ( . 75 FTE - 2011 ) 507139 50 , 640 Lead Maintenance Worker ( . 70 FTE ) 48 , 199 48 , 681 Senior Maintenance Worker ( 1 . 8 FTE ) 113 , 422 1141556 Maintenance Worker 11 ( 1 FTE ) 56 , 832 587248 Maintenance Worker 1 ( 1 FTE ) 49 , 621 517615 Seasonal Maintenance Workers ( 1 - 3 months and 1 - 6 months ) 177815 18 , 000 Overtime 81500 81500 Total Transportation / Road and Street Const . $ 3891766 $ 392 , 399 % Increase ( Decrease ) over prior year 0 . 68 % CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : Roadway Construction Projects 112 - 59 -595 - 300 - 65 Roadway preservation $ 300 , 000 Sidewalk Construction Projects 112 -48 - 595 - 612 - 65 Crown Park ADA Ramps 1601000 Total City Street Projects and Equipment $ 460 , 000 100 NW 38TH AVE Construction Fund FUNCTION This fund is to be established to account for the construction project to extend NW 38th Ave 2/3 of a mile . Included in the construction project is the purchase of right- a -way , the street construction , storm water drainage system , street lights and related controller , and installation of a water main . The budget appropriation for the water main construction of $ 80 , 000 is in the Water- Sewer Fund . REVENUE DETAIL Estimated 31100 Revenue 2012 Intergovernmental Revenue : 333 Federal Indirect Grant - FWHA $ 11450 , 000 333 Federal Indirect Grant - STP 3501000 Total Intergovernmental Revenue 11800 , 000 Other Financing Sources 395 Intergovernmental Loan Proceeds - PWTF 21600 , 000 Total Other Financing Sources 216007000 Total Estimated Resources $ 41400 , 000 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Estimated 313 . 00 Required 2012 Capital Outlays 595 300 Construction $ 414001000 Total NW 38th Ave Construction Fund $ 41400 , 000 101 CEMETERY FUND FUNCTION This fund was established in 2007 to account for the operation and maintenance of the Camas Cemetery . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Staff at the cemetery maintain the facilities and grounds , coordinate burials and internments , and assist visitors . Burials and Cremains ❑ Burials ® Cremains 80 � 60 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 - — -- - -- - - --- -- -- 20 - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 est . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 125 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ - $ - Charges for Goods and Services 341 700 Sale of Merchandise 750 10 , 000 343 600 Cemetery Lot Sales 23 , 626 25 , 000 23 , 000 343 610 Cemetery Services 9 , 995 10 , 000 111000 343 610 Cemetery Services - - 57000 Total Intergovernmental Revenue 341371 35 , 000 49 , 000 Miscellaneous Revenue : 361 110 Investment Interest 18 100 100 367 110 Contributions 136 50 50 369 900 Miscellaneous 226 NEW 11000 Total Miscellaneous Revenue 380 150 11150 Other Financing Sources : 397 000 Transfers - from General Fund 1181000 104 , 967 113 , 194 Transfers - from GMA Fund - 20 , 000 10 , 000 Total Other Financing Sources 118 , 000 1247967 123 , 194 Total Estimated Revenues $ 1523751 $ 160 , 117 $ 1733344 102 CEMETERY FUND EXPENDITURE DETAIL EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 125 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 Operations and Maintenance 536 500 Salaries and Wages $ 61 , 312 $ 57 , 836 $ 64 , 630 Personnel Benefits 27 , 971 28 , 624 277984 Supplies 57479 21500 10 , 000 Other Services and Charges ( professional 36 , 174 23 , 580 19 , 430 services $ 2 , 000 , phones $ 2 , 200 , rentals $ 8000 , insurance $ 130 , utilities $ 4 , 200 , repairs and maintenance $ 2650 , miscellaneous $ 250 ) Interfund payments for service 13 , 841 27 , 577 41 , 300 Total Operations and Maintenance 1447776 1407117 163 , 344 Capital 594 360 Machinery and Equipment - mobile office 21 , 159 20 , 000 - Other Improvements 10 , 000 Total Capital 212159 20 , 000 10 , 000 Total Cemetery $ 165 , 936 $ 160 , 117 $ 173 , 344 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 8 . 26 % Actual Estimated CEMETERY PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Public Works Operations Supervisor ( . 05 FTE ) $ 37639 $ 31899 Senior Maintenance Worker 1 ( . 75 FTE ) 473259 47 , 731 Overtime 17000 17000 Seasonal Maint . Wkr . ( . 50 FTE ) 51938 12 , 000 Total Cemetery $ 57 , 836 $ 64 , 630 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 11 . 75 % 103 STORM NATER DRAINAGE UTILITY MISSION STATEMENT The storm water drainage function provides for maintenance , operation , planning , and construction of the City ' s storm water system in in with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II Permit ( NPDES ) . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Promote water quality and minimize runoff of pollutants into waterways . 2 . Comply with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES ) phase 2 permit . 3 . Monitor and maintain City owned wetland mitigation sites . 4 . Establish a Storm Water Master Plan as a basis for future capital improvements . 5 Prepare for new NPDES Permit implementation . ACTIVITES AND SERVICES The storm utility provides for the maintenance and capital improvements required to meet regulatory requirements and provide safe and reliable transmission of storm runofff. Maintenance items include street sweeping , ditch cleaning , treatment and detention facility upkeep , catch basin cleaning , and storm line cleaning and repair . The fund also supports public outreach , illicit discharge hotlines and capital improvements . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 419 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 1081216 $ - Intergovernmental Revenues : 333 140 Community Development Block Grant 280 , 710 333 200 Federal Grant - STP - 50 , 000 - 334 031 State Grant - Dept . of Ecology - 1157230 201000 334 039 State Grant - Dept . of Commerce PWTF 123 , 715 334 069 State Grant - Urban Vitality PWTF - - - Total Intergovernmental Revenues 404 , 425 1657230 201000 Charges for Goods and Services . 343 830 Storm Drainage Revenues - 0 & M 924 , 621 955 , 000 9631214 Total Charges for Goods and Services 9247621 9551000 963 , 214 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Investment Interest 31200 31500 21000 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 31200 3 , 500 21000 Other Income : 379 001 Contributed Capital - Infrastructure - - - Total Other Income - - - Total Estimated Revenues 11332 , 246 11231 , 946 985 , 214 Total Estimated Resources $ 11332 , 246 $ 11231 , 946 $ 985 , 214 104 STORM WATER DRAINAGE UTILITY EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 419 . 00 . 538 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 300 Operations and Maintenance Salaries and Wages $ 94 , 222 $ 1221153 $ 1057780 Personnel Benefits 241776 381280 281333 Supplies 197401 41000 41000 Other Services and Charges 1417740 681400 681400 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 14 , 594 161000 201000 Interfund Payments for Services 677291 371050 177742 Total Operations and Maintenance 3621025 2851883 2441255 315 Street Cleaning Salaries and Wages 531582 521880 551010 Personnel Benefits 367012 20 , 072 191003 Supplies 409 17000 11000 Other Services and Charges ( debris disposal ) 101392 67500 61500 Interfund Payments for Services 617920 76 , 330 631150 Total Street Cleaning 1621316 1561782 1447663 316 Administration Salaries and Wages 491355 431337 657976 Personnel Benefits 317833 131879 221796 Other Services and Charges ( GIS mapping 685 641400 111000 service $ 1010001 m isc $ 1 , 000 ) Interfund Payments for Services 1801925 2267665 2351524 Total Street Cleaning 2621798 3481281 3351296 Capital 594 380 Capital Outlays - Non - Fisher Basin 1467640 105 , 000 1001000 594 381 Capital outlays - Fisher Basin 3811558 336 , 000 1611000 Total Capital 5281198 441 , 000 2611000 Total Storm Water Drainage Utility Fund $ 113157337 $ 132311946 $ 9851214 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year -6 . 34 % - 20 . 03 % 105 STORM WATER DRAINAGE UTILITY EXPENDITURE DETAIL Actual Estimated 419 ° 00 . 539 Approp Required 2011 2012 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL ; Professional Services NPDES Implementation Operating Rentals 31000 37000 Repairs and Maintenance TV inspection , cleaning , & repair of mains and culverts 351000 35 , 000 Stencil program 57000 51000 Ditch and pond cleaning 10 , 000 101000 Insurance 77400 77400 Miscellaneous : NPDES Permit Fee - - General Miscellaneous 8 , 000 81000 Total Other Services and Charges : $ 687400 $ 681400 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY CAPITAL DETAIL : Non - Fisher Basin Wetland monitoring $ 25 , 000 Pipe rehab/ replacement 501000 City facility upgrade 251000 Fisher Basin Wetland improvements 367000 Westland monitoring 507000 Lacamas Meadows Pond Upsize 751000 Total Storm Drainage Utility Capital $ 2617000 Actual Estimated STORM WATER DRAINAGE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Public Works Director ( . 20 FTE ) $ 211506 $ 211720 Public Works Operations Supervisor ( . 30 FTE ) 217831 231392 Lead Maintenance Worker ( . 3 FTE ) 201657 207863 Senior Maintenance Worker ( . 2 FTE ) 127602 127728 Maintenance Worker II ( 1 FTE ) 521764 567553 Maintenance Worker 1 ( 1 FTE ) 521380 541510 Overtime 17000 17000 Seasonal Maint . Worker ( 1 . 5 FTE ) 357630 361000 Total Storm Water Drainage $ 2187370 $ 226 , 766 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 3084 % 106 CITY SANITARY MISSION STATEMENT The solid waste management function provides for the collection and disposal of refuse from businesses and residences within the City of Camas . This function also includes the revenues and expenses of the city recycling program . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Modify routes as needed to reduce overtime . 2 . Prepare for Lacamas Heights area responsibility to start January 1 , 2013 . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Daily and /or weekly general refuse collection and disposal activities are provided for in this budget . The city will continue to serve residential and commercial customers and provide drop box service up to two yards . Large drop box and yard debris services are contracted out with the contractor handling all billing and service requests . The city will continue to bill for recycling services and pay a private contractor for this service . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 422 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ - $ 21210 343 Charges for Goods and Services : Garbage/ Solid Waste Fees 118607442 118927734 11945 , 400 Total Charges for Goods and Services 11860 , 442 11892 , 734 1 , 945 , 400 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Interest Earnings 31933 47000 11300 362 900 Other Rents & Use Charges 613 - - Total Miscellaneous Revenues 41546 47000 11300 Total Estimated Revenues 11864 , 988 11896 , 734 17946 , 700 Total Estimated Resources $ 11864 , 988 $ 11896 , 734 $ 17948 , 910 107 CITY SANITARY EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 422 . 00 . 537 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 800 & 900 GARBAGE AND SOLID WASTE UTILITY Salaries and Wages $ 262 , 439 $ 265 , 621 $ 268 , 128 Personnel Benefits 131 , 232 124 , 820 139 , 277 Supplies 67210 60 , 500 52 , 000 Other Services and Charges Insurance , repairs , communication , bill processing , 28 , 253 27 , 600 27 , 150 software maintenance Recycling Contractor 257 , 173 315 , 175 328 , 190 Disposal Fees 513 , 324 526 , 240 5387005 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 86 , 781 88 , 000 92 , 000 Interfund Payments for Services 469 , 036 4887778 5047160 TOTAL GARBAGE AND SOLID WASTE UTILITY $ 11754 , 447 $ 11896 , 734 $ 11948 , 910 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 8011 % 2 . 75 % Actual Estimated CITY SANITARY PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2010 2011 REFUSE COLLECTION Public Works Director ( . 10 FTE ) $ 10 , 753 $ 10 , 860 Chief Sanitation Worker 66 , 852 67 , 521 Sanitation Worker 11 ( 3 ) 173 , 016 174 , 747 Overtime 15 , 000 15 , 000 Total Garbage and Solid Waste Utility $ 265 , 621 $ 268 , 128 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 0 , 94 % 108 WATER = SEWER MISSION STATEMENT The water- sewer operation of the city provides for furnishing domestic water and sanitary sewage disposal services to industrial , commercial and residential areas within the city and some surrounding areas . DEPARTMENT COALS FOR 2012 1 . Provide safe and reliable water service to our customers for domestic , commercial , industrial , and fire protection uses . 2 . Rehabilitate Jones / Boulder surface water source . 3 . Provide collection and treatment of residential , commercial and industrial wastewater . the systematic reconstruction and maintenance of aged and leaking pipes . 4 . Continue construction of the wastewater treatment plant solids handling upgrade , and additional water quality improvements . 5 . Continue with upgrading of wastewater pumping stations . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The water/ sewer budget provides for the source of supply , operation and maintenance , pumping expenses , water treatment expenses , transmission and distribution , and accounting and administrative expenses of the water operation . This budget also accounts for the collection and treatment of sanitary sewage . 109 WATER = SE1/ ER REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 424 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 661000 $ - 343 Charges for Goods and Services : Water- Sewer $ 71821 , 877 $ 81261 , 050 $ 8 , 134 , 886 346 500 Inspection Fees - Step System 131800 61000 80 , 000 Total Charges for Goods and Services 71835 , 677 8 , 267 , 050 8 , 214 , 886 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Investment Interest 81500 121000 51000 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 123 , 148 1131880 1161000 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 131 , 648 1251880 1211000 Total Estimated Revenues 71967 , 325 81392 , 930 813357886 Non Revenues : 334 031 State Grant - Dept . of Ecology 971309 - 343 450 Water Hook - up Fees 49 , 051 401000 - 343 550 Sewer Hook- up Fees - - 379 000 Contributed Capital 8247975 - - 382 800 Intergovernmental Loan Proceeds - - - 388 100 Contributed Capital - Local Sources 250 , 000 388 800 Prior Years Correction ( 266 , 572 ) 395 400 Gain/ Loss on Disposal of Assets ( 10 , 382 ) - - 397 000 Transfers In 400 , 000 1801369 - 398 900 Long -term Debt Proceeds - - - Total Estimated Non - Revenues 11094 , 380 2201369 2501000 Total Estimated Resources $ 91061 , 705 $ 81679 , 299 $ 81585 , 886 110 WATER -SEWER EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 424 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 534 , 535 , WATER - SEWER and 538 Salaries and Wages $ 17171 , 634 $ 11235 , 311 $ 11251 , 793 Personnel Benefits 513 , 794 5177275 561 , 786 Supplies 8947303 9467000 853 , 000 Other Services and Charges 112797882 112537700 173111850 Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 2841600 3001000 2901000 582 and 592 Debt Service 270751840 21079 , 181 21540 , 227 594340 /350 Capital Outlays 314051726 115827100 110301000 534/535 /538 Interfund Payments for Services 838 , 745 7651732 7471230 TOTAL WATER -SEWER FUND $ 1074647522 $ 81679 , 299 $ 815857886 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year - 17 . 06 % - 1 . 08 % OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services $ 1951500 $ 332 , 000 (Water quality testing , chemical equipment upgrades , system modeling and third party review , utility billing payment software , answering service , janitorial service , water right evaluation , industrial testing , headworks evaluation , mapping , sonitrol monitoring , one call services , rate study update , lab analysis , biosolids land application program , infrared heat source testing , rate review , NPDES permit review , commercial /industrial / residential water audit programs , Communication (telephone , pagers , cell phones ) 161000 201800 Travel 11500 11500 Operating rentals and leases (well site , equipment) 171700 11 , 750 Insurance ( property and liability) 991500 1231000 Public Utility ( electric , gas ) 516 , 000 5121800 Repairs and maintenance ( pumps , pump house , reservoirs , 3457500 2481500 watershed , telemetry/control systems , generator , HVAC , linen services , SCADA computer maintenance , water lines , pressure reducers , sewer lines , step tanks ) Registrations for classes , water/sewer permits 621000 61 , 500 Total other services and charges $ 112531700 $ 11311 , 850 111 Actual Estimated WATER - SEWER PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 Public Works Director ( . 5 FTE ) $ 531765 $ 541300 Operations Supervisor - Water/Sewer 797224 801016 Water Supply Operator 68 , 855 697545 Lead Maintenance Worker 68 , 855 697544 Sewer Maintenance Worker 63 , 648 66 , 220 Senior Utility Maintenance Worker ( 2 ) 1211990 1241994 Operations Supervisor - Wastewater 771304 781078 Waste Water Treatment Operator ( 5 ) 324 , 940 329 , 064 Engineer 1 641968 651618 Utility Maintenance Worker II ( 1 FTE ) 571672 581248 Utility Maintenance Worker 1 ( 4 FTE ) 1961276 2047166 Seasonal Maint . Worker ( 3 @ 3 mos . 75 FTE - 20101 17 , 814 123000 2@3mos . 50FTE - 2011 ) Overtime 401000 401000 Total Water- Sewer Utility $ 1 , 235 , 311 $ 112517793 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 1 . 33 % WATER =SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : Construction Projects : Gregg Reservoir design $ 3007000 ' NW 38th Avenue water main 80 , 000 Pump Station upgrades 2507000 Joy Street WWTP bypass design 400 , 000 Total $ 110301000 112 WATER -SEWER REVENUE BOND REDEMPTION DETAIL 1998 Revenue and Refunding Bonds ( Sewer Projects ) $ 4 , 370 , 000 issue ; interest rate 3 . 4 % to 4 . 45 % Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 380 , 000 $ 811473 $ 4611473 2013 395 , 000 65 , 293 460 , 293 2014 415 , 000 47 , 971 462 , 971 2016 Community Economic Revitalization Board Loan $ 600 , 000 loan , interest rate 5 . 85 % - Fisher Basin water line Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 447222 $ 14 , 539 $ 58 , 761 2013 46 , 809 111952 587761 2014 49 , 547 91214 58 , 761 2016 1996 Department of Ecology Loan - STP Clarifier $ 1 , 185 , 920 loan , interest rate 4 . 3 % Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 707960 $ 17 , 754 $ 88 , 714 2013 74 , 044 14 , 670 88 , 714 2014 777262 111452 887714 2017 1998 Department of Ecology Loan - Sewer Treatment Plant Expansion $ 8 , 826 , 516 loan , interest rate 4 . 1 % Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 460 , 118 $ 1967140 $ 656 , 258 2013 4791176 1771082 6561258 2014 499 , 024 157 , 234 656 , 258 2020 Public Works Trust Fund Loan - Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade $ 3 , 195 , 000 loan , interest rate 1 % Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 1697092 $ 13 , 527 $ 1827619 2013 169 , 092 11 , 836 1807928 2014 169 , 092 101146 179 , 238 2019 113 Public Works Trust Fund Loan - WVVTP Pre - Construction $ 1 , 000 , 000 loan ; interest rate . 5 % Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 457139 $ 31611 $ 48 , 750 2013 45 , 139 31385 481524 2014 45 , 139 31160 482299 2020 2007 Revenue Bonds - Water Projects 76 % , Sewer Projects 24% $ 5 , 520 , 000 issue ; interest rate 4 . 25 % to 5 . 00 % Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 220 , 000 $ 2167210 $ 4361210 2013 2301000 205 , 210 435 , 210 2014 2407000 193 , 710 433 , 710 2026 Public Works Trust Fund Loan - BIW 38th Avenue Utilities Design $ 160 , 000 loan , interest rate . 5 % Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 14 , 536 $ 145 $ 14 , 682 2013 14 , 536 73 14 , 609 2013 Public Works Trust Fund Loan - WWTP Construction $ 10 , 000 , 000 loan ; interest rate . 5 % Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ 5213930 $ 44 , 364 $ 5661294 2013 521 , 930 41 , 754 563 , 684 2014 521 , 930 39 , 145 561 , 075 2028 Public Works Trust Fund Loan - Well # 14 Construction $ 1 , 313 , 000 loan , interest rate 1 % Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 $ - $ 267466 $ 26 , 466 2013 58 , 094 117619 69 , 712 2014 58 , 094 11 , 038 697131 2032 State Revolving Fund ( SRF ) Water Quality Funding $ 1 , 771 , 650 loan , interest rate 2 . 8 % Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2012 2013 1291903 214 , 658 3441561 2014 206 , 829 137732 3441561 2019 114 WWTP PWTF Construction Fund FUNCTION This fund was established to account for the construction of improvements at the Wastewater Treatment Plant . The unused budget appropriation as of December 31 , 2011 will be rolled over to complete the project in 2012 . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 425 , 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 Miscellaneous Revenue : 361 110 Investment Interest $ 11536 $ 21369 $ - Total Miscellaneous Revenue 11536 21369 - Other Financing Sources : 391 800 Intergovernmental Loan Proceeds - 8 , 126 , 000 - 397 000 Transfer In 1961572 3717631 - 398 900 Other Long -term Debt Proceeds - - - Total Other Financing Sources 1961572 81497 , 631 Total Estimated Revenues $ 1987107 $ 815001000 $ - EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 425 . 00 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 Capital Outlays 594 350 Salaries and Wages $ 361676 $ - $ - Personnel Benefits 157721 - - Construction 713991790 815001000 - Interfund Operating Rentals 481 - - Total WWTP ® PWTF Construction $ 714521669 $ 81500 , 000 $ - 100 . 00 % 115 WATER = SEWER CAPITAL RESERVE COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Resources in this Water- Sewer Capital Reserve Fund are used to help finance construction projects such as water lines , booster stations , sewer lift stations , etc . Funds are also used for matching on loans and grants the city has received on large construction projects . Nothing is budgeted in 2012 for the use of these funds , so they will accumulate for future projects . REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Ad j u sted Estimated 432 . 00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 Miscellaneous Revenues : 361 110 Interest Earnings $ 688 $ 21000 $ - Total Miscellaneous Revenues 688 27000 - Other Increases in Fund Equity : 379 110 Water Development Fees 358 , 014 2501000 - 379 120 Sewer Development Fees 391 , 522 3001000 - Total Increases in Fund Equity 7491536 5501000 - Total Estimated Resources $ 7507224 $ 5521000 $ - EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated FUND NUMBER Expended Approp Required 432 . 00 . 597 2010 2011 2012 100 Other Financing Uses : Operating Transfers Out $ 9827869 $ 5521000 $ - Total Water -Sewer Capital Reserve $ 982 , 869 $ 5521000 $ - 116 EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISSION STATEMENT The Equipment Rental Department furnishes mobile equipment to the city ' s other operating departments and maintains equipment not owned by the Equipment Rental department . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2012 1 . Manage the City ' s fleet in a manner which minimizes rates while preserving the quality of the equipment and vehicles . 2 . Maintain proper accounting and usage records of equipment . 3 . Replace a number of vehicles and pieces of equipment to maintain a safe and efficient fleet . 4 . Work toward reducing the number of fleet vehicles and increase fuel efficiency . ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The department maintains and replaces all mobile equipment for the city other than fire apparatus and emergency rescue ambulance equipment . The rental fund owns , operates , and maintains city repair and storage shops . Expenditures of the fund are reimbursed by renting the equipment owned by the department to the street , water/sewer , parks , sanitary , police , fire , community development , engineering , and information technology departments . 117 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estimated 52100 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2010 2011 2012 291 740 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 1301048 $ 191976 Miscellaneous Revenues : 339 281 ARRA - Dept . of Energy Grant 91000 - 348 300 Charges for Services 1 , 089 500 500 361 110 Investment Interest 27498 27500 31000 362 100 Equipment/Vehicle Rentals 11955 363 000 Insurance Premiums/ Recoveries 563 21000 27000 365 100 Interfund Equipment/Vehicle Rentals 170491879 110507000 1 , 1001000 365 400 Interfund Space and Facilities Rentals 2381920 2401000 2501000 369 900 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 21507 31000 37000 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 11306 , 410 11298 , 000 11358 , 500 Total Estimated Revenues 11306 , 410 114287048 11378 , 476 Other Financing Sources : 388 800 Prior Years Correction ( 61350 ) 395 100 Proceeds From Sales of Assets 151951 395 400 Gain / Loss Sale of Assets (41866 ) - - Total Other Financing Sources 41735 - - Total Estimated Resources $ 113111145 $ 1 , 428 , 048 $ 113781476 EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 52100 Expended Approp Required 2010 2011 2012 Equipment Rental 548 Salaries and Wages $ 250 , 183 $ 265 , 318 $ 2697738 548 Personnel Benefits 1101542 115 , 519 1141377 548 Supplies 3151918 3131700 3391000 548 Other Services and Charges 116 , 840 1557800 1251700 582 and 592 Debt Service 61 , 031 617217 - 594 480 Capital Outlays 1861067 5717500 5047000 548 Interfund Payments for Services 281002 291994 25 , 661 Total Equipment Rental $ 110681582 $ 115137048 $ 17378 , 476 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 41 . 59 % - 8 . 89 % 118 Actual Estimated EQUIPMENT RENTAL PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2011 2012 MUNICIPAL VEHICLE SERVICES Public Works Director ( . 05 FTE ) $ 51377 $ 51430 Public Works Operations Manager ( . 05 FTE ) - - Public Works Operations Supervisor ( . 05 FTE ) 37639 37899 Chief Mechanic 73 , 069 737799 Mechanics ( 2 ) 130 , 817 1327126 Senior Admin . Support Assistant 517416 537484 Overtime 17000 17000 Total Municipal Vehicle Services $ 265 , 318 $ 2697738 % Increase ( Decrease ) Prior Year 1 . 67 % CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL : Machinery and Equipment : Replace operations center pick- up #259 $ 28 , 000 Replace mower # 325 28 , 000 ' Replace patrol car #266 - police 38 , 000 Replace patrol car # 379 - police 381000 Replace detective car # 333 - police 38 , 000 Replace tilt mower # 356 50 , 000 Replace sanitation truck # 334 - sanitation 2847000 Total Capital Outlays $ 5041000 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL : Professional Services (janitorial , fire extinguisher $ 14 , 500 service , hazmat removal , linen service ) Communication (telephone , pagers , cell phone ) 47800 Operating Rentals 57500 Public Utility 287000 Insurance 217900 Repair and Maintenance ( vehicles , HVAC , lights , lift maintenance , 471000 fire extinguisher , copier maintenance ) Registrations for classes 41000 Total other services and charges $ 125 , 700 119