ORD 16-013Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss : County of Clark ) CAMAS WASHOUGAL POST RECORD ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CAMAS 6 1 6 NE 4TH AVE #F CAMAS WA 98607 REFERENCE: CAM85040 3383648 ORD #16 -013 ORD I NANCE No. 16-013 I, the undersigned say, That I am ove r the age of eighteen and no t interested in the above entitled ma tt er ; that I am now , and at al l t ime embraced in the publicat i on herein mentioned , was , the principal clerk of the printer of The Post -Record , a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said cou n ty and adjudged a newspaper of general circu l ation by the Superior Court of the Count y of Clark , State of Washington , under Proceeding No . 8020067 1 5 ; that the advertisement , of which the annexed is a true printed copy, was pub l ished in the above-named newspaper on the following dates , to wit: PUBLISHED ON : 07/28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL COST : 1 3.44 07/28/16 AD SPACE: 2 .222 INCHI F IL ED ON : I I Certify (or dec l are) under penalty of perjury that the and cor r ect. ~ S i gnature ~?-\.., \\...~ ~'ka..th\A.. Sworn a n d subscribed before me on 1-L-~--~~ fore go ~.-g.nl!artJ;,f.ue ,,, ,,, ,, ......... t--~,\E S IJY .'',,, ~' '\'"' .. -----..... ~ '-'1)'-,.,,. ~ (v •'<:>S\ON ~·· )' ~ ~ 0 #~ ~~~. 0 ~ ~o·~ 1>·'-t-· : ~ '6 ... 1QTARY ((\• ; = :() \"" (j)~ = -I ... I • : . .... . 2': ~ <P ', PUBL\C o, :0 § ~ :,..\\Vv. ~.,__,'A:;_$ '\ "7;-.~--~ Y23.:.·:~0 ~ ,,,,,,, oi:wi..s'>...' ........... .. 11111liiUUI&U''''''' ORDINANCE N o . 16-013 On July 18 , 20 16, Ordinance No. 16 -013 amending Ordinance No. 2706 to extend the term and change the interest rates on the City's Limited Tax General Obli- gation Bond Anticipation Note, 20 14. The full text of the ordi- nance will be mailed upon request. Contact Jennifer Gorsuch, Public Records Officer, at 360.817.1591 , or via http://www.cityofca- mas. us / index . php /yourgovern- ment/minuteagendavideo (Go to Legislation tab ). DATED this 20th day of July, 2016. Bernie Bacon, Deputy City Clerk City of Camas No. 565420-July 28