ORD 21-007ORDINANCE NO. 21-007 AN ORDINANCE amending the City of Camas' 2021 Budget Ordinance No. 20-011. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas approved Ordinance No. 20-011 and adopted a budget for the years 2021-2022; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas desires to effectively utilize and manage the City's financial resources; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas finds that the proposed adjustments to the Budget for 2021 reflect revenues and expenditures that are intended to ensure the provision of vital municipal services at acceptable levels; and, WHEREAS, funds received in excess of estimated revenues during the current fiscal year, when authorized by an ordinance amending the original budget, may be included in the expenditure limitation, pursuant to RCW 35A.34.200(1)(d); and WHEREAS, the City desires to undertake activities, which were not foreseen at the time of adopting the 2021-2022 budget; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A.34.150, the financial activities in the following funds could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of adopting the 2021-2022 budget, and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2708, the City of Camas established a Biennial Budget process pursuant to the provisions ofRCW 35A.34, including therewith procedures for modification of the Biennial Budget; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget modifications as set forth herein have been provided to the City Council and to the public; and WHEREAS, a public hearing as required on the proposed budget modifications has been held as required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS: Section I Budget Amendment -Effect on Fund Revenues and Expenses. In summary form, modifications to the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined are as shown on Attachment A for 2021. ORDINANCE NO. 21-007 Section II Adoption. The 2021 Amendments to the Budget of the City of Camas are hereby adopted. Section III Effective Date. This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five days from and after its publication according to law. PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by C r this 1 day of A ril, 2021. SIGNED: ~~ \ Mayor SIGNE~~~ Clerk APPROVED as to form: C5A~ City Attorney Attachment A 2021 Budget Amendment - Fund Summary Budget Budget Estimated Budget Amendment Amended Beg Fund Balance Revenues(1) Expenses (1) End Fund Balance Revenues Expenses Fund Balance New Budget Packages ,Capital/Enterprise Funds .Operating General $ 35,716 $ 9,917,694 $ 26,479,338 $ (28,698,907)7,536,125 $ 9,226 $ 38,930 S 9,226 CF -1,5-1,53,5) Streets $ 36,562 $ 1,229,954 $ 3,606,557 $ (3,579,630) $ 1,256,881 $ 146,000 $ (302,000) $ 1,100,881 CF -2,a -12s2 Tree Fund FEET S 15,422 $ 225 $ $ 15,647 $ 9,735,143 $ 5 15,647 (607,000) Camas/Washougal Fire & EMS CF-1,CF-3,a-5 $ 2,967,442 $ 11,193,800 $ (12,041,102) $ 2,120,140 $ (1,253,331) $ (100,000) $ 2,020,140 sA Cemetery Transportation Impact Fee $ 114,450 $ 265,010 $ (245,929) $ 133,5311 $ 4,512,094 1 5 133,531 S 4,512,094 ,Capital/Enterprise Funds Unlimited GO Debt Service $ 35,716 $ 9,226 1$ $ $ 9,226 $ 38,930 S 9,226 2022 Budget $ 82,380,048 Limited GO Debt Service $ 36,562 $ $ 2,449,298 $ (2,449,298) $ Equipment Rental and Replacement $ $ 1$ 1,771,629 FEET 1 $ 10,162,097 $ 5,755,365 $ (6,182,321) $ 9,735,143 $ $ (607,000) $ 9,128,141 CF-1,CF-3,a-5 Park Impact Fee 1 $ 53,642 $ 5,144,594 $ 2,095,963 $ (1,253,331) $ 5,987,226 1 $ 157,124 1 $ (157,124)1 $ 528,735 $ 5,987,226 1 Transportation Impact Fee $ 3,153,085 $ 2,530,072 $ (1,171,063) $ 4,512,094 S 4,512,094 Fire impact Fee $ 1,080,373 $ 345,398 $ $ 1,425,771 $ 1,425,771 NW 38th Ave Phase $ 403,539 $ 766,000 $ (766,000) $ 403,539 $ 403,539 Brady Road Construction $ 684,478 $ $ $ 684,478 $ 300,000 $ (300,000) $ 684,478 CF -3 Larkspur Construction $ $ $ $ $ Legacy Lands $ 6,235,093 $ 20,000 $ (500,000) $ 5,755 093 $ 5,755,09pa-8 Lake and Everett $ 222,245 $ 100,000 $ (100,000) $ 222,245 $ 575,000 $ (575,000) $ 222,24 Facitilies Capital Fund $ $ 889,874 $ (889,874) $ $ $ $ Storm Water $ 2,772,413 $ 1,929,186 $ (2,937,562) $ 1,764,037 $ 118,500 $ (288,500) $ 1,594,03 Solid Waste $ 3,027,046 $ 3,152,552 $ (2,958,396) $ 3,221,202 $ 60,000 $ 3,161,20 Water/Sewer $ 6,138,896 $ 14,505,870 $ (16,082,691) $ 4,562,075 $ (655,000) $ 3,907,07 W/S Capital Projects S 52,393 $ 1,040,000 $ (1,040,000) $ 52,393 $ 52,39 North Shore Construction Project $ 493,499 $ $ (100,000) $ 393,499 $ (250,000) $ 143,49 Water Capital Projects $ 8,671,632 $ 925,000 5 (4,630,000) $ 4,966,632 $ (1,000,000) $ 3,966,63WSCapital Reserve $ 16,240,620 $ 8,016,936 $ (3,365,000) $ 22892,556 $ 22,892,55WS Bond Reserve $ 1,715,230 $ 33,541 $ $ 1,748,771 $ 1,748,77 Lodging Tax Carry Forward $ 35,716 $ 13,214 $ (10,000) $ 38,930 Ord Budget S 170,586,145 $ 170,689,983 Administrative $ 38,930 Firemen's Pension 2022 Budget $ 82,380,048 $ 1,292,940 $ 36,562 $ (85,126) $ 1,244,376 $ 1,244,376 $ 118,500 Equipment Rental and Replacement (840,500) $ 2,130,517 1$ 1,771,629 15 (1,749,594)1 2,152,562 1 5 (142,000)1 $ 2,010,562 a-10.CF-11 Retiree Medical $ $ 53,642 1 $ 127,583 1 $ (127,583)1 $ 53,642 1 1 1 $ 53,642 LEOFF 1 Disability Board $ 528,735 1 $ 157,124 1 $ (157,124)1 $ 528,735 1 1 1 $ 528,735 5 $ 84,492,975 S 88,206,097 S (89,120,521( $ S (1) Budgeted revenues and expenses reflect the 2020 Adopted Budget 83,578,551 $ 1,139,500 $ (4,441,500) $ 80,276,551 - $ (3,302,000) Carry Forward $ 1,021,000 S (3,601,000) Ord Budget S 170,586,145 $ 170,689,983 Administrative 2022 Budget $ 82,380,048 $ 81,569,465 $ Supplemental $ 118,500 S (840,500) $ - $ (3) $ 1,139,500 $ (4,441,500) $ (3,302,000) Attachment L... CF -1 Mher Improvements ADA Ra mos RT1 Gr For and 2020 Budget 300 5 50,000 $ 132.000 3101594-]W63 300.000 CF 5 182,000) $ 82,01 CF -1 Adjust Fund Balance Froward 2020 Bud et 1 5 300,000 300 5 9,735,141 $ 9,653,142 13c 3(18 1 $ 82000 1 131N 397-300-02 1 $ 82,000 CF 3 Transfer Out fund 315 Transfer to Brady Road 300 15 $ 1 300,000 3100-593-3151)] 1 5 300,000 5 i 300.000 CF Adiust Fund Balance i i 300 i $ 9,735,141 5 9,435,141 Froward 2020 Bud et 1 5 300,000 $ 300,000 CF iTranVerin Fund300 Transfer from REEF I 315 1 $ 1 $ 300,000 131N 397-300-02 1 $ 300,000 1 1 1 $ 300,000 CF -3 I Brady Road Cons,ruaion Urry Forward 2020 Budget 1 315 15 $ 30,000 13152659530165 1 1 5 300,000 $ 300.000 CFi TIB FundlrR Gr Pomard 2020 Budet 321 $ 575,01 1 $ 225,000 1321L 3344368/) 1$ 575,000 1 225,01 $ 575,WD CFA I Take and Everett Project COm IHion Ur Froward 2020 Bud et 321 1 $ 10D.01 I $ 675.000 132126595313Cf65 1 225.01 $ 575,01 $ 575,000 CS -5 Downtown Trail ijAdjusa G Forward 2020 Budget 300 5 200.01 5 225,000 130106554-]65.63 1 $ $ 225,01 $ 225.000 [F-5 Fund Balance 1 1 428 31 $ 9,128,141 $ 8,903,141 13 309L 00 I 5 225.01 1 1 $ 225,10 [FL IParker Estates Strom FaCpIfty Qm Forward 2021) Budget 419 5 200.01 15 31.0004192659454163 428N594342 -CS 1 $ $ 100,000 $ j100,00 CF6 Ad'urt Fund Balance 1 1 428 419 ji $ 1,764,037 1 5 1,664,037 419{63000.01 1$ 100,01 I 1.01,01 15 100,10 CF-] Flatbed Truck Ur Forward 2020 Budget 422 $ $ 15 0,000422N594-3]064 428N594342 -CS 1 $ $ (0.000)1$ 1,01.000 W,00 CF7 ilAw1jusl Fund Mance 1 1 428 422 1 5 3,221,202 1 5 3,161,202 1419 3010 00 li 5 60,000 1 1.01,01 15 6,000 CF -S 1544 Reservoir lDr Foryaard 2020 Budget 1 429 $ $ 1 $ 1,00,10 428N594342 -CS 1 $ 1,000,000 5 1,01.000 CF -8 lAdjust Fund 6alanu 1 lAdjust Fund Balance 1 428 1 $ 4,966,632 1 5 3,966,632 1428N3022 00 1 $ 1,10,10 i 1427MWW 5 1.01,01 CF -9 I-acamasCreekPump Station Um Fomard 2020 Budget 427 $ 100,000 1 $ 350,10 427M594,351E5 1 1 5 15 250,101 $ 250,01 CF B lAdjust Fund Balance 1 5 1 1 $ 427 $ 393,499 1 5 143.499 1427MWW I $ 250,10 I 1 5 250,01 CF 10 Assetwads (subscription based] CarW FOnvard 2020 Budget 523 1 $ 252,262 15 379.262 523MS4969043 1 1 $ 1 5 127,10 5 127,000 CF 10 lAdjust Fund Nuance I 1 5 1 523 1 $ 2,152,562 1 $ 2.025,562 1523N3W2WW 1 1 $ 127,WO 1 7,000 1 $ 127,000 CF 11 Repairs and Maintenance Gr omard 2020 Budget 523 $ 41,594 $ 56.59452343C) -MIS U"0 1 1 $ 1 5 115,00)15 $ 15,000 CF 11 Adjust Fund Balance I 1 5 1 523 $ 2152,562 $ 2,137,562 112-01308 0] 1 5 15,W0 1 7,000 15 15,00 CF 12 Transportationtem Plan Carry Forward 2020 Budet 112 $ 353,491 $ 503.491112NW3d 1 1 1 $ 5 150,01 $ 150,00 CF 12 lAdjust Fund Balance I 1 5 1 112 $ 1,256,881 1 15 1,106,081 112-01308 0] 1 15 150,10 ii 7,000 ii $ iSD,000 [F13 General Sewer Plan lCarry Forvard 2020 Budget 424 $ ]52],193 1 $ 1,652,19204M536101 1 1 1 $ $ 125,1 $ 125.000 CF 13 lAdjust Fund Balance 1 1 5 424 5 4,562,075 15 4,437,025 1424M308 1 15 125,W0 ii 7,000 ii $ 125,00 Al I I I I I I I I I 5 5-1 5mall tools and equipment Field laptops for Polke I 11 1 $ 59,780 1 $ 66,780 100128-521-220.35 1 1 1 $ 7,01 $ 7,000 5-1 jAdJUSt Fund Balance RedudiOn to Orug Fund I W1 1 5 7,690,125 1 $ 7,697,125 1001N30N 5 7.001 30,Om 9,00 1 $ 7,000 5-3 15iM1 Ave Re aV&Re bce Su use of re rotten 112 $ 59,780 5 3m,Om 11L8321-22035 1 1 $ 3U$23000 5 AWO 5-2 Street%eservaODn To fund 15th R&R 112 $ 879,859 $ 579,859 112-7639530665 $ 30,Om 9,00 i $ 100,10 5-2 Wofeulenal 5ervius su -s ryvests 112 $ 28,415 $ 34,415 i1226552+30Da1 $ (3,302,10) $ F2 Ad uR Fund Balance $ )4,741,50) 112 $ 1,356.883 $ 950,881 331t6306U06m $ 6,Om 5-2 Water Lines Replaced! Su Water R&R 424 5 3W,000 $ SID," 42640594344-65 $ 2 S2 MJust Fund Balance 424 $ 4,562,075 $ 4,332,75 42426306611 5 230.0m S3 1 lHe ak AEDs !Sup p Police 5ma0 Tools 001 $ 59,780 1 $ 613,780 11L8321-22035 1 1 $ 9,W0 5 AWO Sd I Adjust Fund Babnce 1 $ 001 1 5 2698.125 1 $ 7,68.125 2,020,140 1 5 9,00 i $ 100,10 $ 9,10 15 100,000 1419613082100 tj 5 45,000 15 $ (722,1) $ 45,Om $ (3,302,10) Budget Summary Total 54 Fire CIP & Funduna Options Studv Funded by Gmas/Wash 115 $ 678,596 5 778,596 $ i 11SOoM71041 1 3W,000 1 $ 100,000 $ 11,001 Si I Adjust Fund Balance $ 4,S62,075 115 $ 2120,140 5 2,020,140 1 1 1115M301Q 00 i $ 100,10 I 1,764,037 15 100,000 55 Water Treatment Plant Cantrollem Water Machinexy 424 $ 20,000 15 370,10 424-06534.83146 $ i 118,5005 15 3W,000 $ 30,OW) 55 Adjust Fund Wlance I 1 424 $ 4,S62,075 I $ 4,262,075 1424N3082 00 li $ 3m,m0 1 jAdjust Fund Balance 1 5 3W,00n 56 StateGrant DOE Dept of Ecology Grant 419 1 5 1 $ $ 118,5W 41 N334O3011 $ i 118,5005 118,50 56 Professional Services Stormwater Mon Act Plan 1 419 1 $ 1m.W0 i $ 263,51 414 5317c641 1.]64,03] $ (163.500)$ 163,511 S43 jAdjust Fund Balance 1 1 419 1 5 1,764,037 1 5 1,719,037 1419613082100 tj 5 45,000 15 $ (722,1) $ 45,Om 5-7 Prufessianal Services HaiartReservoir Study 419 1 $ 11,000 $ 125,01 1419 S314W 1 1 1 $ 25,W0 $ 25,00) 5-7 i1fiaijug Fund Balance 1 419 1 5 1.]64,03] I 1 $ 1,739,037 1419 3040.ro 03 15 2500 1 $ $ 1 $ 25,Om $ 4,741,51 5 14,741,SW) $ Net ToMl 5 1,439,51 $ H,741,51) $ (3,302,1) $ 13,302,01) 5 U" Fory nl 5 1.021.01 $ (3,11.01) Ne Balance $ (LS81),01).$ 12.580,101 5 "mune $ $ $ suodememal $ 418,SW $ (1,140,51) Net Game $ (722,1) $ (722,W0) $ $ (3,302,10) Budget Summary Total $ 1,439,50 $ )4,741,50) 5 )3,302,OW) $ )3,302,OW) City of Camas 2021 Spring Omnibus Budget Packages Pkg# Carry Forward List Department Description CF 1 CF -2 CF -3 CF -4 CF -5 CF -6 CF -7 CF -8 CF -9 CF -10 CF -11 CF -12 CF -13 S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 3/3/2021 Streets/Capital ADA Access Upgrades $ 82,000 COVID-19 delay Streets/Capital Pavement Management Program $ 146,000 COVID-19 delay Streets/Capital Brady Road $ 300,000 Project completion Streets/Capital Lake and Everett Intersection Washougal will fund 40% of this cost Project completion Parks Downtown Trail $ 225,000 Carry Forward 2020 Stormwater Parker Estates Storm Facility Project -Project Mgmt $ 1000000 Carry Forward 2020 Solid Waste Flatbed Truck $ 60,000 Carry Forward 2020 Water 544 Reservoir $ 11000,000 Project completion Sewer Lacamas Creek Pump Station $ 2500000 Carry Forward 2020 Public Works AssetWorks $ 127,000 Carry Forward 2020 Facilities Mezzanine for Shops $ 15,000 Carry Forward 2020 Streets Transportation System Plan $ 150,000 Carry Forward 2020 Sewer General Sewer Plan $ 1250000 Carry Forward 2020 Total $ 2,SB0,000 Administrative List Supplemental List Department Description Amount Reason Police Field Laptops funded with Drug Fund proceeds $ 7,000 Streets/Capital NE 15th - Division to Everett $ 236,000 $300k use of preservation Police Lifepak Automatic External Defibrillators $ 91000 CWFD Fire CIP and Funding Model Consultants $ 100,000 Washougal will fund 40% of this cost Water Water Treatment Plant Controllers $ 300,000 Stormwater Stormwater Monitoring Action Plan $ 45,000 Grant funds $118,500 Stormwater Haight Reservoir Study $ 25,000 Total $ 722,000 Total Spring Omnibus Budget Packages $ 303020000 City of Camas 2021 Spring Omnibus Budget - Description of Packages Package Title Description Fund Impacted Overall Approriation S-1 Field Computers for Police Due to COVID-19, the ADA projects scheduled for 2020 are to be carry General Fund $ 7,000 CF -1 2020 ADA Upgrades forward to 2021. REET $ 82,000 2020 Street Preservation Due to COVID-19, street preservation projects were delayed Street/Water CF -2 be funded with Street preservation funds and water utility funds General Fund/Street $ 1460000 CF -3 Brady Road Completion Carry forward budget unspent and REETfunding Brady Road/REET $ 300,000 CF -4 Lake and Everett Completion Carry forward budget unspent and TIB Funding Lake and Everett $ - Defibrillators Carry forward budget to repair the stairs from Downtown to Mill Ditch Downtown Trail The Fire CIP is needed for future planning of facilities as well as sizing fire REET CF -5 I Trail CWFD $ 2250000 Parker Estates Storm Facility Carry forward budget for project management of the construction of the CF -6 Project stormwater facilty Stormwater $ 100,000 S-5 Water Treatment Plan Carry forward a purchase of a flatbed truck to pick up and deliver garbage Water $ 300,000 Flatbed Truck Solid Waste CF -7 Stormwater Monitoring Action cans $ 60,000 CF -8 544 Reservoir Completion Carryforward budget unspent Water Projects $ 10000,000 CF -9 Lacamas Creek Pump Station Carry forward budget unspent Sewer Projects $ 250,000 CF -10 Assetworks Carry forward budget unspent ERR $ 127,000 CF -11 Mezzanine for Shops Carry forward budget unspent ERR $ 15,000 CF -12 Transportation System Plan Carry forward budget unspent Streets $ 150,000 CF -13 lGeneral Sewer Plan JCarry forward budget unspent Sewer $ 125,000 S-1 Field Computers for Police 3 field laptops purchase with the use of Drug Fund proceeds General Fund $ 7,000 S-2 NE 15th Ave Everett Street Repair and replacement project to include water pipes. Project to $ 2360000 -Division to Street/Water be funded with Street preservation funds and water utility funds Lifepak Automatic External 5-3 To buy 5 additional AEDs to have one in every patrol car General Fund $ 9,000 Defibrillators The Fire CIP is needed for future planning of facilities as well as sizing fire S-4 Fire CIP and Funding Options impact fees. The Funding Options Study is to determine the best long CWFD $ 1000000 Study term funding for the two cities S-5 Water Treatment Plan Puchase additional controllers for the WaterTreatment Plant Water $ 300,000 Controllers Stormwater Monitoring Action This plan will cost $163,500 with $118,500 funded by Department of S-6 Stormwater $ 45,000 Plan Ecology grant and the remaining $45,000 from Stormwater rates 5-7 Haight Reservoir This is a study to determine the amount of water in reservoir Stormwater $ 25,000 Total $ 3,3021000 2021 Spring Omnibus Budget - Fund Balance Impacts Corry Forward Packages CF -1 2020 ADA Proleru CFI Transfer from GF to Street WM 5 1146.0001 5 146.0.00 Street Preservation 5 (146.9om CF -3 Transfer from RECT to Brady nem improvements Ci TIB Grant Use and Evans" voters CF -5 Chosim i Trail CF -6 Partes Orates Stormwaln Podllry Completion CF -1 HaWedwhforSlld Waste CF 8 544 Reservoir 182,0701 5 182.000) Engineering 5 Street $ (1460=) Street 13=,a001 S 3=,007 5 - EngMeenng S 13=,9901 5 13=,9001 E"Imaring 5 95,070 5 575.007 Engineering 5 1575.0=) 5 195.0091 Engineering 122;0001 $ 1225,0091 varve a Rea $ (10(i S 11=,9=) Stormwater 5 (Enter) S (60,002) 5011d Wame $ II,o0o,9001 5 II,00l water CF 9 Unions Greek Pump Slellon $ C/W fire& S 5 Brady Road Into and 5 5 (250.07]1 Sewer CF10 MetwoMs North Shore Water Capital 1 5 1127,000) General Fund Street Fund EMS BEET Projects Construction Everett Storm Water Selld Waste Water/Sewer 115.0=) Sewer Project (15.000) ERR Projects; Equipment Rental Total Dept. Beginning Balance $ 9,917,694 $ 1,229,954 $ 2,967,42 $ 10,162,097 $ 680478 $ 222,245 $ 2,772,413 $ 3,027,046 $ 6,138,895 $ 493,499 $ 8,621,632 $ 2,130,517 Revenues $ 26,479,338 $ 3,606,557 $ 11,193,800 $ 5,755,365 $ - $ 100.000 $ 1.929,186 $ 3,152,552 $ 14,505.870 5 - $ 925,000 $ 11771.629 Expenditures $ (28,698,907) $ (3,579,630) $ (12,041,102) $ (6,182,321) $ $(100,000) $ (2,937,362) $ (2,958,396) $ (16,082.691) $ (100,000) $ (4,630,000) $ (1749,584) Projected Ending Fund Balance $ 7,698,125 27% $ 1,256,881 $ 2,120,140 $ 9,735,141 $ 684,478 $ 222,215 $ 1,764,037 $ 3,221,202 $ 4,562,075 $ 393A99 $ 4,966,632 $ 2,152562 Corry Forward Packages CF -1 2020 ADA Proleru CFI Transfer from GF to Street WM 5 1146.0001 5 146.0.00 Street Preservation 5 (146.9om CF -3 Transfer from RECT to Brady nem improvements Ci TIB Grant Use and Evans" voters CF -5 Chosim i Trail CF -6 Partes Orates Stormwaln Podllry Completion CF -1 HaWedwhforSlld Waste CF 8 544 Reservoir 182,0701 5 182.000) Engineering 5 Street $ (1460=) Street 13=,a001 S 3=,007 5 - EngMeenng S 13=,9901 5 13=,9001 E"Imaring 5 95,070 5 575.007 Engineering 5 1575.0=) 5 195.0091 Engineering 122;0001 $ 1225,0091 varve a Rea $ (10(i S 11=,9=) Stormwater 5 (Enter) S (60,002) 5011d Wame $ II,o0o,9001 5 II,00l water CF 9 Unions Greek Pump Slellon $ S 5 (250.000) 5 5 (250.07]1 Sewer CF10 MetwoMs 5 $ 1 5 1127,000) 5 1122.0001 ERR CFI1 Messimminshops Subtotal Fund Balance $ 7$52,129 26% $ $ 115.0=) IS (15.000) ERR CF12 transportation Stratum Plan 5 1150.000) 1,664,037 $ 3,161,202 $ 4,437,075 5 (M,=1 Street CF13 General Sewer Nan $ 1125,,,) 5 HUSGUC1 Sewer Total Carry Forward 5 1146}=) 5 Inutile) 5 5 (607,0001 5 5 Il=pom $ 160.0=I 5 (125.0=) 5 1250.0=) $ 11.0=.0= 5 1142.=) 5 12,W,=1 Subtotal Fund Balance $ 7,552,125 26% $ I,ID5,B81 $ 2,120,140 $ 9,128,161 $ 684,476 $ 222,205 $ 1,661,037 $ 3,161,202 $ 4,037,075 $ 143,499 $ 3,966,632 $ 2,010562 S 12,sa0,=m S Total arm... oatme $ S 5 5 5 5 5 $ 1 5 5 5 5 Subtotal Fund Balance $ 7$52,129 26% $ 1,106,081 $ 2,120,140 $ 9,128,141 $ 684,470 $ 1,664,037 $ 3,161,202 $ 4,437,075 $ 143,499 Supplemental Packages SI Field laptops funded with Drug Fund Proceeds $ 1T,=01 5 (7.0=) Polka 5.2 He 15to Rvt0Mwn to Everett \ $ 13=,C=I S 125ooxil 5 (536.=1 Engineering preurvaliam $ 3=1000 $ 310,017 Engineering 5.3 OfeWak Acrs ror Police Patrol Cors IS (9,007) $ 19,0011 Police 56 CAF= Fire CIP and Funding Opllons Study $ 11=,LW) $ (110,0=1 MID s-5 Water' Treatment Plant Controllers 5 13=.0001 $ I=ce ) water S-6 Dam of Ecology Grant 5 11$5[0 $ 136,5= Remember literate In generator NbgN $ 1163,5001 5 1163,5021 Stmmwater S-7 Haight Reservoir 5wtly $ 5 (25.=) $ 1250901 Paria Mtlnt Total Supplemental 5 116.00G) $ (6¢001 5 (I=,=pi li 5 $ $ I7000001 S $ 153D,OP11 $ S $ $ 1722,000) Net Budget Adjustment $ (1621000) S (156,00(1) $ (100,000) $ (607,000) $ $ S (170,000) $ (60,000) 5 (655,000) $ (250,000) $ (1,000,000) $ (142,000) 5 13,302.001 Total Adjusted Fund Balance $ 75341 26% $ 1,100,881 $ 2,0M,140 $ 9,128,141 S 681,478 $ $ 159/,037 $ 3,161,202 $ 3,907,075 $ 143A99 $ $ $(3,302,000l