ORD 21-005ORDINANCE NO. 21-005 AN ORDINANCE amending certain provisions of Titles 12, 14, 15, 1 7, and 18 of the Camas Municipal Code as part of the City Annual Code Amendment Process. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I Designated subsections of Titles 12.32.020; 12.36.010; 12.36.050; Title 14; 15.04.0lO(B); 15.04.030(D); 15.17.050; 17.01.050; 17.09.030(B)(5); 17.09.030(B); 17.11.030(B), 17.15.030(B); 17.19.030(D)(6)(b); 17.19.040.C.; 18.03.040; 18.07.040 -Table 2; 18.09.040 -Table 1; 18.09.060; 18.13.050; 18.17.030; 18.17.060; 18.18.040; 18.26.060; 18.55.030-Table 1; 18.55 .110; 18.55.200; and 18.55.355 of the Camas Municipal Code are hereby amended or added all as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. Section II This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5) days from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by t e Mayor this l'5~ day of _M~n~r~~---' 202i. APPROVED as to form: City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" Amendments to Camas Municipal Code (CMC) CMC Chapter 12.32 -Park Rules and Regulations Section 12.32.020 -Protection of property-Destruction of buildings, monuments and other properties. D. No person shall ignite any consumer firework in any city park at any time of the year without a permit from the Fire Marshal's Office CMC Chapter 12.36 -Gates and Other Barriers 12.36.010 -Purpose of provisions A. From time to time the owners of real property served by private streets, driveways or commercial property desire to erect gates or other barriers restricting vehicular access on such private streets and driveways. Section 12.36.050 -Permit-Required when-Application C. Electric gates serving less than three homes or in a commercial application shall have an approved lockbox with toggle or key switch on the main gate. Title 14-STORMWATER PROVISIONS CMC Chapter 15.04 -Building Code Section 15.04.0lO(B) -Adoption of referenced codes 5. Appendix Q, Dwelling Unit Fire Sprinkler Systems; 6. Appendix V, Fire Sprinklers. Section 15.04.030(D)-International Fire Code 9 .1. International Fire Code Alarm and Detection Systems In addition to the requirements of IFC 907 .2, an automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in every building in excess of five thousand square feet hereinafter constructed, except those portions of Group A Division 5 occupancies that are open to the air, Group S Division 2 open car garages, Group R Division 3, and Group U occupancies. Where the building is provided with an approved automatic fire extinguishing system in accordance with Section 903, the requirements of this subsection may be omitted. The fire alarm system shall be a modification of a true NFP A 72 system with only initiation devices as well as a single interior and one exterior notification devices. All buildings required to have a fire alarm system by this code shall be: CMC Chapter 15.17 -Automatic Fire Sprinklers Section 15.17.050 -Automatic fire sprinkler system required The following appendices of the State Building Code adoption and amendment of the 2015 edition of the International Residential Code (Chapter 51-151 WAC) are hereby together with all future amendments: 1. Appendix Q, Dwelling Unit Fire Sprinkler Systems (WAC 51-51-601015) 2. Appendix V, Fire Sprinklers (WAC 51-51-60107) 3. The requirements of this section shall further apply to any new accessory detached dwelling unit or dwelling undergoing a "substantial" remodel. Provided, however this section does not require the installation of an approved fire sprinkler system in any mobile or manufactured home. This exception is limited to this section and nothing herein exempts, a mobile home or manufactured home from any other requirement to install an approved automatic fire sprinkler system under any section or subsection of this code or of any International code adopted by the city. CMC Chapter 17.01 -General Provisions Section 17.01.050 -Survey content B. Preliminary and final plats shall also include the following: CMC Chapter 17.09 -Short Subdivisions Section 17.09.030(B)(5) -Preliminary short plat approval p. A survey of existing significant trees as required under CMC Section 18.13.045; and Section 17.09.030(B)-Preliminary short plat approval 7. Preliminary stormwater plan and preliminary stormwater technical information report (TIR). The preliminary stormwater TIR is to be prepared in accordance with Ecology's latest edition Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW); 10. An engineering estimate of costs for site improvements, both public and private. CMC Chapter 17.11 -Subdivisions Section 17.11.030(B) -Preliminary subdivision plat approval 8. Preliminary stormwater plan and preliminary stormwater technical information report (TIR). The preliminary storm water TIR is to be prepared in accordance with Ecology's latest edition Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW); 14. An engineering estimate of costs for site improvements, both public and private. CMC Chapter 17.15 -Binding Site Plan Section 17 .15.030(B) -Preliminary binding site plan approval 8. Preliminary stormwater plan and preliminary stormwater technical information report (TIR). The preliminary stormwater TIR is to be prepared in accordance with Ecology's latest edition Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW); CMC Chapter 17.19 -Procedures for Public Improvements Section 17.19.030(D)(6)(b) -Design and improvement standards ii. The fence shall include columns at least every fifty lineal feet and the wall shall include physical indentations every fifty lineal feet to reduce the massing effect of the fencing material. Fence columns and wall indents shall not exceed a spacing of 96 lineal feet. Fences and walls located along the City's Gateway Corridor shall be constructed in accordance with the City's 'Gateway Standards', per the Design Standards Manual. Section 17.19.040.C. -Utilities 2.b. Duplex and townhome units may have up to two sewer services at the discretion of the engineering and public works departments. 4.b. Each unit of a duplex and townhome unit shall have its own water service. CMC Chapter 18.03 -Definitions Section 18.03.040 -Definitions for development terms "Developed/net acreage" means the total acreage of a land use development exclusive of open space and critical areas. CMC Chapter 18.07 -Use Authorization Section 18.07.040 Table 2 -Residential and multi-family land uses Residential Uses R MF Assisted living1, retirement c p home 1 Nursing, rest, convalescent c p home 1 CMC Chapter 18.09 -Density and Dimensions Section 18.09.040 Table 1-Density and dimensions -Single-family residential zones i IR-6 IR-7.5 IR-10 IR-12 !R~li i n I I I . :A. Sta~dard New Lots 1 _ , _ 11 1 , -I Minimum lot size (square feet) 14,800 j6,000 18,00019,600 j 12,000 I \Minimumlotwidth(feet) i6o l7o j80 j9o i100 j )Minimum lot depth (feet) iso j9o I 100 1100 j 1.~ I Section 18.09.060 -Density transfers C. Where a land division proposes to set aside a tract for the protection of a critical area, natural open space network, or network connector (identified in the City of Camas parks plan), or approved as a recreational area, lots proposed within the development may utilize the density transfer standards under CMC Section 18.09.040.B Table-I. D. Where a tract under "C" above, includes one-half acre or more of contiguous area, the city may provide additional or negotiated flexibility to the lot size, lot width, lot depth, building setback, or lot coverage standards under CMC Section 18.09.040 Table 1 and 2. In no case shall the maximum density of the overall site be exceeded. A letter explaining the request for negotiated flexibility shall be submitted to the Director for consideration. The city may also provide the landowner with: CMC Chapter 18.13 -Landscaping Section 18.13.050 -Standards for landscape, tree and vegetation plans. I. Required trees, as they grow, shall be pruned in accordance with the International Society of Arboriculture. The pruned tree will provide at least ten feet of clearance above sidewalks and fourteen feet above street roadway surfaces. CMC Chapter 18.17 -Supplemental Development Standards Section 18.17.030 -Corner Lot Vision Clearance Area A. On all comer lots no vehicle, fence, wall, hedge, or other obstructive structure or planting shall impede visibility between a height of forty-two inches and ten-feet above the sidewalk or twelve-feet above the street. B. The vision clearance triangular area shall be formed by measuring fifteen feet along property lines beginning at their point of intersection. The third side of the triangle shall be a line connecting the end points of the first two sides of the triangle. See Figure-18.17.030-1. Section 18.17.060 -Retaining walls. B. Height. Retaining walls shall not exceed six feet, unless otherwise approved by the Director. C. Drainage [is] required behind retaining wall to relieve buildup of water pressure. D. [Exterior Facing Retaining Walls.] Exterior facing retaining walls are those walls that are supporting fill. The exposed side is facing the neighboring property or right-of-way and the fill side is within the subject property. (Refer to Figure 18.17.060-1 Exterior Facing Retaining Walls.) 1. When fence is atop the retaining wall, then the total height of wall and fence shall not exceed forty-two inches (front yard) or six feet zero inches (side and rear yards), or set back a distance of one foot for every foot in height of fence in excess of allowed height. 2. When retaining wall is over thirty inches above grade, then guards are required if on the property line. 3. If approved, retaining walls over six feet zero inches in height shall include landscaping to minimize bulky appearance, as approved by the Director. E. [Interior Facing Retaining Walls.] Interior facing retaining walls are those walls that are supporting cuts. The fill side of the retaining wall is facing the neighboring property and the exposed side is facing the subject property. (Refer to Figure 18 .17.060-2 Interior Facing Retaining Walls.) Chapter 18.18 -Site Plan Review Section 18.18.040-Submittal and contents of a complete application F. A preliminary stormwater technical information report (TIR) supporting the preliminary storm water drainage and runoff plan. The preliminary stormwater TIR is to be prepared in accordance with Ecology's latest edition Storm water Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW); Chapter 18.26 -Flexible Developments Section 18.26.060 -Application requirements for flexible developments D. Preliminary stormwater plan and preliminary stormwater technical information report (TIR). The preliminary stormwater TIR is to be prepared in accordance with Ecology's latest edition Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW); ). If proposed, rain gardens-shall meet the standards ofCMC Section 17.19.030.F.6 Storm Drainage Facilities; CMC Chapter 18.55 -Administration and Procedures S f 18 55 030 T bl 1 S f d .. ki ec 10n . a e -ummary o ec1s1on ma ng process Approval Process Permit Type I II III Preliminary subdivision plat xs SEP A threshold determination Section 18.55.110 -Application -Required Information I. A copy of a full title report. Section 18.55.200 -Appeals -Generally 2. Appellant's statement describing their or other standing appeal; Section 18.55.355 -Code Conflicts Code Interpretation: Shore SEPA BOA x A. Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter to provide a process for interpreting and applying the provisions of Title 16, 17 and 18. IV B. Responsibility. It shall be the responsibility of the Director to review and resolve any questions regarding the proper interpretation or application of the provisions of Title 16, 17 and 18 pursuant to the procedures set forth in this Chapter. The Director's decision shall be in keeping with the spirit and intent of this title and of the Comprehensive Plan. The Director's decision shall be in writing and kept on permanent file. Procedure- A. Application. Any person may request in writing the Director's interpretation of a code provision of Title 16, 1 7 or 18 when it pertains to a specific property or project by means of a Type I application pursuant to Section 18.55.030. The Director may independently initiate an interpretation of any conflicting or unclear provisions of this Title. B. Multiple applications. If an application for an interpretation is associated with any land use application( s) subject to Title 16, 17, or 18, then the application for the interpretation may be combined with the associated application(s) and is subject to the highest level of procedure that applies to any of the applications, Section 18.55.030. C. Codification. To ensure that the Directors Interpretations are applied consistently over time, the Director shall on an annual basis initiate a Type IV text amendment to this Code for the purpose of codifying interpretations pursuant to Chapter 18. 5 5. The codified interpretations shall be located in Chapter 18.55.355 -Code Conflicts, or in the Chapter of the Code governing the subject matter of the interpretation, whichever may be more appropriate. D. Appeals. Any official interpretation of the provisions of Title 16, 17, and 18 may be appealed by any aggrieved party, pursuant to the appeal procedures set forth in Chapter 18.55.