ORD 19-004ORDINANCE NO. 19-004 AN ORDINANCE amending the City of Camas' 2019 Budget Ordinance No. 18-024. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas approved Ordinance No. 18-024 and adopted a budget for the years 2019-2020; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas desires to effectively utilize and manage the City's financial resources; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas finds that the proposed adjustments to the Budget for 2019 reflect revenues and expenditures that are intended to ensure the provision of vital municipal services at acceptable levels; and, WHEREAS, funds received in excess of estimated revenues during the current fiscal year, when authorized by an ordinance amending the original budget, may be included in the expenditure limitation, pursuant to RCW 35A.34.200(l)(d); and WHEREAS, the City desires to undertake activities, which were not foreseen at the time of adopting the 2019-2020 budget; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A.34. l 50, the financial activities in the following funds could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of adopting the 2019-2020 budget, and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2708, the City of Camas established a Biennial Budget process pursuant to the provisions of RCW 35A.34, including therewith procedures for modification of the Biennial Budget; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget modifications as set forth herein have been provided to the City Council and to the public; and WHEREAS, a public hearing as required on the proposed budget modifications has been held as required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS: Section I Budget Amendment -Effect on Fund Revenues and Expenses. In summary form, modifications to the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined are as shown on Attachment A for 2019. ORDINANCE NO. Section II Adoption. The 2019 Amendments to the Budget of the City of Camas are hereby adopted. Section III Effective Date. This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five days from and after its publication according to law. PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 3rct day of June, 2019. SIGNED: :;;J ha_."--A...-'1r\_ JLAA.-i<._ -Mayor SIGN~J3:;~ Clerk APPROVED as to form: City Attorney Attachment A 2019 Budget Amendment -Fund Summary Budget Budget Estimated Budget Amendment Amended Beg Fund Balance Revenues (1) Expenses (1) End Fund Balance Revenues Expenses Fund Balance Note: Budget Packages General $ Streets $ Tree Fund $ Camas/Washougal Fire & EMS $ Cemetery $ Unlimited GO Debt Service $ Limited GO Debt Service $ REET $ Parle Impact Fee $ Transportation Impact Fee $ Fire Impact Fee $ Brady Road Construction s Larkspur $ legacv Lands $ Lake and Everett $ Facitllies Capital Fund $ Storm Water $ Solid Waste $ Water/Sewer $ w /S Capital Projects $ WS Capital Reserve $ WS Bond Reserve $ North Shore Construction Project $ Water Capital Projects $ Lodging Tax $ Firemen's Pension $ Equipment Rental and Replacement $ Retiree Medical $ LEOFF 1 Disability Board $ $ 6,067,888 $ 24,880,718 $ (25,016,878) $ 824,100 $ 3,175,081 $ (3,892,259 $ $ S,100 $ (5,000 $ 1,434,397 $ 11,409,954 $ (11,126,827 s 41,486 $ 233,677 $ (248,656) $ 44,209 $ 610,000 $ (G22,734) $ -s 1,179,534 s (1,179,534) $ 6,263,005 $ 2,898,147 $ (2,403,809) $ 902,130 $ 692,242 $ (607,950) $ 1,236,999 $ 1,567,522 $ (616,057) $ 411,185 $ 150,686 $ -$ 1,170,000 s 4,880,000 $ (6,050,000) s 900,000 $ 1,350,000 $ (2,250,000) $ 7,627,444 $ 2,675,438 $ {10,302,882) $ -$ 7,650,000 $ (1,400,000) $ -$ -$ -$ 2,521,157 $ 1,631,306 $ (2,351,393) $ 2,383,279 $ 2,811,617 $ (2,376,524) $ 8,474,464 $ 13,941,020 $ (16,583,635) $ -$ 10,171,000 $ (10,171,000) $ 8,449,954 $ 3,382,956 $ (550,000) $ 1,661,363 $ 31,616 $ -$ 5,935,405 $ 76,422 $ (1,275,000) $ -$ -$ -$ $ 19,169 $ 12,966 $ (10.000) $ 2,165,157 $ 34,463 $ (379,113] $ 1,803,244 $ 1,696,679 $ (2,414,359] $ -s 154,664 $ (154,664) s -$ 480,715 $ (480,715) $ $ 60,336,035 $ 97 ,783,523 $ (102,468,989) $ $ 5,931,728 $ 3,000 $ (353,482) $ 5,581,246 106,922 $ 36,375 $ (126,217} $ 17,080 100 $ 100 1,717,524 $ 47,739 $ (47,739) $ 1,717,524 26,507 $ 26,507 31,475 $ 31,475 -$ - 6,757,343 $ 15,000 $ (654,202) $ 6,118,141 986,422 $ (316,964) $ 669,458 2,188,464 $ 2,188,464 561,871 $ 561,871 -$ - -$ 118,000 $ (118,000) $ --$ - 6,250,000 $ 6,250,000 -$ 175,000 $ (175,0001 $ - 1,801,070 $ (92.675) $ 1,708,395 2,818,372 $ 2,818,372 5,831,849 $ (756,400) $ 5,075,449 -$ 610,000 $ (610,000) $ - 11,282,910 $ 11,282,910 1,692,979 s 1,692,979 4,736,827 $ (2,055,164) $ 2,681,663 -$ 21,335,212 $ (21,335,213) $ (O) 22,135 $ 22,135 1,820,507 $ 1,820,507 1,085,564 $ (15,000) $ 1,070,564 -$ - -$ - 55,650,569 $ 22,340,326 $ (26,656,056) $ 51,334,840 $ (4,315,729) $ (4,315,729) (1) Budgeted revenues and expenses reflect the 2017-2018 Adopted Budget Carry Forward Ord 18-24 Budget $ 97,783,523 $ (102,468,989) Administrative Supplemental $ $ $ (2,149,262) $ (2,166,467) $ (1,746,649) $ (419,818) $ (419,818) $ (O) CF-1, Cf.2,CF-S,CF-17,A-2,S-2,S-S,s-6,S-7,S-S.S-9,S-11.S-12 Cf-1,CF-4,S-1,5-2, S-10 S-12 CF-!,CF-S,CF-6,CF-7,CF-10,CF-11 CF-8,CF-9 A-.9 Cf.S A-5,S-2,S-3,5-4 C:.12,CF-13,CF-16,A-3,S..2 0:-12,CF-13,0:-16 CF·14, CF-15,A-1 A-4 S-13 Attachment A Cf:.1 .· 2018 carry Forward & Prop Tax True-up Streets 112 $ 794,482 $ 818,278 lU-76-595-300-65 $ (23,796) $ (23,796) CF-1 Preserwtlon Transfer from GF streets 112 $ 781,9(B $ 818,278 112..00..397..001-00 $ 36,375 $ 36,375 CF-1 Adjust Fund Balance Streets 112 $ 106,922 $ 117,105 112-00-3Q8..000.00 $ (12,579) $ (12,579 CF-1 Transfer to Streets Genenl Fund 001 $ 2,381,903 $ 2,418,278 001-00-597-112-00 $ {36,375) $ (36,375 CF-1 .. · Adjust Fund Balance Genaral Fund 001 $ 5,931,728 $ 5,968,103 001.()()..508-000-00 $ 36,375 $ 36,375 ..... c:>:'·. ?'6>·'':: .. · .. :,.· .'.·.::( .<.,,..:'<: ·:·:(·.·'. ··.·<'··;:: . ·. < ;> : Ci:\:.· .. ' .. : .. :;::\ . ·.··.· : : .: : < :' ,:,;;,; .::::'::.: :, : .• /'· Cf.'-2 . I Bulklil'llE Inspector Vehicle General Fund 001 $ -$ 26.220 001-22-594-200-64 $ 126,220) $ 126220 CF-l IAdJust Fund Balance Gener.I Fund 001 $ 7,763.249 I $ 7,737,029 OOl·oo-508·000-00 $ Generator Acaulstlon & Installation Facilltles C:apltal 318 $ $ 175,000 31S-00:.594-181·62 Transfer In from REET Facilities C:apltal 318 $ -$ 175,000 318-00-397-30().0() Tnnsfer to Facllltles Capital Fund REET 300 $ $ 175,000 ~597-318-00 .·. ci:-a Adiust Fund Balahce REET 300 $ 6,757,343 $ 6..582,343 ~ :· CF-4 ADA Access U!lErwdes carry Forward Streets 112 $ 50,000 112-76-542-300-48 CF-4 Adjust Fund Balance Streets 112 $ 231.282 $ 281,282 1U-(X)-5(J8-000.0 $ ,·::J,:·:<·:·:·:·:·f.:\·c,:· !.:.:···: j. ·:-< .:, ... ,.,,., .. :· :~::;;:.::,,:,,: ,, ... '\:··· .. :·'.':'.:>::::.,. .. : .. .: ,,,, .... ,.,,,,..,,.. ::< ·;: Cf.S Dalles Street Construction REET <:apttal 300 $ $ 15,000 31J0..()()-595-320-6S 0:-5 Transfer In from General Fund REET capital 300 $ $ 15,000 300-<J0..397-001-00 ·.·· CF-5 Transfer to REET from General Fund General Fund 001 $ $ 15,000 001-00-597-300-00 Adust Fund Balance General Fund 001 $ 5,931,728 $ 5,916,728 001--00-508-000-00 Cf.;& ... I Heritage Trallhead Improvements CF REETcapltal 300 $ 50,000 $ 92,925 300-00-594-763-63 CF-6 :·:·· Herltue Trallhead Improvements CF REETC:.Pital 300 $ 6,757.MS $ 6.714,418 300-00-SOl-OOO-OO S .. · .. Open 5Pace/Tralls/Parks Imp a= REET <:apltal 300 $ Cf.'-7 AdJust Fund Balance REET <:aoital 300 $ 6,757,343 $ 6.610.-406 301-00-508-000-00 CF-8 .: Wlldllfe League carry Forward PIF 301 $ 25,000 $ 271,847 301-00-594-762-61 CF.a '·: .. :, Adjust Fund Balance Plf 301 $ 986,422 $ 739,575 301-00-508-000-00 .. ·.·:·:.::., .. ..... ··,:Li·'.::::,:•·.:, .. ,,+:;:;;',· .<L: .. ,,. ···· ................. ::;·:;.,·.:;:··· ... ::CT:·. ''..':'.<:·:. CH · .. · Parklands Trail to Hertta&e Trail Cf PIF 301 $ 325.000 $ 395,117 301-00-594-761-63 CF-9, .·. ··.·.. AdJust Fund Balance PIF 301 $ 1822,319 $ 1 752,202 301-00-508-000.()() ·: ·.. < ··~·.· .... ; I. :.:. CF-10 Downtown Trail carry Forward REET Cllpltal 300 $ 25,000 $ 274,340 3~00-594-765-63 CF-10 Adjust Fund Balance REET capital 300 $ 6.757.343 $ 6.508.003 300..00-sot-ooo-oO ..... ~'.:.:.· ' Skate Park Improvements REET C.pttal 300 $ 25,000 $ 50,000 300-00-594-762-63 CF-11 Adjust Fund Balance REET capital 300 $ 6,757,343 $ 6,732,343 300-00-508-000-00 $ 26.220 $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 50,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 42,925 $ 146,937 $ 246,847 $ 70,U7 $ 249 340 $ 26,220 (175,000) $ (175,000 $ 175,000 (175,000) $ {175,000 $ 175,000 (S0,000) $ $ (15,000) $ (15,000) $ (42,925} $ 1146,937) $ $ (246,847} $ $ : ·:':'.:'::'.:· ... : . (70,117} $ $ (249,340) $ $ :.,::.:.: (25,000) $ (50,000 50,000 (15.000 15,000 (15.000 (42,925 42,925 ''·"·' ... : .... ·····.:.··:.·. ,.: ... ;··· (146,937 146,937 :• (246,847]1 246,847 (70,117>1 70,117 ::: ; : ,· (249,340} 249 340 (25,000' 25,000 v''' ' ···~ '··~·/:~;; ::·.,·. ·:.:· ,,.,·.: .··"·' ·, .... ·.·.:··.: .. :'.'. l----'CF-:""""12_,__.....,..North.;..;..'--'Shor--·e~W~ate..o.;;.;..r&n;;;..;.;;.e~~~~~~-+W.;..;..;;.ate~r/Sew.;...;;.;~er~cap_,_~-+--42_6-+-$~~~~·--1~$..._~~10~,000~~426-00-594-345..fi5 ~$--~~~-·--1-$~~~11~0~,000~"....,.$~~~<10 .......... 000--'i a;;u .:.·Transfer from W/S Water/Sewer cap 426 $ -$ 10,000 426-00-397-432-02 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 CF-12 Tnnsferto W/Scapltal Water/Sewer 424 $ 4,446.000 $ 4,456,000 424-00-597-426-00 $ (10,000) $ (10,000 Cf-:12 AclJust Fund Balance Water/Sewer 424 $ 5,831,849 $ 5,841,849 424-00-508-000-00 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 .. · :: Slow Sends Caustic Feed W1ter/Sewer Cap 426 $ 622,456 $ 797,456 426-00-594-343-65 CF-13 Transfer from W/S Water/Sewer C:.p 426 $ -$ 500,000 42&.00-397-424-01 $ CF-13 Transfer to W/S Capital Water/Sewer 424 $ 41446,000 $ 4,946,000 424-00-597-426-00 AdJust Fund Balance Water/Sewer 424 $ 5 166 535 $ 4,666 535 424-00-SOl-OOO-OO $ :·.>. ...... · ,., .. , .. ,~,., >·:'·',.>,..,,. ./:Xth'Vd:'·\ :.::.,:·:: .. ;: ·'>:::::i'T ·.,')":'· .. / ... '': ... ·:.·.··,,.·.,,,,:;·::y::· CF;.14 Lacamas Creek Pump Station North Shore ProJ 427 $ 1,275,000 $ 1,656,515 427-00-594-351-65 0:-14 Adjust Fund Balance North Shore Proj 427 $ 4,736,827 $ 4,355,312 47.7-00-30&-000-00 $ :.;:::·:··. ·.'?1:?L::,· .·:,.<.':'::'/·.: CF-15 North Shore Sewer Transmission North Shore Prol 427 $ -$ 50,000 427.00.594350.65 CF-15 Adjust Fund Balance North Shore Proj 427 $ 3,050.037 $ 3.000.IB7 427-00-308-000-00 ··' ,···· ·:p;: .:./ •"'::':'. CF·16 WWTP Roof Replacement W/SCaoltal 426 $ • $ 100,000 426-00-594-355-65 CF-16 Tran.sferfrom W/S Fund W/SCaDltal 426 $ 4,446,000 $ 4,546,000 426-00-397-424-00 $ CF-16 Transfer to W/S Capltlll Waur/Sewer 424 $ 4,446.000 $ 4,546,000 424--00-597-426-00 CF-16 AclJust Fund Balance Water/Sewer 424 $ 5,166,535 $ 5,266,535 424-00-SO&-OOO-OO $ : .·'. ·•·.·.• •·· : ·,···:· .. ·.: ... :,"./·. ·,.··.·: :.)'·:: .• ;, CF-17 Catalog Service Carrv Forward General Fund 001 $ 61,946 $ 78,511 001-30-572-200-41 CF-17 Ubrarv Book carry Forward General Fund 001 $ 120,650 $ 140,650 001-30-594·720-69 CF-17 Adlust Fund Balance General Fund 001 $ 5,931,728 $ 5,895,163 001-00-508-000-00 $ A·l WWTP UP1rade Projects North Shore ProJ 427 $ -$ 1,623,649 427-ll0-594-352-65 A·l Adlust Fund Balance North Shore Prol 427 $ 4,736,827 $ 3 1U,178 427-00-508-000-00 A-2 PoDce Donation General Fund 001 $ 25,000 s 28,000 001..Q0..367-000-00 A-2 Equipment General Fund 001 $ 68,800 $ 71,800 001-0S-521-220.35 ·.: .. ·· :t· .. A~3 W/5 lnfnistrueture Improvements larkJpur 319 $ 2,250,000 $ 2,368,000 3~595-3(1()-65 A·3 Trannr In from water-Sewer Larkspur 319 $ • $ 118,000 319-00-397-424-00 A-3 Transfer to Larkspur Water-sewer 424 $ -$ 118,000 424-00-597-319-00 : :·.·:.·:·.···.· .. ··· . $ (500,000} $ (500,000 500,000 500,000 $ (500,000) $ (500,000 500,000 $ 1381,51511 $ (:181,515 381,515 $ 381,515 : : :,.,.,.·;······ .• :· .:· :··: $ (50,000) $ (50,000 50,000 $ 50,000 $ (100,000) $ (100,000 100,000 $ 100,000 $ (100,000) $ (100,000 100,000 $ 100,000 . $ (16,565) $ (16,565 $ (20,000} $ (20,000 36,565 36,565 : : $ (1,623,649) $ (1,623 64911 1,623,649 $ 1,523,649 3000 $ 3,000 118,000 $ (3,0001 $ : .. ,· $ (118,000' $ $ 1118,000) $ $ ·. f:: .···.·:.·\::::;"' (3,000>I : <>.· (118,000 118000 (118,000 118,000 $ 21,335,212 Water cap Projects 428 $ -$ 10,589,785 428-00-591-380-78 $ (10,589,785] $ (10,589,785) A'4' Debt Issuance Costs Water cap Pro/ects 428 $ -$ 145,428 428-0o-S92·34D-84 $ 1145,428} $ (145,428 Water can 'mlects 428 $ 3.200.000 $ 6,515,000 428..00.594·342-65 $ 3,315,0001 $ 13,315.000) Water can lmlects 428 $ 150,000 $ 2,300.000 428-00-594-348-65 $ 2,150,000) $ (2,150,000) M· • Parker's Landlrw/WWTP Wells Water can 'rolec:ts 428 $ 250,000 $ 4,000,000 428-00-594-340-65 $ 3,750,000] $ (3,750.000) A-4 Lower Prune Hill Booster Station Water Can )f'oleets 428 $ 925,000 $ 2,310,000 47.11..()().594-343-65 $ 1 ~e~ ~' $ (1,38S,0001 A"S · : Grass Valley Wetland Monltorlrw storm Water 419 $ S,000 0 419-00-594-5116·63 $ 5,000 5,000 A-5 .......... NW Leadbetter Wetland Monitoring 5tormWater 419 $ 13,000 $ 23,000 1419-00-594-535-63 $ (10,000} $ 10,000 Storm Water 419 $ 1.801.070 $ 1,796,070 1419-00-SOIMJOO.OO $ 5.000 5,000 .. • .•.. / ... crack sealer Budlret Adjustment Streets 112 $ 43,000 $ 47,221 112-Q0-594-440-64 $ (4,221) $ (4,221) S-1 "'""~• c ....... Balance Streets 112 $ 106,922 $ 102, 701 112-00-508-ooo-00 $ 4,221 $ 4.221 ......... ..... · .. ··•.•xx:·;:;.;;;:.:;,· ·· 5 Yd Truck Budget Adjustment Parks Maintenance 001 $ 92,000 $ 106,200 001-18-594-760-64 (14,200) $ 14,200) S-2 Adjust Fund Balance General Fund 001 $ 5,931,728 $ 5 917,528 001-00-508-000-00 14,200 14,200 .. •. S-2 5 Yd Truck Budget Adjustment Streets 112 $ 420,000 $ 434,200 112-00-595-300-64 (14,200) $ (14,200) Adiust Fund Balance Streets 112 $ 106,922 $ 92, n1 112-00-sos-ooo-00 14,200 14,200 S-2 5 Yd Truck Bud1et Adjustment Storm Water 419 $ 84,000 $ 98 200 419-00-594-530-64 {14,2001 $ 14,200 S-2 Adlu.st Fund Balance storm Water 419 $ 1,801,070 $ 1 786,870 4J.9.00.508.000. 14,200 14,200 S-2 5 Yd Truck Budget Adjustment Water/Sewer 424 $ 130,000 $ 158,400 424-00-594-350-64 $ (28,400) $ 28,400) Adjust FUnd Balance Water/Sewer 424 $ 5.831,849 $ 424-00-508-000-00 s 28.400 $ 28,400 . ... < S,.3 • .· salaries Storm Water 419 $ 207,964 $ 244,360 419-00-531-S(I0.;11 $ (36,396} $ 36,396) S-3 ... . . Benefits Storm Water 419 $ 85,790 $ 97,869 4l.9-0D-S31-500·2l (12,079) $ U,079) S-3 . ··. Adjust Fund Balance storm Water 419 $ 1.801-070 $ 1,752,595 419-00-508-000-00 $ 48.475 48,475 . .5·:: ·.L • . sib:C ' ; . 5-4 ·.· J loll Boom Maintenance Contract Storm Water 419 $ 1.500 $ 25,000 4l9-00-595·300-65 $ (25,0001 $ 250001 S-5 Benefits General Fund 001 $ 320,336 $ 333,460 001-04-514-230-21 $ (13,1241 $ S-5 Adjust FUnd Balance General Fund 001 $ 5,931,728 $ 5,874,856 001-00-508..()()0.()() $ 56,872 $ .. ··-_,_-_; .. :. ·····'·· .-. .... : ''''"'''''" ····:·. < .. :;,. •c.;/, . salaries General Fund 001 $ 747,180 $ 812,266 001-G4-S14-230-11 $ (65,0861 $ S-6 Adlust Fund Balance General Fund 001 $ 7,763.249 $ 7.698.163 001-00-508-000-00 65.086 $ ::· .... S-7 ·.·.· Kennel Repair General Fund 001 $ 117,500 $ 130,500 001-16-554•300·51 $ (13,000ll $ S-7 Adlust Fund Balance General Fund 001 $ S.931.728 $ 5.918.728 OCil-00-508-000-00 $ 13.000 $ ·.··•.:.; Lasarflche SUDnort General Fund 001 $ 117,428 $ 129,828 001-07-518..go().41 $ (12,400>1 $ Adjust Fund Balance General Fund 001 $ 5,931,728 $ S.919,328 001..()1)-S0&-000-00 $ 12,400 $ ·•··'•"·"'''"''·•'c··•· ' ·:•:::s;:· ., .. ·. •·• ... ·.',,;··· s-9 New Police car Model General Fund 001 $ 80,000 $ 93,000 001-08-594-210-64 $ (13,000)1 $ S-9 Adjust Fund Balance General Fund 001 $ 5,931,728 $ 5.918.728 001-00-508-000-000 $ 13.000 $ · . '.:'< ·<:·:·: .. ::::. ··. · '''··• · ........ ,,.,=,..· .•,.· '+:•·::.:' :+i.EHi!STiL ..• .:<:\T . · .. ,. .. • .. ···••· 5-10 Upgrade Ratbed with a snowplow Streets 112 $ 420,000 $ 454,000 112-00-595-300-64 $ {34,000ll $ 5-10 • Balance Streets 1U $ 106,922 $ 72.922 112-00-508-000-00 $ 34.000 $ .• . .. '" :·~; ...... . ' ....... S-11 Officer Eaulpment General Fund 001 $ 68,800 $ $ (14,025) $ S-11 AdJiat Fund Balance General Fund 001 Is 5,931,728 $ S.917.703 I001-oo-so8-000-00 $ 141J2S $ S-12 ESCI COntract CWFD 115 $ 490,855 $ 538 594 115-00-522"71o-41 $ (47739] $ S-12 Transfer from General Fund to CWFD CWFD 115 $ 3,792.,417 $ 3,840,156 11S.OO.:J9HIOHlO $ 47,739 $ 5-12 Transfer to CWFD from General Fund General Fund 001 $ 3,792,417 $ 3,840,156 001-<l0-597-115-00 $ (47,739) $ S-12 Adjust Fund Balance 001 $ 5,931,728 $ $ 47,739 $ · ... : ... :·:.·.:····:. 5-13 Security EauiDment ERR 523 $ 13,000 $ 28,000 523--00-548-689·35 $ (lS,000' $ S-13 AdJUJt Fund Bal1nce ERR 523 $. 1,085,564 $ 1,070,564 523--00-508-000-00 $ 15,000 $ . ·· ..... . ;·.··~· :· ~' :·· ... ·······.·: .. .. ·.·· ....•...... •·•.·. :ic/:" .............. \:5"">'' ................ ,.:•• Net Total 26,673,634 $ (26,673,635) $ 22,345,326 $ (26,661,056) carry Forward SUpplemenllll Budget summary Total $ (4,315,729) $ (4,315,729) $ (O) 836,375 $ (2,985,637) Net&limce $ (2.149,262) $ $ 21/161,212 $ (23,207,862) Net8alal1Q! $ {l.746,649) $ 47,739 $ (467,557) NetBalanai $ (4i9.Sl8} $ $ 22,345,326 $ (26,661,056) $ (4,315,729) $ (4,315,729) $ 56,872 65,086 65086 13,000) 13.000 12,400) 12,400 13,000 13,000 134,000) 34.000 (14,025) 14,025 ·.·.:·:.:.: .. •• 47,739] 47,739 (47,739) 47,739 ·· ...•. ·.··.·.·.' 15 000)1 15,000 (O) (2,149~26%) • $ {t,746,649) $ (419,818} $ (4,315,729) (0) Elected Official AN DEG Elected Official SMITM -Elected Official HOGAS . Elected Official CHAND Elected Official RUSCO Elected Official BU RTE Elected Official CARTB BLAIR CPEA LOVEL CPEA LINNL CPEA ·.·.·.·.·; ·' HOSET '····· r9CJ1.03.513.1Q0.11 EXE.FTE.02 ICitv Administrator Executive Peter Capell 1901.04.514.230.11 FIN.FTE.01 Finance Dlr_~~Qr __ ._ _____ .-tl~M~-----··------+N_o~n_-_R_.eJL_ ____ +,H.""'U,_B~=E=C-~·,..-Ca=t"'"'h""'"er'"'"in..;..;;.e, Huber Nickerson 'I ~lOOl.04.514.230.11 FIN.FTE.02 I Accounting MaQ!Ser Finance Non-Rep --·---i--O_B_Rl_P __ _,_P_am_el_a_o"_'B_n_..·e_n _____ --< 001.04.514.230.11 FIN.FTE.03 .Accountant Finance CPEA LANGL Leona Lanlllois 001.04.514.230.11 FIN.FTE.04 Flnanclal Analm Finance CPEA BROOD Debra Brooks ! ~:~~~~~~ ~:~:~~:~~ 1::~:~:.:::~ -~~:5 ___ ·-~~--··_--_-_ .. __ ··-..... -...;.-.,,;.-_-_-_-_--_-_:i-CPc.,_.P=~c.:..· '-'-'---·==·=====:·.~:o::::N:NM====:~-·--1~""" ...... r:~ .... ~ .......... s ... :::n-e ...... ;.:rs:en,:_ _____ -__ -__ -_----·- iE.~~-~~filE ~~E~ -....... ~--~~ / ... ___ r_~ ___ :~:~~~~~,,,,..r-._r·:-,,..·--~-·;-R_=-=-1~~~""-~--~-'-~-·-_ .... --·--~----j ~~~~1t I~~::~~ 1:::~;~;~ance ·.······ .. ·· .. ::::~:~--~----1~~n . .. HELLM MartJel Heller ··-·1 lool.06.518~100.11 !HRS.FTE.01 Human Resources Assistant Human Resources Non-Reo COPSL Leisha Copsey ==1 1 fQ91·912±i900~ll(ADM.FTE.Ol lAdmin Services Director Other Gpvernmen.tal Services 'Non-Reo GORSJ Jennifer Gorsuch !9-0.1:.lll .511h._9QQ.fFJ ADM.FTE.02 l Adm in Asst/Dep~~r!_ ____ ,Q!her Governmental Services Non-Reo BACOB Bernice Bacon ===! ~1.07.518.900.11 ADM.FTE.03 iAdministrative Support Asst II Other Governmental Services CPEA ROWLH Heather Rowlev --------1 iOOl.08.521.220.11 POL.FTE.01 1 !, Police Chie. f Police _ _ Non-Rep --·-··---·--LACKM Mitchel Lack~-----·----, 1.08.521.220.H POL.FTE.02 .Police Caetain -Police ____ ··---Non-Rep INELSS ·Shyla Nelson f.08.521.220.11 POL.FTE.03 !Police Serseant. Police CPOA-Police CHAND David Chaney ---·- .!.!.08.521.220.11 POLFTE..04 Police Serizeant Police CPOA -Police NADGC Chuck Nad2Wlck 1001.08.521.220.11 POLFTE.05 Police Seraeant Police CPOA-Police BOYLW WalterBovles I 001.08.521.220.11 POL.FTE.06 Police Serlleant Police CPOA -Police ROBIB Brett Robison [Q.Q~]?S.521.220.11 POLFTE.07 Police Serazeant Pollce --------rc_P_O_A_-_P_o_ll __ ce_:.=-=_-:_-~:_s-1_E:B.;.:;;K"'-0-:_-:_-;=s~n;.;;.·""'e;;..;;;_B;;;.;;'"""1""e""'be;;;.;;:.;,;;,;;.r~~-=--=--=-·~-=--~:~---i 1001.08.521.220.11 POLFTE.08 Police Sergeant Police 1 CPOA-Police 'HAUSS Stefan Hausinazer __ ._l f001.08.52L220.11 POLFTE-.09 IPolice Officer ____ . ___ ., ___ ... Police -,CPOA-Police RIEDO Debrah Riedl ~] !ool.08.521.220.11 POLFTE.10 Police Officer Police CPOA -Police MCNAT Tim McNall -----~ 001.08521.220.11 POLFTE.11 I Police Officer Police I CPOA -Police BRAUA Anthony Braunstein ___ _J ~1.0§.521.220.ll POL.FTE.12 Police Officer Police CPOA -Police _?IMMT Tvson Simmons -l 001.08.521.220.11 POLFTE.13 Police Officer Police --·--·-------CPOA _-._Po""l""'ice.;;;_. -·---~G.,;;;O . .;..:N=ZC.;;___--1-"c=ar.""'lo=s-'G'""o-'-'nz=a~lez=-------i' :9Qi:D852i220ii--POLITT~i4-~officer __________ -Police CPOA -Police SCOTH Hen!'Y Scott I _Q_~Ol.~0~8.~52~1~.2=20...._..1~1__.P_O~L_FT__.E._1~5-i-P~o~li~ce~O~ff~l~ce=r-~~-----~-+-Po_ll_ce _________ ~~-1-C~P~O-A_-_Po_l_ic~e----~--M-A_Y_H_B __ --1~B-re_n_t_M_a~v-1h\:!Sh_ ______ -i_.i ..QQ.1.0~£.1.220.11 POL.FTE.16 Police Officer Police CPOA -Police PETED David Peters I Elected Official TURKS Non-Reo CAPEP 001.08.521.220.11 POL.FTE.17 Police Officer Police LANGJ Jason lanRman 001.08.521.220.11 POLFfE.18 Police Officer Police FELLT llmothv Fellows I ··-" QQ!.08.521.220.11 POL.FTE.19 Police Officer Police GARCD i.Q,§..521.220.~.1 POL.FTE.20 Police Officer Police SALWB .08.521.220.11 POL.FTE.21 I Police Officer Police -·-l-'s ... u __ N_D ..... E ________ ..__ .:.9~.11-.~..9:11-.1 POL.FfE.22 Police Officer Police WHITM .08.521.220.11 POL.FTE.23 Police Officer Police KRUSW •mkQi.521.220.11 \ POL.FTE.24 Police Officer Police CPOA • Police MANNG David Garcia --- Brian Salwasser Elliott Sundby Matthew White -l Ward Kruse ! Garv Mannlntt I .QQl.08.521.220.11 POL.FTE.25 Police Officer Police CPOA -Police FORGS Steven For~ette ! 001.08.521.220.11 POLFTE.27 Lead Police Records Clerk Police CPEA NORO Julie Norcross 1 QOl.08.521.220.11 POL.FTE.28 Police Records Clerk/Disp II Police CPEA STEVA Alicia Stevens I 001.08.521.220.11 POL.FTE.29 l Police Records ClerkJDiso II Police CPEA DUEYT Teresa Duey --1 001.08.521.220.11 POL.FTE.30 Police Officer Police ~ CPOA-Police HANDC Casey Handley~ .99..hQ~.521.220.11 POL.FTE.31 Police Officer Police CPOA -Police ·--~TH~U-N.;..T __ l-"T""'av,_,1lo;;.;r-'Th~u'"'"ne;;... ___ _ Q0..!:2~.21!J20.11 POLFfE32 Police Officer Police CPOA -Police RAMEW Wade Ramsev 1_001!®~?J.2~Q.11 ,.eQLFTE33~-!folice._Qffi~~----... -.... ----fQ!!~----····--. :---C~()A:follce l_s,..u.·u•.··s ··----~ l.QQl.08.521.220.11 .POLPTE.35 I Pollce Recori:ls ClerkJDlsn It· Police . 1ceEA , ·-..n f Susan Schur ___ , _____ --! !001.08.521.250.13 POL.TMP.34 !Sub Records Clerk Police CPEA I I 1 j001.08~Ll~~-roL.FTE.~ ~rk~~fu~~~ ~b ------=~~~-----~~--ln_R~---+T_a_m_e_ra_s_~_~_k::~~:~~::~~I 001.08.521.700.11 lPOL.PTE.36 COde Enforcement Police CPEA _ j 1 001.10.523.300.11 DNC.PTE.01 Offender Crew Leader Detention & Corrections CPEA -"'==Jf_.ST .... O .... R .... w ____ __._!w~a~v~n~e~St,...o_rm _____ _ .QQLl0.523.300.11 DNC.PTE.02 Offender Crew Leader Detention & Corrections CPEA VELAR Ruben Vela 001.10.523.310.13 DNC.TMP .03 Sub Offender Crew Leader Detention & Correct.,;;;,io""n.;;::s __ -+=C:.:..PEA:::;...;.. ______ --1.;:Gc;:;O.;;;;;LL:;;::D'----+"D.;,,;:lck~G~o""'lla""d;,;;;a..__v ____ -; \001.12.518.800.11 TEC.FTE.01 Information Tech Director Information TechnoloRV Non~Reo COULS Sherrv Coulter r-------~ ................. ......._ _____ .......... ..._......_....._........,....,...........,..._ ____ .____.... _____ .....,_....._...___-I-"~......_.-..........._.__ ____ _, LQ.91.12.518.800.11 J:_EC.FfE,02 1 IT Network Administrator lnfol"matlon Technology CPEA COLLA Anthonv Collver Printed 5/1/2019 1of4 Information Technology CPEA PRUEM Melinda Pruett Information Technology CPEA VRTIF Joe Vrtlska Information TechnoloRV -~~~·-;--..-..;;;. .......................... --...--=o...;.wJC..-~-+~---~-~--+---~~+-~---~-~---- Engl n eerl ng Non-Reo CAROJ James Carothers t:":'=:~~:..:;:::==-+:::-""'=-.:.::.:.::=-~..'::.L:=..:..:.:.::.:.::::.a.:.:-..~--~-~~-+:E~n~12~1n~e~er~ln~1g.___~-~-~C~P~EA:!-_~~~-4WH~O~DGJ~---l~Ja~m~es=..!.H~o~d~~e2s~~-~~-- -~.,.,.......,..,..-__._t-__ ,..--,.,....,r--""'"'_,__~..,....__.__.~__.-~--+"E.;.;;ing'""i;;.;.ne ... e;;,;..rl=n..._2 __ ~·--CPEA ASHTA Anita Ashton ·---+E""'n_a·.._11n ... ee.-r.._in..,.1g.__ __ ~·----r.;;;CP=EA"""·"""·.· -------+·· ..... · .......... ·.··············•·.·._· .. · .... : ... "'"'-'-+--·.··'---.;........ • 1 Engineering CPEA WURZN Norman wu~e;------1 Engineering CPEA ENGU Jeff .Englund 001.13.518.9.10.11 ENG.FTE.11 Sr Englneerlna Tech Emtlneerlm! CPEA LOPEC Chris LoDE!.Z 001.13.518.910.11 ENG.FTE.12 Engineering Tech En.llineerfng CPEA DUGGE Eric Duuer -l QQ~~J~~~~-~~~~0:1L ~-~~~E·1L ?r ~~l'!!!!!.~~PE?_of'tA~~L .... -----~--··--··· S[l~l~~erl'18_~---·-..... ·-·-·-·-r CPEA . www-~·==-·.,,...~·=-S_YV_E_R __ c-1--Ro_r,i_,,_da ... _ ~Wl_.~--.~-. ·-.. ·. 9.QJ..13.$18.910;;11 1ENG~PTE~l4 AdmlnSuooortASSt Enaineenne .. CPEA > 001.13.518.920.11 ENG.INT.15 Student Intern -Enidneerina En2ineerin2 001.13.518.920.11 ENG.INT.16 Student Intern -Engineering Enaineering ~00=1=·~13~.5~1~8~.9~2~0.~1~1-rE~N-G~·™~P~.1~7'--'"'~~e~m.1p~E~nKRil~n~ee~r-ln-...;.RT~ec~h~n~lc~la~n~--~~E~n~ailn~ee~r~ln~1R,__ ___ ~~~·~i--~~----·-------~-~--1--~~~~~~~-~-- 9oi.13.518.920.11 ENG.TMP .18 Temo En2ineerlng Technician Enalneerlng 001.14.558~700.11 COV.FTE.01 COmmunltv Develooment Director Communftv Dev Admin Non-Rep Phlllio Bourauln BOU RP 001.14.558.700.11 COV.FTE.02 Sr Admln Suooort Asst Communitv Dev Admin CPEA Jan Coooala COPPJ MAU LR FOXSA 001.15.558.600.11 PLN.FTE.01 PlanninR Manaeer Planning Non-Rep Robert Maul I HOLLL SUTHM "< BASHK CON NT WOO DJ CUM MA HINEP .QQ.1.,18.571.300.13 PNR.TMP .07 Recreation leader Parks & Rec ·-----------.... P_abi ..... _·c_la_H_ln_e_s ______ _ DAANK 001.18.571..~.00.13 PNR.TMP.08 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec Kathryn Danne --REE DB 001.18.571.3~!.L PNR.TMP.09 Recreation Leader _ .. ________ -+-P_ar_ks_&_R_ec __ ··-··--.. -... _____ ___,,_ _________ -+-'=::..:::_-_..,.i-=B=rl=an=n=a'-'-R=e=ed~-------i MANIW COUE .QQ! .. 18.571.300.13 PNR.TMP.10 Recreation Leader ·------P...,ar .... k-.s ... &..._R_..e.._c ______ -+--------~;..;.;.o;.~--+Wi.;.;;;..;.;;111""ia-.;m.;..M~an;..;.;i.;;;.;sca=c;;lco _____ __, 001.18.571.300.13 PNR.TMP.11 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec Jean Collins -------------·---------------+-"-"'-"-""-----+------------·-·-001.18.571.300.13 , PNR.TMP .12 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec Cassidy Hines HINEC REEDM VARSJ .QQ.h,!8.5?1.300.13 PNR.TMP.13 Recreation Lead.e_r _______ P_a.r_k_s '!t_R~e_c _________ -+--------+-----+-M_ari_l~vn_H~ug~1h_es-R_e_e_d __ ._...J 1 : 1a~~~1~™~1~~~~-~&R_e_c ______ t--------~~--~J~~=n_v~a=~=e=k-----~ 571.300.13 1 PNR.TMP .15 I Recreation Leader Parks & Rec =l'. _901.18.571.300.13 PNR.TMP.16 l Recreation Lead_er _______ --i_Pa.._r_ks--&_R_ec ______ -+------·--+-C_..O_LW_A __ +-A_ust_in_C_o ...... lw,_e.._1_1 ___ _ ~00..._1.~1~8.~57.._1_.3~00 ........ 1~3--P_N_R_~_M_P_._17__,,R_e~c~re~a~tl~on......_Al~d~e~--~-~----Pa~r_ks~&~R~ec .. ~.~~--~-+---~--~-+s~o_REJ _____ +J_..ord_a_n~S_ore...._ns_e~n-~~---; 001.18.571.300.13 PNR.TMP.18 Recreation Aide Parks & Rec UNDEJ Josephine Underwood 001.18.575.400.11 PNR.FTE.01 Parks & Rec Manai:ier Parks & Rec Non-Rep ACHEG Gerald Acheson 001.18.575.500.11 PNR.FTE.02 Rec Faclllties Coordinator Parks & Rec CPEA NEWLS Susan Newlove ,.Q.Qb.18.576.800.11 PMT.FTE.01 Lead Grounds Worker Parks Deoartment AFSCME MACQN Nicholas MacQuarrie 001.18.576.800.11 PMT.FTE.02 Sr Grounds Worker Parks Deoartment AFSCME NICKE Eric Nickelsen ~00=1=·~18~·;:;..57;..;:6~.800=-=-~·1,~1-+P~M~T~·~FT;..;:E..:.;~;.;:::3-+G=r;..;:o_un_d=s~W..:.;o~r~ke~r~l--------+P~a~r=ks~D~e=1o_;artm~_en~t~--~-~~Q1L__~~---· ~B...~A'-'----i-A~llce~~ra~de=n~------~---1 ~001.18.576.800.11 PMT.FTE.04 Grounds Worker l_ ________ P_..a._.rk .... s,...D ..... e.......,.oart..,..m....,e._n ..... t _____ i.;..;.AF;..;;;So....C_M_E _____ -i------------·-----1 001.18.576.800.11 PMT.FTE.05 Grounds Worke_r _1 _________ P_ar_k_s _D_.eo~;a_rt_m_e_n_t ____ +A_F ..... S_CM_E ______ ~,_L_E_ES_A __ -+-Sa_n_ba_e_Le __ e _. ______ 1 001.18.576.800.11 PMT.FTE.06 G!:o~u,,._n;.;:::d;:;..s ..:.;W;..;:o;;..;rk..:.;e~r.;...I -------i-:-P_.a;..;.rk;;;.s_o_eo""';a;;;.;.rt"'"m;.;.;e;;;.;.n;.;;..t _____ -+A'""F;..;:S;...::;C.;;..;.M=E'--------1---------------·--i LOOl.18.576.800.11 PMT.FTE.07 Grounds Worker I Parks Deoa~m._en_t_ .. _ -~---1-----------l-----1-------·-----l l_oo. __ 1_._.2_2_.5_2_4 ..... 2_00 __ .1_1 __ BLD __ .FTE_.01 Building Official ! Building CUNNR Robert Cunnimi:ham i 001.22.524.200.11 BLD.FTE.02 Buildinll lnsoector I Buildlns_ __ . __ . ___ -+~~--· ·----~M_c_L""EJ'-----4~Jo~h-'-n'-'M.;..;.c=le=an-'---------1t [QQ.Ln.524.200.11 BLD.FTE.03 Building Inspector I -------l-'B::;..:u:.;.;ilc=d·-m..._g ________ ___,f-=-="---------1;...;A;;:;;..BE=RS=----l=Sco~tt.:;..;A""'b""'eo;;.;m""a=-'thL._ _____ j 001.22.524.200.11 BLD.FTE.04 Plans Examiner Building NOGAJ Jeffrey Noga I _001.30.572.100.11 LIB.FTE.02 Tech & Collections Manager ~ Non-Rep REYNO Danielle Reynolds l JK>.1.30.572.200.11 LIB.FTE.03 Youth Services Librarian ~--~-~----Local 11-Llbra_!Y____ MILEE Ellen Miles _j !OOUM7L~~ LILFT~M a~•tioo~~~h~d• ~rarv ___ . ______ L_oca_l_l_l_-_U_b_ra_~ ___ G_O_A_~ ___ J_~_n_G_o_a_ri_~-----~I ~1.30.572.,?.00.11 LIB.FTE.05 Llbrarv Associate Llbrarv Local 11-Librarv CHEVD Deborah Chevron ----~ ~OO~l._30_._57_2_.2~00...._.1_1 __ u_s_._FTE_.0_6_~L-i_b_ra __ ~_As~so_a_·a_te ________ ~~--1-Li-bra_1.;..r_ry~~-------~~-+"Loca~~'1=1~-~L~ib~ra=1ry.._,_,_--i~W~ILEJ=-~~-+""Ju=d~lth;;..;....;W~l-le;...._ _____ -1 001.30.572.2Q0.1!.._ JJ"""B.'"""FT~E=.0::;..:;7 __ ,_u=·b=ra-=ry Assoct!.~~-----_______ ,"'L__.lb""'"r""""ary_.___ Loca'-1 _11_-_L_lb"'""ra-"""1rv_..__---"f-'-M"""A"'""R.._TR __ -+-R""""e"""be"'-l_M~a._rt"'""in _____ ---1 ~72.200.11 UB.FTE.08 Ubrarv Associate Librarv ----·------"LOC;;111-Librarv SCOTC Connie Scott .QQ!.30.572.200.11 UB.FTE.09 Librarv Associate Llbrarv Local 11-Librarv · WARND Denise Warner ,901.30.572.200.11 llB.FTE.10 Librarv Associate Llbrarv Local 11-Library NICKA Karen Nicholson iOOl.30.57?.200:..11 LIB.FTE.11 Librarv Suooort Assistant Librarv Local 11-Library KNIPC Christopher Knloes Printed 5/112019 2 of4 Library Page Librarv Local 11-Librarv Library Paae Librarv Local 11-Librarv Library Pa2e Ubrarv Local 11 • Llbrarv Librarv Page Librarv Local 11-Ubrarv Ubrarv Pue Librarv Local 11-Librarv Library Page Li~ Local 11 -Library I 001.30.572.200.11 LIB.PTE.17 iOOl.30.572.200.11 LIB.PTE.18 r!OO~l.~30=.~57~2-.2~2;;;.;;0;.;;;.1;.;;;3-+L~IB:;.;~~M.;..;;,;.:P.~1~9-+S~u~b-=U~b~ra-=1rva=-.A_ssoc~l-at-e~~~~~-i-=LI~br~a:.J-.rv~~~~--~~-J-'~...-;;__;;;;;=..;;_,,_~~-+G-1-LM~S~~+S-u-za-n-n-e-G-ll-m-a-n---~~~·~ ~~~~:~~*1¥i:::: ~~ i~~~ ~----·--·----------~:~:~---==-~----···-----------------.. -----~~~G----~~~~oJL __ .. ____ ~------~ Librarv Pae:e Librarv Local 11-Library roo ........ 1 ..... 30 ...... ...,57 ..... 2;;;...2;;;.;;2;;;.;:;0.;;;;;.1""3-1-Ll;;;:.B-...TM..;...:.;..;;.;...P._2;;;:.2-+s:;.;u;;.;:b""'"P-=aa:21e~.--Library ANGRA Aleta An«rish ·---i i-00 .......... 1..,..30._.. __ 57"-'2~.2=2;;;.;;0..;.;;;.1;;;;;3--TU=B=.TM..;..;.;..;.;;._P.=23;:;._+·s:;.;u~b""'P..;::;aaa'e=---· Librarv PERGV Vanessa Pen:zer _j J:m.~30.572.220.13 UB.TMP.24 Sub Pa11:e -+ --BRITS Sheila Britsch2i ___j ,Q.91.30.572.~20.13 UB.TMP.25 SubPa&_e -----------'---WATSJ JuliaWatson ! 112.00.542.300.11 STR.FTE.02 Lead Ma~e.;-a;;c-; Worker Street AFSCME PURKC -----~~j;--··-----1 112.00.542.300.11 STR.FTE.03 Sr Maintenance Worker Street AFSCME =:=J IJJ.2.00.542.300.11 STR.FTE.04 Sr Maintenance Worker Street AFSCME WALTS Brian Walton (ii~00.542.300.11 STR.FTE.05 Maintenance Worker II Street AFSCME __ GRINJ Jacob Grind_Y. _________ · ~00.542.300.11 STR.FTE.06 Maintenance Worker II Street ----------i-A_.FS .... C_M_E _____ i-------------------i 1 ).12.00.542.300.11 STR.FTE.07 Maintenance W...;;.o .... rk...,e._r .;...I -------i~St~r"""ee;;;..;t..__ ________________ __,i--___ _...,. __________ 1 112.00.542.300.11 STR.FTE.08 Maintenance Worker I Street ! Public Works OP Suoervisor Street Non-Reo learns come) RYAND Fire Chief ··----EMS ·---------Non-Reo SWINN Denis Rvan Dominick Swinhart 112.00.542.900.11 STR.FTE.01 lli.00.522. 710.il EMS.FTE.01 @.QQ.52f:710.ii EMS.FTE.03 1115.00.522. 720.11 EMS.FTE.02 115.00.~22. 720.1~ EMS.FTE.04 Sr Admln SJ!1!P.2rt Asst EMS __ CPEA _____ __,,__JO ... N .... E=K,;.__ __ -+--K=ac-.le .... J ... o .... n .... es._________ , Div Chief of Emera Med Service EMS Non-Rep___ FREEC Olff Free ~ Firefiithter/Paramedic EMS ~ire ALEXG Garrv Alex _pS.00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.05 Fireflrhter/Paramedlc EMS IAFF -Fire BENNP Paul Bennett 111?~~~~?.!?.~AL !M~fTE.06 115.00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.07 FirefiJthteri Pararn~J~-----·----------!M~-------·---------.JAfF -8,r_e _______ . HORSG Ga!Y Horst ________ _ Firrmmter/Paramedic EMS IAFF "'..Fire GUAYT Trevor Guay 115.00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.08 Flreflghteri Paramedic EMS lAFF-Fire STALG Garv Stallina:s 115.00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.09 Flrefl2hter, Paramedic EMS IAFF -Fire , __ ,.._W-.ID~LM~---+-M_a_rk_W_...ld_.lu._n_d ______ -i 115.00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.10 Firefhthter/Paramedlc EMS _ IAFF -Fire -------1,_B_R .... ICA ___ .... A_d_am_B_rl_ce ______ ---i J.!5.00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.11 Firefilr:hter 'Paramedic EMS IAFF -Fire ·--·l-"C;.;..A""R""'TS.,___-+"S-.teo;;;o;;.;,;'h_.e.._n ... Ca .... rt ..... e=r--.---·- 115.00.5_!2.7~.11. EMS.FTE.12 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS IAFF -Fire NICHA Andrew Nichols Jd?.:00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.13 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS IAFF -Fire --t-B_RAD_s __ ~S_ha_1v_n_e_B_ra_d_le...__v __ J.;15.00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.14 Flreflrhter/Pa~med~ EMS ----IAFF -Fire -HAUCT Tavlor Hauck 115.00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.15 Fireflrhter/Paramedic EMS IAFF -Fire SOLID Darr Soll !115.00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.16 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS IAFF-Are PAAKK Kekoa Paakaula 115.00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.17 Firefillhter/Paramedic EMS IAFF -Fire MARJE Jeffrey Martizla lill·00.522.720.11 EMS.FTE.18 Firefldlter/Paramedlc EMS IAFF -Fire MOUNA Alexander Mounsey jW.09.522,:210.11 FIR.FTE.01 Battalion Chief Fire IAFF -Fire WOLKA Laurie Wolk ( 115&9.52,2.210.11 FIR.FTE.02 Battalion Chief Fire IAFF -Fire ERVIM Mark Ervin l 115 •. 09.522.210.11 FIR.FTE.03 Battalion Chief __ Fire ------·.....+1_A .... FF_-.... 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IAFF -Are __J.M!fil;;.;:;;G'---+-'G~e=n.-e,,;..;;M_a"'"rl-.ow ___________ l ~1~1=5--.0=95.::;;.2=2=.2=l~0-.1-1-+F~l=R.~FT;...;;E=.2=7-+:-:Fi'--'re=fl~21h=t-.er._ ___ ~~~~------+F""'lr_e...._ __ ~~--~------1~IAF..;;...;..F_-_Fl_re __ ~~~--.1~SC~H-8=-----.1~Jo;:;.;;se~1p~h.;_;S;:;.;;ch_e.;:.;e~r~~-~~l 115.09.522.210.11 FIR.FTE.28 Firefighter Fire IAFF -Fire BLACA Aron Black ! 115.09.522.210.11 FIR.FTE.29 Firefithter Fire IAFF -Fire SLOCT Terrv Slocum ! r!15.09.522.210.11 FIR.FTE.30 Firefighter _ Fire IAFF -Fire COMPV Vidor Comoher ~! 115.09.522.~10.11 FIR.FTE.31 FirefiRhter Fire IAFF -Fire STEIW William Stelamann -- !.15•09:.522~_m.t1+ FJR.FTE.32 FireflghtM/Pararriedlc I l"lre > ' IAFF ~ Fire ~~'-CUBA Aaron J Cliburn . . --- 115.09.522.210.11 FIR.FTE.33 Firefighter Fire IAFF -Fire KASSC Chrlstooher Kassel . . ,;;;;.1.:;;;15~.0;;.;9~.5;:;.;;2:;,:;;2:.;.:;;.2::;:;1;;;.0.;;;:1;;;.1_"'F..;.;1Rc.,;.;.FT'-'-"'E"".3""'"4-"""F_ir..;;;efi""'lfl""lh,;..-;te"""r __________ ~F...;.ir;...;;;e ____________ _...,;.;IA'"'",FF -Fire PORTS Beniamln Porter _, _ __J Printed 5/1/2019 3 of4 115.09.522.210.11 FIR.ITT.35 Rmlllhter IAFF -Fire HAM MD Dane Hammond UNTK Kathleen Linton BALDM Matthew Baldwin 11s.oo.su.l!,<.l~tt \ .ftR.Fli:40:< .. J!itdlrhtel" 11arimedic .... ·.·············· ...... •.· .. · IAFF;. Fire < .·.. · ······ VOUNM Michaela vouNr .. 115.09.522.210.11 FIR.ITT.41 Flrefltzhterj Paramedic IAFF -Fire SQUU John Saulre BREIS Sherri Mvers-Breitner SEN CE Edward Sendwna KLOPS Steven Klooman-Baerselman CRAWT TJ Crawford ·········•.··· 444 .. ··!1~·99~·.• ... : .•.• M~.·.•.·········~.s5:-11:.··~ .. :.!1····.~1··•····. 5TM ••. mFTFTE.·.•.•e·.···.·.·.0400·.···.s3 ~==:i~i:,:n~k:~~br ~~~<:<·" c.vu :;I JOO!TllM SeniorMaintenan<:&WOrker .. · .. · AFSCME< 419.00.531.700.lt ENG.m.os En21neerlt Eni!tieertna · ·•··· CPEA cAuA 1ackieC8ldwell .· 422.00.537.900.11 SAN.FTE.01 Lead Sanitation Worker Solid Waste AFSCME REEDG Garrv Reed 422.00.537.900.11 SAN.FTE.02 Sanitation Worker Solid Waste AFSCME KUNKK Kevin Kunkel 422.00.537.900.11 SAN.FTE.03 Sanitation Worker Solid Waste AFSCME CLAPM Michael Claoo 422.00.537.900.11 SAN.FTE.04 Sanitation Worker Solid Waste AFSCME BUQ-f C Charles Buchanan RE EDT Tobin Reed NELSA Allen Nelson PRATB Brandonn Prather 1424.00.534.810.11 WSW.FTE.05 lead Utllltv MtcWorker Water/Sewer AFSCME l-'!4:,::24..:.:·::::;00::.::.5:!::3:.;.::4.:.::.8::10::!.1~:1~.:.:W:.::;SW=.FTE...:.:.:.06=-.i-::W~a:.::te:::.r-=S:.::.UDc.c.:.;D'IVL...:0:::.JIO=:::'e::.:ra::.:;tO::!r ____ --j.w=at:.:e:ar/Sew==..:'e::...r _____ 4A:_::f'-"'S""CM=E--·---+:=~---l.:..:.:.::.:::..:.:...:.==.:.--------' 424.00.534.810.11 WSW.FTE.07 Sr Utllltv Mtc Worker Water/Sewer AFSCME 424.00.534.810.11 WSW.FTE.08 Sr Utilltv Mtc Worker Water.'Sewer AFSCME ENGW Derek Eruzler 424.00.534.810.11 WSW.FTE.10 Utilitv Mtc Worker II Water/Sewer AFSCME MARTJ Jav Martell 424.00.534.810.11 WSW.FTE.11 Utilitv MtcWorker II Water/Sewer AFSCME KATZM Michael Katzer WEGLW William Welllaee 9-:!-00.534.810.11 WSW.FTE.12 Utll~Mtc;_..:..;W:..:::o""'rk·=e;.._;r l'--------+W.;;..o..:ca_t=e"'"'"r/~Sew~e=-r--------+.A.::.F.::::SC=-'M.:..:.E=------,-i-:.::=::.:..:..----+=o=;;:...:;..:u:,::.a;::. ____ -1 424.00.534.810.11 WSW.FTE.13 Utllltv Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer AFSCME 424.00.535.810.11 WSW.FTE.14 Utilitv Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer AFSCME 424.00.535.810.11 WSW.FTE.16 Utllitv MtcWorker I Water/Sewer AFSCME 424.00.535.810.11 WSW.FTE.17 Utllltv Mtc Worker I Watet/Sewer AFSCME 424.00.535.811.11 WSW.FTE.C>9 Sewer Maintenance Worker Water/Sewer AFSCME 1424.00.535.811.11 WSW .FTE.15 Utilltv Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer AFSCME 424.00.535.811.11 WSW.FTE.18 Utilitv Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer AFSCME 424.00.535.811.11 WSW.FTE.19 Utllitv Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer AFSCME 424.00.535.830.11 WWT.FTE.05 WW Treatment Plant Operator Sewer Treatment Plant AFSCME , 424.00.535.850.11 WWT.FTE.01 Ooeratlons Suoervlsor -wwrP Sewer Treatment Plant Non-Reo learns coma\ 424.00.535.850.11 WWT.FTE.02 WW Treatment Plant Ooerator Sewer Treatment Plant AFSCME 424.00.535.850.11 WWT.FTE.03 WW Treatment Plant Ooerator Sewer Treatment Plant 424.00.535.850.11 WWT.FTE.04 WW Treatment Plant Ooerator ~14..00.$3S;SSOA1 wwrmtl6:• t'@adtww Treatment P1ant0Perator · 424.00.535.850.11 WWT.FTE.07 WW Treatment Plant Oaerator I 424.00.535.850.11 WWT .Fl'E.08 WW Treatment Plant Ooerator 424.00.538.100.11 ENG.FTE.06 Enalneer II 424.00.538.100.11 WSW .FTE.01 Public Works Director ~24.00.538.100.11 WSW.FTE.02 Utilities Manaller 424.00.538.100.11 WSW.FTE.03 Ooerations Suoervlsor WIS 523.00.548.650.11 ERR.FTE.02 Lead Mechanic 523.00.548.650.11 ERR.FTE.03 Mechanic 523.00.548.650.11 ERR.FTE.04 Mechanic 523.00.548.650.11 ERR.FTE.05 Mechanic 523.00.548.690.11 ERR.FTE.01 Sr Admln Suoaort Asst 523.00.548.69CJ.11 ERR.PTE.06 Custodia! Aide Printed 5/1/2019 sewer Treatment Plant Sewer Treatment Plant Sewer Treatment Plant Sewer Treatment Plant Water/Sewer Water/Sewer Water/Sewer Water/Sewer Eauloment Rental Eauioment Rental Eauioment Rental Eauioment Rental Eauloment Rental Eauloment Rental AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME CPEA Non-Reo Non~o Non-Ren learns coma\ GP&\ .\.? AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME AFSCME CPEA AFSCME METTN Nicholas Mettler FIGLD DaleFla:lev PALLF Forrest Pallamounter PRICC Chris Price CALDJ Joe calderone BUSCR Robert Busch HELLO Ole Helland CARRS Steven Carroll MURRK Kenneth Murrav OURSS Steve Dursoek WALLS Steven Wall ADAMS Sam Adams IWOC CharrteKafoutos MABRK Keith Mabrv HAM LP Paul Hamllik JORGT 1im Joreensen WILDS Susan Wilde JOHNJ Jeremiah Johnson 4of4