CON0000402 - 2/21/2020 - Washougal Amendment CWFD Interlocal of December 4, 2013 Camas Contract &Agreement upload form WASHIhG70N Agreement Contract Description* Washougal Amendment CWFD Interlocal of December 4, 2013 As described at the top of the Contract/Agreerrent,including other party. City Staff Contact (Responsible) Staff Contact Phone# Staff Contact Title Nick Swinhart 4502 Fire Chief Contracting Contracting Agency Agency\Party Contact Contact Phone Contact Email City of Washougal David Scott 360-835-8501 Department* Dept.Admin Assistant Additional Contact Information Fire Dept Kacie Jones 4521 Type of Contract* Project Number Interlocal Agreement(ILA) Media Type* r Paper r Electronic r Both Additional Contract Information Key words,other agency-related,ordinance,arrendrrent no.to original contract dated Amendment about funding staffing Start Date* Completion Date 1/13/2020 Expiration Date r Renews Automatically r Specific Date r Upon Project Completion Other Ongoing Terms of Renewal or Termination & Extensions* (i.e.,10 calendar days written notice;90 days w ritten notice;Until superseded;None specified;etc.) Disposition Authority#(DAN) None specified GS50-01-11 Description of Records Contracts and Agreements- Retention Disposition Action General 6 years Destroy Designation r Archival-Appraisal Required r Archival-Permanent Retention 17 Essential r Non-Essential 17 Non-Archival r OFM 17 OPR Remarks F Confidential r Exempt Information Comments File Upload* AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF CAMAS AND WASHOUGAL FOR THE FORMATION AND OPERATION OF THE CAMAS- WASHOUGAL FIRE DEPARTMENT DATED DECEMBER 4,2013 This Amendment made pursuant to Section 30.1 of the Interlocal Agreement between the Cities of Camas and Washougal for the Formation and Operation of the Camas-Washougal Fire Department dated December 4,2013, hereinafter"Agreement", by and between the City of Washougal, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as"Washougal", and the City of Camas,a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington,hereinafter referred to as"Camas": WITNESSETH WHEREAS,Camas determined that it is appropriate to increase the staffing profile provided in Section 6 of the Agreement to add two firefighters and one deputy .fire marshal, and such staffing increases occured in 2019 and will continue into 2020. WHEREAS, Washougal had not determined that the increased staffing profile is appropriate for 2019 and was therefore not prepared to fully participate in the ongoing funding of the additional positions in 2019, and whereas Washougal continues to hold this position for 2020. WHEREAS, Washougal has determined that it will continue participate in funding the salary and benefits costs of two new firefighter positions in 2020,at an estimated Washougal cost of $80,000 for 2020. WHEREAS, Washougal has not committed to the ongoing funding of these two new firefighter positions beyond 2020. WHEREAS,Camas has further determined to independently fund one deputy fire marshal position outside of the formulaic cost sharing identified in the Agreement. AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT—Page 1 WHEREAS, Camas will further incur expenses relating to the acquisition of associated equipment. WHEREAS,Camas and Washougal have stipulated to amend Section 16,by adding a new Subsection 16.17,to clarify the respective responsibilities associated with the funding and cost allocation provision of the Agreement. WHEREAS, Section 16 of the Agreement shall be amended to include a new subsection 16.17, as follows: 16.17 The provisions of this Section relating to the funding and cost allocation shall remain in full force and effect,with the exception that the addition of two firefighters and deputy fire marshal to occur in 2019 and be continued into 2020 shall be partially funded by Washougal(two firefighters)and the remaining new position(one deputy fire marshal) independently funded by Camas,and Washougal is not bound to participate in the full funding of these additional positions in 2019 and 2020,under the following conditions: 16.17.1 Washougal will fund its share of the salaries and benefits of two new firefighter positions in 2020, said share estimated to be$801000 in 2020. 16.17.2 Washougal's funding of its share of two new firefighter positions in 2020 is not a commitment to the ongoing funding of these positions beyond 2020. 16.17.3 Camas and Washougal will work together with best efforts and good faith to review the staffing profile for the Agreement to seek mutual agreement on staffing levels and staffing needs, alternatives to increased staffing such as the enhanced use of volunteers,alternative service delivery models, funding and ability to pay,and efforts to contain and control program costs. Camas and Washougal further agree that they will mutually review all other provisions of the Agreement as may be appropriate for amendment, including but not limited to capital facilities planning and funding, cost sharing and ECFR payments.This review will include consideration of the Master Plan completed in 2019 by ESCI. 16.17.4 The parties agree that good faith and best efforts will be made to reach mutual agreement regarding the additional staffing and related cost sharing and the other review items described herein AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--Page 2 in time to implement any adjustments in the 2020 budget,but in any event no later than in time for the 2021 budget. 16.l 7.5 Failure to negotiate future funding allocation shall not constitute cause under Section 19. Termination shall require twenty-four months' notice pursuant to section 19.2 unless some other grounds exist under Sections 19.3 or 19.4 permitting a shorter termination period. Any termination shall be expressly subject to Section 19.8 relating to reimbursement of net costs to include the additional funding assumption by Camas as described in this Section. Such termination notice shall not prevent the Parties from reaching mutual agreement during the pendency of the twenty-four months' notice period. 16.17.6 Additional expenses assumed by Camas relating to the acquisition of equipment shall be reimbursed by Washougal concurrently with an agreement on staffing levels as described in Subsection 16.17.3 herein, but in no event later than December 31. 2020. 16.17.7 The terms of Attachment D shall be amended as necessary to reflect the provisions of this Subsection 16.17. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Amendment of Interlocal Agreement to be executed in their respective names by their duly authorized officers and have caused this Amendment of Interlocal Agreement to be dated as of the 13t"day of January, 2020. CIT A14AS,a unicipal corpo ion By: BaIDIMc5onnell Title: Mayor, Ci1y of Camas Attest: &audcity Cl Approv a to fo Shawn R. MacPherson, City Attorney AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT—Page 3 CITY Sl IOUGAL,a unicipal corporation By: id Scott Title: City Manager, Cin-of Washougal Attest: Washoug t 1 City Clerk Appr d as o form: KennetF. Wo rich,City Attorney AMENDMENT TO NTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Page 4