ORD 18-028ORDINANCE NO. 18-028
AN ORDINANCE Amending and Replacing Chapter 13.52 of the
Camas Municipal Code relating to Water System Development
WHEREAS, section 35.92.025 of the Revised Code of Washington provides the
statutory authority for cities to charge property owners seeking to connect to the water system of
the City; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Camas commissioned Corollo Engineers to
complete an update to its Water System Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Water System Plan Update includes a revised 20-year Capital
Improvement Plan and is substantially complete and is anticipated to be submitted to the
Washington State Department of Health for review and approval during the first quarter of the
2019 calendar year; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has commissioned FCS Group to prepare an update to the
Water System Development Charges of the City; and
WHEREAS, FCS Group has completed an updated calculation of the maximum
allowable Water System Development Charge based on the capital improvement plan provided
for in the Water System Plan Update; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has held numerous city council meetings in which the
calculation of the Water System Development Charges has been presented and discussed; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the information provided by FCS Group
and staff, including but not limited to the number of system development charge zones and
classes to be used in the system development charge calculation, the length of time system
development charge credits may be used, and the equitable financial share proposed
developments have in the system; and
WHEREAS, taking all information into consideration, the City Council has elected to
adopt a system-wide water system development charge that is less than the calculated
maximum allowable.
Section I
Chapter 13.52 of the Camas Municipal Code is hereby amended and replaced in its
entirety as follows:
13.52.010 -Purpose.
Pursuant to the authority conferred upon cities and towns by RCW 35.92.025, the city council of the city
finds that property owners who seek to connect their property to the water works system of the city should
be assessed a charge in order that such property shall bear its equitable share of the cost of the water
works system. The city council further finds that the charge should be based upon the property owners'
anticipated use of the water works system as related to the historical cost of the water works system's
capacity available to meet their demands. It is the intent of the city council that the charge imposed by this
chapter shall be derived from the historical cost of the system as measured by the undepreciated value of
the water works system and plant in service at the time the charge is imposed and the projected cost of
additions to the system to meet new demands. The charge imposed by this chapter shall be denominated
a "water system development charge" and shall be in addition to any water connection, installation, or
permit fees imposed by other ordinances of the city.
13.52.020 -Definitions.
Unless otherwise specifically defined, the terms used in this chapter shall have the following meanings:
A. "Water System" means all facilities for collecting, transporting, pumping, treating and
providing water.
B. "Accessory Dwelling Unit" means one or more rooms with a private bath and kitchen facilities
comprising an independent, self-contained dwelling unit within or attached to a single-family
dwelling or in a detached building on the same lot as the primary dwelling unit. An Accessory
Dwelling Unit is distinguishable in that it is clearly subordinate to the primary dwelling unit,
both in use and appearance.
C. "Industrial or unusual requirement customer" means that use classification of a nonresidential
property owner who uses a meter equal to or greater than 3-inches in size and has a non-
standard peak flow, uses a significantly large daily volume of water that is in excess of the
City's typical commercial customer, or who otherwise have an unusual water usage pattern.
13.52.030 -Imposition.
A. Except as provided herein, there is imposed on all properties in the City and all properties outside
the boundaries of the city that connect to the water system of the city a water system development
charge, which charge shall be assessed in accordance with the rates set forth in Section 13.52.070.
B. There shall be no water system development charge imposed for the installation of an additional
meter installed to an existing residential customer service line which meter is installed for irrigation
C. Property owners that install a residential fire sprinkler system, which requires that the water meter
size be increased to make the fire sprinkler system operational, shall not be charged the increased
system development charge for the larger meter.
13.52.040 -Credits.
A. Development Credit:
1) A developer (as defined in CMC 3.88.030.K) shall be entitled to a credit against the applicable
system development charge for the dedication of land or for the design or engineering or
construction of an "eligible improvement". For purposes of this section, an eligible improvement
shall mean an improvement or real property that is: required as a condition of development
approval; identified in the Water System Plan or Capital Improvement Plan; and included in the
current system development charge calculation as being funded by system development charges.
2) The amount of the credit shall be the dollar amount assigned to the improvement or to the land in
the system development charge calculation. Where only a portion of the improvement is
constructed, or a portion of the land is dedicated, the amount of the credit shall be pro-rated.
3) Credits earned for one category of system development charge, e.g. water, may not be applied
against a different system development charge, e.g. sewer.
4) Approval from the city council shall be required prior to the start of construction or dedication of
any eligible improvement. "Approval" in the context of this subsection ( 4) shall be satisfied if the
city requires the construction or dedication of the eligible improvement as a condition of approval
for a land use application. If a developer wishes to construct an eligible improvement that is not
otherwise a condition to an approved land use application, prior approval must be obtained from
the city council. No system development charge credit shall be granted until either the eligible
improvements have been designed, engineered, or constructed by the developer, and such work
has been accepted by the city; or until the land has been dedicated by the developer and such
dedication has been accepted by the city.
5) If system development charges become due and payable prior to the developer becoming eligible
for the issuance of credits as provided in section (4), the developer may apply to the public works
director to defer collection of the charges until construction or dedication is completed. The public
works director may condition deferral upon:
a) The developer posting a bond or other financial security satisfactory to the city in an
amount equal to one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the deferred system
development charges, which bond or other financial security shall be conditioned upon
the developer either paying the deferred system development charges or completing
construction or dedication within a specified time,
b) The withholding of an occupancy permit, or
c) Such other conditions acceptable to the city.
If the developer is dissatisfied with the decision of the public works director, the developer may
seek to have that decision reviewed by the city council.
6) Upon acceptance of the eligible improvement, the developer may submit an application for the
system development charge credit to the public works department. After submission of the
application and verification of entitlement thereto, the public works director shall submit to the City
Council for concurrence. Upon ratification, the finance department shall issue a credit voucher to
the developer specifying the amount of the system development charge credit and the type of
7) The credit may, at the option of the developer, be applied all or in part to the system development
charges owing for the developer's project.
8) To the extent the credit exceeds the amount of the system development charges owed by the
developer, or the developer chooses not to apply the credit to the developer's project, the unused
credit may be applied to a different project of the developer or to the project of a different
9) Before the system development charge can be transferred to a different project or a different
developer, the holder of the system development charge credit shall file with the finance
department an application to transfer the credit on a form to be created by the finance
department. The application shall identify the transferee, and the amount of the system
development charge credit being transferred. The transfer application shall be accompanied by
an administrative fee in an amount as may be set by resolution of the city council.
10) When credits are to be redeemed, the holder of the system development charge credit shall file
an application for redemption on a form to be created by the finance department. Redemption
shall be permitted only in increments equal to a whole system development charge, or when
redemption will exhaust the entire system development charge credit. The application for
redemption shall be accompanied by an administrative fee in such amount as may be set by
resolution of the city council. When system development charge credits are being redeemed,
such redemption shall not allow for system development charge credits to be pro-rated among
more than one residential lot in amounts that are less than the existing system development
charge per lot. For example, where system development charges are five thousand dollars per
residential lot and a developer wishes to redeem eleven thousand dollars' worth of credits, the
developer shall not be allowed to apply one thousand dollars per residential lot over eleven lots.
The developer may apply five thousand dollars to two residential lots and the remaining one
thousand dollars to one residential lot.
11) The finance department shall be responsible for maintaining appropriate records documenting the
issuance, transfer, and redemption of system development charge credits.
12) Expiration of Credits. Any Credits issued after the effective date of this ordinance shall expire
and become null and void ten years from the date of approval of the original credit by the City
Council. Transfer of credits or partial use of credits shall in no event extend the expiration date of
those credits.
13.52.050 -Accessory Dwelling Units
There shall be no Water System Development Charge for connection of Accessory Dwelling Units to the
city water system.
13.52.060 -Application for connection-Use classification of property.
A. Any property owner seeking to connect his property to the water system of the city shall file with the
city an application to be on a form provided by the city. The application shall contain the name and
address of the property owner, the location of the property to be connected to the water system, the
nature of the structure to be constructed on the subject property, the proposed use of the subject
property, and any relevant information deemed necessary by the city to process the application.
B. Upon receipt of the completed application, the applicant shall then be informed by the city of the
amount of the water system development charge, which shall be based upon the use classification of
the property and shall be in accordance with the rates set forth in Section 13.52.070.
13.52.070 -Rates.
A. The rates for water system development charges shall be determined based on the meter size
installed as set forth in Table 13.52.070.
Table 13.52.070
Effective January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019
South Shore Water North Shore Water
Meter Size System Development System Development
Charge Charge
%" $6,044 $7,310
1" $10,373 $12,183
1.5" $20,145 $24,365
2" $32,232 $38,948
3" $64,464 $77,968
4" $100,725 $121,825
6" $201,450 $243,650
8" $322,320 $389,840
Effective January 1, 2020
Meter Size
City-Wide Water System
Development Charge
%" $7,310
1" $12,183
1.5" $24,365
2" $38,948
3" $77,968
4" $121,825
6" $243,650
8" $389,840
8. The Water System Development Charge shall be indexed yearly on January 1st to address inflation
based on the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for the City of Seattle. Effective
January 1, 2020, and annually thereafter, the Water System Development Charge shall be adjusted
pursuant to the adopted cost index as set forth herein.
C. The water system development charge for properties classified as industrial or unusual requirement
customer shall be based on a separate engineering study completed by the applicant and approved
by the city. The factors used in the study to determine the system development charge shall include
the size of meter, the average and peak volumes of water used by the customer, seasonal
variations, the calculated meter customer equivalents as compared to the City's current system
development charge calculation and other pertinent factors deemed necessary by the city.
13.52.080 -Payment of water system development charge.
A. The water system development charge owing under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid by
the applicant at the time of issuance of the plumbing permit or building permit, whichever shall first
occur, or as scheduled by a separate agreement with the city. The amount of the charge shall be
based on the System Development Charge in effect at the time of permit issuance.
B. No water service shall be furnished to the property of any person seeking to connect to the water
system of the city until the water system development charge imposed by this chapter has been paid
to the city or until such time as the city and the applicant have entered into a separate agreement
providing for the payment of such water system development charge.
13.52.090 -Revenue disposition.
All revenues collected pursuant to this chapter shall be paid into the water and sewer capital reserve
fund and shall be used for the purpose of financing system improvements. Such revenues shall not
be used to offset current operation or maintenance costs.
13.52.100 -Appeals.
A. Any applicant aggrieved by the amount of the water system development charge found by the city to
be required under the provisions of this chapter, may appeal to the board of adjustment from such
finding by filing a written notice of appeal with the city clerk within twenty days from the time such
property owner is given notice of such amount. The chairman of the board of adjustment shall cause
a notice of the time and place of hearing to be mailed to the applicant. At such hearing, the applicant
shall be entitled to be heard and to introduce evidence on his own behalf. The board of adjustment
shall thereupon ascertain the correct amount of the water system development charge, and the city
clerk shall immediately notify the appellant thereof, by mail, which amount, together with the costs of
appeal, if appellant is unsuccessful therein, must be paid within ten days after such notice is given.
B. The chairman of the board of adjustment may, by subpoena, require him to produce any pertinent
books and records. Any person served with such subpoena shall appear at the time and place
therein stated, and shall produce the books and records required, if any, and shall testify truthfully
under oath administered by the chairman in charge of the hearing on appeal, as to any matter
required of him pertinent to the appeal, and it is unlawful for him to fail or refuse to do so.
13.52.110 -Recording of notice.
Pursuant to RCW 65.08.170, the city shall cause to be recorded in the office of the auditor of Clark
County, a notice in the form and containing the information prescribed by said statute.
Section II
This Ordinance shall take force and be in effect five days from and after its publication
according to law.
PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 17th day of December,
2018 .
SIGNED: -;;4-h.~.__J ~
~ Mayor
City Attorney
' I
13.52.010 -Purpose.
Pursuant to the authority conferred upon cities and towns by RCW 35.92.025, the city council of the city
finds that property owners who seek to connect their property to the water works system of the city should
be assessed a charge in order that such property shall bear its equitable share of the cost of the water
works system. The city council further finds that the charge should be based upon the property owners'
anticipated use of the water works system as related to the historical cost of the water works system's
capacity available to meet their demands. It is the intent of the city council that the charge imposed by this
chapter shall be derived from the historical cost of the system as measured by the undepreciated value of
the water works system and plant in service at the time the charge is imposed and the projected cost of
additions to the system to meet new demands . The charge imposed by this chapter shall be denominated
a "water system development charge" and shall be in addition to any water connection, installation , or
permit fees imposed by other ordinances of the city.
13.52.020 -Definitions.
Unless otherwise specifically defined, the terms used in this chapter shall have the following meanings:
&_A. "Commercial" means that use classification of nonresidential property ovmers v11ho do
not use ·.vater in the processing, treatment, or manufacture of products, or as an integral
element of the services provided by said customer.
B. "E
ngineer" means the engineer of the City of Camas, or his duly authorized deputies or
representatives .
C. "Industrial" mans that use classification of nonresidential property owners who do use water
in the processing, treatment, or manufacture of products , or as an integral element of their
services provided by said property owner.
D. "Multifamily" means that use classification of residential property owners whose structure
contains two or more residential dwelling units.
E. "NON NUGA" means the area identified in the adopted 2004 City of Camas Urban Growth
Boundary and within the water service area depicted in the most current adopted Clark
County Coordinated Water System Plan.
F. "NUGA" means the North Urban Growth Area defined as all property north of the 2004
adopted Urban Growth Boundary and within the water service area depicted in the most
current adopted Clark County Coordinated Water System Plan.
G. "Single family" means that use classification of residential property owners whose structure
contains one residential dwelling unit.
~Water s§ystem ~ means all facilities for collecting, transporting, pumping, treating and
providing water.
B. "Accessory Dwelling Unit" means one or more rooms with a private bath and kitchen facilities
comprising an independent. self-contained dwelling unit within or attached to a single-family
dwelling or in a detached building on the same lot as the primary dwelling unit. An Accessory
Dwelling Unit is distinguishable in that it is clearly subordinate to the primary dwelling unit.
both in use and appearance.
C. "Industrial or unusual requirement customer'' means that use classification of a nonresidential
property owner who uses a meter equal to or greater than 3-inches in size and has a non-
standard peak flow. uses a significantly large daily volume of water that is in excess of the
City's typical commercial customer . or who otherwise have an unusual water usage pattern .
13.52.030 -Imposition.
A._ -Except as provided in Section 13.52.040herein , there is imposed on .§Jl_propertyies in the City and
all properties outside the boundaries of the city that connects to the water system of the city a water
system development charge, which charge shall be assessed in accordance with the rates set forth
in Section 13.52.0l60.
B. _-There shall be no water system development charge imposed for the installation of an additional
meter installed to an existing residential customer service line which meter is installed for irrigation
purposes pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.36.020 of this code .
C. Property owners that install a residential fire sprinkler system . which requires that the water meter
size be increased to make the fire sprinkler system operational. shall not be charged the increased
system development charge for the larger meter.
13.52.040 -Credits.
_(A) Prior Connection: Those properties that have been disconnected from the city water system since
January 1, 1972, shall receive a credit for the prior connection . The credit for the prior connection
shall be in an amount equal to the water system development charge for the use classification of the
prior connection. The water system development charge imposed under this chapter shall be the
difference between the amount due under the present use classification less the amount that would
have been assessed under the classification for the prior connection, provided however, that the city
shall not be required to reimburse the property owner in the event the credit exceeds the water
system development charge for the new connection .
fBA.f---.Development Credit:
1) A developer (as defined in CMC 3 .88 .030 .K) shall be entitled to a credit against the applicable
system development charge for the dedication of land or for the design or engineering or
construction of an "eligible improvement". For purposes of this section, an eligible improvement
shall mean an improvement or real property that is~ required as a condition of development
approval ; identified in the Water Sewer Capital FacilitiesSystem Plan or Capital Improvement
Plan; and included-in the current system development charge calculation as being funded by
system development charges , in the amounts identified and/or calculable in the Capital Facilities
2) The amount of the credit shall be the dollar amount assigned to the improvement or to the land in
the system development charge calculation . Where only a portion of the improvement is
constructed. or a portion of the land is dedicated. the amount of the credit shall be pro-rated.
2-j.fil Credits earned for one category of system development charge, e.g . water, may not be applied
against a different system development charge, e.g. sewer.
Approval from the city council shall be required prior to the start of construction or dedication of any
eligible improvement. "Approval" in the context of this subsection (3) shall be satisfied if the city
requires the construction or dedication of the eligible improvement as a condition of approval for
a land use application. If a developer wishes to construct an eligible improvement that is not
otherwise a condition to an approved land use application , prior approval must be obtained from
the city council.
JMlNo system development charge credit shall be granted until either the eligible improvements have
been designed, engineered, or constructed by the developer, and such work has been accepted
by the city; or until the land has been dedicated by the developer and such dedication has been
accepted by the city.
4-ffil-lf system development charges become due and payable prior to the developer becoming
eligible for the issuance of credits as provided in section (4), the developer may apply to the
community developmentpublic works director to defer collection of the impact feescharges until
construction or dedication is completed. The community developmentpublic works director may
condition deferral upon:
a) -The developer posting a bond or other financial security satisfactory to the city in an
amount equal to one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the deferred system
development charges, which bond or other financial security shall be conditioned upon
the developer either paying the deferred system development charges or completing
construction or dedication within a specified time,
b) -The withholding of an occupancy permit, or
c) -Such other conditions acceptable to the city.
If the developer is dissatisfied with the decision of the community developmentpublic works director,
the developer may seek to have that decision reviewed by the city council.
ajfilUpon acceptance of the eligible improvement, the developer may submit an application for the
system development charge credit to the finance public works department on a form to be
created by the finance department. After submission of the application and verification of
entitlement thereto, the public works director shall submit to the City Council for concurrence.
Upon ratification. the finance department shall issue a credit voucher to the developer specifying
the amount of the system development charge credit and the type of credit.
ejl}-The credit may, at the option of the developer, be applied all or in part to the system
development charges owing for the developer's project.
+j.fil-To the extent the credit exceeds the amount of the system development charges owed by the
developer, or the developer chooses not to apply the credit to the developer's project, the unused
credit may be applied within a period of 10 years to a different project of the developer or to the
project of a different developer.
~fil-Before the system development charge can be transferred to a different project or a different
developer, the holder of the system development charge credit shall ti.le with the finance
department an application to transfer the credit on a form to be created by the finance
department. The application shall identify the transferee, and the amount of the system
development charge credit being transferred. The transfer application shall be accompanied by
an administrative fee in an amount as may be set by resolution of the city council.
-Bf 10) -When credits are to be redeemed, the holder of the system development charge credit
shall file an application for redemption on a form to be created by the finance department.
Redemption shall be permitted only in increments equal to....§ whole system development charge,
or when redemption will exhaust the entire system development charge credit. The application for
redemption shall be accompanied by an administrative fee in such amount as may be set by
resolution of the city council. When system development charge credits are being redeemed,
such redemption shall not allow for system development charge credits to be pro-rated among
more than one residential lot in amounts that are less than the existing system development
charge per lot. For example, where system development charges are five thousand dollars per
residential lot and a developer wishes to redeem eleven thousand dollars worth of credits , the
developer shall not be allowed to apply one thousand dollars per residential lot over eleven lots.
The developer may apply five thousand dollars to two residential lots and the remaining one
thousand dollars to one residential lot.
111._ -The finance department shall be responsible for maintaining appropriate records documenting
the issuance, transfer, and redemption of system development charge credits.
-t-Q.)12) Expiration of Credits . Any Credits issued after the effective date of this ordinance sha ll
expire and become null and void ten years from the date of approval of the original credit by the
City Council. Transfer of credits or partial use of credits shall in no event extend the expiration
date of those credits.
13.52.050 -Accessory Dwelling Units
There shall be no Water System Development Charge for connection of Accessory Dwelling Units to the
city water system.
13.52.0§aO -Application for connection-Use classification of property.
A Any property owner seeking to connect his property to the water system of the city shall file with the
engineer 91.tv_an application to be on a form provided by the city. The application shall contain the
name and address of the property owner, the location of the property to be connected to the water
system, the nature of the structure to· be constructed on the subject property, the proposed use of the
subject property, and any relevant information deemed necessary by the engineer city to process the
application . ·
B. Upon receipt of the completed application, the engineer shall designate the use classification of the
property as single family, multifamily, commercial, industrial or city . Thethe applicant shall then be
informed in writing by the engineer Q!y_of the amount of the water system development charge,
which shall be based upon the use classification of the property and shall be in accordance with the
rates set forth in Section 13 .52.GWO?O .
13.52.0ZaO -Rates.
A___ The rates for water system development charges shall be determined based on the meter size
installed as set forth in Table 13.52.GWO?O per meter installed .
Table 13.52.070
Effective January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019
South Shore Water North Shore Water
Meter Size S~stem Develo~ment S~stem Develo~ment
Charge Charge
%" $6,044 $7,310
1" $101373 $121183
1.5" $201145 $24!365
2" S32!232 S38!948
3" S64A64 S77!968
4" s100J2s s121!82s
6" S201ASO S243!6so
8" S322!320 S389!84o
Effective January 1, 2020
Meter Size
City-Wide Water System
Develo~ment Charge
%" S7!310
1" s12!183
1.5" S24!36s
2" S38!948
3" S77!968
4" s121!82s
6" S243!6so
8" S389!84o
B. The Water System Development Charge shall be indexed yearly on January 1st to address inflation
based on the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for the City of Seattle . Effective
January 1. 2020 . and annually thereafter. the Water System Development Charge shall be adjusted
pursuant to the adopted cost index as set forth herein.
C . The water system development charge for properties classified as industrial or unusual requirement
customer shall be based on a separate engineering study completed by the applicant and approved
by the City . The factors used in the study to determine the system development charge shall include
the size of meter. the average and peak volumes of water used by the customer. seasonal
variations . the calculated meter customer equivalents as compared to the City's current system
development charge calculation and other pertinent factors deemed necessary by the City.
From March 20, 2012 to August 31, 2013
All Non NUGA AllNUGA Equivalent GustomeFs customeFs ~Jon NUGA NUGA MeteF Size Metef I neustFial except except lnEJustFial FactoFs inEJustFial lnEJustFial
1~ ~ $1 ,994 $4,J4J
$11 ,427 $27,J97
I w
~ I $2,949 $9,914 $19,242
~ 2-:-a 1--,--
$25,911 $9J,792
~ a $9,818 $21,715 $49,949 $124,297
• ~
$J4,74J $79,QJ1 $197,119
~ -ie $J1 ,4 rn $99,487 $198,921
~ ~ $49,Q88 $1Q8,57J $245,79G $911,84G
$98,175 $217,149 $487,287
.. -$347.4J4 -
$197,G81 $1,949,J8G
Effective from September 1, 2013
All Non NUGA All NUGA Equivalent GustomeFs customeFs Non NUGA NUGA MeteF Size Metef except except lnEJustFial I nEJustFial FactoFs inEJustFial I nEJustFial
$4,87J $19,947 $JQ,948 ,--------,---
w ~ $4,778 $7,J1Q $28,27Q $44,72J
~ &.a $7,99J $12,18J $49,999 $72,J1 J
~ a $19,925 $24,J95 $88,9J2 $141,151
~ g
$2a,48Q $J8,984 $~4Q,§68
~ 4-@ $§Q,96Q $77,968 $28~ ,Q92 $446,9§8
~ ~ $79,62§ $~2~ ,82§ $4J6,78~ $69a,J86
~ w
$~99 ,2§Q $24J,6aQ $868,727 $~ ,J84,9J9
~ 00 $294,8QQ
$J89,84Q $~ ,J86,9Qa $2,2~2,240
Property owners with building lots of ten thousand square feet or less that install a residential fire
sprinkler system, which equires that the water meter size be increased to make the fire sprinkler system
operational, shall not be charged the increased service development fee for the larger meter. The waiver
of the increased fee for property owners with building lots of ten thousand one to fifteen thousand square
feet that require a meter upsize due to residential fire sprinkler system requirements shall be approved by
the public works director.
13.52.0§-7 0 -Payment of water system development charge.
f AJ -_The water system development charge owing under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid by
the applicant at the time of issuance of the plumbing permit or building permit, whichever shall first
occur, or as scheduled by a separate agreement with the city. The amount of the charge shall be
based on the System Development Charge in effect at the time of permit issuance .
f BJ _-No water service shall be furnished to the property of any person seeking to connect to the water
system of the city until the water system development charge imposed by this chapter has been paid
to the city treasurer or until such time as the city and the applicant have entered into a separate
agreement providing for the payment of such water system development charge.
13.52.0~8 0 -Revenue disposition.
All revenues collected pursuant to this chapter shall be paid into the water and sewer capital reserve
fund and shall be used for the purpose of financing system improvements. Such revenues shall not
be used to offset current operation or maintenance costs.
13.52.000-100 -Appeals.
A. Any applicant aggrieved by the amount of the water system development charge found by the
engineer .Ql!y_to be required under the provisions of this chapter, may appeal to the board of
adjustment from such finding by filing a written notice of appeal with the city clerk within twenty days
from the time such property owner is given notice of such amount. The chairman of the board of
adjustment shall cause a notice of the time and place of hearing to be mailed to the applicant. At
such hearing, the applicant shall be entitled to be heard and to introduce evidence on his own
behalf. The board of adjustment shall thereupon ascertain the correct amount of the water system
development charge, and the city clerk shall immediately notify the appellant thereof, by mail, which
amount, together with the costs of appeal, if appellant is unsuccessful therein, must be paid within
ten days after such notice is given.
B. The chairman of the board of adjustment may, by subpoena, require him to produce any pertinent
books and records. Any person served with such subpoena shall appear at the time and place
therein stated, and shall produce the books and records required, if any, and shall testify truthfully
under oath administered by the chairman in charge of the hearing on appeal, as to any matter
required of him pertinent to the appeal, and it is unlawful for him to fail or refuse to do so.
13.52.4-00110 -Recording of notice.
Pursuant to RCW 65.08.170, the engineer 9.tY_shall cause to be recorded in the office of the auditor
of Clark County, a notice in the form and containing the information prescribed by said statute.