ORD 18-016ORDINANCE NO. 18-016 AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter 3.88.070 of the Camas Municipal Code relating to park and open space impact fees. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I Camas Municipal Code subsection 3.88.070 is amended to provide as follows: A. The park and open space impact fee component shall consist of three subcomponents: an existing subcomponent, a future subcomponent, and an adjustment subcomponent. B. The existing subcomponent shall be calculated using the following formula: PIFE _ s (UAC X C ) Cat=1 Cat Cat G XU "PIFE" means the existing subcomponent of the park and open space component of the total development impact fee. 2. "Cat" means the eight categories of existing and future park facilities used in the 2018 Parks Impact Fee Update. 3. "UACcat" means the units (measured in acres or miles) of available capacity for each category of existing park facilities. 4. "Ccat" means the average cost per unit for each category of existing park facilities. 5. "G" means the projected growth in population during the planning period. 6. "U" means the average number of occupants per dwelling unit, or 2.94 occupants per single-family or multi -family dwelling unit and 0.74 occupant per accessory dwelling unit. C. The future subcomponent shall be calculated using the following formula: PIF,_ ZProj=1(CProj X EProj) X U F G 1. "PIFF" means the future subcomponent of the park and open space component of the total development impact fee. 2. "Prof" means each project in the list used in the list of "n" projects used to calculate the future subcomponent. 3. "n" means the number of projects on the list of projects used to calculate the future subcomponent. ORDINANCE NO. 18-016 4. "CP,,,T means the total cost for each project in the list of "n" projects used to calculate the future subcomponent. 5. "EPmj" means the impact fee eligibility (expressed as a percentage) for each project in the list of "n" projects used to calculate the future subcomponent. This percentage represents the proportion of each project that will create capacity for future users. 6. "G" means the projected growth in population during the planning period. 7. "U" means the average number of occupants per dwelling unit, or 2.94 occupants per single-family or multi -family dwelling unit and 0.74 occupant per accessory dwelling unit. D. The adjustment subcomponent shall be calculated using the following formula: PIFA = —FB — (REET X Ecap) "PIFA" means the adjustment subcomponent of the park and open space component of the total development impact fee. 2. "FB" means the fund balance of unspent parks impact fee revenue. 3. "REET" means that portion of projected real estate excise tax revenues that is expected to be dedicated to parks capital. 4. "Ecap" means the weighted average impact fee eligibility, which is identified as the "capital cost eligibility" applied to projected real estate excise tax revenues in the 2018 Parks Impact Fee Update adopted by the City. Section H This Ordinance shall take force and be in effect January 1, 2019, and after its publication according to law. PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 15th day of October, 2018. SIG, SIG, APPROVED as to form: City Attorney