ORD 22-026ORDINANCE NO . 22-026
AN ORDINANCE amending certain sections of Chapter 13 .72 of
the Camas Municipal Code relating to Sewer System Development
WHEREAS , Section 35.92.025 of the Revised Code of Washington provides the
statutory authority for cities to charge property owners seeking to connect to the sewer system of
the City ; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Camas commissioned Corollo Engineers to
complete an update to its General Sewer Plan; and
WHEREAS , the 2022 update to the General Sewer Plan has heretofore been completed
and adopted by Council subject to any requested revisions by the Washington State Department
of Ecology; and
WHEREAS , the General Sewer Plan includes a revised 20-year Capital Improvement
Plan consistent with the City 's Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has commissioned FCS Group , a professional financial
consultant with vast experience in rate , impact fee and system development charge analysis , to
prepare an update to the Sewer System Development Charges of the City; and
WHEREAS, FCS Group has completed an updated calculation of the maximum
allowable Sewer System Development Charge based on the capital improvement plan provided
for in the completed update to the General Sewer Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has held public meetings in which the calculation and basis
of the Sewer System Development Charges has been presented and discussed; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the information provided by FCS Group
and staff, including but not limited to the number of system development charge zones and
structure to be used in the system development charge calculation, and the equitable financial
share proposed developments have in the system; and
WHEREA S , taking all information into consideration, the City Council has elected to
adopt a system-wide Sewer System Development Charge that is less than the calculated
maximum allowable.
Section I
Section 13.72 .020 of the Camas Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows:
13 . 72.020 Definitions.
Unless otherwise specifically defined, the terms used in this chapter shall have the
following meanings :
"Average day flow" means the average volume of waste water flowing from a user over a
twenty-four-hour period measured in million gallons per day (MGD).
"Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)" means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the
biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days at
twenty degrees Centigrade , and shall be measured in pounds per day.
"City" means that use classification for the city and other public or nonprofit customers
whose waste flows are typical of those associated with single-family residential structures.
"Commercial" means that use classification of nonresidential properties who contribute
flows to the sewer system except those users classified as Industrial or Non-Typical.
"Engineer" means the engineer of the City of Camas , or his duly authorized deputies or
r epresentatives .
"Industrial or Non-Typical" customers means that use classification of nonresidential
property owners who contribute sewage with a flow and/or strength in excess of the typical
Commercial class .
"Multifamily" means that use classification of residential property owners whose structure
contains two or more residential dwelling units .
"Sewage" means a combination of water-carried waste from residences , business buildings ,
institutions and industrial establishments , together with such ground, surface , and storm waters
as may be present.
"Sewer system" means all facilities for collecting, transporting , pumping, treating and
disposing of sewage.
"Single-family" means that use classification ofresidential property owners whose structure
contains one residential dwelling unit.
"Suspended solids (SS)" means solids that either float on the surface of or are suspended in
water, sewage, or other liquids, and which are removable by laboratory filtering, and which shall
be measured in pounds per day.
Section II
Section 13.72 .040 of the Camas Municipal Code is hereby amended by repealing subsections A
and B thereof.
Section III
Section 13.72.060 of the Camas Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows:
13. 72.060 Rates.
(a) The sewer system development charge for properties classified as single family, multi-
family, city and commercial shall be as follows:
Effective from January 1, 2023
Meter Size City-Wide Charge
Residential $7,120
¾" $7,120
1" $11,866
1.5" $23,732
2" $37,971
3" $71,195
4" $118,659
(b) The sewer system development charge for properties classified as Industrial or Non-Typical
Customer, shall be determined by the public works director based on a separate engineering
study to be completed by the applicant and approved by the City. The factors used to
determine the Industrial or Non-Typical system development charges shall include such
things as the average daily flow, peak flow, BOD pounds per day and suspended solids
pounds per day discharged to the City's system, and other such factors deemed necessary by
the City.
(c) The sewer system development charge may be indexed annually, beginning January 1,
2024, to address inflation based on the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index
for the City of Seattle.