ORD 22-017ORDINANCE NO. 22-017 AN ORDINANCE relating to consideration of proposed revisions to the City of Camas Comprehensive Plan and adopting revisions to the Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map of the City of Camas. WHEREAS , the City of Camas has heretofore adopted a Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Land Use Map as required by the provisions ofRCW 36 .70A, Revised Code of Washington, the Growth Management Act, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 36.70A, Revised Code of Washington, the City is required annually to consider amendments to the land use element of the Comprehensive Plan and associated rezones, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has conducted a public hearing on a request for revision submitted to the City , and has forwarded its recommendation to the City Council , and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a public hearing on the request for revision, NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I A request from property owner to change the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designation for parcel number 986026906 located on NW Camas Drive for a total of 5 acres. The request is to amend the Comprehensive Plan designation of Industrial and zoning of Light Industrial/Business Park to a Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial with a concurrent zone change to Mixed Use . The Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation to City Council consistent with the Camas Municipal Code Section 18.51.050(B)(3) to accept the proposed amendment. Ordinance No. 22-017 Page -2 Section II The City Council hereby accepts the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and directs the Community Development Director to amend the Camas Comprehensive Plan map, and to amend the Camas Zoning map consistent with the table set forth within the attached Exhibit "A ". Section III This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five (5) days from and after its publication according to law. a1 PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this )J day of November, 2022 . ATTE~~~ Clerk APPROVED as to form: City Attorney Exhibit A Ordinance 22-017 The following table describes the amendments to properties owned by PEDWAR DEVELOPMENT GROUP LLC totaling 5 acres located at 4711 NW Camas Drive. Parcel Number Current Comprehensive Plan Designation Current Zoning New Comprehensive Plan Designation New Zoning 986026906 Industrial Light Industrial / Business Park Commercial Mixed Use I I I 986026906 752.3Feet -------11111::::====--== 752.3 376.17 WGS_1984_Web_Me«:a1or_Auxiiary_Sphere Oark County, WA. GIS • http://gis.claric.wagov 1: 4,514 0 lbi5 map was generated by Clark County's "MaP50nlile" website. Clark County does nol warrant the accuracy. reliability Of timelflss of any informalim a, this map, and &hall nol be held lable for losses caused by using this information. ~ Legend Zuni11g Single-Familyr~ial{R1-20,R Singlw'amilyresd!!ntial (R1-1S, R Single-Farriilyresidenllll • 12 {R•12 Single-farrilyrHidential (R1•10. R Single-familyre'Sidential (R1•7.S. i:; Single-Farril'frMiclenlial (Rh8, fU Singli!-f"arnilyr~nlill (Rl -5) Residsl1ialCR•12, R12) ■ Resi0511ial 4R•18. t.F-18) ■ Residetl~al !R•22. AA-22) ■ R8ids,~al(R-30) ■ Resicis,tial ◄R"'3) ■ Officetdidentia&.IS(OR-15) ■ Officeresidential-111{QR..18-) ■ Oftliceresidential-22(0R•22) ■ Office~"Jiderrti,l.30{0R-30) ■ Ofllce residMtiaM3 {OR:43) ~ o:mnlt!fcial (NC, C1 ■ Corrmurity colTW!lefdal {CC, Cl. C • GeneralcommercialCGC,CG) ■ Mb.eduH-(MX) ■ e.m--paric (BP, OH") Ugt,1 induwial (L, ML. U, IND, 1..i1E Notes: