ORD 19-013ORDINANCE NO. 19-013
AN ORDINANCE adopting a new Section 13.68.021 of the Camas
Municipal Code, relating to technically based local limits for the
wastewater treatment system.
WHEREAS, the City of Camas owns, maintains and operates its publicly owned
sewer system and treatment plant in accordance with a National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit, Number WA0020249, issued by the Washington State
Department of Ecology; and
WHEREAS, the City's September 2015 NPDES permit requires that the City
develop and codify Technically Based Local Limits to protect the Camas wastewater
treatment system, prevent treatment interference, protect the environment, and protect
worker health and safety; and
WHEREAS, the City contracted with Jacobs Engineering to assist the City in
analyzing potential pollutants of concern using the methodology described in the
Department of Ecology's Guidance Manual for Developing Local Discharge Limits
(Ecology Publication 11-1 0-056; and
WHEREAS, the City went through an extensive process to develop the Technically
Based Local Limits that involved coordination and outreach with the City's industries; and
WHEREAS, draft findings were presented to the City Council at public meetings in
July 2019 and November 2019; and
WHEREAS, the City Council provided advance notice and held a Public Hearing
requesting comments on the proposed Technically Based Local Limits at a regularly
scheduled City Council meeting on November 18, 2019.
Section I
A new Section 13.68.021 of the Camas Municipal Code is hereby adopted to provide as
13.68.021 Local Limits
A. The City of Camas is authorized to establish Local Limits pursuant to 40 CFR 403 .5( c).
B. The following pollutant limits are established to protect the Camas wastewater treatment
system, prevent treatment interference, protect the environment, and protect worker
health and safety.
1. No person shall discharge wastewater containing in excess of the following City-
wide concentration limits except as denoted.
Pollutant City-wide Local Limit Karcher
Antimony 1.62 mg/L Same as City-Wide
Arsenic 0.14 mg/L Same as City-Wide
Cadmium 0.025 mg/L 0.11 mg/L
Chromium (Total) 5.0 mg/L 5.0 mg/L
Chromium No Limit Adopted Same as City-Wide
Copper 0.438 mg/L 3.38 mg/L
Cyanide 0.116 mg/L 1.20 mg/L
Fluoride-30.62 mg/L Same as City-Wide
Industry Specific
Analog Devices 76.6lb/d NA
Wafer Tech 140.5 lb/d NA
Lead 0.135 mg/L 1.20 mg/L
Mercury 0.007 mg/L Same as City-Wide
Molybdenum 0.286 mg/L Same as City-Wide
Nickel 0.461 mg/L 3.98 mg/L
NWTPH-Dx No Limit Adopted Same as City-Wide
NWTPH-Gx No Limit Adopted Same as City-Wide
Selenium 0.31 mg/L Same as City-Wide
Silver 0.304 mg/L 0.43 mg/L
No Additional Limit Same as City-Wide
Sulfate Adopted
No Additional Limit Same as City-Wide
TDS Adopted
Zinc 0.403 mg/L 2.61 mg/L
Flow No Limit Adopted Same as City-Wide
BODs No Limit Adopted Same as City-Wide
Pollutant City-wide Local Limit Karcher
TSS No Limit Adopted Same as City-Wide
pH 5.5-11.0 su Same as City-Wide
Ammonia No Limit Adopted Same as City-Wide
Oils and Grease 100 mg/L total O&G Same as City-Wide
40°C ( 1 04 °F) at POTW; Same as City-Wide
I 60°C ( 140°F) at
I discharge point from
Temperature SIU
Specified as no material Same as City-Wide
with a closed cup
flash point < 140 (°F)
Flammability AND
No two consecutive
readings at ~5% LEL,
and no reading of~1 0%
LEL allowed
BODs= 5-day biochemical oxygen demand
lb/d =pounds per day
LEL = lower explosive limit
mg/L =milligrams per liter
S U = standard units
TDS = total dissolved solids
TSS = total suspended solids
2. The above limits apply at the point where the wastewater is discharged to the
publicly owned treatment works (POTW) inclusive of all commercial/industrial
process flows.
3. All concentrations for metallic substances are for total recoverable metals unless
indicated otherwise.
4. The City may impose mass limitations in addition to the concentration-based
limitations above.
C. When an industry can demonstrate that their facility cannot technically meet the limits of this
section, to the satisfaction of the City, the industry may apply for an increased limit on a
pollutant by pollutant basis. The City may not increase a limit above the mass reserved for
this purpose. Granting an increase in a limit will be at the sole discretion of the City.
D. The City may develop Best Management Practices (BMPs), by ordinance for submittal to
Washington Department of Ecology for inclusion in individual wastewater discharge permits,
to implement Local Limits and the requirements of this Section.
E. The City reserves the right to establish, by ordinance or by submission to the Washington
Department of Ecology for inclusion in individual wastewater discharge permits , more
stringent Standards or Requirements on discharges to the POTW consistent with the purpose
of this ordinance.
Section II
This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after its publication according to law.
PAS SED by the Council and APPROVED by the M .
APPROVED as to form:
City Attorney