A RESOLUTION adopting a Cemetery Master Plan for the
operation of the Camas Cemetery.
WHEREAS,the City Council created a committee to prepare a Master Plan for the
operation of the Camas Cemetery,and
WHEREAS,with the assistance of staff,the committee has proposed a Plan which
provides for the maintenance,capital improvement and infrastructure needs,long range planning,
and financial and administrative operations of the cemetery,and
WHEREAS,the Council desires to adopt said Master Plan,
CAMAS that that document entitled "City of Camas Cemetery Master Plan 2009"be,and the
same is hereby adopted as the Master Plan for the operation of the City of Camas Cemetery.
REGULAR MEETING this /'day of ,2010.
APPROVED as to form:
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary 4
Introduction and Scope 5
Definition of Terms 5
Camas Cemetery History 6
Camas Cemetery Location and Description 7
Current Operation 8
Camas Cemetery Trends and Statistics 11
Goals and Objectives 16
Goal 1:Develop a Robust and Trustworthy Data Base of Burial Information 16
Goal 2:Meet the Service Expectations of the Citizens of Camas 17
Goal 3:Make the Cemetery Financially Stable and Reduce Dependency on the General Fund..19
Goal 4:Maximize the Developed and Undeveloped Property for Cemetery use to Meet Future
Burial Needs and Trends and Provide Economic Stability to the Cemetery Fund 21
Goal 5:Develop a Strong Volunteer/Donation Program 23
Capital Improvement Plan 24
Implementation 24
Appendix 25
City of Camas Cemetery Master Plan 2009 3
City of Camas Cemetery Master Plan 2009
Executive Summary
The Camas Cemetery is an important historic and aesthetic resource for the City of Camas.
Located adjacent to Lacamas Park,it provides a peaceful resting place for our loved ones,a quiet
place for reflection and an addition to our open space network.
The 2009 Master Plan will provide the City of Camas with direction for the continued operation
of the Cemetery.The most pressing issue facing the Cemetery is to provide a stable funding
source that will allow for the needed capital improvements and ongoing perpetual maintenance
requirements of the Cemetery.Along with the budget concerns,the citizens of Camas have
placed a high expectation on the care and maintenance of the Cemetery to honor our heritage and
family members.
The Cemetery currently generates approximately $41,500 in revenue per year and has total
expenditures of about $136,000 (this excludes an $18,000 capital expenditure for the office
trailer in 2010).The General Fund will contribute $80,000 in 2010 to balance the budget.
General Fund dependence forces the Cemetery to compete with other pressing City priorities like
fire/EMS and police.Staffing has been cut to minimum levels due to General Fund constraints
and provides a challenge to meet community maintenance expectations.
The Camas Cemetery can provide a place for burial for generations to come.With minimal
capital investment the currently developed area has a capacity of 30 to 40 years.This capacity
limits die funding problem largely to maintenance of the grounds in a manner acceptable to the
citizens.Capital investment in the developed area is limited to additional niche wall space,data
base needs and the purchase of the office trailer.Major capital investment on the undeveloped
property will have to be made past the 20 year horizon of this plan to maximize the capacity of
the Cemetery site.
The plan identifies five major goals:
•Develop a robust and trustworthy data base and information system
•Meet the service expectations of the citizens of Camas
•Make the Cemetery financially stable and reduce dependency on the General Fund
•Maximize the developed and undeveloped property for Cemetery use to meet future
burial needs and trends•Develop a strong volunteer/donation program
Two issues dominated the discussion of the committee.The first is the potential use of the
undeveloped property for purposes other than future burial sites.The committee’s first priority is
to maintain the property for exclusive Cemetery use,with the understanding that with the
consent of the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council other uses that are compatible
and provide economic benefit to the Cemetery may be explored.The second issue is the
importance of developing a robust volunteer program to help staff maintain the facility at or
above the current levels and help with capital costs.The committee recommended that the City
4.All works of art therein.
5.All roads,walkways and other structures of every kind therein.
6.All equipment and facilities incidental to the operation of Camas cemetery.
“City”means the city of Camas.
“Columbarium”means a structure or other space containing niches for permanent
inurnment of cremated remains.
“Committal”means the part of a funeral service which commits the remains of the
deceased to their final resting place.
“Companion or double graves”means two single graves side by side.
“Cremated remains”means a human body after cremation in a crematory.
“Funeral”means a memorial service for a deceased person.
“Grave”means a space of land in a cemetery used or intended to be used for the burial of
human remains.
“Grave owner”or “owner”means any person in whose name an interment plot stands of
record as owner,in the records of the cemetery at Camas City Hall.
*“Human remains”or “remains”means the body of a deceased person,and includes the
body in any stage of decomposition.
“Interment”means the burial,entombment or inurnment of human remains.
1.“Burial”means the disposition of human remains by earthen burial in a grave.
2.“Entombment”means the placement of full body human remains in a crypt either
above or below ground.
3.“Inurnment”means placing of cremated remains in an urn in a grave,crypt,or niche.
“Maintenance”means cutting of the lawns on the graves and other lawn areas within the
cemetery at reasonable intervals,and the general maintenance of the cemetery including
building roads,fences,etc.,in so far as the city budget will permit.
1.A monument,tombstone,grave marker,tablet or headstone identifying a grave or
2.A name plate or inscription identifying a crypt or niche to preserve remembrance;or
3.A name inscribed on the remembrance wall.
“Niche”means a space in a columbarium used or intended to be used for the inurnment
of cremated human remains.
“Plot”means a grave site or lot.
Camas Cemetery History
In 1883,the Camas Colony Company formed by Oregonian publisher Henry Pittock and a group
of investors,sought land near La Camas Lake (Lacamas Lake)on which to establish a newsprint-
producing paper mill.The company plotted the cemetery in 1885,shortly after establishment of
the mill,but their temporary layout markers and plats were lost.Although there is uncertainty
over the early years,many believe the land the cemetery now occupies was originally owned by
Donald Steams,a close associate of Pittock.
The Women’s Civic Club maintained the affairs of the cemetery from 1910 through 1914.In
1914,a deed was recorded giving ownership of the cemetery land to the recently-incorporated
City of Camas 6CemeteryMasterPlan2009
Camas Cemetery Location and Description
The Camas Cemetery is located north of NE 19th and NE Oak Street,east of the Camas Doc
Harris football stadium and south and west of Lacamas Park in the Southeast %of Section 2,
Township 1 North,Range 3 East.The Cemetery consists of County tax lot #’s 91044019,
91044000,90939000,91044020,91044313,90924003,and 91044017 for a total of 19.94 acres.
The current developed area is platted into a block and lot configuration with names for each
section (See appendix A).Future areas will be named as they are established from a list of
possible names as listed on the appendix above.Approximately 5.5 acres of developable un-
platted property remains for beneficial use after accounting for impacts of Shoreline and Tree
ordinance regulations.
Current Operation
The City Grounds Maintenance crew maintains the grounds,marks out the grave site,inspects
the site after service,marks out and inspects marker installation,and will provide interment of
cremains in a grave plot or niche wall without a service,and administers lot sales along with the
Finance Department
Service burials,headstones and markers are the responsibility of the funeral home.The City
provides a license (revocable grave digging permit)for contractors to dig graves and place
markers under the supervision and authority of the funeral home.The costs for these services are
paid directly by the family to the funeral home and do not pass through the City.Staff
involvement is limited to marking the grave site for the contractor and inspection after closing.
Prior to City ownership,the Cemetery Association opened and closed graves,provided service
set up,sold and installed markers.The City chose to follow the City of Vancouver model as a
prudent step to provide time to understand the cemetery business.Based on discussion with the
Master Plan Committee it is recommended that the City continue this model for the near future.
The City reserves the right to reevaluate and provide some or all of the functions described above
if it is found to provide a positive cash flow for the Cemetery.
Grounds Maintenance includes:mowing,irrigation,fertilizing,weed control,landscape bed care,
tree trimming,asphalt maintenance,mole control,hardscape (benches,walkways,flagpole area)
and general grounds repair.
Staff mows grass on a weekly schedule and attempts to mow the section where a service is
scheduled.The current budget allows for moderate irrigation,some weed and fertilizer
application,and staff overtime to prepare for and work Memorial Day and Veterans Day.Current
budgetary authority provides for a .75 full-time equivalent (FTE)with .50 FTE seasonal help.
Maintenance of headstones is the responsibility of the family.Maintenance includes damage
from vandalism or general weathering and lawn edging.Repairs and maintenance by family
City of Camas 8CemeteryMasterPlan2009
Garden of Angels Child Section
The Finance Department interacts with families purchasing plots,funeral home coordination for
services and general citizen requests.Finance also maintains all data and accounting for the
Cemetery.The Finance Department is still in the process of data base clean up from the multiple
data sets provided at the change of ownership.They are currently working with the State Archive
Department to scan and index all relevant documents.
All lot sales go through the Finance department.The family selects and pays for the lot at the
Finance Department.The department issues a payment receipt and mails out a deed to the family
and updates the data base and map.When a sale is associated with a burial service,the Finance
Department charges either the family or the funeral home the appropriate fees based on the
current fee schedule.After the service is complete,the Finance Department is required to send
the Department of Health,a Burial —Transit Permit,signed by Grounds staff to Clark County
Public Health -Vital Records Department within three days of receiving the permit.
Cemetery Rules
The cemetery currently has distinct rules,and/or policies for different types of burials or sections
that were carried over from the previous owners or have been added by City ordinance:
•The Columbarium located in block 93 is designed for two cremations for each panel
space.Currently we require purchase of both spaces at the current rate of $1,030,even if
there is a single occupant.•The City recently took over maintaining the lettering on the Garden of Faith
Columbarium and has style and content restrictions.•The Remembrance Wall has specific lettering and content restrictions.
City of Camas Cemetery Master Plan 2009 10
Garden of Faith
264 159 102 261 3 1
60 14 0 14 46 77
1 .Single casket lots located throughout cemetery 4’xlO’or 5’xl 0’assumed available in sections 91-
includes tree and bench encumbered lots.
2.Section A lots 63-74,Blocks 83N,83S,86,Sec A lots 65-70,1C,and 3A.
3.Located Blocks A,1 through 28.Plots larger than 5’xl 0.’No further sales of family plots.
4.Section 2B and Garden of Faith.
5.Multiple burials per lot allowed.Do not correspond to burial totals.
04 only.Total
There are a number of variables in trying to determine the capacity and capital needs of the
cemetery.The historical family plots in sections 1-26 still have additional capacity especially
with the placement of cremains.City Code allows for additional cremains to be added to existing
lots,the number depending on configuration and size.Both local and national trending shows an
increase in cremation.If this trend continues it could drastically increase the holding capacity of
the developed portion of the cemetery with redevelopment of the blocks 94 -101 to provide
additional cremains.
A range of burial capacities are shown in Graph 1.A number of assumptions were used in
developing the capacity of the currently developed area at 8,340 burials which should provide a
capacity of between 30 to 40 years:
•A factor of 1.1 was used on the existing 5,529 traditional and 174 cremain lots to account
for additional cremains allowed by code.
•Averages of 2.6 burials were assumed for each family plot.
•The niche walls and child sections were limited to platted capacity.•160 future niche spaces were added to balance the 80/20%trend for cremain capacity.
For the undeveloped area the following assumptions were used to determine capacity of 1,150
per acre for the 20%cremains/burial ratio and 1,400 per acre for the 50%cremains/burial ratio.
The per acre undeveloped figure is additive to the developed capacity above:
•20%of the land will be used for non-burial purposes including roads,landscape,benches,
paths and irrigation corridors.
•40 square feet per lot was used.
•A 20%and 50%cremain lots or niche ratio to traditional lots.
•10%factor on traditional lots to account for cremains allowed by code.
The undeveloped property consists of 5.5 acres.As discussed in the goals section of this report
there may be the possibility of using up to two acres for a water reservoir or other compatible
use.Graph 1 indicates that depending on the amount of acreage developed,the cremain/buriai
ratio and growth expectations of the undeveloped property would extend the service life from 60
to 92 years.
To determine the number of burials per year,it is assumed that the number of burials is
proportional to the City population.Graph 1 displays two possible population growth scenarios.
City of Camas Cemetery Master Plan 2009 12
Table 2:Sales 2007 to Current
%Year SalesTotalCremains
2007 $36,10039284920.4
2008 29 $32,300594332.5
2009 through
18 3 $13,95012218.1
$32,900Average34.5 4 7.2 46 24.5
Table 3:Historical trends
of Burials
of Years
Number of
Number of
%Date Cremations
2005-2008 4 255 56 22.0 64
2000-2004 5 54270238.5
1995-1999 5 349 703810.9
1990-1994 5 344 36 6910.5
1985-1989 5 354 71226.2
1980-1984 5 341 0 0.0 68
13 994 46 761966-1979 4.6
6 371 16 621960-1965 4.3
60410 4 0.7 601950-1959
69510 4 0.6 701940-1949
22 622 0 0.0 281918-1939
Over the past 20 years,90%of the funeral services have been administered by Brown’s or
Straub’s Funeral Home,but the Cemetery is open to all registered funeral homes.
The City recently
took over
maintaining the
lettering on the
Garden of Faith
which has style and
City of Camas Cemetery Master Plan 2009 14
The Johnson Columbarium
Niche Wall located on the
SW comer of the cemetery.
General trending toward
cremation and the lower
over all customer costs for
this service could also
reduce future income.
Goals and Objectives
During the development of this plan,a number of issues were presented for evaluation by the
committee.The following goals and objectives were developed to answer and provide direction
on these issues.Some objectives are listed under more than one goal.In general this reflects the
importance of that objective to the overall success of the Cemetery.
Goal 1:Develop a Robust and Trustworthy Data Base of Burial Information
As noted above,the current data base was gathered from a number of records and represents the
best effort to date.The data over the last 100 years was dependent on the volunteers and staff
working at the cemetery.While some records are meticulous,it is apparent that some record
keeping and field work was not.There have been a few attempts at consolidating the older data
over the last 10 years.A volunteer created a data set used by the Association that formed the
basis on the Camas data base.Beth Cross,a genealogical Society volunteer has done extensive
work up to 1998 including a data set and photos of most of the headstones.The Genealogical
Society has a wealth of historic information available that may be invaluable in “truthing”the
current data base and is willing to provide the data to the City with the understanding that
citizens will not be charged for the use.The City received a grant from the State Archives to scan
all historic documents passed over from the Association.The City is currently working with
State Archives to sort the data in a useable order.
A concerted effort will have to be made over the next few years to consolidate the data and
complete detailed field work to match the ground to the data.Understanding the gaps and areas
Cemetery Master Plan 2009 16CityofCamas
A new trend emerging is the concept of green burial.The term has a fairly broad application
approach from simply placing the body without a coffin or liner in a traditional grave to a
holistic certified green burial site that is designed for carbon offset.The Fern Prairie Cemetery is
now offering an area for a non-coffin burial and is looking at setting aside an acre as a dedicated
area.Developing a site at the Camas Cemetery is possible,but will need to have the demand and
will require some discussion as to what level the community is willing to support.Scatter
gardens are another popular offering for cremain placement that is not currently offered at the
Camas Cemetery.Washougal cemetery currently offers this option.
Garden of Faith Columbarium Niche Wall
•Provide training for staff on dealing with grieving families while adhering to the rules.
•Complete a periodic review (every two years)to adjust ordinance or rules based on
comments throughout the time period.
•Maintain current staffing for grounds maintenance.Maintain watering,fertilizer and
weed management.Trim perimeter hedge as needed.
®Develop volunteer groups for headstone cleaning and edging,Memorial Day help and
identified service projects.
•Provide web presence for general cemetery information,rules and education on
responsibilities of City and family members on the City website.
•Provide better signing and mapping availability for self help.Provide clear signage with
contact numbers to call for help if staff is not present at site.In the future look at a
computer kiosk when data and mapping are complete.
•Keep current on burial trends to make sure we provide the proper alternatives to meet
market needs.This could include items like scatter gardens,web cast services,and green
•Maintain Memorial and Veterans day staffing and preparation.Explore VFW
participation (color guard)on Memorial Day.
•Encourage volunteers and Friends organization to help with potential and defined
•Maintain niche walls and lettering.Schedule repair of Garden of Faith niche walls.•Purchase the office trailer to eliminate lease payments after a payoff of five years.
•Update the Capital Facilities Plan to reflect the addition of a cemetery facility.
City of Camas Cemetery Master Plan 2009 18
Table 5:Revenue and Expenditures
General Fund
i iYearRevenueExpenses Profit/Lossl
T$82,729*$59,025*$136,1222002 $0 $23,704
$71,642*$138,289*$60,778*2003 $0 $10,864
$64,710*$139,293*$62,438*2004 $2,272$0
$81,435*$97,225*$120,351*2006 $0 $38,916
$13744?$74,031 <$86,268>$160,299 $02007
$59,828 $36,973 $177,765 <$117,937>2008 $80,964
$36,5003 $15,000J $134,35?<$97,852>3$82,8522009
1 2002,2003 per Association records,2004-2006 per 990 tax reports,2007-2009 per Camas Budget Documents
2 Received $137,444 from Cemetery Association at time of transfer in addition to $74,031 in revenues
3 Projected from 2009 Camas Budget
•Check local Cemetery pricing annually and update Camas pricing as needed to reflect
market conditions.See Table 4 for current comparison.
•Develop marketing strategies for sales.
•Provide burial options not generally offered locally (green burial,web service)that may
provide a higher return.
•Promote and help with the creation of Friends of the Cemetery'for fund raising of capital
needs like niche walls and provide for volunteer recruitment and organization.
•Periodically review cost effectiveness and legality of providing additional services (grave
digging,tent set up,marker sales and installation,pet cemetery).
•Explore the possibility of using some of the undeveloped property for short or long-term
compatible uses that provide revenue.This could include projects like a pet cemetery or
water reservoir.
•Explore implementation of Cemetery District to secure separate funding source.
•Use Real Estate Excise Tax (REET)for qualifying capital improvements to reduce annual
general fund expenditures.Make sure qualifying projects are on the Capital Facilities
•Explore the viability of separation of Park functions from Cemetery functions in budget
•Purchase office trailer to eliminate lease payments with REET.•Develop In-City/Out-of -City rates.•Possible System Development Charge (SDC)concept to help with capital investments on
long term care charge.
City of Camas Cemetery Master Plan 2009 20
Below are a number of options to provide financing for Cemetery operations.
The City can continue to finance the operations through fees/sales and general fund supplements.
For the foreseeable future the general fund will have larger expenditure demands than revenue.
Cemetery operations will have to compete with other departments for this overburdened source.
Reliance on the general fund will provide uncertain and fluctuating support over the next few
years and will likely require additional cuts in service unless revenue can be increased to reduce
dependency on the general fund.
Increased revenue could come from raising fee and lot sales amounts.Price increases much
above the crowded local market could reduce lot sales (see price comparison).The cemetery
could try to create locally unique burial types that could carry a higher fee such as green burial or
specialty sections along the lines of the Garden of Faith that is currently sold out.The committee
discussed the possibility of a pet cemetery.It is currently understood that a pet cemetery is not
allowed in connection with the platted portion of the cemetery by State Law.Greater effort in
marketing the Cemetery could include web presence,advertising (yellow pages)as done by the
City of Vancouver and marketing directly to other funeral homes in the area with brochures and
incentives if allowed by law.In the past,the Association provided for marker sales and burial
services.Implementing this option would increase revenue for the cemetery but would require
the cemetery to staff,capitalize,retool,establish protocol,establish industry connections and
provide training for these services.We would also be required to compete as a municipality
against the current private sector suppliers who do not have upfront costs associated with startup.
As recommended in the goals section,the City should periodically analyze these or other
services as potential revenue sources.
Under RCW 68.52.090 citizens can establish a Cemetery District.The process requires a petition
signed by 15%of the registered voters within the designated boundary,a public hearing by
County Commissioners,publication and posting of the petition and public hearing,and an
election on the formation and first commissioners.If established,the tax levy is based on the
operating budget submitted to the County Treasurer.Due to the complexity of property tax
limitations and loss of local control,this does not seem to be a viable option at this time.
Explore the possibility of separating cemetery costs and park maintenance costs as it relates to
budget regulations.Since both budgets are general fund dependant,there is no net gain for the
general fund,but the Parks budget is much larger and can absorb general fund decreases with
less overall level of service impact to the cemetery.This allows the decrease to be spread over
the entire park system.The concept would be to separate the cemetery full-time employee duties
and assets to be included in the cemetery budget.This would include the office costs and all
duties that currently,or in the future,are associated with a fee and would include grave marking,
lot sales,interment,and customer service.The remaining duties related to grounds maintenance
(mowing,irrigation,fertilizer,weed control,landscape maintenance)would be allocated to the
parks budget.This allows a much more flexible approach to maintenance while very clearly
allocating the cost of cemetery services to incoming revenue.
The committee has discussed the possible formation of a Non-Profit status group “Friends of the
Cemetery”that would be modeled after existing non-profits,Friends of the Community Center,
Friends of the Library and Friends of the Downtown that was formed in 2009.Formation of this
group may help provide stability to a volunteer force and provide a place to make donations to
the Cemetery.The City should provide any assistance allowed by law to help in the formation of
this group.A citizen champion will have to step forward to help organize and promote the
concept along with the establishing the non-profit status.
•Nurture the development of a Friends of the Cemetery organization with non-profit
•Identify and promote specific capital projects that require fund raising.
•Maintain list of pre-approved volunteer or donation projects.
•Prominently honor and recognize volunteers and donors.
•Develop relationships with other organizations to consolidate services
•Annual cleanup volunteer day
Capital Improvement Plan
The Capital Improvement Plan (CEP)was developed (see appendix)with the assumption of
continuing with the current level of service and moderate sales growth.The number of burials
was estimated to grow at 2%per year,and inflation was assumed to be 3%throughout the
document.On the revenue side,lot sales were held at the current rate of 46 per year.With
marketing and general demand this may be a conservative estimate.The use of REET was
assumed for capital items that qualify.The use of REET will require Council approval for each
budget year.Table 6 highlights the capital investments anticipated in the next six years.
Table 6:Six year capital investment schedule
$5,500Miscellaneoussigns,advertising 2010-2015
Cemetery Master Plan 2009 24CityofCamas
A -Garden of Disciple .-??~Garden of Hope
B -Garden of Peace ~Garden of LoveS.-I
G ~Garden of Res:H ~Garden of Faith
D ~Garden of Friendship ;I ~Garden of Apostles
E ~Garden of Rernernbranee J ~Garden of Angels
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616-Northeast Fourth Avenue
TO.Box 1055
Camas,Washington 98607
PH:360-834 -6864 *F:360-634 -1:535
Date Published:Jainiarv 26,20 )0
To Whom It May Concern:
Please find enclosed a Determination of Non-significance (DNS)Non-Project Action for SEPAIO -02
City of Camas Cemetery Master Plan,that was issued pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Acl
(SEPA )Rules.Chapter J 97-11.Washington Administrative Code.The enclosed review comments
reflect evaluation of the environmental checklist by the lead agency as required by WAC 197-11-
330(1 )(aXi).
Copies of the proposed Cemetery Master Plan are available online at http:/,camas.wa,us
or at the Community Development Department at 616 NE 4lh Avenue,Camas,WA .
Written comments may be submitied on this determination within fourteen (14)days of its issuance,
February 9,2010.after which the DNS will be reconsidered in light of the comments received.
Please address all correspondence to:
City of Camas,SEPA Official
Community Development Department
616 NE Fourth Avenue /P.O.Box 1055
Camas,Washington 98607
If **»a«t
Parks &Recreation
360 -817*1562
Fire Public Works
360*817 *1560
360 -834 *2462 360*834 -2262 360-834 -4892
360 -834 -4151360-817 -1530
(Noil-project Action )
SEPA 10-02 -2010 City of Camas Cemetery Master PlanCASENO:
APPLICANT:City of Camas
Adopt a new Camas Cemetery Master Plan to provide a 20-year development
plan for the Camas Cemetery and develop a six year capital plan for inclusion
with the next GMA update .
Location :
630 NE Oak Street;Camas,WA
Legal Description:
Southeast quarter of Section 2,Township 1 North ,Range 3 East WM ,County tax parcel numbers:
91044019,91044000,90939000,91044020,91044313,90924003,and 91044017.
SEPA Determination :
Determination of Non -Significance.(Non -project Action )
Comment Deadline:
February 9 ,2010
As lead agency under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA )Rules [Chapter 197 -1 L Washington
Administrative Code (WAC)],the City of Camas must determine if there arc possible significant adverse
environmental impacts associated with this proposal .The options include the following:
DS -Determination of Significance (The impacts cannot be mitigated through conditions of
approval and ,therefore,requiring the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS ).
MDNS “Mitigated Determination of Non -Significance (The impacts can be addressed
through conditions of approval ),or:
DNS =Determination of Non -Significance (The impacts can be addressed by applying the
Camas Municipal Code).
Published :Post Record on January 26.Legal publication A
Posted :Camas Post Office ,City Hall ,Camas Library,&City of Camas web site at :
hPq>?/Ay \y \ .ufi/govent /pubiicnolicc.htni D..!*•r*.t -A.*cAnibi {
SEPA Environmental Checklist
Washington Administrative Code (WAC )197-11-060
Purpose of Checklist :
The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA },chapter 43.21C RCW,requires ali governmental agencies to consider
the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions.An environmental impact statement (EIS )must be
prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment.The purpose
of this checklist Is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to
reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal,if it can be done)and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is
Instructions for Applicants:
This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal.Governmental
agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant,requiring
preparation of an EIS .Answer the questions briefly,with the most precise information known,or give the best
description you can .
You must answer each question accurately and carefully,to the best of your knowledge.In most cases,you should
be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts,(f you
really do not know the answer or if a question does not apply to your proposal,write "do not know"or "does not apply".
Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later.
Some questions ask about governmental regulations,such as zoning,shoreline,and landmark designations.Answer
these questions If you can.If you have problems,the governmental agencies can assist you.
The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal,even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on
different parcels of land.Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental
effects.The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional
information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact .
Use of checklist for non-project proposals ;
Complete this checklist for non-project proposals,even though questions may be answered "does not apply".IN
For non-project actions,the references in the checklist to the words "project","applicant",and "property or site"should
be read as "proposal","proposer",and "affected geographic area",respectively .
1 Name of proposed project,if applicable:
2010 City of Camas Cemetery Master Plan
2 .Name of applicant:
City of Camas
3.Address and telephone number of applicant and contact person:
Applicant:City of Camas
616 NE 4 th Avenue
P.O.Box 1055
Camas ,WA 98607
(360 )817-1562
Contact Person :Phil Bourquin,Director
Community Development Department
5 OF <4-r.v ^-
b.What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)?
The steepest slope on the east property line is well over 40%.
c.What general types of soils are found on the site (for example,clay,sand,gravel,peat,muck)?If you know the
classification of agricultural soils,specify them and note any prime farmland.
The US Soil Conservation Service survey of Clark County shows a number of soils series in the Camas
area.The area northeast of Lacamas Lake contains approximately 330 acres in agricultural use.
d.Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity?If so,describe .
There are areas of potentially unstable soils within the City Limits.This Master Plan would have no
affect on soils.
e.Describe the purpose,type,and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed,indicate source of fill.
The adoption of the Master Plan would not directly result in filling or grading.
f .Could erosion occur as a result of clearing,construction,or use?if so,generally describe.
g.About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example,
asphalt or buildings)?
h.Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion,or other impacts to the earth,if any:
N /A
a.What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e.,dust,automobile,odors,and industrial
wood smoke)during construction and when the project is completed?If any,generally describe and give
approximate quantities,if known.
b.Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal?If so,generally describe.
c.Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air,if any:
I)Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and
seasonal streams,saltwater,lakes,ponds,wetlands)?If yes,describe type and provide names ,If appropriate,
state what stream or river it flows into.
The site is located just west of Lacamas Creek that drains into the Washougal River and Columbia
2)Will the project require any work over,in,or adjacent to (within 200 feet)the described waters?If yes,
please describe and attach available plans.
7 OF Hpm
X other types of vegetation
b.What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered?
HI A .
c .List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site,
d.Proposed landscaping,use of native plants,or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site,if
5 .Animals
a.Underline any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the
mammals:deer,bear,elk ,beaver,raccoon,possum
b.List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site.
Five salmonoid species -Fall Chinook,Chum and Coho salmon,Summer and Winter steelhead,and
Bull trout -are present within Lacamas Creek,the Washougal River and the Columbia River within the
community.Bald eagles have been known to be along the Lacamas Lake/Lacamas Creek corridor and
the Columbia River.
c .Is the site part of a migration route?if so,explain.
Portions of the City are within the Pacific Flyway,which is used by migratory waterfowl species.
d.Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife,if any:
6.Energy and Natural Resources
a.What kinds of energy (electric,natural gas,oil,wood stove,solar)will be used to meet the completed project's
energy needs?Describe whether it will be used for heating,manufacturing,etc.
b .Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties?If so,generally describe.
c.What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal?List other proposed
measures to reduce or control energy impacts,if any.
N /A
7.Environmental Health
a.Are there any environmental health hazards,including exposure to toxic chemicals,risk of fire and explosion,
spill or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal?If so,describe.
The proposed Master Plan will not result in any environmental health hazards.
4)Zk ;^r-i...v—Atur
One full time FTE is on site and currently approximately 6000 burials
Approximately how many people would the completed project displace?
The proposed Master Plan will not displace any people.J '
k.Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts,if any:
Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans,if any:
a.Approximately how many units would be provided,if any?Indicate whether high,middle or low-income housing.
b.Approximately how many units,if any,would be eliminated?Indicate whether high,middle,or low-income
c.Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts,if any:
a.What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s),not including antennas;what is the principal exterior
building material(s)proposed?
b.What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed?
c.Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts,if any:
11.Light and Glare
a.What type of light or glare will the proposal produce?What time of day would it mainly occur?
b.Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views?
c.What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal?
d.Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts,if any:
a.What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity?
-'S t .i—*i
e.Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of)water,rail or air transportation?If so,generally
How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project?if known,indicate when peak
volumes would occur.f.
g.Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts,if any:
15.Public Services
a.Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example:fire protection,police protection,
health care ,schools,other)?If so,generally describe.
Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services,if any:
a.Underline utilities currently available at the site:electricity,natural gas,water,refuse service,teleghone,sanitary
sewer,septic system,other.
b.Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project,the utility providing the seivice and the general
construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity,which might be needed.
No utilities are proposed.
The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.I understand that the lead agency is
relying on theipJtg make its decision.
iC .(i/\2J 2JO\Otc.v s OA Date Submitted:Signature:
,vhWvv MAvi
(Do not use this sheet for project actions )
Because these questions are very general,it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of elements of
the environment.When answering these questions,be aware of the extent of the proposal,or the types of activities
likely to result from the proposal.Would these affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the
proposal were not implemented?Respond briefly and in general terms.
City of Camas*W /V
September 6,2009
Ref:City of Camas Draft of Cemeteiy Master Plan
Thank you for letting me review the plan.It was very well researched and is very well written.I
Would like too compliment the City on the veiy creditable job that they have done in maintaining
the cemetery ground’s.The replacement of the old office building and the trimming of the
hedge,has greatly improved the appearance of the grounds of the operational facility.
Concerning the sale of the two acres and the location of the water reservoir on it,I can certainly
see the benefit of the additional income to help operate the cemetery.The downside of this in
addition to the loss of the property would of course would be the additional traffic associated
with the reservoir and the noise and disruption to the peace and dignity of the cemetery
environment and burial services.
The financial results from the past two years have proved out that the cemetery is not able to
support itself from the sale of property alone.It would greatly help if the city would resume the
practice of doing the burials and the setting of the maker stones.There is also income to be made
from marker sales and the selling of the benches and cremain urns.These activities and sales are
very profitable and greatly help in supporting the cemeteiy and as the contractors doing the work
and supplying the markers and urns are from out of town there should be little conflict and few
Another option is of course the “Cemetery Tax”which has been considered in the past but has
not had much support from the city or the taxpayers.
A less desirable way to reduce cemetery operating cost would be too contract out the grounds
keeping to an individual person with the city performing the burial and grave marker setting
activities.One last thing that I would like to mention and you may already be aware of,is that the
section in which the “Johnson Niche and Remembrance Wall “is located,was to include two to
three more niche walls,with the area west in that same section dedicated to an “Ash Scatter
Garden”and four by four foot square cremains burial plots.I would be glad to go over this plan
should an interest arise.
Thanks again for letting me review the “Cemetery Master Plan Draft”and allowing me to make a
few comments.If I can be of any help in the future,just let me know.
David Sajjipson
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Page 1 of 1
Eric Levison -Fwd:Cemetery Plan information
From:Jan Coppola
Eric Levison
Date:1/28/2010 8:14 AM
Subject:Fwd:Cemetery Plan information
Linda Dietzman
Iam forwarding Linda Dietzman's comments on the Cemetery Plan to you.
Jan Coppola
Community Development
»>On 1/27/2010 at 6:55 PM,in message <>,<>
I read through the Cemetery plan.
Item 5a,under animals—eagles needs to be underlined (it states that they are in the area under 5b)
Item 8c:would the wording be more clear as
an historical mausoleum,an office building and a maintenance shed (I think it would be more clear that it is
not one building...and historical needs an rather than a)
8h:should be City’s (not Cities)and capital C on Critical Lands
Linder City of Camas Cemetery Exec.Summary
2nd line -last word should be quiet not quite
8 Current Operations
line 3,needs a space between the word -and adminsters
8i this just sounds a little odd-i think it would be more clear as two sentences.One FTE.There are
approximately 6000 burials.
Page 13 under Burial capacity
Line 3 outselling should be one word
Hope this is helpful
Let me know if you agree.
Linda Dietzman
Camas City Council
PH3 £3 OF 3
file://C:\Documents and Settings\elevison\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4B61474EMA...1/28/2010
Minutes to be approved 02/25/09
Parks &Recreation Commission
7:00 P.M.
January 28,2009
CALL TO ORDER:Brent Erickson,Chair
Present:Eunice Abrahamsen,Walt Eby,Scott Jonason,Steve Lorenz and
Mark Nickerson
Absent:Juli Bradley and Melissa Smith
Staff Present:Jerry Acheson,Eric Levison and Susan Newlove
Public:Cheri Martin and Nelson Holmberg
A motion was made by Jonason,seconded by Lorenz,and carried unanimously that
minutes of the general meeting of December 10,2008,be approved as written.
The Executive Director of the Parks Foundation,Cheri Martin,introduced herself,and
board member and Chair of the Marketing Committee,Nelson Holmberg.Martin stated
that they were here to report to the commission on the Strategic planning process of the
Foundation.She added that they are the Parks Foundation for all of Clark County.
Holmberg stated that the strategic process is a 6-month process and the primary goal of
the Foundation is to raise funds for parks,trails and recreation programs across Clark
County.He stated that cities and counties with well-funded,vibrant parks tend to be
more livable and healthier communities.
Martin stated that members,donors,granting organizations and community partners all
contribute to the Foundation.The Foundation works with the cities of Clark County and
the purpose of their presentation is to ensure that the City of Camas knows the
Foundation is here to help.She noted that the Foundation’s success is dependent upon
many issues,including aligning values with the cities of Clark county,encouraging
healthy communities,implementing a grant process open to cities to apply,ethical gift
acceptance policies,creative partnerships,responsibility to recipients of grants and donor
Holmberg stated that anyone is eligible to support the Foundation through personal
memberships.In response to Levison’s question regarding the fimding gap for 2008 and
2009,Martin answered that both operations and maintenance are involved.In response
to Nickerson’s questions regarding supervision of volunteers,Martin stated that the
n /1
Board member Burt Duncan.Jonason suggested outsourcing through local funeral homes
and Levison agreed that outsourcing is something to consider.
The Commission decided to have separate meetings for Cemetery issues outside of the
Parks Board meetings.
A motion was made by Eby,seconded by Lorenz,and carried unanimously to elect Brent
Erickson as Chairmen of the board for 2009.
A motion was made by Lorenz,seconded by Jonason,and carried unanimously to elect
Mark Nickerson as Vice President to the Chair for 2009.
Camas Community Center:The parking lot bumpers have been installed.
Benton Park:A bid has been awarded.
Moose Lodge Trail:A trail segment has been completed from Heritage Park to Lake
Prune Hill Sports Park:The bathroom is approximately 25%completed .
Boat Rental Concept:This will be presented at a Council workshop on February 2nd.
Verizon:Is interested in the Prune Hill Sports Park location again and will give a
presentation to the Commission at the February meeting.
Community Center:Eby stated that last summer the process of developing a committee
was started to establish a fundraising approach.Everything is currently on hold.It is still
in development,although at a slower pace.
Cemetery brochures:Abrahamsen stated that the publication at the cemetery has been
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday,February 25,2009 at 7:00 p.m.
;!'-V-|i 3!]jT*j /
more towards cremation,then that would increase the capacity.Burt Duncan cited that
cremation is at 70%statewide.Erickson mentioned the importance of establishing a
placement for more niche walls with the increase in cremation.
Levison stated that the intent is for all the land to be used for cemetery and park
reflections.Smith mentioned that if the land is not going to be used for cemetery
purposes,it should stay within the park realm.Levison brought up the option of using
some of the land as a reservoir site.Eby pointed out the importance of maintaining the
history of the cemetery.Jonason stated that the Board shouldn’t exclude another
appropriate use of the land.Ele added that the scope should be that of a 30-year plan with
existing properties belonging to cemetery and parks having the right to bring in
appropriate accessory uses to the cemetery.
Smith suggested using some of the land for a pet cemetery.Levison stated that pet
cemeteries are not allowed in Washington within human cemetery boundaries.Bradley
suggested selling an acre to set aside for pet cemeteries.Duncan stated that pet
cemeteries are not permitted because of religious reasons and the Washington State
Cemetery Board is currently working on what kind of separation is acceptable.In
response to Smith’s question,Duncan stated that the Camas Cemetery is non-
Levison stated that the consensus is that all of the property should be used for general
cemetery purposes,with some flexibility for the appropriate boards and councils to allow
for appropriate uses within the Master Plan concept.
Erickson mentioned that he would like Scout Projects to be of quality.Levison stated
that having a list of immediate projects by volunteer help is more efficient than putting
volunteers through a long process,especially during a time of economic hardship when
volunteer help is even more appreciated.Abrahamsen mentioned the possibility of a
volunteer coordinator and Levison agreed that it’s a great idea.
Smith suggested a trip to the cemetery during the next meeting to better visualize.
Lorenz requested that Levison keep the Board updated on facility maintenance at the
Cemetery.Eby and Bradley mentioned the idea of having a special plaza available to the
public for a nice service.
Levison reviewed the table of contents.Levison mentioned that Abrahamsen and
Virginia Warren are working on the history of the Cemetery.Smith suggested working
with Beth Cross who has a website devoted to the Camas Cemetery.
In regards to the section on National /Regional trends,Levison stated that he contacted the
Cemetery Association and plans to attend a conference in the fall.He recommended
joining the Association as a good resource because so many other cemeteries are
Minutes to be approved 05/19/09
Cemetery Master Plan
Special Meeting
5 :00 P.M .
April 14,2009
Eunice Abrahamsen,Juli Bradley,Walter Eby and Steve LorenzPresent:
Brent Erickson,Scott Jonason,Mark Nickerson and Melissa SmithAbsent:
Jim Gant,Eric Levison,Susan Newlove and Ed SenchynaStaffPresent:
Nick Brown ,Beth Cross,Dick Edmundson ,Will ZalpysPublic:
Levison distributed a map of the Cemetery and stated that the intent of the Special
Meetings is to have a Master Plan for the next 20 years which covers both current and
long-term issues.
In response to Bradley’s question regarding the beginning of the burial process,Nick
Brown stated that it is common for families to purchase plots prior to the death of a loved
one.They contact the City’s Finance Department and schedule a time to attend the
Cemetery.Levison stated that they knew how to maintain the grounds and could provide
permits to vault companies when the City took control of the Cemetery,with all other
arrangements being made through local Funeral Elomes.
In response to Bradley’s question regarding types of services,Senchyna stated that there
is a wide range of services and he added that cremains are sometimes mailed to City Hall
and there is no service at all .Brown stated that families dictate what they want in a
service .He mentioned the importance of having a tranquil area and stated that Camas
Cemetery already has this advantage.He also mentioned the importance of parking.
In response to Senchyna’s observation about the full Niche Wall,Abrahamsen stated that
there is a need for more Niche Walls with the increase in cremation.Levison commented
on maintaining the current Niche Wall and Brown stated that the newer Niche walls are
easier to maintain.Levison stated that the placement of the uprights make them
maintenance friendly.Brown acknowledged that the uprights may be personalized as
needed and added that the granite uprights are the easiest to maintain .Levison suggested
having volunteers revitalize the damaged grave stones.Levison stated that a minimal
marker with name and date is available if fees are not paid.
In response to Bradley’s question regarding changes that need to be made,Brown stated
that since the City took over the Cemetery,many of the changes needed have been made .
He mentioned that he no longer receives complaints the day after Memorial Day
regarding the brown grass and remarked on what a great job the City is doing.
7 OF 3tePAGE 1
Cemetery Master Plan
Special Meeting
5:00 P.M.
May 19,2009
Eunice Abrahamsen,Brent Erickson,Scott Jonason,Steve Lorenz,
Mark Nickerson and Melissa Smith
Juli Bradley and Walter EbyExcused:
Eric Levison and Susan NewloveStaffPresent:
Levison requested a general consensus of the items listed on the agenda.He added that
he would like the Cemetery board to meet next at a Parks Commission meeting as soon as
a significant draft of the Master Plan is done.
Levison stated that there is no need for further development on the existing vacant burial
plots for the 20 year plan.He added that there is a deficit of existing niche plots and
building new niche walls is something to consider for the 6 year plan and definitely
within the 20 year plan.
Erickson stated that the effect Green Burials will have cost-wise and environmentally
should be examined.In response to Jonason’s question regarding the level of interest in
Green Burials,Levison stated that Brown’s Funeral Home noted that there is definitely an
interest.Levison suggested an area that might be appropriate for Green Burials.In
response to Erickson’s concern regarding the proximity to Lacamas Creek,Levison stated
that he spoke with the chair of the Green Institute and there shouldn’t be any issues.
Levison suggested identifying an appropriate area now and examining policies on
implementing green burials when the market matures.
Nickerson suggested combining the Green Burial area with the Scatter Garden area.
Levison stated that Washougal has a rose garden in their Scatter Garden area and he
proposed combining the Niche areas by having a Scatter Garden woven into a couple of
the Niche Walls.Erickson recommended starting out with a fairly small scatter garden
area and increasing the space later.
Levison stated that the office space and security is adequate so there is no need to add
that into the Capital Plan.The City will maintain the current operational model of lot
sales,marking and facility maintenance with the grave markers while the private sector
will be responsible for the burials.Levison stated that the City could explore the
possibility of becoming a profit center.
to assist the City workers during that weekend.Levison stated that it is a busy weekend
and volunteers are always welcome.
Levison claimed he would like to get a draft together in the next two months and he will
be open to meeting at Parks Commission meetings to go over comments and further
discussion.The Board thanked Levison for doing a great job with the Cemetery Master
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
FM2E //OF 3
replaced at this time.The mats will need to be replaced next summer.The chlorine
system and heater worked great.Hansen hopes to paint several needed areas of the pool
with a combination of staff and volunteers.
Lorenz stated that Hansen has made amazing financial increases over the past few years
and he remarked that it is really impressive and congratulated her.Hansen stated that
they continue to have a highly regarded swim program.The Commissioners thanked
Hansen for all of her hard work.
Hansen introduced Daniel Lee.Lee stated that he would like to do a fundraiser for the
Camas pool for his senior project.He suggested having children paint fish at the pool for
a fee.He stated that they are planning to do the fundraiser on March 20,2010 from 10
am to 4 pm.Lee spoke with principals at elementary schools and volunteered to pass out
flyers to the students.
Smith stated that it is a great idea and requested that they have templates created for the
fish.Lee agreed and said that he has contacted someone in the Art Department at school.
Hansen stated that they have quite a bit of surface area to paint on and she suggested that
they would have a year “warranty”on the paintings.
A motion was made by Lorenz,seconded by Jonason,and carried to accept Daniel Lee’s
proposal for fish painting at the pool.
Levison introduced senior grounds maintenance worker Ed Senchyna,whose primary
responsibility is the maintainence of the Camas Cemetery.Levison stated that he
compiled notes from the last three meetings ,removing the executive summary and
conclusion of the Master Plan.He asked for guidance from the Commission on the
executive summary and the conclusion of the Master Plan.
Abrahamsen stated that this Master plan is tremendous and the City has done a fantastic
job with the cemetery.She pointed out some minor corrections to be made on pages 13,
16 and 17.Abrahamsen mentioned headstone cleaning and she hopes to have
information on this for the cemetery tour in July as an educational additive.
Lorenz suggested having an annual cleaning day at the Cemetery.Jonason suggested that
Abrahamsen involve the Friends of the Cemetery to come up with a set date every year.
Levison stated that on the Volunteer page of the Master Plan,one of the bullet points
could be Annual Volunteer Clean Up Day.
Levison stated that he would like the Board to think about the executive summary and
the conclusion between now and the next meeting.Lorenz questioned the request to look
into acreage use for a reservoir.Levison stated that it was discussed to leave
opportunities open for land use and that is the direction of the executive summary.Eby
stated that he is not ready to commit the acreage to the reservoir at this time and Levison
PAGE /3 OF 3 b 2
by Nickerson,and carried to adopt Senchyna’s request for the containers to be sold at the
Camas Pool -Bradley suggested having businesses sponsor a day at the pool.Acheson
stated that it is being looked in to for Sundays when the pool is closed.The issues that
came up were weather and staffing.Bradley recommended having a flexible schedule.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday,December 9th at 7:00 p.m.
30’BHSE /5 OF 4
added that Spokane County has a niche wall for both owner and pet.Abrahamsen stated
that the pet cemetery is an excellent source of revenue because people are so attached to
their pets.
Bradley suggested some corrections be made on pages 7 and 12 of the Master Plan.
Erickson questioned the headstone cleaning requirements on page 7 and Smith suggested
having a requirement that the maintenance of the headstones be up to current City
Abrahamsen questioned the Capital Investment schedule on table 6 and Levison stated
that there’s a lot of development to be done with the database.Smith pointed out a
correction to be made on page 20.
In response to Abrahamsen’s concern regarding naming the gardens,Levison stated that
the Board can take action to amend to have them named.
Levison stated that the map provides a potential layout.Abrahamsen stated that having
sufficient parking is important.Levison stated that he can reflect parking in the 6-year
plan and make parking a capital priority.Smith suggested a gravel parking lot and
Levison stated that the parking lot would be ideal to complete prior to the new
stormwater treatment policies going into effect.
Levison stated that the top two capital projects are buying the trailer and getting a new
niche wall in 2011.He added that they need to make a formal motion to move the Master
Plan out to public comment at tonight’s Parks and Recreation Commission meeting.
Abrahamsen questioned the process of feedback once the Master Plan goes out for public
comment.Levison stated that the comments will go to City staff and will then be
submitted to the Board.At that time the Board decides whether or not to incorporate
them into the Master Plan and forward to Council for approval.
The meeting adjourned at 6 :30 p.m.
meE /7 OF 3.U 2
A motion was made by Lorenz,seconded by Bradley,and carried to vote Brent Erickson
as Chair and Mark Nickerson as Vice-Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission for
Dog Park -The proposed project application has been filed with BPA.They have
indicated that the process could take several months.
Louis Bloch Park -Troy Hull representing Lacamas Little League stated that they
would like to utilize the field at Louis Bloch Park since Babe Ruth has limited their use
of the field.Hull requested that Acheson please contact Babe Ruth to help with this
Cemetery Master Plan -A motion was made by Bradley,seconded by Eby,and carried
to present the Cemetery Master Plan to the public based on changes made at the
Cemetery board meeting on December 9 ,2009.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday,January 27th at 7:00 p.m.
...30 2msE
Minutes to be approved on 03/24/10
Parks &Recreation Commission
7:00 P.M.
February 24,2010
CALL TO ORDER:Brent Erickson,Chair
Eunice Abrahamsen,Juli Bradley,Walt Eby,Scott Jonason,Steve
Lorenz,Mark Nickerson and Melissa Smith
Jerry Acheson,Eric Levison and Susan NewloveStaffPresent:
Jason Linse,Jeff Ganter,Liz Miller and Rick ParkerPublic:
A motion was made by Eby,seconded by Lorenz,and carried that minutes of the general
meeting of January 27,2010,be approved as written.
Eric Levison stated that he is asking the Commission to move the Cemetery Master Plan
to Council for a final adoption.Members of the Commission suggested a few
grammatical corrections and minor additions/changes to be made to the Master Plan.In
response to Eby’s question regarding the rates on page 15,Levison agreed and stated that
they do a rate review annually.
A motion was made by Jonason,seconded by Lorenz,and carried unanimously to
acknowledge the changes to the Cemetery Master Plan and to move forward as amended.
Jerry Acheson stated that the latest version of the Community Center Policy includes the
two-tiered Fee Structure,which was discussed at the last Commission meeting.In
response to Jonason’s question regarding serving alcohol at the Community Center,
Acheson stated that the option of serving alcohol is not being revoked.Nickerson
suggested a change of wording to the policy to state that individuals must “stop serving
alcohol one hour prior to closing”.
A motion was made by Jonason,seconded by Eby,and carried to adopt the new fee
structure and proposed guidelines for alcoholic beverages at the Camas Community
CDBG Project-The Community Center ramp estimates came in under the engineer’s
estimate and,if accepted,will be scheduled to start the first week of April.
PAGE £/OF 3 0 l
Monday,January 4,2010
Camas City Hall
616 NE 4th Avenue
4:30 p.m.
•Update Regarding Trailers Parked on City Streets
•Adult Entertainment -Schedule Hearing Date for January 19,2010
•Wastewater Treatment Plant Bid Update
•Cemetery Master Plan
•Stormwater Ordinance Draft
•Miscellaneous,Administration,Scheduling and Updates
U "\iv.T
23 OF Slu1FASE
Lackey stated that staff is proposing that a simple permit system be developed to manage
those trailers that need to be on the streets.This permit system would allow for tracking and
would limit the number of days in any calendar year that someone could park their trailer on
the street.Lackey explained the proposed permit system.Lackey added that the penalty for
violating the code would be comparable to that of a parking infraction.Discussion ensued.
Dietzman and Higgins stated that they would like to see a grace period prior to requiring a
permit incorporated into the ordinance.They discussed the value of allowing a 24 hour grace
period so trailer owners could bring them to their homes to load prior to a trip,or unload after
a trip.Lackey said he would modify the draft ordinance to include that provision.
Lackey responded to questions from Council.
Council concurred that a restrictive ordinance is the correct path forward and that they would
like time to review the proposal.
This matter will be brought back to Council for further review at the January 19th Workshop.
Adult Entertainment -Schedule Hearing Date for January 19.2010:
Phil Bourquin,Community Development Director,stated that due to the content of the
January 19th Council Meeting staff recommends setting a hearing regarding adult
entertainment for February 1,2010.Bourquin gave a brief overview of the work performed
by the committee on this matter and added that background information will soon be
distributed to Council.
Mayor asked and Bourquin responded that information regarding this matter has been posted
to the City’s website.
Bourquin responded to questions from Council.
Bourquin reported that the City received a 10%annexation petition from GM Camas and that
this matter will need to be scheduled for a hearing.The property in question is west of
Goodwin Road and south of Ingle Road.Bourquin added that this property is now part of the
Urban Growth Boundary.Bourqin remarked that this matter will be coming before Council
for discussion at the February 1st Council Meeting.Bourqin noted that no formal action will
be taken at that time.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Bid Update:
Monte Brachmann,Public Works Director,distributed a letter from the City’s consulting
engineer,Gray &Osborne,Inc.Brachmann reviewed the main elements of the letter and
stated that the consultant’s recommendation is to award the Wastewater Treatment Plant
Improvements bid to the low bidder,McClure &Sons,Inc.Brachmann noted that staff will
be contacting the contractor to discuss how they will proceed with the project.The bid
award will be placed on the February 1st or February 16th consent agenda for Council’s
2 30PAGE^5 OF
February 1st;complete Camas Design Standards Manual by March 31st;Council review and
adoption of the manual at one of the April Council meetings.
In response to Gerde’s inquiry ,Brachmann,Levison and Golemo explained the variances
between the draft ordinance and the ordinances from the cities of Battle Ground and
Vancouver,and from Clark County.Brachmann noted that Assistant City Attorney Shawn
MacPherson has reviewed the proposed draft.Discussion ensued.
Mayor asked and Brachmann responded that he would touch base with the Builders Industry
Association and Georgia Pacific to see if they have any opposition to the draft ordinance.
Hogan inquired and Brachmann and Levison explained the process that a developer will
follow to design a project prior to the adoption of the updated design standards manual.
Mayor asked if the City is taking a more regional approach to stormwater.Brachmann
responded that the regional option is available and encouraged,but there has not been any
design work or studies performed to point the City in that direction.Discussion ensued
regarding a regional approach to stormwater.
Chaney stated that he was impressed with the level of confidence displayed by the committee
members and staff.He thanked them and Brachmann for their dedication and hard work on
this complex subject.
Brachmann stated a committee will need to be assembled to work on the technical part of the
design standards manual and asked whether or not Council would like to appoint a
committee.Mayor asked Brachmann to check with the standing committee to see if they
would be willing to assist.
Miscellaneous.Administration.Scheduling and Updates:
Brachmann reported that a contract for the $240,000 grant for the Lake Road Bike Project
will be placed on the January 19th Consent Agenda for Council’s consideration.
Brachmann stated a change order for the Washougal River Trail Project will be on the
January 19th Consent Agenda for Council’s consideration.Brachmann explained the purpose
of the change order.
Brachmann remarked that the 2010 Annual Salaiy Resolutions will be on the Council
Meeting Agenda for January 19,2010,for Council’s consideration.Brachmann added that
there will also be a resolution on the January 19th agenda for Council to consider that would
change the Human Resources Manager title to Human Resources Director.Brachmann noted
that the new title better reflects what the position is and there is no change to the pay range.
Brachmann reminded the group that the deadline for topics for the January 22nd and 23rd
Planning Conference is Friday,January 15,2010.
Hogan stated that due to the New Years’holiday that a Second Friday event will be taking
place in downtown Camas on January 8th.
fI—-rr !'!“C/,14
FMsE ^7 OF
MONDAY.MARCH 15.2010 7:00 P.M.
Roll call of Council members.
a.Approve minutes of the march 1,2010,Camas City Council MeetingandtheworksessionminutesofMarch1,2010.
b.Approve claim checks as approved by the Finance Committee.c.Authorize Mayor to sign HVAC preventative maintenance contracts with
Control Contractors for the following locations and annual prices;libraryintheamountoffourthousand,three hundred dollars ($4,300),policedepartmentintheamountoftwothousand,two hundred eighty-five
dollars ($2,285),operations and wastewater treatment plant in the
amount of two thousand,seven hundred fifty dollars ($2,750).d.Authorize Mayor to sign a contract modification regarding the 2009
CDBG contract for the Camas Community Center Mobility
Improvement Project.
e.Authorize Mayor to sign a professional service agreement with FirstServicePGPValuationforanappraisal.
f.Authorize Mayor to sign a professional service agreement with The
Resource Company for 2010 wetland mitigation monitoring reports forGrassValleyParknottoexceedtwothousand,three hundred seventy-five dollars ($2,375).
g.Authorize Mayor to sign an interagency agreement to participate in aprogramfor“Citizen Involvement in the Protection and Maintenance ofStormwaterFacilitiesGrant”.
h.Authorize Pay Estimate #4 for Project P-836;Goot Park CDBGImprovementstoMichaelGreenConstruction,Inc.,in the amount ofthirtyfivethousand,nine hundred eighty-three dollars and eighty-threecents($35,983.83).
i.Authorize Bid Award for Project WS-664A;Well #14 Improvements,Schedule “B”only,to the low bidder RC Northwest,Inc.,in the amountofonehundredninety-one thousand,five hundred fifty-one dollars andeighty-seven cents ($191,551.87).
j.Authorize Release of Retainage for Project WS-671;2008 STEP/STEFTankPumpingtoAAASepticServices,LLC in the amount of threethousand,three hundred thirteen dollars and twenty cent s ($3,313,20).
NOTE:Any item on the consent agenda may be removed fromtheconsentagendaforgeneraldiscussionoraction.
^(Dip 3 CP—»»-i..-—---I r .'»V
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Staff Report
TO:Mayor,Council and City Administrator
FROM:Eric Levison
DATE:February 26,2010
RE:2009 Cemetery Master Plan
Attached is the Final Draft of the 2009 City of Camas Cemetery Master
Plan.This document represents a yearlong effort by the Parks and
Recreation Board along with staff to plan for the needs of the Camas
Cemetery for the next twenty years.The plan has gone through a thirty day
public comment period and a fourteen day SEPA review.Comments
received are attached as Appendix “E”.
On February 24,2010 the Parks Board approved a motion to recommend
approval by City Council
A Public Hearing is scheduled for March 15,2010.A Resolution adopting
the 2009 Cemetery Master Plan will be prepared for Council action after the
Public Hearing
Staff is requesting that after discussion and the Public Hearing,Council
adopt the 2009 Cemetery Master Plan by Resolution.
3 i OF 3(s-r.o~
i /"w ,_
f.Authorize Mayor to sign a professional service agreement with The Resource
Company for 2010 wetland mitigation monitoring reports for Grass Valley
Park not to exceed two thousand,three hundred seventy-five dollars ($2,375).
g.Authorize Mayor to sign an interagency agreement to participate in a program
for “Citizen Involvement in the Protection and Maintenance of Stormwater
Facilities Grant”.
h.Authorize Pay Estimate #4 for Project P-836;Goot Park CDBG Improvements
to Michael Green Construction,Inc.,in the amount of thirty five thousand,
nine hundred eighty-three dollars and eighty-three cents ($35,983.83).
i.Authorize Bid Award for Project WS-664A;Well #14 Improvements,
Schedule “B”only,to the low bidder RC Northwest,Inc.,in the amount of one
hundred ninety-one thousand,five hundred fifty-one dollars and eighty-seven
cents ($191,551.87).
j.Authorize Release of Retainage for Project WS-671;2008 STEP/STEF Tank
Pumping to AAA Septic Services,LLC in the amount of three thousand ,three
hundred thirteen dollars and twenty cent s ($3,313,20).
k.Authorize Bid Award for Project P-837;2009 Community Center CDBG
Improvements (rebid )to the low bidder Zink Commercial Contractors,Inc.,in
the amount of eighty-four thousand ,nine hundred four dollars and fifty-four
cents ($84,904.54),contingent upon CDBG approval.
l.Authorize Pay Estimate #2-Final for Project WS-688;2009 Parker STEP
Sewer Valve Removal to Haag &Shaw,Inc.,in the amount of fifty-seven
thousand,thirty dollars and thirty-two cents ($57,030.32)and accept project as
m.Authorize Pay Estimate #5 for Project P-820;Washougal River Trail to Tapani
Underground,Inc.,in the amount of twenty-five thousand ,seven hundred six
dollars and ninety-eight cents ($25,706.98).
Mayor Sean Guard from the City of Washougal thanked Mayor,
Council and the City of Camas for the outpouring of support shown
towards the City of Washougal during the past several months.
Mayor Guard read a letter of appreciation which he then gave to
Mayor Dennis.Mayor Guard especially thanked Council for
allowing Camas City Administrator Lloyd Halverson to assist them
for a seven week period.Mayor Guard presented Halverson with a
“Washougal Gold Medal”recognizing him for his outstanding and
exemplary service to the City of Washougal.
Monte Brachmann,Public Works Director,recognized Jim Hodges,
Project Manager,for his 20 years of service to the City.Brachmann
presented Hodges with a 20-year tenure pin and also recognized
Hodges’family members in the audience.
Brachman recognized Eric Levison,Public Works Operations
Manager,for his 25 years of service to the City.Brachmann
2 SK 33 3(sOF
Development Agreement.Printz added that this is a huge
accomplishment due to the amount of work and number of parties
Mayor closed the public hearing at 7:20 there was no further
public testimony.
Resolution No.1177 -
Approving the
Addendum to Pre-It was moved by Dietzman,seconded by Hogan that Resolution No.
1177 be read by title only.The motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Dietzman,seconded by Hogan that Resolution
No 1177 approving the Addendum to the Pre-Annexation
Development Agreement between the City of Camas and Grass
Valley Holdings LLC,APC Sunrise Summit LLC,Skola LLC,
Matthew Robert Lugliani and David Robert Lugliani,Trustees of the
Lugliani Life Insurance Trust,Eiford Properties LLC and Fisher
Creek Campus LLC amending the Pre-Annexation Development
Agreement dated effective January 8,2008,be adopted.The motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor and Higgins thanked staff for all of their work on this
Public Hearing -2009 Brachmann recognized Levison for drafting the 2009 City of Camas
City of Camas Cemetery Cemetery Master Plan.He noted that drafting the master plan in
house resulted in a cost savings to the City.Brachmann stated the
purpose for the public hearing and noted that the plan has been
reviewed by the Parks Board.
Master Plan:
Mayor asked and there were no questions.
Mayor opened the public hearing at 7:24 p.m.
Gerde inquired and Levison responded that the plan before Council
for consideration includes revisions that were recommended by
Mayor closed the public hearing at 7:25 there was no further
Resolution No.1175 -
Adopting a Cemetery
Master Plan:
It was moved by Gerde,seconded by Smith that Resolution No.1175
be read by title only.The motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Gerde,seconded by Smith that Resolution No 1175
4 33.3 if-A:
A RESOLUTION adopting a Cemetery Master Plan for the
operation of the Camas Cemetery.
WHEREAS,the City Council created a committee to prepare a Master Plan for the
operation of the Camas Cemetery,and
WHEREAS,with the assistance of staff,the committee has proposed a Plan which
provides for the maintenance,capital improvement and infrastructure needs,long range planning,
and financial and administrati ve operations of the cemetery,and
WHEREAS,the Council desires to adopt said Master Plan,
CAMAS that that document entitled "City of Camas Cemetery Master Plan 2009"be,and the
same is hereby adopted as the Master Plan for the operation of the City of Camas Cemetery.
REGULAR MEETING this day of ,2010.
APPROVED as to form:
City Attorney