A RESOLUTION adopting by reference that certain document
entitled “North Dwyer Creek Master Plan”as a subarea plan under
RCW 36.70A.080(2).
WHEREAS,in September of 1997,the City annexed approximately 675 acres known as
the North Dwyer Creek area,and
WHEREAS,the North Dwyer Creek property is generally bounded by NW Lake Road,
NW Friberg Street,NE Goodwin and Lacamas Creek,and
WHEREAS,the City formed a citizen advisory committee and retained David Evans and
Associates as a consultant to develop a master plan for the North Dwyer Creek area,and
WHEREAS,the citizens advisory committee engaged in a two-year process of
conducting public meetings and considering a range of land use alternatives for the North Dwyer
Creek area,and
WHEREAS,the citizens advisory committee has formulated a master plan for the North
Dwyer Creek area,and
WHEREAS,the City has heretofore completed a SEPA checklist and issued a
determination of non-significance,and
WHEREAS,the proposed plan for the North Dwyer Creek area was considered at two
public hearings before the Planning Commission in April and June of 2000,and
WHEREAS,the proposed plan for the North Dwyer Creek area was considered at a
public hearing by the City Council on August 14,2000,and
WHEREAS,the Council desires to adopt the North Dwyer Creek Master Plan as the
subarea plan for the North Dwyer Creek area,
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Camas that that
certain document entitled “North Dwyer Creek Master Plan,August,2000”is hereby adopted by
reference as a subarea plan for the North Dwyer Creek area as provided for under RCW
iy of August,2000.ADOPTED by the Council at a regular meeting this
Prepared for:
City of Camas Planning Department
616 NE 4 th Avenue
Camas,Washington 98607
Prepared by:
David Evans and Associates,Inc.
2828 SW Corbett Avenue
Portland,Oregon 97201
compliance with the standards is that 14 lots,repre-
senting approximately 46 acres,would require a vari-
ance to the 10-acre minimum lot size standard in the
LI/CT zone,or lot consolidation.
In January 1999,the City Council confirmed a con-
tinuation of the light industrial and residential zones and
boundaries.More flexible development standards and a
new overlay zone were authorized to encourage devel -
opment while protecting sensitive resource areas.
Subarea Plan Concept
The Master Plan’s central concept is to maintain maxi-
mum flexibility for future light-industrial development
by protecting existing large lots zoned LI/CT.Flexibil-
ity comes from having industrial land immediately
available for development by large employers,as op-
posed to trying to consolidate smaller lots under sepa-
rate ownerships.However,large employers also create a
demand for local suppliers who typically require
smaller lots near the main manufacturer.
The Columbia River Economic Development Council
maintains data on requests for information from compa-
nies looking for development sites throughout Clark
County.Of 37 requests for information in 1996 and
1997 where the minimum acceptable lot size was stated,
40 percent were looking for lots under 10 acres and 46
percent wanted lots between 10 and 50 acres.Thus,
both large and small lots are necessary for a vibrant in-
dustrial area.
This market demand for larger industrial sites forms the
basis for the main assumption behind the subarea con-
cept:For the City of Camas to be able to attract major
light industrial employers,there must be an adequate
supply of large industrial lots.There are few large lots
of undeveloped industrial land that are without signifi-
cant site constraints remaining in Camas or the region.
As a result,the LI/CT zone remains in place for most of
the North Dwyer Creek Area —Area A in Figure 1 —
to preserve the existing larger lots.
To accommodate potential market demand for smaller
industrial lots without compromising the ability to at-
tract larger employers,the Master Plan retains the 1998
provisions for the Planned Industrial Development
(PID)overlay for Area A in Figure 1.The Plan adds
more explicit industrial development standards to the
PID overlay with the goal of increasing predictability
for property owners and developers.The amended PID
overlay also restricts commercial development because
North Dwyer Creek was annexed to meet anticipated
employment needs and because other commercial land
is available within the city.
The North Dwyer Creek planning area was annexed to
the City of Camas in 1997,in order to provide sufficient
land for the anticipated industrial employment growth
in the region.The annexation agreement specifies that
most of the area must be reserved for industrial devel-
opment for at least 15 years.Because the annexation
occurred after the City had developed its comprehensive
growth management plan,the area was not planned in
detail,but was shown as a part of the city dedicated to
light industrial/country tech uses.
This master plan fills in the details of planning for de-
velopment of the North Dwyer Creek annexation area.
It addresses the infrastructure that will be needed to
support the planned development in the area,and inte-
grate it with the rest of the city.Since there are steep
slopes and sensitive natural resources in the area,the
master plan also addresses development standards to
protect these resources.
The master plan will be adopted as a subarea plan under
RCW 36.70A.080(2).As such,the master plan ad-
dresses all the requirements of the Growth Management
Act as they apply to the area .The goals and policies in
the City of Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan also apply
to the North Dwyer Creek area.
Master Plan Area
The Master Plan for North Dwyer Creek applies to
property generally bounded by NW Lake Road,NW
Friberg Street (but including six lots west of Friberg and
south of SE 13th Street),NE Goodwin Road,and La-
camas Creek.
Figure 1 is a graphic of the North Dwyer Creek Master
Plan and shows the boundary of the planning area.
Land Use Element
Because Camas has sufficient residentially zoned land
in other parts of the city,the annexation agreement of
September 8,1997,established Light Industrial/Coun-
try Tech (LI/CT)zoning for most of the North Dwyer
Creek area.Only a portion of the area already devel -
oped with homes was designated in low-density resi-
dential (Rl -20).However,City Council recognized that
the area ’s steep slopes,wetlands,cultural resources,and
existing small-lot development made conformance with
LI/CT development standards difficult and directed that
a master plan for the area be prepared that would ad-
dress these issues.One example of the difficulty of
Page 1NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
The Master Plan amends the existing PID regulations to
apply new standards for development in the small-lot
areas,known as areas “B”and “C”in Figure 1.The
goal of these new standards is to allow and encourage
industrial development on existing smaller lots.The
Plan recommends special development standards that
recognize the smaller lot sizes but are consistent with
the campus-type industrial development envisioned for
the remainder of the area.For example,development
standards increase the intensity of buffers between dif-
ferent uses,especially between the small lot industrial
development and residential areas.Buffers between
similar uses would typically be of a lesser intensity,as
fewer impacts would be anticipated.
Annexation Agreement
Over the last decade,as development proposals were
submitted for portions of the North Dwyer Creek area,
Clark County and the City of Camas in turn debated
what type of development would be appropriate given
the sensitive natural and cultural resources in the area.
In 1994,the City and County determined that the area
should ultimately be a part of the City of Camas,and
included it in the Urban Growth Area.The project area
(then known as “Area A”)remained under the jurisdic-
tion of Clark County.The area was designated residen-
tial for development at a density of one residence per 20
acres.In the following two years,the Camas UGB was
challenged and appealed to the Western Growth Man-
agement Hearings Board because the City had included
more land than needed to accommodate expected
growth.Prior to the final hearing before the Board,the
City of Camas was selected by Taiwan Semiconductor
Manufacturing Company (now WaferTech)as the fu-
ture site of its microchip plant.WaferTech absorbed
much of the City’s industrial land inventory causing the
City to look elsewhere for land suitable for more indus-
trial development.As the deadline approached for the
final Growth Management Hearings Board decision on
the Camas UGB,the City amended its 1994 Compre-
hensive Plan to designate the majority of Area A for
light industrial use.
In late 1996 and early 1997,to avoid losing an opportu-
nity for Camas and Clark County to ensure a sufficient
supply of industrial land,the Board of County Commis-
sioners held up final action on Area A to allow annexa-
tion by the City of Camas.In September 1997,the City
annexed Area A,zoning over 600 acres Light Indus-
trial/Country Tech (LI/CT).All of the annexation and
zoning proceedings were subject to and a part of a pub-
lic process.
Subarea Plan Land Use Goals and Policies
The purpose and objectives of the North Dwyer Creek
Master Plan are expressed in the following policies:
•Provide for future employment growth by protect-
ing industrial lots over 10 acres in size from subdi-
vision.Retain the existing LI/CT zone in the North
Dwyer Creek area.
•Encourage industrial development on existing
smaller lots in the southeast area and west of
Friberg Street.New provisions will be developed to
permit industrial development,compatible with
nearby LI/CT development.
•Provide predictability for developers and property
owners by defining specific development standards
for the PID overlay zone.
•Restrictions on the type of commercial uses and
maximum floor area should be placed in the PID
regulations to ensure that valuable industrial land is
not converted to commercial uses.
•Wetlands in the North Dwyer Creek area should be
managed to preserve the quality of surface water
and groundwater.
•Protect and preserve sensitive cultural resources
while encouraging industrial development by al-
lowing flexibility in development standards in ex-
change for protecting resources.
Existing Land Uses
The North Dwyer Creek Planning Area consists of 59
parcels,most under separate ownership.Approximately
half of the over 650-acre study area is owned by Van-
port Manufacturing,and includes the Camas Meadows
Golf Course and Corporate Center development,Phases
1,2 and 3.Camas Meadows Corporate Center is an in-
dustrial subdivision approved with a PID overlay.Lot
sizes range from two to 11 acres.Phase l contains 10
lots,with five lots over 10 acres and five smaller lots.
Phase 2 is a 12-lot subdivision of primarily smaller lots,
ranging from 2.5 to 4.5 acres.Phase 3 contains a 20-
acre parcel.The Camas Meadows Corporate Center is
intended to be developed with a combination of medium
to large users in a business-park or corporate center
style of development.The lots are planned be developed
in a way that retains the flexibility to combine or con-
solidate smaller lots for larger users,as needed.
The Lacamas Campground,Camas Meadows
development,and Chinook Archery Club occupy close
to 400 acres of the study area.Most smaller lots under
individual ownership are located in the south half of the
Page 2NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
site,with the smallest sites located in the southeast
Existing residences are distributed along NW Lake
Road and on the private streets north of NW Lake Road.
Some of these residences are on property zoned LI/CT
and would be considered legal non-conforming uses.
New residential development is not permitted in the
LI/CT zone of the North Dwyer Creek area for fifteen
years from the date of annexation (September 8,1997).
The remaining residences are on property zoned Rl -20
(one dwelling unit per 20,000 square feet minimum).
There are 23 parcels in the Rl -20 zone totaling ap-
proximately 55 acres.The Chinook Landowners five-
acre parcel (tax lot #175951-000)is used for recreation
(archery).The residential density of the remaining area
is approximately 2.63 acres per unit.With an average
lot size of 2.27 acres.
Primary commercial uses in the area are recreational in
nature,for example,Lacamas Campground (private)
and Camas Meadows Golf Course.These are identified
on Figure 1,North Dwyer Creek Master Plan.A few
residential properties also have businesses based on-
Most of the over 650-acre Master Plan area is desig-
nated for light industrial use,but,as yet,none of the
parcels has been developed for industrial use.Permitted
uses in the LI/CT zone include light and high-tech in-
dustry,educational institutions,research facilities,con-
vention centers,office complexes,and other similar
uses.Secondary permitted uses include retail and serv-
ice uses allowed in the Cl and C2 commercial zoning
designations,except for automobile sales and garages.
Planned Industrial Development (PID)Overlay
The PID Overlay may be applied to a development in
LI/CT zones after a more rigorous review by a design
review committee.The overlay allows smaller lot sizes
if findings can be made to satisfy specific criteria.
Camas Meadows Phase 1 and 2 in the North Dwyer
Creek area are being developed under the provisions of
a PID overlay.
Parks and Recreation
There are no dedicated public parks in the North Dwyer
Creek Master Plan area,although Lacamas Camp-
ground,Camas Meadows Golf Course and the Chinook
Archery Club all provide recreation services.Along the
northeast boundary of the study area is an area deeded
by the Camas Meadows development to Clark County
for a regional Heritage Trail .When complete,the Heri-
tage Trail will be deeded to the City of Camas.
On behalf of Clark County,the Columbia Land Trust
recently purchased approximately 240 acres of undevel-
oped open space to the east of the Master Plan area,
across Lacamas Creek.This area includes Camp Currie,
a youth camp on Lacamas Lake.
NW Lake Road and NW Friberg Street have been des-
ignated as regional bike routes.
Natural Resources
There are several sensitive natural resource areas in the
North Dwyer Creek Planning Area,as shown on Figure
2.Numbers and outlines on Figure 2 provide the general
location of where the resources are,rather than a spe-
cific area of impact.The largest wetland system is on
the Camas Meadows property.Other large wetland ar-
eas are on the Lacamas Campground (‘6’on Figure 2)
and Chinook Archery Club properties (‘4’on Figure 2).
Several forested and emergent wetlands are associated
with the Dwyer Creek corridor (area ‘2’on Figure 2).
Three other areas that are not connected with the larger
systems include a forested wetland west of NW Friberg
Street (‘1’on Figure 2),an isolated hardwood/conifer
forest (‘3’on Figure 2),and upland forest with associ-
ated intermittent stream (‘5’on Figure 2).
Permits to fill a small portion of wetlands on the Camas
Meadows site and to cross North Dwyer Creek at two
locations were obtained in the late 1990s,as part of the
golf course development and industrial subdivision.
During the inventory of existing conditions for the
Master Plan,a field investigation was conducted to
identify wetland areas and wildlife habitats.Coni-
fer/hardwood forest may provide habitat for two Federal
Species of Concern,the long-legged myotis and long-
eared myotis [bat species].Suitable habitat may be
found in Lacamas Creek for three other Species of Con-
cern:the northwest pond turtle,Pacific lamprey and
river lamprey.No suitable habitat for threatened or en-
dangered wildlife species was found on the parcels in-
vestigated and no threatened or endangered wildlife
species were found,other than those on Camas Mead-
ows property.
To help protect sensitive areas from development,the
Camas zoning code allows wetlands and steep slopes on
a site to count as part of the open space requirement (up
to half of the required 30 percent of total area required
for residential development).Sensitive lands may also
be used to calculate density in new developments,
creating a transfer of density from wetlands or slopes to
Page 3NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
a more developable area.The transfer is made by
reducing the minimum lot size to no less than 70
percent of the standard minimum lot size for the district.
Cultural and Historical Resources
The area around the confluence of Dwyer Creek and
Lacamas Creek has been used by humans for hundreds
of years because of the abundance of food (fish,camas,
water)and proximity to the major Columbia River trade
corridor.Prior to annexation,a review of cultural re-
sources was conducted for the Camas Meadows devel-
opment.The Army Corps of Engineers accepted the
final archaeological report for Phase 1 and 2 of Camas
Meadows (approved by Clark County).
A cultural resources survey was also performed for this
Master Plan.A review of previous archaeological stud-
ies,historical information about the area,and an ar-
chaeological survey of land not previously surveyed for
which permission from owners could be obtained,were
conducted.The field work was restricted to a surface
investigation,and no subsurface explorations were
done.The archaeological report details the results of the
survey,the general location of sites,and areas that re-
quire further investigation,“high probability areas”.
High probability areas are within,contiguous or nearly
adjacent to known sites.Figure 3,Cultural Resources
Areas with Parcels Surveyed,shows the parcels that
were surveyed,and generally outlines areas of high
probability.(Property owners whose parcels were sur-
veyed may review the report at the City of Camas Plan-
ning Department.)
Planned Land Uses
The North Dwyer Creek Master Plan designates the
residential portion of the planning area for single family
residential-medium.The zoning is Rl -10 (one dwelling
unit per 10,000 square feet),consistent with the intent
of the September 1997 annexation agreement.Sensitive
areas such as wetlands and steep slopes will be accom-
modated by allowing lot sizes as small as 5,000 square
feet,depending on the site constraints.Livability and
character of the residential area will be preserved by
retaining the overall density of one unit per 10,000
square feet.
In order to protect residential uses from the noise,odors
and traffic associated with industrial use,buffering be-
tween industrial and residential uses is required of
LI/CT development.Special attention will be paid to
adequate buffers between small-lot industrial develop-
ment in areas B and C,and the adjacent residential
The Master Plan allows commercial development that is
clearly subordinate to industrial uses,and serves pri-
marily the surrounding industrial and residential areas,
not regional clientele.Consistent with the original an-
nexation agreement,the Master Plan does not designate
specific sites for commercial development.In general,
the Master Plan’s restrictions on commercial uses are
intended to protect industrial lands from conversion to
commercial uses.
During the development of the Master Plan,it became
clear that some commercial uses permitted under the
LI/CT and PID overlay zone regulations did not meet
the intent of the zone.Some of these uses—such as drug
stores,groceries,markets—are no longer the small
neighborhood businesses originally envisioned for Cl
and C2 zones but big-box retail uses serving a more
regional residential market.To preclude these types of
uses,the Master Plan imposes maximum floor area
standards.Other commercial uses that are not consid-
ered supportive of industrial uses are identified and spe-
cifically prohibited .
The primary goal of the North Dwyer Creek Master
Plan is to protect the supply of large lots of industrial
land that are without significant site constraints,in order
to protect the ability of the City to accommodate major
employers such as ULI and WaferTech.
Development standards for LI/CT
New development standards are established to create
more predictability to developers.
New PID Overlay Standards
The Master Plan recognizes that a large industrial em-
ployer often requires inputs from smaller businesses and
benefits from having these suppliers nearby and that
previous standards precluded development.To encour-
age such use of smaller industrial lots in the planning
area,new PID overlay standards will be developed for
property with lot sizes under 10 acres in the area,be-
tween the eastern boundary of Section 28 (Township 2
North,Range 2 East)and the residential zone to the
east,excluding Camas Meadows and the Archery Club
property.The revised PID Overlay contains
development standards geared to small-lot light indus-
trial development,while maintaining the overall theme
of campus-style development.
Page 4NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
In short,the purpose of the revised PID Overlay is to:
•Provide incubator space for start-up industries and
smaller parcels for firms supplying large employ-
needs of wetland preservation and protection with the
goal of meeting the intended residential and industrial
Natural Resources Policies
The North Dwyer Creek Master Plan establishes the
following policies for natural resources:
•Protect wetlands by requiring buffers from devel-
opment according to the type of wetland.
•Protect species of concern and their habitat by es-
tablishing buffers,and encouraging site plans that
preserve and enhance natural features and provide
for wildlife corridors.
•Balance the protection of natural resources with
achievement of intended densities through density
transfer provisions.
Protection of Cultural Resources
The archaeological investigation conducted for this
Master Plan satisfies the requirement for an archaeo-
logical predetermination for the portions of surveyed
parcels that are outside a high-probability area.For ar-
eas shown within a high-probability area,additional
work,mainly subsurface exploration,is required to sat-
isfy the requirements for a pre-determination.The re-
maining parcels which were not part of the Master Plan
survey will require an archaeological predetermination
when new development is proposed.
The archaeological study for the Master Plan meets the
requirements for a planning-level project under SEPA.
However,fixture projects that include permits or funding
from federal agencies,such as the Corps of Engineers,
are likely to require additional steps in order to meet
requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act
or National Environmental Policy Act.These federal
laws and the regulations implementing them encompass
cultural resources such as traditional cultural properties
that are not usually protected under city or state laws.
The Master Plan incorporates by reference the policies
pertaining to Archaeological resources (Chapter
16.06.15 of the Camas Municipal Code [CMC]).
•Attract development compatible with the industrial
campus atmosphere of the LI/CT designation;and,
•Buffer adjacent residential areas from industrial
activities,noise,and odors.
Permitted Uses
Permitted uses in LI/CT include light and high-tech in-
dustry,educational institutions,research facilities,con-
vention centers,and office complexes.Secondary per-
mitted uses include retail and service uses that serve the
surrounding industrial and residential areas.The site
area of these uses is limited.Commercial uses prohib-
ited outright are listed in a table in Appendix A.
Parks and Recreation
Planned parks for the area include a new Neighborhood
Park for the residential neighborhood and a Community
Park for the North Dwyer Creek area.A more detailed
discussion of parks and recreation is contained in the
Parks and Recreation Element of this subarea plan.
Protection of Natural Resources
Critical areas in the Master Plan area include wetlands,
frequently flooded areas (Camas Meadows develop-
ment),steep slopes,and wildlife habitat.
The North Dwyer Creek Master Plan builds on existing
regulations that help protect sensitive lands.Combining
protection of critical areas and development is difficult
on the smaller lots in the Master Plan area,so more
flexible cluster development provisions are established.
A special overlay for the residential portion of the
Master Plan area will allow a minimum lot size of 5,000
square feet,while preserving overall density of one unit
per 10,000 square feet.
Wetland classifications and associated buffers are es-
tablished in order to provide more predictability and
consistency for property owners.Wetland delineations
based on a classification system provide applicants or
property owners with advance knowledge of the build-
able area.Wetland delineations are required prior to a
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)threshold de-
termination,with wetland impacts reports submitted
separately with development applications.This results
in designs that are tailored to the site and any required
protection of sensitive areas.Buffer averaging com-
bined with opportunities for wetland enhancement and
more flexible density transfer standards balance the
Housing Element
The Growth Management Act requires comprehensive
plans and subarea plans to contain a housing element.
Housing elements must contain an inventory and analy-
sis of existing and projected housing,and provide for all
economic segments of the community.While the North
Dwyer Creek Master Plan,as a subarea plan,is required
to contain the same elements as a comprehensive plan,
Page 5NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
the limited residential area covered by this subarea plan
cannot address the variety of housing needed by the
City.For example,multi-family zoning would not be
permitted under the annexation agreement.Instead,this
Master Plan element sets flexible standards that will
encourage variety in future developments in order to
achieve the GMA goal of a variety of housing products.
Existing Conditions
There are currently 34 single-family residences in the
Master Plan area,primarily in the southeast area,with a
few west of NW Friberg Street south of NE 13th Street.
These single-family residences vary in age and
condition and include some manufactured homes.The
area appears to have developed gradually when larger
parcels were subdivided.There is no multi-family
housing or institutional housing (group homes,
Housing Policies
Camas is concerned with providing safe and sanitary
housing for all residents at an appropriate cost.A vari-
ety of housing types and designs is seen as integral to
meeting the diverse needs of different age groups,in-
come levels,and family types.The North Dwyer Creek
Master Plan incorporates the following policies:
•Protect existing residential areas while recognizing
that the North Dwyer Creek area will remain pri-
marily an industrial area.
•Because of site constraints,more flexible develop-
ment standards will be adopted that allow small-lot
single-family development while keeping an overall
density in new subdivisions of one unit per 10,000
square feet.
Future Needs
The City of Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan profiled
the city’s housing needs with respect to housing for
people with low to moderate income-levels and for peo-
ple with special needs.The North Dwyer Creek Master
Plan incorporates this analysis by reference.
used in the regional transportation model provide for
modest residential development.More dense residential
development was predicted in a study conducted for a
Traffic Impact Fee update commissioned by the City of
Camas.In that study,DKS Associates forecasted 2,455
residential units and 500,000 square feet of industrial
development by 2015 in an analysis area that included
the North Dwyer Creek study area and the area west of
NW Friberg Street to 192nd Street,south of SE 13th
Street.Therefore,the impact of developing the area
primarily in industrial uses has not been considered.
Although it does not directly impact the North Dwyer
Creek study area,it appears that earlier studies underes-
timated development potential on adjacent areas.There
are indications that the amount of employment at Wa-
ferTech to the south of NW Lake Road may be substan-
tially greater than assumed in the RTC’s regional
Existing Conditions
The current roadway network serving the study area
consists of state highways and local or regional roads.
State Highways
State Route (SR)14 is the state highway linking Camas
with the closest interstate highway,1-205,and then fur-
ther west with 1-5 near downtown Vancouver.Both of
the interstate highways link Camas to Portland,Oregon
to the south and Olympia and Seattle,Washington to the
north.SR 14 links Camas to Vancouver to the west and
to other points east in Skamania County and beyond.
Local Roadway Network
The roadways immediately adjacent to the study area
are predominately narrow rural streets,and,with only
minor exceptions,have no curbs,sidewalks or paved
shoulders.The key roadways in the study area are NW
Lake Road,NW Friberg Street,and NE Goodwin Road.
These roadways are the boundaries of the study area,as
well as important connections to the transportation net-
NW Lake Road is identified by the City of Camas as
part of the arterial system and is projected to become a
four-lane arterial on a Transportation Network map
from the 1994 Comprehensive Plan .Clark County des-
ignated this road as a two-lane collector arterial.It
serves as an east/west arterial along the south section of
the study area.NW Lake Road runs east/west from the
west Camas city limit to NE Everett Street (SR 500).
NW Lake Road runs east/west from the city limits to
NW Jackson Place,then runs in a northwest/southeast
direction along Lacamas Lake.There are power lines
relatively close to the edge of NW Lake Road near the
Transportation Element
Existing Plans
Most of the North Dwyer Creek study area is designated
for light industrial use,but in previous analyses,the
dominant land use assumed was residential .(See
“Background”section.)Furthermore,the amount of
residential development projected for the area varies in
the two principal transportation modeling efforts.The
Regional Transportation Council’s (RTC)assumptions
Page 6NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
the City of Camas industrial areas.Funding has been
secured for constructing the interchange,widening SE
192nd Avenue between SE 1st and SE 15th Streets,and
designing the roadway between SE 15th Street and the
SR 14 interchange.Funding for the construction of the
remaining connection between SR 14 and SE 15 th Street
is being sought.
NW Parker Street runs south from the southeast comer
of the study area.NW Parker Street serves as a
north/south access from NW Lake Road to NW Pacific
Rim Boulevard .This roadway was constructed as a
boulevard with bike lanes and a combination land-
scaped median and center turn lane.NW Parker Street is
listed as one of the major projects in the Six-Year
Transportation Improvement Program in the City of
Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan .There is a new traf-
fic signal located at the intersection of NW Parker
Street and SE 38th Street.South of this intersection,
NW Parker Street is a four lane roadway.
SE 38 th Street is identified as a two-lane collector by
the Transportation Network map from the City of
Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan .SE 38th Street
serves as an east/west corridor connecting with SE By-
bee Road which turns in to NE 15th Street and connects
with SE 192nd Avenue and SE 164th Avenue.
NW Pacific Rim Boulevard is a four-lane roadway
designated as a four-lane arterial in the City of Camas
1994 Comprehensive Plan.NW Pacific Rim Boulevard
is part of an east/west corridor connecting NW Parker
Street with SE 34th Street which intersects with SE
164th Avenue.
Traffic Control Devices
The local street network is mostly composed of narrow
mral streets.There are no traffic signals located within
the study area.The northbound and southbound ap-
proaches are stop-controlled at the intersection of NW
Friberg Street and NE 13th Street/Goodwin Road.NW
Friberg Street is also stop-controlled at its intersection
with NW Lake Road.All of the intersections in the
study area appear to be operating at an acceptable level
of service.
Daily transit service is provided by C-TRAN to the
North Dwyer Creek Master Plan area along SE 1st
Street/NW Lake Road to NW Payne Road.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities
There are no pedestrian or bicycle facilities in the Mas-
ter Plan area.
Existing Traffic Capacity
intersection of NE 192nd Avenue.From the west
Camas city limits to NW Jackson Place,NW Lake Road
is a narrow two lane roadway.The section of roadway
on the approach to NE 192nd Avenue consists of two
wide lanes (both sides of the road).Beyond the inter-
section,the roadway consists of two narrow lanes.
When the roadway turns southward,NW Lake Road
becomes a three-lane arterial.
NW Friberg Street (previously NE 202nd Avenue)is
identified as a two-lane collector by the City of Camas
and is not designated by Clark County.NW Friberg
Street serves as a north/south connection between NW
Lake Road and NE 13th Street/NE Goodwin Road.It is
a narrow two-lane mral roadway,lacking curbs and
NE Goodwin Road is identified as a two-lane collector
by the City of Camas maps and designated as a two-lane
mral major collector by Clark County.This roadway
serves as a northeast/southwest connection from NE
13th Street to NE 28th Street which provides a link to
State Route (SR)500.NE 13th Street connects NE
192nd Avenue to the intersection of NW Friberg Street
and NE Goodwin Road.NE 13th Street becomes NE
Goodwin Road at the intersection with NW Friberg
There are several residential roads located within the
Master Plan area.Most of them serve existing residen-
tial areas in the southeastern portion:NW Payne Street,
NW Nightshade Street (previously NE 218th Street),
NW Larkspur Street (previously NE 220th Court),and
NW Jackson Place (previously NE 222nd Court).These
gravel streets serve as local access from NW Lake Road
to existing residences.NW Payne Street also serves as
an entrance to the archery club.
Regional Roadway Network
The regional roadway network consists of the arterials
that connect the study area to the Interstate highways
and the other major state highways.Regional roadways
near or adjacent to the study area are NE 192nd Street,
NW Parker Street,SE 38th Street,and NW Pacific Rim
Boulevard.These roadways connect the study area with
the rest of the region and state.
NE 192nd Avenue is a proposed four lane arterial on
the Transportation Network map in the 1994 Compre-
hensive Plan .This road is designated by Clark County
as a four-lane principal arterial with a center turn lane.
The existing roadway is a two-lane north/south corridor
which extends from NE 18th Street to SE 15th Street.
The City of Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan recom-
mends making this roadway a four-lane arterial to a new
interchange at SR 14.This would improve access for
Page 7NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
Existing traffic volumes were obtained from Clark
County.Various traffic counts were conducted over the
past years.Table 1 summarizes the traffic data available
and when it was obtained.NW Lake Road experienced
the most traffic within the study area.
•Provide pedestrian and bicycle access from em-
ployment centers to the rest of the city.
•Encourage transportation demand management
techniques such as carpooling and transit service to
the North Dwyer Creek industrial area from resi-
dential areas outside the Planning Area.
•Protect the function of the streets in the Planning
Area by assigning appropriate access management
•Level of service standards shall be applied to streets
in the North Dwyer Creek Planning Area to main-
tain adequate capacity.
Traffic Impact Evaluation Criteria and Stan-
The 1994 Comprehensive Plan describes the use of
three components to measure the adequacy of the trans-
portation system.The three components are 1)traffic
service,2)compatibility,and 3)benefit-cost.An
evaluation matrix that takes each of these into account
was used in The 1994 Comprehensive Plan to compare
the system alternatives.
The sub-area analysis for the North Dwyer Creek study
area uses these criteria from the 1994 Comprehensive
Plan to ensure that transportation needs are satisfied.
Future Roadway Network
The regional roadway network serving Camas consists
of existing roads and some new roadways proposed in
the City of Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan .Many of
the collector and arterial streets that comprise the exist-
ing regional network will need to be upgraded to ac-
commodate increased traffic.
To accommodate the planned development in the North
Dwyer Creek area,two regional facilities will need to
be substantially improved to increase capacity:SE 1st
Street/NW Lake Road and SE 192nd Avenue (a corridor
that includes a new section of road).
In addition,two other roads will become increasingly
important,though less so than the regional facilities:
NW Friberg Street and NE Goodwin Road.NW Friberg
Street is the west boundary of the North Dwyer Creek
study area and NE Goodwin Road is the north boundary
of the area.Both are classified as collectors or arterial
streets by Camas and by Clark County.Improvements
to both NW Friberg Street and NE Goodwin Road will
be needed to accommodate planned development.Dis-
cussion of the roadway standards recommended for
these roads are contained in a subsequent section.
TABLE 1:Average Daily Traffic Counts (various dates)
NW Lake Road
(near NE 192nd Avenue)
NE Goodwin Road 1/921,897
(near NW Friberg Street)
NE 13th Street
(near NE 192nd Avenue)
NE Friberg Street
(near NW Lake Road)
Transportation Program Review
Six-Year Plan Projects in the Area
The City of Camas’1994 Comprehensive Plan lists a
series of twelve major projects in the Six-Year Trans-
portation Improvement Program.None of the projects
listed in the 1994 Plan are in or adjacent to the North
Dwyer Creek study area.
The 1994 Comprehensive Plan recognized the need to
substantially increase the capacity for east-west traffic.
The Plan specifically identifies the need for a minimum
of four lanes on 1st Street,SR 14,and Pacific Rim
Boulevard .
Several projects in the North Dwyer Creek Planning
area have been identified as needed projects.Some are
significant enough to be included in the list of major
projects at such time as they are sufficiently advanced
in the planning process that they should be included in
the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program.
Further discussion of the needed projects is contained in
a subsequent section.
The project list in the 1994 Comprehensive Plan is not
modified by The Master Plan.
Transportation Policies
The following transportation policies apply to The
North Dwyer Creek Master Plan area:
•Separate industrial traffic from residential areas to
avoid negative impacts on livability.
Page 8NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
Finally,collector roadways contained entirely within
the North Dwyer Creek study area will need to be de-
veloped.They are not expected to function as part of the
regional road network,but will play a very important
role in providing access to any industrial and office de-
velopments in the study area.
Roadway standards recommended for these roads are
also contained in a subsequent section.
Projected Traffic Volume
A traffic study was conducted to analyze the impact of
development of the North Dwyer Creek area and to
identify the transportation improvements needed to ac-
commodate the planned development.The majority of
this area is zoned Light Industrial/Country Tech
(LI/CT)with some residential zoning in the southeast
portion and west of NW Friberg Street.Without sub-
stantial improvements,the current transportation net-
work is not capable of accommodating full development
of the area.The key steps in evaluating the transporta-
tion system consisted of verifying the development as-
sumptions;estimating traffic generated by the proposed
development;assigning traffic to the road system;and
identifying roadway standards and projects to accom-
modate the planned development .
Land Use Assumptions
The primary uses permitted in LI/CT include light and
high-tech industry,educational institutions,research
facilities,convention centers,office complexes,and
other similar uses.Retail and service uses directly asso-
ciated with the industrial and office uses are permitted
as secondary uses.
For the purposes of this analysis,full development of
the LI /CT zone was assumed using a combination of
uses.The 18-hole golf course is planned to account for
about 160 acres and residential uses will account for
about 50 acres.Wetlands and other non-developable
portions of the site further restrict the amount of land
that can be developed for high-traffic generators such as
industrial facilities,offices,and research parks.
The land available for development in the LI/CT zone
consists of 20 parcels ranging from approximately 2.5
acres to 40 acres.In keeping with the concept for devel-
opment of the North Dwyer Creek Planning area,a
combination of uses permitted under the LI/CT zone
was assumed.Most of the larger lots (more than 10
acres in size)were assumed to be for manufacturing or
light industrial use.The smaller parcels were assumed
to be research centers or general office uses.The twenty
parcels were assumed to be developed as follows:three
manufacturing,four light industrial,three research cen-
ters,and 10 general office parcels.In total,the devel-
opment could consist of approximately 3.4 million
square feet of light manufacturing and/or office space.
Each parcel was assumed to have 20 percent of land
reserved for landscaping and buffers.The 20 percent
assumed a maximum build out condition and generated
a worst-case scenario from a traffic standpoint.The re-
mainder of each parcel would be used for the buildings
and parking.The amount of building space and the
number of employees is balanced with the amount of
parking.Two story buildings were assumed for office
and research center land uses and one-story buildings
for light industrial and manufacturing.
According to the Camas Municipal Code the minimum
parking space requirements for office and research cen-
ters are one space per employee at peak hour,plus 15
percent and for light industrial and manufacturing is one
space per employee at peak hour plus 10 percent.The
building size,parking area,and number of employees
were estimated from the remaining land,assuming there
would be 300 square feet of workspace and 400 square
feet of parking lot space per employee.The parking lot
space includes both the parking space itself and the
driveways and aisles within the lots.
The southeast portion of the North Dwyer Creek study
area includes approximately 50 acres designated for
residential use.Much of this land is already developed
on lots substantially larger than the typical urban lot.
There is potential for in-fill development,but the den-
sity that will be achieved is less than a typical subdivi-
sion.The residential development potential of the area
was to fall in the range of 100 to 150 single-family
Trip Generation Rates and Calculation of Trip
Trip generation rates for the uses described in the pre-
ceding section were obtained from the Institute of
Transportation Engineers (ITE)reference,Trip Genera-
tion -6th Edition .This is the standard reference for trip
rates for a wide variety of land uses.Table 2 summa-
rizes the average trip generation rates for the categories
of land uses anticipated in the North Dwyer Creek area.
The table lists daily,AM peak hour,and PM peak hour
trip rates by employee for industrial and office devel-
opments.The table also lists the trip generation rates for
the golf course for the same time periods.In addition,
for golf courses,the table shows the trip rate for Satur-
days and Sundays and their respective peak hours.
As illustrated in Table 2,the trip behavior for the golf
course is different than the trip rates used under the
LI/CT uses.Light industrial and manufacturing pro-
Page 9NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
TABLE 2:Average Trip Generation Rates Per Employee
Land Use Weekday Trip
AM Peak Hour
Trip Rate
PM Peak Hour
Trip Rate
Saturday Peak
Hour Trip Rates
Sunday Peak
Hour Trip Rates
General Office 3.32 0.48 0.46
Research Centers 0.412.77 0.43
Light Industrial 3.02 0.48 0.51
0.40Manufacturing2.10 0.39
0.58 (5.88*)0.64 (5.82*)Golf Course 5.04 0.21 0.30
Source:Trip Generation,6th Edition,Institute of Transportation Engineers
*These figures are the trip rates for the entire day on Saturdays and Sundays,as opposed to the peak hour rate.
duced similar trip generation numbers and the same for
office and research centers.Using trip generation rates
from the ITE manual,weekday,AM,and PM peak pe-
riod trips were calculated by multiplying the average
trip generation rate by the number of employees.
Using the information about the type and quantity of
development proposed in the study area and the trip
rates summarized in Table 2,the total traffic from the
LI/CT portion of the North Dwyer Creek area was cal-
culated .
Table 3 illustrates the additional traffic generated by
maximum development of the industrial uses,research
centers,offices,as well as by the golf course.On an
average weekday,approximately 40,200 trips would be
generated from these employment and recreation sites.
Table 3 summarizes the total traffic for the three time
periods and differentiates between entering and exiting
TABLE 4:Average Trip Generation Rates Per Dwelling
Trip Rates
AM Peak
PM Peak
Land Use Weekday
Single Family
Dwelling 0.75 1.019.57
Source:Trip Generation,6th Edition ,Institute of Trans-
portation Engineers
The trip rates from Table 3 multiplied by an expected
100 to 150 dwelling units,indicates that residents would
make approximately 1,000 to 1,500 daily trips.The
number of projected residential trips is very small com-
pared to the projected traffic from the industrial areas.
Regional Traffic Distribution Assumptions
and Traffic Assignment
The regional distribution of traffic for the North Dwyer
Creek study area was determined by examining the
relative population and development potential in the
region.The vast majority of the employees,visitors,and
customers of the LI/CT development in the North
Dwyer Creek study area can be expected to come from
Vancouver and other areas to the west.A few may
come from the north.An increasing proportion can be
expected to come from Camas to the east and to the
The assumptions for the regional distribution of traffic
are:60 percent to and from the west;20 percent to and
from the east;15 percent to and from the south;and 5
percent to and from the north.The principal roads
serving the traffic to and from the west include SE 1st
Street and NE 13th Street.NW Lake Road would serve
as the principal route for traffic to and from the east;
NW Parker Street would serve most traffic to and from
the south;and NE Goodwin Road would serve traffic to
and from the north.
Based on the amount of traffic generated by each com-
mercial parcel within the North Dwyer Creek Planning
area and the assumptions about the regional distribution
of traffic,a traffic assignment was performed.The re-
TABLE 3:Average Weekday Trips For The North
Dwyer Creek Study Area
Weekday 20,10040,200 20,100
AM Peak 8506,100 5,250
PM Peak 1,100 3,9005,000
The traffic from industrial and office areas are intended
to be separated from the residential areas to minimize
incompatibility problems.For these reasons,the traffic
from the residential portions of the North Dwyer Creek
study area were not added to that from the LI/CT area.
To calculate the projected traffic from the residential
areas,the weekday AM peak hour,and PM peak-hour
trip rates per household for single family dwellings
were obtained,and are shown below in Table 4.
Page 10NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
gional traffic patterns were translated into specific turn
volumes at key intersections.Figure 4 illustrates the PM
peak hour traffic generated by the parcels designed for
LI/CT development.
Traffic from the development area was added to
existing traffic on the nearby street network,thereby
representing a short-term condition that simulates what
traffic conditions would be if the area develops very
rapidly.The second scenario accounts for increases in
background traffic and is based on a 50 percent increase
in existing traffic to simulate a two-percent annual
growth rate for 20 years.The forecast traffic volumes at
key locations for both scenarios are summarized in
Table 5.
As illustrated in Table 5,none of the streets in the
LI/CT area exists,so there are no counts and no change
between the traffic volumes where background traffic
growth is included or not included.Note that the largest
component of the future traffic for all streets is that gen-
erated by the development in the LI/CT area.Neither
existing traffic nor through traffic is as large as that
generated by the planned development.
the key intersections in the study area was evaluated
based upon the traffic volumes forecast.Signal warrants
were evaluated using the methods described in The
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
Using the traffic volumes that provide for no increase in
through-traffic,nine of the twelve intersections within
the study area will meet at least one signal warrant,
Warrant 11,Peak Hour Volume.
The Peak Hour Volume warrant is met when the com-
bination of traffic on the major street and the traffic on
the side street reach certain threshold levels.The
threshold level depends upon the number of lanes of
both streets.The Peak Hour Volume warrant is gener-
ally considered to be the easiest of the warrants to meet,
but it does provide a good indication of the need for
further study and monitoring as development occurs.It
should be noted that increases in through traffic would
make it more likely that an intersection meets warrants
at an earlier date.
The three major intersections of streets that are parts of
the regional street network have the highest forecast
traffic volumes and will be among the first likely to
meet traffic signal warrants.
The three intersections most likely to meet warrants are:
•NW Lake Road and NW Friberg Street
•NW Lake Road and NW Parker Street
•NW Friberg Street and NE Goodwin Road/NE 13th
Several other intersections in the study area are also
Intersection Improvements
There are no signalized intersections within the study
area.With the full development,many of the intersec-
tions in the study area will require signalization to
maintain a safe and efficient roadway network .Each of
TABLE 5:Forecast Traffic At Key Locations
Total Traffic
with 50 %In-
crease in
Total Traffic
with No In-
crease in
Traffic from
ment of
Study Area
33,40028,900NWLakeRoad(near NW Friberg Street)9,100 19,800
23,000 27,000NWLakeRoad(near NW Parker Street)8,000*15,000
14,50014,000 14,300NWFribergStreet(near NW Lake Road)300
4,9003,900NEGoodwinRoad(northeast portion of study area)1,900 2,000
NE 13th Street (between NW Friberg and NE 192nd
14,30012,9002,700 10,200
10,400 12,400NWParkerStreet(near NW Lake Road)4,000*6,400
3,100NWMorgan’s Way (near NE Goodwin Road)N/A 3,1003,100
8,900N/A 8,9008,900NWCamasMeadowsDrive
7,100N/A 7,100NWPayneRoad7,100
N/A 7,500 7,500IndustrialRoad(near NW Lake Road)7,500
N/A 9,000IndustrialRoad(near NW Friberg Street)9,000 9,000
*Estimated traffic from old counts or from counts at nearby locations.N/A Traffic Counts were Not Available
Page 11NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
likely to meet the Peak Hour Volume warrant when de-
velopment reaches a certain level.These intersections
will allow access from the LI/CT developments to the
principal roadways that bound it.Forecast traffic vol-
umes on the regional roads (1st Street/Lake Road,
Friberg Road,and Goodwin Road)make it very likely
that the intersections with the industrial collector roads
that penetrate the study area will meet the Peak Hour
Volume warrant.The date at which warrants are met
will depend upon the rate of development.These inter-
sections should be reevaluated as development occurs.
Intersections likely to meet traffic signal warrants in-
•NW Lake Road and Industrial Road #2
•NW Lake Road and NW Payne Road
•NW Friberg Street and Industrial Road #1
•NE Goodwin Road and NW Camas Meadows Drive
•NE Goodwin Road and NW Morgan’s Way
One other location in the study area that may meet traf-
fic signal warrants is a location on NW Friberg Street
between NW Lake Road and NE Goodwin Road.If
each of the large industrial parcels that abuts NW
Friberg Street develops individually with its own
driveway,none of them is likely to have enough traffic
to meet traffic signal warrants.If,however,several par-
cels have joint access and use a collector or frontage
road to concentrate traffic,the traffic volumes might be
enough to cause the Peak Hour Volume warrant to be
Each of the more important intersections within the
LI/CT area was also evaluated to determine whether
traffic signals would likely be needed.If the develop-
ment occurs as planned,it is likely that none of the in-
ternal intersections in the LI/CT area will meet signal
NW Friberg Street
NW Friberg Street will provide access to abutting par-
cels in the west portion of the study area,and,based on
forecasted trips,the existing,narrow,two-lane rural
road will not be adequate for future levels of traffic.
Therefore,the North Dwyer Creek Master Plan calls for
widening NE Friberg Road to include one travel lane in
each direction with a continuous center turn lane,curb
and gutter,and sidewalks and bike lanes.The center
turn lane will be especially important if each of the in-
dustrial parcels adjacent to it has individual driveways.
Five large,industrial parcels of approximately 10 acres
each abut NW Friberg Street between SE 1st Street and
NE Goodwin Road.There are two options for access for
these parcels.One is to allow each of the parcels to have
individual driveway access on NW Friberg Street.The
second option would involve a frontage road that will
allow access for all five parcels.This concept would
concentrate traffic and provide for a single access to
NW Friberg Street.The intersection of this frontage
road with NW Friberg Street would likely require in-
stallation of a traffic signal.If Camas Meadows Corpo-
rate Center Phase 1 develops as approved,there may be
individual access points.
NE Goodwin Road
Anticipated volumes from the full build -out of the study
area will increase traffic along NE Goodwin Road.This
will require widening NE 13 Street and a portion of
NE Goodwin Road adjacent to the northeast portion of
the study.The existing,narrow,two-lane rural road will
not be adequate to accommodate forecasted traffic.The
widening should include one travel lane in each direc-
tion with a continuous center turn lane,curbs and gut-
ters,sidewalks,and bike lanes.
Local Road Network
Industrial Roads
The internal road network in the North Dwyer Creek
Master Plan consists of three roads approved for the
Camas Meadows Golf Course and the Camas Meadows
Corporate Center (Phases 1 and 2).Another major east-
west connection will be built as development occurs.
The internal industrial roads will be classified as pri-
mary or secondary industrial roads.NW Camas Mead-
ows Drive,a primary road,travels diagonally through
the development from NE Goodwin Road to the golf
course clubhouse and southward to NW Lake Road.A
second secondary industrial road will be a north-south
connection between Camas Meadows Drive and NW
Lake Road,and form the main entrance to the LI/CT
area,approximately 2,600 feet east of NW Friberg
Regional Road Network
SE 1st Street/NW Lake Road
As noted above,the SE 1st Street/NW Lake Road corri-
dor is part of the City of Camas’regional road network
and is the only arterial within the study area.The analy-
sis conducted for this project verifies that the basic
cross-section of the SE 1st Street/NW Lake Road corri-
dor should consist of two travel lanes in each direction
and a center turn lane.The road should also include
sidewalks,curb and gutter,and bike lanes.As noted in
the previous section,several key intersections will need
to be signalized.
Page 12NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
Street.This is identified as Street “A”on Figure 1.A
third major road would connect to NW Friberg Street at
the south boundary of the Camas Meadows Corporate
Center,cross North Dwyer Creek and continue eastward
to the residential area east of the Planning Area (Street
“B”on Figure 1).A fourth road is a service road that
travels north from Camas Meadows Drive to a mainte-
nance building.
The standards for primary and secondary industrial
roads call for two travel lanes and a center turn lane in
most locations.In some locations,the center turn lane
will be eliminated.Both the primary and secondary
roads have design volumes of 8,000 to 12,000 average
daily traffic (ADT)and design speed is 35 mph for the
primary road and 30 mph for the secondary road.Based
upon the traffic analysis,the street cross-sections will
accommodate the traffic volumes forecasted .
The North Dwyer Creek Master Plan implements a
standard for pedestrian ways and bikeways that differs
from those proposed and adopted for the Camas Mead-
ows Corporate Center.The Camas Meadows develop-
ment proposed a 10-foot wide,combination sidewalk
and bike path on one side of internal industrial roads.
Cyclists may be discouraged from using a separated
bike path where intersecting driveways are common.
Yet,bicycling could be an important component of a
transportation demand management strategy for indus-
trial and office developments,and should be expected
on roadways throughout the LI/CT zone.
Consequently,the Master Plan intends that cyclists be
accommodated on the roadway itself by amending the
design proposed for Camas Meadows Corporate Center.
While the standard pavement width of 40 feet approved
for NW Camas Meadows Drive and NW Morgan’s Way
provides for 14-foot wide travel lanes,and a 14-foot
travel lane is generally accepted as the minimum width
for shared use by bicyclists and motorists,this width is
not recommended for roadways with high volumes of
bicyclists.Therefore,new industrial roads in the North
Dwyer Creek area will have a pavement width of 44
feet .This will provide sufficient width for two 5-foot
bike lanes,two 11-foot travel lanes,and a 12-foot wide
center turn lane,creating greater separation between
bicycles and motor vehicles and increasing safety for
the cyclists.
Because traffic volumes on the industrial roadways will
range up to 9,000 vehicles per day,pedestrian facilities
on both sides of the roads will be required,with a
minimum width of five feet.If the 8-foot-wide pedes-
trian path approved for the Camas Meadows Corporate
Center is retained on one side,the extra width would be
an advantage for users and may encourage its use for
jogging and walking as part of an exercise program.
Residential Streets
For the residential street network,the North Dwyer
Creek Master Plan extends Parker Street northward
from NW Lake Road to Street “B”.Other future internal
residential streets will be determined as new residential
development occurs.Residential road standards consist
of curbs,gutters and sidewalks.Providing access to the
abutting properties is an intended use of the residential
streets,so narrow streets with slower design speeds are
appropriate.A pavement width of as little as 28 feet can
provide for traffic generated in the residential area and
still provide space for on-street parking.Bicyclists can
mix safely and readily with motorists on the street.
Because NW Parker Street carries industrial truck traf-
fic south of NW Lake Road,it will be necessary to ac-
tively discourage trucks and other industrial traffic from
continuing northward through the residential neighbor-
hood,as this would have negative impacts on livability.
Traffic-calming techniques can be implemented to deter
other industrial traffic from cutting through the residen-
tial area.Such traffic calming techniques include nar-
row streets,traffic circles,and sidewalk bulb-outs at
intersections with the industrial roadways and with NW
Lake Road.In addition,signs will indicate the approved
truck route between NW Parker Street and the main
entrance to the industrial area.
Access Management
Access management consists of rules about the number
and placement of access points,such as private drive-
ways or side roads.Access management is used to con-
trol traffic conflict points and provide access to abutting
properties while maintaining the safety and function of
the roadway.For arterial streets,priority is given to car-
rying higher volumes of through-traffic,and typically,
access points are restricted .
There are at least two locations in the study area that
deserve discussion relative to access management.Be-
cause it is the principal roadway serving the North
Dwyer Creek study area and all of north Camas,the SE
1st Street/NW Lake Road corridor should be protected
by tailored access management standards that will pre-
serve the carrying capacity.Between its intersections
with NW Friberg Street and Parker Street,no individual
driveways and only three intervening intersections are
planned.Two of the three intersections may meet war-
rants for traffic signals.
The second concern is the section of NW Friberg Street
between 1st Street /Lake Road and NE Goodwin Road.
Page 13NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
TABLE 6:Design Features of Roads in the North Dwyer Creek Study Area
Road Option 2
Feature NW Lake
NE Friberg
Road Option 1
Design Volume 8,000 to 12,000 Up to 1,20032,000 &up 8,000 to 12,000 8,000 to 12,000
Number of Lanes 3 2533
28 feetTotalPavementWidth72feet48feet40feet44feet
10 feetTravelLaneWidth14feet11feet12feet12feet
Turn Lane Width 14 feet 14 feet NA14feet14feet
Bike Lane Width 5 feet5feet5feetNone none
Both sidesBothsidesBothsidesBothsidesSidewalksBothsides
Curb &Gutter Yes YesYesYesYes
(CMS)adopted by the City of Camas.This Master Plan
incorporates these components by reference.
Project Prioritization
The 1994 Comprehensive Plan provides a mechanism
for establishing priorities for improvements and for pre-
paring improvement cost estimates.A comprehensive
update of cost estimates for not-yet-completed projects
should probably be conducted to ensure that costs for all
projects are comparable.
Table 7 summarizes how planning-level unit costs can
be applied to the projects recommended to serve the
North Dwyer Creek area.
As a three-lane road,it will have substantially less
capacity than will NW Lake Road,so access
management will also be important.Signalized
intersections are planned at both ends (i .e.,SE 1st
Street/NW Lake Road and at NE 13th Street/NE
Goodwin Road).High volumes of traffic will cause
lengthy queues during the peak hours.As a result,
access to the streets will be especially difficult from
driveways within 300 to 600 feet of these signalized
intersections.If residential lots are located close to the
intersection,driveways are best located as far from the
signalized intersections as possible.One option is to
construct a residential frontage road to eliminate
multiple access points along the roadway that cause
conflict.This may be appropriate for the residentially
designated parcels near the intersection of Goodwin
Road and Friberg Road.
Summary of Recommended Street Design
Table 6 summarizes the recommended design standards
for the roadways serving the North Dwyer Creek study
Transit Plan
The 1994 Comprehensive Plan proposes improved C-
TRAN service on NW Lake Road/SE 1st Street to serve
the adjacent industrial development.The amount of
service may need to be periodically reevaluated as de-
velopment intensifies in the North Dwyer Creek area.
Concurrency Management
The 1994 Comprehensive Plan already specifies the
components of the Concurrency Management System
TABLE 7:Planning Level Unit Costs for Improvement
Projects (1999)
$3,600,000Permile5-Lane,82-foot Urban Street
$1,800,000Permile3-Lane,44-foot Urban Street
$1,700,000Permile3-Lane,40-foot Urban Street
$1,300,0002-Lane,28-foot Urban Street Per mile
Table 8 summarizes the approximate roadway con-
struction costs for the projects needed to provide ade-
quate capacity for full development of the North Dwyer
Creek area.
TABLE 8:Summary of Roadway Project Costs (1999)
Total Construc-
tion Cost
SE 1st Street/Lake Road $3,200,0000.9 mi.
Page 14NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
signals have significant benefit to the developers in the
district,but no benefit to others in the area.
A comprehensive update of the TIF and other cost allo-
cation programs could account for these changes and
provide for a funding mechanism to account for devel-
opment of the North Dwyer Creek area.
NE Goodwin Road $1,300,0000.7 mi.
NE Friberg Road $1,400,0000.8 mi.
Industrial streets (all)$6,100,0003.4 mi.
Residential streets (all)1.2 mi.$1,500,000
Traffic Signals (8)$1,200,000NA
Total $14,700,000
Parks,Open Space and Recreation
The 1994 Comprehensive Plan establishes a basic sys-
tem for allocating costs and transportation impact fees
(TIF)for development.The 1994 Comprehensive Plan
listed $21,282,000 for roadway costs to be covered un-
der the impact fee calculations.
The City of Camas Traffic Impact Fee Report (June
1997)provides an updated list of TIF projects and a
refined methodology.Among the projects listed in the
1997 report is the improvement of SE 1st Street/NW
Lake Road.In that report,however,it is listed as a
three-lane facility with an estimated cost of approxi-
mately $2.5 million.Subsequent adjustments have been
made to reflect its planned improvement to a four-or
five-lane road.
An update of TIF projects is needed and should include
additional facility improvements required for the North
Dwyer Creek Master Plan area.Several factors should
be considered in this update.Abutting property owners
may directly and completely fund some projects.In
these cases,no portion of the project need be accounted
for in the TIF program.The industrial streets in the
LI/CT area and the local streets in the adjacent residen-
tial area may fall into this category.
For other projects,such as improvements in the SE 1st
Street/NW Lake Road corridor,the property owners
may fund a portion of the project cost while the excess
capacity of the roadway will be funded under the TIF
For another category of projects,the TIF program may
be the appropriate funding mechanism for the entire
project cost.The installation of traffic signals at the in-
tersection of NW Friberg Street and SE 1st Street/NW
Lake Road or the intersection of NW Lake Road and
Parker Street may fall under this category.
It might also be appropriate to consider a local im-
provement district or a separate TIF program to cover
the cost of projects that are of specific benefit to devel-
opers in the North Dwyer Creek LI/CT area.Examples
of these improvements could include the installation of
traffic signals at where the industrial roads intersect
with NW Friberg Street or with NW Lake Road.Such
Existing Conditions
Because North Dwyer Creek is an urbanizing rural area
there has not been the need to provide park facilities.
There are no dedicated public parks in the North Dwyer
Creek Master Plan area.There are three private recrea-
tion facilities encompassing approximately 250 acres:
•Lacamas Campground
•Camas Meadows Golf Course
•Chinook Archery Club
Vancouver-Clark County Parks and Recreation provides
regional type facilities.Regional Parks are typically
located in areas with outstanding natural features or
qualities.Serving the study area are LaCamas Park and
the undeveloped Camp Currie.These facilities range in
size from 100 to more than 325 acres.Facilities include
(or will include)group picnic sites,hiking trails,fishing
piers,barbecues,and potentially overnight camping
areas.Figure 5 shows existing and proposed parks and
Greenway and Open Space Network
The Camas Meadows development plan included a
dedication of property for the Heritage Trail along the
southwest side of LaCamas Creek (see next section).
The Camas Meadows development also includes time
and other,potentially public,open spaces encompassing
sensitive wetland areas.
Trails and Bikeways
Heritage Trail is the only regional trail in the study area
and is being constructed by the Camas Meadows devel-
opment and completed by Clark County along the south
shore of LaCamas Creek.When completed,the trail is
to be deeded to the City of Camas and will be available
to residents of the North Dwyer Creek area.
There are existing regional bike routes on NW Lake
Road and NW Friberg Street.
North Dwyer Creek Master Plan
August 2000
Page 15
way or easements.Designations are regional,local,rus-
tic and semi-primitive.Within the study area only re-
gional and local trails apply.
Regional Connections
In the study area a new connection from the Heritage
Trail to Camp Currie is proposed.Additional connec-
tions can also be made to the Heritage Trail along the
golf course access road from NE Goodwin Road to the
Heritage Trail dedication area.
Local Trails
A Local Trail designed to serve the local community
and to provide access to the regional trail systems is
proposed .The trail width is to be from 6 feet to 10 feet
in width depending on the use proposed and the terrain
involved.Surfacing may be paved or crushed aggregate.
The right of way will vary from 24 feet to 40 feet and
can be located on or off roads.
At this time no local trails are identified for the study
area.However,new developments should be encour-
aged to provide linkages to schools,parks and other
destination points.
Bicycle lanes are typically located along existing street
and road rights-of-way or can be incorporated into the
overall width required for new construction.There are
two classifications for bike lanes:regional and local.
The regional bike lane is intended to connect users to
other jurisdiction or destinations adjoining Camas.Lo-
cal bike lanes are to move the residents of Camas from
one area of the city to another
Regional Bike Lane
Additional regional bike lanes are not needed in the
study area.
Local Bike Lane
A new local bike route is proposed along NW Payne
Street north to the Camas Meadows Golf Course and
the interior circulation road in the proposed industrial
area from the Camas Meadows Golf Course west to NE
Goodwin Road.In addition,street standards allow suf-
ficient width for road sharing between bicycles and
other vehicles.
Costs For Required Facilities
At this time costs are not estimated.
Funding For Future Parks
Acquisition costs will be gathered from the City of
Camas open space impact fees,Real Estate Excise Tax
The other park categories Special Facilities,Greenways,
and Permanent Open Space are not a part of the study
Parks and Recreation Policies
The following policies on parks and recreation facilities
apply to the North Dwyer Creek Master Plan area:
•Provide a Neighborhood Park within a half-mile of
residential development.
•Encourage new developments to provide opportu-
nities to access regional trails.
•Establish signs for bike routes on local streets that
connect with regional bike lanes.
•Encourage new developments to provide pedestrian
and bicycle connections to schools,parks,perma-
nent open space and other trails.
•Create secondary networks of paths and trails by
making mid-block,perpendicular links with roads
(rather than paralleling existing roads).
Needs Analysis
As of January 200,new park standards have been
adopted for the City of Camas.The new park standards
are more descriptive and flexible than previously,with
the emphasis on locating parks near people.For exam-
ple,the standard for a Community Park would change
from 2.5 acres per 1,000 people to Neighborhood Park
(Community Park Function)seven to 10 acres in size
and serving people within one half-mile.In this case,
the Neighborhood Park (Community Park Function)
contains all elements of a typical neighborhood park,
plus specialized facilities such as sport fields or other
Neighborhood Parks
Within the study area a Neighborhood Park needs to be
provided.The Neighborhood Park is typically a combi-
nation playground designed for non-organized activi-
ties.It is generally small in size serving people within
one half-mile walking distance.Minimum size require-
ments are three to seven acres.Appropriate facilities
include:open play areas,children’s playground,paved
game courts,tennis courts,picnic areas with tables and
benches,interior pathways,and trails.
In the North Dwyer Creek residential area one neigh-
borhood park is recommended .
There are four classifications of trails.These are gener-
ally located off paved roads within their own rights-of-
Page 16NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
(REET),the State of Washington IAC funds,and other
appropriate resources.
historic trends,new housing starts,and interest rates.
For every 25 students,an additional 900 square feet is
needed.The school district typically does not plan more
than five years ahead because a change in interest rates
of 2 percent or more can dramatically affect demand .
Usually elementary schools can be constructed within
two years and middle schools within three years.
The optimum capacity in the Camas School District is
3,650 students for all grades (K-12).As of September
1998,enrollment for the school year was just over
3,500.The school district projects that capacity will be
exceeded by 2000 or 2001.
In May 1999,voters approved a bond measure to pro-
vide financing for new school facilities.The bond will
provide approximately $57 million for the following:a
new high school and a new elementary school,reloca-
tion of the bus dispatch office and maintenance facility
and bus parking area,modernization projects,a 6-
classroom expansion at Dorothy Fox school,and prop-
erty acquisitions.
At Rl -10 zoning,approximately 195 new lots could be
created in the North Dwyer Creek residential area,
adding approximately 183 additional students to the
system.Since in 1998 school facilities were nearly full,
the school district may have reached capacity before
new residential development in North Dwyer Creek
generates these additional students.Given the approval
of future bond funding,now is an appropriate time to
ensure that future facilities will be able to accommodate
the build-out of the residential area of North Dwyer
City Services
Fire Protection and Emergency Medical
The North Dwyer Creek annexation area is serviced by
the City of Camas Fire Department.The Camas Fire
Department operates from the Camas Municipal Build-
ing complex at 616 NE Fourth Avenue in the downtown
core area.The fire station portion of the building is
8,500 square feet.Services include fire suppression,
public education,inspection,prevention and code en-
forcement within the city.
The ambulance service area encompasses urban densi-
ties along the 164th Avenue corridor,as well as Camas
and Washougal.Paramedic personnel cross-trained as
firefighters provide a ratio of 2.4 fire-capable personnel
per 1,000 people when the ambulance is not in use and
1.3 when in use.
Public Facilities,Services,and Utilities
This element of the Master Plan comprises the services
provided by the City,such as schools,emergency,fire,
and police services,as well as the physical infrastruc-
ture for sanitary and storm sewers,and water supply.
The Growth Management Act requires cities and coun-
ties to ensure their services and facilities can accommo-
date growth.
Public Facilities,Services,and Utilities
The following policies apply to the North Dwyer Creek
Master Plan area:
•All new development in the Master Plan area must be
served by the sewer and water systems as described
in the Master Plan and shown on Figures 6a and 6b.
•The costs of extending public facilities to the North
Dwyer Creek Master Plan area will be shared or
borne by property owners seeking development or
redevelopment,as determined by the City of Camas.
Public Facilities
The North Dwyer Creek study area includes portions of
both Camas and Evergreen School Districts.However,
since the Evergreen School District includes only in-
dustrial areas and no potential residential development,
the following discussion pertains only to the Camas
School District.
Schools in Camas include:Camas High School,Sky-
ridge Mid-level School,JD Zellerbach Elementary
School,Hellen Bailer Elementary School,Dorothy Fox
Elementary School,and Lacamas Heights Elementary
In 1994,the Camas School District Comprehensive
Plan identified the capital facilities projects to meet
current needs,all of which have been completed .
Future Needs and Assumptions
Camas School District uses a formula of an average of
0.94 students per household and an optimum capacity
ratio of 25 students for each teacher.The school district
demographer makes projections for enrollment based on
Page 17NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
The Fire Department recently opened a modular station
at 4010 NW Astor Street,formerly the Fire District #9
Volunteer Station,and has added staff.The purchase of
property on NW Parker Street north of 38th Avenue for
a new fire station is being completed,with construction
of a new station expected by the end of 2000.
Future Needs and Assumptions
Based on population growth on the west side of Camas,
and growth of the Light Industrial /County Tech area at
an average rate of $20 million in assessed valuation an-
nually to 2004,current facilities and staff levels cannot
accommodate build-out.According to the City of
Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan,the main fire station
was already often at capacity in 1994.Since the police
moved to new facilities to alleviate some of the current
burden,a staffed modular facility in the Grass Valley
station was opened in 1997 to improve response times
for the west side of Camas.A new west side station be-
gan construction in June 2000 and will be open by
Spring 2001.This second station is located on NW
Parker Street just north of NW 38th Avenue.
With the new fire station,the Fire Department will be
able to meet the 6-minute response-time standard,a
standard not currently met .The second (west)fire
station,coupled with space vacated by the police at the
Camas Municipal Building,was anticipated to provide
sufficient capacity for 20 years,to 2014.
With respect to fire flow requirements,the water lines
were constructed to accommodate industrial develop-
ment,and no problems with accommodating build-out
are expected.
•The Camas Fire Department uses standards to set
minimum levels of service,which are listed in the
City of Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan .The
North Dwyer Creek Master Plan incorporates these
standards by reference.
Police Protection
Existing Conditions
In October 1997,the Camas Police Department moved
from the Camas Municipal Building at 616 NE 4th
Avenue in downtown Camas to a new facility on NE
3rd Avenue.
Future Needs and Assumptions
A new fire station planned for the west side,near NW
Parker Street,will have an office for the Police Depart-
ment to use and for the public to contact police.The NE
3rd Avenue facility,combined with the west side fire
station office,will meet police department needs to
No unanticipated impacts are expected with build-out of
the North Dwyer Creek Master Plan area,and the de-
partment will be able to accommodate future needs of
the residents and industrial businesses.If necessary or
requested by new businesses locating in the North
Dwyer Creek industrial area,the police department may
be willing (contingent on available funding)to have an
officer or officers undergo special training to deal with
crimes commonly associated with high technology in-
The North Dwyer Creek Master Plan incorporates by
reference the City of Camas 1994 Comprehensive
Plan's level of service standard.
Existing Conditions
The Camas Public Library serves the city and sur-
rounding area.The Camas Library occupies 8,750
square feet in downtown Camas at 421 NE Franklin
Street,across from City Hall.
Future Needs and Assumptions
In 1994,the library was at capacity for patron seating,
storage,and staff work space.A study of the library’s
needs and the potential cost for remodeling and ex-
panding the existing building was conducted through
the fall of 1998.Funding in the amount of $7.96 million
was secured through voter approval in early 2000.Con-
struction is scheduled for Spring to Summer 2001.The
1994 Comprehensive Plan notes that as the city expands
westward,a smaller secondary facility in a commercial
district would be considered.
The library will accommodate some future needs by
expanding its links with participating libraries,includ -
ing access to full text periodical databases and an Inter-
net connection.Most demand outside of Camas comes
from areas to the north of the city limits.Build-out of
the North Dwyer Creek area with primarily industrial
uses is not expected to affect the level of services pro-
vided by the Camas Public Library.
Page 18NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
City Utilities
area may be necessary to maintain pressures within the
acceptable range.
Construction Criteria.Construction criteria in the City
of Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan apply to the North
Dwyer Creek Master Plan area and are adopted by ref-
Current Deficiencies/Excess Capacity
The existing North Dwyer Creek Master Plan area has
excess capacity.
Water System Model and Evaluation
The North Dwyer Creek Master Plan area was added to
the existing City of Camas EPANET water system
model.The criteria used for the additional modeling
came from the City of Camas Water System Master
Capital Improvement Plan
A Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)of recommended
projects and their associated costs has been prepared
and is included as Table 9.
The finance section of the City of Camas 1994 Compre-
hensive Plan is applicable to the North Dwyer Creek
Master Plan area and is not amended by the North
Dwyer Creek Master Plan.
Existing System
The existing wastewater system for the City of Camas is
described in the Wastewater Facilities Plan,dated Octo-
ber,1994.The North Dwyer Creek study area was in-
cluded in this Plan and identified as service area 2.The
Study Area is currently unsewered with the exception of
a small number of rural,private septic systems with
drain fields for wastewater disposal.Since this plan was
completed,few additions have been made to the system
that impact the North Dwyer Creek Area.The logical
connection point to the existing system remains the
existing 21 inch diameter pressure main located at the
intersection of NW Lake Road and Parker Street.Figure
6B shows the existing and planned sanitary sewer sys-
tem at the time the North Dwyer Creek Master Plan was
Level of Service Criteria
Existing System
The existing water system for the City of Camas is de-
scribed in the Water System Master Plan,dated Febru-
ary 1996.Since that plan was completed,additions have
been made to the system that affect the North Dwyer
Creek area.A 12-inch line was constructed from the
existing system west along NW Lake Road to NW
Friberg Street.This line then extends north on NW
Friberg Street to the bridge at NE Goodwin Road,and is
looped back into the Camas Meadows development
through a 12-inch line in NW Camas Meadows Drive.
An 8-inch line also extends along NE Goodwin Road to
the Green Mountain Golf Course.Figure 6A shows the
existing and planned water system at the time the North
Dwyer Creek Master Plan was drafted.
Surface Water
The discussion of surface water in the City of Camas
1994 Comprehensive Plan applies to the North Dwyer
Creek Master Plan area and is not changed by the North
Dwyer Creek Master Plan.
Ground Water Wells
The Camas Meadows Golf Course currently operates a
10-inch well for irrigation purposes.Three proposed
wells,located in the North Dwyer Creek area,were dis-
cussed in the Water System Master Plan.At the time the
research was done for the North Dwyer Creek Master
Plan,no wells had been constructed,nor were there
plans to construct any in the future,though wells remain
a possible water source for the City of Camas.
Level of Service Criteria
The level of service criteria for the North Dwyer Creek
Master Plan adheres to the City of Camas 1994 Com-
prehensive Plan except for the following additions:
Design Consideration.The minimum mainline size
shall be 8-inches.A hydraulic analysis must be per-
formed to determine the mainline size using the appro-
priate land use designation for both domestic and fire
flow requirements.
Flow Requirements.Fire flow requirements for the
North Dwyer Creek Area are as stated in the City of
Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan .Systems are to be
designed to provide a maximum pressure range of 30 to
100 pounds per square inch (psi)with the ideal range
varying from 40 to 90 psi.The addition of pressure re-
ducing valves in the North Dwyer Creek Master Plan
The level of service criteria for the North Dwyer Creek
Area are the same as those in the City of Camas 1994
Comprehensive Plan.
North Dwyer Creek Master Plan
August 2000
Page 19
TABLE 9 :Water Capital Improvement Plan
Funded By Estimated
Priority Proposed Improvement Purpose
Developer to install line
(completion date:1999)
$600,000Install6,000 feet of 12-inch pipeline on NW Payne
Street,along NW Camas Meadows Drive from NW Lake
Road to NE Goodwin Road
$501,500Install5,900 feet of 8-inch pipeline on future road from
NW Michaelbrook Lane to NW Friberg Street
Developer to install line2Future
$229,500DevelopertoinstalllineInstall2,700 feet of 8-inch pipeline on Street ‘A ’from
NW Lake Road to NW Camas Meadows Drive
3 Future
Developer to install line $55,250Install650feetof8-inch pipeline on future road from the
intersection of NW Lake Road and Parker Road north to
the future road through the residential zoned area
4 Future
Upon considering the MacKay and Sposito,
posal and the future maintenance responsibilities gener-
ated by the proposed system,City staff elected to
change the collection system in this area to a septic tank
effluent pump (S.T.E .P.)system for the entire master
plan area.This decision is consistent with the recom-
mendations of the 1994 Comprehensive Plan and has
the following advantages:
•The City of Camas would not be responsible for the
operating and relatively high maintenance costs of
the electro-mechanical pump station.(Costs would
be distributed proportionately among individual us-
ers who would be responsible for the operation and
maintenance costs generated by their own usage).
•Inflow and infiltration (I and I)are eliminated from
the system,thus reducing an unnecessary load on
the Water Pollution Control Plant.
•There are generally lower maintenance costs with
effluent collection system pressure pipe systems.
The main disadvantages for the City would be increased
truck traffic from hauling septic solids and additional
receiving system requirements at the pollution control
There are advantages for developers,in that the initial
cost of system design and construction is lower.Like-
wise,users would have the advantage of control over
their own system,including responsibility for design,
construction and maintenance.The disadvantages are
the costs associated with this responsibility,such as for
maintenance and periodically removing the septic solids
(usually every 7 to 10 years).
User Pump Design Criteria
The user pump design criteria,below,provide the indi-
vidual property owner some basis for design of their
individual pumping system as related to pumping into a
Current Deficiencies/Excess Capacity
The North Dwyer Creek Study Area is included in the
City of Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan.This plan
provides for adequate future capacity including the
proposed collection system as outlined in this plan.
Major Elements of the Plan
Population,Flow and Loading Projections
With the introduction of the LI/CT with the PID Over-
lay,smaller lots may be developed but the projected
loading and flow differences are negligible (smaller
lots,lower projected flows/lot;larger lots,higher pro-
jected flows/lot).The Population,flow and loading
projections for the Study Area remain the same as the
City of Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan .
Collection System Improvements
Design Considerations
The 1994 Comprehensive Plan recommends the use of
three predominate wastewater collection systems:septic
tank effluent systems,conventional gravity sewers,and
a combination to be used to provide service within the
City.The Wastewater Facilities Plan,1994 ,calls for a
single 500 gallon per minute,City maintained,septic
tank effluent (STE)pump station.The proposed loca-
tion of this station is indicated on North Dwyer Creek
near the center of the Study Area.Approximately 4,500
feet of 8-inch diameter forcemain is also included in the
1994 Facilities Plan.
A current,more detailed,study entitled “Camas Mead-
ows Corporate Center and Golf Course Sanitary Basin
Study”by MacKay and Sposito,Inc.,January,1999
(revised March 1,1999)indicates that a single pump
station is not feasible due to topography and proposes
two (City maintained)STE pump stations.
Page 20NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000
common force main.The reason for the conservative
approach is that the head conditions in the common
force main fluctuate and it is very difficult to determine
just what criteria to use for design.
The suggested individual user pump design criteria are:
•Friction factor:“C”=T 00
•Head condition operation range:TDH +/-50 feet
(TDH =Total Dynamic Head)
•Design velocity:2 feet per second to 6 feet per sec-
Sludge Disposal Options
The Sludge Disposal Options as discussed in the City of
Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan apply to the North
Dwyer Creek Master Plan area.
The finance section of the City of Camas 1994 Compre-
hensive Plan applies to the North Dwyer Creek Master
Plan area.
Stormwater System
Existing Conditions
There are several residential subdivisions situated east
of the North Dwyer Creek Master Plan area that are
serviced by a regional stormwater detention pond.The
Camas Meadows East subdivision has provided storm-
water sewer stub-outs to the adjacent residential prop-
erty.These pipes were sized to convey the undeveloped
10-year,24-hour storm.Any development will have to
provide its own water quantity and quality control fa-
cilities prior to connection to this existing system.
Management of Stormwater
Management of stormwater generated by any develop-
ment in the North Dwyer Creek study area will adhere
to the Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget
Sound Basin .The Fisher Basin Sub-Area Plan will be
used in conjunction with the Stormwater Management
Manual for the Puget Sound Basin and,in the event of
discrepancies between the two,the Fisher Basin Sub-
Area Plan will be used.Each development will be re-
quired to provide a water quantity and quality control
facility as described in the Stormwater Management
Manual for the Puget Sound Basin .No underground
facilities will be accepted.
Regional water quantity and quality control facilities are
not encouraged by the City except in residential subdi-
visions.A regional facility would be considered by the
City for the LI/CT areas with a signed maintenance
agreement between the interested parties.
The area zoned residential,located in the southeast cor-
ner of the North Dwyer Creek Annexation Area,has an
existing wetland within its confines.This wetland
would be an ideal area for water quality/wetland miti-
The maintenance of the water quantity and quality con-
trol facilities will be performed by the property owner
or homeowner’s association.The property owner or
homeowner association,prior to the acceptance of the
water quantity and quality control facilities by the City,
must sign a maintenance contract with the City stating
that the property owner or homeowner’s association
will properly maintain the facilities.The City will per-
form periodical maintenance checks of the facilities and
notify the property owner or homeowner’s association
of any violations of the maintenance contract.
The location of the water quantity and quality control
facilities should be accessible to city personnel either by
proximity to a public access road or with an access road
and easement.
Future Changes
On March 16,1999,nine population groups of salmon
were listed for protection under the Endangered Species
Act (ESA).The effect of this on the Lacamas Lake Ba-
sin are unknown at this time but changes may need to
be made to the water quality requirements in the
Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound
Basin and the Fisher Basin Sub-Area Plan .These pos-
sible changes and their effect on the North Dwyer Creek
study area will need to be addressed and incorporated
into the North Dwyer Creek Master Plan as they be-
come available.
Other Utilities
The GMA requires every comprehensive plan to discuss
existing and proposed utilities,including electrical lines,
natural gas pipelines,and telecommunication lines.The
providers of these utilities to Camas are:Clark Public
Utilities (electricity),Northwest Natural (natural gas),
and General Telephone of the Northwest (GTE).Since
the City of Camas 1994 Comprehensive Plan evaluated
existing conditions and future needs based on the devel-
opment of the North Dwyer Creek area with light in-
dustrial uses,that analysis is hereby incorporated by
reference.No additional impacts are anticipated that
could not be accommodated by the providers.
Page 21NorthDwyerCreekMasterPlan
August 2000