ORD 19-019ORDINANCE NO. 19-019 AN ORDINANCE amending the City of Camas' 2019-2020 Budget Ordinance No. 18-024. WHEREAS, the City Council ofthe City of Camas approved Ordinance No. 18-024 and adopted a budget for the years 2019 and 2020; and WHEREAS, the City Council ofthe City of Camas desires to effectively utilize and manage the City's financial resources; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas finds that the proposed adjustments to the Biennial Budget for 2019-2010 reflect revenues and expenditures that are intended to ensure the provision of vital municipal services at acceptable levels; and, WHEREAS, funds received in excess of estimated revenues during the current fiscal year, when authorized by an ordinance amending the original budget, may be included in the expenditure limitation, pursuant to RCW 35A.34.200(1 )(d); and WHEREAS, the City desires to undertake activities, which were not foreseen at the time of adopting the 2019-2020 budget; and WHEREAS, the financial activities in the following funds could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of adopting the 2019-2020 budget, and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 18-024, the City of Camas established a Biennial Budget process pursuant to the provisions ofRCW 35A.34, including therewith procedures for a mid- biennial review and modification of the Biennial Budget; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget modifications as set forth herein have been provided to the City Council and to the public; and WHEREAS, a public hearing as required on the proposed budget modifications has been held as required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS: Section I Budget Amendment-Effect on Fund Revenues and Expenses. In summary form, modifications to the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined are as shown on Attachment A for 2020. .. ORDINANCE NO. 19-019 Section II Adoption. The 2019-2020 Amendments to the Biennial Budget ofthe City of Camas are hereby adopted. Section III Effective Date. This ordinance shall take force and be in effect January 1, 2020, after its passage, approval, and its publication according to law. d'\.....- PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this J!...:::: day ofNovember, 2019. APPROVED~ ~Attorney SIGNED: rCL.A--h.-CJl"L._J ~ ___.,. Mayor SIGN~--er~ Clerk City of Camas Budget for 2020 General $ 6,826,593 $ 25,876,493 $ 25,936,200 $ 6,766,886 $ (59,707) City Street $ 571,911 $ 3,290,304 $ 3,126,342 $ 735,873 $ 163,962 Tree Fund $ 15,058 $ 5,219 $ 5,000 $ 15,277 $ 219 C/W Fire and EMS $ 2,064,782 $ 11,267,240 $ 11,165,438 $ 2,166,584 $ 101,802 Lodging Tax $ 24,243 $ 13,270 $ 10,300 $ 27,213 $ 2,970 Cemetery $ 25,915 $ 354,707 $ 355,694 $ 24,928 $ (987) Unlimited G.O. Bond Debt Service $ 66,302 $ 610,000 $ 625,311 $ 50,991 $ (15,311) Limited G.O. Bond Debt Service $ - $ 1,931,269 $ 1,931,269 $ - $ - Real Estate Excise Tax Capital $ 8,252,984 $ 5,956,108 $ 8,890,484 $ 5,318,608 $ (2,934,376) Park Impact Fee Capital $ 3,048,092 $ 1,093,722 $ 1,199,193 $ 2,942,621 $ (105,471) Transportation Impact Fee Capital $ 1,781,317 $ 2,171,155 $ 764,248 $ 3,188,224 $ 1,406,907 Fire Impact Fee $ 857,049 $ 237,626 $ 1,094,675 $ 237,626 Brady Road Construction $ 344,447 $ 7,450,000 $ 7,450,000 $ 344,447 $ - Legacy Lands Project $ 4,163,058 $ 3,225,660 $ 6,500,000 $ 888,718 $ (3,274,340) Lake and Everett $ 21,819 $ 6,250,000 $ 6,250,000 $ 21,819 $ - Facilities Capital $ 86,982 $ 1,075,000 $ 1,075,000 $ 86,982 $ - Storm Water Utility $ 2,909,963 $ 1,707,847 $ 1,950,057 $ 2,667,753 $ (242,210) City Solid Waste $ 3,002,243 $ 2,895,640 $ 2,480,210 $ 3,417,673 $ 415,430 Water -Sewer $ 19,152,866 $ 14,723,675 $ 18,283,688 $ 15,592,853 $ (3,560,013) Water -Sewer Capital Projects $ - $ 4,151,244 $ 4,151,244 $ - $ - North Shore Sewer Construction Project $ 3,934,129 $ 38,211 $ 1,725,000 $ 2,247,340 $ (1,686,789) 2019 Water Capital Projects $ 10,367,080 $ 4,556,571 $ 14,886,554 $ 37,097 $ (10,329,983) Water -Sewer Capital Reserve $ 13,548,373 $ 5,342,224 $ 700,794 $ 18,189,803 $ 4,641,430 Water -Sewer Bond Reserve $ 1,699,979 $ 35,497 $ - $ 1,735,476 $ 35,497 Equipment Rental $ 1,606,492 $ 1,753,302 $ 1,707,123 $ 1,652,671 $ 46,179 Firefighter's Pension $ 1,820,503 $ 35,497 $ 386,010 $ 1,469,990 $ (350,513) Retiree Medical $ - $ 168,759 $ 168,759 $ - LEOFF 1 Disablity Board $ - $ 495,658 $ 495,658 $ - $ - Total City Budget 2020 $ 86,192,180 $ 106,711,898 $ 122,219,576 $ 70,684,502 $ (15,507,678) 11/14/2019 4 EXHIBIT A City of Camas Summary of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Reserves Estimated Beginning Fund Balance 1/1/2020 $ 6,826,593 $ 2,701,909 $ 66,302 $ 18,555,748 $ 54,614,633 $ 1,606,492 $ 1,820,503 $ 86,192,180 Taxes $ 17,718,788 $ 2,254,979 $ 610,000 $ 2,111,417 $ 22,695,184 Licenses and Permits $ 1,880,380 $ 78,141 $ 13,510,876 $ 10,087,070 $ 1,958,521 Intergovernmental $ 619,431 $ 845,964 $ 11,850,076 $ - $ 13,315,471 Charges for Services $ 5,050,795 $ 5,421,872 $ 3,464,180 $ 24,194,092 $ 1,726,582 $ 39,857,521 Fines and Forfeitures $ 216,430 $ 17,929 203,889 $ $ 234,359 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 390,670 $ 136,357 $ 115,202 $ 580,572 $ 26,720 $ 35,497 $ 1,285,018 Non -Revenues $ - $ 543,564 $ 6,773,275 $ 5,790,000 $ 12,563,275 Transfers $ - $ 6,175,498 $ 1,931,269 $ 3,145,121 $ 2,886,244 $ 664,417 $ 14,802,549 Total Revenue $ 25,876,494 $ 14,930,740 $ 2,541,269 $ 27,459,271 $ 33,450,908 $ 1,753,302 $ 699,914 $ 106,711,898 Total Available Resources $ 32,703,087 $ 17,632,649 $ 2,607,571 $ 46,015,019 $ 88,065,541 $ 3,359,794 $ 2,520,417 $ 192,904,078 Expenditures Salaries and Benefits $ 13,510,876 $ 10,087,070 $ 4,237,508 $ 571,994 $ 3,143 $ 28,410,591 Supplies and Services $ 3,884,508 $ 2,526,444 $ 40,787 $ 7,229,870 $ 591,565 $ 664,417 $ 14,937,591 Intergovernmental $ 1,039,785 $ 203,889 $ 634,091 $ 1,877,765 Capital $ 406,921 $ 1,513,526 $ 28,438,656 $ 23,896,680 $ 543,564 $ 54,799,347 Debt Service $ 2,556,580 $ 4,835,155 $ 7,391,735 Transfers $ 7,094,111 $ 331,844 $ 3,649,482 $ 3,344,244 $ 382,868 $ 14,802,549 Total Expenditures $ 25,936,201 $ 14,662,773 $ 2,556,580 $ 32,128,925 $ 44,177,548 $ 1,707,123 $ 1,050,428 $ 122,219,578 Estimated Ending Fund Balance $ 6,766,886 $ 2,969,876 $ 50,991 $ 13,886,094 $ 43,887,993 $ 1,652,671 $ 1,469,989 $ 70,684,500 Total Expenditures and Reserve Balance $ 32,703,087 $ 17,632,649 $ 2,607,571 $ 46,015,019 $ 88,065,541 $ 3,359,794 $ 2,520,417 $ 192,904,078 10/7/2019 EXHIBITA City of Camas Revenue Budget Summary for 2020 Taxes $ 15,608,215 $ ' 16,725;948 7.2% $ 17,252,241 3.1% $ 526,293 $ 17,718,788 2.7% $ 466,547 Commercial Proj-Prop Tax and Sales Tax Licenses and Permits $ 11059,129 $ .1,002,421 -5.4% $ 1,983,216 97.8% $ 980,795 $ 1,880,380 -5,2% $ (102,836) New Construction Intergovernmental $ 600,256 $ 597,238 -0.5% $ 598,964 0.3% $ 1,726 $ 619,431 3.4% $ 20,467 Stagnant State and County shared revenues Charges for Services $ 4,208,874 $ 4,856,126 15.4% $ 5,174,754 6,6% $ 318,628 $ 5,050,795 -2.4% $ (123,959) Commercial Proj timing change Fines and Forfeitures $ 181,439 $ 213,781 17.8% $ 223,757 4.7% $ 9,976 $ 216,430 -3.3% $ (7,327) HB 1783 projected impact Miscellaneous Revenue $ 518,628 $ 340,133 -34.4% $ 375,607 10.4% $ 35,474 $ 390,670 4.0% $ 15,063 Adjusted for one-time contributions Total General Fund $ 22,176,541 $ 23,735,647 7.0% $ 25,608,539 7.9% $ 1,872,892 $ 25,876,494 1.0% $ 267,955 Taxes $ 1,156 $ - -100.0% Annexation Road Taxes from County 2016 Intergovernmental $ 757,206 $ 537,740 -29.0% $ 518,607 -3.6% $ (19,133) $ 844,674 62.9% $ 326,067 Grant in 2017 for LED lights Charges for Service TBD License Fees Miscellaneous Revenue $ 3,689 $ 127,233 3349.0% $ 26,792 -78.9% $ (100,441) $ 14,270 -46.7% $ (12,522) Transfers from other funds $ 2,435,433 $ 2,357,039 -3.2% $ 2,459,904 4.4% $ 102,865 $ 2,431,360 -1.2% $ (28,544) Preservation & GF Subsidy - REET in 2019 Total Street Fund $ 3,197,484 $ 3,022,012 -5.5% $ 3,005,303 -0.6% $ (16,709) $ 3,290,304 9.5% $ 285,001 Licenses and Permits $ 15,000 100.0% $ 15,000 $ 2,049 -86.3% $ (12,951) Placeholder Fines and Forfeitures 100.0% $ $ 1,024 100.0% $ 1,024 Placeholder Miscellaneous Revenue $ 11 100.0% $ 11 $ 2,146 19409.1% $ 2,135 Placeholder Total Tree Fund $ $ $ 15,011 100.0% $ 15,011 $ 5,219 -65.2% $ (9,792) IWAIMMUnPIRMINWIN Taxes $ 1,393,667 $ 1,437,229 3.1% $ 2,148,683 49.5% $ 711,454 $ 2,241,972 4.3% $ 93,289 EMS Levy bump Licenses and Permits $ 55,883 $ 68,001 21.7% $ 104,623 53.9% $ 36,622 $ 76,092 -27.3% $ (28,531) Building growth Intergovernmental $ - $ 1,222 100.0% $ 398,481 32508.9% $ 397,259 $ 1,290 -99.7% $ (397,191) Charges for Services $ 4,930,034 $ 5,163,935 4.7% $ 4,908,881 -4.9% $ (255,054) $ 5,367,938 9.4% $ 459,057 Washougal with no firefighters Fines and Forfeitures $ 15,581 $ 15,983 2.6% $ 15,142 -5.3% $ (841) $ 16,905 11.6% $ 1,763 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 79,337 $ 24,288 -69.4% $ 20,343 -16.2% $ (3,945) $ 18,905 -7.1% $ (1,438) Transfers from other funds $ 3,534 055 $ 3,384,113 -4.2% $ 3,800,858 12.3% $ 416,745 $ 3,544,138 -6.8% $ (256,720) Fund Balance Contribution stops in 2020 Total C/W Fire and EMS Fund $ 10,008,557 $ 10,094,771 0.9% $ 11,397,011 12.9% $ 1,302,240 $ 11,267,240 -1.1% $ (129,771) Taxes Miscellaneous Revenue $ $ 11,467 144 $ 14,368 $ 271 25.3% $ 88.2% $ 14,110 366 -1.8% $ 35.1% $ (258) $ 95 $ 13,007 263 -7.8% $ -28.10/9 $ (1,103) (103) Total Lodging Tax Fund $ 11,611 $ 14,639 26.1% $ 14,476 -1.1% $ (163) $ 13,270 -8.3% $ (1,206) Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Transfers from other funds $ $ $ 42,833 228 205500 $ 44,824 $ 2,264 $ 177,000 4.6% $ 893.0% $ -13.9% $ 36,011 709 180,000 -19.7% $ -68.7% $ 17% $ (8,813) $ (1,555) $ 3,000 $ 53,934 100,773 200,000 49.8% $ 14113.4% $ 11.1% $ 17,923 Population 100,064 Grant in 2020 20,000 Total Cemetery Fund $ 248,561 $ 224,088 -9.8% $ 216,720 -3.3% $ (7,368) $ 354,707 63.7% $ 137,987 Taxes $ 626,434 $ 622,380 -0.6% $ 622,734 0.1% $ 354 $ 610,000 -2.0% $ (12,734) Property Tax Levy for DS Total Unlimited GO Debt Sry Fund $ 626,434 $ 622,380 -0.6% $. 622,734 0.1% $ 354. $ 610,000 -2.0% $ (12,734) Total Debt Service Fund 10/7/2019 EXHIBIT A $ 2017 2018 -94.8% $ 2019 Annual % 21019 i Annual % 2OZO Notes Taxes $ Actual ---A 1,936,202 St ual $ 2,131,636 Change ___Yrtjj"ted 10.1% $ Chai!ge­ 2,424,107 _ 13.7% $ Change Amended 292,471 $ d Bu Aet 2;111,417 Change Q2.9% $ chanIye (312,690) New Construction and Population Growth Intergovernmental $ 8,665 $ 397,174 4483.7% $ 839,781 111.4% $ 442,607 $ 3,802,919 .352.8% $ 2,963,138 State Grant for Bridge and RCO Grant Miscellaneous Revenue $ 47,113 $ 808,992 1617.1% $ 100,681 •87.6% $ (708,311) $ 41,772 -58.5% $ (58,909) Transfers from other funds $ 124,496 $ 560,528 350,2% $ 60,000 -89.3% $ (500,528) $ $ 1,093,722 -100.0% $ (60,000) Gen Fund Match for Bridge Retrofit Total Real Estate Excise Tax Fund $. 2,316,476: $ 3,$98,330 .84.2% $ 3,424;569 -12.2% $ (473,761) $ 5,956,108 73.9% $ 2,531,539 Entet pi isu Funds Storm Water Fund Intergovernmental $ 703,617 $ 36,676 -94.8% $ 50,000 W. 13,324 FEMA Funds for 2015 Storm oosomow. INJINFRIVIONmr- 1,442,702 Charges for Services $ :675,299 $ 468,763 -30.6% $ .1,722,812. 267.5% $ 1,Z54,049 $ 1,072,270 -37.8% $ (650,542) PIF Increase & Mult-Family Development Miscellaneous Revenue $ 6,920 $ 21,695 213.5% $ .32,935 51.8% $ 11,240 $ 21,452 -349% $ (11,483) Transfer from other funds $ 760,221 -27.6% $ -100,0% 6,8% $ 111,055 $ 1,707,847 -2.1% $ 12,779 Total Park Impact Fee Fund $ 1,442,440 $ 490,458 -66.0% $ 1,755,747 258.0% $ 1,265,289 $ 1,093,722 -37.7% $ (662,025) Charges for Services g $ 920,821 $ 1,318,351 43.2° /o $ - 1,202,460 .:. -8.8% $ (115,891) $ 2,159,655 79. •. 79.6% $ 9 c- 957,195 Multi -Family Development & no increase in TIF Miscellaneous Revenue $ 2,453 $ 13,117 434.7% $ 21,688 65.3% $ 8,571 $ 11,500 -47.0% $ (10,188) Transfers from other funds $ 318,244 $ -100.0% $ $ Total Transportation Impact Fee Fund $ 1,241,518 $:,.- 1,331,468 7.2% $ 1,224,148 -8.1% $ (107,320) $ 2,171,155. 77.4% $ 947,007 Charges for Services $ 206,644 $ 131,634 -36.3% $ 401,855 205.3% $ 270,221 $ 232,255 -42.2% $ (169,600) Multi -Family Development & no increase in TIF Miscellaneous Revenue $ 1,673 $ 5,550 231.7% $ 9,032 62.7% $ 2,547 $ 5,371 -40.5% $ (3,661) Transfers from other funds $ 100,726 -100.0% Total Fire Impact Fee Fund $ 309,043 $ 137,184 -$5.6% $ 410,887 199.5% $ 272,768 $ 237,626 -42.2% $ (173,261) Intergovernmental $ 42,507 $ - -100.0% $ - $ . $ 6,000,000 100.0% $ 6,000,000 State Grant Miscellaneous Revenue $ 4,374 $ 5,081 16.2% $ 15,161 198.4% $ 10,080 $ 10,107 -33.3% $ (5,054) Debt Proceeds $ 1,179,709 100.0% 100.0% $ (1,179,709) $ 537,821 100.0% $ 537,821 2018 LTGO Bond Transfers from other funds $ 8,298 $. 21,224 155.$% $ 27,938 -100.0% $ 6,714 $ 902,072 3128.8% $ $74,134 Transfer from WIS, REET, GF Total Brady Road Const. Fund $. 55,179 $ 1,206,0142085.6% $ 43,099 -96.4% $ (1,169,629) $ 7,450,000 '17185.8%- $ 7,406,901 Intergovernmental $ - $ - $ 2,047,157 100.0% Conservation Futures Grant Miscellaneous Revenue $ 5,271 100.0% $ 56,337 968.8% $ 51,066 $ 25,000 -55.6% Interest Earnings Debt Proceeds $ 7,699,066 100.0% -100.0% $ (7,699,066) 2018 LTGO Bond Transfer from REET $ 1,153;503 Total Legacy Lands Project Fund $ 7,704,337 100.0% $ 56,337 -99,3% $ (7,648,000) $ 3,225,660 Debt Proceeds $ 6.19,275 100.0% $ 619,275 $ 6,235,454 906.9% $ 5,616,179 2019 LTGO Bond Transfer from other funds $ 3,694 100.0% $ (3,694) $ 14,546 100.0% $ 14,546 Transfer from General Fund Total Lake and Everett Project Fund $ 3,694 100.0% $ 619,275 16764.3% $ 619,275 $ 6,250,000 909.2%--$ 5,630,725 Debt Proceeds $ 1,008,299 100.0% $ (1,008,299) $ Miscellaneous Revenue $ 2,401 $ 4,324 80.1% $ (4,324) Transfer from other funds $ 542,493 $ 645,672 19.0%. $ 275,000 -57.4% $ .(370,672) $ 1,075,000 100.0%. $ 800,000 Transfer from REET and General Fund(Comm Dev) Total Facilities Capital Fund $ 544,894 $ 1,658,295 204.3% $ 275,000 -83.4% $ (1;383,295) $. 1,075,000 290.9%. $ 800,000 Entet pi isu Funds Storm Water Fund Intergovernmental $ 703,617 $ 36,676 -94.8% $ 50,000 36.3% $ 13,324 FEMA Funds for 2015 Storm Charges for Services $ 1,442,702 $ 1,555,918 7.8% $ 1,642,057 5.5% $ 86,139 $ 1,672,160 1.B% $ 30,103 Rate. Model and increase in Population Miscellaneous Revenue $ 53,223. $ 38,559 -27.6% $ S3,011 37.5% $ 14,452 $ 35,687 -32.7% $ (17,324) Transfer from other funds $ 56,671 $ 3,061 -94.6% $ 201 100.0%. $ (2,860) Total Storm Drainage Fund $ 2,256,213 $ 1,634,214 -27.6% $ 1,745,269 > 6,8% $ 111,055 $ 1,707,847 -2.1% $ 12,779 10/7/2019 EXHIBIT A Charges for Services $ 2,584,316 $ 2,706,050 4.7% $ 2,756,217 - 1.9% $ 50,167 $ 2,862,397 3.9% $ 106,180 Pending Rate Model + Population only Miscellaneous Revenue $ 22,259 $ 33,140 48.9% $ 40,318 21.7% $ 7,178 $ 33,243 -17.5% $ (7,075) Total Solid Waste Fund $ 2,606,575 $ 2,739,190 5.1% $ 2,796,535 2.1% $ 57,345 $ 2,895,640 3.5% $ 99,105 Charges for Services $ 12,034,637 $ 12,436,637 3.3% $ 12,960,800 4.2% $ 524,163 $ 14,428,738 11.3% $ 1,467,938 Rate Model and increase in population Miscellaneous Revenue $ 451,292 $ 1,445,746 220.4% $ 492,387 -65.9% $ (953,359) $ 294,937 -40.1% $ (197,450) North Shore Contributions Loan Proceeds $ 3,592,661 -100.0% $ $- Transfer from other funds $ 4,761,244 $ 432,342 $ 10,589,785 100.0% $ 10,157,443 -100.0% $ (10 589,785) Total Water/Sewer Fund $ 20,839,834 $ 14,314,725 -31.3% $ 24,042,972 68.0% $ 9,728,247 $ 14,723,675 -38.8% $ (9,319,297) Miscellaneous RevenueV $ 27 $ 1,356 4922.2% -100.0% $ (1,356) Loan Proceeds $ 27,591 $ 1,085,176 3833.1% $ 97,872 -91.0% $ (987,304) -100.0% $ (97,872) Reservoir, Well 17 Non -Revenues $ 2,013,007 $ 317,397 -84.2% $ 64,542 100.0% $ (252,855) $ 2,590,000 3912.9% $ 2,525,458 Reservoir, Well 17, Lacamas Pump Station Debt Transfer from other funds $ 680,832 $ 1,126,359 65.4% $ 4,521,655 301.4% $ 3,395,296 $ 1,561,244 -65.5% $ (2,960,411) SDC Contributions & Rates Total W/S Capital Fund $ 2,721,457 $ 2,530;288 -7.0% $ 4,684;069 85.1% $ 2,153,781 $ 4,151,244 -11.4% $ (532,825) ,160,434 Miscellaneous Revenue $ $ 122,631 -23.6%$ 109,781 -10.5% $ (12,850) $ 38,210 -65.2% $ (71,571) Project scheduled to be completed 2020 Transfer from other funds $ 12,434 $ 39,698 219.3% $ 22,962 42.2% $ (16,736) -100.0% Total North Shore Sewer Construction $ 172,868_$ 162,329 -6.1% $ 132,743 -18.2% $ (29,586) $ 38,210 -71.2% $ (94,533) Miscellaneous Revenue $ 63,142 100.0%. $ 63,142 $ 31,571 -50.0% $ (31,571) Project scheduled to be completed 2020 Non -Revenue $ 21,447,399 100.0% $ 21,447,399 $ 3,200,000 -85.1% $ (18,247,399) Transfer from other funds $ $ 1,325,000 100.0% $ 1,325,000 Total 2019 Water Projects Construction $ $ $ 21,510,541 100.0% $ 21,510,541 $ 4,556,571 -78.8% $ (16,953,970) Water/sewer Capital ReSCJ'VV Fund Charges for Services $ 2,128,545 $ 2,616,662 22.9% $ 4,493,277 71.7% $ 1,876,615 $ 5,230,797 16.4% $ 737,520 Large Multi -Family Project Miscellaneous Revenue $ 61,043 $ 111,066 81.9% $ 145,928 31.4% $ 34,862 $ 111,427 .23.6% $ (34,501) Total Water/Sewer Cap. Fund $ 2,189,588 $ 2,727,728 24.6% $ 4,639,205 70.1% $ 1,911,477 $ 5,342,224 15.2% $ 703,019 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 27,237 $ 33,578 .23.3% $ 29,915 10.9% $ '.'(3,6631 -$ 35,497 - - 18.7% $ 5,582 EqUipinent Rental Fund Charges for Services $ 1,586,379 $ 1,491,972 -6.0% $ 1,534,557 2.9% $ 42,585 $ 1,726,582 12.5% $ 192,025 ERAModel Miscellaneous Revenue $ 28,723 $ 61,807 115.2% $ 133,570 116.1% $ 71,763 $ 26,720 -80.0% $ (106,850) Transfers from Other Funds $ 294,140 -100.0% Total Equipment Rental Fund $ 1,909,242 $ 1,553,779 -18.6% $ 1,668,127 7.4% $ 114,348 $ 1,753,302 5.1% $ 85,175 Total Firemen's Pension Fund 168,759 24.7°% $ 33,428 Hca wen. we- d -Awa Miscellaneous Revenue $ $ - $ 513 100.0% $ 513 -100.0% $ (513) Transfer from other funds $ 219,164 $ 387,244 76.7% $ 420,625 8.6% $ 33,381 $ 495,658 17.8% $ 75,033 Total LEOFF 1 Disability Fund $ 219,164 $ 387,244 76.7% $ 421,138 8.8% $ 33,381 $ 495,658 17.7% $ 74,520 10/7/2019 EXHIBITA City of Camas Budget Appropriation Summary for 2020 Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Capital Transfers to other funds $ 10,577,728 $ 3,009,055 $ 805,482 $ 129,264 $ 6,370,650 $ 11,363,252 $ 2,950,169. $ 830,346 $ 235,205 $ 6,303,066 74% $ -2.0% $ 3.1% $ 82.0% $ -1.1% $ 12,316,146 3,414,471 883,991 5S0,688 6,884,070 8,4% $ 15.7% $ 6.5% $ 134,1% $ 9,2% $ 952,894 464,302. 53,645 315,483 581,004 $ 13,510,876 $ 3,884,508 $ 1,039,785 $ 406,921 $ 7,094,111 9.7% $ 13,8% $ 17,6% $ -26.1% $ 3.1% $ 1,194,730 8.5 FTE, COLA and FML 470,037 Technology, R&R activities, equipment, contract increases 155,794 Increases from Clark Co. and State (143,7671 Vehicles, Mower, and playground/park equipment 210,041 5 Fire FTEs, SCBAs, 2 Street FTE, vehicles, Annex and equipment Total General Fund $ 20,892,179 $ 21,662,038 3,8% $ 24,049,366 10.9% $ 2,367,328 $ 25,936,201 7.8% $ 1,886,835 Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Capital Transfers to other funds $ $ $ $ $. 497,915 869,119 22,975 990,176 192,186 $ 514,458 $ 1,106,385 $ 2,783 $ 919,495 $ 191,211 3.3% $ 27;3% $ -87,9% $ -7,1% $ -0.5% $ 532,519 883,666 36,586 1,702,029 180,810 3,5% $ -20.1% $ 12146% $ 85.1% $ -5.4% $ 18,061 $ (222,719) $ 33,803 $ 782,534 $ (10401). $ 681,128 960,946 37,481 1,263,526 193,261 27.9% $ 8.7% $ 2.4% $ -25.8% $ 1.4% $ 148,609 2 FTE 77,280 Reduced Seasonals, Increased Chemicals, Signal Maint, Consulting 895 Striping Program (438,503). TBD Frog„ Preservation Program & Neighborhood Proj, 2,451 Debt Service Total Street Fund $ 2,572,373. $ .2,734,332 6.3% $ 3,335,610 22,0% $ 601,278 $ 3,126,342 -6.3% $ (209,268) Supplies and Services $ $ $ 5,000 100.0% $ 5,000 Placeholder Total Tree Fund $ $ $ 5,000 100.0% $ 5,000 Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Capital Debt Payments Transfer to other funds $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,461,494 1,237,829 357,303 36,208 11,516 74,904 $ 8,240,849 $ 1,246,373 $ 168,288 $ - $ 5,219 $ 71,043 10.4% $ 0.7% $ 7.0% $ -100.0% $ -54.7% $ -5.2% $ 9,053,073 1,762,461 163,194 221,115 134,083 26,634 9.9% $ 41,4% $ -3.0% $ 100,0% $ 24691% $ 100.0% $ 812,224 516,088 188,250 221,115 128,864 (44,409) $ 9,277,222 $ 1,423,224 $ 166,408 $ 150,000 $ 116,317 $ 32;266 15% $ -19.2% $ 2.0% $ -322% $ -13.3% $ 21.1% $ 224,149 4 firefighters, 1 Fire Marshal - (339,237) SCBAs and Turnouts 3,214 CRESA rates (71,115) Brush Truck, Ambulance (17,766) 5,632 Retiree Medical reduced In 2020 Total C/W Fire and EMS Fund $ . 8,979,254 $ 9,731,772 8.4% $ 11,360,560 16.7% $ 1,628,788. $ 11,165,437 -1.7% $ (195,123) Supplies and Services $ 11,352 $ 9,223 -18.8% $ 10,000 8.4% $ 777 $ 10,300 3.0% $ 300 Match expenditures to revenues Total Lodging Tax Fund $ 11,352 $ 9,223 -18.8% $ 10,000 84% $ 777 $ - 10,300 - 3.0% $ 300 Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Capital $ $ 112,607 123,129 $ 119,748 $ 97,758. 6.3% $ -20.6% $ 123,491 %,271 3.1% $ -1.5% $ 3,743 $ .(1,487) $ $ 128,720 126,974 100,000 4.2% $ 31.9% $ 100.0% $ .5,229 COLA and OT 30,703 Seasonal Help 100,000 Grant for newfence and electronic gate Total Cemetery Fund $ 235,736. $ 217;506 -7.7% $ " 219,762 1.0% $ 2,256 $ 355,694 61.9% $ 135,932 Principal Interest $ $ 542,000 84,434 $ 558,000 $ 64,380 3.0% $ -23,8% $ 579,000 43,734 3.8% $ -32,1% $ 21,000 (20646) $ 603,000 $ 22,311 4.1% $ -49.0% $ 24,000 Last Payment in 2020 (21,423) Total Unlimited GO Debt Sry Fund $ 626,434 $ 622,380 -016% $ 622,734 0.1% $ 354 $ 625,311 0.4% $ 2,577 Principal Interest $ $ 801,738 377,178 $ 756,026 $ 371,154 -5.7% $ -1.6% $ 1,049,948 946,504 38.90% $ 155.0% $ 293,922 575,350 $ 1,068,631 $ 862,638 1.8% $. -8.9% $ 18,683: l maturity in 2019 (83,B661 Total Unlimited GO Debt Sry Fund $ 1,178,916 $ 1,127,180 -4.4% $ 1,996,452 77;1% $ 869,272 $ 1,931,269 -3.3% $ (65,183) Supplies and Services '$ 31,702 $ 44,046 38.90A $ 7,329 -83.4% $ (36,717) $ 40,787 456,5% $ - 33,458 - Capital $ 219,505. $ 1,259,075 473.6% $ 904,273 -28.2% $ (354;802) $ 6,396,692 607.4% $ 5,492,419 Fallen Leaf Lake, Open. Space, Crown Park, Bldg, Maint Transfers to other funds $ 1,443,916 $ 597,941 -58.6% $ 151,448 -74.7% $ (446,493) $ 2,453,005. 1519.7% $ 2,301,557 Traffic Signals, Debt Service Total Real Estate Excise Tax Fund $ 1,695,123 $ 1,901,062 12.1% $ 1,063,050-44,1Wo $ (838,012) $ 8,890,484 736.3%.. $ 7,827,434 9 10/7/2018 EXHIBIT A Capital Transfers to other funds $ $ 21,562 157,000 $ 74,912 $ 157,825 247.4% $ 015% $ 1,968 215,287 -97,4% $ 36,4% $ (72,9441 $ 57,462 $ 766,964 432,229 38871.7% $ 100.8% $ 764,996 Wildlife League Prop, East Lake Trail; Parklands to Heritage Trail 216,942 Lacamas Lodge Debt Service Total Park Impact Fee Fund $ 178,562 -$ 232,737 303% $ 217,255 -6.7%. $ (15;482) $ 1;199;193 4S2.0% $ 981,938 619,275 1191.9% $ 571,339 $ 6,250,000 909.2% $ 5,630,725 32,798 -31,9%: $ (15,332) $ 18,539 -43.5% $ (14,259) Transfers to other funds $ 730;665 $ 668,926 -8.4% $ 616,057 ^ -7.9% $ (52,8691 $ 764,248 24.1% $ 148,191 Debt Service for Streets Total Transportation Impact Fee Fund $ 730,665 $ 668,926 -8.4% $ 616,057 •7.9% $. -(52,869) $ 764,248 24,1% $ 148,191 $ 410,679 $ 2,067,423 403.4% $: 36,796 -98.2% $ (2,030,625) $ 1,075,000 2821.4%.$ -1,038,202 Transfers to other funds $ 2,126,660 $ 1,232,315 $ 2,014,496 63,50A $ 782,181. $ 1,950,057 -3.2% $ Debt Service for Fire Truck Total Fire Impact Fee Fund $ $ Salaries and Benefits $ 465,544 $ 488,586 4,9% $ 482,244 -1.3% $ (6,3421 $ 501,935 4.1% $ 19,691 COLA Capital Professional Service Transfers to other funds $ - 126,212 $ 387,584 $ 9,576 $ 224,992 207.1% $ 100.0% 10010% 769,069 98.4% $ 381,485 $ 7;450,000 868.7% $ 6,680,931. Construction scheduled for 2019 Total Brady Road Construction Fund $ 126,212 $. 622,152 392.9% $ 769,069 23,6% $ 146,917 $ 7,450,000 668.7% $ 6,680,931 Salaries and Benefits $- 276,105 $ 334,458 21.1% $ 467,909 39,9-A $ 133,451 $ 662,326 Capital $ 47,936 10010% $ 619,275 1191.9% $ 571,339 $ 6,250,000 909.2% $ 5,630,725 Design in 2019 with Construction in 2020 Total Lake and Everett Project Fund $ 47,936 100.0/ $ 619,275 1191.9% $ 571,339 $ 6,250,000 909.2% $ 5,630,725 32,798 -31,9%: $ (15,332) $ 18,539 -43.5% $ (14,259) Capital $ 265,271 Capital $ 410,679 $ 1,877,667 357.3% $ 36,798 -98.0% $ (1,841,069) $ 1,075,000 2821.4% $ 1,038,202 Annex Building Remodel and Generator Transfer to Other Funds $ 189,556 100.0% 63,460 100.0% $ (23,152) $ 63,638 0.3% $ Total Capital Facilities Fund $ 410,679 $ 2,067,423 403.4% $: 36,796 -98.2% $ (2,030,625) $ 1,075,000 2821.4%.$ -1,038,202 Salaries and Benefits $- 276,105 $ 334,458 21.1% $ 467,909 39,9-A $ 133,451 $ 662,326 41.6% $ 194,417 Staff Reallocation and Lead Worker FTE Supplies and Services $ 1,251,472 $ 692;321 -44.7% $ 709,323 2.5% $ 17,002 $. 908,554 28.1% $ 199,231 Push Camera Intergovernmental $ 38,489 $ 48,130 25.0% $ 32,798 -31,9%: $ (15,332) $ 18,539 -43.5% $ (14,259) Capital $ 265,271 $ 70,794 -73.3% $ 741,006 .946.7% $ 670,212 $ 297,000 -59.9% $ (444,006) Wetland Mitigation Debt Service Payments $ 86,873. $ 86,612 $ 63,460 100.0% $ (23,152) $ 63,638 0.3% $ 178 Wetland Mitigation Debt Service Transfers to other funds $ 208,450 -100.0% $ Total Storm Water Fund $ 2,126,660 $ 1,232,315 -42.1% $ 2,014,496 63,50A $ 782,181. $ 1,950,057 -3.2% $ (64,439). Salaries and Benefits $ 465,544 $ 488,586 4,9% $ 482,244 -1.3% $ (6,3421 $ 501,935 4.1% $ 19,691 COLA Supplies and Services $ 1,648,718 $ 1,744,485 5.8% $ 1,525,930 -12.5% $ (218,555) $ 1,846,014 21.1% $ 322,084 ERR rate model Intergovernmental $ 118,299 $ 124;341 5.1% $ 113;630 -8.6% $ (10,7111 $ 130,261 14.6% $ 16,631 Population and CPI Total Solid Waste Fund $ 2,232,561 $ 2,357,412 '5.6% $ 2,121,804 -10.0% $ (235,608) $ 2,480,210. 16.9% $ 358,406 Salaries and Benefits $ 2,068,601 $ 2,061,705 -0.3% $ 2,423,614 17;6% $ 361,909 $ 3,073,247 26.8% $ 649,633 6 FTEs and open positions filled Supplies and Services $ 3,977,673 $ 4,116,003. 3.5% $ 3,670,825 -10.8% $ (445,1781 $ 4,473,302 21.9% $ 802,477 R&R. Programs Intergovernmental $ 508,430 $ 562,595 10.7% $ 501,558 -10.B% $ (61,0371 $ 485,291 -3.2% $ (16,267) Capital $ 130,000 $ 2,836;882 $ 2,706,882 Vehicles and Heavy Equipment Debt Service Payments $ 4,749,155 $ 4,269,049 -10.1% $ 4,252,694 -0.4% $ (16,3551 $ 4,771,517 12.2% $ 518,823 Debt Service Schedules Transfers to other funds $ 523,253 $ 1,344,030 156.9%. $ 4,456,022 231.5% $ 3,111,992 $ 2,643,450 -40.7% $ (1,812,5721 Rate funded Capital Projects Total Water/Sewer Fund $ 11,827,112. $ 12,353,362.. 4.4% $ 15,434,713 23.9% $ 2,951,331 $ 18,283,689 18.5°/% $ 2,848,976 Capital $ 7,699,333 $ 3,375,592 -57.3% $ 751,231 r -77.7% $ (2,624,3611 $ 4,151,244 452.6% $ 3,400,013 Capital Projects Plan Total W/S Capital Projects $ 7,899,333 $ 3,375,592 -57.3% $ 751,231 -77.7% $ (2,624,361) $ 4,151,244 452.6% $ 3,400,013 10/7/2019 EXH181TA 1-1(11') W;rtuCunstI cfiunfrtqut5 - Capital 553,676 100.0% 553,676 14,886,554 2588.7% $ 14,332,878 Reservoir, Wells, Booster Station Transfer to Other Funds $ 10,589,785 100.0% $ 10589785 Total North Shore Construction $ $ $ 11,143,461 100.00A $ 11,143,461 $ 14,886,554 128.60% $ 14,332,878 Transfers to other funds $ 267,529 $ 653,869 144,4% $ 382,715 -41.5% $ (271,154) $ 700,794 83.1% $ 318,079 Well Projects Total Water/Sewer Cap. Fund $ 267,529 $ 653,869 144.4% $ 382,715 -41.5% $ (271,154) $ 700,794 83.1% $ 318,079 Transfers to other funds $ $ 0.0% $ 0.0% $. $ 0.0% $ Total Water/Sewer Bond Res. Fund $ $ 0.0% $ 0.0%. $ $- 0.0% $ Salaries and Benefits - _ -- - - $!- 425,411 $ 46S,626 µ 95% $ - 487,765 'f 48% $,.,•„_ 22,139I $ �-571,994 71,994 ,.._ 3...._._ 17 3% $ .84,229 - i E '- 84,229 Mechanic FTE Supplies and Services $ 584,216 $ 543,478 -7.0% $ 458,340 -15.7% $ (85,138) $ 591,565 29.1% $ 133,225 Improvements, Technology and Equipment Debt $ 3,772 $ 336 -91,1% -100.0% $- (336) $ - $ - Capiml $ 288,061. $ 702,364 143.6% $ 1,145,574 63.1% $ 443,190 $ 543,564 -52.6% $ (602,010) Replacement Schedule Total Equpment Rental Fund $ 1,301,460 $ 1,711,824 31.5% $ 2,091,679 22.2% $ 379,855 $ 1,707,123 -18.4% $ (304,556) Salary and Benefits $ 140,493 $ 127,270 -9.4% $ 116,526 -8.4% $ (10,744) $ 168,759 44.8% $ 52,233 - Total Retiree Medical Fund $ 140,493 $ 127,270 -9.4% $ 116,526 -8.4% $ (10,744) $ 168,759 44,8% $ 52,233 Salary and Benefits $ 219,283 $ 387,014 76.5% $ 207,515 100.0% $ (179,499) $ 495,658 138.9% $ - 288,143 Total LEOFF 1 Disability Fund $ 219,283 $ 387,014 76.5% $ 207,515 100.0% $ (179,499) $ 495,658 138.9^/ $ 288,143 10/7/2019 EXHIBIT A City of Camas General Fund Expenditure Budget Summary for 2020 Salaries and Benefits $ 146,831 $ 153,233 4.4% $ 163,414 6.6% $ 10,181 $ 171,875 5.2% $ 8,461 Intern time/COLA/Healthcare Supplies and Services $ 12,174 $ 10,763 -11.6% $ 12,204 13.4% $ 1,441 $ 13,343 9.3% $ 1,139 CPI Total Legislative $ 159,005 $ 163,996 3.1% $ 175,618 7.1% $ 11,622 $ 185,218 5.5% $ 9,600 Salaries and Benefits $ 131;642 $ 144,144 9.5% $ 201,995 40.1% $ 57,851 $ 237,964 17.8% $ 35,969 New Ct Clerk Supplies and Services $ 130,876 $ 137,487 5.1% $ 184,123 33.9% $ 46,636 $ 211,082 14.6% $ 26,959 Security Upgrades Intergovernmental $ 88,433 $ 104,159 17.8% $ 107,255 3.0% $ 3,096 $ 99,221 -7.5% $ (8,034) Reduced Clark Co. Total Judicial $ 350,951 $ 385,790 9.9% $ 493,373 27.9% $ 107,583 $ 548,267 11.1% $ 54,894 Salaries and Benefits $ 286,869 $ 304,232 6.1% $ 317,579 4.4% $ 13,347 $ 332,874 4.8% $ 15,295 Staffing Allocation Supplies and Services $ 94,226 $ 23,812 -74.7% $ 56,327 136.5% $ 32,515 $ 40,790 -27.6% $ (15,537) Realloc to Outreach Intergovernmental $ 6,506 $ 16,954 160.6% $ 15,565 -8.2% $ (1,389) $ 20,989 34.8% $ 5,424 Outreach Contract Total Executive $ 387,601 $ 344,998 -11.0% $ 389,471 12,9% $ 44,473 $ 394,653 1.3% $ 5,182 Salaries and Benefits $ 893,271 $ 1,002,231 12,2% $ 1,167,347 16,5% $ 165,116 $ 1,196,289 2.5% $ 28,942 Retir, Sal Study & FTE Mo Billing Supplies and Services $ 180,082 $ 143,479 -20.3% $ 254,176 77.2% $ 110,697 $ 293,113 15.3% $ 38,937 Reloc, Billing, Fin Sys Cons Intergovernmental $ 41,438 $ 51,498 24.3% $ 39,245 -23.8% $ (12,253) $ 55,395 41.2% $ 16,150 Single Audit Total Finance $ 1,114,791 $ 1,197,208 7.4% $ 1,460,768 22,0% $ 263,560 $ 1,544,797 5.8% $ 84,029 Supplies and Services $ 127,444 $ 165,938 30.2% $ 159,912 -3.6% $ (6,026) $ 163,482 2.2% $ 3,570 Contract increases Total Legal $ 127,444 $ 165,938 30.2% $ 159,912 -3.6% $ (6,026) $ 163,482 2.2% $ 3,570 12 10/7/2019 Human Resources Salaries and Benefits $ 157,637 $ 165,937 5.3% $ 170,967 3.0% $ 5,030 $ 216,422 26.6% $ 45,455 FMI-Placeholder Supplies and Services $ 71,447 $ 25,583 -64.2% $ 62,502 144.3% $ 36,919 $ 68,083 8.9% $ 5,581 Legal Costs Total Human Resources $ 229,084 $ 191,520 -16.4% $ 233,469 21,9% $ 41,949 $ 284,505 21.9% $ 51,036 12 10/7/2019 Administrative Services Salaries and Benefits $ 132,387 $ 144,405 9.1% $ 150,014 3.9% $ 5,609 $ 155,500 3.7% $ 5,486 Supplies and Services $ 155,644 $ 113,847 -26.9% $ 196,940 73.0% $ 83,093 $ 139,386 -29.2% $ (57,554) Temp Staffing 2019 Intergovernmental $ 47,984 $ 55,161 15.0% $ 39,640 -28.1% $ (15,521) $ 40,609 2.4% $ 969 Total Administrative Services $ 336,015 $ 313,413 -6.7% $ 386,594 23.3% $ 73,181 $ 335,495 -13.2% $ (51,099) 12 10/7/2019 EXHIBIT A Supplies and Services $ 536,499 $ 535,612 -0.2% $ 608,631 13.6% $ 73,019 $ 653,188 7.3% $ 44,557 Training & equipment Intergovernmental $ 254,363 $ 291,395 14.6% $ 290,999 -0.1% $ (396) $ 349,164 20.0% $ 58,165 SWAT/CRESA Costs Capital $ - $ - $ 80,000 100.0% $ 80,000 $ - -100.0% $ (80,000) 2 Vehicles Total Law Enforcement $ 4,667,845 $ 5,122,734 9.7% $ 5,432,038 6.0% $ 309,304 $ 5,777,578 6.4% $ 345,540 Detention and CorrecLion Salaries and Benefits $ 81,065 $ 90,080 11.1% $ 97,548 8.3% $ 7,468 $ 103,589 6.2% $ q 6,041 COLA Supplies and Services $ 23,968 $ 21,279 -11.2% $ 56,769 166.8% $ 35,490 $ 57,709 1.7% $ 940 Intergovernmental $ 185,978 $ 85,475 -54.0% $ 233,537 173.2% $ 148,062 $ 249,003 6.6% $ 15,466 Jail Costs Total Detention and Correction Information $ 291,011 $ 196,834 -32.4% $ 387,854 97.0% $ 191,020 $ 410,301 5.8% $ 22,447 Salaries and Benefits $ 471,196 $ 524,392 11.3% $ 548,033 4.5% $ 23,641 $ 577,621 5.4% $ 29,588 COLA and Healthcare Supplies and Services $ 243,591 $ 257,011 5.5% $ 300,289 16.8% $ 43,278 $ 309,311 3.0% $ 9,022 Email archiving Capital $ - $ 125,081 100.0% $ 25,000 -80,0% $ (100,081) $ 150,000 500.0%o $ 125,000 Phone System and Voicemail Total Information Services $ 714,787 $ 906,484 26.8% $ 873,322 -3.7% $ (33,162) $ 1,036,932 18.7% $ 163,610 Salaries and Benefits $ 1,080,714 $ 1,087,211 0.6% $ 1,300,972 19.7% $ 213,761 $ 1,583,565 21.7% $ 282,593 Eng III, .5 Adm, Intern, Sal Study Supplies and Services $ 130,758 $ 218,482 67.1% $ 127,159 -41.8% $ (91,323) $ 201,210 58.2% $ 74,051 Seasonal Help Intergovernmental $ - $ 21,721 100.0% $ 21,721 $ 25,000 15.1% $ 3,279 Vehicles Total Engineering $ 1,211,472 $ 1,305,693 7.8% $ 1,449,852 11.0% $ 144,159 $ 1,809,775 24.8% $ 359,923 Community Development Salaries and Benefits $ 249,716 $ 272,759 9.2% $ 289,020 6.0% $ 16,261 $ 295,387 2.2% $ 6,367 COLA, Healthcare Supplies and Services $ 12,496 $ 13,422 7.4% $ 17,906 33.4% $ 4,484 $ 20,551 14.8% $ 2,645 Total Community Development $ 262,212 $ 286,181 9.1% $ 306,926 7.2% $ 20,745 $ 315,938 2,9% $ 9,012 Salaries and Benefits $ 444,859 $ 520,682 IT0%o $ 574,671 10.4% $ 53,989 $ 608,913 6.0% $ 34,242 Staff Realioc & Planner 1 Supplies and Services $ 52,174 $ 69,211 32.7% $ 30,353 -56.1% $ (38,858) $ 153,034 404.2% $ 122,681 North Shore Sub -Area Plan Intergovernmental $ 72,841 $ 97,841 34.3% $ 40,250 -58,9% $ (57,591) $ 102,724 155.2% $ 62,474 CREDC, CWEDA Total Planning $ 569,874 $ 687,734 20.7% $ 645,274 -6.2% $ (42,460) $ 864,671 34.0% $ 219,397 Supplies and Services $ $ 93 100.0% $ 500 437.6% $ 407 $ 512 2.4% $ 12 Intergovernmental $ 105,441 $ 127,863 21.3% $ 117,500 -8.1% $ (10,363) $ 120,900 2.9% $ 3,400 Total Animal Control $ 105,441 $ 127,956 21.4% $ 118,000 -7.8% $ (9,956) $ 121,412 2.9% $ 3,412 13 10/7/2019 EXHIBIT A Salaries and Benefits $ 486,004 $ 422,650 -13.0% $ 440,194 4.2% $ 17,544 $ 504,427 14.6% $ 64,233 Seasonals and Heritage Monitor Supplies and Services $ 370,401 $ 248,700 -32,9% $ 336,939 35.5% $ 88,239 $ 413,890 22.8% $ 76,951 Park Planning Intergovernmental $ 2,497 -100.0% $ - $ Pool Closure 2018 Total Parks and Recreation $ 858,902 $ 671,350 -21.8% $ 777,133 15.8% $ 105,783 $ 918,317 18.2% $ 141,184 Salaries and Benefits $ 528,009 $ 555,895 5.3% $ 639,190 15.0% $ 83,295 $ 690,305 8.0% $ 51,115 Realloc Staff &Plans Examiner Supplies and Services $ 34,010 $ 31,384 -7.7% $ Parks Maintenance Salaries and Benefits $ 490,956 $ 477,913 -2.7% $ 520,226 8.9% $ 42,313 $ 685,500 31.8% $ 165,274 2 FTE Supplies and Services $ 488,386 $ 487,042 -0.3% $ 416,492 -14.5% $ (70,550) $ 524,356 25.9% $ 107,864 Reduce Seasonals, Inv Species, Capital $ - $ 243,195 100.0% $ 243,195 $ 75,000 -69.2% $ (168,195) Vehicle, Mower, Park Equip Total Parks Maintenance $ 979,342 $ 964,955 -1.5% $ 1,179,913 22,3% $ 214,958 $ 1,284,856 8.9% $ 104,943 Salaries and Benefits $ 528,009 $ 555,895 5.3% $ 639,190 15.0% $ 83,295 $ 690,305 8.0% $ 51,115 Realloc Staff &Plans Examiner Supplies and Services $ 34,010 $ 31,384 -7.7% $ 38,892 23.9% $ 7,508 $ 43,567 12,0% $ 4,675 Equipment for staff Capital $ 21,721 100.0% $ 21,721 400.0% $ (21,721) Vehicle Total Building $ 562,019 $ 587,279 4.5% $ 699,803 19.2% $ 112,524 $ 733,872 4.9% $ 34,069 Salaries and Benefits $ 107,192 $ 85,356 -20.4% $ 64,848 -0.6% $ (508) $ 111,713 317% $ 26,865 Retirement & Position Change Supplies and Services $ 109,323 $ 116,137 6.2% $ 147,168 26.7% $ 31,031 $ 158,048 7.4% $ 10,880 Facilities Condition Assessment Total Central Services $ 216,515 $ 201,493 -6.9% $ 232,016 15.1% $ 30,523 $ 269,761 16.3% $ 37,745 $ - $ 1,778 100.0% $ 1,778 Capital $ 129,264 $ 109,105 Salaries and Benefits $ 1,012,400 $ 1,116,511 10.3% $ 1,199,721 7.5% 5.3% $ NO 63,985 Positions filled $ 83,210 $ 1,263,706 Supplies and Services $ 235,557 $ 330,890 40.5% $ 408,189 23.4% $ 77,299 $ 419,854 2.9% $ 11,665 Replace equip & repairs Intergovernmental $ - $ - $ - $ 1,778 100.0% $ 1,778 Capital $ 129,264 $ 109,105 0.0% $ 159,049 45.8% $ 49,944 $ 156,921 -1.3% $ (2,128) Library Collection Total Library $ 1,377,221 $ 1,556,506 13.0% $ 1,766,959 13.5% $ 210,453 $ 1,842,259 4.3% $ 75,300 Transfers to Other Funds $ 6,370,650 $ 6,303,066 -1.1% $ 6,884,070 9.2% $ 581,004 $ 7,094,111 3.1% $ 210,041 Firefighters, City Annex,Truck, Amb Total Support to Other Funds $ 6,370,650 $ 6,303,066 -1.1% $ 6,884,070 9.2% $ 581,004 $ 7,094,111 3.1% $ 210,041 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 20,892,182 $ 21,681,128 3.8% $ 24,052,365 10.9% $ 2,371,237 $ 25,936,200 7.8% $ 1,883,835 14 10/7/2019 General Government Operations $ 6,826,593 $ 32,703,087 2,431,360 571,911 General Fund $ 17,718,788 $ 1,880,380 $ 619,431 $ 5,050,795 $ 216,430 $ 390,670 $ Special Revenue 13,332,022 24,243 37,513 Street Fund 25,915 380,622 844,674 - 2,701,909 - 14,270 Tree Fund 2,049 676,302 1,024 2,146 Camas/Washougal Fire and EMS 2,241,972 76,092 1,290 5,367,938 16,905 18,905 Lodging Tax 13,007 3,048,092 4,141,814 263 Cemetery 1,781,317 3,952,472 53,934 857,049 100,773 Sub Total 2,254,979 78,141 845,964 5,421,872 17,929 136,357 Debt Service 6,235,454 14,546 21,819 6,271,819 1,075,000 Unlimited G.O. Bond Debt Service 610,000 6,773,275 3,145,121 18,555,748 46,015,019 Limited G.O. Bond Debt Service 2,909,963 4,617,810 3,002,243 5,897,883 Sub Total 610,000 19,152,866 - - 1,561,244 - Capital Projects 3,934,129 3,972,339 3,200,000 1,325,000 Real Estate Excise Tax Capital 2,111,417 - 3,802,919 13,548,373 18,890,597 41,772 Park Impact Fee Capital 1,699,979 1,735,476 5,790,000 1,072,270 54,614,633 21,452 Transportation Impact Fee Capital 2,159,655 11,500 Fire Impact Fee 232,255 5,371 Brady Road Construction 6,000,000 10,107 Legacy Lands Project 2,047,157 25,000 Lake and Everett Construction Facilities Capital Sub Total 2,111,417 11,850,076 3,464,180 115,202 Enterprise Storm Water Utility - 1,672,160 35,687 City Solid Waste - 2,862,397 33,243 Water -Sewer 14,428,738 294,937 Water -Sewer Capital Projects North Shore Sewer Construction Project 38,210 2019 Water Construction Projects 31,571 Water -Sewer Capital Reserve 5,230,797 111,427 Water -Sewer Bond Reserve 35,497 Sub Total - - - 24,194,092 - 580,572 Internal Support Equipment Rental 1,726,582 26,720 Reserves Firefighter's Pension 35,497 Retiree Medical LEOFF 1 Disablity Board Sub Total 35,497 $ $ 6,826,593 $ 32,703,087 2,431,360 571,911 3,862,215 15,058 20,277 - 3,544,138 2,064,782 13,332,022 24,243 37,513 200,000 25,915 380,622 - 6,175,498 2,701,909 - 17,632,649 66,302 676,302 1,931,269 - 1,931,269 - 1,931,269 66,302 2,607,571 8,252,984 14,209,092 3,048,092 4,141,814 - 1,781,317 3,952,472 857,049 1,094,675 537,821 902,072 344,447 7,794,447 1,153,503 4,163,058 7,388,718 6,235,454 14,546 21,819 6,271,819 1,075,000 86,982 1,161,982 6,773,275 3,145,121 18,555,748 46,015,019 - 2,909,963 4,617,810 3,002,243 5,897,883 - 19,152,866 33,876,541 2,590,000 1,561,244 - 4,151,244 3,934,129 3,972,339 3,200,000 1,325,000 10,367,080 14,923,651 - - 13,548,373 18,890,597 1,699,979 1,735,476 5,790,000 2,886,244 54,614,633 88,065,541 1,820,503 1,856,000 168,759 - 168,759 495,658 - 495,658 Total $ 22,695,184 $ 1,958,521 $ 13,315,471 $ 39,857,521 $ 234,359 $ 1,285,018 $ 12,563,275 $ 14,802,549 $ 86,192,180 $ 192,904,078 10/7/2019 15 General Government Operations _ General Fund $ 9,653,838 $ 3,857,038 $ 444,780 $ 3,439,728 $ 1,039,785 $ 7,094,111 $ - $ 406,921 $ 25,936,201 $ 6,766,886 Special Revenue Street Fund 455,479 225,649 66,818 894,128 37,481 183,261 1,263,526 3,126,342 735,873 Tree Fund 5,000 5,000 15,277 Camas/Washougal Fire and EMS 6,922,901 2,354,321 352,041 1,071,183 166,408 148,583 - 150,000 11,165,437 2,166,585 Lodging Tax 10,300 10,300 27,213 Cemetery 86,467 42,253 12,967 114,007 100,000 355,694 24,928 Sub Total 7,464,847 2,622,223 431,826 2,094,618 203,889 331,844 - 1,513,526 14,662,773 2,969,876 Debt Service Unlimited G.O. Bond Debt Service 625,311 625,311 50,991 Limited G.O. Bond Debt Service 1,931,269 1,931,269 Sub Total 2,556,580 2,556,580 50,991 Capital Projects Real Estate Excise Tax Capital 40,787 2,453,005 6,396,692 8,890,484 5,318,608 Park Impact Fee Capital 432,229 766,964 1,199,193 2,942,621 Transportation Impact Fee Capital 764,248 764,248 3,188,224 Fire Impact Fee - - 1,094,675 Brady Road Construction 7,450,000 7,450,000 344,447 Legacy Lands Project 6,500,000 6,500,000 888,718 Lake and Everett Construction 6,250,000 6,250,000 21,819 Facilities Capital 1,075,000 1,075,000 86,982 Sub Total - - - 40,787 - 3,649,482 - 27,363,656 32,128,925 13,886,094 Enterprise Storm Water Utility 443,424 218,902 34,075 874,479 18,539 63,638 297,000 1,950,057 2,667,753 City Solid Waste 337,337 164,598 84,335 1,763,679 130,261 2,480,210 3,417,673 Water -Sewer 2,086,602 986,645 908,730 3,564,572 485,291 2,643,450 4,771,517 2,836,882 18,283,689 15,592,852 Water -Sewer Capital Projects 4,151,244 4,151,244 - North Shore Sewer Construction Project 1,725,000 1,725,000 2,247,339 2019 Water Construction Projects 14,886,554 14,886,554 37,097 Water -Sewer Capital Reserve 700,794 700,794 18,189,803 Water -Sewer Bond Reserve 1,735,476 Sub Total 2,867,363 1,370,145 1,027,140 6,202,730 634,091 3,344,244 4,835,155 23,896,680 44,177,548 43,887,993 Internal Support Equipment Rental 400,524 171,470 270,231 321,334 543,564 1,707,123 1,652,671 Reserves Firefighter's Pension 3,143 382,868 386,011 1,469,990 Retiree Medical 168,759 168,759 - LEOFF 1 Disablity Board 495,658 495,658 - Sub Total - 667,560 - - - 382,868 - - 1,050,428 1,469,990 Total $ 20,386,572 8,688,436 2,173,977 12,099,197 1,877,765 14,802,549 7,391,735 53,724,347 122,219,578 70,684,501 10/7/2019 16 2020 JOB ROSTER - UPDATED 11/18/2019 Position Ctrl Title Department Employee ADM.FTE.01 Admin Services Director Other Governmental Services Jennifer Gorsuch ADM.FTE.02 Admin Asst/Deputy City Clerk Other Governmental Services Bernice Bacon ADM.FTE.03 Administrative Support Asst II Other Governmental Services Heather Rowley BLD.FTE.01 Building Official Building Robert Cunningham BLD.FTE.02 Building Inspector I Building John McLean BLD.FTE.03 Building Inspector I Building Scott Abernathy BLD.FTE.04 Plans Examiner Building Jeffrey Noga BLD.FTE.05 Plans Examiner Building David Corbett BLD.FTE.06 Sr Permit Tech Planning Kari Murphy BLD.FTE.07 Permit Tech Building Aireanna Baldwin CDV.FTE.01 Community Development Director Community Dev Admin Phillip Bourquin ice'-: V.. di,�.-u., '.5�_e��,iea.,l . ,.,.�_ _. C, _ CDV.FTE.02 Sr Admin Support Asst Community Dev Admin Jan Coppala CEM.FTE.01 Sr Grounds Worker Cemetery Edward Senchyna CSV.FTE.01 Facilities Op Specialist Central Services Ryan Hickey DNC.PTE.01 Offender Crew Leader Detention & Corrections DNC.PTE.02 Offender Crew Leader Detention & Corrections Ruben Vela DNC.TMP.03 Sub Offender Crew Leader Detention & Corrections Dick Golladay EMS.FTE.01 Fire Chief EMS Dominick Swinhart EMS.FTE,02 Div Chief of Emerg Med Service EMS Cliff Free EMS.FTE.03 Sr Admin Support Asst EMS Kacie Jones EMS.FTE.04 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Garry Alex EMS.FTE.05 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Paul Bennett EMS.FTE.06 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Gary Horst EMS.FTE.07 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Trevor Guay EMS.FTE.08 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Gary Stallings EMS.FTE.09 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Mark Widlund EMS.FTE.10 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Adam Brice EMS.FTE.11 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Stephen Carter EMS.FTE.12 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Andrew Nichols EMS.FTE.13 firefighter/Paramedic EMS Shayne Bradley EMS.FTE.14 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Taylor Hauck EMS.FTE.15 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Darr Soli EMS.FTE.16 firefighter/Paramedic EMS Kekoa Paakaula EMS.FTE.17 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Jeffrey Martizia EMS.FTE.18 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Alexander Mounsey EMS.FTE.19 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS Ross Bucklew ENG.FTE.01 Engineering Manager Engineering James Carothers ENG.FTE.02 Project Manager Engineering James Hodges ENG.FTE.03 Project Manager Engineering Anita Ashton ENG.FTE.04 Engineer III Engineering Allen Westersund ENG.FTE.05 Engineer II Engineering Jackie Caldwell ENG.FTE.07 Engineer II Engineering Norman Wurzer ENG.FTE.08 Engineer I Engineering Jeff Englund ENG.FTE.09 Engineer I Engineering Justin Monsrud ENG.FTE.10 Engineer I jEngineering Ahmed Yanka ENG.FTE.11 Sr Engineering Tech Engineering Chris Lopez ENG.FTE.12 Engineering Tech Engineering Eric Dugger ENG.FTE.13 Sr Admin Support Asst Engineering Ronda Syverson ENG.INT.15 Student Intern - Engineering Engineering ENG.INT.16 Student Intern - Engineering Engineering ENG.PTE.14 Admin Support Asst Engineering 2020 FTE 0.6 ENG.TMP.17 Temp Engineering Technician Engineering ENG.TMP.18 Temp Engineering Technician Engineering ERR.FTE.01 Sr Admin Support Asst Equipment Rental Susan Wilde ERR.FTE.02 Lead Mechanic Equipment Rental Keith Mabry ERR.FTE.03 Mechanic Equipment Rental Paul Hamllik ERR.FTE.04 Mechanic Equipment Rental Tim Jorgensen ERR.FTE.05 Mechanic Equipment Rental BD ERR.PTE.06 Custodial Aide Equipment Rental Jeremiah Johnson EXE.ELC.01 Mayor Executive Barry McDonnell EXE.FTE.02 City Administrator Executive Peter Capell FIN.FTE.01 Finance Director Finance Catherine Huber Nickerson FIN.FTE.13 Assistant Finance Director Finance Catrina Galicz FIN.FTE.03 Accountant Finance Leona Langlois FIN.FTE.04 Financial Analyst Finance Debra Brooks FIN.FTE.05 Accounting Asst Finance Nicolle Sorensen FIN.FTE.07 Financial Assistant Finance Amee Rasmussen FIN.FTE.08 Financial Assistant Finance Wendy Easter FIN.FTE.09 Financial Assistant Finance Breanna Grable FIN.FTE.11 Accounting Asst Finance Stephanie Hite FIN.FTE.12 Accounting Asst Finance Martiel Heller FIN.INT.10 Student Intern-Finance Finance Xiufang (Fion) Yin FIR.FTE.01 Battalion Chief Fire Laurie Wolk FIR.FTE.02 Battalion Chief Fire Mark Ervin FIR.FTE.03 Battalion Chief Fire Kevin Villines FIR.FTE.04 Battalion Chief Fire Gregory Payne FIR.FTE.05 Div Chief Fire Marshal Fire Ronald Schumacher FIR.FTE.06 Deputy Fire Marshal Fire Randall Miller FIR.FTE.07 Deputy Fire Marshal Fire Kevin Bergstrom FIR.FTE.08 Administrative Support Asst II Fire Sherri Myers-Breitner FIR.FTE.10 Fire Captain Fire Brooks Cooper FIR.FTE.11 Fire Captain Fire Brad Delano FIR.FTE.13 Fire Captain/Paramedic Fire Michael Brown FIR.FTE.14 Fire Captain/Paramedic Fire Benjamin Silva FIR.FTE.15 Fire Captain/Paramedic Fire Kevin West FIR.FTE.16 Fire Captain/Paramedic Fire Wade Faircloth FIR.FTE.17 Fire Captain/Paramedic Fire James Tierney FIR.FTE.18 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Steven Pozsgai FIR.FTE.19 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Michael Coyle FIR.FTE.20 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Lance Long FIR.FTE.21 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Nickolas Ober FIR.FTE.22 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Cassandra Knierim FIR.FTE.23 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Matthew Peterson FIR.FTE.24 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Christian Ruddell FIR.FTE.25 Firefighter Fire Dale McKenzie FIR.FTE.26 Firefighter Fire Gene Marlow FIR.FTE.28 IFirefighter Fire jAron Black FIR.FTE.29 Firefighter Fire Terry Slocum FIR.FTE.30 Firefighter Fire Victor Compher FIR.FTE.31 Firefighter Fire William Steigmann FIR.FTE.32 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Aaron J Cliburn FIR.FTE.33 Firefighter Fire Christopher Kassel FIR,FTE.34 Firefighter Fire Benjamin Porter FIR.FTE.36 Firefighter Fire Kathleen Linton FIR.FTE.37 Firefighter Fire Matthew Baldwin FIR.FTE.38 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Steve Harrington FIR.FTE.39 Fire Captain Fire Dane Hammond FIR.FTE.40 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Michaela Young FIR.FTE.41 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire John Squire FIR.FTE.42 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Jason Summers FIR.FTE.43 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Thomas Meacham FIR.FTE.44 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Liben Wondemu FIR.FTE.45 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Christopher Richardson FIR.FTE.46 Fire Captain/Paramedic Fire Joshua Proctor FIRE.FTE.47 Firefighter/Paramedic Fire David Zaganiacz HRS.FTE.01 Human Resources Assistant Human Resources Leisha Copsey LEG.ELC.01 Council Member Legislative Gregory Anderson LEG.ELC.02 Council Member Legislative Melissa Smith LEG.ELC.03 Council Member Legislative Steven Hogan LEG.ELC.04 Council Member Legislative Donald Chaney LEG.ELC.05 Council Member Legislative Shannon Roberts LEG.ELC.06 Council Member Legislative Ellen Burton LEG.ELC.07 Council Member Legislative Bonita Carter LEG.INT.08 Student Intern - Legislative Legislative Madora Doremus LIB.FTE.01 Library Director Library Connie Urquhart LIB.FTE.02 Tech & Collections Manager Library Danielle Reynolds LIB.FTE.03 Program & Outreach Coord Library Ellen Miles LIB.FTE.04 Circulation Service Specialist Library John Goaring LIB.FTE.05 Library Associate Library Deborah Chevron LIB.FTE.06 Library Associate Library Judith Wile LIB.FTE.07 Library Associate Library Rebel Martin LIB.FTE.08 Library Associate Library Connie Scott LIB.FTE.10 Library Associate Library Karen Nicholson LIB.FTE.11 Library Support Assistant Library Christopher Knipes LIB.FTE.12 Library Associate Library Kaysie Taylor LIB.PTE.12 Library Aide Library Nancy Renner LIB.PTE.13 Library Aide Library Megan Purkeypyle LIB.PTE.14 Library Aide Library Lindsey Zoller LIB.PTE.15 Library Aide Library Haley Zach LIB.PTE.16 Library Aide Library Hannah Deslatte LIB.PTE.17 Library Aide Library Vanessa Perger LIB.PTE.18 Library Aide Library LIB.TMP.19 Sub Library Associate Library Suzanne Gilman LIB.TMP.20 Sub Library Associate Library Leah Burch LIB.TMP.21 Sub Aide Library Gail Wayper LIB.TMP.22 Sub Library Associate Library LIB.TMP.23 Sub Aide Library LIB.TMP.24 Sub Aide Library Sheila Britschgi LIB.TMP.25 Sub Aide Library Julia Watson MCT.FTE.01 Lead Court Clerk Municipal Court Lindsay Loveland MCT.FTE.02 Court Clerk Municipal Court Tawna Hobensack MCT.PTE.02 Court Security Officer Municipal Court Larry Linne' PLN.FTE.01 Planning Manager Planning Robert Maul PLN.FTE.02 Sr Planner Planning Sarah Fox PLN.FTE.03 Sr Planner Planning Lauren Hollenbeck PLN.FTE.04 Assistant Planner Planning Madeline Sutherland PLN.INT.06 Planning Intern Planning PMT.FTE.01 Lead Grounds Worker Parks Department Nicholas MacQuarrie PMT.FTE.02 Sr Grounds Worker Parks Department Eric Nickelsen PMT.FTE.08 Grounds Worker II Parks Department 2020 PMT.FTE.04 Grounds Worker I Parks Department Michael Clapp PMT.FTE.05 Grounds Worker I Parks Department Sanbae Lee PMT.FTE.06 Grounds Worker I Parks Department Chris Price PMT.FTE.07 Grounds Worker I Parks Department Sean Alix PNR.FTE.01 Parks & Rec Manager Parks & Rec Gerald Acheson PNR.FTE.02 Rec Facilities Coordinator Parks & Rec Susan Newlove PNR.FTE.03 Rec Coordinator Parks & Rec Krista Bashaw PNR.PTE.04 Rec Coordinator Parks & Rec Tammy Connolly PNR,TMP.05 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec Jennifer Wood PNR.TMP.06 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec PNR.TMP.07 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec Patricia Hines PNR.TMP.08 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec Kathryn Danne PNR.TMP.09 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec Brianna Reed PNR.TMP.10 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec William Maniscalco PNR.TMP.11 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec Jean Collins PNR.TMP.12 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec Cassidy Hines PNR.TMP.13 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec Marilyn Hughes-Reed PNR.TMP.14 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec Caden Werlich PNR.TMP.15 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec PNR.TMP.16 Recreation Leader Parks & Rec PNR.TMP.17 Recreation Aide Parks & Rec Jordan Sorensen PNR.TMP.18 Recreation Aide Parks & Rec Josephine Underwood POL.FTE.01 Police Chief Police Mitchel Lackey POL.FTE.02 Police Captain Police Shyla Nelson POL.FTE.03 Police Sergeant Police David Chaney POL.FTE.04 Police Sergeant Police Chuck Nadgwick POL.FTE.05 Police Sergeant Police Walter Boyles POL.FTE.06 Police Sergeant Police Brett Robison POL.FTE.07 Police Sergeant Police Brie Bieber POL.FTE.08 Police Sergeant Police Stefan Hausinger POL.FTE.09 Police Officer Police Debrah Ried► POL.FTE.10 Police Officer Police Tim McNall POL.FTE.11 Police Officer Police Anthony Braunstein POL.FTE.12 Police Officer Police Tyson Simmons POL.FTE.13 Police Officer Police Carlos Gonzalez POL.FTE.14 Police Officer Police Henry Scott POL.FTE.15 Police Officer Police Brent Mayhugh POL.FTE.16 Police Officer Police POL.FTE.17 Police Officer Police Jason Langman POL.FTE.18 Police Officer Police Timothy Fellows POL.FTE.19 Police Officer Police David Garcia POL.FTE.20 Police Officer Police Brian Salwasser POL.FTE.21 Police Officer Police Elliott Sundby POL.FTE.22 Police Officer Police Matthew White POL.FTE.23 Police Officer Police Ward Kruse POL.FTE.24 Police Officer Police Gary Manning POL.FTE.25 Police Officer Police Steven Forgette POL.FTE.26 Code Enforcement Police POL.FTE.27 Lead Police Records Clerk Police Daniel Lim POL.FTE.28 Police Records Clerk/Disp II Police Alicia Stevens POL.FTE.29 Police Records Clerk/Disp II Police Teresa Duey POL.FTE.30 Police Officer Police Casey Handley POL.FTE.31 Police Officer Police Taylor Thune POL.FTE.32 Police Officer Police Wade Ramsey POL.FTE.33 Police Officer Police Kevin Hermann POL.PTE.35 Police Records Clerk/Disp II Police Sydney Baker POL.PTE.36 Parking Enforcement Police Tamera Strunk (2020.6 FTE) POL.FTE.37 Police Officer Police Second SRO 2020 pending CSD Contract POL.TMP.34 Sub Records Clerk Police Angela Bunda PRN.TMP.19 Recreation Aide Parks & Rec Brekelle Werlich SAN.FTE.01 Lead Sanitation Worker Solid Waste Garry Reed SAN.FTE.02 Sanitation Worker Solid Waste Kevin Kunkel SAN.FTE.03 Sanitation Worker Solid Waste Kyle Autry SAN.FTE.04 Sanitation Worker Solid Waste Charles Buchanan STM.FTE.02 Maintenance Worker I Storm Water Darrell Burk STM.FTE.03 Maintenance Worker II Storm Water Matt Persons STM.FTE.04 Lead Maintenance Worker Storm Water Steven Klopman-Baerselman STM.FTE.05 Senior Maintenance Worker Storm Water TJ Crawford STR.FTE.01 Public Works Op Supervisor Street Denis Ryan STR.FTE.02 Lead Maintenance Worker Street Clinton Purkeypyle STR.FTE.03 Maintencane Worker Street Gage McAtee STR.FTE.04 Sr Maintenance Worker Street Brian Walton STR.FTE.05 Maintenance Worker II Street Jacob Grindy STR.FTE.06 Maintenance Worker II Street Rick Copsey STR.FTE.07 Maintenance Worker I Street Alice Braden STR.FTE.08 Maintenance Worker Street Tyler Snoen TEC.FTE.01 Information Tech Director Information Technology Sherry Coulter TEC.FTE.02 IT Network Administrator Information Technology Anthony Collver TEC.FTE.03 IT Support Specialist Information Technology Melinda Pruett TEC.FTE.04 IT Systems Analyst/Programmer Information Technology Joe Vrtiska TEC.INT.05 Student Intern - IT Information Technology Nick Barnes WSW.FTE.01 Public Works Director Water/Sewer Steven Wall WSW.FTE.02 Utilities Manager Water/Sewer Sam Adams WSW.FTE.03 Operations Supervisor W/S Water/Sewer WSW.FTE.04 Sr Admin Support Asst Water/Sewer Charrie Kafouros WSW.FTE.05 Lead Utility Mtc Worker Water/Sewer Tobin Reed WSW.FTE.06 Water Supply Operator Water/Sewer Allen Nelson WSW.FTE.07 Sr Utility Mtc Worker Water/Sewer Brandonn Prather WSW.FTE.08 Sr Utility Mtc Worker Water/Sewer Derek Engler WSW.FTE.10 Utility Mtc Worker II Water/Sewer Jay Martell WSW.FTE.11 Utility Mtc Worker 11 Water/Sewer William Weglage WSW.FTE.12 Utility Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer Dennis Davidson WSW.FTE.13 Utility Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer Nicholas Mettler WSW.FTE.14 Utility Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer Dale Figley WSW.FTE.15 Utility Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer Allen Dickerson WSW.FTE.16 Utility Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer Colby Goin WSW.FTE.17 Utility Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer Daryl Keenan WSW.FTE.18 Utility Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer 2020 WSW.FTE.20 Sewer Maintenance Worker Water/Sewer Michael Katzer WSW.FTE.21 Utility Mtc Worker I Water/Sewer 2020 WWT.FTE.01 Operations Supervisor- WWTP Sewer Treatment Plant Robert Busch WWT.FTE.02 WW Treatment Plant Operator Sewer Treatment Plant Ole Helland WWT.FTE.03 WW Treatment Plant Operator Sewer Treatment Plant Steven Carroll WWT.FTE.04 WW Treatment Plant Operator Sewer Treatment Plant Kenneth Murray WWT.FTE.05 WW Treatment Plant Operator Sewer Treatment Plant Joe Calderone WWT.FTE.06 WW Treatment Plant Operator Sewer Treatment Plant Matthew Golphenee WWT.FTE.07 WW Treatment Plant Operator Sewer Treatment Plant 2020 WWT.FTE.09 Lead WW Treatment Plant Operator Sewer Treatment Plant William Blake Posistions that have been replaced: FIN.FTE.06 Accounting Asst Finance Replaced with .11 LIB.FTE.09 Library Associate Library Replaced with .12 PMT.FTE.03 Grounds Worker I Parks Department Replaced with .06 WSW.FTE.09 Sewer Maintenance Worker Water/Sewer Replaced with .20 FIR.FTE.09 Fire Captain . Fire Replaced with .40 FIR.FTE.12 Fire Captain/Paramedic Fire Replaced with .46 FIR.FTE.35 Firefighter Fire Replaced with .43 FIN.FTE.02 Accounting Manager Finance Replaced with .13