ORD 19-018ORDINANCE NO. 19-018 AN ORDINANCE amending the City of Camas' 2019-2020 Budget Ordinance Nos. 18-024 and 19-004. WHEREAS, the City Council ofthe City of Camas approved Ordinance No. 18-024 and adopted a biennium budget for fiscal years 2019-2020; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas approved Ordinance 19-004 amending the Budget Ordinance 18-024; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas desires to effectively utilize and manage the City's financial resources; and, WHEREAS, the City will receive additional revenues that were not anticipated at the time of adopting the budget for 2019-2020; and WHEREAS, funds received in excess of estimated revenues during the current fiscal year when authorized by an ordinance amending the original budget may be included in the expenditure limitation; and WHEREAS, the City desires to undertake activities which were not foreseen at the time of adopting the 2019-2020 budget; and WHEREAS, the financial activities in the following funds could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of adopting the 2019-2020 budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS: Section I Budget Amendment: The City of Camas' 2019-2020 Budget as adopted in Ordinance No. 18-024 and amended by Ordinance 19-004 is amended as follows: 1. Modify the 2019 Budget for Secretary of State grant and associated expenditures. 2. Modify the 2019 Budget for 2018 General Obligation bond payments. 3. Modify the 2019 Budget for Slow Sands project closing costs. 4. Modify the 2019 Budget to transfer 2019 Revenue bond projects from Water-Sewer Capital Fund to 2019 Water Projects Fund. 5. Modify the 2019 Budget for an increase in recycling rates and associated expenses. 6. Modify the 2019 Budget for GEMT funding as well as overtime in Fire and EMS 7. Supplement the 2019 Budget for unanticipated Library building repairs. ORDINANCE NO. 19-018 8. Supplement the 2019 Budget to transfer Lodging Tax revenue to General Fund for Hometown Holidays costs. 9. Supplement the 2019 Budget for 2019 Revenue bond payments. I 0. Supplement the 2019 Budget for Annex Building design and repairs. Section II Budget Amendment-Effect on Fund Revenues and Expenses: The foregoing increases affect the City funds as shown on Attachment A. Section III Effective Date. This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five days from and after its publication according to law. PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this I~ day of __,__1\\~o:__V_(M----'---=~---' 2019. Mayor SIGNED: ____ ----,-----,------- Clerk City Attorney Attachment A 2019 Budget Amendment -Fund Summary Budget Budget Estimated Budget Amendment Amended --g.----------------------,-, ______ .. ___ ,-, -----------------------------.----·----·--------------------o--. ---.-..,.-- !W: § ~ • : '' General $ Streets $ Tree Fund $ Camas/Washougal Fire & EMS $ Cemetery s ~.1lillft1 ' ~ Unlimited GO Debt Service $ Limited GO Debt Service $ REET $ Park Impact Fee s Transportation Impact Fee s Fire Impact Fee s Brady Road Construction s Larkspur $ Legacy Lands $ Lake and Everett s Facitilies Capital Fund $ St01mWater $ Solid Waste $ Water/Sewer $ W/S Capital Projects s WS Capital Reserve $ WS Bond Reserve s North Shore Construction Project $ Water Capital Projects s ... . Lodging Tax $ Firemen's Pension $ ~quipment Rental and Replacement $ Retiree Medical $ LEOFF 1 Disability Board -~ _$~-- $ 6,067,888 $ 24,883,718 $ (25,370,360) $ 824,100 $ 3,211,456 $ (4,018,476) $ . s 5,100 $ (5,000) s 1,434,397 s 11,457,693 s (11,174,566) $ 41,486 s 233,677 $ (248,656) $ 44,209 $ 610,000 s {622,734) $ -$ 1,179,534 $ (1,179,534) $ 6,263,005 $ 2,913,147 $ {3,058,011) $ 902,130 $ 692,242 $ (924,914) s 1,236,999 $ 1,567,522 $ (616,057) $ 411,185 $ 150,686 $ . $ 1,170,000 $ 4,880,000 s {6,050,000) $ 900,000 $ 1,468,000 $ (2,368,000) $ 7,627,444 s 2,675,438 $ (10,302,882) s -$ 7,650,000 $ {1,400,000) $ -$ 175,000 $ (175,000) $ 2,521,157 $ 1,631,306 $ _(2,444,068) $ 2,383,279 $ 2,811,617 s (2,376,524) $ 8,474,464 $ 13,941,020 s (17,340,035) $ -$ 10,781,000 $ (10, 781,000) $ 8,449,954 s 3,382,956 s (550,000) $ 1,661,363 s 31,616 $ -s 5,935,405 s 76,422 $ {3,330,164) $ -$ 21,335,212 $ (21,335,212) $ s 19,169 $ 12,966 $ (10,000) $ 2,165,157 $ 34,463 $ (379,113) $ 1,803,244 $ 1,696,679 $ (2,429,359) $ -$ 154,664 $ {154,664) s -$ 480,715 $ {480,715) s s 60,336,035 $ 120,123,849 $ (129,125,044) $ $ 5,581,246 $ 20,981 $ (36,323) s 5,565,904 17,080 $ . $ 17,080 100 $ 100 1,717,524 $ 400,000 $ {400,000) $ 1,717,524 26,507 s 26,507 31,475 $ 31,475 . $ 768,161 $ (768,161 s 1,536,322 6,118,141 $ -$ (445,673) $ 5,672,468 669,458 $ (273,926) $ 395,532 2,188,464 $ {148,562) $ 2,188,464 561,871 $ 561,871 . $ . . $ . . $ 6,250,000 $ 6,250,000 . $ 100,000 $ {100,000) $ . 1,708,395 $ 1,708,395 2,818,372 $ 250,000 $ {250,000) $ 2,818,372 5,075,449 $ (409,677) s 4,665,772 -$ (4,375,000) $ 4,375,000 $ - 11,282,910 $ 11,282,910 1,692,979 $ 1,692,979 2,681,663 $ -$ 2,681,663 -$ 4,525,000 $ { 4,525,000) $ - 22,135 $ {1,000) $ 21,135 1,820,507 $ 1,820,507 1,070,564 $ -$ 1,070,564 -$ - -$ - 51,334,840 $ 1,689,142 $ (2,983,322) $ 51,725,544 $ (1,294,180) s (1,294,180) (1) Budgeted revenues and expenses reflect the 2019-2020 Adopted Budget Ord 18-24 Budget Ord 19-004Sp Carry Forward $ 97,783,523 $ (102,468,989) Administrative $ 22,340,326 $ {26,656,056) Supplemental $ $ $ $ {1,294,180) s {918,161) $ $ $ (376,019) (376,019) A-1,5·1 A·6 A·2 A·Z,s-4 A-2 A·2 S-4 A·S S·3,A-3,A-4 A·3 A·4 S-2 Attachment A A-1 Laserfiche Grant General Fund 001 $ -$ 20,981 001-00-334-003-00 $ 20,981 $ 20,981 A-1 Hardware General Fund 001 $ -$ 13,185 001-07-518-900-35 $ (13,185) $ (13,185) A-1 Software General Fund 001 $ 117,428 $ 125,224 001-07-518-900-41 $ (7,796) $ (7,796) A-2 2018 GO Bond Principal Pymt Limited GO Debt Srv 240 $ 242,024 $ 537,024 240-00-591-210-78 $ (295,000) $ (295,000) A-2 2019 GO Interest Pymt Limited GO Debt Srv 240 $ -$ 473,160 240-00-592-753-83 $ (473,161) $ (473,161) A-2 Transfer from REET Limited GO Debt Srv 240 $ 97,942 $ 443,615 240-00-397-300-00 $ 345,673 $ 345,673 A-2 Transfer from PIF Limited GO Debt 5rv 240 $ 157,950 $ 431,876 240-00-397-301-00 $ 273,926 $ 273,926 A-2 Transfer from TIF Limited GO Debt 5rv 240 $ 616,057 $ 764,619 240-0()..397-302-00 $ 148,562 $ 148,562 A-2 Transfer to Debt Service REET 300 $ 97,942 $ 443,615 300-00-597-240-00 $ (345,673) $ (345,673) A-2 Adjust Fund Balance REET 300 $ 6,118,141 $ 5,772,469 300-Q0-508--000-00 $ 345,673 $ 345,673 A-2 Transfer to Debt Service PIF 301 $ 157,950 $ 431,876 301-00-597-240-00 $ (273,926) $ (273,926) A-2 Adjust Fund Balance PIF 301 $ 669,458 $ 395,532 301-00-508--000-00 $ 273,926 $ 273,926 A-2 Transfer to Debt Service TIF 302 $ 616,057 $ 467,495 302-00-597-240-00 $ (148,562) $ (148,562) A-2 Adjust Fund Balance TIF 302 $ 2,188,464 $ 2,039,902 302-00-508-000-00 $ 148,562 $ 148,562 ' ', ' ,' A-3 Water Transmission Main (Slow Sands) W/S Capital 426 $ 150,000 426-00-594-354-65 $ $ (15o,ooo) I $ (150,000) A-3 Transfer from W /S Fund W/S Capital 426 5oo,ooo I$ 650,000 426-00-397-424-Q1 $ 1SO,OOO $ 150,000 A-3 Transfer to W/5 Capital Fund 424 5,055,ooo I $ 5,206,000 424-00-597-426-00 $ (1so,ooo> I s (150,000) A-3 Adjust Fund Balance 424 5,075,449 I $ 4,925,449 424-00-508--000-00 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 A-4 Parker's Landing & WWTP Wells W/5Capital Fund 426 $ 250,000 $ -426-Q0-594-340-65 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 A-4 544 Zone Reservoir W/S Capital Fund 426 $ 3,200,000 426--00-594-342-65 $ 3,200,000 $ 3,200,000 A-4 Lower Prune Hill Booster Station W/5 Capital Fund 426 $ 925,000 426--00-594-343-65 $ 925,000 $ 925,000 A-4 Well17 W/5 Capital Fund 426 $ 150,000 426--00-594-348-65 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 A-4 PWTF Loan W/5 Capital Fund 426 $ 3,200,000 $ -426--00-391-800-00 $ -$ (3,200,000) $ (3,200,000) A-4 Transfer In from W/S W/5 Capital Fund 426 $ 6,971,000 $ 5,646,000 426--00-397-424-00 $ (1,325,000) $ (1,325,000) A-4 Parker's Landing & WWTP Wells 2019 Water Con Funds 428 $ 3,750,000 $ 4,000,000 428-00-594-340-65 $ (250,000) $ (250,000) A-4 544 Zone Reservoir 2019 Water Con Funds 428 $ 3,315,000 $ 6,515,000 428-00-594-342-65 $ (3,200,000) $ (3,200,000) A-4 Lower Prune Hill Booster Station 2019 Water Con Funds 428 $ 1,385,000 $ 2,310,000 428-00-594-343-65 $ (925,000) $ (925,000) A-4 Well17 2019 Water Con Funds 428 $ 2,150,000 $ 2,300,000 428-00-594-348-65 $ (150,000) $ (150,000) A-4 PWTF Loan 2019 Water Con Funds 428 $ -$ 3,200,000 428-00-391-800-00 $ 3,200,000 $ 3,200,000 A-4 Transfer In from W/S 2019 Water Con Funds 428 $ -$ 1,325,000 428-00-397 424-00 $ 1,325,000 $ 1,325,000 A-4 Transfer to W/S Capital Fund W/SFund 424 $ 6,971,000 $ 5,646,000 424-00-597-426-00 $ 1,325,000 $ 1,325,000 A-4 Transfer to 2019 Water Con Fund W/SFund 424 $ -$ 1,325,000 424-00-597-428-00 $ (1,325,000) $ (1,325,000) A-5 Residential Revenue -Recycle $ 250,000 A-5 Professional Services $ (250,000) ,..---_,_, A-6 Fire OT CWFD 115 $ 420,000 $ 616,500 115-09-522-210-12 $ (196,500) $ (196,500) A-6 EMS Salary and Wages CWFD 115 $ 1,687,395 $ 1,737,395 115-00-522-720-11 $ (50,000) $ (50,000) A-6 EMS OT CWFD 115 $ 206,000 $ 329,000 115-00-522-720-12 $ (123,000) $ (123,000) A-6 EMS Benefits CWFD 115 $ 490,855 $ 521,355 115-00-522-720-21 $ (30,500) $ (30,500) A-6 GEMT Funding for Ambulance Transports CWFD 115 $ 1,273,462 $ 1,673,462 115-00-342-600-00 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 •" ,. ..· .. ·· .. ·· : << :> ·.•··· .···' > _: ·c·;···.• .. · .. >··-<. ', <;• <•:: ··'· S-1 fRepairs and Maintenance General Fund 001 $ 32,221 $ 47,563 001-30-572-400-48 $ (15,342) $ (15,342) S-1 lAdjust Fund Balance General Fund 001 $ 5,581,246 $ 5,565,904 001-00-508-000-00 $ 15,342 $ 15,342 . •• • ; > .··•· ·. '· -. . .. -; ' ,' -.··•. ·-.'.·. -., •: ·.> . . .. _--. ·•-; .. ' ;: : .. .·· S-2 T Lodging Tax Funding for Hometown Hoi. Lodging Tax 120 $ -$ 1,000 120-00-597-001-00 $ (1,000) $ (1,000) S-2 !Adjust Fund Balance Lodging Tax 120 $ 22,135 $ 21,135 120-00-508-000-00 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 -. --.... . ·"; ,-. '. ": ·.-·"····-; ·;:'; ' .• • •<., f_c.:' -"' ··_'· i . ~.(: S-3 Bond Principal Payments Water/Sewer 424 $ 735,000 $ 970,000 424-00-591-380-71 $ (235,000) $ (235,000) S-3 Principal-Loans Water/Sewer 424 $ 2,400,900 $ 1,885,156 424-00-591-380-78 $ 515,744 $ 515,744 S-3 Utility Interest Expense Water/Sewer 424 $ 1,116,794 $ 1,657,214 424-D0-592-350-83 $ (540,420) $ (540,420) S-3 Adjust Fund Balance Water/Sewer 424 $ 5,075,449 $ 4,815,772 424-00-508-000-00 $ 259,677 $ 259,677 .··_; .... -;· ..... ' ' .. :• .•:' ... -.. _."• /: .·.· ......... :. .... -·.:. ..... ,·--,· ' :;··''''·'-·'· ~ Transfer to Facilities Capital REET 300 $ 175,000 $ 275,000 300-00-597-318-00 $ (100,000) $ {100,000) Adjust Fund Balance REET 300 $ 6,118,141 $ 6,018,141 300-00-508-000-00 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Transferfrom REET Facilities Capital 318 $ 175,000 $ 275,000 318-00-397-300-00 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Building and Structures-Annex Facilities Capital 318 $ -$ 100,000 318-00-594-220-62 $ (100,000) $ {100,000) . .. "· . ,: .... _; ' ' .• ' . $ 13,874,066 $ (13,874,065) $ 0 NetTotal $ 12,579,886 $ (13,874,065) $ (1,294,180) $ {1,294,179) $ {1) Carry Forward $ $ Net Balance $ $ Administrative $ 11,964,142 $ (12,882,303) Net Balance $ (918,161) $ (918,160) Supplemental $ 615,744 $ {991,762) Net Balance $ {376,019) $ (376,019) $ (1,294,179) Budget Summary Total $ 12,579,886 $ (13,874,065) $ (1,294,180) $ (1,294,180)