AN ORDINANCE of the City of Camas , State of Washington ,
approving the Evergreen School District 2003 Capital Facilities Plan .
WHEREAS , the City Council has previously recognized that growth within the City of
Camas may result in Evergreen School District facilities that are over capacity , and
WHEREAS , the City believes that it is appropriate for new residential development to
partially pay for facilities necessitated by that development through impact fees , and
WHEREAS , the City adopted a school impact fee ordinance , Ordinance No . 1921 ,
authorizing the imposition of an impact fee on behalf of the Evergreen School District , and
WHEREAS , the Evergreen School District has amended its capital facilities plan to add
capital facilities which are necessary to serve new growth and which sets forth the need for new
school facilities and the amount of the impact fee for single - family residences and multi - family
units , and
WHEREAS , the Growth Management Act authorizes the collection of impact fees by the
City of Camas for school facilities , and
WHEREAS , the City of Camas considered the Evergreen School District Capital
Facilities Plan at a regular meeting on December 13 , 2004 .
Section I
The City hereby approves the Evergreen School District 2003 Capital Facilities Plan , a
copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein , and directs that the
Evergreen School District 2003 Capital Facilities Plan shall be appended to the City of Camas
Comprehensive Land Use Plan .
Section II
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication
according to law .
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of December , 2004 .
PPROV t form :
' a
F Cit Attorney
City Street 228662122
SE 1St Street / Lake Road Construction 60 , 000
Emergency Rescue 1 , 577 , 561
Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption 782 , 375
Limited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption 754 , 179
Local Improvement District Fund 30 , 000
Growth Management Act Capital Proj ect 3 , 5152196
Klickitat Park Construction 868 , 749
Storm Water Drainage Utility 1 , 073 , 144
City Sanitary 1 , 640 , 536
Water - Sewer 8 , 654 , 598
Water - Sewer Capital Reserve 1 , 074 , 460
Equipment Rental 1 , 161 , 201
Firemen 's Pension 26 , 000
TOTAL ALL FUNDS 36 , 938 , 376
The council recognizes that ninety - eight thousand dollars , the proportionate
share of overhead costs that the Emergency Rescue Fund would reimburse the
General Fund has not been budgeted and included in the " Proposed Budget "
document . The council agrees to defer this reimbursement until 2007 fiscal year
when an anticipated levy increase or the financial condition improves enough for the
Emergency Rescue Fund to reimburse the General Fund .
That certain document entitled " Proposed Budget " for the year beginning
January 1 , 2005 , two ( 2 ) copies of which are on file in the office of the Clerk , be and
the same is hereby adopted as the budget for the City of Camas for the fiscal year
ending December 31 , 2005 .
The city clerk is directed to transmit a copy of the budget hereby adopted to the
State Auditor 's Office and to the Association of Washington Cities .
This ordinance shall be in force and take effect five ( 5 ) days after its publication
according to law .
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of
December 2004 .
APPROV 0 farm:
Evergreen School District # 114
2003 - 2009
March 2003
( Submitted to the City of Camas,, September 2004 )
Evergreen School District #114
2003 - 2009
March 2003
Board of Directors
Victoria Bradford, President
Joan Skelton, Vice President
Schuyler Hoss
Troy Thomas
Holly Will) ams
Richard Melching
able of Contents
1 . Introduction
2 . Inventory of Schools and Maps
3 . Standards of Service
4 . Enrollment Projections
5 . Needs Forecast
6 . Narrative and Explanation
Regarding Impact Fees
7 . Student Generation Rate
8 . Impact Fee Calculation
Purpose of the Ca pita 1 Faci I ides Plan
The Washington State Growth Management Act ( the " GMA ') includes schools in
the category of public facilities and services . School districts have adopted capital
facilities plans to satisfy the requirements of the GMA and to identify additional school
facilities necessary to meet the educational needs of the growing student populations
anticipated in their districts .
The Evergreen School District (the " District ') has prepared this Capital Facilities
Plan (the " CFP ') to provide Clark County (the " County ') , the City of Vancouver
(Vancouver) and the Cityof Camas ("" Camas " ) with a schedule and financing
program for capital improvements for the 2003 to 2009 time period .
In accordance with the GMA, the Clark County Capital Facilities Plan , Impact Fee
Ordinance and the City of Vancouver Capital Facilities Plan and Impact Fee Ordinance ,
and the City ital Facilities Plan and impact r i this CFP
contains the following required elements .
• A standard of service which identifies the program year, class size , types
of facilities and other factors identified by the District .
• The District's capacity based upon an inventory of the District's facilities .
• A forecast of the future needs for school facilities based on the District's
enrollment projections .
• A plan for financing the school facilities within projected funding levels .
• A calculation of impact fees based on the cost to build school facilities
identified in the CFP
In developing this CFP , the District used student enrollment data from the
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction , vacant buildable lands data
from Clark County and the City of Vancouver and constituent feedback . This
information was used to identify facility needs and priorities .
2 . Inventory and capacity of existing schools and maps
The District has permanent capacity to house 18 , 456 students based on the standard of
service set forth in Section 3 . This capacity exists in the following schools :
A . Elementary Schools
Burnt Bridge Creek 146190A NE 49th St Vancouver WA 98682
Burton 14015 NE 28th St Vancouver WA 98682
Crestline 13003 SE 7th St Vancouver WA 98683
Early Childhood Center 14405 NE 28th St Vancouver WA 98682
Ellsworth 512 SE Ellsworth Rd Vancouver WA 98664
Fircrest 12001 NE 9th St Vancouver WA 98684
Fisher 's Landin 3800 SE Hiddenbrook Dr Vancouver WA 98683
Harmon 17404 -A NE 18th St Vancouver WA 98684
Hearthwood 801 NE Hearthwood Blvd Vancouver WA 98684
Illahee 19401 SE 1st St Camas WA 98607
Image 4400 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98682
Marrion 10119 NE 14th St Vancouver WA 98664
Mill Plain 400 SE 164th Ave Vancouver WA 98684
Orchards 7000 NE 117th Ave Vancouver WA 98662
Pioneer 7212 NE 166th Ave Vancouver WA 98682
Riverview 12601 SE Riverrid e Dr Vancouver WA 98683
Sifton 7301 NE 137th Ave Vancouver WA 98682
Silver Star 10500 NE 86th St Vancouver WA 98662
Sunset 9001 NE 95th St Vancouver WA 98662
York ( Opening Fall
2003 ) 9300 NE 152nd Ave Vancouver, WA 98682
B . Middle Schools
Cascade 13900 NE 18th St Vancouver WA 98684
Covington 11200 NE Rosewood Rd Vancouver WA 98662
Frontier 7600 NE 166th Ave Vancouver WA 98682
Pacific 2017 NE 172nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684
Shahala 601 SE 192nd Ave Vancouver WA 98683 - 9508
' east 1112 SE 136th Ave Vancouver WA 98683
C . High Schools
Evergreen 14300 NE 18th St Vancouver WA 98684
Legacy 2205 NE 138th Ave Vancouver WA 98684
Heritage 7825 NE 130th Ave Vancouver WA 98682
Mountain View 1500 SE Blairmont Dr Vancouver WA 98683
To determine the capacity of District facilities , the Clark County code refers to a
standard of service that each school district must establish . The standard of service
identifies the program year, the class size , the number of classrooms , programs of
special need and other factors determined by the District which affect building capacity .
Portable classroom capacity is calculated separately using the same standards of service
as the permanent facilities .
The standards of service outlined below reflect only those programs and educational
opportunities provided to students that directly affect the capacity of school buildings .
■ Class size for grades K- 3 should not exceed 25 students .
■ Class size for grades 4 - 5 should not exceed 25 students .
■ Special education classes for some students are provided in self
contained classrooms with a capacity should not exceed 10 - 15 students .
■ Music instruction will be provided in a separate classroom .
■ All elementary schools have a room used as a computer lab .
Some special programs require special classroom space such as music, physical
education , computer labs , etc . that reduce the permanent capacity of the buildings .
To participate in these programs , students leave their regular classroom to receive this
special program instruction , thus only their regular classroom is included in the building
capacity calculation .
■ Class size for grades & 8 should not exceed 30 students .
■ Class size for grades 942 should not exceed 30 students .
■ Special education classes for some students are provided in
self- contained classrooms with a capacity not to exceed 10 - 15 students .
Identified students will also be provided other programs in classrooms designated as :
■ Resource Rooms ( i . e . music , art, drama , home and family education , etc . )
It is not possible to achieve 100 percent utilization of regular teaching stations due to
scheduling conflicts for student programs , the need for specialized rooms for certain
programs , and the need for teachers to have work space during their planning period .
Based on the analysis of actual utilization of classrooms , the District has determined a
standard utilization rate of 85 percent .
Currently the District has permanent program capacity to house 18 , 456 students
based on the standard of service set forth . Included is an inventory of the
District 's schools by type reflecting current capacity .
Grade 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
K 11789 11837 11873 11909 1 , 953 11977 2 , 050 21109
1 11879 1953 11998 2 , 037 21086 21134 21192 21256
2 11930 1 , 907 11976 21018 21068 2 , 118 21178 2 , 241
3 11838 11966 1 , 937 21006 21059 21109 2 , 172 21235
4 1 813 1 875 2 002 11970 2049 2 104 2 166 2 229
5 11869 11848 11907 21033 21011 21091 2 , 159 21221
6 1 , 816 11892 11873 11931 2 , 068 21046 21138 21220
7 11878 11811 1 , 896 11868 11934 21072 21060 21139
8 11866 1 , 899 1 , 840 1 , 917 11897 1 , 965 21115 21196
9 1 , 727 2 , 008 2 , 037 11964 2 , 056 21035 21118 21152
10 1 708 1 690 i 940 1 974 i 913 2 11 003 1 993 2 it 025
11 1 , 821 1 , 928 11882 21171 2 , 220 2 , 151 21265 21301
12 1 , 793 1 , 707 11785 11748 21027 21073 2 , 018 21050
Totals 25, 730 26, 324 26, 950 27, 551 28, 347 28, 885 29 , 632 30, 383
Based on the District's forecasts , enrollment is projected to increase by approximately
4 , 653 students by the year 2009 .
This represents a 19 . 6 percent increase over the current student population . Student
enrollment projections were determined using the modified cohort survival approach .
For grade levels , past cohort survival trends were used project future student numbers .
The analysis reflects the district has had an increasing returning enrollment .
5 . Needs Forecast *
Type of School Proposed Yea r of Total Capacity Estimated
Location Completion Building Sq . Costs
( Pro] ected Ft .
Elementary School NE 152nd
Ave 2003 56 , 000 650 $ 10 , 700 , 000 * *
( North of FUNDED
Wa rd Rd
Elementary School SE Sequoia 2004
Circle FUNDED 61 , 000 650 $ 11 , 500 , 000
Elementary School To be 2007
determined FUNDED 61 , 000 650 $ 12 , 500 , 000
Middle School To be
determined 2010 110 , 000 890 $ 26 , 206 , 000
New Sites New
Elementary N /A N /A 11300 $ 4 , 000 , 000
( 2 )
New 950 $ 3 , 750 , 000
New High 1 , 750 $ 6 , 750 , 000
High School To be
determined 2007 225 , 000 1 , 750 $ 48 , 400 , 000
Purchase Purchase
Portables 10 Within 6 1 , 568 each 60 each $ 3 , 000 , 000
portables years
for 6 years $ 3 , 312 , 000
Total $ 130 , 118 , 000
*To accommodate growth on a short term basis , the Evergreen School District # 114 will
purchase and utilize portable classrooms . This plan incorporates those facilities and the
equipment and furniture necessary to equip these classrooms in the District's project list .
The cost of the portables are not included in the impact fee calculation to avoid charging
new housing for the cost of temporary and permanent facilities . However, impact
revenue can be available to fund portable facilities if these facilities are needed to serve
g rowth .
6 . Narrative and Explanation Regarding Impact Fees
Impact fees are calculated based on the plans and the projected costs to build
permanent facilities, the need for which are based on growth . The District is building a
new high school , middle school , and elementary school which will provide additional
capacity to accommodate students form new development . The costs for these facilities
are included in the impact fee calculations . The entire impact fee calculations are set
forth in Section 8 .
The Evergreen School District Board of Directors recommends that impact fees
continue to be collected in the following amounts :
Single Family $ 3 , 540
Multi - Family $ 2 , 280
7 . Student generation factors
" Student Factor " is defined as " the number derived by a school district to
describe how many students of each grade span are expected to be generated by a
dwelling unit . This determination is based on a study completed in February 2003 .
Following these guidelines , the student generation factor for Evergreen School District
# 114 is as follows :
Single Family Elementary . 313
Middle School . 127
High School . 120
. 559
Multi-Family Elementary . 174
Middle School . 073
High School . 039
. 287
The student generation factor was calculated by Mike McCormick . His analysis is
attached .
� o
SIF = CS(SF) - (SM) TO
School Impact Fee - Single Family Residential
Elementary Middle High
$ 11 , 500 , 000 . 00 $ 26 , 206 , 000 . 00 $48 , 400 , 000 . 00 Facilities Cost
650 890 1 , 750 Additional Student Capacity
$ 17 , 692 . 31 $ 29 , 444 . 94 $279657 . 14 = CS
0 . 31 0 . 13 0 . 07 Student Factor (SF)
$ 5 , 484 . 62 $ 3 , 827 . 84 $ 1 , 936 . 00 = CS(SF)
110 . 32 110 . 32 110 . 32 Boeckh Index
80 . 00 110 . 00 120 . 00 SPI square foot
70 . 15 % 70 . 15 % 70 . 15 % State Match Percentage
$ 11919v26 $ 1 , 106 . 67 $ 650 . 07 = SM
$ 3 , 565 . 36 + 1 $2 , 721 . 17 + 1
$ 1 , 285 . 93 = 1 $ 7 , 572 . 46 = CS(SF) - SM
0 . 0495 =Avg. Annual Interest Rate
0 . 621154586 = TC (numerator)
0 . 080247152 = TC (denominator)
7 . 740518766 = TC
$ 150 , 168 . 00 =AAV
1 , 162 , 378 . 22 = TC *AAV
0 . 0205 = TLR
$2 , 382 . 88 =(AAV/10) *TLR
$ 5 , 189 . 58 = CS(SF) - SM- TC
85 . 0 % =Adjustment (Public Share)
$4, 411 . 15 J Total Maximum Impact Fee
School Impact Fee - Multi Family Residential
Elementary Middle High
$ 11 , 500 , 000 . 00 $ 26 , 206 , 000 . 00 $48 , 400 , 000 . 00 Facilities Cost
650 890 1750 Additional Student Capacity
$ 17 , 692 . 31 $29 , 444 . 94 $ 27 , 657 . 14 = CS
0 . 17 0 . 07 0 . 04 Student Factor (SF)
$ 3 , 007 . 69 $ 2 , 061 . 15 $ 1 , 106 . 29 = CS(SF)
110 . 32 110 . 32 110 . 32 Boeckh Index
80 . 00 110 . 00 120 . 00 SPI square foot
70 . 15 % 70 . 15 % 70 . 15 % State Match Percentage
$ 1 , 052 . 50 $ 595 . 90 $ 371 . 47 _ = SM
$ 1 , 955 . 20 + $ 1 , 465 . 2 + $ 734 . 82 1 = $4 , 155 . 26 = CS(SF) - SM
0 . 0495 =Avg. Annual Interest Rate
0 . 621154586 = TC (numerator)
0 . 080247152 = TC (denominator)
7 . 740518766 = TC
$47 , 497 . 00 I =AAV
367 , 651 . 42 = TC*AAV
0 . 0205 = TLR
$ 753 . 69 =(AAV/10) * TLR
$ 3 , 401 . 57 = CS(SF) -SM- TC
85 . 0 % =Adjustment (Public Share)
$2, 891 . 34 J Total Maximum Impact Fee
Evergreen School District
K : \ 17871 \00025\2003 CFP 10/ 19/2004