AN ORDINANCE amending Title 18 of the Camas Municipal
Code by adopting a new chapter establishing a mixed - use zone
(MX) classification .
WHEREAS , as part of its Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance review under the
Growth Management Act , the City has been studying various alternatives for creation of a
mixed - use zone allowing a mixture of compatible light industrial , service , office , retail , and
residential uses , and
WHEREAS , staff has prepared a proposed draft of a mixed - use ordinance , and
WHEREAS , the draft ordinance has been considered at a public hearing held before the
Planning Commission , and
WHEREAS , the draft ordinance has further been considered at a public hearing before
the City Council , and
WHEREAS , the Council desires to adopt the mixed - use ordinance .
Section I
There is hereby added to Title 18 a new chapter entitled 18 . 22_ Mixed Use in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit " A" and by this reference incorporated herein .
Section II
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication
according to law .
PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this ff y da of
2004 . „ ..� . �� . ..... . . .�. . .�
d •
SIGNED . : gayor
APPROVE to fo.r4la :
City Attorney
Camas Municipal Code
Chapter 18 . 22 Mixed Use
Sections :
18 . 22 . 010 Purpose
18 . 22 . 020 Applicability
18 . 22 . 030 Definitions
18 . 22 . 040 Allowed Uses
18 . 22 . 050 Req u i red M ix of Uses
18 . 22 . 060 Process
18 . 22 . 070 Criteria for Master Plan Approval
18 . 22 . 080 Landscape Standards
18 . 22 . 090 Transition Design Criteria
18 . 22 . 100 Incentives
18 . 22 . 010 Purpose
The City recognizes that opportunities for employment may be increased through the
development of master- planned , mixed - use areas . Consistent with this , the City has
created the Mixed Use Zone ( MX ) to provide for a mix of compatible light industrial , service ,
office , retail , and residential uses . Standards for development in the mixed - use zone are
intended to achieve a pedestrian friendly , active , and interconnected environment with a
diversity of uses .
18 . 22 . 020 Applicability
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to parcels designated with mixed - use zoning .
18 . 22 . 030 Definitions
Development Agreement . A binding agreement between the City and a Developer
relative to a specific project and piece of property . The agreement may specify and further
delineate , and may include , but is not limited to , development standards ; vesting ;
development timelines ; uses and use restrictions ; integration within or outside of the subject
development ; construction of transportation , sewer and water facilities ; and allocation of
capacity for transportation , sewer and water facilities . The agreement shall clearly indicate
the mix of uses and shall provide a general phasing schedule , as reviewed and approved
by City Council , so as to ensure that the commencement of construction of the commercial ,
industrial , and /or office uses occur within a reasonable time frame of the construction of the
overall project . Amendments to an approved Development Agreement may only occur with
the approval of the City Council and the developer or its sucessor ( s ) .
Master Plan . As used in this Chapter a master plan is a proposal for development that
describes and illustrates the proposed project ' s physical layout ; its uses ; the conceptual
location , size and capacity of the urban service infrastructure necessary to serve it ; its
provision for open spaces , landscaping , trails or other public or common amenities ; its
proposed building orientation ; its internal transportation and pedestrian circulation plan ; and
the integration of utility , transportation , and pedestrian aspects of the project with
surrounding properties .
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Site Plan . A detailed drawing to scale , accurately depicting all proposed buildings , parking ,
landscaping , streets , sidewalks , utility easement , stormwater facilities , wetlands or streams
and their buffers , and open , space areas .
18 . 22 . 040 Allowed Uses
A . The mix of uses may include residential , commercial , retail , office , light industrial ,
public facilities , open space , wetland banks , parks and schools , in stand alone or
in multi use buildings .
B . Residential uses are allowed either :
1 . In buildings with ground floor retail shops or offices below the residential
units ; or
2 . As single family attached units , as provided for in 18 . 22 . 070A .
C . Commercial and retail uses are permitted , but not required , on the ground floor of
multi - use buildings throughout this district .
D . Uses as authorized under CMC 18 . 07 . 030 .
18 . 22 . 050 Required Mix of Uses
The Master Plan must provide a mix of uses . No single use shall comprise less than
twenty-five ( 25 % ) of the development area ( i . e . residential , commercial , industrial ) and no
more than fifty percent ( 50 % ) of the net acreage of the Master Plan shall be residential , that
is not otherwise contained within a mixed use building . The remaining Master Plan may be
a mix of employment uses as allowed in 18 . 22 . 040 . The minimum use percentage shall not
apply to public facilities , schools , parks , wetland banks or open space .
18 . 22 . 060 Process
A . General . The applicant for a development in the MX zone shall be required to submit a
proposed Master Plan , as defined in section 18 . 22 . 030 , and a proposed development
agreement as authorized under RCW 36 . 70B .
B . Contents . The proposed Master Plan shall include the following information :
1 . Boundaries . A legal description of the total site proposed for development is
required .
2 . Uses and Functions . The Master Plan must include a description of present uses ,
affiliated uses , and proposed uses . The description must include information about
the general amount and type of functions of the use , the hours of operation and the
approximate number of member employees , visitors and special events . For
projects that include residential units , densities , number of units and building heights
must be indicated .
3 . Critical Areas . All critical areas shall be identified on the Master Plan ( that is
available per Clark County GIS mapping and any other known sources [ professional
studies performed on the site , prior applications , etc . ] ) . Critical areas shall include ,
but are not limited to , wetlands , floodplains , fish and wildlife habitat areas ,
geologically hazardous areas , and aquifer recharge areas .
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4 . Transportation . The Master Plan shall include information on projected
transportation impacts for each phase of the development . This includes the
expected number of trips ( peak and daily ) , an analysis of the impact of those trips
on the adjacent street system , and the proposed mitigation measures to limit any
projected negative impacts . Mitigation measures may include improvements to the
street system or specific programs to reduce traffic impacts , such as encouraging
the use of public transit , carpool . A transportation impact study may be substituted
for these requirements .
5 . Circulation . The Master Plan shall address on - site and integration with off- site
circulation of pedestrians , bicycles and vehicles . All types of circulation on and off
the site shall be depicted in their various connections throughout the project and
their linkages to the project and adjacent properties
6 . Phases . The Master Plan shall identify proposed development phases , probable
sequence of future phases , estimated dates and interim uses of the property
awaiting development . In addition , the plan shall identify any proposed temporary
uses or locations of uses during construction periods .
7 . Density . The Master Plan shall calculate the proposed residential density for the
development , which shall include the number and types of dwelling units .
8 . Conceptual Utility Plans . Utility plans should generally address stormwater
treatment and detention areas on the site , existing utilities , proposed utilities and
where connections are being made to existing utilities .
C . Approval ,
The Master Plan and Development Agreement must be approved by the City Council
after a public Hearing . Once approved , the Applicant may submit individual Site Plans
for various portions or phases of the Master Plan which will provide engineering and
design detail and which will demonstrate consistency with the originally approved
Master Plan and other applicable engineering standards . Site plans shall comply with
design review requirements in section 18 . 19 . It is the intent of this section that site
plans shall not be required to re - analyze the environmental and other impacts of the site
plan , which were previously analyzed in the Master Plan and Development Agreement
D . Building Permits Required .
Approval of a Master Plan and Development Agreement does not constitute approval to
obtain building permits or begin construction of the project . Building permits shall be
issued only after a Site Plan has been submitted demonstrating compliance with the
Master Plan , Development Agreement and other applicable City standards , and has
been approved by the City .
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18 . 22 . 070 Criteria for Master Plan Approval
The following criteria shall be utilized in reviewing a proposed Master Plan :
A . Residential Densities and Employment Targets .
Unless otherwise provided for in a transition area to mitigate impacts of increasing
density , the minimum average density of eight ( 8 ) dwelling units per net acre of
residentially developed area is required . The maximum average density shall be an
average of twenty-four ( 24 ) dwelling units per net acre . For employment generating
uses , the Master Plan shall provide an analysis of how many jobs will be produced ,
the timing of those jobs , and the phasing of the employment and non - employment
portions of the proposal . For estimate purposes , the target employment figures
shall generally be consistent to the number of jobs produced that would otherwise
occur in commercial and industrial zoning districts . The minimum number of jobs
should be no less than 6 jobs per developable acre for the non - residential portion of
the project . The City may authorize a development with less than 6 jobs per
developable acre based upon a finding that appropriate measures have been taken
to achieve 6 jobs per developable acre to the extent practicable . "Appropriate
measures " may be demonstrated based upon the following :
1 ) The 6 jobs per developable acre cannot be achieved due to special
circumstances relating to the size , shape , topography , location or surroundings
of the subject property .
2 ) The likely resultant jobs per developed acres ratio would not adversely affect the
implementation of the Comprehensive plan .
3 ) The proposed development would not commit or clearly trend the zoning district
away from job creation .
B . Setback and Height Requirements .
Building setbacks shall be established as part of the Master Planning process .
Setbacks in all future site plans shall be consistent with those established in the
Master Plan . Landscape and setback standards for areas adjacent to non mixed -
use property shall meet or exceed those provided for in Table 18 . 22 . 080A .
The Applicant may propose standards that will control development of the
future uses that are in addition to or substitute for the requirements of this
title . These may be such things as height limits , setbacks , landscaping
requirements , parking requirements , or signage .
C . Landscape Requirements and Buffering Standards
See section 18 . 22 . 080 for standards that apply to landscaping and screening on
mixed use property adjacent to non mixed - use property .
D . Off- Street Parking and Loading
Off- street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18 . 111
Table 18 . 11 - 1 , Table 18 . 11 - 2 and Table 18 . 11 - 3 .
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E . Utilities .
Utilities and other public services sufficient to serve the needs of the proposed
development shall be made available , including open spaces , drainage ways ,
streets , alleys , other public ways , potable water , transit facilities , sanitary sewers ,
parks , playgrounds , sidewalks and other improvements that assure safe walking
conditions for students who walk to and from school .
F . Environmental Impacts .
The probable adverse environmental impacts of the proposed development ,
together with any practical means of mitigating adverse impacts , have been
considered such that the proposal shall not have a probable significant adverse
environmental impact upon the quality of the environment , in accordance with CMC
Title 16 and 43 . 21 C RCW .
G . Access .
The proposed development shall provide at least two access points (where a mixed
use development does not have access to a primary or secondary arterial ) that
distribute the traffic impacts to adjacent streets in an acceptable manner .
H . Professional Preparation .
All plans and specifications required for the development shall be prepared and
designed by engineers and /or architects licensed in the state of Washington .
1 . Engineering Standards .
The proposed development satisfies the standards and criteria as set forth in this
chapter and all engineering design standards that are not proposed for modification .
J . Design Review .
The proposed development satisfies the standards and criteria as set forth in the
Building Design from Camas Design Review Manual: Gateways, Commercial,
Mixed Use & Multi-Family Uses , unless otherwise proposed for modification .
18 . 22 . 080 Landscape Standards
A . Minimum landscaping or open space , as a percent of gross site area , shall be 15 % . All
landscaping shall comply with the applicable landscape provisions in Chapter 18 . 13 . The
entire street frontage will receive street trees/landscaping that will create a unifying effect
throughout the area . Tree groupings shall be located for interest and variety . Plantings
shall conform to the approved selection list available from the City , if available .
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B . Landscape buffers shall be in compliance with the below referenced table :
TABLE 18 . 22 . 080 A
Landscaping Buffering Standards
Zoning of Land Abutting Development Site
Single Family MultkFamily Commercial Office/Campus Industrial
Proposed Not Separ Not Sep . Not Sep . Not Sep . Not Sep .
Mix of Separ- - ated Separ- By Sep . By Sep . By Sep . By a
Uses on ated By a ated Street By a Street By a Street By a Street
Develop . By a Street By a Street Street Street
Site Street Street
Residential 5 ' L1 5 ' L1 5L2 10 ' L1 10 ' L3 10 ' L2 10 ' L2 10 ' L2 10 ' L2 10 ' L3
Single Family w/
Residential 5 ' L2 5 ' L1 10 ' L1 5 ' L1 10 ' L3 5 ' L2 10 ' L2 10 ' L2 10 ' L2 10 ' L3
MultkFamily w/
Commercial 10 ' L3 5 ' L2 10 ' L3 5 ' L1 5 ' L1 5 ' L2 5 ' L2 5 ' L2 10 ' L3 10 ' L2
Indust . 10 ' L2 L2 L4 L2 L3 L2 10 ' L3 L2 5 ' L2 5 ' Ll
C . Landscaping and Screening Design Standards .
1 . L1 , General Landscaping .
a . Intent . The L1 standard is intended to be used where distance is the principal means of
separating uses or development , and landscaping enhances the area between them . The
L1 standard consists principally of groundcover plants ; trees and high and low shrubs also
are required .
b . Required Materials . There are two ways to provide trees and shrubs to comply with an L1
standard . Shrubs and trees may be grouped . Groundcover plants , grass lawn or approved
flowers must fully cover the landscaped area not in shrubs and trees .
2 . L2 , Low Screen .
a . The standard is applied where a low level of screening sufficiently reduces the impact of
a use or development , or where visibility between areas is more important than a greater
visual screen .
b . Required Materials . The L2 standard requires enough low shrubs to form a continuous
screen three ( 3 ) feet high and ninety-five percent ( 95 % ) opaque year - round . In addition ,
one ( 1 ) tree is required per thirty ( 30 ) lineal feet of landscaped area or as appropriate to
provide a tree canopy over the landscaped area . Groundcover plants must fully cover the
remainder of the landscaped area . A three ( 3 ) foot high masonry wall or fence at an F2
standard may be substituted for shrubs , but the trees and groundcover plants are still
required .
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3 . L3 , High Screen .
a . The L3 standard provides physical and visual separation between uses or development
principally using screening . It is used where such separation is warranted by a proposed
development , notwithstanding loss of direct views .
b . Required Materials . The L3 standard requires enough high shrubs to form a screen six
( 6 ) feet high and ninety-five percent ( 95 % ) opaque year- round . In addition , one tree is
required per thirty ( 30 ) lineal feet of landscaped area or as appropriate to provide a tree
canopy over the landscaped area . Groundcover plants must fully cover the remainder of the
landscaped area . A six ( 6 ) foot high wall or fence that complies with an TI or F2 standard
may be substituted for shrubs , but the trees and groundcover plants are still required . When
applied along street lot lines , the screen or wall is to be placed along the interior side of the
landscaped area .
4 . Fences
a . F1 , Partially Sight- Obscuring Fence .
1 . Intent . The FI fence standard provides partial visual separation . The standard is applied
where a proposed use or development has little impact , or where visibility between areas is
more important than a total visual screen .
2 . Required Materials . A fence or wall that complies with the FI standard shall be six ( 6 ) feet
high and at least fifty percent ( 50 % ) sight- obscuring . Fences may be made of wood , metal ,
bricks , masonry or other permanent materials .
b . F2 , Fully Sight- Obscuring Fence .
1 . Intent . The F2 fence standard provides visual separation where complete screening is
needed to protect abutting uses , and landscaping alone cannot provide that separation .
2 . Required Materials . A fence or wall that complies with the F2 standard shall be six ( 6 )
feet high and one hundred percent ( 100 % ) sight obscuring . Fences may be made of wood ,
metal , bricks , masonry or other permanent materials .
5 . The applicant may provide landscaping and screening that exceeds the standards in this
chapter provided :
a . A fence or wall ( or a combination of a berm and fence or wall ) , may not exceed a height
of six ( 6 ) feet above the finished grade at the base of the fence or wall ( or at the base of a
berm , if combined with one ) unless the approval authority finds additional height is
necessary to mitigate potential adverse effects of the proposed use or other uses in the
vicinity ; and Landscaping and screening shall not create vision clearance hazards as
provided in Chapter 18 . 13 of this code .
b . The planning director may approve use of existing vegetation to fulfill landscaping and
screening requirements of this chapter if that existing landscaping provides at least an
equivalent level of screening as the standard required for the development in question .
c . Landscaped areas required for stormwater management purposes may be used to
satisfy the landscaping area requirements of this chapter , even though those areas may be
inundated by surface water .
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3 - t
d . Required landscaping and screening shall be located on the perimeter of a lot or parcel .
Required landscaping and screening shall not be located on a public right- of-way or private
street easement .
18 . 22 . 090 Transition Design Criteria .
In addition to the Design Standards in this chapter , all developments and uses shall
comply with the following transitional design standards :
A . Vehicular accesses should be designed and located so that traffic is not
exclusively directed through a nearby neighborhood area .
B . Loading and refuse collection areas should be located away from bordering
protected zones . Loading and refuse collection areas shall not be located within
a front yard setback .
C . Landscape buffers on proposed projects should comply with those identified in
section 18 . 22 . 080 .
18 . 22 . 100 Incentives .
A . Traffic Impact Fee ( TIF ) Reduction . A reduction of the TIF may be granted pursuant to
this section with the implementation and maintenance of the corresponding action in
Table 2 upon approval of the director .
Table =2
jACtlon TIF
Construction of direct walkway connection to the nearest 1 %
. . . . . . . . . .. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: Installation of on - site sheltered bus -stop (with current or 1
planned service ) or bus stop within 1 /4 mile of site with
adequate walkways if approved by C -TRAN
Installation of bikelockers 1 %
� . . ... .... �_....� _... W.�.v _ . . .� .. . ..�
Connection to existing or future regional bike trail 1 % �
Direct walk/ bikeway connection to destination activity ( such as 1 % if
a commercial/retail facility , park , school , etc . ) if residential existing
development , or to origin activity ( such as a residential area ) if 2 % if
commercial/retail facility constructed :
Installation of parking spaces which will become paid parking 3 %
_ ( by resident or employee )
: . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .. . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Installation of preferential carpool /vanpool parking facilities
Total if all strategies were implemented 10 %
Automatic reduction for developing within the mixed use overlay .
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