ORD 2359 ORDINANCE NO , 0000 AN ORDINANCE condemning for public street purposes certain land lying within the City of Camas and abutting NW Lake Road and SE First Street . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section I The City Council of the City of Camas hereby makes the following findings : A . The City desires to undertake a street improvement project of NW Lake Road and SE First Street from Leadbetter Street to SE 192nd Avenue ( "the street improvement proj ect" ) . B . NW Lake Road and SE First Street are classified as arterial streets whose function is to serve as a primary route to and from the Columbia Industrial Park . C . Arterial streets should have a capacity of 15 , 000 . 00 to 20 , 000 . 00 cars per day . D . NW Lake Road and SE First Street are currently unimproved rural arterials consisting of two lanes with no improved shoulders or other related facilities . E . The street improvement project proposes to widen NW Lake Road and SE First Street to three lanes between Leadbetter Street and Parker Street , and to five lanes between Parker Street and SE 192nd Avenue . F . The street improvement project further includes construction of curbs , gutters , bike lanes , sidewalks , street lighting , traffic signals , and storm water treatment facilities . G . The street improvement project is consistent with the City of Camas and Clark County 20 - Year Growth Management Plans , H . The properties described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein abut the street improvement project ( "the subject real properties " ) . I . The City has been unsuccessful in its attempts to acquire the subject real properties by negotiation . J . The street improvement project constitutes a public use under the provisions of RCW 8 . 12 . 030 . K . The subject real properties are necessary for completion of the street improvement project . Ordinance No . Page 2 Section II The City of Camas hereby condemns for public street purposes the properties described in Exhibit " A " attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein . Section III Compensation for the subject real properties shall be paid from the General Funds of the City , and not by special assessment upon property benefitted by such acquisition . Section IV This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . PASSED b the Council and APPROVED b the Mayor this Y da of Januar Y Y y y , 2004 . SIGNED : dayor ATTEST : Clerk APPROVED as to form : Af if City Attorney ORDINANCE 2359 EXHIBIT " A " 19 SHEETS ( including cover ) A - 1 � (360 ) 694-3313 tvt MINISTER = GLAESER FAx (360 ) s94 - 8410 2200 E . EVERGREEN S SURVEYING INC . VANCOUVER , WA 98661 April 15 , 2002 A tract of land lying in the Southeast quarter of Section 29 , Township 2 North , Range 3 Meridian in Clark County , Washington , more particularly East , of the Willamette described as follows : All of that parcel described by - deed , recorded under Auditor ' s File No . 3245000 , records of Clark County , Washington , that lies South of the line described below ; Beginning at a point 409 . 55 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of engineers station 36 + 50 .32 as shown on City of Camas — N . W . Lake Road/ S . E . 1st Street Right- of- Way plan , City Project No . S — 356 ; Thence Easterly to a point 409 . 32 feet Northerly ( when measured at right angles ) of engineers station 36 + 80 . 32 ; Thence Southerly to a point 72 . 41 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of engineers station 36 + 77 . 80 ; Thence Southeasterly to a point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of engineers station 36 + 99 . 38 ; Thence Easterly to a point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of engineers station 43 + 18 . 41 ; Thence along an arc of an 8370 . 00 foot radius tangent curve to the right , through a central angle of 2 ° 10 ' 25 " , for an arc distance of 317 . 53 feet , the chord of which bears South 87 ° 49 ' 37 " East , for a chord distance of 317 . 51 feet to a point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of engineers station 46 + 34 . 04 , there ending said line . Contains 44979 square feet , more or less . A- 2 is of bearin for this description is NAD 83 / 91 Washington State Plane The bas g Coordinate System , South Zone , US Survey Foot . End of Description . .01MO r 6 4f • z • 0*4 & 4 rs�c •' j .. .... ....... . . .••� •• 5 EXPIRES : JANUARY 109 200 C4 Z eIt� A-3 EXH.[BIT " B " JOB N0: 00 - 287 APRIL 10, 2002 NOT TO SCALE F-- STA: 36 + 50 . 32 65 W409 . 55 LT FINEL ry STA:36 + 80 . 32 F-- 409 . 32 LT N W � STA: 43 + 18 . 41 � STA 36 + 77 . 80 50 . OD LT STA: 46 + 34 . 04 Lia- + 72 . 41 LT 50 . 00 LT .o � STA: 36 + 99 . 38 R = 8370 . 00 ' � n z + 50 . 00 LT L= 317 . 53 ' 0 � STA: 36 + 47 . 37 � 15 . 00 LT STA: 46 + 34 . 92 V 21 . 04 LT ., 36 + 00 + 38 00 14 4242t_.+qDD X44 00 46 + 00 0 cb � NNW LAKE ROAD 44 rn w CPO m a 0 rz 0 Y1 N g 0 A-4 i ( 360 ) 694 = 3313 MINISTERmGLAESER FAX ( 360 ) 694 - 8410 • MENOMONEE = W115 2200 E . EVERGREEN s SURVEYING INC . VANCOUVER , WA 98661 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - � y ' • •� . ASS • " lot i • ,., kit: . j . fill go ` '� • 1 • 1 • �.� ' • • • • - - .- • • • • • October 06 , 2003 , EXPIRES : JANUARY 10 , 200 W ' STORM FACILITY : A onion of that parcel described by deed , recorded under Auditor ' s File No . p 32450001 records of Clark County , Washington , of the Southeast quarter of Section 29 Township 2 North , Range 3 East , Willamette Meridian , Clark County , Washington , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer s Station 40 + 98 . 50 as shown on City of Camas — N . W . Lake Road/ S . E . 1St Street Right - of- Way plan , City Project No . S - 356 ; Thence Northerly to a point 282 . 77 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 40 + 94 . 09 ; Thence Northwesterly to a point 308 . 08 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 40 +49 . 70 ; Thence along the are of a 100 . 00 foot radius curve to the right , the long chord of which bears North 24 ' 42 ' 13 West , for a chord distance of 113 . 34 feet , through a central angle of 69 ° 02 ' 21 " , for an arc distance of 120 . 50 feet to a point 410 . 13 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 40 + 00 . 39 ; Thence Northerly to a point 75 8 . 3 5 feet Northerly ( when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 40 + 53 . 86 ; Thence Westerly to a point 756 . 45 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 39 + 53 . 87 ; Thence Northerly to a point 1323 . 13 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 3 9 + 5 8 . 10 ; A-5 Thence Easterly to a point 1330 . 71 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 46 + 00 . 37 ; Thence Southerly a point oint 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 46 + 34 . 04 ; Thence along the arc of a 8370 . 00 foot radius , non- tangent curve to the left , the long chord of which bears North 87 ° 49 ' 37 " West , for a chord distance of 317 . 51 feet , through a central angle of 02 ' 10 ' 25 " , for an arc distance of 317 . 53 feet to a point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 43 + 18 . 41 ; Thence Westerly to a point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right ) og angles ) f Engineer Station 40 + 98 . 50 , said point being the POINT OF g BEGINNING . Contains 807 , 038 square feet , more or less . A-6 IZ, AHIBIT B JOB NO : 0O - 287 OCTOBER 06, 2003 NOT TO SCALE STA: 39 + 58 . 10 OFFSET: 1323 . 13 L TSTA: 46 + 00 . 37 OFFSET: 1330 . 71 L STA: 39 + 53 . 87 OFFSET: 756 . 45 L STA: 40 + 53 . 86 OFFSET: 758 . 35 L STOR WATER FAC LITY � STA: 40+ 00 . 39 OFFSET: 410 . 13 L R = 100 .00 ' L= 120 . 50 ' A= 69002 ' 21 " STA: 40 +49 . 70 OFFSET : 308 . 0.8 L � STA: 40 + 94 . 09 , Y OFFSET: 282 . 77 L ' STA: 46 + 34 . 04 c OFFSET: 50 . 00L STA: 40 + 98 . 50 p ASET 50 00 L OFFSET: 50 .00 L ` a R- 8370 .00 ' 1 = 317.53 x 41 +00 42+00 43+00 45+M 47 4 NW LAKE ROADce mob N t O O 4i 3 o A- 7 "a Par /5 (360 ) 694=3313 M MINISTER GLAESER FAX ( 360 ) 694- 8410 2200 E . EVERGREEN S SURVEYING INC . VANCOUVER , WA 98661 April 15 , 2002 A tract of land lying in the Southeast quarter of Section 29 , Township 2 North , Range 3 East , of the Willamette Meridian in Clark County , Washington , more particularly described as follows : All of thosep arcels described by deed , recorded under Auditor ' s File No . 9703070333 , records of Clark County , Washington , that lies South of the line described below ; Be innin ata point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of engineers g g p ity of Camas — N . W . Lake Road/ S . E . 1St Street Right- of- station 46 + 34 . 04 as shown on CWay plan , City Proj ect No . S — 356 ; Thence along an arc of an 8370 . 00 foot radius tangent curve to the right , through a central angle of 00 ' 15 ' 34 " , for an arc distance of 37 . 89 feet , the chord of which bears South 86 ' 36 ' 38 " East , for a chord distance of 3 7 . 8 9 feet to a point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of engineers station 46 + 71 . 70 ; Thence along an arc of an 8270 . 00 foot radius tangent curve to the left , an . through a central le of 02 ' 13 ' 41 " , for an arc distance of 321 . 61 feet , g g the long chord of which bears South 87 ° 35 ' 41 " East , for a chord distance of 3 21 . 5 9 feet to a point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of engineers station 49 + 95 . 25 ; Thence Southerly to a point 44 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of engineers station 49 + 95 . 23 ; Thence along an arc of an 8276 . 00 foot radius curve to the left , through a central angle of 00 ' 12 ' 18 " , for an are distance of 29 . 61 feet , the long chord of which bears South 88 ° 48 ' 40 " East , for a chord distance of 29 . 61 feet to a point 44 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of engineers station 50 +25 ; Thence Easterly to a point 44 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of engineers station 51 +45 . 39 , there ending said line . A-8 Contains 10473 square feet , more or less . The basis of bearing for this description is NAD 83 / 91 Washington State Plane Coordinate System , South Zone , US Survey Foot . End of Description . OLP ,�yti;• Oil ''• ,� • ' looms o ' All NO too ALI EXPIRES : JANUARY 10 , A- 9 X �E BIT HI JOB N0: 00 - 287 APRIL I1 , 2002 NOT TO FALE 62 54- APOLLO r.7 STA : 46 + 71 . 70 DEVELOPMENT 1 LLC 63 50 . 00 LT APOLLO DEVELOPMENT 1 LLC . 49 + 95 . 25 --- ___.__ APOLLO R = 8370 . 00 STA. DEVELOPMENT 1 LLC L= 37 . 89 ' 50 . 00 Ll` -STA; 49 + 9 .5 .2 STA : 46 + 34 . 04 R =8270 . 00 ' 44 . 00 LT ST-A : 51 -+4. 5 . 3-9 L= 321 .-61 ' TA . 0 + 5 -44 . 00 LT 50 . 00 LT 44 . 00 LT 400 iAAr 77 / 1 STA : 46 + 34 . 92 ' ' 176154 � f . f 76 � �, R 8276 . , STA : 51 + 45o29 21 . 03 LT L-=29 . 61 30 . 00 LT 46 + 00 47 + 00 50 +00 51 +— 00 52+00 NW LAKE ROAD J Ci V tJ V m O O - n N 1 lil O A- 10 I ( 360 ) 694 - 3313 M MINISTERmGLAESERFAX ( 360 ) 694- 8410 2200 E . EVERGREEN SURVEYING INC . VANCOUVER , WA 98661 ?,* oLp � ,��'�.'•'' VQAS41� ' • '... o . b So . .� 37 June 11 , 2003 ' ' " • • • • • • - ' " ' • ' EXPIRES : JANUARY 10 , 20 • STORM FACILITY : 551 OC f r ° portion of that parcel described by deed , recorded under Auditor ' s File No . Ap p 9703070333 records of Clark County , Washington , of the Southeast quarter of Section 29 Township2 North , Range 3 East , Willamette Meridian ,an , Clark County , Washington, more particularly described as follows : Be g inning ata point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 46 + 34 . 04 as shown on City of Camas — N . W . Lake Road/ S . E . 1St Street Right- of-Way plan , City Pro j ect No . S - 3 56 ; Thence Northerly a point oint 880 . 10 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 46 + 11 . 15 , Thence Easterly a point oint 894 . 62 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 49 + 65 . 01 ; Thence Southerly a point oint 730 . 46 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles) of Engineer ' s Station 49 + 65 . 25 ; Thence Southwesterlyto a point nt 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 47 + 84 . 70 ; Thence along the arc of a 8270 . 00 foot radius , non-tangent curve to the ri ht the long chord of which bears North 86 ' 52 ' 11 West , fora chord nght , g distance of 112 . 32 feet, through a central angle of 00 ' 46 ' 41 " , for an arc distance of 112 . 3 2 feet to a point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at d right angles) of Engineer ' s Station 46 + 71 . 70 ; A- 11 Thence along the arc of a 8370 . 00 foot radius , reverse curve to the left , the long chord of which bears North 86 ° 36 ' 38 " West , for a chord distance of 37 . 89 feet , through a central angle of 00 ' 15 ' 34 " , for an are distance of 37 . 89 feet to a point 50 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 46 + 34 . 04 , said point being the point of beginning . Contains 215 , 155 square feet , more or less A- 12 � 1 ' EXHIB IT JOB N0: 00 - 287 JUNE 1169 2003 NO T TO SCALE STk 46+ 11 . 15 STA: 49+65.01 OFFSET: 880 . 10 L 894.62 L STA: 49+65.25 : 730.46 L STORMWATER FACILITY n Y m C.i Q STA: 46+34.04 `' OFFSET: 50.00 L R=8370.00 �- L=37.89 " STA: 47+84.70 '` L= 11l22.3232'" � R� F; ISO50.00 L m o `430 45+00 46 1 - - - - 47+004UM49 ed I W 0 50.00 L �: NW LAKE ROAD G � V 3 �l N O v 4 A® 13 ( 360 ) 694-3313 M MINISTERmGLAESER FAX ( 360) 694- 8410 2200 E . EVERGREEN s SURVEYING INC . VANCOUVER , WA 98661 I r see � OLP� • • o p . Old '••. 37535 r 1 �4L LAS May 26 , 2003 fEXPIRES : JANUARY 10 , 200 STORM FACILITY : Ap ortion of that parcel described by deed , recorded under Auditor ' s File No . 9703070333 , records of Clark County , Washington , of the Southeast quarter of Section 29 , Township 2 North , Range 3 East , Willamette Meridian , Clark County , Washington , more particularly described as follows : Beinnin at a point 730 . 46 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of ti g g Enineer ' s Station 49 + 65 . 25 as shown on City of Camas — N . W . Lake Road/ S . E . g 1St Street Right- of- Way plan , City Proi ect No . S - 3 5 6 ; Thence Northerly to a point 894 . 62 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 49 + 65 . 01 ; Thence Southeasterly to a point 753 . 29 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) of Engineer ' s Station 49 + 71 . 89 ; Thence Southwesterly to a point 730 . 46 feet Northerly (when measured at ) g les right an of Engineer Station 49 + 65 . 29 ; said point being the point of g g beginning . Contains 488 square feet , more or less A- 14 99 99 EXHIBIT JOB NO : 00 - 287 MAY 22 , 2003 NOT TO SCALE STA: 49 + 65 . 01 OFFSET: 894 . 62 L STORMWATER FACILITY - STA: ACTUTY - STA: 49 + 71 . 80 OFFSET : 753 . 24 L STA: 49 + 65 . 25 OFFSET : 730 . 46 L i n J J Q :t r Q3 'Q C1 - - 0 • -_— w�--_ nwr�_�Qay Ram• - - ��'�'— _ ���-_ �a�= w� 6 00 47 +00 48 + 00 49 00 5 •- },llu W LAKE ROAD Ln Ih �V I O W J C� t 0 A- 15 FRO Marilyn Scott FAX N0 . 5036554885 Dec . 30 2003 11 : 34AM P2 (360 ) 684- 3313 r FAX ( 380 ) 884x8410 w . MINISTERom,6GLAESER 2200 E . EVERGREEN SURVEYING INCa VANCOUVER , WA 98661 January 23 , 2002 in the Southeast quarter of Section 29 , Township 2 North, Range 3 �. tract of land ly��,� East , Of the Willamette Merl than M Clark County, wasbiligton, more particularly described as folloW S 4 All of that parcel d cscribed ' deed, recorded under A.uditor ' s File No . G 432981 , � County , Washington that lies South of the line described below ; rlC records of Cla. tY 44 . 00 feet Northerly (when. measured at right angles ) of engineers Beginning at � post sL � 1 1 +45 . 39 as shown ori. City of Ca •as AV� NLake Road/ SE 1. Street ht- of- � stata of way plan , City Project No . S 356 ; Easterly to point 44 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right Thence Eas y t � . angles of. en mee�rs statim. 56 +24 .24 , ► ere ending said Ione ; g Conta. s 6 '703 . 9 square feet, more or less . End of Description . 01 0 i 0 rAlp JANUARY 10P C' s / lt ) d A 16 FROM Marilyn Scott FAX N0 . 5836554885 Dec . 30 2803 11 34A P3 EXHIBIT B J0L3 / 10: 00 - 287 SEPTEMBER 113 2401 NOT TO SCALE 61 GRIMM STA: 51 + 45 ,939 44 . 00 LT Hpus� STA: 56 + 24 . 24 SCK 44 . 00 LT STA: 51 + 45a29 SQA: 56 + 24v13 3 . 00 LT 69 ' 30 . OQ LT 51 00 52 + O0 53 + 00 54 + 00 55 + 00 56 + 00 YV LAKE ROAD A- 17 3 : . a Marilyn Scott FAX N0 . 5036554885 Dec . 30 2003 11034 FROM AM P4 (360 ) f 84- 3313 rFAX ( 360 ) 684- 8410 MINISTERomGLAESE 2204 E . EVERGREEN S U RVEYING INCW VANCOUVER , WA 98681 janliary 23 , 2002 ' hcast quarter of. Section 29 , Township 2 North, Range 3 ,A, tract of lard ly ' g In the S � �t q _ East, of the Willamette Mendian in Clark County, Washington , more particularly described as follows : el described b deed, recorded under Auditor ' s File Na . G 43298 1 , ,4I1 of that page �'accords of CI below ; Clark CTil ashinzon, that lies South of the line desenbed ; �. County , Beginning at a point 44 . 00 feet Northerly (when measured at right angles ) sof engineers station 56+2 . 24 as shown on Ci of Camas NW Lake Road/SE 1 gt Street Right- of- war plana , City Prof ect Na . S — 3 56 ; Thence Easterly to a. PO 44 . 00 feet Northerly (when. measured at right n of engineers station 62 +83 . 10 , there ending said Im' e ; agles) 9222 . 4 s care feet, snore or less . ontalns q End of Desenptaeffin . T 'OL � . ',. • z _ +o � f JANUARY 10 , �00� A-18 FROM Maril n Scott FAX N0 . 5836554885 Dec . 30 2003 11 : 35RM P5 y EXHIBIT B JOB N0: 00 - 287 I lot 2007 NOT TO SCALE GRIMM STA , 5E + 24 * 24 44 . 0 J LT STA . 44w00 LT LT T : + 82 ; 77 STA: 56 + 24 . 13 oa MOO LT MOO LT 56t00 57 + 0 61 + 00 62 + 00 63 + 00 z N W LAKE ROAD L c� + < LO A- 19