ORD 22-005ORDINANCE NO. 22-005 AN ORDINANCE approving the City of Camas "Fire Capital Plan" including the Capital Facilities Plan elements pursuant to RCW 36. 70A.070 and incorporating the Plan by reference into the City of Camas Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, the City of Camas Fire Capital Plan is intended to provide a framework to assist in the integration of future fire department projects and programs to serve the citizens of Camas and to meet State Growth Management Act requirements; and WHEREAS, the update for 2022 has been reviewed in consultation with Mackenzie, a professional consulting group retained by the City to provide an overview of fire department facilities, needs, and provide recommendations; and WHEREAS, in consideration of an updated Fire Capital Plan, Mackenzie retained certain sub- consultants to provide response time analysis and funding framework concepts to be incorporated into their report to the City; and WHEREAS, the City reviewed the recommendations of Mackenzie and a staff report prepared by the City Fire Chief which were presented to City Council at Workshop meetings open for public comment thereon held on October 4, 2021 and April 4, 2022; and WHEREAS, the 2022 update to the Fire Capital Plan includes all requirements for a Capital Facilities Plan to be consistent with the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) per RCW 36. 70A.070, which requires jurisdictions fully planning under GMA to have a capital facilities plan element within their comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a public hearing on the request for adoption of the Fire Capital Plan with the affiliated Capital Facilities Plan elements as set forth in RCW 36. 70A.070 on April 4 and 18, 2022; and WHEREAS, RCW 36.70A.130(2)(a)(iv) provides that amendments to the City Comprehensive Plan may be considered more frequently than once per year when the amendment of the Capital Facilities element occurs concurrently with the adoption or amendment of the city budget; and WHEREAS, concurrent with consideration of the Capital Facilities elements of the Fire Capital Plan the City is considering adoption of amendments to the city budget through the Spring Omnibus and the Capital Facilities elements of the Fire Capital Plan will be incorporated into the City Capital Facilities Plan and Capital Improvement Plan upon approval. NOW, WHEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I The City Council hereby adopts that certain document entitled "City of Camas Fire Capital Plan", including all Capital Facilities Plan elements associated thereto pursuant to RCW 36. 7 A.070, as the Comprehensive Fire Capital Plan for the City of Camas. Section II The City of Camas Fire Chief is directed to maintain a copy of the City of Camas Fire Capital Plan available for public inspection. Section III The City Capital Facilities Plan is hereby amended to include the updated elements of the Fire Capital Plan as set forth under RCW 36. 70A.070 This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five (5) days from and after its publication according to law. PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor Mayor SI~ C{5\'\_./ Clerk APPROVED as to form: City Attorney MACl<ENZIE . "' CAMAS-WASHOUGAL FIRE DEPARTMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING Camas City Counci l Meeting I 04.04.2022 TEAM II • • • • ••• I I --CITl(jftlf ftSS<?ClfiHS. LLC flRE & EMERG ENCY St RV I CE S ECO Northwest ECONOMICS · FINA NCE · PLANNING TRAVEL TIME I .. _. l COVERAGE ' ., I ·"" ' • Full page view of . ~ .. _,.t-. ... the 4-minute and <§> ., -lo, 8-m inute travel t ime --"'".,., .. _,__., -l map . ~ """'-.. ' "'""'' = -<§> <§> t""-;;;' <ii> \ ·-·_ir,., \ \ ! ---- === .. ..:::""' .. _ . .... ~--' -._ J ............ ,., ... .,.._ ... 1 --, -- Camas-Washougal Fire Department I Capital Improvement Plan 0 4.0 4.2022 C•••,. -.,,."'i ... Camas -Was hougal ~··' _ .. _ ._ ' ,, -I' TRAVE L TI ME ..,_.....,.o:"'.t I N .. , u..,.,..."-·-<§> A ': .. ..-c.-... I ,rt', .. •·r-~ ~ " Fire Station w ~@ .. e ..-u ... t.: 9""10 ' ~ @ Other Fire Station f ., _ y '\ ,, .;...,.:->... r ,. ~~ ~ Fire Distri cts s ~-~ . .. '/ ...... ~-,., .. ~-~ ~1 ,.. 4 Minute (48.8% coverage) ~'-' ({}) .. ' ... .... ~ ..J 8 Mi nute (89.2% coverage) .... ei. ... •: ' . .,. 0 1.25 2.5 Miles ... ) Jl .. .! -, ~II ~ " .., ____ -- 1•· .. -,--..._.,.......-=-r "" ~ -'-, .... ... ·~' ~ ~-·----· --~-'-.... ,. -~ ----.:tr. ........ _.'::;::---- -! -..., t· -v~~. r"'-.,. ;-:-:---·~;~• . , . .._,-, ; !". ".!::"-, ....... c·~ .. ~ -~~:11 f . '. ; ... Travel Time M aps @ 2022 Mackenzie I 2200523.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ ~~~--~~~- I MACl<ENZI E. INCIDENT LOCATION DENSITY • Full page view of F igure 2 -the Incident Location Density Camas-Washougal Fire Department I Capit al I mprovement Plan 0 4.04.20 22 <§> <!}> Camas -Washougal GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE DEMAND 2014-2018 <§> Fire Station <§> Other Fire Station ~ Fire Districts All Calls per Square Mile D 1-250 251-575 D 576-1,100 ---1,101-1,500 D 1,501-1,920 0 Washougal <§> W < N • y s Service Demand Maps <D 2022 Mackenzie I 2200523.00 I MACl<ENZI E . Q) rn OJ L c ::J L 0 q __ rn - _c -!-' <]) ~o _) ---..,, _c ---..,, _, (/) E (1\ "'-' ?~~ ,_)) (1J L -i-l Q. 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Ho se Stom9e and Maintenance WASHINGTON A DMINISTRATIVE COD E "' No Vcs "o No Mo Mo No WAC SECTION DESCRIPTION COMPLIANCE 490-'.!05-06507 296-305-06509 .296-105·06515 :!96·305-06511 l hour s1:par:it1(.o/l b°"lw~n ,l.l)paralus B;iy and L1ving011u1tl'TS Apparatus Bay Confi9rna!1cn and Clearance Hose Tower Configu..,tion Indoor Air Ou<ility Mo No Address: 4321 NW Parker Street Camas. WA 98607 Built rn: 2001 Deficiencies : No direct exhaust capture system NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION STANDARDS NFPA SECTION DESCRIPTION COMPLIANCE NFPA 1Z?1 NFPA 1500 MFPA 1581 NFPA 1051 NFP~ 19GZ Fm? Suppression SprmL:le1 ~ <:,l,it•on Alo?rlif\£1 Cornmun1cat1on System 5m(.ol\,;, Di;h•ctors Cllltlon Monoi:icl~ Dcle<;tor i. Minimum ~laepmg Area PPE Cli<anmg Area Et-15 Decontarnln"tlon Atea Turn;::aa G<>ar Sto1age UVE:e.pO'l.UrC ThHm:9.I E><po~un.> F11e Ho>'<' Storilge i'l1'1<1 Mamt't'nance WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIV E CODE Y<Js Yes Vo• \'l•S v., Y<> Yeo WAC SECTION DESCRIPTION COMPLIANCE 296-305-065(17 1 ho ur ~piuativn bet~1e;:-11 l1pp111Mus 8c1~· and V1;>s Li'ir·!o! Ou.1r te1!. .296-305-06509 Appar<itus Say Configurntion :.nd Clearan ci! 2%-;;05-06515 H.:>~ Tov.,;r Cor.flgvr;.llon y., 296-305-06511 Indoor Air Ouz.!lty No Camas-Washougal Fire Department I Capital Improvement Plan 04.04.2022 A d dre ss. 1400 A Street W ash o ugal. WA 98671 B ui lt in : 1974 Deficiencies· No f utu r e growth opp o rtunit ies Does not m eet seis m ic co d e fo r an essen t ial f acil it y Does not meet c urrent ADA code requirements NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSO CIATION STAND A RDS NFPA SECTION DESCRIPTION COMPLIANCE 14FPt.1 Ml'"Pil 122 1 tlFPA 1500 t JFP:i, 1581 MFP~ 1~51 Mi'PA 1962 Ftfl." Supp1.:><;!olo n Sp11n~lr.rs St atio n Alan1ng C\mwn unicntio ll Sy ste n1 5m o 5'eD.:>to?f;lO•S C.1rbon MtinO)lf'lO DNl'i:'ll'f ~ Mui imum Sle.:ping Are<• PPE c1.,.an1ng ,J,m11 EM S Decont am1narion A•ea Tumo:.it Gt-ar Stvra9~ UV E >:po ~ure Th;;rrr ... 1 E~pCJ~urr Firl• Ho~ S!l'lra9a cll'ld M<imten:mce WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIVE CODE \\»; No WAC SECTION DESCRIPTIO N COMPLIANCE 296·3US -06507 29 6-30 5.,)6509 296-305-06Si5 296-30~-06511 1 h<:iur !~p,mo t1011 b<'tv.~£"11 :..rp.ir<otus Bay llrit.1 ti•1in.;_iQu;irtt.cr A~1paraL11s Bav Confl9urc.t ion and Clei!rance 1-!oY. l ow,., Co•>t•~ur<itlor. lndoC'lr ArrQ,Ji'lhl's No Findings <9 2022 Mackenzie I 2200523.00 MACl<ENZI E . Ill \1\1~shougal Fi S tion pla n s in the n e "' J\/ ..) dqua ion -1 uld be s 0 ge gap b n it and ain in cu I n and n 0 n 11· ~) I two n s I \N; I v-, I \ ! i i In s. Pian 1n th:;:;) ion vvil 1n thE; n one, if n 0 e cu the t to n 1n e riine Fi , Fi a as 1n nine ns Pecornmendations ~ i~ ~ Camas Washouga l Fire Department Space I Room Use Apparatus Bay and Support Rooms 0 0 0 Living Quarters and Administratio n 14 14 14 Co mmunity I Training Ro o ms 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 14 14 14 GENERAL CIRCULATION (20%) TOTAL BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE 14 14 14 TOTAL EXTERIOR REQUIREMENTS TOTAL SITE REQUIREMENTS Camas-Washougal Fire Department I Capital Improvement Plan 0 4 .04.2022 0 7658 7658 0 6642 6642 0 1913 1913 0 16213 16213 0 3243 3243 0 19456 19456 1 I 114460114460 1 I 0 133916133916 1 Prepa red by Mackenzie 1/20/2022 Co mments Acres 0.45 0.33 0.78 Program -HQ <S) 2022 Mackenzie I 2200523.00 I MAC l<EN Z I E . Camas Washou gal Fire Department Staffing Space Space I Room Use Requ i rements Requirements Exist 2021 2061 Exist 2021 2061 W l!I lll'IP!lill ~~·~ I.Liiii IJ Apparatus Bay and Support Rooms 0 0 0 Living Quarters and Administration 8 8 8 Community I Training Rooms 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 8 8 8 GENERAL CIRCULATION (20%) TOTAL BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE 8 8 8 TOTAL EXTERIOR REQUIREMENTS TOTAL SITE REQUIREMENTS Camas-Washougal Fire Department I Capital Improvement Plan 0 4 .04.2022 Space Room Total Required Size Type Square Footage L Area Exist 2021 2061 0 5526 5526 0 4402 4402 0 1031 1031 0 10959 10959 0 2192 2192 0 13151 13 151 7980 7980 0 21 131 21131 ~~~~~~~~~~-----~----------~---~-------~~---~--~- Prepared by Mackenzie 1/20/2022 Comments Acres 0.30 0.18 0.49 Prog r a m -Satellite <si 2022 Mackenzie I 2200523.00 I MACl<ENZI E . ---------------- Fire stations in the next 8-10 years -when the infrastructure is assumed to be developed: • Replace Washougal Station 43 -in the next two to three years. • Replace HQ Station (Station 41) -in the next two to three years. • Future Brand New Satellite Station in Camas (NE) -when the future infrastructure is assumed to be in the 5-9 year period. Camas-Washougal Fire Department I Capital Improvement Plan 04.04.2022 <{) 2022 Mackenzie I 2200523.00 I M AC I( E N Z I E . VFD Station 02 (July 2016) VFD Station 11 (March 2021) Station 61 Station 61 Shop Av e rag es Cost Factors: 8.5% Tax (As o f A p ril 2021) Median Bid -$504/SF 27% Increase (No rmally 30-35%) Additi onal Site Work Building SF 13,367 SF 14,789 SF 20,750 SF 7,425 SF 14,083 SF Camas-Washougal Fire Department I Capital Improvement Plan 04.04.2022 L o w est B id (Without Ta x ) Cost Per S F $5 ,052,739.17 $378.0 0 /SF $7,120,393 .59 $481.46/SF $8 ,051 ,854 $388.04 I SF $3 ,074,759 $414 .0 8 I SF $5,824,936.44 $413.61 I SF @ 2022 Mackenzie I 2200523.00 I M AC I{ E N Z I E • Camas-Washougal Capital Improvement Plan -Project Cost Summary Construction Cost: Consultant Costs (G eotechnical Engineer; Surveyor; Architect and Enginee ring Fee etc.) Owner Costs (Permit and SDC Fees,Furniture and Fixtures etc.) Total Project Cost: Camas-Washougal Fire Department I Capital Improvement Plan 0 4 .04.2022 Rev. 09/22/2021 Headquarters Station 19,456 SF x $500-$550 I SF= $9,728,000-$10,700,800 30% of Construction Cost: = $2,918,400 -$3,210,240 $12,646,400 -$13,911,040 Satellite Station 13,151 SF x $500 -550 /SF = $6,575,500 - $7,233,050 30% of Constructio n Cost: = $1,972,650 - $2,169,915 $8,548,150 -$9,402,965 Project Cost Summary <0 2022 Mackenzie I 2200523.00 I MACl<ENZI E . fi:lrlli'P:!i§ 4 • .,,~ c c () c: c :::::; c w c () 0 Qo )>