AN ORDINANCE adding a new section to Chapter 13 . 64 of
the Camas Municipal Code by adding procedures for the adjustment
of sewer charges due to broken water pipes for non - residential
customers , and amending Section 13 . 44 . 030 of the Camas
Municipal Code by deleting from said section procedures for a
sewer credit on commercial property for broken water pipes .
Section I
There is hereby added to Chapter 13 . 64 of the Camas Municipal Code a new section to
provide as follows :
13 . 64 . 03 0 - Adjustment for Broken Water Line
Non- residential customers may apply for a reduction in sewer charges when , due to a
broken water line on the customer ' s premises , the sewer charge is substantially increased .
The amount of the reduction shall be the difference between the average of the two prior
sewer billings and the current sewer billing .
Eligibility for the adjustment provided herein shall be contingent upon repair of the broken
water line as provided for in Section 13 . 44 . 030 , Camas Municipal Code . Any adjustment
allowed shall be limited to a maximum of two billing periods .
Section II
Section 13 . 44 . 030 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows :
13 . 44 . 03 0 - Adlustment for Broken Pines
When a property owner , in any given billing period because of a broken water pipe on the
owner ' s premises , has used , according to the meter , a quantity of water which is more than
double the average amount of water used on such premises in similar billing periods in
prior years , a written application may be made to the finance director , for a reduction in
said billing . If the application states that there was a broken pipe on the owner ' s premises
which caused the large consumption of water , upon verification by inspection by public
works employees of such fact and it is established that such broken pipe has been repaired
and approved by the director of public works , the finance director shall authorize a credit
to such billing as follows :
Average water consumption will be determined by adding the consumption of the prior
two billings and dividing by two . If the prior two months include summer months and
there appears to be sprinkling occurring , then the average water consumption will be
calculated on the two prior billings that did not include sprinkling .
The average consumption will then be deducted from the consumption which occurred at
the time of the broken water pipe . The difference will be divided in half and multiplied by
the current water rate to determine the credit .
The credit shall apply to a maximum of two billings and only up through the day of repair .
No additional credit shall be given for a delay in repair of pipes beyond one billing period ,
ided for by this section shall not be allowed i
The reduction provf such excess water
consumption is due to the owner ' s neglect or failure to repair the water system of the
premises . A reduction shall not be permitted if such excess consumption is due to leaking
faucets , other plumbing fixtures or irrigation systems .
Ordinance No . Page 2
Section III
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication
according to law .
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of July , 2003 .
AP VED as to form :
1 6 i Attorney