ORD 2330 t
AN ORDINANCE providing for the vacation of a portion of
NW 6th Avenue .
WHEREAS , Jesse and Teresa Schacher , Chris and Beth Swanson , and Lyle and Cleta
Miller , have petitioned the City to vacate that portion of NW 61h Avenue described in Exhibit " A "
attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (hereinafter referred to as "the proposed
vacation" ) , and
WHEREAS , by Resolution 890 , the City Council initiated proceedings for the proposed
vacation , and
WHEREAS , said Resolution set the 20 ' day of February , 2000 , at 7 : 00 p . m . in the
Council Chambers in the City Hall of Camas , Washington , as the time and place for a public
d proposed vacation , and
hearing on sal
WHEREAS , pursuant to said Resolution , the City Clerk caused notices to be posted and
mailed in accordance with the requirements of law, and
WHEREAS , at the time and place set for said hearing , the Council considered the
testimony of all persons commenting on said vacation , and
WHEREAS , the Council finds that that portion of NW 6th Avenue proposed to be vacated
is not currently being utilized for public street purposes , and that there are no plans to improve or
utilize that portion of NW 6th Avenue for road purposes , now, therefore ,
Section I
That portion of NW 6th Avenue described in Exhibit "A " attached hereto and by this
reference incorporated herein be and the same is hereby vacated subject to the remaining
provisions of this Ordinance .
Section II
Said vacation is contingent upon the abutting property owners paying to the City of
Camas the cost of publication of this ordinance ,
Ordinance No . Page - 2
Section III
Said vacation is further contingent upon the performance by the property owners or their
successors of the terms and conditions of that certain Development Agreement dated June 1 ,
2001 , executed by Jesse and Teresa Schacher , Chris and Beth Swanson , and Lyle and Cleta
Miller , as owners and the City of Camas , which Development Agreement was recorded with the
Clark County Auditor on June 6 , 2001 , as Auditor ' s File No . 3329383 .
Section IV
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication
according to law .
PASSED b the Council and APPROVED b th
y y e Mayor this day of
2003 .
APVED as to form :
7 W
City Attorney
Legal Description
A. tract of land located in the S . E . '/4 of the S - W , '/4 of section 10 and aortio
p n of the V . P . Smith
D . L . C . , in Township I North, Range 3 East , Willamette Meridian Clark County, Washington,
being further described as follows :
Parcel I - (N . W . Oregon Street right - of- way)
Beginning as a found 1 '/2 inch iron pipe with wire in a monument box '
at centerline statlorung
14 + 30 . 04 (Alpine Road to Lady Island ) " A" line , State Highway No . 14 Washington State
Department of Transportation ( WSDT ) in the City of Camus : thence North 53011 ' 50 "
East along
said centerline a distance .of 501 . 21 feet to the P . C . of a curve to the right , centerline ent erline stationing
19 + 32 . 25 ; thence leaving said centerline South 36 ° 48 ' 10 " East a distance of 60 0
0 feet to a point
on the southeasterly right - of way line of State Highway No . 14 ( OfF Ram to Camas ) , thence
along said southeasterly right - of-- way line along the arc of a 894 . 3 9 foot rad '
us curve to the right ,
throubh a central angle of 19 ' 46 ' 1877 , a distance of 3 08 . 64 feet to a point that
p bears North
63 ' 04 ' 59 " East a distance of .� 07 . 11 feet from the last described point , said point p p t beim on the
westerly right - of~ way line of unimpr (N . W . point also
oved N , W . Oregon Street " 0 " Street i '
being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of said Parcel 1 ; thence leavingsaid s d southeasterly
right - of-- way line South ') 3 ' 19 ' 48 " East along the westerlyri ht - of- line
g wa y of unimproved N . W .
Oregon Street a distance of 30 . 51 feet to a point on the northwesterly ri ht - of- vv
�, y g ay line of N . W .
6 Avenue (P . S . H . No . 8 ) ; thence leaving said westerly right - of= wa line of N . W
Y W . Oregon Street
along the northwesterly right - of= way line of N , W , 6 (P . S . H . No . )
Avenue $ along the arc of a
746 . 93 foot radius curve to the right through a central angle of 3 ° 48 ' 54 " a distance of 41 . 04 feet
to a point that bears North 53 ' 45 ' 20 " East a distance of 41 . 04 feet from the last '
described point ,
said point being on the easterly right - of-- way line of N . W . Oregon Street then ff '
g thence Ieavxn � said
northwesterly right - of- way line of Int . W . 6 "' Avenue (P . S . H . 4No . 8 North 23 ' 19 ' 48 "
West along
the easterly right - of way line of unimproved N . W . Oregon Street a distance e of 16 . 01 feet to a
point on the aforesaid southeasterly right - of way line of State Hi ¢ hwa N
b y o • 14 ( OfflRamp to
Camas ) ; thence leaving said easterly right •- of- �vay Line alon ¢ the aforesaid sou
b theasterly nDht of
way line of State Highway No . 14 ( Off- Ramp to Camas ) along the arc of a 894 . 39
9 foot radius
curve to the left through a central angle of 2 ° 3 5 ' 07 a distance of 40 . 3 6 feet to a
point that bears
South 74 ' 15 ' 41 " West a distance 40 . 35 feet from the last describedoint and rid the TRUE POINT
OF BEGINNING , Containing 928 . 67 square feet more or less .
Parcel 2 - (triangular parcel East of N . W . Oregon Street ri ht - of wa
g y)
Beginning as a found 1 '/2 inch iron pipe with wire in a monument box '
at centerline stationing
14 + 3 0 . 04 ( Alpine Road to Lady Island ) " A" line , State` HighwayNo14 Washi
. ngton State
Department of Transportation ( WSDT ) in the City of Camus : thence North 53 ' 11 ' 50 "3 1 1 ' 5 0 East along
said centerline a distance of 501 . 21 feet to the P . C . of a curve to the right c '
g , . centerline stat � orung
19 + 32 . 25 ; thence leaving said centerline South 36 ' 48 ' 10 East a distance of 60 . 00 feet to a point
on the southeasterly right - of way line ofState Highwa No ( Off� Ramp Y . � I4 to Carnas ) , thence
along said southeasterly right- of- way line along the arc of a 894 . 39 foot rad ' '
lus curve to the right ,
through a central angle of 22 ° 21 ' 25 " a distance of 348 . 99 feet to aoint that
p bears North
I ` rap
64 ° 22 ' 32 " East a distance of 346 . 78 feet from the
last described point , said oint been on t
easterly right - of- way tine of unimproved p g he
p ed N . W . Oregon Street (N . W. " 0 " Street '
bung the TRUE POINT O } said paint also
F BEGINNING of said Parcel 2 ; thence continuing
sautheasterl right - of- way lineuing along the aforesaid
Y g y e of State Highway No . 14 ( Off- RamptoCa594 . 39 foot radiu Camas ) along the arc of a
s curve to the right through a central angle e of 2 ° 3 5 ' 05 " '
to a Dint that b g a distance of 4 I . I3 feet
p ears North 76 ° 52 ' 18 " East a distance of 41 . 12 •
feet from the last described point;
thence North 7801172077 East a distance of 5 . 21 � '
� feet to a point on the northwesterlyri h _ _
Zine of N . w . d Avenue (P . S . H . No . 8 � g t of way
• ) ; thence leaving the aforesaid
. line of State Highway g southeasterly right - of-way .
g ay No . 14 ( (off- Ramp to Camas ) alongthe north '
N . W . 6 � Avenue (P . S . H . westerly nght - of_ way line of
No . 8 ) , along the arc of a 746 . 93 foot radius curve to the teff through a
central angle of 3 ° 32 ' 45 " a distance of 46 . 23 feet t g
D a point that bears South 57 ' 06 ' 09 " west a
distance of 46 . 22 feet from the last described '
point , to a point on the easterly right - of- wa line of
unimproved N . W . Oregon Street ; thence leaven the northwesterly y
g esterly right - af- way line of N . W . 6 t
Avenue (P . S . H . No , 8 ) North 23 ° 19 ' 48 " West at � .
. ons the easterly nght - af- way Zine of unrm r
N . W . Oregon Street a distance - of 16 . 01 feet t p owed
Stat Highway o a point on the southeasterly right - of wa line of
State Highway No . 14 ( Offio* Ramp to lamas the TR y
362 . 64 square feet more or less . Contairung
Parcel 3 - (N . W . 6a' Avenue riaht - ofwa (P . S . H .Y No . 8 ) )
Beginning as a found 1 '/2 inch ironi e '
p p with wire in a monument box at centerline c-
14 + 3 0 . 04 ( Alpine Road to Lad Island " A " lin stationln�
Y ) e , State Highway No . 14 was
Department of Transportation . Kington State
p ation ( WSDT ) in the City of Camus : thence No � ° 11 ' 50 "
said centerline a distant � North 5 � 1 150 East along
e of 50 I . fid 1 feet to the P . C . of a curve to the .
right , centerline stateoting
19 + 32 . ,'25 ; thence leaving said centerline South 36 ' 48 ' 10 " East a distance of 60 . 00 feetto a
on the southeasterly right - of- way line of State Hi ( OffmooRamp
ghway No . 14 to Camas ) ; the
ri ht - of- wa I ' nce
along said southeasterly g y ine along the arc of a 894 . 3 9 foot radius curve to the right
through a central angle of 24 ' 59 ' 30 " a ,
distance of 390 . 12 feet to aoint that bears ears North
65 ' 4 1 ' 35 " East a distance of 3 87 . 04. 04 feet from the last described point * thence ° }
East a distance of 5 . 21 feet to a P e North 78 1 120
point of intersection with ?�I . �W . 6 "' avenue (P , S . H .TR.tTE POINT OF BEG No . 8 ) and the
Cr of Parcel 3 , thence continuing aloe the
way line of State Highway g g southeasterly right - af-
g ay No . 14 ( Off-.Ramp to Camas ) North 78 ' 11 ' 20 "
14 . 48 feet to a Dint on East a distance of
p the west right - of- way line of S . W . 6 `h Avenue ;
southeaster) ri ht - of- W� thence leaving .said
Y g ay line of State Highway No . 14 ( OfFmovRamp `
right _ _ �, to Camas } alan the wester)
of way line of S . W . 6 Avenue alon the are g �'
9 of a ' 52 . 8 8 foot radius curve to theri
through a central angle of 10 ' 3 8 ' 00 " a ght
distance of 65 . 49 feet to a point that bear
00 ° 45 ' 41 " West a distance of 6 P s South
5 . 40 feet from the last described point , the Q
westerly right - of- vva line of S �' P � thence leaving, said
Y - W . 6 Avenue along the southeaster) ri h - _
6 � Avenue 'P . S . H . No . 8 a Y g t of way Zine of N . W .
long the arc of a 686 . 93 foot radius cure
angle of 23 ° 16 ' 09 " e to the left , through a central
g a distance of 278 . 98 feet to a point that bears i45 ' 29 ' 58 "
distance p South West a
of 277 . 07 feet from the last described oint • ° ' .
p , thence South � 3 5 153 Nest a distance of
154 . 66 feet to a point on the northeaster) ri ht - _
y g of way Zine of pfd- Ramp SR 14 Westbound ;
thence leaving said southeasters ri ht - o - �
y g f way line of N . W . 6 Avenue (P . S . H .56 ° 01 ' 40 " w No . 8 ) North
West along the northeasterly right - of- wa line of
y Ofl�- Ramp SR 14 Westbound a
distance of 60 . 00 feet to a point on the northwesterly •
. ° sterly right - of- way line of N . w . 6 th Ave
(P . S . H . . No . 8 ) ; thence North 33 ° 51 ' 53 " East a nue�, long the northwesterly right - o f- wa
6 Avenue (P . S . H . No . 8 ) a distance fyline of N . w .
) 0 154 . 55 feet ; thence . along the7466 . 93 .
curve to the right , through g arc of a foot radius
g ough a central angle of 25 ° 00 ' 3 9 " a distance
bears North 460of 326 . 05 feet to a point that
22 I3 East a distance of 323 . 47 feet from th
POINT ��, $ e last described point and the TRUE
EG G. Containing27 , 956 . 59 square quare feet ( 0 . 64 acres ) more or less .
Parcel 4 - (area between N , W , �'
6 Avenue (P , S , H . No . 8 ) and S . w . 6th
Avenue )
Beginning as a found I V2 inch ironi e '
p p With wire in a monument box at centerli
I4 + 30 . 04 ( Alpine Road to Lad Island " A- " ne statiorung
Y ) line, State Mghwa � No . 14
Department of 'Transportation Y ' Washington State
p nation in the City of Carnes : thence ° »
said centerline a distant North 53 1 150 East aloe
e of 501 . 21 feet to the P . C . of a curve to t g
19 + 32 . 25 he right, centerline statiorun
thence leaving said centerline South 36048 ' 10 " ' �
48 I0 East a distance of 60 . 00 feet to '
on the southeasterly right - of- wa line of Stat High
o a pont
Y e I ;tz � hway No . 14 ( OffowRampto Camas ) ;
along said southeasterly right - of- wa linea S ) � thence
y long the arc of a 894 . 3 9 foot radius c
through a central angle of 24 ' 59 ' 30 " a distance curve to the right ,
once of 0050` 90412 feet to a point that bears N
65041 ' .01' 5 " East a distance of 3 8 7 . 04 feet from North
the last described, point ; thence Nort ` 20 :11
East a distance of 19 . 49 feet to a point on h � $ I 1 2Q
p the westerly right - of- way line of S . W . �
thence leaving said southeaster) right _ of- . 6 Avenue ;
Yway line of State Highway No . 14 ( OffooRampCamas ) along the wester) ri ht - of- w to
Y ay line of S . W .S �v6 . venue alon ¢ the arc
radius curve to the ri aht throu orh of a 352 . 88 foot
a central angle of I o .18 00 a distance of 65 -
that bears South 00 ° 45 ' 41 " west 49 feet to a point
a distance of 65 . 40 feet from the last des
of Parcel 4 ; thence continuing alae th
line of S . W . 6 Avenue alongthe 7 g g e westerly right - of- way
arc of a 35 . 88 foot radius curve to the right
angle of 48 ° 44 ' 41 " a distance � through a central
of 3 00 . � I feet to a point that bears Sou ° '
distance of 291 . 24 feet South
' a 27 01 west a
from the last described oint , thence S °
144 . 93 feet to a ' p ouch 54 49 22 West a distance of
point on the northeasterly right - of- wayline of
thence leavi the C - Ramp 5 - 14 Westbound ;said northwesterly right - of- wa line of N . W . �' '
alongthe northeasterly y 6 Avenue North 56 ° 01 ' 40 " west
asterly right - of-- way line of the Q '_ }� am .
feet to a point p SR. 14 westbound a distance of 21 3
p ton the southeasterly right - of- wa line ofh 8
leaving sai y N . W .N . w 6 Avenue P . S . H . No . 8 � thence
g d northeasterly right - of- way line of ) ' ence
Y he off- Ramp SRI 4 V� estboundaI
southeasterly right - of-- way line of N , W . 6th ong the
Avenue ( P . S . H . No . 8 ) North 33 ° 51 ' 53 "
distance of 154 . 66 feet ; thence alon the arc East a
g c of a 686 . 93 foot radius curve to the ri
central angle . of 23 ' 16 ' 09 " a distance o ght through a
f 278 . 98 feet to a point that bears No45029 ' 5811
distance of 277 . 07 feet from the last d North East a
described point , and the TRUE POINT
Containing 26 , 3 60 . 85 square feet ( 0 . 61OF BEG . �.q acres ) more or less .
The basis of bearings for the above legal d '
g escriptions are from Record of Surve
Book 45 , Page 139 , Clark County Survey Records , as recorded in
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CITY OF CAMAS ORD 28 . 00 Clark County , WA
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Please Print neatly or Type information
� 030
Additional Reference # ' s on page
Old S
Additional Grantors on page #
Additional Grantees on page #
LEGAL DESCRIP'ITON (abbreviated form : i. e . lot, block, ptat or section, township , range, quarter/quarter)
5E %y 6 � f�, e � in/ ��f S � cf i o r� l 0 �t i� � % /�c rf � o v) o � ��1 e. G�f�' �fwu
Additional Legal is on page #
` Additional Parcel # ' s on page
The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on this form. The staff will not read the document to
verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein .
} ;
„r .FIT 616 Northeast Fourth Avenue
P. O . Box 1055
Camas , Washington 98607
http : //www . ci . camas . wa . us
May 1 , 2003
Clark County Assessor
PO Box 5000
Vancouver , WA 98666 - 5000
RE : Street Vacation
closed a true and accurate co of Ordinance 2330 , which
I have en pY
d a ortion of NW 6th Avenue
vacate p . A copy of this ordinance , passed by
the Camas City
Council on January 27 2003 , is enclosed for your
. .
records .
IF T 14
need more in re ardin the above street vacation , please
ILI F. I f you g g
call me at ( 360 ) 834 - 2462 .
Sincerely ,
1 :..i:{ t '1.
: oan M . Durgin
Finance . Director
IF t
LItoli4e ILL. JMD / pko
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Admirhistration Building Finance Fire Library Police Pub'lic Works Parks & Receation
360 '$ 34 . 6864 360 . 834 . 8860 360 . 834 . 2462 Lr 360 . 834 . 22262 360 . 834 . 4692 360 . 834 . 4151 3834 . 3451 ; ' , . 360834 . 7092
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