AN ORDINANCE amending the zoning code ( Title 18 )
of the City of Camas as follows : Revising the
definition of lot line in Section 18 . 08 . 530 ; re -
vising the definition of mobile home park in
Section 18 . 08 . 600 ; revising the side yard set back
for the R1 15 zone in Section 18 . 24 . 040 ( F ) ( 5 ) ;
modifying Section 18 . 48 . 050 ( b ) ( 9 ) to increase the
maximum lot coverage for a mobile home/manufactured
home from 40 % to 500 ; modifying Section 18 . 64 . 050 to
revise the maximum roof overhang for side yard set
backs ; modifying Section 18 . 64 . 070 ( b ) by revising
the exceptions for front yard set backs on sloping
properties ; and modifying Section 18 . 68 . 010 by re -
vising the policy for off - street parking .
Section I
Section 18 . 08 . 530 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to
provide as follows :
18 . 08 . 530 . Lot Line . " Lot line " means the property line
bounding a lot , or in the case of a lot located on a private street
established by a street easement , the easement line of the private
street .
Section II
Section 18 . 08 . 600 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to
provide as follows :
18 . 08 . 600 . Mobile/Manufactured Home Park . A " mobile /
manufactured home park " means any property meeting the minimum
overall size stated in Section 18 . 48 . 050 ( b ) , which would be divided
into individual spaces for sale , lease , or rent for the accommodation
of occupied mobile /manufactured homes .
Section III
Section 18 . 24 . 040 ( F ) ( 5 ) of the Camas Municipal. Code is amended
to provide as follows :
18 . 24 . 040 . Density Provisions .
( F ) ( 5 ) minimum side yard : 15 feet .
Section IV
Section 18 . 48 . 050 ( B ) ( 9 ) is amended to provide as follows :
18 . 48 . 050 . Density Provisions .
( B ) ( 9 ) maximum lot coverage :
Mobile Home Park Other Uses
Fifty percent No limitation
Ordinance No . Page 2
Section V
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new section
to provide as follows :
Section 18 . 64 . 055 . Roof Overhang Permitted . The maximum
roof overhang for yard set - backs , excluding a side yard along a
flanking street , shall be as follows :
Side Yard Set Back Maximum Roof Overhang
5 feet 2 feet
10 feet 3 . 5 feet
15 feet 5 feet
The maximum roof overhang for all other required set backs ( front ,
rear , and side along flanking street ) shall be the same as the
maximum overhang for the side yard set back listed in the above -mentioned
chart .
Section VI
Section 18 . 64 . 070 ( B ) of the Camas Municipal Code is amended
to provide as follows :
18 . 64 . 070 . Front Yard- Exception .
( B ) Sloping Lot . If the natural gradient of a lot from
front to rear along the lot depth line exceeds an average
of twenty percent , the front yard may be reduced by one
foot for each two percent gradient over twenty percent .
In no case under the provisions of this subsection shall
the set back be less than 10 feet .
Section VII
Section 18 . 68 . 010 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to
provide as follows :
18 . 68 . 010 . Policy Designated . In all districts except for
projects one -half block or less in the CC district there shall
be provided minimum off street parking spaces in accordance with
the requirements of Section 18 . 68 . 020 . Such off street parking
spaces shall be provided at the time of erecting new structures ,
or at the time of enlarging , moving , or increasing the capacity
of existing structures by creating or adding dwelling units , com-
mercial or industrial floor space , or seating facilities . Under
no circumstances shall off street parking be permitted in the sight
triangle of any intersection . Off street parking will only qualify
if located entirely on the parcel in question and not on city owned
right -of -way . Covered parking structures shall not be permitted
within the front yard set back or side yard set back along a flanking
street .
Section VIII
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 )
days from and after its publication according to law .
Ordinance No . AoqlS Page 3
ADOPTED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this
day of January , 1996 .
ATTEST : it_
APPROVE as t r
Ci At orney
Affidavit of Publication
AN ORDINANCE amending the zoning
STATE OF WASHINGTON code (Title 18) of the City of Camas as fol-
STATE Revising the definition of lot line in
COUNTY OF CLARK ) Section 18.08.530; revising the definition of
mobile home park in Section 18.08.600; re-
vising the side yard set back for the Rl 15
zone in Section 18.24.040(F)(5); modifying
Section 18.48.050(b) (9) to increase the maxi.
I Michael Gallagher , being first mum lot coverage for a mobile home/manu-
duly sworn, depose and say that I am the owner, editor, publisher factored home from 40% to 50%, modifying
of The Post-Record, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is Section 18. to revise the maximum
roof overhanngg for
or side yard se[ backs; moth,
a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by lying Section 18.64.070(b) by revising the
order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and exceptions for front yard set backs on slop,
it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of ing properties; and modifying Section
the publication hereinafter to, published in the English language 18.68.010 by revising the policy foroMstreet
continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas, Clark County, parking'
Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed THE COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OF
in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication Section I
Section 18.08.530 of the Camas Munici.
pal Code is amended to provide as follows:
18.08.530. Lot Line. "Lot line" means the
of said newspaper, that the ORDINANCE NO . 2048 property lon a
in bounding
or thecase of
private street
by a street easement, the easement line of the
private street.
Section II
Section 18.08.600 of the Camas Munici-
pal Code is amended to provide as follows:
18.08.600. Mobile/Manufactured Home
Park A "mobile/manufactured home park"
a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the means any property meeting the minimum
entire issue of said newspaper for One overall size stated in Section 18.48.050(b),
successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues; t � _ -'-"
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INS Publisher
Subscribed and sworn to before me this e
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,/ - Notary Public in and for the iolg luIW s,aapew ayl ul )lawnOA aoeld 01
State of Washington,
Residing at Camas, Washington
Publications in Post Record
ao48, ao49j aos®
The following Ordinance No . dost, aosa� .�oss, aosLl , was received
acss, acs6
by the Post Record on AAte. .30 , 1 G9for publication on
f - 30 - Ifo
Signature of person receiving OrdinanceL is,