AN ORDINANCE amending Section 3 . 88 . 060 of the
Camas Municipal Code by revising the traffic impact
fee formula .
Section. I
Section 3 . 88 . 060 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows :
3 , 88 , 060 - Traffic Impact Fee Formula
The impact fee component for traffic shall be calculated using the following
formula : TIF = T x ( 1 - R) x C x A .
A . " TIF " means the traffic impact component of the total development impact fee .
Be " T " means the average PM peak hour vehicle trip ends for each use , estimated
by the fifth or current edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual , computed by
taking the size of the development times the PM peak hour trip generation rate .
C . " R" is the reduction for bypass trips for ITE land use codes in the 800s and
900s estimated by the fifth or current edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual .
D . " C " is the cost per PM peak hour trip end .
E . " A " is an adjustment to the cost of public facilities for past or future payments
made or reasonably anticipated to be made in the form of user fees , debt service
payments , taxes , or other payments ear marked for or pro - ratable to traffic system
improvements contained in the Capital Facilities Plan . The adjustment for traffic
impacts is determined to be 15 % so that " A " equals 85 % .
Section II
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication
according to law .
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of December ,
2002 .
APPROVED as to form :
ity Attorney
TO : Roger Knapp
CC : Joan Durgin , Lloyd Halverson , Doug Quinn
FROM : Eric Levison
DATE : 11 / 15 /2002
SUBJECT : Traffic Impact Fee formula discussion , use of REET
Roger , after discussions with Lloyd and Joan, I believe it is defensible to allow for no
contribution from REET to the TIF formula . Joan has reported that REET has not been
used historically for any road prof ects , and if it was available it would most likely be used
to offset the cost of non - TIF route street prof ects that have general fund impacts . There
are ample unfunded REET eligible street projects currently listed in the CFP under the
six - year plan .
The Parks and Open - space impact fee currently commits 10 % and 50 % respectively.
Using REET to cover the general fund portion shown in the Park plan for the next six
years would be $ 600 , 000 ( see attachment A) . If REET covered the total % in the Park
and O . S . fee calculation it would be approximately $ 1 , 166 , 000 ( see calculation on
attachment A) .
The total REET contribution estimated for the next six years is $ 1 , 500 , 000 or $ 250 , 000
per year .
The TIF study currently assumes that 15 % of the cost of construction will be covered by
outside grants ( see attachment B ) . I am not sure if this meets the requirement of RCW
82 . 02 . 060 (b ) "An adjustment to the cost of the public facilities for the past or future
payments made or reasonably anticipated to be made by new development to pay for the
particular system improvements in the form of user fee ' s , debt service payments , taxes ,
or other payments earmarked for or proratable to the particular system improvement. "
I hope this gives enough information to complete the Ordinance ' s , updating the formula ,
amending the study with the additional routes and fees and updating the fee for inflation .
If you need additional information or clarification please call .
&11 )A YV F4'oNsr
Option 0
The cost of developing all of the projects Moderate Funding Package ( 6 year period)
detailed in the Plan could easily exceed $ 20
million . This amount would be difficult to fund Revenue Sources
at one time , and in fact, all of the facilities and Serial Levy $ 159505000
improvements are not needed immediately . Park Impact Fees 359605000
City General Fund 6005000
However , there are priorities of actions that Grants , Misc . Sources 2403000
need to be taken in the near future , one of
which is the acquisition of park land . As a Total Funding Sources $ 657505000
result, it is recommended that a short-term
financing strategy be developed to fund projects Expenditures
of immediate need . This short term funding Park Land Acquisition $ 3 , 2001000
strategy is presented as the Capital Open Space Acquisition 1502000
Improvement Plan . Park Development 1 , 750 , 000
Trail Development 7205000
While the City has several funding sources in Park Upgrades 60 , 000
place , the proposed CIP reflects a change in
priorities and funding approaches . Two Total Expenditures $ 6 , 7505000
different funding levels are proposed depending
on how much the City wishes to finance .
Option A is a more conservative approach with
the primary focus on acquisition of land while
Option B includes more development as well as
a short term serial levy to help fund a more
extensive package .
Option A .
(0 0 / 0 0 0 (�l 0) 00
Conservative Funding Package ( 6 year period )
Revenue Sources t c� 1 "I ZO / 00 ( OL:) a
Park lmpact . F' ees- -. _ . .__ _. _._._ $3 , 960 , 000 . :_� ,. ►
, Citv General Fund 600 , 000
0/fm (V (Dot 0 OIL)
Grants , Misc . Sources 2403000
Total Funding Sources $40000
Park Land Acquisition $ 2500000
Open Space Acquisition 1 , 020 , 000 • C4
Park Development 1 , 000 , 000 ` 1 A4xa .
Trail Development 720 , 000 C�1 � .
Park Upgrades 605000 r
Total Expenditures $ 400 , 000
DKS Assoclates
Table 13 summarizes estimated improvement costs that are proposed as part of the traffic impact fee
update .
The total cost of the transportation improvement plan for the City of Camas study area to alleviate
future congestion by year 2015 is estimated at $ 27 , 524 , 000 . Non- impact fee funding sources are
expected to cover :
• the existing deficiencies ( estimated to be $ 290 , 000)
• SR44 widening to four lanes west of Union towards Washougal ( $ 10 - 25 million
depending on the need for interchanges )
• SR44 / 192nd Avenue interchange ( $ 16 , 000 , 000 )
Grants and dedications are funding sources expected to contribute approximately 15 percent to the total
improvement costs . The remaining amount summarizes the allocation of the total improvement costs
to be funded by the TIF and is estimated at $ 23 , 396 , 000 . A cost estimate summary for each roadway
improvement is provided In the appendix .
Table 13
Summary of Pro j ect Costs
R �,�I -� - rte► �
Roadway Improvements $229054 , 000
Intersection Improvements $ 59220 , 000 ,.
Transportation Studies $ 15000
Signal Coordination . � d
g $ 100 , 000
TOTAL $2795249000
Grants and Dedications ( 15 percent) $ 4 , 128 , 000
TOTAL TIF COSTS $ 23 , 396 , 000 r
City of Camas Traffic Impact Fee Guidelines Page 35
June 1997 P95232x4