ORD 2304ORDINANCE NO.J...}OI{ AN ORDINANCE adopting the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, for the fiscal year ending December 31,2002 WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Camas, Washington completed and placed on file with the City Clerk a proposed budget and estimate of the amount of the monies required to meet the public expenses, bond retirement and interest, reserve funds and expenses of government of said City for the fiscal year ending December 31,2002, and a notice was published that the Council of said City would meet on the 10th day of December, 2001 at the hour of 7:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said City for the purpose of making and adopting a budget for said fiscal year and giving taxpayers within the limits of said City an opportunity to be heard upon said budget; and WHEREAS, the said City Council did meet at said time and place and did then consider the matter of said proposed budget; and WHEREAS, the said proposed budget does not exceed the lawful limit of taxation allowed by law to be levied on the property within the City of Camas for the purposes set forth in said budget, and the estimated expenditures set forth in said budget being all necessary to carry on the government of said City for said year and being sufficient to meet the various needs of said City during said period. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I The required appropriation and expenditures for the various funds and departments and needs for the operation of government of the City of Camas, for the fiscal year ending December 31,2002, as set forth in said budget and which is hereby adopted, are fIxed in the following amounts, to wit, FUND General DEPARTMENT Legislative Judicial Executive Financial & Record Services Legal Personnel Central Services $ Other General Government Services Law Enforcement Fire Control Detention and/ or Correction Protective Inspections Emergency Services Information Systems Engineering Animal Control AMOUNT 96,700 190,000 192,148 509,992 73,000 116,522 134,200 128,905 2,410,624 2,434,302 352,651 428,736 10,500 259,854 1,081,993 78,502 FUND DEPARTMENT General Information and Outreach Planning and Community Development Community Education and Seniors Downtown Visioning Coalition Library Parks and Recreation Other Financing Uses-Interfund Total General Fund City Street Emergency Rescue Fire Equipment Cumulative Reserve Storm Water Drainage Local Improvement Guaranty Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption Limited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption Growth Management Act Capital Project Frank's Moorage Construction City Sanitary Water-Sewer Water-Sewer Capital Reserve Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension TOTAL ALL FUNDS SECTION II AMOUNT 33,942 420,516 20,902 106,468 907,590 1,326,484 978,516 12,293,047 5,713,469 1,574,460 33,517 51,877 250,000 780,815 838,984 3,055,400 60,830 1,263,684 7,923,458 2,500,000 909,550 2,000 $37.251.091 That certain document entitled "Proposed Budget" for the year beginning January 1, 2002, two (2) copies of which are on file in the office of the Clerk, be and the same is hereby adopted as the budget for the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending December 31,2002. SECTION III This ordinance shall be in force and take effect five (5) days after its pUblication according to law. PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 10th day of December, 2001. g:rm: Proposel13uC§et , • , • • , It • It .' II t- It -• • • • I • • ., • • • • • • • • • .-.-.- III III Ill, III III .. .. it " 2002 Budget Message Budget Calendar City Organization Chart CITY OF CAMAS, WASHINGTON TABLE OF CONTENTS Employees (Full Time Equivalents) 2002 Budget Summary Combined Summary of Revenues, Appropriations and Other Financing Sources and Uses by Fund -Summary of Estimated Appropriations by Fund Schedule of Operating Transfers/General Fund -Fund Balance General Fund Summary Revenue Detail Administration Organization Chart Legislative Judicial Executive Legal Personnel Parks and Recreation Organization Chart Parks and Recreation Information and Outreach Community Education Growth Management Frank's Moorage Construction Grass Valley Park Construction Financial and Records Services OrganizatiQn Chart Financial and Record Services· Information Systems Other General Governmental Services LID Guaranty Fund Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds Firemen's Pension 1 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 20 21 23 24 26 27 29 30 33 34 35 38 39 40 41 44 47 48 49 ,50 52 Police Fire Organization Chart Law Enforcement Detention and Correction Animal Control Organization Chart Fire Control Emergency Services Emergency Rescue TABLE OF CONTENTS Fire Equipment Cumulative Reserve library Organization Chart Library Library Construction Public Works Organization Chart Engineering Planning Protective Inspection Central Services Downtown Vision Coalition City Street Storm Water Drainage City Sanitary Water Sewer Water Sewer Capital Reserve Equipment Rental 53 54 59 60 61 62 67 68 73 74 7~ 79 80 81 83 85 88 89 91 95 97 99 103 104 ) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. II -II II II II • .. .. til .. ,. ." ~-.-• • .! • .. • • • • • • • • • • • .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " 2002 Budget Message from Mayor Dean Dossett to Council and Citizens The 2002 budget for the City of Camas maintains the current level of service to the citizens of the' community, and provides for important investments in the community's future. The proposed budget meets several goals. Those goals, ranked in priority include: 1) Maintain the existing level of service and programs. 2) Levy a general fund tax which meets the limits established consistent with the Implicit. Price Deflator (IPD). \ 3) Preserve the steady level of general fund reserves. 4) Invest in City infrastructure in accordance with the Capital Facilities Plan. 5) Obtain prudent balance with initiative impacts and potential effects of an economic contraction in mind. Only a few enhancements beyond normal cost increases within operational budgets are being proposed. Due to the limitations imposed with the IPD, we have taken' a cautious approach to funding ongoing expenses or new initiatives. Highlighted efforts include the focused Downtown Initiative, water system improvements, and the skate P¥k partnership project . The Implicit Price Deflator (IPD) refers to the United States Department-OfCommerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, implicit price d!eflator for personal consumption expenditures. This index, in accordance with Referendum 47, limits property tax increases for cities over ten thousand in population. The index number to be used for the 2002 tax levy is 1.89%. What this means is that without it City Council majority plus-omi{_vote finding "substantial need", an increase in the property - tax levy for Camas would be limited to 1.89% for property taxes collected in 2002. This budget package has be~n constructed to meet a 1.0% levy cap in case Initiative 747 passes. A significant aspect of balancing thi~ budget relIes upon tax contributions from new growth. New construction was valued at over-$233 million, dollars in 2001, resulting in additi9nalgeneral fund revenues of approximately $839, 000 dollars. The -City's reliance upon growth related revenues becomes apparent when compared to the total valuatioff of $2.1 billion for the same year. Under separate cover you will find a "decision package~' which contains possible budget items not achievable within the IPD c~p . These capital/equipment'requests were deferred at this stage to-meet the IPD and reserve goals stated in the first paragraph. A potential "freeze package" is also composed for later review and action, should revenues decline markedly. , - \ , To meet the twentY percent (20%) general fund reserve target, the City would heed to set aside approximately $2.456 million in total. With an estimated reserve balance of $2 million at the end of 2001, approximately $456,000 is required to meet this target. Reserves were budgeted in 2001 to address increasing general fund operating expenses, specifically related to increased activity in street repairs, repayment of police facility debt service and increased personnel expenses. General fund reserves have also supported substantial park and open space purchases in the past two fiscal years . 1 The capital facilities element of the 2002 budget was developed using the adopted Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). Most capital items identified in the CFP are included in the budget. Generally, items dependent on grant funding for which the grants are not yet assured are excluded from the budget. As grant or other outside funding becomes assured, and/or necessary agreements with co-operating agencies are prepared, project budget appropriations will come forward. Refer to the following section for highlights of the 2001 capital program. CAPITAL INVESTMENT In 2001, several major investments were undertaken. The upper Prune Hill Reservoir was constructed, several neighborhood infrastructure projects are underway, the future "Klickitat Park" site was acquired and the Grass Valley Park is nearly complete. The new Westside Fire Station was completed and dedicated early this past year. As the year ends, the new and remodeled Library begins construction. The following chart depicts historic levels of capital investment. 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 o 1995 1996 1997 Capital Improvements 1995 ·2002 Actual and Budgeted 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Budgeted Budgeted Upwards of $1 0 million in the 2002 budget reflects capital investments. This is another in a series of years of major capital investment in community facilities. Some of the highlights of the 2002-year include the following: The Library Project. The project entails a major addition to the library, and extensive remodeling of the existing historic structure. The project will be carried out with bond funds approved by the voters. The project was budgeted as a separate fund, and the construction appropriation is $7,904,663. 2 • • • • • •• • .' • • • .. •• • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .' \ •• • • • • .. • II II II .. III III Detailed design is done and actual construction is expected to begin this winter and continue through the year . Water System Improvements. The water sY$tem is being strengthened with several capital projects foreseen in the City's adopted Water System Improvement Plan. The most significant projects are: . --Construction of the Upper Prune Hill Reservoir Expansion designed to add approximately 2.4 million gallons to the system's capacity. This is funded from Water/Sewer Capital Reserves, and is now 85% complete . --Construction and completion of the Angelo Booster Station. Construction ofthis project was completed and the dedication was held in late October. Thestation adds to the system's ability to move water and it is operating . --Initial steps for rehabilitation or teplacementofwells #1 and #2 are also budgeted and planned. The amount is $1,200,000, and the work will help assure the continued usefulness of our ·wells. Acquisition and development of new wells are also planned and budgeted in 2002. --Waterline replacements and neighborhood projects are also budgeted, and will iPlprove the system. Street Projects: --192 Avenue/State Route 14 Interchange. This is the largest project affecting our area, and is largely funded by state appropriations and state grants. There will be contributions 'by the adjoining jurisdictions. SUbstantial work on the project occurred in 'O~, and completion in '02 as part of the WSDOT schedule. -:"NE Lake Rd/Everett Street Intersection Improvement: Budgeted at $275,000, and largely funded with grant and Traffic Impact Fee funds. This is a re-appropriation, and the project is expected to be built in '02. --SE 1 st/Lake Road. This is a major project, and has received substantial grant funding to. date. Budgeted at $2,100,000. Engineering design and right-of-way acquisition are expected this year. The full costs of construction are not yet funded. -..,NW 18 th and Hood Improvements. This is another project from the City's six-year street plan and capital facilities plan. Budgeted: $1,200,000 from the Transportation Impact F~e account. --Citywide Overlays: Another major year for this important activity, budgeted at $250,000. --Street Reconstruction Project: This project, slated to reconstruct upwards of a quarter of all city streets needing such work, will enter the design stage in '01. This project will benefit from very low interest loan funds from the Public Works Trust Fund. 3 Parks: Construction of the Grass Valley Park began in the summer of '01 and is nearly complete. The process benefited from a community based process and favorable bids. The park and related facilities are ready for play in '02. Skatepark Partnership -In partnership with the Skatepark Committee and the City of Washougal, the construction of a skatepark is expected in 2002. The proposed site is adjacent to SE 3rd Avenue and the Washougal River Greenway. The estimated cost is $150,000. A $50,000 contribution from the City of Washougal, and private contributions of $50,000 are anticipated in this partnership project. Frank's Moorage Project -The long regulatory and legal delays in this project are apparently at an end. The project is slated to be awarded in November and built in '02 with re-authorized state grant and local funds. This has been a long time in the making and should be a delight to see completed. Other highlights: There are a few additional elements of the budget which merit highlighting. These are not exclusively capital investments, but might be described as program improvements. Downtown -The budget recognizes a focused effort at the revitalization of Camas' Downtown. This follows up on the work of the Downtown Visioning Committee and takes steps on a multi-year path to implement that vision and plan. "Downtown Camas -the place to be" has been the slogan. The budget mirrors a special emphasis on the downtown. Staff resources, landscaping, lighting and other . initiatives, foreseen in the Downtown Plan, are provided in this budget proposal. The amount earmarked in the Downtown budget is $106,468. Additional resources are budgeted elsewhere in funds such as the street fund, which carries a $110,000 appropriation to complete the new downtown streetlights. The Police Department will complete the "Accreditation" process, and the budget accommodates this. The related survey has been finished and should prove helpful to thedepartment and the city. The Personnel budget again contains funding for the award-winning Camas City Vol ellness Program. This program, benefiting from strong employee involvement and leadership (especially from Jackie Palmer) has been very effective and long-lived. In 2001, the program was recognized by the Association of Washington Cities. Camas was designated an official "Well City". Finance used budgeted funds for new utility/accounting software for its functions. Additional technology improvements and investments are budgeted in the '02 budget. Planning-major emphasis will be on the Comprehensive Plan Update, as well as the critical lands update. Substantial consultant support is budgeted for these important efforts. Fire/EMS Department. Many recommendations of the consultants who reviewed the department's operations are funded in the '01 and '02 budget. A further addition ofthe Department's equipment is foreseen in the proposed budget. This is a new, fully equipped pumper truck. It is budgeted at $380,000. 4 .. .- ~ .... ~ til til ~.' •... .." ~ .•.. > .." .. ~ ~ • .. ~ .." .. .. ~ ,.. .. .. • • -I • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • -• • OVERVIEW OF THE 2002 GENERAL FUND PROPOSED BUDGET Recommended appropriation for the general fund for 2002 is approximately $12.3 million._This represents a $1,035,000 increase from the 2001 amended General Fund budget. The increase includes $380,000 for a new fire truck. The total increase is approximately nine (9) percent. This is summarized on the following table: Operating Programs Capital Total $10,711,662 545,600 $11,257,262 General Fund $11,344,447 948,600 $12,291,740 $ 632,185 403,000 $ 1,034,478 OVERVIEW OF THE 2002 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR ALL FUNDS Total recommended appropriations forall funds for the 2002 budget period is $13 million lower than budgeted for 2001. The "all funds" appropriations are reflective of capital project appropriations, including water/sewer capital projects. The proposed budget for all fund;s is $37.25 million. CITY WORK FORCE Twenty-nine percent (29%) of the 2002 budget is allocated to personnel salaries and benefits. City employment in 2001 was 153 full-time equivalents, and is estimated at 158 in 2002. Approximately $70,000 is allocated for uniform and clothing allowances. The budget, as prepared, reflects the known costs of personnel under existing collective bargaining ag're~ments. At present, the city and two of the unions rep:t:esenting uniformed employees are in the negotiation process. SUPPLIES, SERVICES AND CHARGES Fourteen percent (14%) ofthe2002 budget is related to supplies, services, and charges. Detailed information on the categories listed below can be found in the body of the budget dQcument: Professional Services Intergovernmental Services Public Utiliti~s Supplies Vehicle MaintenancelFuel Repairs and Maintenance Insurance Small Tools $1,000,630 $1,243,137* $ 912,050** $1,033,440 $ 169,000 $ 459,825 $ 255,000 $ 269,700 * -Includes j ail, corrections, and court expenses. ** -Includes solid waste tipping fees. 5 DEBT OBLIGATIONS Nine percent (9%) of the budget goes toward debt repayment. General obligation debt Ihcluding the newly issued library bonds is $1,619,799 annually. Transmission line payments to Clark Public Utilities will be $216,241. This marks the third year's payment on this obligation, related to the City's share of costs of placing the transmission line underground .. This is a general fund cost. Including the new wastewater treatment plant debt service, annual payments for water and sewer debt is over $1,545,618. UNCERTAINTIES There are great uncertainties. The war, the national and local economy, the impacts of the proposed initiative. These and other uncertainties will surely affect this budget and the city's operations. The effects are difficult to predict and calculate. There is more unpredictability in the coming year than in any other in at least a decade. In response, the proposed budget strikes a prudent balance and suggests a "wait and see" attitude. There will be challenges and opportunities. We must be prepared. SUMMARY This budget maintains current services for our community. It provides for continued investment in our City's infrastructure and future. It maintains a substantial general fund reserve. 6 • .. • • .. • • .. .. iii • til • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • til • • • • • • • • III .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • •• • • • • • • • • • ., • . ' • • • • III .. III .. .. III III III, .. .. • .. .. III City of Camas, Washington Calendar for the 2002 Budget July 6,2001 Finance Director distributes instructions and forms to departments for 2002 budget preparation . September 5, 2001 Departments file 2 copies of their budget, one each with City Administrator and Finance Director. Sept. 5-Sept. 12, 200l. Finance Director reviews budget su bmissions, consolidates estimates, I projects revenues and develops first draft of preliII?.inary budget. Sept. 12, 2001 Finance Director files first draft of preliminary budget with the Mayor'" and City Administrator. Sept. 13 -Oct. 1,2001 City Administrator and Finance , Director conduct departmental -hearings to detetmine budget to be presented to the City Council. Oct. 1 -Oct. 29, 2001 Mayor and City Administrator prel'jare " budget message. Finance Director compiles the budget document . Nov. 5,2001 Proposed budget submitted to City Council for study. -, Nov. 6 and Nov. 13, 2001 Pu blish notice of tax levy hearing and statement of availability of preliminary budget by Nov. 19,2001. Nov. 26,2001 Council hold~ public hearing and passes ordinance fixing 2002 tax levy. Finance Director notifies Clark County Assessor and County Commissioners of tax l~ for 2002 Dec. 10,2001 Council holds budget hearing. December, 2001 Council passes Year 2002 budget and budget ordinance published . Jan. 1,2002 2002 budget recorded in accounting ledgers 7 CITY OF CAMAS Citizens ~ Council M~yor _____ ----_1 ______ ----- 1 1 library Planning City Board Commission Administrator [];J I Board ·1 1 1 I I I I : " Public Parks and Library Finance Works Fire Police Recreation Circulation Finance and Engineering Suppression Records Recreation - Desk Accounting Research Network Building Prevention Investigation Facility - Administration Permitting Rentals Cataloging City Clerk and Streets Ambulance and Patrol Swimming - Public Records Emergency Aid Pool Accounts Water-Se wer Inspections Traffic General Receivable Parks Purchasing and Sanitation Crime , Accounts Payable "-Prevention Treasury Equipment and Debt Rental Licensing Planning Payroll Code Enforcement Risk Management 8 CITY OF CAMAS, WASHINGTON Employees (Full Time Equivalents) Nine Years 1994 -2002 DEPARTMENT 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Executive 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Finance 8.00 6.50 7.00 8.00 8.66 9.00 7.50 7.50 Legal 1.00 Personnel 0.50 0 .50 r.OO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Law Enforcement 18.50 18.50 19.50 21.00 23.50 26.50 27.50 27.50 Fire Control 11.00 11.00 11.00 14.61 15.50 19.00 19.00 21.33 Detention & Correction 1.00 1.00 Protective Inspections 3.50 4.00 4 .00 5 .00 5.00 5 .00 5 .00 5.50 Information Systems 1.50 1.50 Engineering 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.25 13.25 13.50 Central Services 0 .25 Planning 2.00 2 .00 2.00 3 .00 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.00 Parks 4.00 4.00 4.50 6.00 7.80 7.80 8.30 10.00 Downtown Vision Coalition library 7.20 7.20 7.56 9.00 9.30 9.30 9.30 10.85 Total General Fund 66.70 65.20 67.56 79.61 86.76 93.85 98.35 105.43 Street 9 .00 9.00 7 .50 7.00 9.00 ' 8.50 9.50 9.00 Emergency Rescue 9.50 11.00 11.00 12.39 13.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Storm Water Drainage 0 .25 0.25 0.25 Sanitary 2 .00 3 .00 3 .00 3 .00 3.00 3.00 3 .00 3 .25 Water-Sewer 10.50 10.50 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 14.50 16.00 Equipment Rental 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.50 4 .00 4.00 4 .00 TOTALS 99.70 100.70 102.56 117.00 127.76 137.60 144.60 152.93 I POPUlATION 7,430 8,015 8,810 9,627 10,300 10,870 12,534 12,970 I POPUlATION GROWTH FROM 1994 THROUGH 2002 FTE PER THOUSAND POPUlATION 15,000 1.40 13,500 1.35 12,000 1.30 Z 10,500 0 ... ~ 9,000 7,500 0 1.25 0 0 .... 1.20 "-... ~ 6,000 0 4: 1.15 ~ 4,500 1.10 3,000 1.05 1,500 0 ... II) ID t-oo 01 8 ... ... 01 01 01 01 01 01 8 .. 01 01 01 01 01 01 0 III ... ... ... ... ... ... ('I ('I a 1.00 "" I/) 10 t-ao 01 8 ... 01 01 01 01 01 01 8 01 01 01 01 01 01 ... ... ... ... ... ... ~ ~ 0 ('I YEARS YFARS 9 2002 1.50 7.50 1.00 27.50 23.50 1.00 5.25 2 .00 13.50 0 .25 4.00 9.70 0.55 12.35 109.60 10.00 15.10 0.25 3.25 16.00 4.25 158.45 13,421 I Estd. i 8 ~ Taxes Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenues Other Non Revenues Other Financing Sources Budgeted Fund Balance Total Revenues City of Camas, Washington 2002 Budget Summary Revenues Classified by Source 2000 Adopted Budget $ 9,504,369 487,000 3,599,807 9,569,353 219,550 1,379,500 1,600,000 9,241,433 6,041,954 $ 41,642,966 2001 Amended Budget $ 10,906,520 494,500 4,276,703 7,372,093 226,800 1,676,240 936,000 17,058,883 5,536,530 $ 48,484,269 Expenditures/Expenses by Function 2000 2001 Adopted Amended Budget Budget Ch,lssified Proprietary $ 8,456,153 $ 7,440,213 General Government Services 1,745,988 1,569,859 Security of Persons and Property 5,872,681 6,331,623 Physical Environment 2,005,693 2,059,537 Transportation 1,787,143 1,844,984 Economic Environment 350,599 397,130 Mental and Physical Health 2,500 2,500 Culture and Recreation 1,466,262 1,601,514 Debt Service 1,412,164 2,444,279 Capitalized Expenses 6,584,437 10,383,467 Road and Street Construction 4,627,600 4,635,280 Other Financing Uses 7,331,746 9,773,883 Total Expenditures/Expenses $ 41,642,966 $ 48,484,269 *Proprietary expenses are shown in appropriate categories below. 2002 Proposed Budget 1 $ 11,502,850 484,950 2,643,839 7,902,078 224,050 1,839,782 935,500 7,404,024 4,314,018 $ 37,251,091 2002 Proposed Budget $ 1,684,416 6,728,273 5,216,801 1,783,369 546,384 7,042 1,835,816 3,165,417 5,566,140 4,500,000 6,217,433 $ 37,251,091 $10,000,000 ,.-----------------....:....--~----------. $9,000,000 -I-----------------------------------l $8,000,000 +-________ ..:.\~u..:. Expenses by l'unctlOIn-_________ ---J $7,000,000 +----===---------------------------l $6,000,000 +--- $5,000,000 +--- $4,000,000 +--- $3,000,000 +--- $2,000,000 +--- $1,000,000 $0 10 * City of Camas, Washington 2002 Annual Budget Combined Summary of Revenues, Appropriations, and Other Fina:(lcing,Sources and Uses By Fund ~ECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Debt General City " Ern~rgency Fire]qUip. Storm Water Service Fund Streets Rescue Reserve Drainage Funds Appropriated Fund Balance $ 635,893 $ 400,000 $ $,. 33,517 $ $ 250,000 REVENUES: 310 Taxes 8,748,OP 535,000 1,619,799 320 Licenses & Permits 484,950 330 Intgovt. Revenues 385,347 1,726,120 376,200 340 Chgs. for Services 1,202,557 647,960 11,877 350 Fines & Forfeits 224,050 360 Misc. Revenues 328,682 15,300 40,000 Total Est. Revenues 11,373,637 1,726,120 1,574,460 51,877 1,619,799 380 Other Non-Revenues 390 Oth~r Est. Fin.Source Bond Proceeds Loan Proceeds 153,433 Operating Trans. In 283,517 3,433,916 Total Est. Resources $ 12,293,047 $ 5,713,469 $1,574,460 $ 33,517 $ 51,877 $1,869,799 APPROPRIATIONS: 510 General Govt. Services' 1,684,416 520 Sec. of Person & Prop 5,161,813 1,564,460 530 Physical Environ. 1,130,400 16,877 540 Transportation 1,203,469 550 Economic Environ. 546,384 560 Mental & Phy. Health 7,042 570 Culture & Recreation 1,835,816 590-598' Other Type Exp. 591 Debt Service 1,619,799 594 Capitalized Exp. 948,660 45,000 10,000 595 Road & Street Const~ 4,465,000-35;000 ',--".- Total Appropriations 11,314,531 5,713,469 1,574)460 51,877 1,619,799 .Est. Other Financing Uses: Operating Transfers Out 978,516 33,517 250,000 Total Estimated Uses $ 12,293,047 $ 5,713,469 $1,574,460 '$ 33,517 $ 51,877 $1,86~,799 11 III III~ III .r III • Combined SUJnmary of Revenues, Appropriations and III Other Financing Sources and Uses By Fund • • CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS PRORRIEfARY FUNDS Firemen's Total • Growth Frank's Library Grass City Water -Equipment PeJision All Mgmt. Moorage Construction Valley Sanitary Sewer Rental Fund ~ds • • $ ·1,336,058 $ $ $ $ $ 1,600,000 $ 58,550 . $ $ 4,314,018 • • 600,000 (These funds were 11,502,850 • initially budgeted 484,950 93,342 60,830 in 2001.) 2,000 2,643,839 • 876,000 1,240,884 3,910,800 12,000 7,902,078 224,050 • 150,000 22,800 444,000 839,000 ,J 1,839,182 • 1,719,342 60,8~0 ~ ~/ 1,263,684 4,354,800 851,000 2,000 24,597,549 It, '.. 935,500 935,500 -, • 1,033,158 1,033,158 153,433 • 2,500,000 6,217,433 • $ 3,055,400 ,$ 60,830 $ $ $ 1,263,684 $10,423,458 $ 909,550 $ 2,000 $ 37,251,091 -., I -• 1,684,416 2,000 6,728,273 • 1,063,684 3,005,840 5,216,801 • 579,900 1,783,369 546,384 .' 7,042 • 1,835,816 • 1,545,618 3,165,417 600,000 60,830 200,000 3,372,000 329,650 5,566,140 • 4,500,000 • 600,000 60,830 1,263,684 7,923,458 909,550 2,000 31,033,658 • 2,455,400 2,500,000 6,217,433 • $ 37,251,091 • $ 3,055,400 $ 60,830 $ ,. $ $ 1,263,684 / $10,423,458 $ 909,550 $ 2,000 • III III • • • III 12 Summary of Estimated ·Appropriations By Fund Actual for 2000 and Appropriations for 2001 and 2002 Actual Actual Estimated Expenditures Appropriations Required ·2000 2001 2002 GENERAL FUND $ 12,095,788 $ 11,257,262 $ 12,293,047 SPECIAL REVENUES: City Street 1,583,833 5,822,474 5,713,469 Emergency Rescue 1,459,041 1,566,947 1,574,460 Fire Equipment Cumulative Reserve 33,517 Storm Water Drainage 79,323 203,505 51,877 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 3,122,197 7,592,926 7,373,323 bEBT SERVICE FUNDS: Local Improvement Guaranty 19,394 250,000 Unlimited Tax G.O. Bond Redemption 127,203 788,830 780,815 Limited Tax G.O. Bond Redemption 589,681 517,740 838,984 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 736,278 1,306,570 1,869,799 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS: Growth Management Capital Project 1,958,617 3,447,747 3,055,400 Fire Facility Construction 1,918,916 711,772 Frank's Moorage Construction 530,OQO 60,830 Library Construction Fund 55,337 7,904,663 Grass Valley Park Construction 1,210,000 LID 220 -Vista Del Rio 1,857 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 3,934,727 13,804,182 3,116,230 ENTERPRISE FUNDS: City Sanitary 1,034,756 1,096,043 1,263,684 Water-Sewer 5,678,974 8,670,800 7,923,458 Water-Sewer Capital Reserve 4,515,422 2,500,000 Water-Sewer Bond Redemption 716,501 1,072,234 Farmer Home Bond Redemption 26,175 25,475 Sewer Treatment Plant 1,648,670 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 9,105,076 15,379,974 11,687,142 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: Equipment Rental 729,061 131,790 909,550 FIDUCIARY FUNDS: Firemen's Pension 1,219 2,000 2,000 TOTAL $ 29,724,346 $ 50,074,704 $ 37,251,091 13 -f/A .. .. .. .. .. III III .. .. III III til III III III III III .. III III III .. .. III III II .. .. .. .. III .. .- -.. .. III .. ~ .. ~ " = " ,lp 2002 Schedule of Operating Transfers Out/Operating Transfers in TRANSFERS FROM TRANSFERS TO AMOUNT PURPOSE FOR TRANSFER General Fund Street Fund $ 978,516 Street operations and construction Fire Equip. Cumulative Reserve General Fund 33,517 Help fund purchase of fire pumper truck Local Improvement Guaranty General Fund 250,000 Help fund purchase of f~ pumper truck Growth Management Fund Street Fund 2,455,400 Transportation Impact Fees for Lake Road and Everett Street, NW 18th and Hood, 192nd Avenue, and SE 1st and Lake Road projects Water/Sewer Capital Reserve Water/Sewer 2,500,000 Water/Sewer construction projects Total Operating Transfers Out/In: 12,000,000 11,000,000 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 o 1990 1991 $ 6,217,433 General Fund -Fund Balance with Expenditures and Revenue Comparisons _ Fund Balance Expenditures -+-Revenues 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 est 2001 est 2002 Though revenues and expenditures have continued to increase each year due to growth in the city, fund balance remains above 11% of expenditures. In the past, City Council has stated a desire to maintain fund balance at approximately 20% of expenditures. 14 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF BUDGET FUNCTION The General Fund accounts for all revenues and expenditures of the city of a general nature that are not required to be reported in a special type of fund. It receives a much greater variety of revenues and is utilized for a greater variety of ex- penditures than other funds. ACTMTIES AND SERVICE Expenditures for legislative, judicial, execu- tive, financial, administrative, legal, REVENUES: 001 Revenues: 310000 Taxes 320000 Licensing and Permits 330000 Intergovernmental Revenue 340000 Charges for Goods and Services 350000 Fines and Forfeits 360000 Miscellaneous Revenues Total Estimated Revenues 380000 Other Non Revenues Total Estimated Resources personnel, planning, general governmental services, information systems, engineering, parks and recreation, pollution control, neighborhoods, animal control, health, community education and library are included in the General Fund. Police and fire services are also included in this fund. The General Fund is reimbursed for applicable engineering, accounting, legal services and some administration it provides f~r the water-sewer, sanitary, emergency rescue and equipment rental functions. 2002 Estimated General Fund Revenues 15 • Taxes • Licenses and Permits o Intergovernmental Revenue • Charges for Goods and Services o Fines and Forfeits o Miscellaneous Revenues Actual Appropriated Estimated 2000 2001 2002 $ 7,857,469 $8,439,950 $ 8,748,051 492,053 494,500 484,950 1,030,248 293,861 385,347 1,124,272 1,160,550 1,202,557 232,195 226,800 224,050 287,538 299,950 328,682 11,023,775 10,915,611 11,373,637 283,517 11,023,775 10,915,611 11,657,154 -GENERAL FUND " III SUMMARY .. (Continued) III APPROPRIATIONS: Actual Appropriated Estimated .. 001 2000 2001 2002 II .. 510000 General Government Services $1,478,306 .. $1,549,383 $ 1,684,416 " 520000 Security of P~rsons and Property 4,174,222 4,853,582 5,161,813 530000 Physical Envir'onment 933,399 1,020,209 1,130,400 III 550000 Economic Environment 421,834 397,130 546,384 .. 560000 Mental and Physical Health 1,954 2,500 7,042 .. 570000 Culture and Recreation 1,453,603 1,606,514 1,835,816 .. 594000 Capitalized Expenditures 1,841,201 609,150 948,660 .. Total Estimated • ApproI?riations 10,304,519 10,038,468 11,314,531 • Estimated Other Financing Uses: .. • 597000 Operating Transfers: .. City Street Fund 1,838,433 1,218,794 978,516 • Total Estimated Other .. Financing Uses 1,838,433 . 1,'218,794 978,516 .. Total Estimated Appropriations • and Other Financing Uses 12,142,952 11,257,262 12,293,047 .. ~) r-• Estimated Excess Revenaes and .. Other Financing Sources over ; .. Appropriations and Other .. Financing Uses (1,119,177) (341,651) (635,893) • Beginning Fund .Balance 2,789,237 1,670,060 2,000,000 • • Ending Fund Balance $1,670,060 $1,328,409 $ 1,364,107 .. • II .. .. • ••••• .. .. .. .. 16 • .. --,_ .. _------ GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER 001 291 74000 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance Taxes: 311 100 00 Real and Personal Property 312 10000 Private Harvest Tax 313 100 00 Local Retail Sales and Use Taxes 313 71000 Local Criminal Justice 31643000 Natural Gas 31645000 Sanitary Franchise 31646000 Television Cable 317 51000 Gambling Taxes 31890000 Other Taxes 319 800 00 Penalties and Interest Del. Taxes Total Taxes $ Actual Revenue 2000 6,043,662 3 1,497,847 111,824 63,294 7,384 78,391 52,869 1,216 980 7,857,470 Adjusted Estimated 2001 $ 341,651 6,595,000 1,550,000 75,000 80,000 9,000 80,000 50,000 700 250 8,439,950 GENERAL FUND SALES AND PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 • Sales Tax • Property Tax Estimated Revenue 2002 $ 635,893 6,930,607 1,450,000 118,694 100,000 9,000 89,000 50,000 500 250 8,748,051 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Est. 2001 The above chart represents a ten year history of the two primary tax revenues for the city. 17 ------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL TIlREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted EstImated FUND NUMBER Revenue Estimated Revenue 001 2000 2~01 2002 ( Licenses and Permits: 321 300 00 Police and Protective 275 100 150 321.600.00 Professional and Occupational 100 321 70000 Amusements 3,278 3,500 321 90000 Other Business Licenses 320 400 400 321 92000 Telecommunication Franchise 1,000 1,000 322 10000 Buildings, Structures and Equipment 450,615 450,000 460,000 322 110 00 Buildings, Structures and Equip -Fire 29,108 30,000 15,300 322 300 00 Animal Licenses 2,910 3,000 3,000 322 400 00 Street and Curb Permits 3,958 5,000 4,500 322 900 00 Other Non-Bus Licenses and Permits 589 1,500 1,500 Total Licenses and Permits 492,053 494,500 484,950 Intergovernmental Revenue: 331 16000 Direct Federal Grants -COPS 114,812 30,000 52,800 33404020 State Grant-Growth Management 7,500 334 040 25 State Grants 235,102 335 00081 Mobile Home/Trailer/Camper Ex Tax 542 335 000 83 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax-Regular 28,628 335 000 91 P,U.D. Privilege Tax 55,454 60,000 77,000 33502031 Harvest Taxes -Restoration 1 33502032 DNR Land Use/Non-timber 23,000 15,O00 33604022 Local Government Assistance 26,099 52,198 53,654 33606021 Criminal]ustice -Population 2,539 2,205 336 060 22 Criminal Justice -DCD#1 2,676 2,219 2,434 336 06() 23 Criminal Justice -DCD#2 3,756 3,228 3,511 33606024 Criminal Justice -DCD#3 3,755 3,226 3,514 336060 51 DUI -Cities 1,545 1,520 1,900 33606094 Liquor Excise Tax 35,518 37,490 42,153 33606095 Liquor Board Profits 65,967 63,480 79,376 33700000 Payments in Lieu of Taxes 261,768 1,800 337 020 00 Local Contributions 130,000 338 12000 Shared Costs -Court 10,000 10,000 33821000 County Law Protection 20,375 25,000 338 211 00 Drug Enforcement 8,289 7,500 7,500 Total Intergovernmental Revenue 996,826 293,861 385,347 Charges for Goods and Services: 341 32000 Clerks Record Services 378 500 250 341 33000 Court Fees 4,512 5,500 3,500 341 500 00 Sale of Maps and Publications 1,460 1,000 1,100 341 60000 Printing and Duplicating Services 3,910 4,000 4,000 341 70000 Sales of Merchandise 189 500 100 341 99000 Other General Government 400 400 342 10000 Law Enforcement Services 1,413 1,200 1,200 342400 00 Protective Inspection Fees 870 750 1,000 342 500 00 Emergency Services Fees 12,311 12,000 12,000 342 900 00 Other Security of Persons and Property 30 343 900 00 Other Fees/Chgs and Physical Env. 1,050 1,500 343 95000 Abatement -Hazards Removal 541 345 800 00 Planning Fees and Charges 2,500 345 81000 Zoning and Subdivision Fees 13,030 11,500 11,800 34583000 Plan Check Fees 234,454 245,000 260,000 345 830 10 Plan Check Fees -Fire 28,306 30,000 14,900 345 830 20 Plan Review-Engineering & Planning 9,594 18,000 8,900 345 840 00 Inspection Fees -Construction 29,303 40,000 24,000 345 890 00 Other Planning Fees 3,174 1,500 6,000 18 ---,~~-,-~ ...... ,.,-.,~.~-,---.----~ III III III III It III • .. .' .' • .. .. • .~ ., • • • • .. .. .. .. ." • .. • • • .. • • • • • • .. III .. .. III .. .. GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREEYEARCO~AR50N FUND NUMBER 001 . 3,47 310 00 Swimming Pool Admissions '347325 00 P.E. School District '34739060 'other Activity Fees 34761000 Swim Lessons 34762000 Recreation Programs 349 140 00 Budgeting, Acctng & Audit Services , 349 150 00 Legal Services " 349 180 00 Central Services-Building Rental 3;1:925000 Emergency Services 34932000 Engineering Services Total Charges for Goods and Services Fines and Forfeits: 352 300 OOM~mdatory Insurance Costs 353 100 00 Traffic Infraction Penalties 353 100 10 Traffic Infraction -J.I.S.-Local 353 100 20 Fines-School Zone 353 10030 J.I.S. -Trauma Care 35370000 Non-Traffic Infraction Penalties :3 54 000 00 Parking VIolations 35520000 Driving Underthe Influence Fines '35580000 Other Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor 35690000 Other Non-Traffic Misdemeanors 35740000 Other Criminal Costs \ 35970000 Library Fines '/ Total Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenues: 36111000 Investment Interest 361 400 00 Interest on Sales Tax, Court Fees ,362 401 00 Space/Facilities Rentals-Community 362 500 00 Space and Facilities Leases 362 501 00 Community Center Space Rentals 362 600 00 Housing Rentals and Leases . 362 900 00 Other Rents and Use Charges 36300000 Ins. Premiums and Recovery 367 000 00 Contrib and Donations'Pvt Sources . 36'9 100 00 Obsolete Equipment .36990000 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 389000 00 Other Non Revenues Total Miscellaneous Revenues / Total Estimated Revenue§ Other Financing Sources: 39510000 Proceeds from Sales of Fixed Assets 397000 00 Opel'atingTransfers-In -to fund fire truck Total Other Financing Sources Total Estimated Resources 19 Actual Revenue ,2000 32,640 1,770 1,000 18,418 48,851 147,412 18~000 15,000 120,000 376,256 1,124,272 2,19Q 85,298 214 638 (1) 288 13,910 25,551 30,153 22,535 , 50,091 / 1,328 232,I95 239,421 9,825 5,243 1,100 1,205 24,938 (1,031) 1,909 2,9.90 869 31,053 1,227 318,749 11,021,565 $ 11,021,565 Adjusted Estimated Estimated Revenue 2001 2002 32,000 30,000 2,000 2,000 18,000 16,000 44,100 74,500 150,000 175,807 18,500 19,QOO 15,500 16,000 120,000 123,600 385,000 396,500 1,160,550 ~ 1,202,557, 3,000 1,850 80,000 75,000 250 300 500 400 2,500 350 500 20,000 18,000 20,000 22,200 30,000 29,306 '25,000 25,000 44,000 50,000 1,200 1,500 220,800 224,050 250,000 170,000 7,000 10,000 5,000 5,200 10,632 1,000 1,500 25,OcOO 19,600 250 250 1,500 500 1,200 101,000 1,000 1,000 6,000 9,000 2,000 299,950 328,682 11;257,262 12,009,53Q 283,517 283,517 $ 11,?57,262 $ 12,293,047 ADMINISTRATION . City Administrator . Police Finance Department Department \ Library Public Works Department - Fire Parks and Department Recreation 20 ---~------------------------~~~--~--~~~==~==~ LEGISLATWE MISSION STATEMENT The council is the elected legislative governing body of the City of Camas. GOALS FOR 2002 1. Provide policy direction for the city. 2. Continue planning on needed infrastructure. 3. Foster teamwork between elected and appointed leadership and staff. 4. Enhance citizen outreach and partidpation. S. Explore and develop options around community joint cooperatives. 6. Increase activity in regional, state and national legislative processes. ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The council determines policy as it relates to all dty functions and activities, enacts ordinances and resolutions, and reviews certain appointments of the Mayor. The council meets at two regular meetings per month, two workshops per month and also attends numerous committee and other governmental board meetings during the year. Publication costs of city ordinances and resolutions are included in this section of the budget. ADMINISTRATION 21 LEGISLATIVE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.01.510 Actual Expended 2000 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SERVICES Other Services and Charges $ 5,450 TRAINING Supplies 2,016 Other Services and Charges 17,644 (Travel and registration, includes Planning Conference) LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Salaries and Wages 42,000 Personnel Benefits 3,476 Supplies 476 Other Services and Charges (newsletter $5,000) 9,150 ELECTION COSTS Intergovernmental Professional Services 1,158 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE $ 81,370 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year LEGISLATIVE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Council Members (7) % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 22 Actual Estimated Approp Required 2001 2002 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 2,200 2,000 19,000 23,000 42,000 42,000 3,600 3,600 1,100 1,100 9,000 9,000 20,000 10,000 $ 102,900 $ 96,700 26.46% -6.03% Actual Estimated Approp Required 2001 2002 $ 42,000 $ 42,000 0.00% ADMINISTRATION JUDICIAL FUNCTION ~ The Police Judge is the chief judicial officer of the city. The city contracts with Oark County for this service and one of the elected District Court Judges of Oark County. ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Police Judge hears all cases and has exclusive jurisdiction over offenses defined by ordinances of the city. He has full power and authority to determine all cases, civil or criminal, arising under such ordinances and may pronounce judgment on these cases. COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The city's contractual costs of court services have risen sharply in the recent years. JUDICIAL EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.02.511 MUNICIPAL COURT Other Services and Charges (Indigent defense) Intergovernmental Services and Taxes Total Municipal Court TOTAL JUDICIAL % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 23 Actual Expended 2000 $ 24,000 120,489 144,489 $144,489 $ Actual Approp 2001 26,000 160,500 186,500 $ 186,500 29.08% Estimated Required 20002 $ 26,000 164,000 190,000 $190,000 1.88% ADMINISTRATION EXECUTWE MISSION STATEMENT The Mayor is the chief elected official of the City of Camas. The Mayor appoints the City Administrator under the mayor-council form of government. Together, their role is to carry out the established policies of the city. GOALS FOR 2002 1. Continue building and guiding an effective team. 2. Administer the daily operations effectively. 3. Pursue favored external funding for city projects and investments. 4. Economic development: continue to work to diversify and strengthen the local economy and tax base. ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Mayor is responsible for directing and coordinating the activities of the city departments through the City Administrator. The City Administrator carries out the policies of the-council and directs the day to day activities of the operating departments of the city. The Mayor submits the proposed budget to the city council with recommendations for the ensuing year. Duties of the Mayor also consist of the political and community leadership of the city. The Mayor is responsible for the appointment and removal of most nonelective city officials subject to provisions of local and state codes. The Mayor presides at all council meetings, but does not have a vote except in the case of a tie. ADMINISTRATION 24 .. ~ .. • • • • EXECUTIVE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON • 001.03 Actual Expended 2000 • • • • • • • • • .: • • • ~ .. • .. • ~J • • II • .. • • • II II II II II II II II fIIJ ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits Supplies Other Services and Charges Total Administration TRAINING Supplies Other Services and Charges Total Training TOTAL EXECUTIVE % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year EXECUTIYE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Mayor/,· ( City Administrator Secretary to the Administrator (.5FTE) Overtime Total Executive % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL: Professional Services (facilitator, etc) Communication (cell phones, internet, telephone) Travel, registration, memberships, monthly mileage Total ~ 25 $ 129,745 25,494 2,449 ~6,339 164,027 323 5,428 5,751 $ 169,778 Actual Approp 2001 $ 131,212 38,425 4,000 11,000 184,637 500 5,000 5,500 $ 190,137 11.99% l\.ctual ", Approp / '::-- 2001 $ 16,209 94,536 19,476 1,000 $ 131,212 $ $ $ $ $ $ Estimated Required 2002 133,002 38,646 4,000 11,000 186,648 500 5,000 5,500 192,148 1.06% Estimated Required 2002 16,200 94,536 21,266 1,000 133,002 1.36% 3,000 2,000 11,000 16,000 ADMINISTRATION LEGAL SERVICES FUNCTION The City Attorney's office provides legal advice and services to the City of Camas officials. ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The City Attorney drafts and/or approves all proposed ordinances and contracts of the city. The City Attorney's office prosecutes all offenders of city ordinances and certain state statutes falling within t he jurisdiction of the police court. The City Attorney provides legal advise to the city council, Mayor and other members of the city staff and represents the city in some litigation. Land acquisitions, zoning regulations, utility rate changes, budget appropriations and salary changes, are just a few topics which require legal representation and often result in new or revised ordinances or resolutions. The following graph charts the volume of ordinances and resolutions adopted over a five year period. LEGAL SERVICES EXPENDITURE DErAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.05.515 Actual Expended 2000 Actual Approp 2001 Estimated Required 2002 LEGAL SERVICES Supplies $ Other Services and Charges TRAINING Other Services and Charges TOTAL LEGAL $ % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DErAIL: Professional Services (City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney) Communication (one telephone line) 26 68,656 699 69,355 $ 72,200 900 $ 73,100 5.40% $ $ $ $ 300 70,700 2,000 73,000 -0.14% 70,000 700 70,700 ADMINISTRATION • • • • • .' • • • • • • • • III • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .1 .. II .. .. .. It It It " ,. ill " PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT FUNCTION The personnel function provides for the cost of personnel and related services for the city including the classification of p0sitions, recruiting and placement, and job specifications. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES Expenses for personnel surveys, labor relations consultants and. other expenses that cannot be assigned to a specific department are included in this budget section,. The city's wellness program is also included. I COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Labor relations costs associated with negotiation of labor agreements are accomodated in this budget. lhe wellnessprogram contiriues and many employees continue to participate. -c:.::, PERSONNEL EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated , 001.06.516 Expended Approp Req';lli'ed 2000 2001 \ 2002 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries and Wages $ 53,654 $ 53,916 $ 53,916 Personnel Benefits 19,464 16,174 16,174 Supplies 2,306 3,5DO 3,500 Other Services and Charges 13,492 20,100 30,100 Intergovernmental Services 60 100 100 Interfund Payment for Services 500 500 TRAINING Other Services and Charges 1,194 1,500 1,500 WELLNESS PROGRAM Supplies 984 4,527 4,652 Other Services and Charges 1,529 5,480 6,08 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY Wellness 3,900 TOTAL PERSONNEL $ 92,683 $ 109,697 $ 116,522 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 18.36% 6.22% ADMINISTRATION 27 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Manager of Human Resources Services % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL: Personnel: Professional Services (Labor negotiator, unemployment contractor) Communication, travel, repairs and maintenance Registrations, membership dues, publications Total other services and charges -personnel OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL: WeHnesS: Actual Approp 2001 $ 53,916 Professional Services (speakers, hearing and cholesterol screening, flu shots) Repairs and Maintenance (exercise equipment) Subscriptions Registration and travel for Wellness conferences Total other services and charges -wellness , ' Estimated Required 2002 $ 53,916 $ 25,000 1,100 4,000 $ 30,100 $ 4,780 600 100 600 $ '6,080 ADMINISTRATION 28 " " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .-• • • • • • • • • • • .. • • .. • • • • .. .. .. .. .. .. 'fl .. .. .. .. PARKS AND RECREATION ............................................................ City Administrator Parks and . " Recreation Board ................. Parks and Recreation Manager (1) I I Recreation Admin. Support Recreation Coordinator Specialist I Coordinator (.7) (1 ) (1) I 1 I I Program Aids Volunteers Program Aids II Pool Staff I 29 .. II II .. II .. • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • III • • • • • • • .. .. .. : .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' PARKS AND RECREATION MISSION STATEMENT Through provision of recreation and parks services, it enhances the quality of life and nutmes the health and well-being of people, community, environment and economy. The department is community driven. Together, and often in partnership With related fields and organizations, it: 1 helps individuals reach their potential-ensuring healthy, active and balanced lifestyles, a fit foundation for productive lives -stimulating holistic growth and development. 2 strengthen the social foundations of our society -building strong relationships -collaborating to support families of all kinds, nurturing leadership and developing self reliant communities -creating understanding and harmony through shared leisure lifestyles. 3 serve as "stewards of the ~nvironment" -creating environmental awareness and encouraging ecosystem approaches to planning -protecting, preserving and restoring significant natural areas and corridors. 4 build and renew local economies -reducing dependencies on health and ) social services through building a fit and productive work force; stimulating the leisure illdustries and attracting economic development to the community known for a high quality of life. ACTMTIES ANn SERVICES The Park and Recreation function provides for the operation of general recreation facilities for the residents of the city and surrounding area. The city maintains and operates playgrounds and parks, sWimming and wading pools, a community center, a lighted baseball park, a little league park, picnic grounds and tennis courts . ADMINISTRATION 30 PARKS AND RECREATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.18.00 PARTICIPANT RECREATION Actual Expended 2000 Actual Approp 2001 Salaries and Wages 76,105 75,360 Personnel Benefits 15,769 19,398 Supplies 14,608 11,000 Other Services and Charges 43,274 51,220 Prof. Services ($40,800 for instructors, concerts, referees/umpires) Intergovernmental Services 950 TRAINING Other Services and Charges COMMUNITY CENTERS 54 Salaries and Wages 12,059 Personnel Benefits 1,871 Supplies 7,884 Other Services and Charges 23,752 Prof. Services ($23,000 for janitorial, consultant) Phones, utilities ($14,150) Repairs and Maint. ($6,000) Newsletter ($10,000) trail/park map ($5,000) Interfund Payments 693 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits SWIMMING POOLS 50,811 13,514 Salaries and Wages 61,638 Personnel Benefits 10,263 Supplies 12,489 Other Services and Charges 23,653 Utilities, $18,000, Repairs and Maint. $3,000, Misc. $2,000 Interfund Payments for Services 624 GENERAL PARKS 7,000 24,874 7,312 16,000 58,700 700 52,560 15,618 70,329 10,500 10,200 22,950 500 Estimated Required 2002 95,505 28,442 18,075 45,550 7,000 31,769 9,000 11,000 62,650 700 52,808 15,842 70,871 10,500 10,200 25,950 500 Salaries and Wages 186,889 205,042 225,655 Personnel Benefits 51,641 61,422 67,607 Supplies 33,056 46,200 66,600 Other Services and Charges 89,339 83,800 102,600 Prof. Services ($10,000 design field Forest Home Park, $15,000 design lighting Louis Bloch Park, $15,000 Phase II Open Space Plan) Utilities ($25,000) Repairs &, Maint., lease equipment ($34,500) Intergovernmental Services Interfund Payments for Services CAPITAL OVTLA Y Swimming Pools Community Center General Parks 639 134,300 260,120 17,632 1,282,872 86,500 3,500 176,500 86,500 6,000 275,160 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION $ 2,426,499 $ 1,117,185 $ 1,326,484 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year -53.96% 18.73% ADMINISTRATION 31 .. II .-.. II .,. .... ~ ~ .. 6iii11i.'. ,; ~ .. .. .. --.... ~ ell • .. ~ .. .ilIliiiIlIi.·· .•...•.. 'lIIII!!'!" .. .. .-• III a'IIiIiII.' ~ 1I.iIIiII.' . " ~ ........... ~ liiIIilIIlIIIl • ......... , ~ ... .'.' , ,', .-....... -' ....... ~ .. • III ~.'" .., ..-.. --:-----------------------------------------------• • • • • • • • • .. • .. • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • ., • • • • • .. .. .. • .' It It PARKS AND RECREATION PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Recreation Coordillato~ (1 FTE -2001, .7 FTE -2002) Recreation Coordinator (2/3 FTE) ProgramiAides Recreation Overtinle , Admin. Support Specialist I (1 FTE) Overtime Parks and RecreationManager Overtime Swimming Pool Employees Salaries and Wages Recreation Coordinator (1/3 FTE) Swimming Pool Overtime Lead Maintenance Worker - Senior Maintenance Worker (1 FTE -200J., .5 -2002) Maintenance Worker II (2 FTE) Maintenance Worker I Seasonal Maintenance Worker (3 at 6 mms maximum) , Parks Maintenance Overtime Total Parks and Recreation % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL: Community Center ,~ Air conditioning unit Park Improvements: Goot Park ,~ Polyforms around play area Louis Bloch Park * . Field lighting-pole replacement Fallen Leaf Lake Park * IFrigation to landscaped areas * Electrical service to restrooms Construction Projects: Cottonwood Beach -planning contribution - Oak Park -ballfield improvements Benton Park Skateboard Park Machinery and equipment: * Pick-up -3/4 ton Total, 32 Actual Estimated Approp Required 2001 2002 $ 35,794 $ -_28,178 23,866 25,663 15,OOQ 44,815 700 700 24,374 27,418 500 500 . \ 52,060 52,308 500 500 __ 68,829 56,539 12,832 1,500 , 1,500 51,974 54,053 47,563 24,733 79,087 84,718 34,692 26,118 27,159 300 300 $ 428,165 $ 476,608 11.31% $ 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6,500 53,060 23,000 150,000 22,000 $ 281,160 ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION AND OUTREACH MISSION STATEMENT ~, To provide information and outreach to foster and support the neighborhood associations and their vital work. * To provide financial assistance to a local social service agency for their support of low income citizens. * To provide financial assistance to the Southwest Washington Health District for preparedness for possible health threats including detection, response, and communication with emergency management. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES $10,000 is budgeted for the East County Family Service Center. $3,500 is budgeted to cover the estimated costs of a community clean-up effort sponsored by DCAN and $1,500 is budgeted for travel costs for the national neighborhood conference. The DCAN neighborhood's mini-grant program is funded at $7,000 level. 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 o - UCAN Neighborhood Grants I INFORMATION AND OUTREACH EXPENDITIJRE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.24.557 COMMUNITY INFORMATION SERVICES Community Information Services NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Supplies Other Services and Charges PUBLIC HEALTH Intergovernmental Services CAPITAL OUTLAY Neighborhood Association TOT AI.. INFORMATION AND OUTREACH % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL: Travel Communication Public utility (Spring Oean-up) DCAN neighborhood grants Registrations for conferences, copier maintenance Total other services and charges 33 Actual Expended 2000 $ 10,000 3,717 8,l83 665 $ 22,565 Actual Estimated Approp Required 2001 2002 $10,000 $10,000 2,900 4,500 12,100 14,900 4,542 $ 25,000 $ 33,942 10.79% 35.77% $ 1,500 100 3,500 7,000 2,800 $14,900 ADMINISTRATION ", • .. • • • .. • • • • lIP' • • • • • .1 .. • • .~, • • .. • • • • • .' • .' .' • • • • • • • • .. ------~----------------------- MISSION STATEMENT ( COMMUNITY EDUCATION and SENIOR PROGRAMS The Camas Community Education Program is dedicated to offering reasonably priced, high q~aIity,lifelong learning and recrea~onal opportunities for residents of all/ages residing in the Camas School District. ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Camas Comniunity Education Program offers quarterly youth activities including sports', camps, enrichment classes, youth basketball, field trips, summer park programs and Friday youth.nights. Community Education offers quarterly adult classes ranging from basketball and volleyball to massage therapy, drawirig and finance classes. The Camas Community Education Program also coordinates the rentals of all Camas School District facilities . Senfor activities are included here separately from the Community Education Program. COMMUNITY EDUCATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR DETAIL ~. Community Education Intergovernmental Services Senior Programs Supplies Other Services and Charges TOTAL COMMUNITY EDUCATION % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DErAIL: Communication Travel Miscellanous Total Actual Actual Expended Approp 20.0.0. 20.0.1 $ 10,000 $ 11,000 601 500 1,379 3,500 $ 11,980 $ 15,000 25.21% Estimated Required 20.0.2 $ 13,500 913 6,489 $ 20,902 39.35% $ 464 5,850 175 $ 6,489 ADMINISTRATION 34 .I MISSION STATEMENT GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND This fund accounts for expenditures that will be funded from proceeds of the local real estate excise tax collected by the county from sales of real estate within the city. The proceeds of the parks and open space impact fees are also deposited in this fund to be e)(JJended for purposes for which the tax was collected. School impact fees are collected by the city and immediately remitted to the county for credit to the school district. Transportation impact fees and fire facility impact fees are also accounted for within this fund. Other funds for open space or related projects received from from other governmental agencies will be deposited and accounted for in the fund. GOALS FOR·2002 1. Park and open space acquisitions consistent with the park, open space comprehenisve plan. / COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Transportation Impact fees (TIF)are transferred to the City Street Fund to support TIF eligible projects: Lake Road and Everett Street, NW 18th and Hood, 192nd Avenue, and SE 1st and Lake Road. Fire impact fees and real estate excise tax revenues will be transferred to repay a portion of the interfund loan to construct the Fire facility . ADMINISTRATION 35 • .. .. • iii • .' • • .' .. • • • • • • • • .. • • • • .. .. • .) • • • • .. ( .-• • • • .' .-' .. . ' • 300.00 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance Taxes: Local Real Estate Excise Tax Total Taxes $ Actual Revenue 2000 526,358 526,358 Adjusted Estimated 2001 $ 1,679,405 700,000 700,000 , Intergovernmental Revenue: Conservation Futures-County 93,342 Total Intergovernmental Revenu,e 93,342 " Charges for Goods and Services: . Impact Fees-Transportation 348,523 . 350,000 Impact Fees-Parks & Open Space 407,014 350,000 Impact Fees-Fire 90,278 100,000 Open Space Buyout 8,790 Total Charges for Goods and Services 854,605 800,000 Miscellaneous Revenue: Investment Interest 216,799 175,000 Total Miscellaneous Revenue 216,799 175,000 Total Estimated Revenues 1,597,762 3,447,747 Total Estimated Resources $ 1,5.97,762 $ 3,447,747 $ $ Estimated Revenue 2002 1,336,058 600,000 600,000. 93,342 93,342 350,000 460,000 66,000 876,000 150,000 150,000 3,055,400 3,055,400 ADMINISTRATION 36 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 300.00 Expended Approp Required 2000 2001 2002 Capital Outlay: Security of Persons and Property $ $ $ Park Facilities 909,659 100,000 100,000 Other Open Space 48,958 170,000 500,000 Roadway 368,667 Total Capital Outlay 958,617 638,667 600,000 Other Financing Uses: Operating Transfers Out 1,000,000 2,809,080 2,455,400 Total Growth Management Capital Project Fund $ 1,958,617 $ 3,447,747 $ 3,055,400 CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL: Openspace Acquisition $ 500,000 Trail/bikeway Acquistion and Development 100,000 Total Capital $ 600,000 ADMINISTRAJJO~ " 37 FRANK'S MOORAGE CONSTRUCTION ,PRo.JECT STATEMENT' Tbis fund will account for the construction of the boat launch located at Lacamas Lake Park, partially funded by a state rAC grant and impact fees. \ ) -- COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Ibis appropriati?n is for the additional grant funds awarded by amendment to the project in Fall, 200l. The amount of budget remaining as of December 31,2001 will be entered into the ledgers by journal entry in January 2002. A time extens10nhas been granted'to allow until November 15, 2002 to complete the project. 319.00 319.00 REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR,,<::OMPARISON lntergovernmental R,evenue: State Grant -lAC Total Intergovernmental Revenue Other Financing'Sources: Operating Transfers in Total Other Financing Sources Total Estimated Resources EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Buildings aiJ.d Structures Total 38 Adjusted, Estimated 2001 Estimated Revenue 2002 $ 308,220 $ 60,830 308,220 60,830 221,780 221,780 $ 530,000 $ 60,830 Actual Estimated Approp Required 2001 2002 $ 530,000 $ 60,830 $ 530,000 $ 60,830 ADMINISTRATION GRASS VALLEY PARK CONSTRUCTION PROJECT STATEMENT This fund will account for the construction of the Grass Yalley Park and 1/2 street improvement. COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Funding for this project will come from transportation impact fees, teal estate excise tax, and parks and open spC\ce impact fees. The budget remaining as of December 31,2001, will be carried over to year 2002 and entered into the ledgers by journal entry. 321 321 ! REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Other Financing Sources: Operating Transfers in Total Other Financing Sources Total Estimated Resources EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Park Facilities Total 39 Adjusted Estimated 2001 Estimated Revenue 2002 $ 1,210,000 $ ----- 1,210,000 $ 1,210,000 $ Actual Approp 2001 $ 1,210,000 $ 1;210,000 ===== Estimated Required 2002 $ $ ADMINISTRATION FINANCE DEPARTMENT I Finance Director (11 , I . I CTIY ClERK/RECORDS ACCOUNTING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS RISK MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL SERVICES SERVICES I Accountant (1) f--Manager of Information Systems Services (1) -I Deputy Treasurer (1) f--Information Systems Technician (1.5) Financial Assistant II (4) f-- , ( 40 MISSION STATEMENT FINANCIAL AND RECORDS SERVICES DEPARTMENT The Finance Department's mission is to ensure the City's financial stability, maXimize the use of its financial resources, manage the city wide network and support all PC users, and provide superior financial, accounting, treasury andbudgeting information and services, while maintaining the highest level of public trust. " The Finance Departm~nt strives to provide progressive, automated, quality services to the citizens, City Council and Mayor, and the many City departments it serves using the most advanced (echnology available and affordable. DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 2002 1. Implement new accounting standards/that will significantly change the financial statement, presentati9n and accountability. \ ~ 2. Complete softwareconver~ion andimplementation of all new firiancial,sbftware applicaflons. ! ,_/1 / ._/ / __ 3. Pursue feasibility of ,electronic accounts receivable and <;lccounts payable payments. Research possibi~ity of accepting credit card payments for utility payments. . --1 '-' ' ) AcTIv'mES AND SERVICES The Finance Deyartment consists primarily of the following three service areas: AccountingJFjna,n~ Reporting Records;Ri.sk Management Infonnation Systems FUNCI'ION FUNCTION FUNCTION " Budgeting and Accounting ( City Clerk duties Networking Financial Reporting Information archival System Administration Utility Billing and Receipting Records Searches Telecommunications Payroll and Benefits Insurance Management Web and, Internet LIDs /'. Municipal Code PC Technical Support Accounts Payable PC Maintenance I Accounts Receivable Voicemail Cash/lnvestment Mgmt. \ \ Equipment Rental "\, COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS J./ "-"--- , The Finance Department budget maintains personnel at the same level as the 2001 budget with one-half of the Manager of Information Systems and the Information Systems Technician positions accounted "-.. r-' , I )' -~ for in the Information Systems department. All rietwork equipment, software and pc's city-wide are included in the Information Systems department, except utility's:and EMS that are in their own fund. FINANCE 41 STATISTICAL INFORMATION The Finance Department is the core of many central services for the City. Superior customer service and improved processes are annual goals. The following charts reflect growth trends that influence changes in processes and procedures to meet internal performance measures. 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000 ,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 o J!l c.. CI) u CI) 0:: 1990 1991 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 est Ten Years of Cash Outflows 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 est The following two tables reflect growth over ten years and a snapshot of what the volumes were ten years ago. In this time frame, services provided to citizens have doubled, yet only one Financial Assistant has been added. Service levels continue to improve due to continual process improvements, automation. and software enhancements. 40,000 35,000 o CJ) en Total Utility Bills Sent CD en CJ) t-en en (II CJ) en CJ) en CJ) 0 Vi 0 GJ 0 ~ N 0 0 N 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 o 42 o en en ~ Total Year End Investments CD en en ~ t-en en ~ (II en en en en en o o o N -!II cv o o N FINANCE FINANCIAL AND RECORDS SERVICES EXPENDITIJRE DETAIL 11mEE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual 001.04:514 Expended Approp 2000 2001 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 98,529 $ 98,529 Personnel Benefits 20,873 29,559 Supplies Other Services and Charges 2,383 ·f,800 FINANCIAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 225,261 234,727 Personnel Benefits 65,292 70,418 Supplies 4,459 8,250 Other Services and Charges 13,070 .23,100 TRAINING Other'Services and Charges 1,569. 4,000 Interfund Payments for'Services 1,576 1,200 CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital Outlay 95,000 ." TOTAL,FINANCIAL AND RECORDS SERVICES $ 433,012 . $ 567,583 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 31.08% Actual FINANCE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp 2001 Finance Director $ 70,344 Manager of Information Systems (.5 FTE) 28,185 Deputy Treasurer 42,564 Accountant 43,628 Financial Assistant II (4) 148,535 Total Salaries $ 333,256 " % Increase. (Decr~ase) Prior YeaI' OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL: Prbfessional Services (temporary help for maternity leave employee) Communication (telephone charges) Travel Repairs and Maintenance of small office equipment Registrations for classes, subscriptions, membershiI! dues Total other services and charges '--.( 43 Estimated Required 2002 $ 103,290 30,987 200 3,10b 259,165 77,750 8,000 . 21,500 4,500 1,500 $ 509,992 -10.15% Estimated Required 2002 $ 72,804 30,486 46,476 49,804 162,885 $ 362,455 8.76% $ 10,000 5,300 2,800 1,000 10,000 $ 29,100 FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Information Systems division is to provide technical support and network services and resources which significantly enhance the service level provided to the network users and citizens request:4tg information. The Information Systems division provides a central technology service of integrating common data and voice processes, to provide information to the citizens in the most efficient, useful format possible. The division also haS, the responsibility of maintaining, protecting and securing the City's vital data assets and network resources to ensure data and information integrity. DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 2002 1. Develop the Oty's Intranet platform, moving towards paperless systems. 2. Work with the Web Committee on site enhancements, designs and potential new services. Work on providing new inforrnati.on to the site and encourage new uses of the site. 3. Continue technology planning for the new Library project. Provide project management for networking scope of installing servers, hubs,cables, phones, computers, desktop installations, and networking services. Research new technologies for the expansion. 4. Complete Springbrook systems data conversion for Finance Department and develop specialized reporting. Research integration of other databases into this system. ),' ' 5. Work with the Police Department on software selection and data conversion to new system. 6. Continue Zenworks project and desktop profiling city-wide to strengtlien desktop portability, flexibility, and security. Continue with city-wide software upgrades. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES The Information Systems division provides many system services and administration including: 1. Project management. Providing project management for all networking projects (voice and data). 2. Desktop and user support. PrOviding technical support to users and maintenance on the city's inventory of desktop computers. Maintain an inventory of hardware and software licensing requirements. This includes remote units and user support. 3. NetworkiDg Administration and System Support. Maintaining the city's servers and net- working hardware. Providing network administration and system engineering. 4. Teleconununications. Providing system and database administration and user support for the city's PBX system, voicemail and internet services. 5. Data Security. Providing daily backup, recovery and virus protection across the network. 6. Information Processing. Providing a central reference for the planning and development of city databases and information prQcessing. Integrating the city's data with external agencies. }. Web Development and Programming. Web site development, maintenance and programming. FINANCE 44 .. .. .. i" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I.-.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • .., .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The Information Systems division has existed under the Finance Department since 1994. The Manager of Information Systems is a full-time position, which continues to be allocated 50% under the Finance Department for finance -specific responsibilities. This department has an addition of a part-time Information System Technician for year 2002. This position, along with the existing full -time Technician, will continue working on city-wide support and maintenance services and user support. Their responsibilities span the city's eight main facilities. licensing for network software such as Novell, Groupwise E-mail, Callegra vOicemail, Zenworks, virus protection and Office 2000 upgrades are budgeted here. Network hardware such as servers, workstations, hubs, cabling, phones, printers, and other computer peripherals are also budgeted here. Computers and peripherals city-wide are included in the supply item above .. Capital items specific to the Water-Sewer and Sanitation utilities, and Emergency Rescue will remain itemized within those funds for budgeting and accounting purposes. STATISTICAL INFORMATION Network Users of Centralized Technology Services By Department For Years 1999, 2000, 2001 , and 2002 (estd) 45 ,----------------------------------------------------------------, 40 +--------------------------,~----------------------------------~ 35 +-------------------------- 30 +------------------------ ~ 25 +-------------- QJ ~ 20 +------------ 15+-------------- 10+------------------ 5 o Departments The above chart depicts the actual users and computers of the network and city technologies. The Information Systems division supports users across all services and departments. The centralized services include file and print sharing, voicemail, e-mail, internet and phones. More resources will be devoted to intranet and internet services and developing the city's web presence in year 2002. FINANCE 45 INFORMATION SYSTEMS EXPENDITURE DETAIL 001.12.518 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits Supplies Other Services and Charges Intergovernmental Services Interfund Payments for Services CAPITAL OUTlAY Capital Outlay TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Expended 2000 $ 60,405 16,828 12,904 22,338 2,926 63,778 $ 179,179 Actual Approp 2001 $ 68,010 20,403 34,100 43,750 2,000 77,500 $ 245,763 Actual Approp 2001 Estimated Required 2002 $ 89,676 26,903 72,700 63,500 1,000 75 6,000 $ 259,854 Estimated Required 2{)02 Manager of Information Systems (.5 FTE) $ 28,185 $ 30,486 Information Systems Technician (1 FTE -2001, 1.5 -2002) 39,825 59,190 Total Personnel % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year $ 68,010 =$==8=9,=67=6= 31.86% OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL: Professional Services (software licenses, technical support,web developmen $ Communication (telephone charges, internet access, two pagers) Travel Repairs and Maintenance of small office equipment Registrations for classes, subscriptions Total other services and charges CAPITAL OUTlAY DETAIL: Server $ $ Allocation of Services • Technology/Information Systems Management and Planning , DWeb Development/Programming Services • Server/Network Administration and Engineering o User and Desktop Support and'Maintenance • Telecom municationsNoicemail/lnternet Administration o Hardware Acquisition and Technology Research • Training Although no formal policy sets requirements on allocation of services, the services usually weigh more heavily in ongoing support of users and desktops, network administration and maintenance, 52,000 7,000 500 1,000 3,000 63,500 6,000 and technology management and planning. The above chart is a general breakdown of services provided. FINANCE 46 .' • .-• • III • ~j • III • III • • It •• III III III III .. • • • III • • III III III III III " " " III II III III' III .. .. \ • 111- ---------------------- OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES -, FUNCTION The other general governmental services section of the budget provides for all expenses of general operations of the city not provided under a specific fund and department. ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES Other general government includes miscellaneous government expenses such as duplication, printing, postage, gener!llliability insurance, dues to the Associationpf Washington Cities\and State Auditor's Office audit fees. COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS A significant portion of the general liability insurance premium to Washingt'on Cities Insurance Authority is included in the budget of this department with an antiCipated city-wide premium in 2002 of $184,328. \ OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.07.519 MISCELlANEOUS Supplies Other Services and Charges Intergovernmental Services and Taxes AIR POllUTION CONTROL Intergovernmental Services and Taxes MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH Intergovernmental Services and Taxes CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital Outlay Actual Expended 2000 $ 20,620 82,326 19,701 3;090 1,954 19,526 $ Actual Approp 2001 25,000 71,000 26,000 3,261 2,500 TOTAL OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES $ 147,217 $ 127,761 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL: Professional S~rvices (AWC membership, code book updates, Code On-line) Communication (postage, telephone charges) Operating rentals and leases (postage meter, post office box) Insurance (General Fund's portion of liability, property, and\fidelity) Repairs and Maintenance (Two copy machines, mail machine) Annual fee with WA General Admin., city pins, business cards Total other services and charges 47 -13.22% Estimated Required 2002 $ 27,700 \ 72,300 23,000 3,405 2,500 $ 128,905 0.90% $ 13,300 15,000 2,000 32,000 7,000 3,000 $ 72,300 FINANCE LID GUARANTY FUNCTION State law requires the establishment of a LID guaranty fund when a municipality has issued LID debt. COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Since the City no longer has any LID debt, cash and investments in this fund are not required to be reserved; therefore, all cash and investments will be transferred to the General Fund to finance a significant portion of the fire pumper truck. 222.00 222.00 REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Revenue 2000 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ Total Estimated Revenues $ EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Other Financing Sources: Operating Transfers Out Total LID Guaranty Fund 48 Actual Expended 2000 $ $ Adjusted Estimated 2001 $ $ Actual Approp 2001 $ $ Estimated Revenue 2002 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 Estimated Required 2002 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 FINANCE .-.-• • • • ~ !IIl.9 .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • UNLIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND REDEMPTION MISSION STATEMENT This fund accounts for the payment of principal and interest on the 1996 un)imited general obligation refunding bonds and the 2000 bonds issued to expand and remodel the city library. REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Adjusted Estlllated 239.00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2000 2001 2002 Taxes: Real and Personal Property $ 125,312 $ 788,830 $ 780,815 Total Taxes 125,312 788,830 780,815 EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estlllated 239.00 Expended Approp Required 2000 2001 2002 Redemption of General Long Term Debt Principal on Library Bonds $ $ 240,000 $ 250,000 Principal on Park Bonds 80,000 85,000 90,000 Total Redemption of General Long Term Debt 80,000 325,000 340,000 Interest and Other Debt Service Interest on Library Bonds 420,188 401,040 Interest on Park Bonds 47,203 43,642 39,775 Total Interest and Other Debt Service 47,203 463,830 440,815 Total Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund $ 127,203 $ 788,830 $ 780,815 1996 Refunding Bonds Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2002 $ 90,000 $ 39,775 $ 129,775 2003 95,000 35,545 130,545 2004 100,000 30,985 130,985 $ 285,000 $ 106,305 $ 391,305 2009 2000 library Bonds Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2002 $ 250,000 $ 401,040 $ 651,040 2003 265,000 388,540 653,540 2004 280,000 375,290 655,290 $ 795,000 $ 1,164,870 $ 1,959,870 2020 FINANCE 49 LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND REDEMPTION MISSION STATEMENT This fund accounts for the principal and interest on bonds issued in 1996 to construct a police facility and refund a CERB loan. This fund, also, accounts for the principal and interest for Public Works Trust Fund loans for Parker Street andLake Road improvements. In addition, the city's proportionate share of the incremental costs of constructing an underground transmission line in west Camas is accounted for here. REVENUE DETAIL THREEYEARCOMPAruSON Actual Adjusted Estimated 240.00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2000 2001 2002 Taxes: Real and Personal Property $ 580,196 $ 517,740 $ 838,984 Total Taxes 580,196 517,740 838,984 Total Estimated Resources $ 580,196 $ 517,740 $ 838,984 FINANCE 50 ~.' "'" .-.. ~ • • iIili1IlIIIl.' .. ,.. .- ~.' ... ~ •• •• ,1'('_' ' • • • ...•... ' . .. • ". ,. .-• .. • • .. • • • " UMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION EXPENDITIJRE DETAll.. 1HREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual 240.00 Expended Approp 2000 2001 Police Facility/Principal $ 140,000 $ 140,000 Power Lines/Principal 184,662 195,337 Storm Sewers/Principal 65,000 Pacific Rim Blvd/Principal 30,000 35,000 Lake Rd. Improvements/Principal Police Facility/Interest 111,585 101,200 Power Lines/Interest 31,579 20,903 Storm Sewers/Interest 4,290 Pacific Rim Blvd/Interest 22,565 25,300 Parker Street/Interest Lake Rd. Improvements/Interest Total Limited Tax General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund $ 589,681 $ 517,740 1996 Umited Tax Bonds Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2002 $ 185,000 $ 118,450 $ 303,450 2003 195,000 109,755 304,755 2004 205,000 100,395 305,395 2011 PowerUnes Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2002 $ 205,524 $ 10,717 $ 216,241 2002 Parker Street Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2002 $ $ 193,478 $ 193,478 2003 96,429 40,500 136,929 2004 96,429 37,607 134,036 2016 Lake Road ImErovements Loan Last Year Principal Interest Total of Payment 2002 $ 122,746 $ 3,069 $ 125,815 2003 122,746 2,455 125,201 2004 122,746 1,841 124,587 2006 51 Estimated Required 2002 $150,000 205,524 35,000 122,746 98,933 10,717 19,517 193,478 3,069 $ 838,984 FINANCE FIREMEN'S PENSION FUNCTION. The Fir~men's Pension budget proVides for medical care and pension payments for the city's r~gular paid firefighters who were employed prior to January 1, 1971. Firefighters retired subsequent to that date will be paid from the Law Enforceme:I}t Officers and Firefighters Retirement System administered by the State of Washington. Medical expe;nses for. firefighters employed subsequent to January 1,1971, must be paid by the city General Fund directly. COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Retired firefighter pensions are increased by an amount equal to the change in the Seattle consumer } L price index January to January each year. There is currently only one surViVing spouse receiVing retirement benefits under this system and the city has obligations to subsidize one retired firefighter's pension. 611.00 611.0p REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR tOMPARISON Intergo"~rnmental Revenue: Fire Insurance Premium Tax Total Intergovernmental Revenue Miscellaneous Revenues: Investment Interest Total Miscellaneous Revenues Total Estimated Revenues EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Disability and Retirement: Pension and Disability Total Firemen's Pension 52 , Actual . Revenue 2000 Adjusted Estimated .2001 Estimated Revenue 2002 $ 13,717 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 ----'--- 13,71?. 2,000 2,000 71,211 71,211 $ 84;928 $ 2,000 $ . 2,000 ======= Actual Expended 2000 Actual Approp 2001 Estimated Required 2002 $ 1,219 $ 2,000 _$ ___ 2...:,..,0_0_0_ $ 1,219 $ 2,000 =$====2,=00=0= FINANCE POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE CHIEF (1) ~ II Police Chaplain I POLICE CAPTAIN (1) I ANIMAL CONTROL CRIME PREVENTION (1) I I I PATROL INVESTIGATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISON DIVISION DIVISION I I I I Patrol Sergeant Patrol Sergeant Dectective Administrative Squad A (2) Squad B (2) Sergeant (1) Sergeant (1) I I Patrol Patrol Dectective (1) School Resource f-Officer (1) Officers Officers Squad A (6) Squad B (6) Special Administrative -Investigator (1) Support Section (3) Court Security Officer (.5 FTE) " Offender Work Crew Leader (2 at .5 FTE) f--Parking Enforcement (.5 FTE) .. II II II .. .. .. III .. II 11- III II II II i j II II II II II II, II II II II II II III II II " " " " " " " " " II " II " LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The, mission for every member of the Camas Police Department is to consist~ntly seek and find ways to affirmatively promote, preserye and deliver a feeling of sesurity, safety and quality of services to members of our community. DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 2002 The Camas Police Department is committed to maintaining the high level of service the citizens of Camas are accustomed to. Specific goals include: 1. maintaining the profeSSIonal training of staff 2. assuring the department policies are contemporary and cO,mpliant with appropriate regulations. 3. complete the process of obtaining Washington State Law Enforcement Accreditation 4. upgrade the Department Database and records Management System, and 5.begfu assessment of upgrading the Department equipment related to officer's tools (firearms) and uniforms. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES The activities of the Police pepartment include enforcing criminal violations, investigating a variety of non-criminal complaints and educating citizens on a multitude of crime prevention and security issues. Other activities include parking enforcement and coordination of neighborhood and community programs. In 2002 the Police Department will continue to manage corrections activities through Municipal Court to reduce overall J ail and correction costs. Our staff will continue to seek partnerships that will improve efficiencies whil~ minimizing expenses. COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS COPS grant reimbursement for regular officers will end with the -.2001 budget year. Since 1995 Camas has rec~ived$525,000 in Federal funds to add new offic~rs. In 2002 we will continue- receiving Federal COPS grant money for the School Resource Officer position. This grant provides full funding ($125,000 total) for the SRO pOSition. When the grant funding ends (early 2003), the City and School District will co-fund the position via an interlocal agreement. J Funds budgeted in 2001Jor an upgrade to the records data management system software are re-budgeted in 2002 due to not acquiring a federal grant expected to augment funds for the project. POLICE 54 THREE YEAR COMPARATIVE STATISTICS - We are committed to representing the citizens of Camas in the highest standards of police professionalism. Community safety and a strong police presence are high priorities for the Police Department. We strive to manage our efficiency and effectiveness by mOnitoring key data. The charts below reflect four components of the data used to measure the police function: 144,000 140,000 136,000 132,000 128,000 124,000 120,000 116,000 112,000 108,000 104,000 I Patrol Miles I Average Response Time in Minutes.Seconds (thru August, 2000) 5.5 5.5 1999 2000 2001 est. 1999 2000 2001 est. I Volume of Traffic Stops and Police Calls I 2001 est, 2000 1999 o 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 1999 2000 2001 est, • Traffic stops 6,766 6,886 6,075 • Calls 7,174 8,625 8,421 "--- POLICE 55 lAW ENFORCEMENT EXPENDI1lJRE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual 001.08.52X Expended 2000 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 224,871. Personrlel Benefits 58,651 Supplies 2,732 Other Services and Charges . Professional Services 1,246 ~ Police Services Survey Accreditation Communications (SlOO), Travel ($1,000) 2,507 Repairs/Maint. ($2,500), Registrations ($2,000) Interfund Payments for Services 3,717 POllCE OPERATIONS PATROL AND INVESTIGATIONS Salaries and Wages . 937,314 Personnel Benefits 239,061 Supplies 6,646 Other Services and Charges 26,865 Professional Services ($2,500) Insurance ($27,500 liability) Horse patrol, SWAT hours ($2,500} Intergovernmental Services 1,002 Interfund Payments for Services 91,103 SPECIAL UNITS-POllCE RESERVES Salaries and Wages 7,746 Personnel Benefits 1,151 Other Services and Charges 268 CRIME PREVENTION Salaries and Wages 52,480 Personnel Benefits 14,024 Supplies 6,279 Other Services and Charges 241 Actual Approp 2001 $ 238,336 73,411 2,500 800 8,000 4,700 5,000 3,500 1,027,715 325,165 6,000 30,600 !,OOO 81,220 11,500 7,735 510 52,879 15,684 7,500 6,800 Professional services ($2,000), Travel ($1,000), Repairs ($1,000), Registrations(Sl,OOO) Interfund Payments for Services 4,500 TRAINING Salaries and Wages' 12,500 Supplies 2,919 3,000 Other Services and Charges 12,408 11,500 Professional Services ($2,50eJ, trainers and simulation trailer) Admin,Mgmt Training ($3,000) Travel ($4,000) Registrations, publications ($ 5,000) Intergovernmental, Services 299 300 56 Estimated Required 2002 $ 258,206 79,372 2,500 6,000 5,600 3,700 1,047,127 324,918 17,300 35,650 6,000 85,300 52,879 15,684 5,000 5,300 6,000 6,200 14,500 300 POLICE lAW ENFORCEMENT EXPENDITURE -DETAR.· THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual OOl.OS.S2X Expended 2000 FACIlITIES Salaries and Wages 5,206 Personnel Services 1,385 Supplies 5,715 Other Services and-Charges 45,228 Insurance ($3,100 property insurance) Public Utilities ($27,800) Repairs and Maintenance ($28,800) Intergovernmental Services Interfund Payments for Services 898 TRAFFIC POliCING -PARKING ENFORCEMENT Salaries and Wages 14,066 Personnel Benefits -. 1,982 Supplies Other Services and Charges 854 Interfund Payments for Services 3,552 OTHER MUNICIPAL SERVICES -COMMUNITY SERVICES Salaries and Wages 46,512 Personnel Benefits 10,042 Supplies Other Services and Charges 42 Interfund Payments Professional services ($2,000), Travel ($800), Misc. ($30G) FINGERPRINTING/OTHER AGENCY Intgov Professional Services 216 DISABIUTY AND RETIREMENT LEOFF-l Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits 20,883 COMMUNICATION, OPERATIONS, CONTRACTED SERVICES Intergover~ental Services 115,678 COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL Supplies 2,576 Other Services and Charges 16.156 Communication ($19,000 cell phones, pagers, telephone) Repairs and Maintenance ($4,000 repair phones and radios) CAPITAL OUTIAY Patrol and Investigations Crime Prevention TOTAL lAW ENFORCEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS $ 1,984,521 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year CAPITAL OUTIAY DETAIL: Database software for police tracking 57 Actual Approp 2001 3,120 936 . 8,000 43,900 200 550 13,499 2,865 300 500- 3,5.00 47,012 14,804 200 3,100 1,000 25,900 149,185 3,500 20,400 25,000 8,000 $ 2,323,826 17.10% $ 30,000 (Continued) Estimated Required 2002 3,900 1.170 12.000 60,300 200 1,000 15,183 4,855 300 1,500 3,800 51,292 16,088 200 3.100 1,000 26,700 175,000 2,500 23,000 30,000 $ 2,410,624 3.74% POLICE ---II I'll .. .. II ttl ttl --ttl .. III III III .. .. III .. til ttl .-.. ttl ttl til .. .. .. .. tJI .. til .. .. tJI .-• • III .. .. til _ ... -.---~~~~~~----- ./ In ~ CI) CJ if 0 CI) CJ 0 c.. Actual Estimated LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required - 2001 Police Chief $ 74,628 $ Police Captain 64,380 Senior Admin SuppQrt Specialist 38,952 Admin Support Specialist IT [2 FTE] 60,076 Administrative Overtime 300 Police Sergeant (3 FTE -2001, 6 FTE -2002) 174,208 Police Officers (17 FTE -2001, 14 FTE -2002) 785,313 Police Operations Overtime 19,939 Holiday Pay 48,254 Police Reserves 11,500 Parking Enforcement (.5 FTE) 13,499 Crime Prevention Police Officer 49,776 Holiday Pay 2,503 Crime Prevention Police Officer Overtime 600 Social Services Specialist 46,512 Social Services Specialist Overtime 500 TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT $ 1,390,941 $ % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year Police Enforcement Per 1000 Capita 2.05 2.00 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.70 1.65 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 est. 58 2002 79,560 . 68,388 42,536 67,422 300 332,992 651,154 13,500 49,481 15,183 49,776 2,503 600 50,792 500 1,424,687 2.43% POLICE DETENTION AND CORRECTION FUNCTION The detention and correction budget provides for cost of care of prisoners and parole services. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES Prisoners are detained in the city jail temporarily. All other prisoners are held in the county jail. The city reimburses the county for board of prisoners and probation services. COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIA'DONS As of January, 1997 the City must reimburse Clark County for its share of jail and probation costs. Noteworthy is $275,500 paid to Clark County for jail and probation services. Camas has very <little control of these costs. They represent services that would be far more costly to provide locally. We will continue to use local resources and seek ways to mitigate these costs wherever possible. DETENTION AND CORRECTION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.10.523 PROIJATION AND PAROLE SERVICES Salaries and. Wages Personnel Services Intergovernmental Services· and Taxes CARE AND CUSTODY OF PRISONERS Salaries and Wages Personnel Se_rvices Supplies Other Services and Charges \ Intergovernmental Service,S and Taxes . Int~rfund Paymepts TOTAL DETENTION AND CORRECTION % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year . ~ Actual Expended 2000 $ 14,018 2,326 53,171 14,776 2,092 645 553 .~ 163,277 $ 250,858 DETENTION AND CORRECTION P~ONNEL SCHEDULE Offender Crew Leader (.4 FTE -2000, two -.5 FTE -2001) Overtime ., Court Security Officer (.5FTE) Overtime Total Personnel' % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 59 Actual Approp 2001 $ 33,381 6,342 55,000 16,604 3,655 1,000 300 208,000 . 3,500 $ 327,782 30;66% Actual Approp 2000 $ 33,381 16,604 $ 49,985 Estimated Required 2002 $ 38,024 11,157 80,500 20,131 6,539 1,000 300 195,000 $ 352,651 7.59% Estimated Required 2001 $ 35,524 2,500 18,131 2,OQO $ 58,155 16.34% POLICE ANIMAL CONTROL MISSION STATEMENT The Animal Control Department provides for animal control expenses. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES The City of Camas and the City of Washougal operate the Animal Control services under an interlocal agreement. The City of Washougal also operates a animal control facility. Costs budgeted here are the City of Camas' anticipated share of its costs. OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT EXPENDITIJRE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.16.539 ANIMAL CONTROL Other Services and Charges Intergovernmental Services Capital Outlay Total Other Physical Environment % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year Other Services and Charges Detail: Actual Expended 2000 $ 522 53,880 $ 54,402 Professional Services (animal hospital, impound) Capital Outlay Detail: 1/2 of new truck 60 Actual Approp 2001 $ 4,000 56,134 $ 60,l34 10.54% Estimated Required 2002 $ 4,000 59,502 15,000 $ 78,502 30.55% $ 4,000 $ 15,000 POLICE FIRE DEPARTMENT r-Fire Chief (1) - Depu ty / Operations Chief (1) Fire Marshal (1) Senior Administrative Support Specialist (1) I--- Administrative Support -Specialist I (.5) Financial Assistant II (1) I-- Deputy Fire Marshal (2) I I "A" Captain (2) II "B" Captain (2) "c" Captain (2) Paramedic Captain (1) I Firefighter (3) Firefighter (3) Firefighter (2) Firefighter / Firefighter / Firefighter / Paramedic (5) Paramedic (5) Paramedic (6) Volunteer FFs Volunteer FFs I Volunteer FFs 61 FIRE CONTROL DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT To provide the highest qUality service to our community through the protection and preservation . of life and property. DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR 2002 1. Manage fire and life safety aspects of all new commercial construction occurring in 2002. 2. Arrive on emergency scenes within six minutes of dispatch 90% of the time throughout the city. (75% 2001 YTD) 3. Minimize direct and indirect fire loss by limiting direct fire loss to a 10 year average of $0.25/$1,000 of assessed value of protected property. (about $0.12/1,000 AV through 2000) 4. Generate fire prevention revenue sufficient to fund the second Deputy Fire Marshal. ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The Fire Qepartment provides plan review of new commercial construction, fire safety inspection of commercial and public occupancies, public safety education, fires suppression and emergency medical services. Trained personnel provide both fire suppression and ambulance transport services, with the ambulance services funded through the Emergency Rescue Fund. COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS I The 2002 budget contains full year funding of the Deputy Fire Chief hired June 2001 (90% Fire, 10% Rescue), full-year funding for a Firefighter/Paramedic added July 2001, and an additional Firefighter/Paramedic in 2002. Tbi' additions bring the compliment on each of three shifts to ten personnel. At budget time IAFF contact discussiolls are in process so no wage escalation is shoWn. The half-time Administrative Support Specialist 1 hired June 2001 is continued for 2002. \ Operational expenses for the new west fire station have been adjusted upward based on 2001 experience. Training expenses focus on "train-the-trainer" courses to develop internal capacity. FIRE 62 FIRE CONlROL EXPFNDTIlJRE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.09.522 ADMINIST,RATION Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits Supplies Other Services and Charges Other Services and Charges (Deputy Chief Recruitment) Interfund Payments for Services FIRE SUPPREssioN $ Actual Expended 2000 60,676 9,943 2,589 10,660 3,300 $ Actual Approp 2001 120,292 26,389 5,000 2,000 20,000 7,500 REGULAR FORCE Salaries and Wages 830,194 918,024 Personnel Benefits 170,164 226,725 Supplies 25,907 27,500 $ Estimated Required 2002 129,996 27,000 5,000 2,300 16,100 1,040,263 252,160 31,000 45,700 Other Services and Charges 44,169 36,000 Professional Services ($5,000 for respiratory compliance, hose/ladder test, carpet cleaning) Insurance ($8,500 liability insurance) Repairs and Maintenance ($30,000 on equipment and vehicles) Intergovernmental Services 4,890 Interfund Payments for Services 6,012 VOLUNTEER FORCE Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits Supplies Other Services and Charges WATER SERVICE Other Services and Charges (public utility-hydrant rental) FIRE PREVENTION AND }NWSTIGATION Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits Supplies Other Services and Charges Professional Services ($20,000 for temporary employees) Cell phone, registra.tion, publications ($3,000) Interfund Payments for Services" TRAINING SUJ?plies Other Services and Charges Professional Services ($5,000) Travel ($7,500) Tuition, registration, publications ($11,000) 63 15,000 7,826 294 196 10,800 192,005 34,315 4,682 12,267 9,789 7,211 20,773 3,500 6,600 15,000 10,000 500 2,000 10,800 191,196 43,743 5,000 23,000 11,500 2,000 20,000 1,000 8,300 15,000 10,400 1,500 1,000 11,000 193,396 44,227 5,000 23,000 FIRE 13,000 3,500 23,500 001.09.522 FACILITIES ~~--""~""-" ----""-~~-------------- FIRE CONTROL EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Expended 2000 Salaries and Wages 366 Personnel Benefits 97 Supplies Other Services and Charges 12,290 Professional Services ($6,000 janitorial, floormats, HVAC maint. contract) Insurance ($1,500 property insurance) Public Utility ($20,000) Repairs and Maintenance ($2,000 on bldg.) Interfund Payments for Services 14 DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT-LEOFF 1 Personnel Benefits 8,516 COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS, CONTRACTED SERVICES Intergovernmental Services 28,688 COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL Supplies Other Services and Charges 11,251 Communication ($10,000 for cell phones, pagers, telephone) Repairs and Maintenance ($4,000 for radio repairs) CAPITAL" OUTLAY Administration 1,142 Fire Suppression-Regular Force 26,931 Training Communications, General 34,777 TOTAL FIRE CONTROL AND COMMUNICATIONS $ 1,607,734 $ % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 64 Actual Approp 200l 3,000 900 1,450 24,500 10,000 30,480 5,500 10,000 74,700 2,250 11,500 1,908,549 18.71% (Continued) Estimated Required 2002 6,000 1,800 5,250 29,500 500 10,000 35,160 5,750 12,000 45,000 380,000 $ 2,434,302 27.55% FIRE ) . FIRE CONTROL PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Fire Chief (1/2) , Deputy Fire Chief (10monttis -2001, 12 months -2002) Sr. Admin Support Specialist (.5 FTE) Overtime Admin. Support Specialist I (.5 FTE) Fire Captain (3-2001 and anticipate promotiJ;lg 3 firefighters, 6 -2002) Firefighter (14-2001, 12-2002) Holiday Pay Volunteer Force Fire Suppression Overtime Fire Marshal Deputy Fire Marshal (2) Fire Prevention Overtime Total Fire Control % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL: Vehicle w/light bar and siren -Dep. Chief Replace software programs Pumper truck TOTAL CAPITAL 65 $ 35,000 10,000 380,000 $ 425,000- $ $ Actual Estimated Approp Required 2001 2002 38,436 $ 39,588 45,000 54,076 19,476 21,268 2,000 2,000 11,780 l3,064 196,572 358,704 633,733 572,808 36,319 38,751 15,000 15,000 55,000 70,000 63,912 64,380 121,284' 123,016 6,000 6,000 1,244,512' $ 1,378,655 10.78% FIRE STATISTICS Fire Responses Four Year Comparison The Fire Department responds to both fire and emergency medical calls within the city limits. Call increases are typically related to population, which has been consistently growing. However, fluctuations have occurred in call volume over the past several years, possibly indicating a shift in demographics as the community has grown. 110% 100% A department goal is III 90% to arrive on G> III c:: 80% emergency scenes 0 within 6 minutes of a. 70% III dispatch 90% of the & 60% time throughout the .... 0 City. G> 50% tID as 40% .... c:: G> 30% u ... G> 20% J:I.4 10% 0% <2 Fire Responses Time Comparisons _2000 _2001 ytd <3 <4 <5 Response Time in Minutes <6 (running total based on Year to Date thru Sept. 2001) 66 7+ FIRE EMERGENCY SERVICES FUNCTION Emergency management provides for safety, food, aid and housing to citizens during time of disaster. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES The emergency management budget provides for an intergovernmental payment to the county emergency services operation. Beginning with the 2000 budget, monies are also allocated for provision of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training locally. EMERGENCY SERVICES EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.11.525 Actual Actual Estimated Expended Approp Required 2000 2001 2002 ADMINISTRATION Supplies 207 1,000 500 Other Services and Charges 436 4,000 2,000 Intergovernmental Services 6,930 10,000 8,000 TOTAL EMERGENCY SERVICES $ 7,573 $ 15,000 $ 10,500 Other Services and Charges Detail: Professional Services (trainer for CERT) $ 2.000 , FIRE 67 EMERGENCY RESCUE MISSION STATEMENT To provide the highest quality service to our community through the protections and preservation of life and property. GOALS FOR 2002 1. Meet ambulance response time standards established by Clark County Ordinance. 2. Provide all Basic Life Support pre-hospital care providers in the East Clark County area with essential training in treatment of trauma, pediatrics and mass casualty. 3. Provide internal Advanced Life Support personnel with essential training in the areas of advanced cardiac, trauma and pediatric care. 4. Increase public awareness of the services provided by this function. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES The Fire Department provides emergency medical care and ambulance transport to east Clark County. Efforts are being made to improve public relations and expand educational resources for both care providers and the public at large. COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The 2002 budget is a relatively status quo budget. At budget time IAFF contract discussions are in process so no wage escalation is shown. Due to increases in the cost of medications, medical supplies and required training, significant increases are requested in those areas. Due to increased use of Portland area hospitals, loss of equipment and replacement costs are increasing. CRESA dispatch costs, an essential contracted function, continue to increase. FIRE 68 EMERGENCY RESCUE REVENUE DETAIL lHREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual 115.00 Revenue 2000 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ Taxes: Real and Personal Property 428,442 Total Taxes 428,442 Intergovernmental Revenue: State Grants 1,200 Shared Costs-Ambulance, Rescue, Emergency Aid 281,867 Total Intergovernmental Revenue 283,067 Charges for Goods and Services Printing and Duplicating 118 Ambulance and Emergency Aid Fees 638,745 Culture and Recreation 2,388 Total Charges for Goods and Services 641,251 Miscellaneous Revenues: Investment Interest 11,627 Contributions and Donations-Private Sources 295 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 6 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 11,928 Total Estimated Revenues 1,364,688 Total Estimated Resources $ 1,364,688 69 Adjusted Estimated Estimated Revenue 2001 2002 $ 148,477 $ 460,000 535,000 460,000 535,000 1,200 335,000 375,000 335,000 376,200 100 600,000 644,860 3,000 3,000 603,000 647,960 20,000 15,000 500 300 20,500 15,300 1,418,500 1,574,460 $ 1,566,977 $ 1,574,460 FIRE Emergency Rescue responds to a number of calls each year as reflected in the graph below: 2,550 2,400 2,250 2,100 Ambulance Responses Comparison to Standards (thru Aug. 31st) 2000 Actual Year to Date 120%,-~=========================---~==========~ 100%+-------------~ 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Urban Suburban Rural Wilderness , Response Time Standards \ (per Clark County Ordinance) / Density of Time Population Category Standard per Sq.Mile Urban 8:59 >2,000 Suburban 12:59 1,000-2,000 Rural , 19:50 <1,000 Wilderness 1:00.59 lor less 70 FIRE EMERGENCY RESCUE EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1HREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual 115.00.526 Expended -Approp-, 2000 2001 _/' ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 92,800 $ 100,152 Personnel Benefits 16,500 21,769 Supplies 2,496 3,000 Other Services and Charges 379 1,100 , Interflilld Payments 120,000 123,600 AMBULANCE SERVlCES Salaries and Wages 792,943 796,912 Personnel Benefits, , 135,885 202,344 Supplies 79,550 68,000, Other Services and Charges 46,824 36,700 Professional Services ($10,000 for medical advice) Operating rentals ($3,000 for oxygen cylinders) Insurance ($7,000 liability and property insurance) Repajr~ and Maintenance ($18,000 for equipment and ambulances)' Medical waste disposal, laundry ($8,500) Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 2,229 3,500 . Interfund Payments for Services 400 TRAINING Supplies 3,634 5,000 Other Seryices and Charges 13,953 13,300 Professional Services (classes $10,000), Travel ($2,000); Registrations ($6,500) Interfund Payments for Services -100 COMMUNICATIONS, AIARMS AND DISPATCH OPERATIONS, CONTl!ACTED SERVICES Intergoverrimental SeiVices and TaXes 81,423 91,320- COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL Supplies 98 600 Other Services and Charges ,-" I, 6,819 ~,OOO / Communication ($6,000 for cell phones, pagers, telephones) Repairs and Maintenance ($4,000 for radio repair) CAPITALOUTIAY Administration 2,537 Ambulance 29,466 10,950 Ambu/Rescue/Emer Aid 75,000 Training / 7,233 3,000 Communications, General 24,272 3,200 TOTAL EMERGENCY RESCUE FUND $ 1,459,041 $ 1,566,947 71 Estimated Required 2002 $. 107,949 22,000 3,000 900 127,200 818,335 192,696 100,250 47,200 2,000 400 5,500 19,100 150 105,480 2,300 10,000 10,000 $ 1,574,460 FIRE Actual Estimated EMERGENCY RESCUE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Requireq 2001 2002 - AMBULANCE, RESCUE AND EMERGENCY AID ADMINISTRATION Fire Chief (1/2) $ 38,436 $ 39,588 Deputy Chief (12 months at .1 FTE) 5;400c 6,008 Sr. Admin. Support Specialist (.5 FTE) 19,476 21,268 ( Financial Assistant II 35,640 40,085 Overtime 1,200 1,000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 100,152 107,949 AMBULANCE , Pru:amedic Captain 65,892 66,864 Firefighter/Paramedic (12) 623,446 633,458 Holiday Compensation 27,574 28,013 -. Overtime -80,000 90,000 TOTAL AMBULANCE 796,912 818,335 TOTAL AMBULANCE, RESCUE AND EMERGENCY AID $ 897,064 $ 926,284 % Increase (Decrease) over prior year 3.26% CAPITAL OUfLAY DETAILS: Replace software programs $ 10,000 FIRE 72 FIRE EQUIPMENT CUMULATWE RESERVE ) MISSION STATEMENT The Fire~quipment Cumulative Reserve is a re~trictive reserve fund where funds are , , accumulated for the purchase and replacement of the city's fire apparatus and equipment. In 2002, all cashin this fund will be transferred to the General Fund to help finance the purchase of a pumper truck. REVENUE DETAIL TIIREE YEAR COMPARlSON 118.00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance Miscellaneous Revenues: Investment Interest Total Miscellaneous Revenues Total Estimated Revenues Total Estimated Resources EXPENDITIJRE DETAIL TI:IR.EE YEAR COMP-ARISON l18.00.594 Other Financing Uses: Operating Transfers Out Total Fire Equipment Cumulative Reserve Fund 73 Actual Adjusted Estimated R~venue Estimated Revenue 2000 (2001 2002 $ $ 1,060 1,060 1,060 $ 1,060 $ ==== Actual Actual Expended Approp 2000 2001 $ $ $/ $ $ 33,517 $ 33,517 EstImated Required 2002 $ 33,517 $ 33,517 FIRE LIBRARY LIBRARY/ BOARD OF TRUSTEES I library ,-Director (1) Administrative Support Specialist II (.8 FTE) Senior Associate (.8 FTE) Library Associate (4 FTE) Assistant Library Director (1) Assistant (1.75 FTE) 74 Page / (2.5 FTE) Youth Services Librarian (.5 FTE) LIBRARY DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The Camas Public Library exists to enrich the lives, encourage the self-education and promote the enlightened citizenship of adults, youth and children in the greater Camas community. The library is a major source of materials for information, education, recreation and culture for the general public,and is a supplemental source of information for business, government and students. These information needs are met by providing free access to both traditional and newly developing resources and technologies. The library's collection represents a diversity of opinion and viewpoint, and service is provided in an atmosphere of courtesy, professionalism and equality of access for all patrons. DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2002 1. Maintain current level of service, programs, collections, and circulation (190,000). 2. Undertake and complete 3 year planning cycle. 3. Oversee library construction project. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES The Camas Public Library will circulate about 190,000 books, audio tapes, CD's, DVD's, and video tapes from its temporary home to residents of the greater Camas area in 2002. The library maintains a varied collection of about 50,000 items. In addition, the library answers approximately 13,000 telephone and in-person informational and research questions. Through undertakings such asa summer reading program, weekly story times and regular adult programs, the library provides other informational, educational, recreational and cultural activities. The library offers free meeting space available to the public. LIBRARY 75 STATISTICAL INFORMATION I Camas Library Cardholders I Summer Reading Participants fI) 12,000 ..., c:I ~ 10,000 ... fI) 8,000 ~ eo.. 6,000 0 lot I 4) 4,000 .a a ::s 2,000 Z 0 I/) 10 t-eo 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ P"4 P"4 P"4 P"4 200,000 180,000 ." 4) c:I 160,000 as 0 ~ fI) a 140,000 4) ..., t-I 120,000 100,000 1995 1996 0\ 0\ 0\ P"4 o o o ('of ~ P"4 o o ('of fI) 4) a as 0 eo.. 0 lot 4) .a a ::s Z 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 I/) 10 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ P"4 P"4 Library Circulation 1997 1998 1999 76 t-eo 0\ 0 0\ 0\ 0\ 0 0\ 0\ 0\ 0 P"4 P"4 P"4 ('of 2000 2001 est. LIBRARY P"4 0 0 ('of liBRARY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREEYEARCO~AruSON Actual 001.30.572 Expended 2000 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 63,288 $ . Personnel Benefits 15,031 LffiRARY SERVICES Salaries and Wages 299,522 Personnel Benefits 71,013 Supplies 18,853 Other Services and Charges 29,862 Professional Services ($2,250 for cataloging/processing new titles) Communication ($19,500 for postage, pay phone, telephones) Repairs ($4,225 for maintenance contracts) Actual Approp 2001 63,288 18,986 324,205 81,560 18,000 47,985 Misc. ($11,110 for printing, registrations, memberships, interlibrary loans) Intergovermental Services and Taxes 38,567 47,900 TRAINING Other Services and Charges (travel costs) 4,238 6,675 FACILITIES Salaries and Wages 1,128 3,000 Personnel Benefits 326 900 Supplies 3,109 4,100 Other Services and Charges 23,591 27,500 Professional Services ($10,000 for janitorial) Communication ($1,500 for telephone) Insurance ($3,000 for property) Public Utility ($15,500) Repairs and Maintenance ($2,000) Interfund Payments for Services 727 1,750 CAPITAL OUTLAY Library Services 5,000 Books 105,520 115,000 TOTAL liBRARIES $ 674,775 $ 765,849 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 13.50% 77 Estimated Required 2002 $ 68,633 20,590 409,876 105,636 22,950 37,085 46,970 11,500 4,500 1,350 4,000 32,000 4,500 8,000 130,000 $ 907,590 18.51% LIBRARY PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Library Director Assistant Library Director Senior Library Associate (.8 FTE) .. Library Associate [3.75 -2001, 4 -\2002] . Admin. Support Specialist II (.8 FTE) Library Assistant (2 part~time = 1.28 FTE -2001, 3 part-time = 1.75 FTE-2002) Youth Services Librarian (.5 FTE) Overtime Other Salaries and Wages (pages and substitutes) Facilities Salaries and Wage~ Total Libraries % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 78 . Actual Approp 2001 $ 63,288 45,269. 30,250 129,024 25,334 34,092 17,820 3,229 39,187 3,000 Estimated RequITed 2002 $ 68,633 47,430 36,093 170,144 28,493 49,206 20,957 3,971 53,582 4,500 $ 483,009 23.69% LIBRARY LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION PRoJECT STATEMENT Tills ~urid wIll account for the construction of the expansion and remodel of the Library building, and $800,000 will be used to expand parking. ' COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS -.. . I ,Design was started in 2000. The library movecl to it's temporary location in the Fill.! of 2001. ) Construction of both the remo~el and expaIlsion was scheduled to being December 2001. The budgetr~aining a,s of December 31,2001, will be carried over to year 2002 and entered into the ledgers by journal entry. ,!, I REVENUE DETAIL TIIREE YEAR COMPARISON , I 320.00 I Beginning Appropriate Fund Balance Miscellaneous Revenues: Investment Interest Total Miscellaneous Revenues Other Financing Sources: ~Long Terlll Debt Proceeds Total Other Financing Sources Total EstimatedResources , $ Actual Revenue 2000 39,504 . 39,'504 7,901,512 7,901,512 Adjusted Estimated 2001 Estimated Revenue 2002 $7,285,000 _$ __ -............-_ , - \$ 7,941,016 $7,285,000 $ ===== EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR ~OMPARISON "1320.00 Supplies Other Services and Charges (Architect) Land 'Buildings and Structures Total ( 79 Actual Expended 2000 Actual , Approp 2001 Estimated Required 2002 $ 20' $ 105,000 $ ',- 54,717 619,663 600 400,000 6,780,000 $ 55,337 $ 7,904,663' $ ===== LIBRARY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Direotor/City Engineer (1) I I I ADMINISTRATION h :: PLANNING DEPT. .... ~A;.;;d.;,;m;,;;ln~l,;.st;,;;ra;,;;ti"iv~e..;.A.;,;s~s.;,;ls..;.ta~n.;,;t..:.(1.;.:) ...... 1 PlannlngManager (1) I I Ir-A"-d-:-m-:-in-.-=S-u---'ppco-rt"---=S-Ple-c-:"ia-:l-:-is""t"::lI-:" ('1"'"'1)'1 i 1 Planner 1(1) 1 , 1 1 I Seasonal Admin. I : 1 Planning Techniciant11 J Support Specialist I (.25 FTE) 1, 1 Code Compliance I Secretary to the U Specialist (1) City Administrator (.5 HE) I I DOWNTOWN VISION COALITION Recreation Coordinator (.3FTE) I Seasonal Maintenance Worker (.25 HE) I 1 I I L 1 OPERATIONS I ENGINEERING DEPT. Engineering Manager (1) PW Project Manager_tll J 1 Enqineer III (3) J Engi neer II (1.75 FTE) 1 Sr. Enqineerinq Tech (1) I Engineering Tech (2) 1 I I I I I 1 I I BUILDING DEPT. Building Official (1) I I Senior Buildinq Inspector (1) I I Buildinq Inspector II (1) I I Buildinq Inspector I (.25 HE) I I Plans Examiner (1) I I Permit Clerk (1) 1 I Seasonal Admin. I Support Specialist I (.25 HE) Public Works OD rations ManaQer (1) I I Sewer Treatment Plant I Chief Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator (1) 1 I Waster Water I Treatment Plant Op. (3) I 1 Storm Drainage Engineer II (.25 FTE) I I Water/Sewer Op Supervisor.W/S (1) I Water Supply Operator (1) I Senior Utility Maintenance Worker (3) I Utility Mai ntenance Worker II (3) I Utility Maintenance Worker 1(1) 1 Seasonal Maintenance Workers 1 Sanitary Collection Chief Sanitation Worker (1) I I Sanitation Worker (2) 80 I I I Street/Parks l-I Administrative I ~..;.0.;.:p..;.S~u.;.:p..;.e..;.rv.;,;i,;.so~r..;..S,;.t/..;.P..;.a.;,;r.;,;ks~(1.) ...... 1 ~ __ ~S~up~p~0~rt~S~pe~c~ia=l~is~t ~II~(1~) ____ ~ 1~ ______ ..;.S..;.t~re..;.e~~~ ______ ~~~~ ______ ~..;.p..;.a~rk~s~ ______ ~1 I I I Lead Maintenance Worker (1) I I Sr. Maintenance Worker (2 .5) I I Maintenance Worker II (3) I I Maintenance Wkr. I (.5 FTE) I I I I I Seasonal Maintenance Workers 1 Equipment Rental Chief Mechanic (1) I Mechanic (2) I Seasonal Maintenance Worker (.5 HE) I I I I I Lead Maintenance Wkr. (1) J I Sr. Maintenance Wkr. (.5 HE) I I Maintenance Worker II (2) I I Maintenance Worker I (1) I • .. .. II II .. .. lilt .. II' .. .. .. .. .. II .. .. .. .. .. "i .. .. .. .. lilt ~ .. / .. .. .. 1ft .. .. .. .. .. lit .. .. .. .. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The Engineering Department furnishes general administration and supervision including planning and developing of <;apital improvement programs of city public works operations, and provides for long range utility and transportation planning . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2002 Administration: . 1. Lead and support the revitalization and development of the various business districts of the community. 2. Guide and strengthen an effective team, including the addition of a 'seasonal Administration Support Specialist 1. 3. Continu~ to develop an implement the process for backflow prevention device testing and d0cumentation 4. Continue toward the goal of efficient office management, with emphasis on improved communication . 5. Upgrade the department permit software system to improve operational efficiencies apd improve service to citizens . Engineering: 1. Update the City's transportation impact fee and engineering plan review and . . inspection fees. . 2. Improve citizen involvement through participation in proje~t planning, design, and construction. 3. Enhance pedestrian and bicycle systems to promote multi-modal transportation. ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES - The Engineering Department designs and supervises capital improvement programs for the city. It is responsible for engineering, inspection and supervision of the Streets, Water~Sewer, / Parks maintenance, Equipment Rentala.nd Sanitary Departments. Engineering programs include design, plans and specifications for all construction projects in the City not contracted with consulting engineering firms. Supervision of sanitary collection activities, also, falls within the jurisdiction bf this department . PUBLIC WORKS 81 . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 001.13.532 Expended Approp Required 2000 2001 2002 ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages $ 191,524 $ 164,448 $ 181,335 Personnel Benefits 48,633 54,190 54,101 Supplies 3,444 5,500 5,500 Other Services and Charges (cell phones, travel, etc,) 9,149 8,700 13,550 Interfund Payments for Services 1,500 1,500 ENGINEERING PlANS AND SERVICES Salaries and Wages 392,206 484,026 536,159 Personnel Benefits 100,208 108,950 159,348 Supplies 19,550 21,000 19,500 Other Services and Charges Professional Services 59,285 28,500 29,000 Traffic Counts 15,000 15,000 Cell phones, equip. maintenance, registrations 10,847 8,000 8,000 Intergovernmental Services 5,440 5,500 5,500 Interfund Payments for Services 23,056 23,000 23,000 TRAINING Other Services and Charges (travel) 7,252 12,000 12,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY Administration 1,535 3,000 13,500 Engineering Plans and Services 6,244 9,500 5,000 TOTAL ENGINEERING $ 878,373 $ 952,814 $ 1,081,993 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 8.47% 13.56% Actual Estimated ENGINEERING PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp Required 2001 2002 Public Works Director / City Engineer $ 81,551 $ 84,406 Administrative Assistant 33,934 36,265 Sr. Admin. Support Specialist (.5 FIE) 19,473 21,266 Admin. Support Specialist II 28,490 31,965 Admin. Support Specialist I (Seasonal-.25 FIE) 6,433 Administrative Overtime 1,000 1,000 Engineering Manager 70,347 72,809 Project Manager 53,261 59,906 Engineer III (2) 108,373 115,585 Engineer II (1.75 FIE) 82,530 86,469 Senior Engineering Technician (1) 46,282 50,786 Engineering Technician (2) 75,446 84,962 Engineer III assigned to traffic engineering 46,787 60,642 Overtime 1,000 5,000 Total Engineering $ 648,474 $ 717,494 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year 10.64% CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL: Software -new arc view license 5,000 Copy Machine 13,500 Total $ 18,500 PUBLIC WORKS 82 It .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .-• .. • • .. • .. • .\ • II • • • .-. • • .. .. .. • .. ..' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MISSION STATEMENT The planning division implements the laws of the state and city regarding the use of real property and participates in the development of such laws and associated policies. It provides for the orderly management and accommodation of growth in a manner that maintains and enhances the quality of life for the city. Planning assists our citizens and leaders in establishing and maintaining a shared vision for the entire co:tnmunity.' DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2002 The following are the major goals for year 2002. 1. Complete a critical areas code update based on best available science. 2. Begin shorelines master plan/code update consistent with best available science . 3. Continue with update of the City's comprehesive land use plan. Coordinate and involve other agencies, public and elected leadership in the update process. 4. Complete a Title 17 -subdivision code rewrite. S. Adopt design review guidelines and code for residential development . ACTMTIES AND SERVICES The plannirig division provides staff support to the City Council and Planning Commission for all land use matters. The division performs duties for both current and long-range planning. Current (short-Tange) planning fulfills the city's regulatory role under federal, state, and local land use laws and policies, and takes an active role in developing and updating of said laws. Most notable among these laws and policies are the Zoning Code, Subdivision Code, Shoreline Master Program and implementing ordinances, State Envirollmental Policy Act (SEPA), and Regulatory Reform. Development proposals are reviewed and land use approvals granted through these systems ... Coordinating development review with other divisions and departments and other" agencies with jurisdictional is a major planning division responsibility. Long-range planning focuses on development and implementation of long-range goals and policies guiding future community development. These include growth maJ;lagement strategies, shmeline management policies, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code development, annexations, and code ~cdevelopment\and participation in county-wide and regional issues . COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS: The Planning and Community development budget reflects a level of service consistent with the previous number of years. This budget reflects the completing of the Comprehensive Plan update, consistent with regional efforts, and the Shorelines Master Program per new state law . Staff will also be tully administering design review guidelines, implementing new development related standards, and will complete a redraft of the City's environmental regulations in order to assure that they are compliant with state law. Planning, other divisions and departments will establish a new central permitting program. rhis budget apportions the planning department's share of the' cost for that program . PUBLIC WORKS PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EXPENDIllJRE DETAIL, THREE YEAR COMPAItISON 001.15.558 TRAINING Other Services and Charges PLANNING Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits Supplies Other Services and Charges (phones, travel, registrations) Compo Plan Update Unified Develop. Code Insurance Intergovernmental Services ECONOMIC OEVELOPMENT Other Services and Charges Columbia River Economic Development Council Intergovernmental Services CAPITAL OUTIAY Planning TOTAL PLANNING AND. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year PLANNING PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Planning Manager Planner I Planning Technician Planning Technician/Code Compliance Specialist Total Planning % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DETAll..: Professional Servi~es includes: Columbia River Ecenomic Development Council Sister City Program Community Housing Resource Center . CAPITAL OUTIAY DETAIL: Small Pick-up 84 Actual Expended 2000 $ 3,494 146,254 38,603 5,059 175,038 3,500 26,500 250 $ 398,698 $ $ $ $ Actual Approp 2001 9,000 173,075 50,055 3,000 8,500 40,000 15,000 20,000 10,000 11,500 22,000 10,000 3,000 375,130 -5.91% Actual Approp 2001 64,377 39,728 36,268 32,702 173,075 Estimated Required 2002 $ 9,000 187,889 56,367 3,000 9,000 50,000 15,000 20,000 10,000 4,500 22,000 23,760 10,000 $ 420,516 12.10% Estimated Required 2002 $ 66,631 44,575 40,793 35,890 $ 187,889 8.56% 22,000 2,500 2,000 $ 26,500 $ 10,000 PUBLIC WORKS lit • • • • • --III " -• _J ---. • ---III .. II III III III .... .. .. .. .. ' III III III III III III III III III III III III If~",~ PROTECTWEINSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT Protective inspections provide for inspections and enforcement of regulations relevant to the issuance of building permits and other permits not assigned to a specific department. GOALS FOR 2002 Themaj~rity,of residentiarconstruction for 2002 is estimated to be done by larger regional ~md n,ationalresidential construction 'companies. Residential activity is estimatedE\t 250 units based on' the current activityby the larger contractors. Duplex construction is expected,at the current level. We have no indication of multifamily units scheduled for construction in 2002. Unear~Technologieshas subnlitted plans for tenant improvements to be constructed next year. The construdlon Will take place within thEJir current manufacturiiig and office building shells. The Camas LibriITY Building will be Under construction next year. Camas School District will add to the mechanical shop on NE lone Street. . ) Commercial construction is expected to be limited to the new SW 6th Avenue Commercial Center and " , ' \ a new gas station at the Safeway Store. The Jack, Will, and Rob Youth Center will also be under~ constrtict1o~ in 2002. The Buildin,gDepartment goals are: ) , 1. Continue to respond to plan reviews at a four-week turnaroulld(time. \'I', 2~, Wotk i~ cooperation with the C¥llas School District and other major permit holders to promote an efficient and predictable processing of permits. ,3. Respond to all inspection requests received prior to the start of each workday 4. Work with contractors, citizens and permit holder to maintain clean, safe and sanitary work , sites. Help mitigate soil erosion problems in cooperation with the Engineering Department . 5. Work with ind:ustry to streamline "fast track" construction projects. 6. ", Attend seminars and classes to update code knowledge. Train staff and promote voluntary ICBO professional certifications required to keep our Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau rating of "2". 7. Work with other departments to obtain a new integrated permit management computer program . 8. Continue the cooperation with other jurisdictions in Southwest Washington to promote code enforcement uniformity. The work to develop regional graphical code and construction details will continue as well as development of uniform residential ana commercial plan review checklists . ACTIViTIEs AND SERVICES The building'department enforces the Uniform Building Code, Mechanical Code, Plumbing 'tode, the State of Washington Energy Code, Indoor Air Quality Code and Accessiqility Codes as amended by the State of Washington. The department also enforces certain elements of ~ . , ,I , the zoning ordinance pertaining to neW construction and also change in use of exist~ buildings. The b-qilding department, at time' of issuance of building permits, collects water and s,ewer development charges and all impact fees. Th~ blliIding department will investigate unsafe and dilapidated structures and take action to mitigate code violations. The,building department cooperates with other jurisdictions in Southwest Washington and Clark County Home Builders to promote uniformity and training in code enforcement. " PUBLIC WORKS 85 COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS The building department will continue training in the application of the current editions of state and local codes. A program of professional development and certification to meet anticipated future rating requirements of the Insurance Service Organization (ISO) will be developed. YEARS Construction Value Six Year Comparison CONSTRUCTION VALUE Industrial! Commercial/ PERMITS ISSUED Industrial/ Commercial/ Public Residential Public Residential 1996 $ 1,588,381 $ 47,950,474 32 320 1997 270,851,681 55,105,296 66 358 1998 15,413,197 37,413,197 48 238 1999 3,358,904 34,712,597 30 218 2000 13,790,706 28,586,363 26 207 2001 est. 25,282,242 39,882,151 , 27 255 Industrial Residential fIl 70 fIl 400 Eo< Eo< ... 60 ... ~ 50 ~ 300 r.:I 11. 40 11. f&o f&o 200 o 30 0 ~ 20 ~ 100 IQ IQ l!! 10 ~ ~ 0 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 est. 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 YEARS YEARS PUBLIC WORKS 86 2001 est. · PROTECTIVE INSPECTION EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON '\ 001.22.524 INSPECTIONS, PERMITS Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits .. Supplies Other Services and Charges (Professional Services) Outsource plan reviews Phones, pagers, radio ($3,800), Equip. Maint. ($900) Software, publications ($3,345) Jntergoverninental Services Interfund Payments for Services TRAINING Other Services and Charges (travel) FACILiTIES Other Services and Charges (insurance) CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery and Equipment TOTAL PROTECTIVE INSPECTiONS % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Building Official Senior Building Inspector Building Inspector II (2 -2001, r -20Q2) Plans ExaIniner Permit Clerk Seasonal Inspector (.5FTE -2001, .25 FTE -2002) Overtime Total Administration % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year CAPITAL OUllAY DETAIL: Software Module to replace .permit Pack Actual Expended 2000 $ 245,028 65,990 5,069 6,835 13,-654 2,983 968 151 11,060 7,711 2,864 $ 362,313 Actual Approp 2001 $ 257,504 -75,824 4,920 . 4,100 30;000 . 4,500 1\384 9,733 8,110 3,800 \ $ 399,875 10.37% Actual Approp 2001 $ 60,684 93,016 43,200 36,805 16,799 7,000 $ 257,504 Estimated Required 2002 $ 267,989 7'8,297 6,200 1,800 20,000 4,700 3,345 10,230 14,175 2,000 20,000 $428,736 7.22% ~stimated Required 2002 $ 63,716 50,786 50,786 47,871 41,397 6,433 7,000 $ 267,989 4.07% $ 20;000 PUBLIC WORKS 87 CENTRAL SERVICES FUNCTION The central services function is.a classification for general building services as prescribed in the state auditor's Budqetinq. Accountinq and Reportinq System (BARS), This budget includes the costs of providing housing f-acilities for general government, public safety, public works engineering, and administration. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES Expenses under this budget include the maintenance and operation of the municipal building. CENTRAL SERVICES EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.23.518 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits Supplies Other Services and Charges Interfund Payment for Services CAPITAL OUTIAY Property Management Services TOTAL CENTRAL SERVICES %Increase (Decrease) Prior Year CENTRAL SERVICES PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Maintenance Worker (.25 FTE) % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year CAPITAL 01ITI.A Y DETAILS: Heat pump replacement OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL: Actual Expended 2000 $ 11,963 4,123 46,905 177,785 1,177 18,028 $ 259,981 $ $ $ Actual Approp 2001 9,387 2,816 20,700 90,300 1,000 20,700 144,903 -44.26% Actual Approp 2001 9,387 Professional Services (janitorial for City Hall, fire extinguisher/alarm maint.) Communication (telephone, Portland line) Insurance (property insurance for City Hall) Public Utility (electric, gas, water, sewer, garbage) Repairs and Maintenance (HV AC, generator, paint, garage doors) Total other services and charges Estimated Required 2002 5 10,000 3,000 ~0,700 94,500 1,000 5,000 $, 134,200 -7.39% Estimated Required 2002 $. 10,000 6.53% $ 5,000 $ 25,500· 3,500 4,000 28,000 33,500 $ 94,500 PUBLIC WORKS 88 DOWNTOWN VISION COALITION MISSION STATEMENT The revitalization of the downtown is a new program focused on a multi-year effort to improve the core business district of the City. Within this era, the program strives to promote and enhance economic vitality, cultural opportunities, recreational activities and beautification. Public and private partnerships, coupled with a strong business retention and recruitment program will optimize the abilityto attract and keep a number of key anchor tenants. By encouraging a carefully crafted mix of small town charm and broad array of shopping opportunities, the goal is tomake the downtown a "first choice" destination for business owners and patrons alike. DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2002 The primary goal for this year relates to facilitating and assisting the Downtown Vision Coalition (DVC) by adopting by-laws, electing officers and establishing it as a non-profit entity. Funding will support continued efforts in downtown beautification and dedicate additional staffing to maintenance of the mall area. In addition, funds are secured for professional services that will aid in such areas as marketing, planning, economic development and business recruitment. The DVC will oversee the prioritized activities that are based on the strategies identified within the Downtown Camas Vision and Implementation Plan. ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The DVC will be established as a nine member non-profit organization representing the interests of the implementation partners, downtown stakeholders, and the broader community. The City will provide the funding and staff in support of this coalition and their program activities. The Downtown Camas Vision and Implementation Plan, adopted by the City in August 2001, represents a holistic approach to downtown revitalization and is the basis for the DVC work plan. The plan identifies five focus areas: 1) creating a healthy business environment, 2) facilitating parking and access, 3) maintaining design integrity and local infrastructure, 4) strengthening social and historical foundations, and 5) enhancing marketing and publicity. A series of strategies set forth specific methods for bringing about the desired outcomes in each focus area. These are supported by actions that establish the steps necessary to implement the strategies and thus fulfill the vision. PUBLIC WORKS 89 DOWNTOWN VISION COALITION DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 001.26.558 PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Salaries and Wages Overtime Personnel Benefits Supplies Other Services and Charges Marketing, planning, landscaping, and business recruitment Advertisements and brochures Miscellaneous TOTAL DOWNTOWN VISION COALITION DOWNTOWN VISION COALITION PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Recreation Coordinator (.3 FTE) Actual Expended 2000 $ $ Seasonal Maintenance Worker (.5 FTE for 6 mths) Actual Approp 2001 $ $ Actual Approp 2001 $ $ Estimated Required 2002 $ 21,129 1,000 6,339 13,000 50,000 5,000 10,000 $ 106,468 Estimated Required 2002 $ 12,076 9,053 $ 21,129 PUBLIC WORKS 90 II • .. If II II II II II II .\ .. " • • II II • III II II II III II II It II II .. ' .. ; .. III .. .. III III III III III III III .. III .. CITY STREET DEPARTMENT )MISSION STATEMENT The street budget provides for maintenance and minor construction of all city streets within the city limits. DEPARTMENT GOALS. FOR 2002 1. Provide for the safe movement of drivers, cyclists and pedestrians within our corrununity. 2. Maintain the roadways, bikepaths and sidewalks in a manner which preserves the City's long term investn:lent and provides the optimum mobility. 3. _To promote water quality and minimize runoff of pollutants into fish bearing waterways, sweep all streets once per month and clean out all catch basins annually. 4. Replace the downtown street lighting system. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES Maintaifung,seal coating, patching and grading of streets, providing lighting of roads and intersections, providing snow and ice control, sweeping of streets and maintaining or operate traffic signals are activities and services provided from the street budget activity . PUBLIC WORKS 91 CITY STREET FUND REVENUE DETAll.. THREE YEAR COMPARISON 112.00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance Intergovernmental Revenue: Community Dev. Block Grant Federal Indirect Grants -WDOT Federal Indirect Grants-STP Grants-Fed Hwy Administration Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax-City Street Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax-Street Imp. Shared Costs-Roads, Storm Sewers Intergovernmental Loan Proceeds (PWTF) Total Intergovernmental Revenue Total Estimated Revenues Other Financing Sources: Operating Transfers In Total Other Financing Sources Total Estimated Resources 92 $ $ Actual Revenue 2000 164,316 76,829 241,145 241,145 1,838,433 1,838,433 2,079,578 Adjusted Estimated 2001 $ 306,000 129,500 1,581,600 450,000 174,915 81,765 779,500 3,503,280 3,503.,280 2,319,194 2,319,194 $ 5,822,474 $ $ Estimated Revenue 2002 400,000 799,600 188,454 88,066 650,000 153,433 1,879,553 2,279,553 3,433,916 3,433,916 5,713,469 PUBLIC WORKS ,. .. • • • • • • 1ft .. ~ .. iIA.~ ... ." • • ~. ." 18 • • • • • .. • • ,. .. ... "" • • • .-.. .. .... !!!!!!'I' ...a """ .. .- 1ii!oiiIla ... " II'!I'I' ~. ""'" .- 5 CIlY STREET DEPARTMENT EXPENDITIJRE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 112.00 Expended Approp Required 2000 2001 2002 Road and Street Maintenance Roadway $ 245,847 $ 195,801 $ 321,379 Storm Drainage 71,049 114,701 97,180 Structures 361 5,233 4,130 Sidewalks 9,742 12,222 16,210 Special Purpose Paths 9 3,771 1,430 Street Lighting 150,230 120,053 156,000 Traffic Control Devices 104,239 96,343 112,240 Parking Facilities 888 200 1,630 Snow and Ice Control 8,103 22,686 24,540 Street Cleaning 73,262 90,307 82,870 Roadside 89,264 107,320 49,050 Downtown Mall Maintenance 54,830 Ancillary Operations 14,470 13,108 10,010 Work Crew 4,500 Maintenance Administration 87,887 94,005 98,930 Road and Street General Administration Management 1,725 1,500 Undistributed Engineering 76,945 60,000 60,000 General Services 12,421 91,000 46,000 Facilities 4,865 2,000 53,500 Training 4,083 7,847 8,780 Undistributed Indirect Labor Costs 79,359 260 Road and Street Facilities Maintenance of Stations and Bldgs 73,579 63,238 Capital Equipment Outlay Roadway 85,180 General Services 45,000 Road and Street Construction Roadway 386,032 4,146,750 4,255,000 Storm Drainage 24,131 15,530 5,000 Structures 10,000 10,000 Sidewalks 22,823 384,500 20,000 Special Purpose Paths 26,747 50,000 30,000 Street Lighting 20,000 130,000 Traffic Control Devices 9,951 10,000 10,000 Roadside Development 5,000 5,000 Operating Transfer Total City Street Fund $ 1,583,833 $ 5,822,474 $ 5,713,469 % Increase (Decrease) over prior year 267.62% -1.87% 93 ____________ ~~~~~==~~· ..... c I / PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Transportation/Road & Street Construction Actual Approp 2001 Operations Supervisor -Streets/parks $ 57,198 Lead Maintenance Worker 51,974 Senior Maintenance Worker (2 -2001, 2.5 2002) 92,396 Maintenance Worker II (3.5 -2000, 3 -2001) 120,002 Maintenance Worker (1 FTE-2000, .5 FTE-200l) 18,773 Seasonal Maint. WRrs (3 at .5 FTE -2001,4 at .5FTE -2002) 52,230 Overtime 7,854 Total Transportation/Road and Street Const. $ 400,427 ====== % Increase (Decrease) over prior year CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL: Machinery and Equipment I 1, Small 4 X 4 Pick-up Truck '* Operations Center yard paving Roadway Construction Projects '* Developer agreement funds 1, NE Lake Rd/Ever~tt St intersection improvements 1. City wide overlays '* NW 18th & Hood improvements '* SE 1 st/Lake Road '* Wetlands monitoring plan -38th and Parker 1, Safety Improvements ~, Traffic calming solutions ~. 192nd Avenue 1, ReconstrUction project design city-wide Storm Drainage Construction Project ~, Scour downspouts Structures Construction Project '* Miscellaneous retaining walls -city wide Sidewalk Construction Projects ~, City "Wide curb ramp -ongoing project '* Curb replacements 1. Miscellaneous. sidewalks (lOth Fargo to IvY and others) Special Purpose,Paths '* Pedestrian path -rural roadway Street lighting ~, Pacific Rim lighting design '* Mall lighting Traffic Control Devices '* Construction projects Roadside Construction Projects '* Construction proj ects Total City Street Projects and Equj.pment $ $ $ $ PUBLIC WORKS 94 Estimated Required 2002 59,200 54,053 120,825 128,546 19,524 36,213 5,000 423,361 5.73% 25,000 20,000 25,000 275,000 250,000 1,200,000 2,100,000 10,000 30,000 30,000 330,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 30,000 2,0,000 110,000 10,000 5,000 4,510,000 --• ,. II • ,.(~ • III • • • • • • • • • • IIi • • .' • .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ STORM WATER DRAINAGE >MISSION STATEMENT The storm water drainage function provides for planning and construction of storm sewer facilities iri the Fisher Basin drainage area in west Camas. GOALS FOR'2002 1. Revise the existing Fisher Basin Stormwater Master Plan to reflect recent changes in state and Federal regulations. 2. Develop a structure which allows for the continued management of drainage systems and sensitive areas within the Fisher Basin. 3. Coordinate revisions to the Plan with regulatory ag~ncies, affected citizens and business leaders. REVENUE DETAll. THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual Estimated 119.00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2000 2001 2002 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ \ $ 28,505 $ Charges for'Goods and Services: Storm Drainage Fees 30,147 100,000 11,877 Total Charges for Goods and Services 30,147 100,000 11,877 Miscellaneous Revenues: Investment Interest 83,563 75,000 40,000 Total Misc,ellaneous Revenues ( 83,563 75,000 40,000 Total Estimated Revenues 1l3,710 203,505 51,877 Tota.. Estimated ResourceS $ 113,71'0 ' $ 203,505 $ 51,877 PUBLIC WORKS 95 STORM WATER DRAINAGE EXPENDITURE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual Actual 119.00 Expended Approp 2000 2001 Road and Street Construction Salaries and Wages $ 11,622 $ 12,042 Personnel Benefits 3,515 3,463 External Taxes 17,216 3,000 Other Services and Charges Fisher Basin Master Plan 100,000 Water Quality Testing Wetlands -ESA Assessment and Coordination Capital Outlay 46,970 85,000 Total Storm Water Drainage Fund $ 79,323 $ 203,505 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year Actual STORM WATER DRAINAGE PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Approp 2001 Engineer II (.25 FTE) $ 12,042 % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL: Dwyer Creek stream gauge $ 15,000 Estimated Required 2002 $ 12,982 3,895 10,000 10,000 15,000 $ 51,877 -74.51% Estimated Required 2002 $ 12,982 7.81% PUBLIC WORKS 96 CITY SANITARY MISSION STATEMENT The solid waste management function provides for the collection and disposal of refuse from businesses and residences within the City of Camas. This function also includes the revenues and expenses of the city recycling program. DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2002 1. Continue to convert existing commercial customers to the automated collection systems. 2. Improve the efficiency and productivity of the automated collection system. , 3. Purchase a third automated collection truck. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES Daily and/or weekly general refuse collection and disposal activities are provided for in this budget. The city will continue to serve residential and commercial customers and provide~drop box service up to two yards. Large qrop box and yard debris services are contracted out with the contractor handling all billing and service requests. The city will continue to bill for recycling services and pay a private contractor for this service. \ ~ REVENUE DETAIL 1HREE YEAR COMPARISON Actual ' ) Adjusted Estimated 422.00 Revenue Estimated Revenue 2000 2001 2002 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ $ $ Charges for Good~ and Services: Garbage/Solid Waste Fees 1,204,685 1,075,043 1,240,884 -Total Charges for Goods and Services 1,204,685 1,075,043 1,240,884 Miscellaneous Revenues: Interest Earnings 16,409 15,000 15,000 Other Rents & Use Charges 8,456 6,000 7,800 Other Non Revenues 44 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 24,909 21,000 22,800 Total Estimated Revenues 1,229,594 1,096,043 1,263,684 Total Estimated Resources $ 1,229,594 $ 1,096,043 $ 1,263,684 PUBLIC WORKS 97 CITY SANITARY EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 422.00.537 GARBAGE AND SOLID WASTE UTILITY Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits Supplies Other Services and Charges (insurance, repairs, comm.) Recycling Contractor Disposal Fees Intergovernmental Services and Taxes Capital Outlays Debt Service Interfund Payments for Services TOTAL GARBAGE AND SOLID WASTE UTILITY % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year CITY SANITARY PERSONNEL SCHEDULE REFUSE COLLECTION Chief Sanitation Worker Sanitation Workers (2) Maintenance Worker C2 5 FTE ) Overtime Total Garbage and Solid Waste Utility % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year CAPITAL OUTIAY DETAIL Automated Side Loader Truck 98 Actual Expended 2000 $ 153,946 44,966 35,722 181,781 329,220 55,910 2,771 230,440 $1,034,756 Actual Estimated Approp Required 2001 2002 $ 164,321 $ 172,372 42,522 44,212 42,700 37,500 20,500 23,000 155,000 156,000 360,000 360,000 57,000 57,000 200,000 40,000 214,000 ·213,600 $ 1,096,043 . $ 1,263,684 5.92% 15.30% Actual Estimated Approp Required 2001 2002 $ 50,460 $ 52,478 79,474 85,132 9,387 9,762 25,000 25,000 $ 164,321 $ 172,372 4.90% $ 200,000 PUBLIC WORKS til .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. II ~ .t! .. --': ---------------------~---------" • • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. II .; II .. lit • lit lit lit lit lit .. lIt- lit III lit lit lit lit lit .. lit lit lit .. .. .. .. .. III II .. .. WATER-SEWER REVENUE MISSION STATEMENT . The water-sewer operation of the.dty provides for furnishing domestic water and sanitary sewage disposal services to industrial, commercial and residential areas within the city and some surrounding areas . DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2002 1. Provide safe and reliable water service to our customers 2. Reduce infiltration and infl0W of ground and surface water into the sewer system through the systematic reconstruction of aged and leaking pipes . 3 .. Continue to pursue additional future water sources. 4. Continue with the conversion of gas clilorinators to less hazardous forms of disinfection. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES The water budget provides for the source of supply operation and maintenance, pumping expenses, water treatment expenses, transmission and distribution, and accounting and administrative expeI1se~ of the water operation. This budget also accounts for the collection and treatment of sanitary sewage. COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Prior years principal and interest payments on debt service associated with water and sewer projects was recorded in a separate revenue bond redemption fund with transf~rs made from the water-sewer fund to the bond redemption fund. The year 2002 budget shows that the debt service payments will now be made directly from.the water-sewer fund and the bond redemption fund will no longer be used . PUBLIC WORKS 99 . WATER-SEWER REVENUE DETAIL 1HREE YEAR COMPARISON 424.00 Charges for Goods and Services: Water-Sewer Other Physical Environment Inspection Fees -Step System Total Charges for Goods and Services Miscellaneous Revenues: Investment Interest Other Miscellaneous Revenue Total Miscellaneous Revenues Total Estimated Revenues Non Revenues: Water Hook-up Fees Sewer Hook-up Fees Infiltration and Inflow Fees Operating Transfers In Long~term Debt Proceeds Total Estimated Non-Revenues Total Estimated Resources $ Actual Revenue 2000 3,650,062 6,799 12,200 3,669,061 473,601 20,262 493,863 4,162,924 33,947 600 44,639 79,186 4,242,llO WATER-SEWER EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 424.00.501 WATER-SEWER Salaries and Wages Personnel Benefits Supplies Other Services and Charges Water/Sewer Facilities Plan Update Intergovernmental Services and Taxes Debt Service Capital Outlays Interfund Payment~ for Services Total Water-Sewer Fund Estimated Other Financing Uses: Operating Transfers Out: Total Estimated Other Financing Uses: TOTAL WATER-SEWER FUND % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES PETAIL: $ $ Actual Expended 2000 636,715 172,269 340,552 544,690 182,359 2,534,291 553,299 4,964,175 714,799 714,799 5,678,974 $ $ $ Adjusted Estimated 2001 3,600,000 5,000 13,500 3,618,500 350,600 18,000 368,000 3,986,500 35,000 1,000 4,515,422 4,551,422 8,537,922 Actual Approp 2001 728,479 209,834 299,100 616,800 ll5,000 166,000 4,873,000 432,000 7,440,213 1,230,587 1,230,587 8,670,800 52.68% $ $ $ Estimated Revenue 2002 3,905,800 5,000 3,910,800 408,000 36,000 444,000 4,354,800 35,000 500 2,500,000 1,033,158 3,568,658 7,923,458 Estimated Required 2002 780,570 226,670 560,600 768,500 166,000 1,545,618 3,372,000 503,500 7,923,458 7,923,458 -8.62% Professional Services $ 205,300 $ 141,500 (Watershed mgmt, well sites, water quality, mapping, water leak study, hydrogen sulfide odor control study) Communication (telephone, pagers, cell phones) 15,000 28,500 Travel 2,000 3,100 Advertising 500 500 Operating leases (well site, equipment) 7,000 3,400 Insurance (property and liability) \ 90,000 90,000 Public Utility (electric, gas) 150,000 231,000 Repairs and maintenance (pumps, reservoirs, equipment) 120,000 206,000 Registrations for classes, water/sewer permits 27,000 64,500 Total other services and charges $ 616,800 $ 768,500 ======= PUBLIC WORKS 100 .. .. .. til .. II II II III III .. III .,. .. .. ttl '. .. .. .. .. .. • .. •• .. .. .. .. .. .. t!\I .. .. .. .. .. .. II .. .. .. • .. • • .. .. • • • • • • • ,. • • II • II • • • '-.;" .. ,. .-!!II' ,. .. ,. ".r "" .-• t,:, .. III If ,. ...:ill.' ..... . !III' • .- ....... '., .., •. "'.' .. ,. .-.' .... ". .. .. ~.' •. '.' ...• ~. ; ~ WATER-SEWER PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Public Works Operations Manager Operations Supervisor -Water/Sewer Water Supply Operator Senior Utility Maintenance Worker (3) Chief Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator Waste Water Treatment Operator (3) Utility Maintenance Worker II (2 -2001, 3 -2002) Utility Maintenance Worker I Seasonal Maint. Worker (3 -2001, 4 at .5 FTE -2002) Overtime Total Water-Sewer Utility % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year WATER-SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL: Camas Cemetary Project * Irrigation line replacement phase II Land: * West Prune Hill reservoir site * Well #4 treatment expansion * Southwest Well field expansion Buildings and Structures: * Filter Plant lab addition Other Improvements: * Landscaping * Screen chamber fabric replacement (ESA) Machinery and Equipment: * Leak detection equipment * Pipe locator * Sewer line TV camera Construction Projects: * Telemetry upgrades -Wells 5, 7, 8, filter plant * Chlor plant telemetry * SCADA software -telemetry $ $ * Gas to liquid chlorine conversions -Wells 5, 7,8, filter plant * Lacamas Shores PRY's * Water main replacement -4" steel, NW 3rd to McIntosch * Benton Street * Well #1 and #2 replacement wells * Washougal River wellfield CT piping installation * Watershed line flow meters * Oak Park wellfield development * Pacific Rim Blvd. transmission line design * Jones & Boulder Creek watershed assessment * Commercial/industrial water audit program * Residential water audit program * Operations Center yard paving (1/2 of project) * City-wide water line replacement design * One Stop pump station design * Sewer line replacement design Actual Approp 2001 72,457 57,198 51,974 141,997 56,793 150,768 82,878 37,182 52,232 25,000 728,479 * Sewer main line, Joy St. to Main pump station design/permits * Caustic soda system -STP * Winchester Hills and Grand Ridge pump station odor control * Pump station landscape improvements * Clarifier #1 cat walk Total Estimated Required 2002 $ 74,993 59,200 54,053 148,398 59,065 157,434 128,235 37,978 36,214 25,000 $ 780,570 7.15% $ 15,000 150,000 100,000 900,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 12,000 50,000 15,000 8,000 30,000 35,000 20,000 40,000 1,200,000 197,000 35,000 75,000 42,000 100,000 10,000 5,000 20,000 8,000 20,000 70,000 50,000 75,000 10,000 5,000 40,000 $ 3,372,000 PUBLIC WORKS 101 PUBLIC WORKS 102 • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • I .. I , ., • .. '* • It It It • t • • • • • • • t ~ • • • • WATER-SEWER CAPITAL RESERVE COMMENTS ON BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS $2,500,000 will be transferred to the Water-Sewer Fund to finance a number of capital projects. REVENUE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON 432.00 Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance Other Increases in Fund Equity: Water Development Fees Sewer Development Fees Operating Transfers In Total Increases in Fund Equity Total Estimated Resources $ $ Actual Revenue 2000 352,129 1,410,525 3,248 1,765,902 1,765,902 EXPENSE DETAIL THREE YEAR COMPARISON FUND NUMBER 432.00 Other Financing Uses: Operating Transfers Out Total Water-Sewer Capital Reserve $ $ Actual Expended 2000 103 $ $ Adjusted Estimated 2001 3,338,522 350,000 550,000 276,900 1,176,900 4,515,422 Actual Approp 2001 $ 4,515,422 $ 4,515,422 $ $ Estimated Revenue 2002 1,600,000 350,000 550,000 900,000 2,500,000 Estimated Required 2002 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISSION STATEMENT The Equipment Rental Department furnishes mobile equipment to the city's other operating departments and maintains equipment not owned by the Equipment Rental department. DEPARTMENT GOALS FOR 2002 1. Manage the City's fleet in a manner which minimizes rates while perserving the quality of the equipment. 2. Maintain proper accounting and usage records of equipment. ACTMTIES AND SERVICES The department maintains and replaces all mobile eqUipment for the city other than fire apparatus and emergency rescue ambulance eqUipment. The rental fund owns, operates, and maintains city repair and storage shops. Expenditures of the fund are reimbursed by renting the equipment owned by the department to the street, water/sewer, parks, sanitary and other departments of the city. The fund also accounts for the operation, maintenance and rental of the pressure sewer cleaner equipment and street sweepers owned jointly by the cities of Camas and Washougal. PUBLIC WORKS 104 f .. ., , , ~ W· I 41 I '" .. .. Iii ~ .. • .. " l- I • I I -.... "" .. .. .. .-.- til! • • • .. I ." • , I , " .. ., .. til .,- t • EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND t t REVENUE DETAIL • THREE YEAR COMPARISON t t Actual Adjusted Estimated 523.00-Revenue Estimated Revenue t 2000 2001 2002 t· Beginning Appropriated Fund Balance $ $ $ 58,550 t Charges for Goods and Services: t· Vehicle/Equipment Reparr Charges 73,645 15,000 12,000 • Total Charges for Goods and Services 73,645 15,000 12,000 • Miscellaneous Revenues: ~ ( Investment Interest 13,646 8,000 10,000 Equipment and Vehicle Rent (Outside) 21,025 18,000 18,000 ~ Interfund Equipment/Vehicle Rentals 524,700 510,790 619,000 • Interfund Space and Fadlities Rentals '192,000 180,000 192,000 • Other Miscellaneous Revenues 1,842 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 753,213 716,790 839,000 • • Total Estimated Revenues 826,858 731,790 909,550 • Total Estimated Res,ources $ 826,858 $ 731,790 $ 909,550 • • EXPENSE DETAIL • ! THREE YEAR COMPARISON .' • Actual Actual Estimated • 523.00 Expended Approp Required 2000 2001· 2002 • • Salaries and Wages $ 181,988 • $ 182,436 $ 204,308 • Personnel Benefits 49,369 54,430 60,992 • Supplies 190,447 157,000 177,100 • Other Services and Charges 129,700 116,500 122,500 • Intergovernmental Services and Taxes 3,004 ~ 2,000 Capital Outlays 159,553 204,424 329,650 Interfund Payments for Services 15,000 15,000 15,000 Total Equipment Rental $ 729,061 $ 731,790 $ 909,550 PUBLIC WORKS 105 EQUIPMENT RENTAL PERSONNEL SCHEDULE MUNICIPAL VEHICLE SERVICES Chief Mechanic Mechanics (2) Admin. Support Specialist II Overtime Seasonal worker (0 -2001, .5 -2002 for 6 mths) Total Municipal Vehicle Services % Increase (Decrease) Prior Year CAPITAL OlITLAY DETAIL: Machinery and Equipment: * I Replace police vehicles #271, #272, -#208 *. Replace concrete saw #129 1, Replace side arm mower and tractor #141 t, Replace small pick-up truck #167 t, Replace roller q.nd trailer #194 Constructon Projects t, Storage shed completion t, Equipment rental shop -design two bays * Op. Center facility optimization plan * Op. Center roof replacement . . Total Capital Outlays OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES DETAIL: Professional Services Uanitorial, towing vehicles) Communic~tion (telephone, pagers, cell phone) . ~ Operating leases for welder Public Utility Repairs and Maintenance of vehicles Registrations for classes, uniform services Total other services and charges 106 Actual Approp .2000 $ 45,730 104,267 31,439 1,000 $ 182,436 85,650 5,000 65;000 26,000 28,000 45~00 10,000 15,000 . 50,000 $ 329,650 $ 11,500 6,000 1,000 20,000 79,000 5,000 $ 122,500 Estimated .~ Required 2001 $ 57,344 101,463 35,447 1,000 9,054 . $ 204,308 11.99% PUBLIC WORKS • • III j. • • • • • • • • • ~. '. • • • • • • • fill • • • • • ., ., • • • •