AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter 18 . 54 of the Camas
Municipal Code by changing the Light Industrial/Country Tech zone
to Light Industrial/Business Park , by revising the provisions for
secondary uses within the LI/BP zone , and by modifying the
provisions for planned industrial development overlays .
WHEREAS , Chapter 18 . 54 of the Camas Municipal Code was recently reviewed by a
citizens advisory committee in conjunction with formulating a development plan for the North
Dwyer Creek area, and
WHEREAS , the citizens advisory committee has recommended several changes to Chapter
18 . 54 of the Camas Municipal Code , and
WHEREAS , those changes have been considered at two public hearings before the
Planning Commission held in April and June of 2000 and at a public hearing before the City
Council held on August 14 , 2000 , and
WHEREAS , the Council desires to adopt those changes to Chapter 18 . 54 of the Camas
Municipal Code ,
Section I
Section 18 . 54 . 010 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 010 - Pu ose
The Light Industrial/Business Park (LI/BP ) district is intended to provide for employment
growth in the City of Camas by protecting industrial areas for future light industrial
development . Design of light industrial facilities in this district will be " campus - style " ,
with ample landscaping , effective buffers , and architectural features compatible with and
not offensive to surrounding uses . Commercial development in the LI/BP district is
limited to those uses necessary to primarily serve the needs of the surrounding industrial
area and is restricted in size to discourage conversion of developable industrial land to
commercial uses .
Section II
Section 18 . 54 . 030 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 030 - Secondary Permitted Uses
Commercial development that is clearly subordinate to industrial uses , and which primarily
serves the daily retail and service needs of the Surrounding industrial area is permitted in
the LI/BP district as a secondary use . A list of permitted commercial uses is contained in
Table 18 . 54 . 030A . Because the scale and intensity of the permitted commercial uses may
change over time , commercial development is also limited in size , as shown in Table
18 . 54 . 03ID . Only commercial uses supporting permitted industrial uses , and not stand -
alone commercial uses , are allowed on parcels over five acres in size . Secondary
or such use to
commercial uses shall be permitted only upon proof of a demonstrable need f
Ordinance No . LO Page 2
serve other existing uses within the LI/BP district . All permitted commercial uses shall be
subject to the parking , design and other development standards contained in this chapter .
Section III
There is hereby added to Chapter 18 . 54 a new table designated as Table 18 . 54 . 030A as
follows :
Table 18 . 54 . 030A
Commercial Uses
Appliance sales & incidental service Prohibited
ATM Permitted
Service station Prohibited
Bakery Permitted
Banks Permitted
Barber/hair salon Permitted
Book store Prohibited
Bowling alley Prohibited
Building , hardware , and garden supply store Prohibited
Bus station Prohibited
Cabinet & carpentry shop [manufacturing only] Permitted
Candy and confectionary store Permitted
Card vendors Conditional
Clothing Prohibited
Coffee shop Permitted
Convenience store ( less than 10 , 000 square feet) Permitted
Convention center Permitted
Day- care center Permitted
Deli Permitted
Department store Prohibited
Retail laundry/dry- cleaning store Permitted
Fitness center Permitted
Florist shop Permitted
Furniture store Prohibited
Grocery , large scale ( 10 , 000 square feet or larger) Prohibited
Hospital Prohibited
Hotel , motel Prohibited
Ordinance No . 22? b Page 3
Household appliance repair Prohibited
Machine shop ( as industrial support service ) Conditional
Medical and dental clinics Conditional
Manufactured homes sales lot Prohibited
Office supply store Permitted
Parcel freight depots Conditional
Pharmacy Permitted
Photographic supply store Permitted
Photocopy business Permitted
Postal services (private mail/packaging business ) Permitted
Public agency Permitted
Real estate office Prohibited ,
except for
Recycling collection point ( on- site only) Permitted
Research facility Permitted
Restaurant Permitted
Shoe repair (no sales ) Permitted
Taverns Prohibited
Theater prohibited
Warehousing , in conjunction with a permitted use Permitted
Warehousing , bulk retail Prohibited
Manufacturing Uses
Manufacturing and/or processing of cotton , wool , Permitted
or other fibrous material
Manufacturing and/or processing of food Prohibited
production or treatment
Hazardous waste treatment off- site Prohibited
Light/High Tech Industry : Electronic equipment Permitted
High-tech Permitted
Optical goods Permitted
Packaging of prepared materials Permitted
Scientific and precision instruments Permitted
Other Uses
Auditorium Prohibited
Community club Prohibited
Ordinance No . 10 Page 4
Church Prohibited
Golf course/club house Conditional
Library Prohibited
Museum Prohibited
Open space Permitted
Park or playground Permitted
Sports fields Prohibited
Trails Permitted
College/university Prohibited
Elementary school Prohibited
Junior or senior high school Prohibited
Private , public or parochial school Prohibited
Trade , technical or business college Permitted
Minor telecommunication facility Permitted
Wireless communications facility Permitted
Facilities and utilities , minor public Permitted
Facility , public ( e . g . , fire station ; excludes Permitted
schools )
Facility , essential public Conditional
Railroad tracks and facilities Prohibited
Section IV
Table 18 . 54 . 031C of the Camas Municipal Code is revised as follows :
Maximum Floor Area Ratios and Minimum Parkin; Ratio
Use Maximum Ratio . of Minimum Parking Ratio
Building Area to Lot Area
General office
One space per employee at
1 story 0 . 3 : 1
2 stories 0 . 4 : 1 peak hour plus 15
3 stories 0 . 451
Research and
development laboratories ,
light manufacturing
One space per employee at
1 story 0 . 3 : 1
peak hour plus 10 %
2 stories 0 . 4 : 1
3 stories 0 . 45 : 1
Ordinance No . Page 5
Section V
There is hereby added to Chapter 18 . 54 a new table designated as Table 18 . 54 . 031 D as
follows :
Maximum Floor Areas for Secondary Uses (Allowed uses listed in Table 18 . 54 . 030A)
Percent of Gross Floor Area
1 story 20 % * Parking for secondary uses
is subject to the standards
2 stories 25 % * of Chapter 18 . 68 , Off- Street
3 stories 30 % * Parking and Loading
* To a maximum of 30 , 000 square feet .
Section VI
Section 18 . 54 . 100 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 100 - Planned Industrial Development Overlay - Creation Purpose
There is created under this chapter the planned industrial development (PID ) overlay . The
PID overlay is intended to accommodate creative and imaginative small industrial
development based on an approved comprehensive development plan for the site which is
designed to insure compatibility between the industrial operations therein and the existing
conditions of the surrounding area . In order to accomplish this purpose , it is the intent of
these overlay regulations : (A) to permit a PID to be established within the LI/BP zone after
approval of final plans as set forth below ; (B ) to allow the use of those innovations in the
technology of land development which are in the best interest of the city , and ( C ) to
encourage industrial development on existing smaller industrial lots in areas " B " and " C "
in the North Dwyer Creek area as identified in the North Dwyer Creek Master Plan .
Unless otherwise provided for in Sections 18 . 54 . 105 , 18 . 54 . 100 , and 18 . 54 . 115 , a
development in the PID overlay shall comply with all the provisions contained in this
chapter .
Section VII
Section 18 . 54 . 105 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows .
18 . 54 . 105 - Principal Uses
Based upon the development plan approved by the city , the following uses shall be
permitted in the PID overlay :
A . Primary permitted uses as listed in Section 18 . 54 . 020 , subject to the conditions and
d , except as provided in Sections 18 . 54 . 160 through
performance standards as require
18 . 54 . 190 ;
B . Secondary , commercial uses as allowed under Section 18 . 54 . 030 and in Table 1 of this
section , and subject to maximum sizes as shown in Table 18 . 54 . 105A .
Ordinance No . Page 6
Table 18 . 54 . 105A
Size of lot Maximum amount of primary Maximum amount of secondary
uses uses
0 - 2 acres Depends on applicant ' s proposal 25 % of gross floor area of approved
development to a maximum of
10 , 000 square feet . On lots smaller
than two acres and created prior to
st , secondary uses may
be built as a first phase , to be
followed by development of primary
use ( s ) as subsequent phases .
2 - 10 acres 1 story - 0 . 31 25 % of gross floor area of building to
2 stories - 0 . 4 : 1 a maximum of 10 , 000 square feet .
3 stories - 0 . 451 Secondary use must be built
concurrently with primary use or as a
subsequent phase . Secondary use ( s )
shall not be constructed and occupied
prior to primary uses .
Section VIII
There is hereby added to Section 18 . 54 . 110 ( a) of the Camas Municipal Code a new
subsection to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 110 - Area; Lot and Height Requirements
A . Minimum Area .
4 . The site is within the small - lot areas in the North Dwyer Creek area, indicated as Areas
B and C on the North Dwyer Creek Master Plan Map and there is evidence that the
standards of the ordinance codified in Sections 18 . 54 . 100 through 18 . 54 . 130 ad relevant
goals and policies of the comprehensive plan would be satisfied in the development of a
PID on the site .
Section IX
There is hereby added to Section 18 . 54 . 110 ( c) of the Camas Municipal Code a new
subsection to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 110 - Area , Lot and Height Requirements
C . Perimeter Requirements .
2 . Structures located on the perimeter of the development must be screened in a manner
approved by the city council . If the lot directly abuts a residential zone , more intensive
buffering and screening will be expected , including walls or berms and intensive plantings .
Section X
There is hereby added to Section 18 . 20 . 115 of the Camas Municipal Code a new
subsection to provide as follows
18 . 20 . 115 - Additional Requirements
E . Small - Lot Development Adjacent to Residential . In the North Dwyer Creek Area and
Ordinance No . � ?i71 Page 7
in other similar areas of the city , small industrial lots that abut residential zones must have
landscaping and buffering to mitigate negative impacts from industrial uses . Potential
impacts that must be addressed in the design include , but are not limited to , those from
odor , light and glare , noise , vibration , hours of operation, and traffic .
Section XI
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication
according to law . /wo jZ404
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayos of Amt, 2000 .
ATTEST : /k,
APPRO as to form :
City Attorney