ORD 2256 ORDINANCE NO , AN ORDINANCE amending Section 15 . 32 of the Camas Municipal Code , to provide for erosion prevention and sediment control , adopting standards of review, provide for the submission of a final erosion prevention/ sediment control plan , and prescribing a penalty for violations . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section I Section 15 . 32 . 010 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows . 15 . 32 . 010 - Findings Each year tons of sediment deposits are washed and blown from land- disturbing activities . These sediment deposits bring about detrimental effects to our society in the following ways : 1 . Excessive input of sediment deposits in local storm drainage systems , stormwater facilities , ditches , creeks , and streams reduce their capacity to contain and convey water , thus increasing the likelihood of flooding . 2 . Sediment deposits in local storm drainage systems cause an increase in itures for maintenance . public expend 3 . Sediment deposits in stormwater facilities increase Home Owners Association ' s expenditures for maintenance . 4 . Increased public expenditures for cleaning and maintaining roadway surfaces that receive excessive sediment ; 5 . Excessive sediment deposits can cause damage to occur to adjacent properties and rights - of--way - 60 Damages occur to fisheries due to the input of sediment deposits which clog spawning beds and increase turbidity levels , impairing the feeding ability of aquatic animals ; 7 . Runoff of sediment deposits promotes the transport of nutrients to lakes , . causing algal blooms and oxygen depletion ; and 8 . Sediment deposits have been found to cause detrimental water quality problems in the Washougal River , Lacamas Creek , Lacamas Lake , Round Lake , Fallen Leaf Lake and , ultimately , impacts the water quality in the Columbia River . Section II Section 15 . 32 . 020 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows : 15 . 32 . 020 - Adoption of Standards The city council adopts the following documents , including all diagrams and text : " Erosion Control Plans , A Technical Guidance Handbook , City of Camas , Washington , August 26 , 1991 or latest edition ; " Stormwater Management in Washington State , Department of Ecology , August 1999 (Draft) or latest edition ; and "A Builders Guide to Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control , Second Edition , Clark County Home Builders Association , Vancouver , Washington . " Ordinance No . 4Z5 Page 2 Copies of such documents shall be maintained in the council file on these proceedings , and shall be made available for public inspection at the public works department, building department, and the library . In the event any provision of this chapter and/or any city ordinance conflicts with the adopted documents , then this chapter and/or the city ordinance will govern . Section III Section 15 . 32 . 030 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as 15 . 32 . 030 - Definitions For the purpose of this chapter , the following definitions shall apply . A . " Land - disturbing activity" means any activity that results in a change in the existing soil cover (both vegetative and non- vegetative) or existing soil topography , including , but not limited to , demolition , construction , reconstruction , clearing , grading , filling , excavation , and landscaping . B . " Best management practices " or " BMP " means those construction practices designed to minimize erosion and disturbance of the surface of the land and shall include all physical , structural , and managerial practices that , when used singly or in combination , prevent or reduce erosion . Ce " BMP Manual " means the following documents , including all text and diagrams therein : " Erosion Control Plans , a Technical Guidance Handbook" , City of Camas , Washington , August 26 , 1991 , or latest edition ; " Stormwater Management in Washington State " , Department of Ecology , August 1999 (Draft) or latest edition ; and " A Builders Guide to Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control , Second Edition" , Clark County Home Builders Association , Vancouver , Washington . D . " Director" means the City of Camas Public Works Director , or designee . E . " Impervious surface " means a hard surface area which either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle as under natural conditions prior to development , including , but not limited to , roof tops , walkways , patios , driveways , parking or storage lots , concrete or asphalt paving , gravel roads , packed earthen materials , and Oiled , macadam or other surfaces which normally impede the natural infiltration of stormwater . Open , uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces . F . "New Development" means land- disturbing activities , including Class IV - general forest practices that are conversions from timber land to other uses ; structural development , including construction or installation of a building or other structure ; the creation of impervious surfaces ; and any subdivision , short plat and binding site plans , as defined in RCW Chapter 58 . 17 . All other forest practices and commercial agriculture activities are not considered new development . G . " Redevelopment" means , on an already developed site , the creation or addition of impervious surfaces ; structural development including construction or installation of a building or other structure ; and/or replacement of impervious surfaces that are not part of a routine maintenance activity ; and land- disturbing activities associated with structural or impervious redevelopment . H . " Small parcel " means any development project which adds less than 5000 square feet of impervious surface and involve land- disturbing activities of less than one acre . 2 '56 Ordinance No . Page 3 Section IV Section 15 . 32 . 040 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows . 15 . 3 2 . 040 - Applicability Any person proposing to undertake any land- disturbing activity , with the exception of any small parcel development , shall be required to meet the following standards : A . Submit an erosion prevention/ sediment control plan in compliance with this chapter which shall set forth the proposed erosion prevention/sediment control measures and shall further satisfy the criteria of the standard details and specifications for erosion prevention/sediment control plans . The plan shall be submitted and approved by the City prior to the commencement of any land - disturbing activity . In addition , an erosion prevention/ sediment control plan shall be submitted and approved by the City prior to the commencement of clearing , grading , fill , excavation , demolition, or construction related to any land development which requires a city permit, requires city approval , or is otherwise subject to SEPA review including , but not limited to , the following . 1 . Subdivisions ; 2 . Short plats ; 3 . Planned residential developments ; 4 . Site plan approvals ; and 5 . Street cuts . Be For all land - disturbing activities of an acre or more , furnish to the City an approved form of security in the amount of two hundred percent of the engineer ' s estimated cost of the erosion prevention/ sediment control measures , including associated labor , shown on the approved erosion prevention/ sediment control plan . Section V Section 15 . 32 . 050 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows : 15 . 3 2 . 05 0 - Exemptions The following are exempt from compliance with this chapter : A . Commercial agricultural and forest practices regulated under Washington Administrative Code Title 222 , except for Class IV General Forest Practices that are conversions from timberland to other uses . ivity where it has been shown , to the satisfaction of the Be Any land- disturbing act Directorthat no potential for erosi , on exists , no sediment can be transported from the site , and no degradation of the environment or drainage facilities will result from the proposed activity, with or without BMP ' s . . C * General landscape maintenance activities which are limited in scope , including mowing , gardening , mulching , and barkdusting . The Director shall have discretion in the determination of water quality impacts caused by such activities and may require the installation of BMP ' s . Section VI Section 15 . 32 . 060 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows : Ordinance No . Page 4 15 . 3 2 . 060 - General Requirements A . Compliance with this chapter shall be the joint and several responsibility of both the property owner on whose parcel the land - disturbing activity occurs and the person undertaking such activity . In addition , if the land- disturbing activity concerns a federal , state , or city issued permit , the permit holder is also responsible for meeting the requirements of this chapter . Be If the BMP ' s approved and applied to a site are insufficient to prevent sediment from reaching water bodies , adjacent properties , or public rights - of- way , then additional BMP ' s shall be implemented . Section VII A new Section 15 . 32 . 070 of the Camas Municipal Code is hereby added to provide as follows : 15 . 32 . 070 - Small Parcel Requirements Any person instituting new development upon a small parcel shall be required to establish and maintain erosion prevention and sediment control during construction as described in Camas Municipal Code Section 15 . 32 . 080 (D ) , to permanently stabilize soil exposed during construction , and to comply with the requirements set forth in " Stormwater Management in Washington State , Department of Ecology , Chapter 2 , Minimum Requirements for All New Development and Re - Development , Section 2 . 5 Small Parcel Requirements " . Section VIII A new Section 15 . 32 . 080 of the Camas Municipal Code is hereby added to provide as follows : 15 . 32 . 080 - SDecif c Requirements A . Preliminary Erosion Prevention/ Sediment Control Plan 1 . A preliminary erosion prevention/ sediment control plan shall be submitted at the time of application for each of the following land use applications and permits . a . Short plats and site plan reviews subject to SEPA review ; b . Subdivision ; c . Planned residential developments . d . Land- disturbing activities proceeding without a valid building or grading permit that are on or abutting slopes with grades greater than fifteen ( 15 ) percent . All other land - disturbing activities are exempt from the provisions of this Section 15 . 32 . 080 (A) . 2 . The preliminary erosion control plan , which can be included on the preliminary drainage plan , shall include : a . Site plan showing site topography ; significant trees , as defined in Camas Municipal Code Section 18 . 62 . 030 ; existing and planned drainage features ; and existing and proposed structures ; b . Preliminary soil analysis describing soil types on site and their Ordinance No . Page 5 erosion potential ; and c . Conceptual erosion control plan discussing BMP ' s to be utilized to control erosion/sediment and the general location of planned BMP ' s . The plan shall safeguard adjacent properties and confine erosion to within the project site . B . Final Erosion Prevention/ Sediment Control Plan 1 . A final erosion prevention/ sediment control plan shall be submitted as required by this Chapter . 2 . The final erosion/ sediment control plan may be submitted at the time of the pre - construction meeting and shall be developed by the project engineer or the party actually in charge of activities on the site . a . The plan shall be stamped by the engineer and bear the signed agreement of the contractor or party in charge . b . The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to the commencement of construction . c . The plan shall be a refinement of the Preliminary Erosion/ Sediment Control Plan ( if required) , clearly showing any changes or revisions . C . Preliminary and Final erosion prevention/sediment control plans shall encompass , at a minimum , the following : 1 . Construction Access Route : Construction vehicles access shall be limited to one specific route . The Director must approve additional accesses . Access route shall be stabilized with fabric and quarry spalls to minimize the tracking of sediment , mud , or debris onto public roads . Evidence of tracking of material from a construction site may require construction activities to cease until corrections are made . 2 . Sediment Removal from Roadway : If sediment , mud , or debris is transported onto a road surface , the roads shall be cleaned thoroughly at the if necessary . Soil deposits shall be end of each workday , or more often removed from roads by shoveling and sweeping . Street washing is not- allowed otallowed unless approved by the Director and only after sediment is removed in the manner described above . When street washing is approved , all inlets must be protected and down- stream confinement facilities must be provided . Containment facilities shall be emptied and cleaned after each washing and wash waters properly disposed of. 3 . Stabilization of Denuded Areas : All exposed soils shall be stabilized by cover and containment, in a timely manner , by suitable application of BMP ' s , including but not limited to sod or other vegetation, plastic covering , straw mulching , or crushed aggregate on areas to be paved . During the period from October 1 st to July 5th , no soil shall be exposed for more than two (2 ) days , including temporary suspension of work . From July 5th to October 1 st , no soil shall be exposed more than seven ( 7 ) days , including temporary suspension of work . BMP ' s shall be selected , designed , and maintained in accordance with the BMP manual . 4 . Protection of Water Bodies and Adjacent Properties . Water bodies and adjacent properties shall be protected from sediment deposition by appropriate use of vegetative filter strips , sediment barriers or filters , sediment traps or ponds , dikes or mulching , or by a combination of these Ordinance No . Page 6 measures and other appropriate BMP ' s . 5 . Sediment Ponds and Sediment Trays : Prior to leaving a site larger than one ( 1 ) acre , stormwater runoff shall be detained in sediment ponds , sediment traps , or other approved BMP systems until turbidity levels are at or below the State ' s allowable levels . The City may require the construction of a temporary storm drainage facility to bypass and protect the permanent facility until the project is complete and ready for the permanent facility to be brought on- line . Permanent stormwater quality and quantity facilities must be designed to the standards set forth in the latest edition of " Stormwater Management in Washington State , Department of Ecology" . Sediment traps are restricted to sites of less than one acre . Additionally , infiltration systems shall be isolated and protected from sedimentation by sediment traps , sacrlflc1 systems , duplicate systems , or redundant systems . 6 . Storm Drain Inlet Protection : All storm drain inlets shall be protected so that stormwater runoff shall not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment . 7 . Storm Drain Outlet Protection : All storm drain outlet devices shall be protected so that stormwater runoff leaving a project site will flow at non- erosive rates . 8 . Maintenance : All erosion and sediment control BMP ' s shall be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure continued performance of their intended function . A maintenance log for private facilities shall be provided and kept as a permanent record . The maintenance log shall be in a designated on- site location . 9 . Idle Construction Sites . Uncompleted construction sites shall be inspected no less frequently than once a week and after each rainfall and shall be repaired , if needed , consistent with the standards set forth in Camas Municipal Code 15 . 32 . 080 ( C ) ( 3 ) . 10 . Underground Utility Construction : The construction of underground utility lines shall be subject to the following requirements . a . A trenching and utility placement schedule , and an erosion control plan specifically related to underground work shall be submitted and approved prior to beginning work . On- site pre - construction meetings are highly recommended . b . The length of trench opened at one time shall be minimized . c . Excavated material shall be placed to minimize runoff into trenches and adjacent roadway consistent with safety and space considerations . d . Trench dewatering devices shall discharge into a sediment trap or sediment pond . e . BMP ' s shall be used to control erosion during and after construction . f. BMP ' s damaged during construction shall be replaced or repaired . D . Individual Home Sites and Small Parcels a Ordinance No . Page 7 1 . Construction of home sites and small parcels can cause significant amounts of sediment to be transported to receiving waters . Care must be taken to stabilize base soil throughout the construction process . Vehicles must be limited to construction access points . Builders of single family homes and other small prof ects shall refer to the following BMP manuals for guidance in preparing a site erosion control and soil stabilization plan : a . " Stormwater Management in Washington State " , Department of Ecology , August 1999 (Draft) or latest edition , and b . "A Builders Guide to Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control , Second Edition" , Clark County Home Builders Association , Vancouver , Washington , 2 . The following are required erosion/sediment control measures : a . Only construction vehicles are allowed off- street and must be utilized only on gravel construction access areas . . b . Workers ' personal vehicles shall be parked on adjacent streets or other approved areas . c . All unworked and exposed soils must be stabilized by seeding , covering , or mulching from the curb line to at least ten ( 10 ) feet from the building envelope . d . Pre - grade all sidewalk areas receiving runoff from the subject lot and stabilize for use as sediment traps . e . Gravel drives used as site entrances shall be constructed of minimum two - inch (2 " ) diameter gravel and no finer materials are allowed . f. Construction materials such as lumber shall be delivered and stored on designated locations which are stabilized and protected from erosion . g . Each owner , builder , or permit holder shall install and maintain inlet protection on street storm drain inlets down- slope from their site . h . Erosion control measures shall be reviewed and inspected at the end of each day . In non-work periods , inspections shall take place after each rainfall or at least once a week , whichever is more frequent . Needed corrections shall be made immediately . Section IX A new section 15 . 32 . 090 of the Camas Municipal Code is hereby added to provide as follows : 15 . 32 . 090 - Enforcement A . The severity of enforcement shall generally correspond to the degree of actual or 3 6 Ordinance No . Page 8 potential impact of erosion and sediment from a site on natural and man- made water bodies , adjacent property , stormwater conveyance systems , and stormwater facilities . The director of public works , or his authorized designee , is directed and authorized to implement and enforce all provisions of this chapter . In enforcing this chapter , the public works director shall have the following duties and powers : 1 ) To require the submission of erosion prevention/sediment control plans , and to review and approve such plans . 2 ) To inspect all construction activities to assure compliance with the provisions of this chapter . 3 ) To issue a " stop work" order for the site upon notice of any construction activity being conducted in violation of this chapter or in violation of an approved erosion prevention/ sediment control plan . 4 ) To require any person violating the provisions of this chapter or an approved erosion prevention/ sediment control plan to undertake all cleanup , corrective , and any other remedial measures necessary to remedy such violation . 130 Enforcement Stop Work Order a . The issuance of a " stop work" order indicates that all work of every type , make and description on the site shall cease , except for erosion prevention/sediment control measures . b . A " stop work" order will be in effect until such time as the Director establishes that all the necessary erosion prevention/ sediment control measures are in place , functioning , and the site is stabilized . c . Upon the written request of the person ordered to " stop work" , the Director may authorize the resumption of work on the site prior to completion of all directed mitigation efforts . The Director shall only authorize the resumption of work where the aggrieved person is actively pursuing directed mitigation efforts , the resumption of work will not create additional hazards , and the work will in no manner diminish the ability of the aggrieved person to finalize directed mitigation efforts . C . Enforcement Civil Infraction a . Any person, firm or corporation which violates any provision of this chapter or which undertakes any construction activity in violation of an approved erosion prevention/ sediment control plan as outlined in this chapter or who violates the terms of any " stop work" order issued pursuant to this chapter , shall be guilty of a civil infraction punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars a day . Each separate day or any portion thereof during which any violation occurs or continues constitutes a separate offense . D . Continued Duty to Correct Violation . Payment of a monetary penalty pursuant to this Chapter does not relieve a person of the duty to correct the violation as ordered . E . Appeal . Any appeal to the decision of the Camas municipal court shall be governed by the Rules for Appeal of Decisions of Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (RALJ) * F . Accrual of Penalty . The City is authorized to collect the monetary penalty by use of appropriate legal remedies . Seeking legal redress by the City shall neither stay Ordinance No . r Page 9 nor terminate the accrual of additional per diem monetary penalties so long as the violation continues . This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . PASSED b the Council and APPROVED b the Mayor this 1*48 of Y Y Y � Y 2000 . SIGNED : Mayor ATTEST : Clerk APPR as to form : Ylty Attorney ORDINANCE NO , 2256 On January 10 , 2000 , the Camas City Council enacted Ordinance No . 2256 , which adopts erosion prevention and sediment control measures , standards of review, provides for the submission of a final erosion prevention/ sediment control plan , and prescribes penalties for violations of the ordinance . The Finance Department will mail any person the full text of the ordinance upon request . , M Joan Durgin