ORD 2476 ORDINANCE NO ,c; 17
AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter 12 . 36 of the Camas
Municipal Code by revising the regulations for gates and other
road barriers .
Section I
Chapter 12 . 36 of the Camas Municipal Code is hereby amended to provide as set forth in
Exhibit " A " attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein .
Section II
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication
according to law .
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of December ,
ATTEST . �-•� ._
APPR, VF as to form :
City ttorney
chapter 12 . 36
Sections :
12 . 36 . 010 Purpose of Provisions .
12 . 36 . 020 Definitions .
12 . 36 . 030 Applicability of Provisions .
12 . 36 . 040 Design Standards ,
1236m050 Permits — Required .
12 . 36 . 060 Permit — Fee .
12 . 36 . 070 Permit — Issuance conditions .
12 . 36 . 080 Liability limitations .
12 . 36 . 090 Inspection Authority .
1236n100 Notification Requirements .
12 . 36 . 110 Maintenance and Repair — Responsibility .
12 . 36 . 120 Maintenance and repair time limit.
. 12 . 36 . 130 Confidence Testing .
12 . 36 . 010 Purpose of provisions .
The city council makes the following findings :
A . From time to time , the owners of real properly served by private streets and
driveways desire to erect gates or other barriers restricting vehicular access on such
private streets and driveways . '
B . Such gates or barriers will delay response of police, fire, medical and other public
services .
C. Gates or other traffic barriers maybe permitted only when adequate provisions are
made for access by fire, police, medical emergency and other public services,
12, 36. 020 Definitions
Unless otherwise specifically defined, the terms used in this chapter shall have the
following meanings:
A. "City " shall mean the city of Camas;
B. "Gate " shall mean a movable barrier designed and constructed to prohibit or limit
motor vehicle access from private property to a public street;
C. "Public works director" shall mean the director of the public works department of the
city of Camas or his authorized designee.
D. "Fire Chief" shall mean the Fire Chief of the fire department of the city of Camas or
his authorized designee.
12. 36. 030 Applicability of provisions.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all gates which are designed and
constructed on private properly and are intended to limit or restrict motor vehicular
access to a public street or thoroughfare except the following;
A. Gates restricting access to where there are no structures ' or improvements located
B. Gates providing access to private property used solely for agricultural or farming
C. Gates on private streets or driveways serving only one residential dwelling;
D, Gates attended by an operator at all times when the gate is in a closed position;
E. Gates where there is an alternative and unobstructed access satisfactory to the city.
12. 36. 040 Design standards.
All gate installations must satisfy the following design standards:
A. A turnaround shall be provided adjacent to the gate. The turnaround shall allow
passenger and delivery vehicles to exit the site without backing. The minimum turning
radius for the turnaround shall be twenty-five feet.
B. A sign shall be located at a point visible from the public roadway indicating "locked
gate ahead. "
C. All for
shall be equipped with, but not limited to, the following opening systems,
Strobe activation, Key Pad system, an Approved Lock Box with toggle switch, house
intercom, magnetic card or other approved
Activation by residents through phone,
d by emergency services using strobe activation, the
system . When the gate is accesse
gate timer shall be set to remain open for a minimum of 5 minutes.
D. All gates shall include an activation system for use by private property owners. This
system shall operate independently of the emergency access system, and may utilize
key pads, magnetic cards, radio transmitters, camera 's or other mechanisms approved
by the city.
E. All gates shall include an auxiliary power supply which shall automatically lock the
gate open in the event of a power outage. The % date including month and year of
battery installation shall be written on the battery with black permanent marker or other
permanent means.
F. There shall be an unlocked pedestrian access for all residential development gates.
G. Gate construction shall be of wrought iron or other material approved by the city. ,
The gate and related equipment shall be coated in a manner to prevent corrosion .
H. The gate shall be constructed in a manner so as to allow viewing. of obstructions
located within the swing path of the gate .
L Pass codes or any other necessary access items shall be furnished at the
homeowner's association or responsible agency's expense as needed by local fire, police
and public works departments. An approved 4 digit pass code shall be provided for
police and fire and a separate approved pass code shall be provided for public works.
key pad pass codes shall not be required to lock the gate open .
Access using
Protocol Access shall be noted/displayed on the access pad.
J. All dwellings or structures accessed behind gates shall have residential fire sprinklers
installed per NEPA 13, 13R or 13D.
X Tire puncture devices shall be prohibited.
L. Gate width for each travel lane shall not be less than 12 feet clear opening. A single
operating gate covering both travel lanes shall not be less than 20 feet clear opening.
M. Gate design shall typically conform to the Camas engineering design drawing
showing placement of activation key pad and dimensions for travel and pull out lanes.
Alternate means and methods may be submitted for possible approval.
12. 36. 050 Permit--Required when --Application.
A. Any person desiring to install a gate shall obtain an application form from the public
works department and a separate application form from the fire marshals office. The
applications shall contain the following information .
Y . A vicinity and site map of the proposed location for the gate;
2. A plan view and elevation of the gate installation illustrating gate dimensions and the
direction of the swing path for the gate;
3. A plan view of the gate turnaround;
4. The location of the access-control panel;
5. Control systems information, spec sheets etc;
6. The names and addresses of all property owners affected by the restricted access;
7. The name, address and phone number of the applicant;
S. The written consent of all property owners affected by the restricted access. A
homeowners association owning and maintaining private roads within a development
may consent for its membership. In all other instances, consent must be given
individually by each property owner affected by the restricted access;
9. Such other information as may be required by the public works department or the
Fire Marshal 's office .
B. The applications shall . be signed and dated by the applicant.
1436. 060 Permit--Fee.
Any person submitting an application for a gate shall pay a fire permit fee and a public
works permit fee. These fees shall be in addition to any other permit, development or
construction fees for the subject property.
12. 36. 070 Permit--Issuance conditions.
Upon receipt of properly completed applications for a gate installation conforming to the
standards of this chapter together with the application fees, the public works director
and the fire chief or their designees shall issue permits authorizing the installation,
construction and acceptance of the gate. Construction or installation of gate shall not
commence until public works director and the fire chief or their designees have
completed reviews and issued permits.
12. 36. 080 Liability limitations.
The city shall have no liability for any damage to the gate resulting from city vehicles or
personnel accessing the property, whether respondinto actual or false emergenci
g es.
Any damage sustained by city vehicles due to the gate installation shall be the
responsibility of the party responsible for maintenance and repair of the gate.
12. 36. 090 Inspection authority.
The city shall have the right to access the property to inspect the gate on a periodic
basis without being liable for trespass.
X2. 36. 100 Notification Requirements
A) Provide plat statement that reads "Privacy gates will cause delays to emergency
response agencies (Police, Fire, Medical) increasing their response times to your
B) Provide statement in the CC&R 's that reads "Privacy gates will cause delays to
emergency response agencies (Police, Fire, Medical) increasing their response times to
your emergency"
Q Add addendum in escrow instructions to be signed by all homeowners prior to close
of escrow that homeowners are aware that privacy gates will increase response times of
emergency service providers such as police, fire and EMS resources and homeowners
accept this reduced level of service as part of living in a closed community"
D) Provide a statement to the Plat and to the CC&R 's that "A yearly gate confidence test
is required by a licensed and approved company to ensure that all Gate Code
Requirements as noted in the City of Camas gate code are in compliance and in good
working order with a copy of the testing results including any repairs to be provided to
the fire marshal's office. Any gate that is past due for confidence testing shall be locked
in the open position until confidence testing is completed and a copy, provided to the fire
marshal's office.
12. 36. .E 00 Maintenance and repair- "Responsibility.
Maintenance and repair of the gate and related equipment shall be the responsibility of
the applicant. The applicant may, with the consent of the city, assign the obligation for
maintenance and repair of the gate and related equipment to another person or entity,
includina homeowners associ
g ation .
Y 2. 36. Y 1 0 Maintenance and repair- - Time limit.
Upon notification by the city of any defects in the gate installation, the party
responsible for maintenance and repair shall affect necessary repairs within seven (7)
days. Repairs shall not take more than seven days (7) to complete without prior
approval form the fire marshal's office. Failure to make repairs within the specified
period shall constitute a violation of the terms of the gate permit, and in such event the
city may require removal of the gate and related equipment.
Gates that are mal-functioning will be reported to the fire department within seventy-
two hours (72) . Notification can be made by the homeowners association, responsible
agency or licensed repair company. Notification shall include time period gate will be
inoperable, person or company performing the work, contact number, type of work
being performed. Gates shall remain locked open until repairs or maintenance is
completed. Failure to make repairs shall constitute a violation of the terms of the9 ate
permit, and in such event the city may require removal of the gate and related
a, U
equipment. A request for inspection by the fire marshal's office shall occur prior to gate
returning to normal operation .
Gates, turnarounds, gate keys, cards, remotes, pass codes or any other gate
function or activating device, shall not be changed or altered without prior I
approval of
the fire marshals office.
12. 36. 130 Confidence Testing
Gate confidence testing shall be required to be performed on a yearly basis by a
certified and approved WA licensed Installer. Confidence testing shall confirm that all
requirements outlined in this code are present, functioning and in good working order.
Results of the confidence .testing including any repairs shall be forwarded to the fire
marshal's office for review/ documentation . Any gate past due for confidence testing
shall be locked in the open position until confidence testing is completed and a copy
provided to the fire marshal's office .
On December 18 , 2006 , the City Council of Camas enacted Ordinance No . 2476 , which
amended Chapter 12 . 36 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the regulations for gates and
other road barriers . A copy of the full text of the ordinance will be mailed to any person upon
request .
DATED this jda - of December, 2006 .
o Durgin , City Clerk