ORD 2438 ORDINANCE NO . 4 CF AN ORDINANCE providing for the vacation of a portion of East 1 It Avenue , a portion of SE 2nd Avenue , and a portion of SE Cedar Street WHEREAS , by Resolution No . 1004 , the City Council initiated proceedings to vacate a portion of East 1St Avenue , a portion of SE 2nd Avenue , and a portion of SE Cedar Street , as more particularly described hereinafter, and WHEREAS , said Resolution set the 11 t" day of April , 2005 , at 7 : 00 p . m . , in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of Camas , Washington , as the time and place for a public hearing on said proposed vacation , and WHEREAS , pursuant to said Resolution , the City Clerk caused notices to be posted and mailed in accordance with the requirements of law , and WHEREAS , at the time and place set for said hearing , the Council considered the testimony of all persons commenting on the proposed vacation , and WHEREAS , the Council finds that the sections of street proposed to be vacated are not currently being utilized for road purposes , and WHEREAS , the Council has elected not to seek compensation for such vacation , now , therefore , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section I The sections of East 1St Avenue , SE 2nd Avenue , and SE Cedar Street , described in Exhibit " A " attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein , be and the same are hereby vacated . Section II Said vacation is made subject to the reservation of easements for maintaining , operating , repairing , and replacing existing utility lines and appurtenant facilities for water , storm sewer, and sanitary sewer . Section III This Ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . lot aAJ ;Z��M, 0 PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by y the Mayor this &1' �day of r � 1 SIGNED : . � �- yor ATTEST : Jerk APP OVE t for lty tt 'ney 0 4129916 ORD RecFee - $ 35 . 00 Pages : 4 - CITY OF CAMAS Clark Count WA 2 / 27 / 06 8 : 24 AM RETURN ADDRESS I1111111111111III1III III III111111IIII IIII IIIII IIIII II I III I II IIII III a ' 7 Please Print neatly or Type information DOCUMENT TITLE (S ) ` 36 REFERENCE NUMBERS ) OF RELATED DOCUMENTS ) Additional Reference # ' s on page GRANTOR( S ) Additional Grantors on page # GRANTEE ( S) toe) Additional Grantees on page # LEGAL DESCRIPTION ( abbreviated form : i . e . lot, block, plat or section , township , range , quarter/quarter) L '' � +I C o iop) I I To w vxs A $ e) dditional Legal is n page # ASSESSOR ' S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL/ACCOUNT NUMBER Additional Parcel # ' s on page The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on this form . The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein . EXHIBIT " A " 14123LD 1 4 - 25 - 05 GOF www. mackaysposito . com i - MAeKA ♦ Sp . • , In e ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS VANCOUVER KENNEWICK 1325 SE Tech Center Drive, Suite 140 , Vancouver, WA 98683 - ( 360 ) 695 - 3411 Fax: ( 360 ) 695 -0833 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PORTIONS OF SE CEDAR ST . ( BURTON ST . ) , SE 2ND AVE . (WATER ST . ) , AND EAST 1 ST AVE . FOR VACATION CAMAS , WASHINGTON Real property situated in the City of Camas , Clark County , Washington , being a portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 11 Township 1 North , Range 3 East of the Willamette Meridian , described as follows : SE CEDAR ST . ( BURTON ST . ) That portion of SE Cedar Street , shown as " Burton St . " on the plat of " Overlook Addition to the City of La Camas recorded in Book D of Plats at Page 19 , records of said county , lying Southerly of the Southerly right of way line of First Street as shown on said plat . SE 2ND AVENUE (WATER ST . ) That portion of SE 2nd Avenue , shown as "Water St . " on the plat of " Overlook Addition to the City of La Camas recorded in Book D of Plats at Page 19 , records of said - county , lying Easterly of the Easterly right of way line of Burton Street and Westerly of : the Westerly right of way line of Beeson Street as shown on said plat . EAST 1 ST AVENUE That portion of East 1 st Avenue , shown as the " County Road " and as " First St . " on the plat of " Overlook Addition to the City of La Camas recorded in Book D of Plats at Page 19 , records of said county , lying South of the South right of way line of the B . N . S . F . railroad right of way , shown as " S . P . & S . RY . " on said plat , lying Easterly of the Westerly right of way w s � line of " Burton Street" , and lying Westerly of the WesterlyG� 4rj right of way line of " Beeson Street " as shown on said plat . 4. p b The above parcels contain a total of 1 . 6 acres , more or less . o r� 36814 t t 1 'CIS TE Sub� ec o easements and restrictions of record . oIV AL LAS EXPIRES : 04/ 15 /07 Page 1 of 1 r EXHIBIT "B" SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEG4L DESCRIPTION POR TION5 Of SF CEDAR ST (BUR TON 5TJ1 SP 2ND A VE (WA TER 5TJ, AND E* 45T 1ST AVE FOR VA C4 TION CITY Of CAMAS CLARKCOUNTY, WASHINGTON APRIL 2005 NORTHERLY LINE OF NOR THERL Y L INE �1 OVERLOOK ADDITION OF FIRST ST ') � _ SOUTHERLY LINE OF RAIL WA Y 11 1 = 100 r 56TH PAYE • IN { t J J " COUNTY 3• y Y �(' a y { Y wt t aNe y `lA I IN {✓' J ti 'a J ♦ ,ems < r t s \ J J ♦ ,. X I , � ` J ♦ •.3 :<'f is t t 4 > > ANe. 5{. J i \Y - { r t t . . . .. . . ., . -.. . s rf gI N4 IN IN Y yay '. IN JNNPI I IN JJj T J5 ti } .. .. -. .. �L\\ . IN t , sf i L f F J . . � Pv�' • Ib XNI VA III NWI III, I wvr lk ^f' €. t /J .iw L{ x If .�^ h JIN 3Y IN 1 �. 'v �yn L y.''{ .} 1, Nr - a IN \ Yl3 J Y F \ � t^ •-.. .n3r x3 Jia 4 4 jr �C 4 � L7) zy r l �) \ f. y0. .'.. i<4 4 �` j 3A '+ J { \ < { `} y Y44 \ J �$A J♦ .$. y61, J `. ' r J � . t yy �45r n., { r A INN "Ni IN 4 } J vI I2 tyt+� y� 'C 4♦>c `ti^' �rJ t, / A VVV U _4 '"'R' L ,`"`6 �. • ) a Sh iJ' y rty t �' \ �y f t<. -.; a.tto � ti*tJ` \ ♦ra yt .4 t„k ry slot . { y 'a ♦r > J J nr {'kJ �' Y ` uv /� . rt 2 �•✓ M lsJ ? ty t v�C { i 3 S) ^ <Ce ` �yy 3JJ t ♦ i, x 'f 4 i19999999999 ,ry •moi t `. 7 ! J.G ys\ 4 1 Ar ' J ! r+ I %W {� 4 J /J \ tJ \ < INN— "v Y J J 4 . } \37•sf�k' . '� " ! J 1 Ji J �/.J� • • \ 1 \ 1 . • OVERLOOK ADDITION f \yam ` r ) y ` NNN ut �\ - L V *400PLAT BK. D, PG. l9 � u v. �,/ ♦\ y \ ♦ J v c. J t 4♦ ry : t dY 3Y 18 4 J { \ 5h .N r4 y ` y �or :1r e .Sym r { r . No \y S ) W L L^ >t2 1 III ode, 4 4d K INN.N 11 ININ 44 No IN I INOI 111 ," * 1 1411 INNI'l } r S 4 • 4 Jt 1 L `� \;3. ` y } Il 111 0 Nr 14 11 NN r y Y u y J o y4 A 1 f y { a kka NIN ♦ \ ti t M5 114 ♦ n 4ON . ,0 \, ♦ ', 2 10 , 1x r III,e IN. JJ MA ` 1 11'1,4 Na ANN IN I v A 91 1144 11 PORTION TO BE VA CA TED J { s tr L h `3 4f {{�,L,� t"ny 1,�` 4 :. . . � I/ L�• \ r IN. , Ni1; AV Q 0� Fo$z 0 AL LAS ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS ocPiRES 4/ 15/07 1325 SE TECH CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 140, VANCOUVER, WA 98683 (360) 695-3411 (503) 289 - 6726 PTLD FAX (360) 695-0833 PAGE 1 OF 1 1412JSS 1 ��� , February 10 , 2006 Clark County Assessor PO Box 5000 Vancouver, WA 98666 - 5000 RE : Street Vacation I have enclosed a true and accurate copy of Ordinance 2438 , which vacated portions of East 1 St Avenue , Southeast 2nd Avenue , and Southeast Cedar Street . The Camas City Council passed this ordinance on February 6 , 2006 . This copy is for your records . If you need more information regarding the above street vacations , please call me at ( 360 ) 834 - 2462 . Sincerely, Joan M . Durgin Finance Director