AN ORDINANCE amending Section 3 . 08 . 040 imposing the one -half
of one percent additional sales and use tax authorized pursuant to RCW
82 . 14 . 03 0 (2 ) .
Section I
Section 3 . 08 .040 is hereby amended to provide as follows :
3 . 08 . 040 Additional tax - Rate .
The rate of tax imposed by Section 3 . 08 . 030 , which shall be in addition
to the rate of the tax imposed by Section 3 . 08 . 020 , shall be one - half of
one percent of the selling price ( in the case of a sales tax) or value of
the article used ( in the case of a use tax) ; provided , however , that in the
event Clark County shall impose a sales tax and use tax pursuant to
RCW 82 . 14 . 030 (2 ) at a rate equal to or greater than the rate imposed
under this section , then the county shall receive fifteen percent of the
city tax ; and provided further , that in the event that Clark County shall
impose a sales and use tax pursuant to RCW 82 . 14 . 030 (2 ) which is less
than the rate imposed under this section , then the county shall receive
that amount of revenues from the city tax equal to fifteen percent of the
rate of tax imposed by the county .
Section II
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication
according to law .
PASSED b the Council and APPROVED b the Mayor this da of k ( 20070
y y y � y
APP VED as t o
A orney
' collected by Camas businesses
Sales tax , and somewhere around $ 7, 500
() 7
From Page C1 collected by Yacolt businesses .
But if Camas and Yacolt raise p N ,; . . .� . . , ,x.
their official tax rates to match
porated Clark County. the county, it 'll send most of Section
The state Department of those tax dollars to the city gov.
Revenue even sent incorrect in- ernment instead of the county.
structions to local businesses . Consumers wouldn't see a dif-
Then, the Clark County Au- ference, because the tax will the
ditor s Office noticed the rule have already gone up ,
and notified the state Depart Gerde, the Camas City •
ment of Revenue . Council member, said she 'd regton
Now, the revenue depart vote to raise city taxes in that
ment is placing phone calls to situation .
400 businesses in Camas and "That's a no -brainer," she
Yacolt, hoping to make sure sald .
that all of them charge the full Gerde said she didn't think
8 . 2 percent next week . Camas' council had even con-
Further complicating mat sidered raising the tax in her
ters , the 0 . 2 percent hike that 's 12 years of service .
caused all the confusion isn't " Five years ago, when we
the only new tax on this April had the real crunch time , we
Fools Day. A separate 0 . 1 per- didn't even bring it forward , "
cent "meth tax" for substance she said . "We said , ` Let's make
abuse and mental health treat budget cuts instead . "' ■ ■
ment will also take effect . Dave Feltcher, owner of One
The state rule is almost Stop Home Furnishings in
never applied , because almost Camas , was dismayed to hear
nobody has reined in sales tax that there will likely be another sniall Ci S
es as tightly as Camas , Yacolt few dollars between the taxes
and until this week Clark his customers pay and the ones
County. people pay his competitors in
" It 's so unusual that 's why sales-tax free Oregon .
we overlooked it at first," said "We love telling people
Mike Gowrylow, a spokesman it 's the lowest in the county,"
to raise tax
for the revenue department. Feltcher said of Camas' cur-
"I frankly don't know what the rent sales tax rate .
origin of it is . It 's been around
for years . " MICHAEL ANDERSEN cover Camas Yacolt Stevenson councils had
Under the law, Clark Cou s ,
Y Clark County government. Reach
will get all the money from the him at 360- 759-8052 or intentional kept sales tax rates louver
h ' �
higher tax an extra $ 400 , 000 michael. andersen Qcolumbian . com .
Columbian staff writer
Here 's one for the nog ood Update
deed goes unpunished " de - •
partment :an obscure state wed, Previously :
law seems to require tax Clark County decided to
hikes in Clark County's two raise $ 5 million by hiking
lowest- sales -tax cities , even sales tax 0 . 2 percent in
though their city councils unincorporated areas ,
never asked for the money. 10 What's new ;
The towns are Camas Government workers found
and Yacolt, and a compara- a little - noticed state law they
tively tiny amount of cash is say requires the higher tax to
at stake : two cents on a $ 10 apply in Camas and Yacolt ,
bottle of wine , $ 1 on a $ 500 too .
couch .
It 's the difference between 1 What's next .
8 percent and 8 . 2 percent Camas and Yacolt will decide
sales tax , and it goes into ef- if their governments want a
fect on April 1 . piece of the new revenue , or
It 's no joke , though . Those will just let the county have it .
pennies add up to almost
$ 400 , 000 annually in Camas
and keeping them in tax not .
payer hands has been a point That 's because state law
of pride . says that whenever a city and
Of the state 's 281 cities , its county set different tax
only three have chosen not to rates , city businesses have
levy the full tax : Camas , Ya- to charge the higher of the
colt and Stevenson . two . Therefore , a 0 . 2 percent
"We didn't need that ad- Clark County tax hike going
ditional revenue , " said Hel- into effect next Sunday will
en Gerde , who sits on the also boost the rate at Yacolt
finance committee of Camas' and Camas businesses ,
city council . "We were doing If you're confused , you're
OK." in good company. Until last
Last week, however, a conn- week , everyone county,
ty worker realized that busi- cities , and state had been
nesses within those cities' overlooking the law, assum-
borders will have to charge ing the 0 . 2 percent tax hike
the full 8 . 2 percent sales tax, would apply only . in unincor-
whether the cities want it or
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