ORD 19-009ORDINANCE NO. 19-009
AN ORDINANCE relating to consideration of proposed revisions to
the City of Camas Comprehensive Plan and adopting revisions to the
Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map of the City of Camas, and
the Evergreen School District Capital Facilities Plan.
WHEREAS, the City of Camas has heretofore adopted a Comprehensive Plan and
Comprehensive Land Use Map as required by the provisions ofRCW 36.70A, Revised Code of
Washington, the Growth Management Act, and
WHEREAS, under Chapter 36.70A, Revised Code of Washington, the City is required
annually to consider amendments to the land use element of the Comprehensive Plan and associated
rezones, and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has conducted a public hearing on the requests for
revisions submitted to the City, and has forwarded its recommendation to the City Council, and
WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a public hearing on the requests for revisions,
Section I
A request from property owners proposed to change the Comprehensive Plan and zoning
designations for a total of 79 parcels located south ofNW 28th Avenue, with a combined 11.01 acres.
The request is to amend the Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial and zoning of
Community Commercial to a Comprehensive Plan designation of Multifamily Low with a concurrent
zone change to Multifamily 10 for the following parcels: 81958-085; 81958-123; 81958-125; 81958-
126; 81958-128; 81958-129; 81958-130; 81958-250; 81958-252; 81958-254; 81958-256; 81958-
258; 81958-260; 81958-262; 81958-264; 81958-266; 81958-268; 81958-400; 81958-401; 81958-
402; 81958-403; 81958-404; 81958-405; 81958-406; 81958-407; 81958-408; 81958-409; 81958-
Ordinance No. 19-009 Page-2
410; 81958-411; 81958-412; 81958-413; 81958-414; 81958-415; 81958-416; 81958-417; 81958-
418; 81958-419; 81958-420; 81958-421; 81958-422; 81958-423; 81958-424; 81958-425; 81958-
426; 81958-427; 81958-428; 81958-429; 81958-430; 81958-431; 81958-432; 81958-433; 81958-
434; 81958-435;90264-090;90264-092;90264-094;90264-096;90264-098;90264-100;90264-
396; 90264-398; 90264-400; 90264-402. The Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation to
City Council consistent with Camas Municipal Code, Section 18.51.050 (B) (3) to modify the
proposed amendments.
Section II
A request from property owners proposed to change the Comprehensive Plan and zoning
designations for a total of36 parcels located west of Logan Street, with a combined 8.23 acres. The
request is to amend the Comprehensive Plan designation of Single Family Medium and zoning of
Residential-7 ,500 to a Comprehensive Plan designation of Single Family High with a concurrent
zone change to Residential-6,000 for the following parcels: 83016-000; 83017-000; 83035-000;
83038-000; 83040-000; 83047-000; 83053-000; 83054-000; 83075-000; 83085-000; 83094-000;
83096-000; 83102-000; 83103-000; 83123-000; 83124-000; 83780-000; 83790-000; 83800-000;
83810-000; 83830-000; 83840-000; 83850-000; 83860-000; 83865-000; 83880-000; 83890-000;
83900-000; 83905-000; 83906-000; 83910-000; 83930-000; 83932-000; 83935-000; 83940-000;
83960-000. The Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation to City Council consistent with
Camas Municipal Code, Section 18.51.050 (B) (3) to modify the proposed amendments.
Ordinance No. 19-009 Page-3
Section III
A request from a property owner proposed to change the Comprehensive Plan and zoning
designations for their parcel adjacent to NW Payne Street with 10.43 acres. The request is to amend
the Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial and zoning of Regional Commercial to a
Comprehensive Plan designation of Multifamily High with a concurrent zone change to Multifamily
18 for tax parcel175963-000. The Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation to City
Council consistent with Camas Municipal Code, Section 18.51.050 (B) (3) to maintain current
designation of Commercial until such time that an analysis of adequate buildable lands in Grass Valley to
meet 20-year employment projections is provided. The applicant submitted additional information to the
record prior to the public hearing for City Council to review. City Council moved to approve the
Section IV.
The City of Camas proposed the following amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and
Zoning designations:
A. Property adjacent to Hill Street with 0.28 acres be amended from a Comprehensive Plan
designation ofPark to a Comprehensive Plan designation of Multifamily High with a
concurrent zone change to Multifamily 18 for tax parcel 86410-000.
B. Multiple properties north ofNW 1oth Avenue of a combined 4.14 acres be amended from
a Comprehensive Plan designation of Single Family Low and zoning of R-15,000 to a
Comprehensive Plan designation of Single Family Medium with a concurrent zone
change to R-7,500 for the following tax parcels: 85797-003; 85796-008; 85796-003;
986036-993; 85796-004; 85796-010; 85796-011; 85796-012; 85796-002.
C. Multiple properties located along the eastern side ofLacamas Lake with a combined 57
Ordinance No. 19-009 Page-4
acres be amended to a zone of Open Space for tax parcels 178099-000; 17886-000;
D. The Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation to City Council consistent with
Camas Municipal Code, Section 18.51.050 (B) (3) to modify the proposed amendments
as forth within this Section IV, Subsections A, C, and D. City Council modified Planning
Commission's recommendation for Subsection B as provided.
Section V
A request from Evergreen School District adopting the Evergreen School District
Capital Facility Plan as submitted and the associated changes to the Evergreen School District Impact
Fees. The Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation to City Council consistent with Camas
Municipal Code, Section 18.51.050 (B) (3) to accept the proposed amendment.
Section VI
The City Council hereby modifies the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and
directs the Community Development Director to amend the Camas Comprehensive Plan, and to
amend the Camas Zoning map consistent with the table set forth within the attached Exhibit "A".
Section VII
An amended Camas Comprehensive Plan map and Camas Zoning map, consistent with
Sections II through IV are attached as Exhibit "B".
Section VIII
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five (5) days from and after its publication
according to law.
Ordinance N o. 19-009 Page-5
PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 7th day of October, 2019.
APPROVED as to form:
City Attorney
Ord. 19-009 EXHIBIT A
City File# Amended Parcels Acreage
CPA19-01 (Sui Hui)
Amend "Commercial" {79 properties are south of NW 28th Avenue) 81958-11.01 acres
designated properties to 085; 81958-123 ; 81958-125 ; 81958-126; 81958-
"Multifamily Low", with an 128; 81958-129 ; 81958-130 ; 81958-250 ; 81958-
associated zoning of MF-1 0 , 252; 81958-254 ; 81958-256; 81958-258; 81958-
with the exception of threef1l 260; 81958-262 ; 81958-264; 81958-266; 81958-
parcels in the district that shall 268; 81958-400; 81958-401 ; 81958-402 ; 81958-
maintain current Commercial 403; 81958-404; 81958-405; 81958-406 ; 81958-
designation. 407; 81958-408; 81958-409; 81958-410 ; 81958-
411 ; 81958-412; 81958-413; 81958-414 ; 81958-
415; 81958-416; 81958-417; 81958-418 ; 81958-
419; 81958-420; 81958-421; 81958-422 ; 81958-
423; 81958-424; 81958-425; 81958-426 ; 81958-
427; 81958-428 ; 81958-429 ; 81958-430; 81958-
431 ; 81958-432; 81958-433; 81958-434 ; 81958-
435; 90264-090; 90264-092; 90264-094 ; 90264-
096; 90264-098; 90264-100; 90264-188 ; 90264-
190; 90264-192; 90264-194; 90264-196 ; 90264-
198; 90264-200; 90264-202; 90264-204 ; 90264-
206 ; 90264-208 ; 90264-210 ; 90264-212; 90264-
214; 90264-392; 90264-394; 90264-396; 90264-
398; 90264-400; 90264-402
[Note 1]. The three commercial parcels that shall remain
unchanged are as follows: 81958-101 (Pacwest Energy I Gas
Station}; 81958-116 and 81958-117 (Frey I Summit Animal
CPA19-02 (Rouse)
Amend all properties within the (36 properties west of Logan Street) 83016-000 ; 8 .23 acres
"Single Family Medium " 83017-000; 83035-000 ; 83038-000; 83040-000 ; 83047-
designation to "Single Family 000; 83053-000; 83054-000; 83075-000 ; 83085-000 ;
High " with an associated zoning 83094-000 ; 83096-000; 83102-000; 83103-000 ; 83123-
of R-6. 000; 83124-000 ; 83780-000; 83790-000; 83800-000 ;
83810-000; 83830-000; 83840-000; 83850-000; 83860-
000; 83865-000; 83880-000; 83890-000; 83900-000 ;
83905-000; 83906-000 ; 83910-000 ; 83930-000 ; 83932-
000; 83935-000; 83940-000; 83960-000
CPA19-03 (Knopp)
Amend parcel from 175963-000 10.43 acres
"Commercial " to "Multifamily
High ", with an associated
zoning of MF-18.
Ord. 19-009
City File# Amended Parcels Acreage
CPA19-05 (City amendments)
(a) Amend parcel from "Park" to (a.k.a. "Hill Street") 86410-000 0.28 acres
"Multifamily High " designation
with an associated zoning of
(b) Amend west side lots from (a.k.a. "10th Avenue" 9 properties) 85797-003 ; 85796-4.14 acres
"Single Family Low" to "Single 008 ; 85796-003 ; 986036-993; 85796-004 ; 85796-010;
Family Medium" with an 85796-011 ; 85796-012 ; 85796-002
assoc iated zoning of R-7 .5 to
pair w ith adjacent zoning
district to the south.
(c) Amend zoning to "Open (3 park properties at Lacamas Lake) 178099-000 ; 57 acres
Space". 177886-000 ; 177896-000
Comprehensive Plan Designations . ' ~ ~
Single Family Residential
· Low Density 871 866.9
·Medium Dens ity 3617 3608.7
· High Density 425 437.5
· Low Density 279 290.0
SUMMARY: · High Density 246 256.7
Commercial 992 970.6
Industrial 2427 2427.0
Park 851 850.7
Open Space/ Green Space 492 492.0
Total acreage*: 10,200 10,200
·rotal area w ithin each comprehensive plan des ignation within the UGB .
ST500ST142nd StTo 6thAveNW6thAveNE 292nd AveNE 3rd StNW 11th AveNE WhitneySt3rd StNE2ndAveSEMillPlainBlvdNE 217thAveNW 18thAveNW18thLoopSEBradyRdNE18thStNE 3rdAveDivision StNE AdamsStSE 8th AveSE WhitneyStSEBradyRdNWSierraStNE LeadbetterEastlake RdC StEStNE 223rd AveE St6th StSE 15thStNW Astor StSE 20th StNW 43rd AveNW Sierra StNW Cascade StNE Robinson RdSE NourseRdSE 7th StNELakeRdSE 34th StDivision StNW 18th AveNW 28th AveNE 43rd AveNW 23rd AveNW Astor StSEBlairRdSEBybeeRdSEColumbiaPalisadesDrNE53rdStSE Robinson RdNE 19th StSEEvergreenHwyNShepherdRdNE 13th StNE 232nd AveNELeadbetterWestlakeRdSE 15th StNE 199th AveNWFargoStC StNE Reilly RdSE 1st StSE192ndAveNE 68th StNW Friberg-StrunkStSE 23rd StNE Blue Lake RdSE283rdAveNW 6th AveNE 192ndAveSELeadbetterRdNW Pacific Rim BlvdNE Goodwin RdNE Livingston RdNE 232nd AveNE 53rd StNW McIntosh RdSECrownRdNEBradfordRdNE 28th StNEIngleRdNW Brady RdSE 192nd AveNE292ndAveNE Blair RdNWParkerStNE3rdAveNW 38thAveSW 6th AveNE Marine DrNWLakeRdSFLSFLSFMSFHSFLSFHSFLSFLSFLSFLSFLSFLSFLSFLSFLSFLSFLSFLSFLSFLSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFHSFMSFMSFMSFMSFMSFHSFHSFHSFHSFHSFHSFHSFHSFHMFHMFHMFHMFHMFHMFHMFHMFHMFHMFHSFMSFMSFMMFLMFLMFLMFLMFLMFLMFLMFLMFLMFLMFLCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMMFLCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMCOMINDINDINDINDINDINDINDINDINDINDINDINDINDISFLSFLINDPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPMFHPPPPPPPOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSOS/GSPPPSFHPWaterWaterWaterWaterWaterWaterCOMCOMSFM01MilesPrinted on: Sep 24, 2019Project: \\olympus\GIS\DataOps\Planning\Complan\Camas_PlanningCommRecommendation\PlanningComm_Recommendations.aprxNOTE: Information shown on thismap was collected from severalsources. Clark County accepts noresponsibility for any inaccuraciesthat may be present.Camas Comprehensive Plan MapOrdinance 19-___ Adopted October 2019KEYUrban Growth Area (UGA) BoundaryCity BoundaryComprehensive PlanCommercialIndustrialSingle-Family_LowSingle-Family_MediumSingle-Family_HighMulti-Family_LowMulti-Family_HighPark (P)Open space/Green space (OS)OS
NW6thAveSE 34th StNE 292nd AveNE 3rd StNE 217thAveNW 11thAveNE WhitneySt3rd StNE2ndAveNW 18thAveNW18t h
SEBrad y
RdNE 3rdAveDivisio
St SE 8thAveSEMillPlainBlvdE St
SE WhitneyStNE 18th StSE B radyRdNWSierraStNE LeadbetterEastlake
Rd C StE St
6th StNW Astor StNW 43rd AveNW Sierra StNW Cascade StSE 15th StNE 223rd
SE 20th StNE R
d SE Nourse RdSE 7th StNE L akeRd
SE Blai r Rd
Division StNW 18th AveNW 28th AveNE 43rd AveNW 23rd AveNWAstorStSEBybee
RdSEColumbiaPalisadesDrNE53rdStNShepherdRdSE Rob
NE 19th StSEEvergreenHwyNE 13th StNE 232nd AveN E L e a d b e tte rWe s tla k e R d SE 15th StNE 199th AveC StNWFargoStNE Reilly RdSE 1st StNE 68th StNW Friberg-StrunkStSE 23rd StSE283rdAve
NW 6th AveNE Bl
NE 192nd AveNE Livingston RdSELeadbetterRdNW Pacific Rim BlvdNEGoodwinRdNE 232nd AveNE 53rd StNW McIntosh RdSECrownRdNEBradfordRdNE 28th StNEIngle
Rd NW Brady RdNE292ndAveNE Blair RdNWParkerStNE3rdAveNW 38th AveSW 6th AveSE192nd
Ave NE Marine DrNW LakeR dAirportOverlay- Zone BAirportOverlay- Zone AAirportOverlay- Zone CAirport Overlay- Zone CAirport Overlay- Zone CAirportOverlay- Zone CGateway CorridorGateway CorridorGateway CorridorGatewayCorridorGatewayCorridorGatewayCorridorGateway CorridorGateway CorridorGateway CorridorGatewayCorridorGatewayCorridorGateway CorridorGateway CorridorGateway CorridorGateway CorridorGateway CorridorGateway Corridor01MilesPrinted on: Sep 24, 2019Project: \\olympus\GIS\DataOps\Planning\Complan\Camas_PlanningCommRecommendation\PlanningComm_Recommendations.aprxNOTE: Information shown on thismap was collected from severalsources. Clark County accepts noresponsibility for any inaccuraciesthat may be present.Camas Zoning MapOrdinance 19-___ Adopted October 2019KEYUrban Growth Area (UGA) BoundaryCity BoundaryZoning OverlayGateway CorridorAirport Overlay - Zone AAirport Overlay - Zone BAirport Overlay - Zone CZoningSingle-Family residential (R-15)Single-Family residential (R-12)Single-Family residential (R-10, R10)Single-Family residential (R-7.5)Single-Family residential (R-6)Multi-Family (MF-18)Neighborhood commercial (NC)Community commercial (CC)Mixed use (MX)Business park (BP)Light industrial (LI)Heavy industrial (HI)WaterMultii-Family (MF-10)Regional commercial (RC)Downtown commercial (DC)Light industrial/Business park (LI/BP)ParkOpen space (OS)