ORD 2245 ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter 9 . 28 of the Camas Municipal Code to provide for the designation of certain dangerous weapons , banning the possession of dangerous weapons in designated public areas , and providing for the disposal of forfeited firearms . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section I Section 9 . 28 . 060 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as follows : 9 . 28 . 060 - Dangerous Weapons - Prohibition Every person who shall manufacture , sell or dispose of or have in his possession any instrument or weapon of the kind commonly known as a slingshot , sand club , or metal knuckles , or spring blade knife , or any knife the blade of which is automatically released by a spring mechanism or other mechanical device , or any knife having a blade which opens or falls , or is ejected into position by the force of gravity , or by an outward , downward , or centrifugal thrust or movement ; who shall furtively carry with intent to conceal any dagger , dirk , pistol , or other. dangerous weapon ; or who shall use any contrivance or device for suppressing the noise of any firearm , shall be guilty of a misdemeanor . Section II There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows : 9 . 28 . 065 - Dangerous Knife - Designated o Dangerous knife shall mean any fixed blade knife , any balisong knife and any other knife having a blade more than three and one - half inches in length or any dagger , sword , bayonet , bolo knife , hatchet , straight- edge razor or razor blade not contained in a package , dispenser or shaving appliance . Section III There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows : 9 . 28 . 055 - Public Areas - Prohibition It is unlawful for anyone to possess a firearm , whether the person has a license or permit to carry the firearm or not , and whether the firearm is concealed or not , or any dangerous knife , as defined in this Chapter , in any public park , on public or private school grounds , in the Camas City Hall , in the Camas Public Library , in the Camas Community Center , in the Camas Police Department , or in any other building or facility owned or operated by the City , except the public entrance area thereto ; provided , however , that this prohibition shall not apply to any person , who by virtue of his office or public employment is vested by law with a duty to preserve public safety , maintain public order , or to make arrest for offenses , whether during regular duty hours or not . Section IV There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows : Ordinance No . Page 2 Article V . Dangerous Knife 9 . 24 . 140 - Possession It is unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years to possess any dangerous knife , as defined in Camas Municipal Code 9 . 28 . 065 . Every person who shall violate the foregoing provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor . Section V 9 . 28 . 070 - Disposal of Forfeited Firearms ( 1 ) Except as provided in subsections (2 ) and ( 3 ) of this section , firearms that are : ( a) Judicially forfeited and no longer needed for evidence ; , or (b ) Forfeited due to a failure to make a claim under RCW 63 . 32 . 010 or 63 . 40 . 010 ; may be disposed of by the Camas police department , in its discretion , as follows : ( i ) Retained for departmental use , (ii ) Traded to licensed dealers , ( iii ) Auctioned to licensed dealers , or ( iv) Destroyed . The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to firearms that have come into the possession of the police department after June 1 , 1999 . Firearms that have come into the possession of the department prior to said date shall be disposed of in accordance with RCW 9 . 41 . 098 . (2 ) Antique firearms and firearms recognized as curios , relics , and firearms of particular historical significance , by the Un itA States Treasury Department Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco and Firearms are exempt from destruction and shall be disposed of by auction or trade to licensed dealers . ( 3 ) All firearms that are unlawful for any person to manufacture , own , buy , sell , loan , furnish , transport , or have in possession , or under control , shall be destroyed ; provided , however , if such firearms may be rendered lawful by removal or alteration of components , the police department may , in its discretion , remove or alter components and thereafter dispose of such firearms in accordance with subsection ( 1 ) of this section . (4 ) Any proceeds received from the trade or auction of firearms shall be used by the police department for law enforcement purposes . Section IV This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by tie Mayorothi day of vember , 1999 . SIGNE . Mayor r ATTEST . Clerk APP O t form . Ci Attorney Capital Facilities Plan Projects eligible for REST funds usage IV me 1 t it "IF III ,� IF IF rtIF ZiOY f u a e me 4 Ili,2nc ua er: Flm/i 1 : . I�V. Pru Tc►t R t 14 (2) % IF mm� IF I % ,IF e :%% ectmill 'k F-IIF, R : le t _ . % Aval Iii I ' m " ec _ , �cr j % CcstIle eIF mlv ir %m n _ % 11 %, % I . % 41-Vie Many projects have other funding sources ( grants ) , therefore that portion is not shown . 2000 Forest Home Park 56 , 000 569000 569000 Fire/old police department remodeling 110007000 1 , 00-0 , 000 - Swimming pool renovation 250 , 000 1547223 - Frank ' s moorage 675 , 000 366 , 780 366 , 780 City/school field construction 300 , 000 150 , 000 - Lacamas Community Park 17050 , 000 507000 507000 ( if land acquisition - Fallen Leaf softball field 100 , 000 50 , 000 50 , 000 not eligible under Trail / bike acquisition & development 100 , 000 100 , 000 - Reet 2 ) Recreation facility 11000 , 000 1 , 000 , 000 - Construction of Westside fire station 29000 , 000 27000 , 000 - NE Lake Rd/ Everett St . intersection 275 , 000 25 , 000 259000 $ . 116M allocated to TIF NW 18th & Hood improvements 2009000 307000 30 , 000 $ . 17M allocated to TIF SE 1 st/ Lake Rd . 21895 , 000 550 , 000 5509000 $ . 784M allocated to TIF construction 8 , 000 , 000 8 , 000 , 000 Library - Storage building 70 , 000 70 , 000 Annual Total 17 , 915 , 000 13 , 546 , 003 1 , 127 , 780 2001 Grass Valley park development 1 , 000 , 000 500 , 000 500 , 000 Recreation facility development 69000 , 000 61000 , 000 - Greenspace/ park acquisition 500 , 000 500 , 000 - Trail /bike acquisition and development 600 , 000 180 , 000 SE 1 st/ Lake R d . 61744 , 750 19422 , 375 19422 , 375 Annual Total 14 , 844 , 750 81602 , 375 179229375 2002 City Hall expansion 13 , 000 , 000 13 , 000 , 000 - Greenspace/parks acquisition 600 , 000 6007000 - Greenspace/ parks development 400 , 000 4009000 4007000 Trail /bike acquisition and development 1009000 100 , 000 - Sports complex acquisition 11000 , 000 500 , 000 Annual Total 15 , 100 , 000 14 , 600 , 000 400 , 000 2003 Greenspace/ parks acquisition 6007000 600 , 000 - Greenspace/ parks development 400 , 000 400 , 000 400 , 000 Trail /bike acquisition and development 1009000 1007000 - Sports complex development 110007000 1 , 000 , 000 - Annual Total 2 , 100 , 000 2 , 100 , 000 4009000 Capital Facilities Plan Projects eligible for REET funds usage VII tIV I IlkI V__ R11% Iz _ RIe I IVet1eOkIlkIlkPUSEZ e eIV 2004 Greenspace/ parks acquisition 600 , 000 6009000 - Greenspace/ parks development 400 , 000 400 , 000 400 , 000 Trail / bike acquisition and development 100 , 000 100 , 000 - Annual Total 1 , 100 , 000 1 , 100 , 000 400 , 000 2005 Trail /bike acquisition and development 1009000 100 , 000 - Recreation Center 270007000 21000 , 000 - Annual Total 2 , 1001000 2 , 1007000 - Reet 1 - for any capital purpose identified in a capital improvements plan . Reet 2 - for projects related to streets , sidewalks , traffic signals , water , storm and sanitary sewer systems , and planning , construction , repair , rehabilitation or improvement of parks . No park land acquisition is eligible . , ; a . Local Sales and Use Tax Collected City ' s Tax Rate = . 80 11500 , 000 1 , 404 , 591 1 , 350 , 000 1 300 000 1 ,.221 .. .:, 617 1 , 228,484 , 1 , 068084 00 , 000 900 , 000 r 700 , 000 y Y . F f { .� C y } v C L k 2 500 , 000 1996 1997 1998 1999 est 2000 est Sales Use Tax Estimates and Rate Comparisons IIem I. 11 for Year 2000 2 , 000 , 000 1 65 V—FV­ ;IIj�:I-.:.�.i�:..++.I:M.:I�III:I4.1 175007000 . . . . t 4f f r -'' � Af f II :v;:,.g1,I.:,4,I,:.:K:..:I..,,::e.:7,:V:."..:I;;,.,..44 } * - df f {� *✓ p ,iI�,I0,�iIa w�0'AM4��.4� AF4 `+ .a.+' F } 1 , 000 , 000 r 'F r : ;c ' Q f r`Gl r 5001 000ff r} } 5 w. , . . . . . . . . . r 0 W 0 . 5 0 . 8 1 . 0 Rate Notes Chart 1 - 1999 includes approx . $ 400 , 000 one time payment from Wafertech Clark County receives 15 % of sales tax Real Estate Excise Tax Collected at Rate of . 25 500 , 000 450 , 000 400 , 000 f Y 5. AdNI4IN4;m,A:.0 AAAAII�tIAAIII"oAtOAF4:FIIW IA:aNIIAkAI4A,I+LAILAIIdlI IIA-.A1IAo0A 1.AI.mIII+I1IIA4AI62.A 1 IA4 AII"IAIA I11:AIl-AAIIIAII:I1IAA4 l4IAIA"MIIIAIIIA AA.IAI-II+AIAIAIItF C { ; . . /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ::. .. . . .- .: W..... . :. . . . f 3507000 £ x r IFAIILIAAAAIA,F FIAII IIm I LF II+iIA%*AA AIFAAftIAL I.IAAIAI FI1A1ANNIAmAAIIIII1I44I.N mAI:ILAAII14I4-AA'T1I1AAAI:,aa+I++'41.iI4IAIlIAI I.A:IF";IAIIA+It.IAA II 1A:FAA I I A&III y . f 300 , 000 250 , 000 f ... 1. .:: .: . f 200 000 : i. .. . . . . `:.. is •: :.::• 2 , i:: ., S f 5 AAA 100 , 000 50 , 000 x 0 ALISILOIIII4FWI 1996 1997 1998 1999 est 2000 est Year 2000 assumes an. estimated 12 % increase from year 1999 Both Taxes Compared for Year 2000 3 , 000 , 000 ■ SALE S TAX W s REST f 2 , 500 ) 000 : . { } 1 2 , 000 , 000 U00 ) 000 1 , 000000 4 ! W 500 000 j f 3 $ ' fes' . 2 5 / . 8 o25 / 1 . 5 / 98 . 5 / 1 II REST/SALES Tax Combinations If REET is increased to . 5 % the additional . 25 % can only be used for water , sewer , and street capital projects The REET rate can be increased to a maximum of 1 . 0 , however , the Sales Tax Rate must then be reduced to . 50 (Example not shown because not recommended) 1 CITY OF CAMAS 616 Northeast Fourth Avenue � P. O . Box 1055 Camas , Washington 98607 http : //www , ci . camas . wa . us November 23 , 1999 Clark County Treasurer ' s Office PO Box 5000 Vancouver , WA 98666 - 5000 I , Joan M . Durgin , City Clerk of the City of Camas , certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No . 2246 adding a new section to Chapter 3 . 84 of the Camas Municipal Code , and imposing an additional excise tax of one - quarter ( 1 /4 ) of one ( 1 % ) percent on the sale of real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Camas . Section II states this ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication , which translates to an effective date of December 6 , 1999 . Joan M . Durgin Administration Building Finance Fire Police Public Works Parks & Recreation 360 * 834 * 6864 360 . 834 . 8860 360 . 834 . 2462 360 . 834 . 2262 360 . 834 . 4151 360 . 834 . 3451 360 . 834 . 7092 ■ CITY OF CAMAS 616 Northeast Fourth Avenue a P. O . Box 1055 Camas , Washington 98607 s http : //www , ci . camas . wa . us November 23 , 1999 State of Washington Department of Revenue PO Box 47477 Olympia , WA 98504 - 7477 I , Joan M . Durgin , City Clerk of the City of Camas , certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No . 2246 adding a new section to Chapter 3 . 84 of the Camas Municipal Code , and imposing an additional excise tax of one - quarter ( 1 /4 ) of one ( 1 % ) percent on the sale of real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Camas . Section II states this ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication , which translates to an effective date of December 6 , 1999 . Joan M . Durgin Administration Building Finance Fire Police Public Works Parks & Recreation 3600834@6864 360834 . 8860 360 . 834 . 2462 360 . 834 . 2262 360834 . 4151 360 . 834 . 3451 360 . 834 . 7092