AN ORDINANCE amending the zoning code by adopting a
definition for "binding site plan" and amending Section 18 . 54 . 100
of the Camas Municipal Code by allowing binding site plans as an
alternative method of land divisiol within the LILT zone .
Section I
There is hereby added to Chapter 18 . 08 of the Camas Municipal Code a new section to
provide as follows :
18 . 08 . 115 - Binding Site Plan
" Binding site plan" shall mean a drawing to scale which ( a)
identifies and shows the areas and locations of all streets , roads ,
improvements , utilities , open spaces and any other matters required
by ordinance ; (b ) contains inscriptions or attachments setting forth
such appropriate limitations and conditions for the use of land as
are established by city ordinances , and ( c) contains provisions
requiring any development to be in conformity with the approved
site plan . A binding site plan shall be an alternative method to
subdivisions and short subdivisions for the division of land when
permitted under the regulations of the applicable zoning
classification .
Section II
Section 18 . 54 . 100 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to read as follows :
18 . 54 . 100 - Planned Industrial Development Overlay - Creation , Purposes
There is created under this Chapter the planned industrial
development (PID ) overlay . The PID overlay is intended to
accommodate creative and imaginative small industrial
development based on an approved comprehensive development
plan for the site which is designed to insure compatibility between
the industrial operations therein and the existing conditions of the
surrounding area . In order to accomplish this purpose , it is the
intent of these overlay regulations : ( a) to permit a PID to be
established within the LICT zone after approval of final plans as
set forth below ; and (b ) to allow the use of those innovations in the
technology of land development which are in the best interest of
the City . Unless otherwise provided for in Sections 18 . 54 . 105 ,
18 . 54 . 110 , and 18 . 54 . 115 , a development in the PID overlay shall
comply with all the provisions contained in this Chapter . A plan
approved pursuant to the provisions of the PID overlay zone shall
constitute a binding site plan , and shall allow for the division of
land as an alternative to subdivision and short subdivision .
Section III
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication
according to law .
Ordinance No . Pa e 2
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PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this / 2
71' $'4 day of September ,
1998 .
APPROVED as to form :
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