ORD 2170 m
AN ORDINANCE adopting a Comprehensive Emergency
Management Plan for the City of Camas , and adding a new chapter
to the Camas Municipal Code entitled Chapter 8 . 56
Emergency/Disaster Services .
WHEREAS , an emergency disaster plan has been prepared for guidance in , re aredness
p p
for , response to and recovery from , emergencies and disasters , p ursuant to criteria set forth in
RC W 3 5 . 3 3 . 101 , 38 . 52 and WAC 118 . 3 0 . 010 et seq . , entitled City of Camas Comprehensive
Emergency Mdnagement Plan ; and
WHEREAS , the Plan has been presented for review and approval to Clark County
Department of Emergency Services and the Washington State Emergency Management Council •
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WHEREAS , the above agencies have reviewed and approved the Plan ; and
WHEREAS , the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan is in the best interests of
the citizens of the City of Camas ;
Section 1
A new chapter entitled " Emergency/Disaster Services " is hereby added to Title 8 , Health
and Safety , of the Camas Municipal Code , to read as follows :
8 . 56 . 010 Comprehensive Emer encu Management Plan Adopted
The document entitled " Camas Comprehensive Emergency Management
Plan , " copies of which are on file in the office of the city Clerk , is hereby
adopted as the emergency disaster plan for the City of Camas . Said Plan ,
hereinafter referred to as the Emergency Plan , is adopted by reference as
though fully set forth herein .
8 . 56 . 020 Responsibility for Emergency Planning - Emerizency Manager
The Mayor shall appoint an Emergency Manager from appro riate ci
staff, assigning responsibility for initiation , preparation and maintenance
of emergency planning and disaster preparedness .
8 . 56 . 030 Duties , Powers and Responsibilities of the Emergency Manager
The duties , powers and responsibilities of the Emergency Manager shall
include the following :
A . To request the Mayor to proclaim the existence or threatened
existence of an emergency/disaster and the termination thereof, or
to issue such proclamation , if the Mayor or a quorum of the City
Council is unavailable , subject to confirmation by the Mayor and
City Council at the earliest practicable time .
Ordinance No . Page 2
Be To carry out the program of emergency disaster services and
coordinate emergency efforts during mitigation of, preparation for ,
response to and recovery from a disaster .
Co To direct and control appropriate operational activities of
emergency services of the City before , during and after an
emergency/disaster .
D . To develop and execute plans for utilization of resources before ,
during and after an emergency/disaster .
E . To assist the Mayor in interpreting and requesting county, state and
federal assistance whenever local resources become insufficient .
F . To update the Emergency Plan on a designated regular schedule .
8 . 56 . 040 Emergency Services Advisory Council - Created
An Emergency Services Advisory Council is hereby created hereinafter
referred to as Advisory Council . The Advisory Council shall consist of the
following members :
A . Mayor
B0 City Administrator
co Fire Chief
D . Police Chief
E . Public works Director
F . Finance Director
G . Emergency Manager ( if different from any of those designated
above ) .
8 . 56 . 050 Duties of the Advisory Council
The duties and responsibilities of each member of the Advisory Council
shall include the following .
A . To serve as liaison to the Emergency Manager in order to
coordinate the Emergency Plan so that citizens of the City may
benefit from a workable , useful Plan .
B . To report to the Emergency Operations Center when so requested
by the Emergency Manager in order to coordinate response
activities .
co To create an emergency management organization within his/her
department to guide the employees of the City during an
emergency/disaster and to give said employees a clear
understanding of the Emergency Plan , its principles .
Ordinance No . Page 3
. g
D . To guide the emergency organization of his/her department in
writing standard operating procedures ( S . O . P . ' s ) for disaster and/or
include such disaster procedures in the regular S . O . P . ' s of the
department .
E . To designate and communicate an internal line of succession
within his/her department to provide for continuity of operations
during an emergency/disaster .
8 . 56 . 060 Emerizency/Disaster Powers of the Mavor
The Mayor is hereby empowered to declare a state of emergency within
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the City of Camas , subject of confirmation by a quorum of the City
Council at the earliest practicable time . In the event of a proclamation of
emergency within the City , or upon the proclamation of a state of
emergency by the Governor of the State , the Mayor is hereby empowered :
A . To make and issue rules and regulations on matters reasonably
related to protection of life and property as affected by such
disaster ; provided , however , such rules and regulations must be
confirmed at the earliest practicable time by the City Council .
Be To obtain vital supplies , equipment and such other properties
found lacking and needed for the protection of life and property of
the people and to bind the City for the fair value thereof, and if
required immediately , to commandeer the same for public use .
C . To require emergency services of any City officer or employee and ,
in the event of the proclamation of a state of emergency by the
Governor in the region in which the City is located , to command
the service and equipment of as many citizens of this City as may
be deemed necessary in the light of the disaster proclaimed ; and
such persons to be entitled to all privileges , benefits and
immunities as are provided by state law for registered emergency
workers .
D . To requisition necessary personnel or material of any City
department or division .
8 . 56 . 070 Emerizency Services ApprMriation
Appropriations will be made in the City budget to cover the expense of
emergency management training , writing and maintaining the Emergency
Plan and for administration of the Emergency Plan . Such moneys are to be
approved for expenditures in the same manner as expenditures are now
authorized by requisition against the City budget .
Section II
its application to any person or circumstance is held
If any provision of the ordinance or
invalid the remainder of this ordinance , or application of the provisions herein is not affected .
Section III
This Ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its
publication according to law .
Ordinance No . Page 4
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of June,
1998 .
`` Clerk
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