AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting b reference the [4?
pp g p g Y
of that certain document entitled Camas School District Capital
Facility Plan , March 27 , 1998 .
WHEREAS , the Camas School District has submitted an amended capital facilities plan
entitled " Camas School District Capital Facilities Plan , March 27 , 1998 , to the City for its review
and approval , and
WHEREAS , the Council has considered said capital facilities plan and has conducted a
public hearing , and desires to adopt the same as the capital facilities plan for the Camas School
District ,
Section I
The Council hereby approves and adopts by reference a volume of text entitled " Camas
School District Capital Facilities Plan , March 27 , 1998 , " as the amended capital facilities plan of
the school district , which shall provide the basis for the collection of school impact fees by the
City on behalf of the school district .
Section II
A copy of the Camas School District Capital Facilities Plan , March 27 , 1998 , shall be
maintained in the council file on these proceedings , and copies of said Capital Facilities Plan
shall be made available for public inspection at the Public Works Department .
Section III
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication
according to law .
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of May ,
1998 .
• ,�, '.
ATTEST . �--
°` Clerk
APPROVED . ast to , rm :
City Attorney
' Also Admitted to
& DUGGAN P. So the Oregon Bar
A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W Michael A . Autio '
Steven C . Andersen
First Interstate Tower 360-699-4771
LeAnne M . Bremer '
900 Washington Street 503 - 289- 2643 Julie Levie Caron '
Suite 900 • PO Box 694 Fax 360 -693 - 291 1 Carolyn M . Drew
Vancouver, Washington Dennis R . Duggan
98666-0694 Cynthia A . Horenstein *
Dru S . Horenstein
Scott J . Horenstein
E - Mail lbremer@hd - law . com Stephen W . Horenstein
Joni R . Kerr
Meridee E . Pabst '
Albert F. Schlotfeidt '
October 23 , 1997
Marty Snell
City of Camas
616 N . E . 4th Avenue
Camas , WA 98607
Re : Camas School District Capital Facilities Plan
Our File No . 09502001
Dear Marty .
As We discussed on the phone , the Camas School District is formally requesting that the City of
Camas adopt its revised Capital Facilities Plan . The School District is not requesting a change in
time but needs to have its revised plan adopted by the City in order for it to
its impact fee at this t
collect and spend impact fees on the facilities contained in the plan .
i Please process this request as a change to the City ' s comprehensive plan and let me know if you
p q p
have any questions . Please also keep me in1formed of the process . Thank you .
Sincerely yours ,
Cc : Milt Dennison
09502001 L03
A . Inventory of Current Facilities
1 . Elementary Schools
Year Number Number of
Elementary of Total October Capacity' of Students in
School Location Occu - Bldg . 1997 Portables Portables
pancy Sq .ft. Headcount
Helen 1954 N . E . 1948 409728 475 0 0
Bailer Garfield
( K4) Camas WA 98607
Lacamas 11205 S . E . 262nd 1962 41 , 685 450 0 0
Heights Ave . , Camas WA
( K4) 98607
Dorothy 2623 N . W , Sierra 1982 39 , 436 300 4 100
Fox Camas WA 98607
( K-4)
J . D . 841 N . E . 22nd 1966 629757 500 2 25
Zellerbach Avenue
( 5-6 ) Camas , WA
TOTALS 184 , 606 1846 19725 6 125
2 . Middle Schools
Year Number Number of
Middle of Total October Capacity of Students in
School Location Occu - Bldg . 1997 Portables Portables
pancy Sq .ft. Headcount
Skyridge 3500 N . W . Lake 1996 1109000 772 825 0 0
( 7-9 ) Road
Camas WA 98607
The Camas School District determines capacity at the elementary level by : total of regular
classrooms x 25 : 1 ( average student/teacher ratio ) = building capacity . At the secondary level : total
of instructional spaces x . 83 x 25 : 1 = building capacity . The . 83 accounts for the one period per day
that each instructional space is used for teacher preparation .
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09502001 D01 10/23/97
3 . High Schools
Year Number Number of
High of Total October Capacity of Students in
School Location Occu- Bldg . 1997 Portables Portables
panty Sq . ft. Headcount
Camas 1612 NE . Garfield 1957 72 , 144 678 800 0 0
High Camas WA 98607
( 10-12)
Be Inventory of Non- Instructional Facilities
Type Location
Garfield Performing Arts Center 1612 N . E . Garfield
Camas WA 98607
Bus Barn , Bus Shop and Warehouse 1707 N . E . Ione Street
Camas WA 98607
Transportation Office 1707 N . E . Ione Street
Camas WA 98607
Administration Center 2041 N . E . Ione Street
Camas WA 98607
C . Needs Forecast: Existing Facilities
Existing Facility Future Needs Cost
Dorothy Fox Elementary Six-room addition $ 7509000
Page 3 Camas School District
09502001 D01 10/23/97
D . Needs Forecast: New Schools
Of Total Estimated
Type of School Proposed Location Comp- Bldg . Capacity Cost
letion Sq .ft.
Four-corners area ; see also
New Elementary land use plan for potential 2000- 609000 500 $ 795009000
School areas where schools might 01
Modular Classrooms Existing and future school 97-00 139500 375 $ 6009000
( 15 units ) sites
See land use plan for potential
Property for future areas where schools might 97=98 N /A N /A $ 12125 , 000
sites locate
Based on the above charts , C and D , the District requires $ 9 , 975 , 000 to fund the facilities listed in this
plan . These facilities are needed to accommodate the growth that is projected in the District. The District will
be over capacity at the elementary school level within 6 years and projected growth cannot be
accommodated without construction of these facilities and without the projected funding in place .
Page 4 Camas School District
09502001 D01 10/23/97
E . Enrollment Forecast
Grade 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
K 217 243 236 227 272 295
1 246 261 293 284 273 328
2 211 268 284 319 310 298
3 228 224 285 302 339 329
4 213 248 244 311 329 369
5 241 219 255 251 319 338
6 228 253 230 268 264 335
7 241 243 270 245 286 281
8 234 246 248 275 250 292
9 246 246 259 261 289 263
10 224 245 245 258 260 288
11 215 217 237 237 250 252
12 202 205 207 226 226 238
K -6 1584 1716 1827 1962 2106 2292
7-9 721 735 777 781 825 836
10 - 12 641 667 689 721 736 778
Total 2946 3118 3293 3464 3667 3906
Page 5 Camas School District
09502001 D01 10/23/97
F . Effect of Enrollment Increase on Existing and Proposed Capacity
Type of School 1997 Existing 2000 2000
Enrollment Capacity Enrollment Capacity
( 1997)
Elementary 1796 1725 2292 2375
Middle 772 825 836 825
High 678 800 778 800
G . Six-year Finance Plan
Secured Funding : $ 0
Unsecured funding (through 2000) :
1 . Future Bond $ 6 , 775 , 000
2 . State Match $ 2 , 800 , 000
3 . Impact Fees $ 4009000
TOTAL UNSECURED $ 9 , 975 , 000
Planned 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Total
New Facilities
Elementary 7 . 5m 7 . 5m
Six room 750k
addition to
Dorothy Fox
New Site :
Site 1 . 125m 1 . 125m
Modular 600k
TOTALS 9 . 975m
Page 6 Camas School District
09502001 D01 10/23/97
Page 7 Camas School District
09502001 DO'I 10123197
School Cost of improvement Increased Capacity
Elementary Schools
1 . New School $ 7 , 5009000 500
2 . Dorothy Fox remodel $ 750 , 000 150
TOTALS $ 8 , 2509000 650
New Site
1 . Site $ 1 , 125 , 000 NA
Modular Classrooms
1 . Classrooms $ 600 , 000 375
GRAND TOTAL $ 9 , 975 , 000 1675
In addition to the above , impact fees can also be expended on costs associated with the Skyridge Middle
School even though it is now complete . Section 82 . 02 . 060 ( 7) RCW states that impact fees can be imposed for newly
constructed facilities to make up for -any system improvement deficiencies . See April 1995 Camas School District' s
Capital Facilities Plan .
Page 8 Camas School District
09502001 D01 10/23/97
Single Family Residence Fee
Cost of elementary school improvements $8,250, 000
Divided by increased capacity (650) $12, 692 . 31
Multiplied by student factor ( .39) $4,950 . 00
Plus land component
($1 ,125,000 / 500 x . 39) $ 877. 50
Equals $5, 827. 50
Less state match $1 ,454. 82
Total Elementary School Component $4,372 . 68
Total Impact Fee $4,372 . 68
Less Tax credit $2,882 . 56
x . 85
Page 9 Camas School District
09502001 D01 10123/97
Multi Family Fee
Cost of elementary school improvements $8,250, 000
Divided by increased capacity (650) $12,692 . 31
Multiplied by student factor ( . 16) $2, 030 . 77
Plus land component
($1 ,125, 000 / 500 x . 16) $ 360 . 00
Equals $2,390 . 77
Less state match $ 596 . 85
Total Elementary School Component $1 ,793 . 92
Total Impact Fee $1 , 793 . 92
Less Tax credit $707. 51
x . 85
Page 10 Camas School District
09502001 D01 10/23/97
Student Factor
The student factor is the number of students typically generated from a dwelling unit. The single family student
factors were calculated in 1995 from a survey of 15 school districts throughout the State of Washington. The multi
family student factors were generated in 1994 from a survey of each of the school districts in Clark County .
Single Family
Elementary . 39 student factor
Middle . 16 student factor
High . 15 student factor
Elementary . 16 student factor
Middle . 07 student factor
High . 039 student factor
Page 11 camas School District
09502001 D01 10/23/97
State Match
The impact fee should be reduced by the amount of state matching construction funds the District will receive . The
amount of state match per household to be deducted from the impact fee for each component of the impact fee is
determined by.
Student factor x Boeckh index2 x SPI square foot standard per student x state match percentage
Elementary School - Single Family
. 39 x 93 . 67 x 80 x . 4978 = $1 ,454 . 82
EIEMEnt School - Multi Family
. 16 x 93 . 67 x 80 x . 4978 = $596 . 85
2 Updated 12/96
3 Updated 12/96
Page 12 Camas School District
09502001 001 10123/97
Tax Credit
This tax credit is intended to provide an adjustment to the cost of the school facilities for tax payments made or
reasonably anticipated to be made by new development for the new school facilities . This tax credit is the net present
value of the average assessed value of a single family residence in the district multiplied by the levy rate and using a
10 year discount period and current interest rate .
1 + 1)1 0 ) .1 x average assessed value for the dwelling per
i(1 +i)10 single family unit
x current school district capital property tax rate.
Where I = the current interest rate as stated in the bond buyer twenty year general obligation bond
Currently .
I = 5 . 674
Averaged assessed value of single family residence is $150,521 . 465
Average assessed value of a multi family unit is $36,944 . 605
Bond rate is 2 . 555 Per $1 ,000 of assessed value
(1 + . 0567) _1 X 150,521 .46 (or $36, 944 . 60) Divided by 1000 x 2 . 55
90567 (1 + . 0567) 10
1 . 736 - 1 X $150,521 .46 (or $36,944. 60 ) Divided by
. 0567(1 . 736) 1000 X 2055
. 736 X $150,521 . 46 (or $36,944 . 60) Divided by
. 098 1000 X 2055
7. 51 X $150,521 . 46 (or $36, 944 . 60) Divided by 1000 x 2 . 55
_ $ 2,882 . 56 (Or $707. 51 ) For multifamily unit)
4 Updated 11 /96
a Updated 12196
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09502001 D01 10/23/97