AN ORDINANCE amending provisions of the
LI/ CT zone , and adding provisions for a planned
industrial development overlay within the LI/CT
zone ,
Section I
Section 18 . 54 . 030 (A ) ( 1 ) is amended to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 030 - Secondary Permitted Uses
A . Secondary uses permitted in the LI/ CT district shall be :
1 . Commercial uses necessary to provide for the basic retail and service
needs of the immediate surrounding area . Such commercial uses shall
include only those retail and service uses permitted in the C 1 and C2
districts , with the exception of automobile sales and garages which shall not
be permitted .
Section II
Section 18 . 54 . 031 ( C ) is amended to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 031 - Structure Standards
C . Maximum floor area ratios and minimum parking ratios are set out in Table
18 . 540031 ( C ) .
Table 18 . 54 . 031C
Maximum Floor Area Rations and Minimum Parking Ratios
Use Minimum Parking Ratio
General Office 1 space per employee at peak hour plus 15 %
Research and I space per employee at peak hour plus 10
Development Laboratories ,
Light Manufacturing
Section III
Section 18 . 54 . 031 (D ) is amended to provide as follows :
180540031 ( D � - Setbacks
1 . Building Location Parking
Front ( 5 feet/foot of building height/200 ' minimum ) 100 '
Side ( 100 ' ) 100 '
Rear ( 100 ' ) 100 '
Ordinance No . Page 2
Setbacks may be reduced by City Council based on site or development constraint , such as
wetlands , topography , or the amount of cut and fill required .
2 . On corner parcels (parcels bordered by two or more streets ) , there shall be one front
yard established and the remaining sides shall be side yards . The minimum setbacks shall follow
the front and side requirements .
Section IV
There is hereby added to Section 18 . 54 . 040 a new subsection to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 040 - Developments Application
F . The application shall be accompanied by a fee as may be set from time to time
by resolution of the council .
Section V
Section 18 . 54 . 080A ( 3 ) of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provided as follows :
3 . By mailing notice not less than twelve ( 12 ) days prior to the date of the planning
commission meeting to all owners of existing businesses within the LI/ CT district
and to owners of property within 300 feet , including public rights - of-- way , of the
exterior boundaries of the property to be developed . For purposes of determining
ownership , the City Clerk shall use the names and addresses of the owners as
shown upon the records of the County Assessor ;
Section VI
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 100 - Planned Industrial Development Overlay - Creation , Purpose
There is created under this chapter the Planned Industrial Development (PID ) overlay . The
PID overlay is intended to accommodate creative and imaginative small industrial
development based on an approved comprehensive development plan for the site which is
designed to insure compatibility between the industrial operations therein and the
A '
conditions of the surrounding area . In order to accomplish this purpose , it is the intent of
these overlay regulations : 1 ) to permit a PID to be established within the LI/ CT zone after
approval of final plans as set forth below ; and 2 ) to allow the use of those innovations in
the technology of land development which are in the best interest of the City of Camas .
Unless otherwise provided for in sections 18 . 54 . 105 , 18054e P0 , and 18 . 54 . 115 , a
development in the PID overlay shall comply with all the provisions contained in this
chapter .
Section VII
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 105 - Principal Uses
A . Based upon the development plan approved by the City , the following uses
shall be permitted in the PID overlay :
1 . Primary permitted uses as listed in section 18 . 54 . 020 , subject to the
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conditions and performance standards as required , except as provided in
sections 18 . 54 . 105 , 18 . 54 . 1. 00 , and 18 . 54 . 115
2 . After a demonstration that primary permitted uses are not feasible ,
secondary uses as listed in section 18 . 54 . 030 , except residential uses .
However , under no conditions shall the amount of the land designated for
commercial use within the PID exceed 25 percent of the gross developed
area within the PID , nor shall secondary uses be allowed on parcels greater
than 5 acres in size .
Section VIII
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 110 - Area , Lot and Height Requirements
A . Minimum Area : The minimum area for a development within the PID overlay
shall be 2 acres of contiguous land . The City Council may allow development in
the PID overlay on a site smaller than 2 acres if findings can be made to satisfy the
following criteria :
1 . The size , configuration , and physical characteristics of the site are
suitable for the innovative , high quality design called for in a PID ;
2 . There is evidence that specific limitations or constraints of the site could
hinder or prevent its development for industrial purposes in accordance with
the underlying zone ;
3 . There is evidence that the standards of this ordinance and relevant goals
and policies of the Comprehensive Plan would be satisfied in the
development of a PID on the site .
B . Minimum Setback and Access Requirements :
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1 . Disc�-�f setback restrictions contained in section 18 . 54 . 031 ( D ) may be
reduced for a development in the PID overlay , provided that the intent and
objectives of sections 18 . 54 . 010 and 18 . 54 . 100 are complied with in the
total development plan as determined by the Planning Commission and City
Council . Building separation shall be maintained in accordance with
requirements of the Uniform Fire Code and other safety codes of the City of
Camas and in accordance with good design principles .
2 . Every industrial or commercial building shall have access to a public
and/ or private street and/ or walkway in compliance with ADA
requirements .
C . Perimeter Requirements :
If topographical or other barriers within the development do not provide reasonable
privacy for existing non - industrial uses adjacent to the development , the City
Council shall impose either of the following requirements or both :
1 . Structures located on the perimeter of the development must be set back
in accordance with the provisions of the underlying zone within which the
development is situated and/or ;
2 . Structures located on the perimeter of the development must be screened
in a manner approved by the City Council .
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D . Architectural Design :
Within a PID overlay , all buildings , structures and other architectural features shall
be of compatible architectural design , materials , and appearance , including signing ,
throughout so as to give a unified appearance to the development therein .
Section IX
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 115 - Additional Requirements
A . Circulation Plan : A comprehensive and detailed vehicular and pedestrian plan ,
including public transit services , shall be provided as part of the PID application
and shall be approved by the City Council . The circulation plan shall include the
following :
1 . Public and private vehicular access to and from adjacent streets ;
2 . Methods of adequately separating vehicular and pedestrian circulation
patterns ;
3 . Pedestrian access patterns to various pedestrian- oriented areas of the
development overlay from parking areas and public transit stops or
terminals , if any , and ;
4 . Separation of service and delivery areas for customer and employee
parking areas as well as from other vehicular and pedestrian circulation
patterns .
B . Common Landscaped Areas : For purposes of creating common areas ,
landscaped areas shall be configured , where possible , to be contiguous to adjacent
landscaped areas ;
1 . Such landscaped areas shall be clearly shown on the preliminary plan ,
shall be physically situated so as to be readily accessible , available to , and
usable by all occupants of the development , and ;
2 . Such landscaped areas shall be maintained by the occupants of the
development in accordance with underlying zone .
C . Recycling and Trash Receptacle Areas :
All industries and businesses established within the City shall provide an
adequately sized recycling and trash storage area designed to accommodate all
recycling and trash generated by the same industry or business . All recycling and
trash storage areas shall be screened from public view , using either a six foot non -
transparent wooden fence , masonry wall , or other appropriate means approved by
the Public Works Director or his designee , and shall be accessible to recycling and
trash collection vehicles .
D . Utilities :
A development within a PID overlay shall provide for underground installation of
utilities , including electrical distribution lines , in public ways , private easements ,
and extensions thereof. Utility installation and maintenance of facilities shall be in
accordance with requirements and regulations of the appropriate public and/or
private utility .
Ordinance No . Page 5
Section X
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 120 - Establishment of a Design Team
Because of the special nature of a PID , the expertise of qualified and licensed
professionals , working as a team , is required for the planning , development , and
construction of any PID to ensure fulfillment of the purposes and objectives of this chapter .
1 ) The design team shall include , at a minimum , an architect , and/ or a landscape
architect , and/or a civil engineer . The architect and civil engineer shall be registered to
practice in the State of Washington .
2 ) One of the above professionals shall be designated by the applicant to be
responsible for submitting materials to and communicating with the Public Works
Department with respect to the concept and details of the development plan . This
designated professional shall act as a liaison between the Public Works Department , the
design team , and the applicant . The selection of this liaison shall not prevent the applicant
or any member of the design team from conferring with the Public Works staff or
presenting material to the Planning Commission and/or City Council , The Planning
Commission or City Council may require that the expertise if other professionals be used
in the planning and development of the PID if it is determined that the site merits special
consideration due to particularly unusual or adverse features or conditions .
Section XI
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 125 - Review of PID by Design Committee
A complete application for a preliminary PID and plan shall be submitted to a design
committee , prior to Planning Commission , for review . Said committee shall include , at a
minimum , one member from the Planning Commission , one member from the City
Council , Public Works staff, and any other qualified professional ( s ) the committee deems
necessary for each individual application . The committee shall review each application for
compliance with the objectives and standards contained in this chapter and shall make
recommendations to the Planning Commission for its consideration .
Section XII
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows :
18 . 54 . 130 - Criteria for Preliminary Plan Approval . A Preliminary Plan for a PID shall be
approved if findings are made that each of the following criteria is satisfied :
1 . Public facilities serving the proposed development , including but not limited to ,
sanitary sewers , water , streets , storm sewers , electrical power facilities , parks ,
public safety and schools shall be adequate and meet current City standards ; or it is
guaranteed that inadequate or nonexistent public facilities will be upgraded or
constructed by the applicant prior to occupancy of the prof ect .
2 . The impact of the proposed development on public facilities shall not exceed the
impact anticipated for the site in the formulation of the public facilities master
plans contained in the Comprehensive Plan .
3 . The proposal shall provide adequate open space , landscaping , and design
features to minimize significant adverse effects on adjacent properties and uses .
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4 . The location , shape , size and character of common open space areas shall be
suitable and appropriate to the scale and character of the project , considering its
size , density , expected population , topography , and the number , type and location
of buildings to be provided .
5 . The proposed development shall not result in creation of any nuisance , including
but not limited to air , land or water degradation , noise glare , heat , vibration or other
conditions which may be injurious to public health , safety , and welfare .
6 . The proposal shall meet the intent and objectives for a PID as expressed in
Section 18 . 54 . 100 .
Section XIII
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication
according to law .
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of D er'Lq�q ,
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AP ROVED as to orm :
City Attorney