ORD 2098 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE adding a new title to the Camas Municipal Code combining the environmental review process for land development projects with the project permitting process , and consolidating the application , review, approval , and appeal processes for land use development permits . WHEREAS , as the number of environmental laws and development regulations have increased for land use development , the number of local land use permits has likewise increased , each with its own separate approval process , and WHEREAS , the increasing number of local and state land use permits and separate environmental review process required by local governments has resulted in the potential for conflict , overlap , and duplication between the various permit and review processes , and WHEREAS , the state legislature has mandated that local governments combine the environmental review process with the land development project permitting process , and WHEREAS , the state legislature has further mandated that local government combine the permitting processes for any one land development project . NOW , THEREFORE , THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section I The Council hereby adds a new title to the Camas Municipal Code be designated Title 14 , and adopt by reference the text attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein entitled " Title 14 Development Code Administration" . Section II This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of December , 1996 . SIGNED . 0/t,4c Mayor ATTEST , k Clerk APPR�VE o form : r Cit ttorney TITLE 14 DEVELOPMENT C ADMINISTRATION Chapters : 14 . 01 INTRODUCTION 14 . 03 ADMINI S TRATI ON 14 . 05 CONSOLIDATED APPLICATION PROCESS 14 . 07 PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS 14009 REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCESS 14 . 11 APPEALS 14 . 13 ENFORCEMENT Page 1, City of Camas , Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance CHAPTER 14 . 01 INTRODUCTION Sections 14 . 01 . 010 INTENT 14 . 01 . 020 RULES OF INTERPRETATION 14 . 01 . 030 CONFLICT OF PROVISIONS 14 . 01 . 010 INTENT The purpose of this title is to combine and consolidate the application, review, and approval processes for land development in the City of Camas in a manner that is clear, concise , and understandable . It is further intended to comply with state guidelines for combining and expediting development review and integrating environmental review and land use development plans . Final decision on development proposals shall be made within 120 days of the date of the Letter of Completeness except as provided in Section 14 . 09 . 090 . 14 . 01 . 020 RULES OF INTERPRETATION A . For the purposes of the Development Code , all words used in the code shall have their normal and customary meanings , unless specifically defined otherwise in this code . Be Words used in the present tense include the future . C . The plural includes the singular and vice -versa . D . The words " will " and " shall " are mandatory . E . The word " may " indicates that discretion is allowed . F . The word " used " includes designed , intended , or arranged to be used . G . The masculine gender includes the feminine and vice -versa . 01 H . Distances shall be measured horizontally unless otherwise specified . I . The word " building " includes a portion of a building or a portion of the lot on which it stands . Page 2 City of Camas , Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance 14001 . 030 CONFLICT OF PROVISIONS In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Title and the provisions of Title 16 relating to Environment, Title 17 relating to subdivisions , Title 18 relating to zoning , the provisions of this Title shall prevail . CHAPTER 14 . 03 ADMINISTRATION Sections . 14 . 03 . 010 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 14 . 03 . 020 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 14 . 03 . 030 CITY COUNCIL 14 . 03 . 040 PLANNING COMMISSION 14 . 03 . 050 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 14 . 03 . 060 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 14 . 03 . 070 BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS 14 . 03 . 010 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A . The regulation of land development is a cooperative activity including many different elected and appointed boards and City staff. The specific responsibilities of these bodies is set forth below . Be A developer is expected to read and understand the City Development Code and be prepared to fulfill the obligations placed on the developer by Titles 14 through 18 , CMC . 14 . 03 . 020 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS The Director shall review and act on the following : A . Authority : The Director of Public Works is responsible for the administration of Titles 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 and 18 of the Camas Municipal Code . Be Administrative Intemretation : Upon request or as determined necessary , the Director shall interpret the meaning or application of the provisions of said titles and issue a written administrative interpretation within 30 days . Requests for interpretation shall be written and shall concisely identify the issue and desired interpretation . Administrative approvals set forth in Sections 14 . 090 . 010 and C . Administrative At�nrovals : . 020 Page 3 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance , ; 14 . 03 . 030 CITY COt NCIL In addition to its legislative responsibility , the City Council shall review and act on the following 0 subjects , A . Recommendations of the Planning Commission B . Appeal of Planning Commission recommendations C . Appeal of administrative interpretations D . Appeal of administrative approvals as set forth in Sections 14 . 09 . 010 and . 020 Eo Appeal of a Determination of Significance under CMC Chapter 16 . 16 . 010 14 . 03 . 040 PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission shall review and make recommendations on the following applications and subjects : A . Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Be Amendments to the Building Code , Title 15 C . Amendments to the Environment Code , Title 16 D . Amendments to the Subdivision Code , Title 17 E . Amendments to the Zoning Code , Title 18 or the Official Map F . Applications for Preliminary Plats and Binding Site Plans G . Appeal of SEPA Determinations of Non- significance of the underlying land use action He Other actions requested or remanded by the City Council The review criteria for certain of the actions are contained in Section 14 . 09 . 030 , CMC . 14 . 03 . 050 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT The Board of Adjustment shall review and act on the following subjects : A . variances from the standards and dimensional regulations of the Zoning Code , Title 18 , such as height , width, size , setback and yard restrictions . - Bo Amortization periods for nonconforming signs Page 4 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance C . Appeals from other administrative decisions as may be determined by other ordinances of the City . The review criteria and procedures for the Board of Adjustment are contained in Chapter 18 . 76 , C CO CHAPTER 14 . 05 CONSOLIDATED APPLICATION PROCESS Sections . 14 . 05 . 010 APPLICATION 14 . 05 . 020 PRE -APPLICATION MEETINGS 14 . 05 . 030 CONTENTS OF APPLICATIONS 14 . 05 . 040 LETTER OF COMPLETENESS 14 . 05 . 050 TECHNICAL REVIEW 14 . 05 . 060 SEPA REVIEW 14 . 05 . 010 APPLICATION A . The City shall consolidate development application and review in order to integrate the development permit and environmental review process , while avoiding duplication of the review processes . Be All applications for development permits , design review approvals , variances and other City approvals under the Development Code shall be submitted on forms provided by the Department of Public Works . All applications shall be acknowledged by the property owner . 14 . 05 . 020 PR&APPLICATION MEETINGS A . Informal Applicants for development are encouraged to participate in an informal meeting prior to the formal pre - application meeting . The purpose of the meeting is to discuss , in general terms , the proposed development, City design standards , design alternatives , and required permits and approval process . Be Formal Every person proposing a development, with exception of building permits , in the City shall attend a pre - application meeting . The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the nature of the proposed development, application and permit requirements , fees , review process and schedule , applicable plans , policies and regulations . In order to expedite development review, the City shall invite all affected jurisdictions , agencies and/or special districts to the pre - application meeting . Page 5 City of Camas , Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance 14 . 05 . 03 0 CONTENT OF APPLICATIONS A . All applications for approval under Titles 15 through 18 shall include the information 14W of specified in the applicable title . The Director may require such additional information as reasonably necessary to fully and properly evaluate the proposal . Be The applicant shall apply for all permits identified in the pre - application meeting . 14 . 05 . 040 LETTER OF COMPLETENESS A . Within twenty - eight (28 ) days of receiving a date stamped application, the City shall review the application and as set forth below, provide applicants with a written determination that the application is complete or incomplete . Be A project application shall be declared complete only when it contains all of the following materials . 1 . A fully completed , signed , and acknowledged development application and all applicable review fees . 2 . A fully completed , signed , and acknowledged environmental checklist for projects subject to review under the State Environmental Policy Act . 3 . The information specified for the desired project in the appropriate chapters of the Camas Municipal Code and as identified in Section 14 . 05 . 030 . 4 . Any supplemental information or special studies identified by the Director . C . For applications determined to be incomplete , the City shall identify , in writing , the specific requirements or information necessary to constitute a complete application . Upon submittal of the additional information, the City shall , within fourteen ( 14) days , issue a letter of identify what additional information is required . completeness or 14 . 05 . 050 TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A . Immediately following the issuance of a letter of completeness , the City shall schedule a meeting of a Technical Review Committee (TRC ) . The TRC may be composed of representatives of all affected City departments , utility districts , the fire department, and any other entities or agencies with jurisdiction . B0 The TRC shall review the development application for compliance with City plans and regulations , coordinate necessary permit reviews , and identify the development ' s environmental impacts . Page 6 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance { a 14 . 05 . 060 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A . Developments and planned actions subject to the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act ( SEPA) shall be reviewed in accordance with the policies and procedures contained in Title 16 , CIVIC . Be SEPA review shall be conducted concurrently with development project review . The following are exempt from concurrent review . 1 . Proj ects categorically exempt from SEPA . 20 Components of previously completed planned actions , to the extent permitted by law and consistent with the EIS for the planned action . CHAPTER 14 . 07 PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS Sections 14 . 07 . 010 NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 14 . 07 . 020 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS 140070030 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 14 . 07 . 040 NOTICE OF APPEAL HEARING 14 . 07 . 050 NOTICE OF DECISION 14 . 07 . 010 NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION A . Within fourteen ( 14) days of issuing a letter of completeness under Chapter 14 . 05 , the City shall issue a Notice of Development Application . The notice shall include but not be limited to the following . 1 . The name of the applicant . 2 . Date of application . 3 . The date of the letter of completeness . 4 . The location of the prof ect . 5 . A prof ect description . 6 . The requested approvals , actions , and/or required studies . Page °7 City of Camas , Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance 7 . A public comment period not less than fourteen ( 14) nor more than thirty (30) days . 8 . Identification of existing environmental documents . 9 . A City staff contact and phone number . 10 . The date , time , and place of a public hearing if one has been scheduled . 11 ® A statement that the decision on the application will be made within 120 days of the date of the letter of completeness . Bo The Notice of Development Application shall be posted on the subject property and published once in a newspaper of general circulation . C . The Notice of Development Application shall be issued prior to and is not a substitute for required notice of a public hearing . D . A Notice of Application is not required for the following actions , when they are categorically exempt from SEPA or environmental review has been completed : 1 . Application for building permits . 2 . Application for lot line adjustments 3 . Application for administrative approvals . 14 . 07 . 020 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS Notice of administrative approvals subject to notice under Section 14 . 09 . 020 shall be made as follows : A . Notification of Preliminary Approval : The Director shall notify the adj acent property owners of his intent to grant approval . Notification shall be made by mail only . The notice shall 0 include : 1 . A description of the preliminary approval granted, including any conditions of approval . 2 . A place where further information may be obtained . 3 . A statement that final approval will be granted unless an appeal requesting a public hearing is filed with the City Clerk within fifteen ( 15 ) days of the date of the notice . Page 8 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance E 5 14 . 07 . 03 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of a public hearing for all development applications and all open record appeals shall be given as follows : A . Time of Notices : p Excet as otherwise required, public notification of meetings , hearings , and pending actions under Titles 14 through 18 , CMC , shall be made by : 1 . Publication at least ten ( 10) days before the date of a public meeting , hearing , or pending action in the official newspaper if one has been designated or a newspaper of general circulation in the City , and 2 . Mailing at least twelve ( 12 ) days before the date of a public meeting , hearing , or pending action to all property owners as shown on the records of the County Assessor and to all street addresses of properties within 300 feet, not including street rights - of-way , of the boundaries of the property which is the subject of the meeting or pending action . Addressed , pre - stamped envelopes shall be provided by the applicant ; and 30 Posting at least twelve ( 12 ) days before the meeting , hearing , or pending action in three public places where ordinances are posted and at least one notice on the subject . property . Be Content of Notice : The public notice shall include a general description of the proposed project, action to be taken, a non- legal description of the property or a vicinity map or sketch, the time , date and place of the public hearing and the place where further information may be obtained . Co Continuations : If for any reason, a meeting or hearing on a pending action cannot be completed on the date set in the public notice , the meeting or hearing may be continued to a date certain and no further notice under this section is required . 14 . 07 . 040 NOTICE OF APPEAL HEARINGS In addition to the posting and publication requirements of Section 14 . 07 . 030 , notice of appeal hearings shall be as follows : A . For administrative approvals , notice shall be mailed to adjacent property owners . B . For Planning Commission recommendations , mailing to parties of record from the Commission hearing . 14 . 07 . 050 NOTICE OF DECISION A written notice for all final decisions shall be sent to the applicant and all parties of record . For development applications requiring Planning Commission review and City Council approval , the notice shall be the signed ordinance or resolution . Page 9 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance CHAPTER 14 . 09 REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCESS Sections . 14 . 09 . 010 ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS WITHOUT NOTICE 14 . 09 . 020 ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS SUBJECT TO NOTICE 14 . 09 . 030 PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION 14 . 09 . 040 CITY COUNCIL ACTION 14 . 09 . 050 PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 14 . 09 . 060 PROCEDURES FOR CLOSED RECORD APPEALS 14 . 09 . 070 RECONSIDERATION 14 . 09 . 080 REMAND 14 . 09 . 090 FINAL DECISION 14 . 09 . 010 ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS WITHOUT NOTICE A . The Director may approve , approve with conditions , or deny the following without notice . 1 . Lot line adjustments . 2 . Extension of time for approval . 3 . Minor amendments or modifications to approved developments or permits . Minor amendments are those which may affect the precise dimensions or location of buildings , accessory structures and driveways , but do not affect : (i) overall prof ect character, (ii) increase the number of lots , dwelling units , or density or (iii) decrease the quality or amount of open space . 4 . Home Occupations , Be Director ' s decisions under this section shall be final on the date issued . 14 . 09 . 020 ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS SUBJECT TO NOTICE A . The Director may grant preliminary approval or approval with conditions , or may deny the following actions subject to the notice and appeal requirements of this section : 1 . Short Plats . Be Final Administrative Approvals : Preliminary approvals under this section shall become final subject to the following : Page 10 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance 1 . If no appeal is submitted , the preliminary approval becomes final at the expiration of the 15 - day notice period . 2 . If a written notice of appeal is received within the specified time the matter will be referred to the Planning Commission for a public hearing . 14 . 09 . 030 PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION A . Staff Report . The City Planner shall prepare a staff report on the proposed development or action summarizing the comments and recommendations of City departments , affected agencies and special districts , and evaluating the development ' s consistency with the City ' s Development Code , adopted plans and regulations . The staff report shall include findings , conclusions and proposed recommendations for disposition of the development application . Be Hearin . The Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing on development proposals for the purpose of taking testimony , hearing evidence , considering the facts germane to the proposal , and evaluating the proposal for consistency with the City ' s Development Code , adopted plans and regulations . Notice of the Planning Commission hearing shall be in accordance with Section 14 . 07 . 030 . Commission shall not approve a proposed development C . Required Findings . The Planning unless it first makes the following findings and conclusions . 1 . The development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and meets the requirements and intent of the Camas Municipal Code . 2 . The development makes adequate provisions for open space , drainage ways , streets and other public ways , transit stops , water supply , sanitary wastes , parks and recreation facilities , playgrounds , sites for schools and school grounds . 3 . The development adequately mitigates impacts identified under Chapters 16 and 18 , CMC . 4 . The development is beneficial to the public health, safety and welfare and is in the public interest . 5 . The development does not lower the level of service of transportation and/or neighborhood park facilities below the minimum standards established within the Comprehensive Plan . If the development results in a level of service lower than those set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the development may be approved if improvements or strategies to raise the level of service above the minimum standard are made concurrent with the development . For the purpose of this section, " concurrent with the development " is defined as the required improvements or strategies in place at the time of occupancy , or a financial Page 11 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six ( 6 ) years of approval of the development . 6 . The area, location and features of land proposed for dedication are a direct result of the development proposal , are reasonably needed to mitigate the effects of the development, and are proportional to the impacts created by the development . Do Recommendation . Upon approving or disapproving a development proposal or actionto CP , the Planning Commission shall prepare and adopt a resolution setting forth its findings , conclusions and recommendations and promptly forward it to the City Council for consideration . 14 . 09 . 040 CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS A . Actions . Upon receiving a recommendation from the Planning Commission or notice of any other matter requiring the Council ' s attention, the Council shall perform the following actions as appropriate : 1 . Make a decision on a Planning Commission recommendation . 2 . At the Council ' s discretion , hold a public hearing and make a decision on the following matters : i . Appeal of administrative interpretations . ii . Appeal of administrative approvals . 000 111 . Appeal of determinations of significance . iv . Other matters not prohibited by law . 3 . Hold a closed record hearing and make a decision on the following matters . i . Appeal of a Planning Commission recommendation . Be Decisions . The City Council shall hake its decision by motion, resolution, or ordinance as appropriate . 1 . A Council decision on a Planning Commission recommendation or following a public hearing shall include one of the following actions : i . Approve as recommended . 00 11 . Approve with additional conditions . 111 . Modify , with or without the applicant ' s concurrence , provided that the modifications do not : a . Enlarge the area or scope of the project . b . Increase the density or proposed building size . Page 12 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance c . Significantly increase adverse environmental impacts as determined by the responsible official . iv . Deny (resoapplication or re - submittal is permitted) . v . Deny with prejudice (re - application or re - submittal is not allowed for one year) . vi . Remand for further proceedings and/or evidentiary hearing in accordance with Section 14 . 09 . 080 , 2 . A Council decision following a closed record appeal hearing shall include one of the following actions . i . Grant the appeal in whole or in part . 11 . Deny the appeal in whole or in part . off 111 . Remand for further proceedings and/or evidentiary hearing in accordance with Section 14 . 09 . 080 . 14 . 09 . 050 PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the hearing body ' s rules of procedure and shall serve to create or supplement an evidentiary record upon which the body will base its decision . The Chair shall open the public hearing and , in general , observe the following sequence of events . A . Staff presentation, including submittal of any administrative reports . Members of the hearing body may ask questions of the staff. B . Applicant presentation, including submittal of any materials . Members of the hearing body may ask questions of the applicant . Co Testimony or comments by the public germane to the matter . Questions directed to the staff or the applicant shall be posed by the Chair at its discretion . D . Rebuttal , response or clarifying statements by the staff and the applicant . E . The evidentiary portion of the public hearing shall be closed and the hearing body shall deliberate on the matter before it . 14 . 09 . 060 PROCEDURES FOR CLOSED RECORD APPEALS Closed record appeals shall be conducted in accordance with the hearing body ' s rules of procedure and shall serve to provide argument and guidance for the body ' s decision . Closed record appeals shall be conducted generally as provided for public hearings . Except as provided in Section 14 . 09 . 080 , no new evidence or testimony shall be given or received . The parties to the appeal may submit timely written statements or arguments . Page 13 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance 5 1 ; i 14 . 09 . 070 REAhab AL NA I CONSIDERATION LLLLLLLLLLLA party to a public hearing or closed record �F decision by filing a written request for reconsideration with the Director within five ( 5 ) days of the oral announcement of the final decision . The request shall comply with CMC Section . The Council or hearing body shall consider the request at its next regularly scheduled meeting , without public comment or argument by the party filing the request . If the request is denied , the previous action shall become final . If the request is granted , the Council or hearing body may immediately revise and reissue its decision or may call for argument in accordance with the procedures for closed record appeals . Reconsideration should be granted only when an obvious legal error has occurred or a material factual issue has been overlooked that would change the previous decision . 14 . 09 . 080 REMAND In the event the City Council determines that the public hearing record or record on appeal is insufficient or otherwise flawed , the Council may remand the matter back to the hearing body to correct the deficiencies . The Council shall specify the items or issues to be considered and the time frame for completing the additional work . The Council may hold a public hearing on a closed record appeal only for the limited purposes identified in RCW 34 . 05 . 562 ( 1 ) . 14 . 09 . 090 FINAL DECISION A . Time . The final decision on a development proposal shall be made within 120 days from the date of the letter of completeness . Exceptions to this include : 1 . Amendments to the Comprehensive ]Plan or Development Code . 2 . Any time required to correct plans , perform studies or provide additional information , provided that within 14 days of receiving the requested additional information , the Director shall determine whether the information is adequate to resume the project review . 3 * Substantial prof ect revisions made or requested by an applicant , in which case the 120 days will be calculated from the time that the City determines the revised application to be complete . 4 . All time required for the preparation and review of an environmental impact statement . 50 Projects involving the siting of an essential public facility . 6 . An extension of time mutually agreed upon by the City and the applicant . 7 . All time required to obtain a variance . 8 . Any remand to the hearing body . 9e All time required for the administrative appeal of a Determination of Significance . Page 14 City of Camas , Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance Be Effective Date . The final decision of the Council or hearing body shall be effective on the date stated in the decision, motion, resolution, or ordinance , provided that the date from which appeal periods shall be calculated shall be the date the Council or hearing body takes action on the motion, resolution, or ordinance . CHAPTER 14 . 11 APPEALS Sections . 14 . 11 . 010 APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE INTERPRETATIONS AND APPROVALS 14 . 11 . 020 APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS 14 . 11 . 030 APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL 14 . 11 . 040 JUDICIAL APPEAL 14011 . 010 APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE INTERPRETATIONS AND APPROVALS Administrative interpretations and administrative approvals may be appealed , by applicants or parties of record , to the City Council . 14 . 11 . 020 APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations of the Planning Commission may be appealed , by applicants or parties of record from the Planning Commission hearing , to the City Council . 14 . 11 . 03 0 APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL A . Filing . Every appeal to the City Council shall be filed with the Director within ten ( 10 ) days after the date of the recommendation or decision of the matter being appealed . Be Contents . The notice of appeal shall contain a concise statement identifying : 1 . The decision being appealed . 2 . The name and address of the appellant and his interest( s) in the matter . 3 . The specific reasons why the appellant believes the decision to be wrong . The appellant shall bear the burden of proving the decision was wrong . 4 . The desired outcome or changes to the decision . S . The appeals fee . Page 15 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance 14 . 11 . 040 JUDICIAL APPEAL A . Appeals from the final decision of the City Council , or Board of Adjustment, or other City board or body involving Titles 14 to 18 , CMC , and for which all other appeals specifically authorized have been timely exhausted, shall be made to Clark County superior court within thirty ( 30 ) days of the date the decision or action became final , unless another time period is established by state law or local ordinance , Be Notice of the appeal and any other pleadings required to be filed with the court shall be served on the City Clerk, Director, and City Attorney within the applicable time period . This requirement is jurisdictional . C . The cost of transcribing and preparing all records ordered certified by the court or desired by the appellant for such appeal shall be borne by the appellant . The appellant shall post with the City Clerk prior to the preparation of any records an advance fee deposit in the amount specified by the City Clerk . Any overage will be promptly returned to the appellant . CHAPTER 14 ® 13 ENFORCEMENT Sections . 14 . 13 . 010 ENFORCING OFFICIAL ; AUTHORITY 14 . 13 . 020 GENERAL PENALTY 14 . 13 . 030 APPLICATION 14 . 13 . 040 CIVIL REGULATORY ORDER 14 . 13 . 050 CIVIL FINES 14 . 13 . 060 REVIEW OF APPROVED PERMITS 14 . 13 . 070 REVOCATION OR MODIFICATION OF PERMITS AND APPROVALS 14 . 13 . 010 ENFORCING OFFICIAL ; AUTHORITY The Director shall be responsible for enforcing Titles 14 through 18 , CMC , and may adopt administrative rules to meet that responsibility . The Director may delegate enforcement responsibility to the Assistant City Engineer, City Planner, Building Official , Fire Chief, or Chief of Police as appropriate . 14 . 13 . 020 GENERAL PENALTY ith the requirements of Titles 14 through 18 , CMC , shall be mandatory . The Compliance w general penalties and remedies established at Chapter 1 . 24 , Camas Municipal Code , for such violations shall apply to any violation of those titles . The enforcement actions authorized under this chapter shall be supplemental to those general penalties and remedies . Page 16 City of Camas , Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance 14 . 13 . 03 0 APPLICATION A . Actions under this chapter may be taken in any order deemed necessary or desirable by the Director to achieve the purpose of this chapter or of the Development Code . B . Proof of a violation of a development permit or approval shall constitute prima facie evidence that the violation is that of the applicant and/or owner of the property upon which the violation exists . An enforcement action under this chapter shall not relieve or prevent enforcement against any other responsible person . 14 . 13 . 040 CIVIL REGULATORY ORDER A . Authority . A civil regulatory order may be issued and served upon a person if any activity by or at the direction of that person is , has been, or may be taken in violation of the Development Code . B . Notice . A civil regulatory order shall be deemed served and shall be effective when posted at the location of the violation and/or delivered to any suitable person at the location and/or delivered by mail or otherwise to the owner or other person having responsibility for the location . C . Content . A civil regulatory order shall set forth : 1 . The name and address of the person to whom it is directed . 2 . The location and specific description of the violation . 3 . A notice that the order is effective immediately upon posting at the site and/or receipt by the person to whom it is directed . 4 . An order that the violation immediately cease , or that the potential violation be avoided . 5 . An order that the person stop work until correction and/or remediation of the violation as specified in the order . 6 . A specific description of the actions required to correct, remedy , or avoid the violation, including a time limit to complete such actions . 7 . A notice that failure to comply with the regulatory order may result in further enforcement actionsincludig ncivil , fines and criminal penalties . Do Remedial Action . The Director may require any action reasonably calculated to correct or avoid the violation, including but not limited to replacement, repair, supplementation, revegetation, or restoration . Page 17 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance E . Appeal : A civil regulatory order may be appealed in accordance with the Camas Municipal Code . 14 . 13 0050 CIVIL FIDES A . Authority . A person who violates any provision of the Development Code , or who fails to obtain any necessary permit , or who fails to comply with a civil regulatory order shall be subject to a civil fine . Lo 209 ,V, E o Amount . The civil fine ass ` $ 1 000 . 00 for 0 0 � 4 each violation , Each separate day , NO �� se arate 14 J 103 p Violation 13 , U30 � �� ►e-A CL C . Notice . A civil fine shall be imposed by a written notice , and shall be effective when served or posted as set forth in 14 . 13 . 030 (B ) . The notice shall describe the date , nature , location , and act ( s ) comprising the violation, the amount of the fine , and the authority under which the fine has been issued . D . Collection . Civil fines shall be immediately due and payable upon issuance and receipt of the notice . The Director may issue a regulatory order stopping work until such fine is paid . If remission or appeal of the fine is sought , the fine shall be due and payable upon issuance of a final decision . If a fine remains unpaid 30 days after it becomes due and payable , the Director may take actions necessary to recover the fine . Civil fines shall be paid into the City ' s general fund . Eo Application for Remission . Ana 14 , 13 , ( F ) days of receipt of the notice , apply in writing to ) erector shall issue a dpp ecision on the application with - - ' 1 a demonstration of extraordinary circums F . Appeal . A civil fine may be appealed to the City Council as set forth in Chapter 14 . 13 , Camas Municipal Code . 14 . 13 . 060 REVIEW OF APPROVED PERMITS As Review : Any approval or permit issued under the authority of the Development Code may be reviewed for compliance with the requirements of the Development Code , or to determine if the action is creating a nuisance or hazard , has been abandoned , or the approval or permit was obtained by fraud or deception . Ba Initiation of Review : The review of an approval or permit may be initiated by the Director , City Administrator , City Council or by petition to the Director by three property owners or three residents of separate dwelling units in the City , stating their belief as to the noncompliance , nuisance or hazard of the permitted activity . Page 18 City of Camas , Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance C . Director ' s Investigation : Upon receipt of information indicating the need for, or upon receiving a request for review of permit or approval , the Director shall investigate the matter and take one or more of the following actions . 10 Notify the property owner or permit holder of the investigation ; and/or 20 Issue a civil regulatory order and/or civil fine and/or recommend revocation or modification of the permit or approval ; and/or 3 . Refer the matter to the City Attorney ; and/or 4 . Refer the matter to the City Council with a recommendation for action . 14 . 13 . 070 REVOCATION OR MODIFICATION OF PERMITS AND APPROVALS A . City Council Review . Upon receiving a Director ' s recommendation for revocation or modification of a permit or approval , the City Council shall review the matter at a public hearing . Upon a finding that the activity does not comply with the conditions of approval or the provisions of the Development Code , or creates a nuisance or hazard , the City Council may delete , modify or impose such conditions on the permit or approval it deems sufficient to remedy the deficiencies . If the Council finds no reasonable conditions which would remedy the deficiencies , the permit or approval shall be revoked and the activity allowed by the permit or approval shall cease . Be Re - a plication . If a permit or approval is revoked for fraud or deception, no similar application shall be accepted for a period of one year from the date of final action and appeal , if any . If a permit or approval is revoked for any other reason , another application may be submitted subject to all of the requirements of the Development Code . Page 19 City of Camas, Title 14 Regulatory Reform Ordinance