AN ORDINANCE amending Title 17 , adding the definition of
" substantially complete subdivision adding a new section to Chapter
17 . 08 and adding provisions to final plat time limit and information
required .
Section I
There is hereby added a new section to Chapter 17 . 04 of the Camas Municipal
Code to provide as follows :
17 . 04 . 180 Substantially complete subdivision . " Substantially complete
subdivision" means that improvements to the water , sewer, street, and storm drainage
systems necessary to support occupied dwelling units have been constructed to city
standards and specifications , and have been inspected and accepted by the city .
Section II
There is hereby added a new section to Chapter 17 . 08 of the Camas Municipal
Code to provide as follows :
17 . 08 . 030 Issuance of substantial completion and building permits ; model
home exemption . Upon inspection and acceptance of improvements necessary to occupy
dwelling units , the city will issue a notice to the developer that the subdivision has been
deemed substantially complete . This notice shall be forwarded to the Building
Department for the express purpose of issuing building permits . No building permits for
housing shall be issued in the subdivision until the streets have been paved , inspected and
approved , and the water lines have been installed, tested and approved . A temporary
water tap will be issued for the purposes of housing construction . After final residential
building inspection, the temporary water tap shall be discontinue . A permanent water tap
will be issued to homeowner when the subdivision has been deemed substantially
complete . The exception to these regulations is in the case of model homes . One model
home per phase may be granted a building permit upon the review of the Public Works
Director . Nothing in this section shall preclude a person to submit a building permit
application for review
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Ordinance No . Q014
Title 17 Amendments
Section III
Chapter 17 . 16 Final Plat is amended to add a provision in section 17 . 16 . 010 :
17 . 16 . 010 Time Limit . The official plat shall be prepared and submitted
within three years following the approval given on the preliminary plat by the planning
commission and it shall incorporate the recommendations made by the commission . An
applicant who files a written request with the City Council at least thirty days before the
expiration of this three - year period shall be granted a one -year extension upon a showing
that the applicant has attempted in good faith to submit the final plat within the three - year
period . If the owner or subdivider wishes to proceed with the subdivision of his land
after the expiration of the three - year period following the approval of the preliminary plat
by the planning commission , he shall resubmit his preliminary plat to the planning
commission and make any revisions considered necessary to meet changed conditions .
Section IV
Subsection 17 . 16 . 020 (A) ( 6 ) is amended to read in the following manner :
6 . All building setbacks on the face of the plat per Camas Municipal Code for
individual phases of the subdivision or for the entire subdivision ;
Section V
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its
publication according to law .
PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of
November , 1996 .
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city ' ttorney
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Ordinance No . a 0614
Title 17 Amendments